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Final Agreement - 10 April 1998

Writing Peace: Monica McWilliams Collection


A paper with cover note, circulated by the Office of the Independent Chairman to the participants in the Talks on 10 April 1998. The cover note states that this is the final version.

strand 1 strand 2 strand 3 mitchell principles anglo-irish agreement self-determination consent principle uk legislation human rights identity parity of esteem articles 2 & 3/irish constitution operation of the assembly executive authority elections and electoral systems devolution power-sharing european convention on human rights bill of rights civic forum british-irish council north/south council north/south cooperation european union and eec economic development (including ifi) language and culture british-irish intergovernmental conference equality commission victims decommissioning security military activity (british) paramilitary activity (republican) paramilitary activity (loyalist) emergency powers policing and justice prisoners legacy referendum

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Queen's University Belfast
MMW8 Plenary Sessions (5) 1998
32 1998 - 1998
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Monica McWilliams Papers, The McClay Libray, Queen's University Belfast, ditigized by the Quill Project at

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