The Civil Rights Act of 1875

Anthony A. C. Rogers

(February 14, 1821 — July 27, 1899) Rogers was a American politician and entrepreneur. Anthony Rogers was born in Sumner County, Tennessee and later moved to Arkansas in 1854. Prior to the Civil War, Rogers openly opposed secession and was later arrested for his loyalty to the Union, and charged with treason against the Confederate Government. He was first elected to the Thirty-Eighth Congress, but was refused his seat because Arkansas had not been readmitted to the Union. He was again elected as a Democrat to the Forty-First Congress from March 4, 1869. To March 3, 1871. [Source: “Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774 - Present,” available at]

Member of Arkansas Delegation - The Civil Rights Act of 1875 [this display].

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