Convention - image

Northern Ireland Forum for Peace and Reconciliation 1994-1996


The Forum for Peace and Reconciliation was convened by Irish Government to facilitate political exchanges between Northern Irish parties. A model of this negotiation is under development.

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Part of: Writing Peace.

Full Record

This page shows the complete source-material for this negotiation.

Users with the appropriate permission can use this screen to make changes to the convention records from here.

Full Record »

Guided Research Tools

Guided Research Tools

This page gives access to the main visualizations used to explore the work of committees or individuals.

It is the best place to start if you have specific research questions to investigate.

Guided Research Tools »

Calendar View

Calendar View

This view shows a timeline of the events with an indication the
flow of documents between committees.

This will help make sense of the relationship between committees. The page also shows how busy committees were at different times.

Calendar View »

PCA Analysis

PCA Analysis

This view offers a set of tools to examine shifting alliances.

PCA Analysis »

Topic Overview

Topic Overview

This view shows a summary of the topic keywords associated with events during this negotiation, and
allows users to find events associated with each keyword.

Topic Overview »

Activity Summary

Activity Summary

This page offers a series of views for exploring the work of those involved in this process of negotiation, focusing on the hierarchical
relationship of proposals rather than on the sequence of events. Other tools presented here show the volume of work handled by each committee, or the number of events that each
individual played a leading roll in.

Activity Summary »

Current Document Library

Current Document Library

A tool mostly useful for those using Quill to run meetings.

This page shows the documents currently agreed to or under consideration by various committees.

Current Document Library »

Cite as: Ruth Murray, Annabel Harris, Harriet Carter, Ian McBride and Nicholas P. S. Cole, Northern Ireland Forum for Peace and Reconciliation 1994-1996, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2024).