U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition)

William Samuel Johnson

(7 October 1727 – 14 November 1819) Lawyer, Colonel in the Connecticut militia, slave owner, state legislator and judge. He rejected his election to the First Continental Congress and sought a compromise between Britain and colonists prior to independence. After the war he joined the Congress of the Confederation and then the Constitutional Convention. He later served as a US Senator for Connecticut and President of King’s College (Columbia University).

Member of Connecticut Delegation - U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition) [this display].

Resources (14)

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Member of the following committees and involvement

(Click on one of the committees below to view a breakdown of events)

: 0 sessions, 0 events, participated in 0

(Click on the event to view to the specific event page)

Voting details of

(Click on the proposal name on the left to view to the specific event page)