United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition)

Jonathan Elmer

(29 November 1745–03 September 1817) Physician, jurist, delegate to the Continental Congress, and U.S. Senator. While practicing as a doctor, Elmer educated himself in jurisprudence and was appointed sheriff of Cumberland County, New Jersey. He then became the chairman of the county committee of observation and, in this position, gave a public address justifying hostility toward Britain during the Revolution. He served as county clerk to the state legislature and was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress. Throughout the following years, he was a member of various councils and societies in New Jersey, and in 1888, was elected to the First U.S. Senate, on which he served one term.

Member of New Jersey Delegation - United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition) [this display].

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