Session list for:
Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast as part of the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement.

Friday, 14 June 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum14:10:00First day of Forum; Chairman puts credentials of his office to the record; Members sign the Roll; Rules Committee numbers debated and Committee established; Business Committee established.

Tuesday, 18 June 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee14:00:00Discussion on starting Forum meetings with Lord's Prayer; decision made to start Forum meetings with silent contemplation. [Time of meeting unknown].

Wednesday, 19 June 1996

Committee Time Description
Rules Committee00:00:00First Draft Rules of Procedure circulated by the Committee. [Note we do not know if the Committee sat on this day, the Forum Record of Debates indicates the Committee met between the first and second sessions of the Forum and most likely on 19 June 1996 when they circulated the Amended Rules of Procedure. Time of meeting unknown.]

Friday, 21 June 1996

Committee Time Description
Rules Committee00:00:00Committee met before the Forum Session at 11:10 am. [Time of meeting unknown].
The Forum11:10:00Discussion of IRA Bomb in Manchester; Debate on Seating Arrangements and Chairmanship; First Draft of the Rules of Procedure introduced from the Rules Committee and debated.
Business Committee11:12:00Committee sat during suspension of Forum between 11.12 am and 12.05 pm; Discussion on seating arrangements in Forum.

Tuesday, 25 June 1996

Committee Time Description
Rules Committee00:00:00Second Draft Rules of Procedure amended and forwarded to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 28 June 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Discussion on Minister Ancram's proposals regarding Education Boards and subsequent motion referred to Forum. [This meeting occurred between the 21 and 28 June. However, the editors do not have a record of the Business Committee meetings so the precise time or date of meeting is unknown.]
The Forum10:06:00Introduction of and debate on Second and Third Draft Rules of Procedure; Discussion of Gibson's motion on Minister Ancram's Policy on Education Administration.
Business Committee11:13:00Chaired by Nesbitt; Committee sat during lunch recess of the Forum to further discuss Education Administration and new motions proposed but not agreed; Committee Report recommends that Forum note they are unhappy with situation on Education.
Rules Committee11:16:00Committee met during Lunch between 11.13 am and 2.07 pm. Third Draft Rules of Procedure amended and forwarded to Forum.

Tuesday, 02 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Rules Committee00:00:00Fourth Draft Rules of Procedure amended and forwarded to Forum; Letter received from I. Paisley requesting a rule on Flags. [Time of meeting unknown].

Wednesday, 03 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Continued discussion on Education administration; SDLP table motion on Education; New motion on Education proposed but agreement postponed to allow time for party consultation; Letter received from Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance Representative. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 05 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee09:30:00Chaired by Nesbitt; New Motion on Education Administration referred to Forum.
The Forum10:05:00Letter from the Lord Mayor of Manchester regarding the IRA Bomb; Debate on Chairmanship; Introduction of and debate on Fourth Draft Rules of Procedure; Debate on new motion on Education Administration.

Monday, 08 July 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:05:00Discussion on Security Situation in Drumcree.
Business Committee10:18:00Committee met during Forum adjournment; Discussion on Motion to adjourn Forum meeting due to Security Situation in Drumcree; Creation of Business Plan which is referred to Forum.
Business Committee11:25:00Second meeting of the Committee during an adjournment of the Forum on 8th July; Decision made to prioritise discussion on Education Administration on 19 July 1996.

Tuesday, 09 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Rules Committee09:00:00Quorum not reached due to absence of Unionist parties; [Date and Time of meeting unknown].

Tuesday, 16 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Rules Committee09:00:00Fifth Draft Rules of Procedure with aim to reach consensus on remaining six Rules. Alliance party and SDLP absent from proceedings but quorum (five) reached. [Date and time of meeting unknown].

Wednesday, 17 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee09:00:00Creation of advertisement seeking views from the Public on what Forum should concentrate on, and referred to Forum; Discussion on deficiency in Rules regarding speeches in special circumstances.

Friday, 19 July 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Introduction of and debate on Fifth Draft of the Rules of Procedure which agreed by Forum and forwarded to Secretary of State for approval; Discussion on Security Situation in Northern Ireland; Vote on Business Committee recommendations on Mechanics of Committees; Continuation of discussion on new motion on Education Administration. SDLP and Alliance Party absent from Proceedings.
Business Committee13:20:00Committee met during lunch; Amendment to advertisement seeking views form the public, and referred to Forum; creation of document outlining mechanics for Committees, and referred to Forum.

Wednesday, 24 July 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Creation of Business Committee Report on formation of Committees and annexes I to IV outlining terms of reference, quorums and compositions of each Committee, which are referred to Forum; Motion on Healthcare introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 26 July 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:05:00Appointment of Four Committees with amendment to change Party representation numbers; Discussion on continued absence of SDLP; Summer Recess Debate .

Thursday, 05 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Motion on Boycotting introduced and referred to Forum. [Time and date of meeting unknown, but it appears that the Business Committee begins to meet on Thursdays following the Summer Recess.]

Friday, 06 September 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00First Forum meeting following Summer Recess; Rules of Procedure declined by Secretary of State who requests that Forum reconsider Rules A(1), 6(7), and 13(1); Discussion on Broadcasting Facilities and Media presence; Letter from Minister Ancram regarding Forum's earlier motion on Education Administration; Debate on UUP motion on Boycotting. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Thursday, 12 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00Parades Committee appointed; Cedric Wilson elected as Chairman and Jeffrey Donaldson elected as Vice-Chairman. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee B00:00:00Education Committee appointed; Oliver Gibson elected as Chairman and Alan McFarland elected as Vice-Chairman. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee C00:00:00Health Committee appointed; Hugh Smyth elected as Chairman. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee D00:00:00Agriculture and Fisheries Committee appointed; David Campbell elected as Chairman; Des Stewart elected as Vice-Chairman. [Time of meeting unknown].
Business Committee00:00:00Motion on BSE introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 13 September 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Report on Committee Elections; debate on DUP motion on BSE. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Thursday, 19 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00Committee made plans to take evidence; Sent request to the Business Committee that it extend its remit to include boycotting. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee B00:00:00Committee examined witnesses on Education matters. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee C00:00:00Committee made plans to take evidence. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee D00:00:00Committee examined witnesses on Agricultural matters. [Time of meeting unknown].
Business Committee00:00:00Agreement on smaller parties right to raise Motions; Motion on Decommissioning introduced and rejected; Motion on Housing Policy introduced and referred to Forum; Motion on Disability introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 20 September 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Recognition of Broughshane's winning Nations in Bloom award; Report on Government position on BSE; Discussion on legality of motion on Decommissioning to be introduced directly in Forum without recommendation of Business Committee; Debate on Alliance motion on Housing Policy which is to be continued to the following week; Vote on expanding the remit of Committee A to include boycotting. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Tuesday, 24 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00Committee examined witnesses on Education matters. [Time of meeting unknown].

Wednesday, 25 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00Committee examined witnesses on Education matters. [Time of meeting unknown].

Thursday, 26 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00Committee received Forum's decision on their request to expand their remit to include Boycotting. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee B00:00:00Committee examined witnesses on Education matters. [Time of meeting unknown].
Business Committee00:00:00[Time of meeting and events unknown].

Friday, 27 September 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00Letter from the Secretary of State regarding outstanding matters of Rules of Procedure, followed by an amendment to create a mechanism to determine sufficient Cross-Community support and vote to adopt; Forum begins to operate under the new Rules of Procedure; Continuation of Debate on Alliance motion on Housing Policy; Debate on DUP motion on Disability. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Monday, 30 September 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00The Committee produces an Interim Report on Education Administration which is presented to Forum on 4 October. [Time of meeting unknown].

Thursday, 03 October 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Motion to make existing Committees into Standing Committees introduced and referred to Forum; Statement on Multi-Party Talks introduced and referred to Forum; Committee recommendations for Christmas Recess timings referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 04 October 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00Motion that existing Committees become Standing Committees; discussion on Interim Report prepared by the Standing Committee on Education; Debate on UUP statement on Multi-Party Talks at Stormont. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Thursday, 10 October 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00Parades Committee renamed Standing Committee A; Remit renamed Public Order Issues. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee B00:00:00Education Committee renamed Standing Committee B. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee C00:00:00Health Committee renamed Standing Committee C. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee D00:00:00Agriculture and Fisheries Committee renamed Standing Committee D. [Time of meeting unknown].
Business Committee00:00:00Expressions on Bombing of Thiepval Army Barracks, with a Resolution introduced and referred to Forum; Motion on Northern Ireland Economy introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 11 October 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Discussion on the IRA Bombing of Thiepval Army Barracks; Debate on DUP motion on Northern Ireland Economy. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Thursday, 17 October 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Chaired by Ivan Davis; Motion on Jobseeker Allowance introduced and referred to Forum; Motion on Privatisation of Water Service introduced and referred to Forum; Discussion on Security of Members. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 18 October 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:08:00Davis acted as Interim Chairman in Gorman's absence; Letter from Minister Ancram regarding Forum's Interim Report on Education Administration; Debate on PUP motion on Jobseeker's Allowance; Debate on Alliance motion on Privatisation of Northern Ireland's water service. Procedural motion to introduce Order Papers. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Thursday, 24 October 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00Committee sent a request to the Business Committee that it extend its term of reference to include the pre-school voucher scheme and links between business needs and education and training. [Date and time of meeting unknown].
Business Committee00:00:00Chaired by Gregory Campbell; Request from Standing Committee B to expand terms of reference received and referred to Forum with recommendation to accept; Further Committee recommendations on Standing Committees referred to Forum; Remarks on Queen's Speech; Motion on Waste Products introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 25 October 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00G. Campbell acted as Interim Chairman in Gorman's absence; Notice of Business Committee Motion on Standing Committees; Remarks on EU Agriculture Funds; Discussion on Republic of Ireland President; Debate on UKUP Motion on Queens speech; Debate on UUP Motion on Waste Products. SDLP absent from proceedings.

Thursday, 31 October 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00Finalisation of the Committee Interim Report on BSE, referred to Business Committee. [Time of meeting unknown].
Business Committee00:00:00Motion on Standing Committees (Including expansion of Standing Committee B) referred to Forum; Standing Committee D Interim Report copied in and Referred to Forum; Motion on Neil Latimer introduced and referred to Forum; Motion on Political Integration with the EU introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Friday, 01 November 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Vote on Standing Committee Motion; Presentation of Standing Committee D Interim Report on BSE; Debate on DUP Motion on the Neil Latimer Case; Debate on UUP Motion on Political Integration in EU.

Thursday, 07 November 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00Committee received Motion from the Forum assenting to amend its terms of reference, the Motion also removed time constraints for the Committee. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee C00:00:00Committee received Motion from the Forum removing time constraints for the Committee; Finalisation of the Committee Interim Report on proposed fluoridation of water supplies in Northern Ireland. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee D00:00:00Committee received Motion from the Forum removing time constraints for the Committee. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee E11:00:00Standing Committee E appointed; D. Nesbitt elected as Chairman; SC. McAlister elected as Vice-Chairman.

Friday, 08 November 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Motion to approve Standing Committee E Membership introduced and referred to Forum; Acknowledgement of the difficulty for small parties to attend Standing Committee meetings; Standing Committee C Interim Report copied in and Referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].
The Forum10:05:00Act of Remembrance; Continuation of debate on Housing Policy Review; Motion to Approve Standing Committee E Membership; Debate on UUP Motion on EU Political Integration; Presentation of Standing Committee C Interim Report on Fluoridation of Water Supply; Special Debate (Rule 10(5))

Thursday, 14 November 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Receipt of Baroness Denton's letter regarding Northern Ireland's economy; Motion on Anglo-Irish Agreement introduced and referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].
Standing Committee E00:00:00

Friday, 15 November 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Recognition of Somme Ceremony; Receipt of Letter from Baroness Denton regarding the Northern Ireland Economy; Debate on DUP Motion on the Anglo-Irish Agreement.

Thursday, 21 November 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00Finalisation of the Review of Education Administration (Education and Library Boards)
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to decide the business of the Forum

Friday, 22 November 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00Finalisation of the Review of Fisheries Issues Report
The Forum10:05:00Education Administration, Fisheries Issues, Elderly People, Paedophile Activities

Thursday, 28 November 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 29 November 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00Forum Christmas Celebration, BSE, Business, Fisheries, All-Ireland Harmonization, Special Debate

Thursday, 05 December 1996

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 06 December 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Forum, Boycott of Businesses, Human Rights, Neil Latimer, Roads and Transport

Thursday, 12 December 1996

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 13 December 1996

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Business, Report on Business Boycotts, Public Expenditure

Thursday, 09 January 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 10 January 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00Senior Citizen Cold-weather payments, Address Invitations, Ulster-Scots

Thursday, 16 January 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 17 January 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Business, Terrorist Crime: Legislation, Housing, Special Debate

Wednesday, 22 January 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee C00:00:00Session preparing the report on Cancer Care in Northern Ireland

Thursday, 23 January 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 24 January 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Education Administration, Neil Latimer, Hospice Collection, Police Complaints System, Drug Abuse, Schools Event

Thursday, 30 January 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 31 January 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Business, School Crossing Patrols, Ace Scheme/ Jobskills Programme, Parades and Marches: Independent Review

Friday, 07 February 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Cancer Care, Parades and Marches: Independent review

Thursday, 13 February 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 14 February 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Murder of Lance Bombardier Restorick, Standing Committee (Political Affairs), Association of Local Authorities of Northern Ireland, Pollution (Rivers, Streams and Beaches)

Thursday, 20 February 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss Business of the Forum

Friday, 21 February 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee E00:00:00Creation of the Progress Report
The Forum10:02:00Standing Committee A (Oral Evidence), Northern Ireland Economy, Public Holidays, Newcastle Disease, Education: Finance, Publicity

Friday, 28 February 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee C00:00:00[This meeting may not have been on this date, but the Committee's concerns were raised in the Forum]
The Forum10:07:00Standing Committee A (Evidence), Committees (Confidentiality), Talks, Education: Finance, Child Support Agency, Press Coverage, Cardiac Surgery

Thursday, 06 March 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 07 March 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00
The Forum10:03:00Talks, Potato Industry, Children with Special Educational Needs: Summer Schemes, Political Negotiations/Continuing Violence, Business

Friday, 14 March 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Talks, Secretariat, Water Supply (Fluoridation), Joint Police/Army Patrol: IRA Attack, Political Negotiations: Continuing Violence, Education: Finance, Standing Committee D, Special Debate

Thursday, 05 June 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 06 June 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Women's Coalition, Forum Review, Prime Minister's Speech (Royal Ulster Agricultural Society), Chairmanship

Thursday, 12 June 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 13 June 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Business, Beef Industry Crisis, Elections, Special Debate

Thursday, 19 June 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 20 June 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00
The Forum10:04:00Murder of Policemen (Lurgan), Parades: Review, Sexual Harassment

Thursday, 26 June 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 27 June 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00[Editor's Note: The report of this Committee is given to the Forum on this date.]
Committee on Electoral Reform 00:00:00
The Forum10:06:00Committee on Electoral Reform, Summer Recess, Business, Pre-school Education, Talks on Political Development: Statement by Prime Minister, Whiteabbey Hospital, Local Government

Thursday, 03 July 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the forum

Friday, 04 July 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee C00:00:00[This meeting may not have been on this date, but the Committee's concerns were raised in the Forum]
The Forum10:05:00Meeting of the Forum

Thursday, 10 July 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 11 July 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Employment, Delegation to Isle of Man, Parades, Motions and Amendments, Chairman's Determination

Thursday, 17 July 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 18 July 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee E00:00:00Interim Report of Long-Term Unemployment
Standing Committee E00:00:00Report on Evidence about the Performance of the Northern Ireland Economic Given to Standing Committee E
The Forum10:03:00Motions and amendments, Business, Murder of Bernadette Martin, EU peace and reconciliation programme, Long-term unemployment, Local Government: environment functions

Friday, 25 July 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Explosive Device, pre-school education, business, special debate

Friday, 05 September 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

Thursday, 11 September 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 12 September 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Governance of Northern Ireland, Standing Committee B, Welfare to Work task force

Thursday, 18 September 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 19 September 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Markethill bombing incident, BSE, Bill of Rights

Monday, 22 September 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee C00:00:00Report of the operation of the health service in Northern Ireland [Evidence for this committee session is found in the Forum minutes 26/09/97]

Thursday, 25 September 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 26 September 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Standing Committee A remit, World Land-speed record, interruptions from strangers gallery, operation of the health service, integrated transport policy

Thursday, 02 October 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the Business of the Forum

Friday, 03 October 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Political affairs, interruptions from the strangers gallery, committee meetings, Republic of Ireland's territorial claim to Northern Ireland, South Tyrone and Ulster hospitals,

Thursday, 09 October 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 10 October 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Political affairs, hospital visits, local government working groups, employment ACE schemes

Thursday, 16 October 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum
Standing Committee A13:00:00First meeting of the Political Affairs committee

Friday, 17 October 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:05:00Standing Committee A, Parliamentary Devolution

Thursday, 23 October 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 24 October 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Forum committee meetings, Gallipoli, Economic development and social programmes (local participation), Whiteabbey hospital, special debate

Friday, 31 October 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee E00:00:00Final Report on Long-Term Unemployment (Date of presentation to the Forum)
Committee on Electoral Reform 00:00:00Report [Editor's Note: This date is the date the report is presented to the Forum]
The Forum10:00:00Long term unemployment, Electoral Reform, Beef Industry crisis, Public Processions draft legislation,

Thursday, 06 November 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the forum

Friday, 07 November 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Act of remembrance, statement of Secretary of State (Mowlam), Firearms, Coats Viyella

Thursday, 13 November 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 14 November 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum00:00:00Saracen Ltd, Integrated transport policy, Anglo-Irish Agreement
Standing Committee E00:00:00Response to the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions 'Developing an Integrated Transport Policy' document

Thursday, 20 November 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 21 November 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum00:00:00Fiftieth wedding anniversary of the Queen and Prince Philip, Saracen Ltd, Delegation from Moldova and Transdniestra, Quangos consultation paper, community action groups
Standing Committee A11:49:00Meeting with the delegation from Moldova and Transdniestria

Thursday, 27 November 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 28 November 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00War memorials, Community Action Groups, Electoral reform, Preparatory schools, IRA and Republic of Ireland ministers, Library Services,

Thursday, 04 December 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 05 December 1997

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00[Editor's Note: The Committee's Report is given to the Forum on this date]
Standing Committee D00:00:00
The Forum10:03:00Electoral reform, Education Public/Private Partnerships, BSE crisis, Hospital Services

Thursday, 11 December 1997

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 12 December 1997

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Chairman, Standing Committee B, Belfast Telegraph Article, Agriculture Industry, Special Debate

Thursday, 08 January 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 09 January 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Chairman, Voting, Political/Security Situation, Extradition

Thursday, 15 January 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 16 January 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:01:00Business, Third-Level Education funding, Ambulance Service, Special Debate

Thursday, 22 January 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00None

Friday, 23 January 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00Report on National Supermarkets and Retailers
The Forum10:03:00Quorum rules, Electoral Reform Committee, Internet Website, BSE, Agricultural Produce in National Retailers, Police (Northern Ireland) Bill, Special Debate

Thursday, 29 January 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss the business of the Forum

Friday, 30 January 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00[Editor's Note: Response to the Government's consultation paper on pre-school education given to the Forum on this date]
The Forum10:03:00Trade union rally, pre-school education, Northern Ireland community, Special Debate

Thursday, 05 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 06 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee E00:00:00Report on the European Union Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation
The Forum10:03:00Northern Ireland Economy, EU Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation, Special Debate

Monday, 09 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee C00:00:00Preparation of the report on Men's Health in Northern Ireland

Thursday, 12 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 13 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee B00:00:00Response to draft Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1998
The Forum10:03:00Ambulance service, men's health, Education: Public/Private partnerships, Draft Education Order 1998, Government funding for sport in Northern Ireland, funding of grammar school preparatory departments

Thursday, 19 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 20 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00Response of the Committee to consultative paper on domestic water fishing quotas
The Forum10:00:00Committee Documents, Fishing Quotas consultative paper, Parliament Buildings, Social Services, Special Debate

Thursday, 26 February 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 27 February 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:04:00Community relations, Families Against Intimidation and Terror anti-violence charter, security situation

Friday, 06 March 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:02:00Security situation, departmental presentations, special debate

Thursday, 12 March 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 13 March 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00Standing Committee D's response to the Government White Paper 'The Food Standards Agency - A Force for Change'
Committee on Electoral Reform 00:00:00Report [Editor's Note: This is the date the report is presented to the Forum]
The Forum10:04:00Food Standards Agency, Assembly Electoral System, Disability Benefits, Special Debate

Thursday, 19 March 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 20 March 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:00:00BSE European Union Export Ban; Budget Statement; 'Partnership for Equality' White Paper; Special Debate

Monday, 23 March 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee C00:00:00Preparation of the report on the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

Thursday, 26 March 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 27 March 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:03:00Ambulance service, British Citizenship (Irish Republic), European Union Common Agricultural Policy, Special Debate

Friday, 03 April 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee D00:00:00Report: Organophosphate Insecticides and their use by the Farming Community [Editor's Note: This is the date that the report is considered by the Forum]
Standing Committee E00:00:00Transport in Rural Areas: A report by standing committee E (Date presented to the Forum)
Committee on Electoral Reform 00:00:00Electoral System for Westminster Elections Report [Editor's Note: This is the date the report is presented to the Forum]
The Forum10:01:00Transport in Rural Areas, Parliamentary Elections Voting System, Organosphates Insecticides, Forum Submission to Chancellor of the Exchequer, Special Debate

Thursday, 09 April 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 10 April 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:01:00Forum Precincts: Firearms and Members' Access, Fair Employment Commission Report, Business, Special Debate
Business Committee11:14:00Emergency meeting

Thursday, 16 April 1998

Committee Time Description
Business Committee00:00:00Meeting to discuss business of the Forum

Friday, 17 April 1998

Committee Time Description
The Forum10:01:00Forum Business, Multi-Party Agreement

Friday, 24 April 1998

Committee Time Description
Standing Committee A00:00:00[Editor's Note: Final report presented to Forum on this date]
Standing Committee B00:00:00[Editor's Note: Final report presented to the Forum on this date]
Standing Committee C00:00:00[Editor's Note: The Final Report of this committee is presented to the Forum on this date]
Standing Committee D00:00:00[Editor's Note: The final 2 reports of this committee are presented to the Forum on this date]
Business Committee00:00:00[Editor's Note: Final report presented to the Forum on this date]
The Forum10:02:00Forum Business; Future of Northern Ireland Agriculture; Special Education Provision for School-Age Children, Ministerial Presentation; British Isles Relationships and United Kingdom Decentralisation; Community Care and the Home-Help Service; Northern Ireland Economy; Forum Activities and Achievements; Forum Closure; Presentation to Forum Chairman