United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition)

Samuel Livermore

(25 May 1732 – 18 May 1803) New Hampshire Governor, chief justice, U.S. Senator, and farmer. After taking up the bar, Livermore served as judge-advocate in the admiralty court and as attorney general. During the Revolutionary War, he retreated from public life, but following the American victory at Saratoga, he resumed his post as attorney general. He was then elected to the General Court and as a special agent to the Continental Congress. Livermore then became chief justice of New Hampshire, served as president of the 1791 New Hampshire constitutional convention, and was a leading organizer in the New Hampshire effort to ratify the federal Constitution. He was elected to the first Congress and served on the Senate, where he was chosen as president pro tempore in 1797 and 1799.

Member of New Hampshire Delegation - United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition) [this display].

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