Search Results

Committee: The Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1000095 Call to Order: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will come to order and listen to prayer by the Rev. Mr. Anderson of Bismarck. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000097 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was then offered by Mr. Anderson. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889, The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000099 Address by Secretary Richardson AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION. I shall not detain you with any very extended remarks, but I desire to say that you have met to perform the highest duty possible to devolve on an American citizen. You have come together to form the organic law for the great sovereign State of North Dakota, about to be admitted into the Union with an independent municipal government. I need not remind you of the fundamental principals [sic] of a wise government which I conceive to be economy and purity. This, gentlemen, is distinctively an agricultural state, and this is an industry to be fostered. Your laws should be so adjusted that the producer will be protected and encouraged to build up the country. It is not the purpose of wisdom to foster dissension between the agricultural producers and the transportation companies, but to so adjust things, that each shall receive equal justice and bear their just part of all public burdens. It is important that there shall be peace and not war between them. The country cannot prosper without railroads, neither can the farmer prosper without justice. Let this matter be amicably discussed and you will have performed a service to the people of this State which you are about to build, and which will ever be remembered with gratitude by a grateful people. Gentlemen, what is the pleasure of this Convention? The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000100 Motion to Elect John A. Rea Temporary Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that the Honorable JOHN A. REA be made the temporary Secretary. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000103 Motion to Elect R. M. Tuttle Temporary Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that R. M. TUTTLE of Mandan, be made temporary Stenographer. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000106 Motion to Elect a Permanent Chairman of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that we proceed to the election of a permanent Chairman of this Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000108 Motion to Elect a Temporary Chairman of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion to read that we proceed to elect a Chairman pro tem. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000109 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Chair understands that there was a motion before the House that has not been acted upon. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000113 Motion to Elect F. B. Fancher Temporary Chairman None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. MOER moved that F. B. FANCHER be elected temporary Chairman. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000118 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Three on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE I think it would now be in order for the Chair to appoint a Committee on Credentials. I make a motion to that effect—a committee of three. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000123 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Five on Rules and Permanent Organization None 0 PROCEDURE I move that there be a committee of five appointed on Rules and Permanent Organization. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000124 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Ten on Rules and Permanent Organization None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. MOER amended the motion to read ten instead of five The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000136 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the convention adjourn until 10 o’clock a. m., tomorrow. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000138 Call to Order: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 10 a.m. by President pro tem FANCHER. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000140 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE OF Bismarck. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000142 Motion to Admit Editors and Newspaper Reporters Within the Bar of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spaulding moved that editors and newspaper reporters be admitted within the bar of the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000146 Order of Business: Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE In the absence of any order of business the Chair would entertain the report from the Committee on Credentials. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000154 Motion to Request a Statement of the Cost of Construction and Repairs of All Public Institutions Within the Territory None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Auditor of the Territory be requested by the President of this Convention to furnish the Convention for its use, a statement of the cost of construction and repairs of all public institutions within the Territory. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000156 Motion to Recess and Await the Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take an informal recess and await the report of the Committee on Credentials. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000160 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the report of the committee be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000162 Motion to Elect a Permanent President None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now proceed to the election of a permanent President. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000164 Motion to Nominate Mr. F.B. Fancher for Permanent President None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate Mr. F. B. FANCHER of Stutsman, for permanent President of this Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000166 Motion to Nominate John E. Carland for Permanent President None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate the Honorable JOHN E. CARLAND for permanent President of this body The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000168 Motion to Take a Roll Call to Administer the Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move the roll be called and each delegate answer to his name as it is called The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000170 Motion to Take the Oath of Office None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. CARLAND. I understand that one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of this Territory has been invited here to administer this oath. As a matter of law, I don’t suppose there is any law requiring us to take an oath, but it has been the usual custom, and I think it is a very proper proceeding, and as we have invited Judge Rose here to administer this oath, I think it should be done as soon as possible. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000176 Motion to Declare the Election of Mr. Fancher as Unanimous None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland moved that the election of Mr. Fancher be declared unanimous. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000178 Motion to Escort Mr. Fancher to the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE The chair appointed Messrs. Carland and Camp a committee of two to escort Mr. Fancher to the chair, and the duty assigned them was duly performed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000180 Inaugural Presidential Address AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I have the honor to present to you your permanent President. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000181 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Seven on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. WILLIAMS moved that a committee of seven be appointed on rules. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000190 Motion to Instruct the Secretary to Procure Five Hundred Copies of the Enabling Act None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that the secretary be instructed to procure five hundred copies of the enabling act for the use of the delegates. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000192 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the convention adjourn until 2 o’clock p.m. tomorrow. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000194 Call to Order: 1889-07-06 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000196 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000200 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000202 Motion to Adopt the Constitution of the United States None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we do now adopt the Constitution of the United States. Seconded The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000203 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Before we do that we want a proper organization. I think it is proper first to proceed to the election of officers. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000206 Motion to Print and Postpone the Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the Secretary be directed to have the report of the Committee on Rules printed, and a copy of them laid on every member’s desk, and further consideration of the report postponed until the report be so printed and distributed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000207 Motion to Adopt the Part of the Rules of the Convention as it Refers to the Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted so far as it refers to the committees. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000210 Motion to Amend the Motion to Adopt Part of the Rules of the Convention to Include the Portion on Officers None 0 PROCEDURE If it would be in order I would move that that portion of the rules which refers to officers be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000212 Motion for a Division of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. CAMP called for a division of the question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000215 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-06 None 0 PROCEDURE Adjourned until 2 o’clock p. m., July 8th. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000230 Call to Order: 1889-07-08 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000232 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000237 Motion to Proceed to the Election of Officers None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to the perfection of the permanent organization by the election of officers. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000239 Motion to Nominate J. G. Hamilton as Chief Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams nominated J.G. Hamilton of Grand Forks as chief clerk. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000241 Motion that the Election of J. G. Hamilton be by a Rising Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Morton moved that the election of J. G. Hamilton be by a rising vote. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000244 Motion for the Elections of the Officers of the Convention be by Viva Voce Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the election of the officer of the Convention be by a viva voce vote. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000246 Motion to Elect Fred Falley as Sergeant-at-Arms None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved that Fred Falley of Richland County be elected sergeant-at-arms. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000249 Motion to Elect C. C. Bowsfield as Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rowe moved that C. C. Bowsfield of Dickey County be elected the enrolling and engrossing clerk. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000252 Motion to Elect E. W. Knight as Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved that E. W. Knight, of Cass County, be elected messenger. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000255 Motion to Elect George Wentz as Doorkeeper None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harris moved that George Wentz, of Burleigh County, be elected doorkeeper. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000258 Motion to Elect J. S. Weiser as Watchman None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that J. S. Weiser, of Barnes County, be elected watchman. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000261 Motion to Elect R. M. Tuttle as Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons, of Morton, moved that R. M. Tuttle, of Morton County, be elected permanent stenographer. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000264 Motion to Elect Rev. George Kline as Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that Rev. George Kline be elected chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000267 Motion to Elect Arthur Linn, Harry G. Ward, Charles W. Conroy and Charles Lauder as Pages None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that Arthur Linn, Harry G. Ward, Charles W. Conroy and Charles Lauder be elected pages. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000277 Motion that the Joint Commission Consist of Seven Members, and be Instructed to Employ the Necessary Clerical Assistance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee is appointed as provided for in the Enabling Act to meet with the South Dakota committee, it consist of seven members, and that they be instructed to employ such clerical assistance as is necessary. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000283 Motion to Proceed to Consider the Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to consider the report of the Committee on Rules. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000285 Motion to Consider the Report Seriatim None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved that the Convention consider the report seriatim. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000287 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purposes of considering the motion. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000293 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the report be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000302 Motion to Excuse Messrs. Clapp, Leach, and Chaffee, 1889-07-08 None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Clapp. Leach and Chaffee were excused for the day. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000304 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Parsons: 1889-07-09—1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons was excused until Friday. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000306 Motion to Adjourn until 2 o'clock Next Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this Convention adjourns it adjourns to next Thursday at 2 p. m. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000308 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to listen to an address by Mr. Blackwell. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000312 Motion to Adopt Mr. Spalding's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000317 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000320 Call to Order: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000322 Prayer: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Bev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000331 Motion to Refer Invitation to the Waterways Convention to a Committee of Five None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the communication be referred The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000334 Motion for the Secretary to have the Omnibus Bill, the Rules of the Convention and the Standing Committees Printed None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland moved that the secretary be instructed to have the omnibus bill, the rules of the convention and the standing committees of the convention printed The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000336 Motion to Request Governor Mellette to Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Governor Mellette be requested to address us at this time. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000338 Motion for Territorial Officers to Accompany the Governor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved that the territorial officers be requested to accompany the governor. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000340 Address by Governor Mellette AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Governor Mellette said: Editorial Decision The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000342 Motion to Create a Committee of Three to Obtain Rooms for the Convention's Use None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved that a committee of three be appointed by the President to ascertain what rooms are needed for convention use The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000346 Motion to Defer Appointing Delegates to the Joint Commission Until the Next Session None 0 PROCEDURE I move that action on the resolution now pending be deferred till to-morrow’s session. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000348 Motion for Rev R. C. Wiley to Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Allen moved that Rev. R. C. Wiley be invited to address the Convention. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000351 Rev. R. C. Wiley's Address AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE The Rev. R. C. Wiley of Indiana, of the National Reform Association, was invited to address the Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000352 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the Convention adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000354 Call to Order: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000356 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000366 Motion to Read the Article on Common Carriers for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson introduced the following as a proposed article of the Constitution, which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Corporations, other than municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000368 Motion to Read the Article on Common Carriers for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson introduced the following as a proposed article of the Constitution, which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Corporations, other than municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000372 Motion to Read the Article on Counties for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griggs introduced the following as a proposed article of the Constitution, which was read the first time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000374 Motion to Read the Article on Counties for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the article be read the second time by its title. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000378 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the Printing of the Daily Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved the adoption of the resolution. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000381 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Instructing the Judiciary Committee to Report their Opinion on Taxation Within One Week None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000383 Motion that No Resolution be Printed Until it is Reported by the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that no resolution be printed till it is reported by the committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000385 Motion that the Journal Include All Articles Proposed to be Incorporated in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the Journal, in addition to all resolutions, shall contain all articles proposed to be incorporated in the Constitution. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000388 Motion to Refer the Resolution Relating to the Salaries of the Judges to the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott offered the following resolution and moved that it be referred to the Judiciary Committee The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000391 Motion to Refer the Article on County Officers to the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the matter be referred to the Committee on Schedule. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000392 Motion to Refer the Article on County Officers to the Committee on County and Township Organizations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the article be referred to the Committee on County and Township Organization. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000397 Motion to Receive the Report and Place it on File None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that the report be received and placed on file. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000399 Motion to Excuse Mr. Miller, 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller was excused from attendance on July 13th. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000401 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000403 Call to Order: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000405 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000408 Motion to Extend the Privileges of the Floor to the Commission from South Dakota None 0 PROCEDURE The members of the South Dakota Commission are here, and I move that the privilege of the floor be extended to them. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000411 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Relating to the Matters to be Incorporated in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens introduced the following resolution, and moved its adoption. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000413 Motion to Read the Resolution Again None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the resolution read again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000417 Motion for the Resolution to be Made a Special Order for Monday at 3 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I would therefore move that in order that we may all understand it, that it lie over till Monday and be made a special order for 3 o’clock on that day and be printed in the meantime. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000419 Motion for the Committee on Printing to Ascertain the Cost of Carrying Out the Provisions of the Resolution if Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Committee on Printing be instructed to ascertain what will be the cost of carrying out the provisions of the resolution if adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000423 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Select a Committee of Five to be Appointed by the President None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder offered the following resolution and moved its adoption The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000425 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Further Consideration of the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that the consideration of the motion be indefinitely postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000429 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the report of the committee on printing be adopted The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000432 Motion to Read File No. 1 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to read File No. 1 for the first time.] Editorial Decision
1000435 Motion to Read File No. 2 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to read File No. 2 for the first time.] Editorial Decision
1000438 Motion to Read File No. 3 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000441 Motion to Read File No. 4 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000444 Motion to Read File No. 5 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000447 Motion to Read File No. 6 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000450 Motion to Read File No. 7 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000453 Motion to Read File No. 8 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000456 Motion to Read File No. 9 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000459 Motion to Read File No. 10 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000462 Motion to Read File No. 11 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000465 Motion to Read File No. 12 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000468 Motion to Read File No. 13 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000471 Motion to Read File No. 14 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000474 Motion to Read File No. 15 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000477 Motion to Read File No. 16 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000480 Motion to Read File No. 17 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000483 Motion to Read File No. 18 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000486 Motion to Read File No. 19 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000490 Motion to Refer the Resolutions to the Committee on Reporting and Publication None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that the resolutions be referred to the Committee on Reporting and Publication. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000492 Motion to Invite President H. B. Sprague to Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved that H. B. Sprague, President of the University of North Dakota, be invited to address the Convention. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000495 Address by President Sprague None 0 PROCEDURE [There is no record of the content of Sprague's address.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000497 Motion to Excuse Mr. Camp, 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp was excused from attendance until Tuesday, July 16. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000499 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000501 Call to Order: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000503 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000506 Motion to Omit the Printed Portion of the Journal from Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons, of Morton, moved that that portion of the Journal that is printed in the Files and laid upon the desk of members be omitted from reading. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000515 Motion that Articles be Read by Titles Only upon Second Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that all articles on their second reading be read by titles only. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000518 Motion to Read File No. 20 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000521 Motion to Read File No. 21 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000524 Motion to Read File No. 22 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000527 Motion to Read File No. 23 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000530 Motion to Read File No. 24: Prohibition for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000533 Motion to Read File No. 25 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000536 Motion to Read File No. 26 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000539 Motion to Read File No. 27 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000542 Motion to Read File No. 28 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000545 Motion to Read File No. 29 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000548 Motion to Read File No. 30 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000551 Motion to Read File No. 31 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000554 Motion to Read File No. 32: Revenue and Taxation for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000557 Motion to Read File No. 33 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000560 Motion to Read File No. 34 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000563 Motion to Read File No. 35 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000566 Motion to Read File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000569 Motion to Read File No. 37 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000572 Motion to Read File No. 38: Preamble for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000575 Motion to Read File No. 39: Militia for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000578 Motion to Read File No. 40 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000581 Motion to Read File No. 41 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000584 Motion to Read File No. 42 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000587 Motion to Read File No. 43 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000590 Motion to Read File No. 44 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000593 Motion to Read File No. 45 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000596 Motion to Read File No. 46 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000599 Motion to Read File No. 47: Public Schools for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000602 Motion to Read File No. 48: Preamble for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000604 Motion to Read File No. 1 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 1 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000607 Motion to Read File No. 2 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to read File No. 2 for the second time.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000610 Motion to Read File No. 3 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 3 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000613 Motion to Read File No. 4 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 4 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000616 Motion to Read File No. 5 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 5 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000619 Motion to Read File No. 6 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 6 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000622 Motion to Read File No. 7 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 7 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000625 Motion to Read File No. 8 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 8 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000628 Motion to Read File No. 9 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 9 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000631 Motion to Read File No. 10 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 10 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000634 Motion to Read File No. 11 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 11 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000637 Motion to Read File No. 12 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 12 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000640 Motion to Read File No. 13 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 13 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000643 Motion to Read File No. 14 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 14 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000646 Motion to Read File No. 15 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 15 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000649 Motion to Read File No. 16 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 16 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000652 Motion to Read File No. 17 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 17 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000655 Motion to Read File No. 18 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 18 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000658 Motion to Read File No. 19 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 19 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000662 Motion to Excuse Mr. Scott for the Day None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott was excused for the day. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000664 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000666 Call to Order: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000668 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000671 Motion to Omit Articles Printed as Files from the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that articles printed as files be omitted from the reading of the Journal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000678 Motion to Read File No. 49 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000681 Motion to Read File No. 50 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000684 Motion to Read File No. 51 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000687 Motion to Read File No. 52 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000690 Motion to Read File No. 53 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000693 Motion to Read File No. 54 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000696 Motion to Read File No. 55 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000699 Motion to Read File No. 56 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000702 Motion to Read File No. 57 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000705 Motion to Read File No. 58 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000708 Motion to Read File No. 59 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000711 Motion to Read File No. 60 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000714 Motion to Read File No. 61 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000717 Motion to Read File No. 62 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000719 Motion to Read File No. 20 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 20 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000722 Motion to Read File No. 21 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 21 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000725 Motion to Read File No. 22 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 22 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000728 Motion to Read File No. 23 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 23 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000731 Motion to Read File No. 24 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 24 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000734 Motion to Read File No. 25 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 25 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000737 Motion to Read File No. 26 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 26 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000740 Motion to Read File No. 27 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 27 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000743 Motion to Read File No. 28 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 28 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000746 Motion to Read File No. 29 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 29 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000749 Motion to Read File No. 30 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 30 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000752 Motion to Read File No. 31 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 31 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000755 Motion to Read File No. 32 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 32 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000758 Motion to Read File No. 33 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 33 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000761 Motion to Read File No. 34 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 34 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000764 Motion to Read File No. 35 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 35 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000767 Motion to Read File No. 36 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 36 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000770 Motion to Read File No. 37 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 37 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000773 Motion to Read File No. 38 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 38 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000776 Motion to Read File No. 39 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 39 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000779 Motion to Read File No. 40 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 40 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000782 Motion to Read File No. 41 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 41 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000785 Motion to Read File No. 42 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 42 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000788 Motion to Read File No. 43 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 43 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000791 Motion to Read File No. 44 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 44 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000794 Motion to Read File No. 45 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 45 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000797 Motion to Read File No. 46 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No 46 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000800 Motion to Read File No. 47 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 47 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000803 Motion to Read File No. 48 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 48 was read the second time The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053822 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Employ and Pay for Clerical Assistance None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000818 Motion to Refer File No. 18 to the Legislative Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that File No. 18 be referred to the Legislative Committee. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000824 Motion to Adopt Report on File No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the report be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000830 Motion to Adopt Report on Committee on Reporting and Publication None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that the report be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000833 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000836 Motion for Matter to be Printed in the Minutes by Name or Number of the File None 0 PROCEDURE Moved that all matter submitted to the Convention under the second head of the order of business, which matter is printed in the files and upon the desk of each member, be printed in the minutes by name or number of the file only. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000837 Motion to Lay the Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000838 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Report of the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Clapp moved to reconsider the vote by which the report of the Committee on Printing was adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000841 Motion to Reconsider the Vote of Adoption on the Report of the Committee on Reporting and Publication None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wellwood moved that the vote by which the report of the Committee on Reporting and Publication was adopted be reconsidered. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000843 Motion to Refer the Report to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the report be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000845 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000847 Call to Order: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000849 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000855 Motion to Read File No. 65 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000858 Motion to Read File No. 66 None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000861 Motion to Read File No. 67 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000864 Motion to Read File No. 68 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000867 Motion to Read File No. 69 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000870 Motion to Read File No. 70 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000873 Motion to Read File No. 71 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000876 Motion to Read File No. 72 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000879 Motion to Read File No. 73 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000882 Motion to Read File No. 74: Preamble for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000885 Motion to Read File No. 75 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000888 Motion to Read File No. 76 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000891 Motion to Read File No. 77: Public Debts for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000894 Motion to Read File No. 78 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000897 Motion to Read File No. 79 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000900 Motion to Read File No. 80 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000903 Motion to Read File No. 81 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000906 Motion to Read File No. 82 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000909 Motion to Read File No. 83 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000911 Motion to Read File No. 49 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 49 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on County and Township Organization. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000914 Motion to Read File No. 50 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 50 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000917 Motion to Read File No. 51 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 51 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Temperance. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000920 Motion to Read File No. 52 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 52 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000923 Motion to Read File No. 53 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 53 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000926 Motion to Read File No. 54 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 54 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000929 Motion to Read File No. 55 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 55 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000932 Motion to Read File No. 56 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 56 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000935 Motion to Read File No. 57 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 57 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Preamble. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000938 Motion to Read File No. 58 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 58 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Temperance. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000941 Motion to Read File No. 59 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 59 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000944 Motion to Read File No. 60 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 60 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000947 Motion to Read File No. 61 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 61 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000950 Motion to Read File No. 62 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 62 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Elective Franchise. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000954 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Invite Judge Cooley to Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000959 Motion to Take an Informal Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention take a recess in order that the members of this Convention may have an opportunity of meeting him. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000962 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Call to order.] Editorial Decision
1000964 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Allow Judge Cooley to Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the rules be suspended and that the Convention listen to an address by Judge Cooley. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000967 Address by Judge Cooley AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [Address by Judge Cooley] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000968 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the reports of the standing committees. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000977 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved that the report be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000980 Motion to Refer the Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE And moved that it be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000982 Motion for Mr. Johnson to Act as Temporary President None 0 PROCEDURE The President designated Mr. Johnson, of Nelson, to act as President pro tempore during his absence. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000984 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000986 Call to Order: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000989 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. TURNER. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000994 Motion to Give Members of the Convention Permission to Sit During Convention Sessions None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved that the members of the Commission from North Dakota be given permission to sit during the sessions of the Convention. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000997 Motion to Adopt Mr. Camp's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1000999 Motion to Read Mr. Camp's Resolution Again None 0 PROCEDURE The resolution was read again, whereupon The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001008 Motion to Read File No. 84 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001011 Motion to Read File No. 85 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001014 Motion to Read File No. 86 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001017 Motion to Read File No. 81 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001020 Motion to Read File No. 88 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001023 Motion to Read File No. 89 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001026 Motion to Read File No. 90 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001029 Motion to Read File No. 91 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001032 Motion to Read File No. 92 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001035 Motion to Read File No. 93 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read for the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001037 Motion to Read File No. 65 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 65 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001040 Motion to Read File No. 66 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 66 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001043 Motion to Read File No. 67 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 67 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001046 Motion to Read File No. 68 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 68 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001049 Motion to Read File No. 69 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 69 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001052 Motion to Read File No. 70 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 70 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001055 Motion to Read File No. 71 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 71 was read for a second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001058 Motion to Read File No. 72 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 72 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001061 Motion to Read File No. 73 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 73 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001064 Motion to Read File No. 74 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 74 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001067 Motion to Read File No. 75 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 75 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001070 Motion to Read File No. 76 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 76 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001073 Motion to Read File No. 77 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 77 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001076 Motion to Read File No. 78 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 78 was read for the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001079 Motion to Read File No. 79 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 79 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001082 Motion to Read File No. 80 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 80 was read the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001085 Motion to Read File No. 81 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 81 was read for the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001088 Motion to Read File No. 82 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 82 was read for the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001091 Motion to Read File No. 83 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 83 was read for the second time [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001094 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider Mr. Selby's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the resolution offered by Mr. Selby. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001099 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report of the Committee of the Whole. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001103 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. BLEWETT. I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001105 Call to Order: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001114 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Camp's Resolution that All Propositions Shall Be Referred to the Committee on Revision and Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that the vote by which the resolution was adopted, be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001122 Motion for Mr. Camp's Resolution to be Laid Over Until Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be laid over till Monday and then come up under the head of unfinished business. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001125 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Mr. Camp’s Resolution until Monday None 0 PROCEDURE Therefore, with the consent of my second, I will make it Tuesday —under the head of unfinished business. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001134 Motion to Read File No. 94: Corporations for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001137 Motion to Read File No. 95 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001140 Motion to Read File No. 96 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001143 Motion to Read File No. 97 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001146 Motion to Read File No. 98 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001149 Motion to Read File No. 99 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001152 Motion to Read File No. 100 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001155 Motion to Read File No. 101 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001158 Motion to Read File No. 102 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001161 Motion to Read File No. 103 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001164 Motion to Read File No. 84 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 84 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001167 Motion to Read File No. 85 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 85 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001170 Motion to Read File No. 86 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 86 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001174 Motion to Read File No. 87 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 87 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001177 Motion to Read File No. 88 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 88 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001180 Motion to Read File No. 89 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 89 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Preamble. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001183 Motion to Read File No. 90 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 90 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001186 Motion to Read File No. 91 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 91 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001189 Motion to Read File No. 92 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 92 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001192 Motion to Read File No. 93 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 93 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Temperance. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001198 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that the convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the Committee on County and Township Organization. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001202 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the report he adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001204 Motion that When the Convention Adjourns it Take a Recess Until Tuesday 2 O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mathews moved that when the Convention adjourn it take a recess until Tuesday, 2 o’clock p. m. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001206 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of File No. 63 Until Next Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the further consideration of File No. 63 be postponed until next Tuesday. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001208 Motion to Excuse Messrs. Douglass, Flemington, Griggs, Lander, Miller, Mathews, Rowe, Bean and Holmes Until Next Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE The following members were excused until next Tuesday: Messrs. Douglass, Flemington, Griggs, Lander, Miller, Mathews, Rowe, Bean, Holmes. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001210 Motion to Adjourn Until Next Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bean moved to adjourn until Tuesday The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001212 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons, of Morton, moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001214 Call to Order: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001216 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001219 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001221 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Read Articles by Title Only None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the rules be suspended articles be read by their titles only. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001224 Motion to Read File No. 105: Elections for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001227 Motion to Read File No. 106: Constitution of North Dakota for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001229 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001232 Call to Order: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001234 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. C. F. Bollinger. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001237 Motion to Require Standing Committees to Make their Reports by Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that all standing committees be required to make their reports by Thursday of this week. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001243 Motion to Adopt the Resolution for the Constitution Appearing in the Hand Book to be Considered for Adoption None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Morton introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001245 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone File No. 44 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Colton moved that File No. 44 be indefinitely postponed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001248 Motion to Refer File No. 46 to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that this article be referred back to the committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001251 Motion that Articles Submitted to Committees Must Not be Reported Back Until the Committees Send their Full Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that all articles submitted to committees be not reported back to the house until the committees send their full report, except such articles as they may send with the recommendation that they be referred to some other committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001253 Motion to Refer All Matters Reported by Committees Immediately to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute motion that all matters reported from any committee shall immediately be referred to the Committee of the Whole, and be taken up at the time the report of the committee is discussed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001256 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Postpone File No. 44 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the vote by which File No. 44 was indefinitely postponed be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001258 Motion to Re-refer File No. 44 to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that File No. 44 be referred back to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001262 Motion to Lie on the Table the Resolution to Instruct the Committees on Referring Articles None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001265 Motion to Read File No. 107: School and School Lands for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001268 Motion to Read File No. 108: Apportionment for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001270 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Read Articles by Title None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved that the rules be suspended and that articles be read by title only. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001273 Motion to Read File No. 108 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001276 Motion to Read File No. 110: Schedule for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001279 Motion to Read File No. 111 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001282 Motion to Read File No. 112 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001285 Motion to Read File No. 113 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001288 Motion to Read File No. 114 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001291 Motion to Read File No. 115 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001294 Motion to Read File No. 116 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001297 Motion to Read File No. 117 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001300 Motion to Read File No. 118 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001303 Motion to Read File No. 119 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001306 Motion to Read File No. 120 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time and ordered not printed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001308 Motion Not to Print File No. 120 None 0 PROCEDURE Which was read the first time and ordered not printed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001310 Motion to Read File No. 94: Corporations for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 94 was read a second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001313 Motion to Read File No. 95 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 95 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001316 Motion to Read File No. 96 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 96 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001319 Motion to Read File No. 97 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 97 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001322 Motion to Read File No. 98 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 98 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Education. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001325 Motion to Read File No. 99 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 99 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on School The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001328 Motion to Read File No. 100 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 100 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001331 Motion to Read File No. 101 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 101 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001334 Motion to Read File No. 102 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Filen No. 102 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001337 Motion to Read File No. 103 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 103 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001340 Motion to Read File No. 104 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 104 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001343 Motion to Read File No. 105: Elections for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 105 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Elective Franchise. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001346 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Require the Standing Committees to Make their Reports by Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution by which the committees were required to report by Thursday be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001349 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001353 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on File No. 25 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001359 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001361 Call to Order: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001363 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001374 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Instructing the Stenographer Not to Take Down the Proceedings of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp offered the following resolution and moved its adoption The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001378 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the report be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001381 Motion to Postpone the Consideration of File No. 106 None 0 PROCEDURE And moved that the consideration of File No. 106 be postponed until July 24. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001384 Motion to Consider File No. 25 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of the one house bill be taken up. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001386 Motion to Postpone the Consideration of the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization Until Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE In regard to the consideration of the report of the Committee on County and Township Organization, I move that it be postponed till Thursday. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001389 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Consideration of File No. 25 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of File No. 25 be indefinitely postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001390 Point of Order AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE The matter is before the committee. They have reported and ask leave to sit again. I don’t understand that this motion is in order. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001391 Motion to Read File No. 107 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 107 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on School and Public Lands. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001394 Motion to Read File No. 108 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 108 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Apportionment The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001397 Motion to Read File No. 109 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 109 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001400 Motion to Read File No. 110 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 110 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Schedule. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001403 Motion to Read File No. 111 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 111 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001406 Motion to Read File No. 112 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 112 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001409 Motion to Read File No. 113 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 113 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001412 Motion to Read File No. 114 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 114 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001415 Motion to Read File No. 115 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 115 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001418 Motion to Read File No. 116 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 116 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001421 Motion to Read File No. 117 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 117 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001424 Motion to Read File No. 118 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 118 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Legislative Department The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001427 Motion to Read File No. 119 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 119 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Executive Department The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001430 Motion to Read File No. 120 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 120 was read the second time and referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001433 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File No. 25 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I move that we go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of File No. 25. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001439 Motion to Refer the Resolution Referring to Printing Debates to the Committee on Reporting and Publication None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the resolution referring to printing debates be referred to the Committee on Reporting and Publication. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001441 Motion to Reconsider the Resolution Introduced by Mr. Selby None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we reconsider the resolution introduced by Mr. SELBY, and passed July 18th. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001449 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001451 Call to Order: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001453 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001461 Motion to Refer the Resolution on the Printing and Publication of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Printing. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001465 Motion to Postpone Debate on File No. 106 None 0 PROCEDURE I move in relation to File No. 106 that the further consideration be postponed till Saturday of this week. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001470 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 25 and 63 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001472 Motion to Consider File No. 63 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that the Convention proceed to the consideration of File No. 63. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001475 Motion to Refer File No. 63 to the Committee on County and Township Organizations. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved that File No. 63 be recommitted to the Committee on County and Township Organizations. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001477 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs, moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001479 Call to Order: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001481 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. M. Barker, of Fargo. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001486 Motion to Refer the Invitation from B. W. Fuller to a Special Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the memorial presented by himself July 24 be referred to a special committee of three to be appointed by the President. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001492 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Require Standing Committees to Make their Reports by Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution fixing this as the day of the sending of final reports, be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001495 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the reading of the reports of the standing committees today be dispensed with. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001497 Motion to Take up the Reports of the Committee on Temperance and the Committee on Impeachment Today None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that the report of the Committee on Temperance, and the report of the Committee on Impeachment be taken up. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001507 Motion that all Committees not Dependent upon other Committees be Required to make Final Reports by July 27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that all committees not dependent upon other committees be required to make final reports by Saturday July 27. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001509 Motion that the Reading of Reports of Standing Committees be by Title Only, With Exceptions None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the reading of reports of standing committees to-day be by title only, except the reports of the Committee on Temperance, Impeachment and Removal From Office. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001577 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Report of the Judiciary Committee Until July 26 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the report of the Judiciary Committee be laid over until July 26. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001579 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the rules be suspended and the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider that portion of the report of the Committee on Legislative Department that relates to the number of which the Legislature shall be composed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001589 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001592 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Temperance for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the report of the Committee on Temperance be read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001594 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the Report of the Committee on Temperance None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the Committee on Temperance. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001611 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001614 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Militia for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that the report of the Committee on Militia be read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001618 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the Report of the Committee on Milita None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the Committee on Militia. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001624 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Glick moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001627 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention took an informal recess of ten minutes. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001630 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Impeachment and Removal of Office for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the report of the Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office be read the second time and considered. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001633 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Rolette moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001635 Call to Order: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001637 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001643 Motion to Refer the Resolution on the Memorial to a Special Committee of Three None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the memorial be referred to a special committee of three, of which the President shall be Chairman. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001648 Motion to Withdraw the Report of the Committee on Legislative Department Except Sections Two and Eight None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Legislative Department be unanimously withdrawn.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001665 Motion to Postpone the Report of the Committee on Revenue and Taxation Until Next Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask that the consideration of the report of the Committee on Revenue and Taxation be laid over for consideration till Tuesday. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001669 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department Until July 27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the consideration of the report be postponed until July 27. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001673 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Special Committee on the Memorial from B. W. Fuller None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved that the report be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001675 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File. No. 121 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention now go into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of File No. 121. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001678 Motion to Take a Recess Until Tuesday Upon Adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE I have been requested to make the following motion, that when we adjourn we take a recess until next Tuesday. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001681 Motion that the Members Desiring a Leave of Absence Make the Request in Writing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Clapp moved that the members desiring a leave of absence make the request in writing. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001682 Motion to Deny Members Who Voted in the Negative a Leave of Absence None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett, of Griggs, moved as an amendment that no member who voted in the negative be granted a leave of absence. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001684 Motion for Leave of Absences to be Granted only as an Absolute Necessity None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that no leave of absence be granted except upon the statement of said member that said leave of absence is an absolute necessity. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001686 Motion to Read the Report of the Executive Committee for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Executive Committee was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001688 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Legislative for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Legislative Department was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001690 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on School and Other Public Lands for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on School and other Public Lands was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001692 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Municipal Corporations for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Municipal Corporations was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001694 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Education for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Education was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001696 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001698 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Elective Franchise for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Elective Franchise was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001700 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs, moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001703 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Take a Recess until Tuesday upon Adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the vote by which the motion of Mr. Parsons of Morton, to take a recess until Tuesday July 30, was lost be reconsidered. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001705 Motion to Take a Recess until July 30 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the Convention take a recess until Tuesday July 30. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001706 Motion to Adjourn unitl July 30 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved as an amendment that the word adjourn be substituted for recess. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001707 Motion to Adjourn until October 1st None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved as an amendment to the amendment, that the Convention adjourn until October 1st. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001708 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001710 Call to Order: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001713 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001716 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion of Mr. WILLIAMS the Convention adjourned The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001718 Call to Order: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001720 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001723 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn until 2 p. m. on Tuesday.] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001725 Call to Order: 1889-07-30 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001727 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Ptev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001738 Motion to Read File No. 131 for a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 131 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001740 Motion to Read File No. 132 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 132 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001743 Motion to Adopt Report of the Committee of the Whole of July 26 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewitt moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole, of July 26, be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001745 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001746 Motion to Defer Consideration on File No. 132 Until the Following Session None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask that the consideration of that report be deferred till to-morrow. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001750 Call to Order: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001752 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001760 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Report from the Committee on Preamble None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that the reading at length of the report be dispensed with until the report is printed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001763 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that the report of the committee be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001766 Motion for File No. 130 to be Reconsidered and Referred to the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE File 130 be reconsidered and referred to the Judiciary Committee. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001768 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the Article on the Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into the Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering the article on the Judicial Department. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001769 Motion to Resolves into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the Report of the Committee on Elective Franchise None 0 PROCEDURE I amend by making it the report of the Committee on Elective Franchise. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001771 Motion for the President of the Convention to Act as the President of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that the president of the Convention act as chairman of the Committee of the Whole The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001774 Motion to Refer File No. 121 and File No. 131 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Files Nos. 121 and 131 were then considered together The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001779 Motion to Adjourn until 10 o'clock Tommorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Convention adjourn to meet at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001781 Motion to Adopt Mr. Blewett's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett introduced the following resolution as a substitute and moved its adoption. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001783 Motion to Recess Until 8 O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move to take a recess untill 8 o’clock p. m. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001787 Call to Order: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o’clock p. m. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001789 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the Convention resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046413 Motion for the President to Invite the Senate Committee on Irrigation to the Next Convention None 0 PROCEDURE The President was instructed to invite the Senate Committee on Irrigation to visit the Convention on Monday next The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046415 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001793 Call to Order: 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001795 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001799 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved that the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001802 Motion to Adopt Mr. Steven's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001805 Motion to Adopt Mr. Allen's Resolution that the Clerks be Discharged August 1st None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Allen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001813 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE The adoption of the report was moved by Mr. ROBERTSON and seconded by Mr. ROLFE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001823 Motion that the Special Committee of Five be Required to Report at Once None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewitt moved that the Committee to whom was referred the invitation extended by the citizens of Superior, Wis., to the Convention to attend the water-ways convention, be required to report at once. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001825 Motion to Read File No. 133 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 133 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001827 Motion to Read File No. 134 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 134 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047754 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee of the Whole Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted by sections. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047778 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I would make the point of order that the report of the Committee of the Whole cannot be amended by the Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047784 Call for a Division of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a division of the question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047792 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to speak on a point of order. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047793 Motion for Section 4 to be Recommitted to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section four of this report be recommitted to the Committee on Judiciary. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047795 Motion for the Chair to Answer the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the ruling of the Chair on this question whether we can amend the report of the Committee of the Whole. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047800 Motion for a Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE I want a roll call on that motion if we have got it. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050139 Motion to not Adopt Section 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I renew my motion made in the early part of the session, that the report of the Committee of the Whole, as far as section nineteen is concerned, be not adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050772 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Elective Franchise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted without further reading. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050775 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Elective Franchise Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved as an amendment that the report be read and adopted section by section. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050781 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050786 Motion to Recess Until 8 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to take recess until 8 o'clock. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050788 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs moved the previous question. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050856 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001833 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Appleton moved that the Convention take a recess until 8 o'clock p. m. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001843 Motion to Refer the Amendment to the Committee of Five None 0 PROCEDURE And moved it be referred to committee of five. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001846 Motion to Lay the Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Rollete moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001849 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Minority Report until it is Printed None 0 PROCEDURE Moer moved that the reading of the minority report of the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal be dispensed with until the same is printed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001851 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider Sections 2 and 8 of the report of the Committee on Legislative Department. None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole and take up the report of the Legislative Committee in reference to the number of senators that there shall be. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001853 Motion to Consider Sections 2 and 8 of the Report in the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE move to amend the motion in this—that we proceed to the consideration of section two and eight of the legislative article as it now exists without going into the Committee of the Whole. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001857 Motion to Read Section Two of the Report of the Committee on Legislative Department None 0 PROCEDURE Section two of the report of the Committee on the Legislative Department was then read as follows: The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001859 Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of this section. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050879 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The point of order was called on the speaker by Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs [...] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001868 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Then you will be amending the report of the Committee of the Whole. That is a point of order I shall make. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001870 Motion to Consider the Report of the Committee on Elective Franchise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention proceed to consider the report of the Committee on Elective Franchise, and let the Legislative Committee find out in the meantime what has been done. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001872 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on File 123 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland that the report of the Committee of the Whole on File 123 as read be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001875 Motion to Consider the Report of the Committee of the Whole on File No. 130 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland moved to consider the report of the Committee of the Whole on File 130. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001877 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on File 130 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland moved that the report be adopted as read. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001878 Motion for the Section 8 to be Referred and the Rest of the Report to be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted with the exception of section eight and that section eight be referred to the Committee on School and Public Lands. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001880 Motion to Refer Section 9 and 11 to the Committee on School and Public Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I move that sections nine and eleven also be referred back to committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001884 Motion to Refer Sections 8, 9 and 11 to the Committee on School and Public Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I will add to my amendment that sections nine and eleven also be referred back to the committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050883 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The point of order was called on the speaker by Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs [...] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050886 Motion to Adopt the Report with the Exception of Sections Eight, Nine and Eleven None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the report of the Committee of the Whole now under consideration be adopted with the exception of sections eight, nine and eleven. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050888 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE If so I move the previous question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001887 Motion for a Division of Question None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a division of the question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001889 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved the previous question. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050890 Motion to Read Section 27 of the Report of the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE Section twenty-seven of the report of the Committee on Judiciary was then read as follows: The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001895 Motion to Adopt Section 27 of File 121 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of section twenty-seven of File No. 121. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001896 Motion to Consider Section 24 of File 131 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the gentleman's motion by making it read that we consider File No. 131, section twenty-four. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001898 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we do now resolve ourselves into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering the Judiciary report. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001900 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001902 Call to Order: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001904 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001907 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved that the reading of the Journal he dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001910 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Instruct the Committee on Judiciary Regarding the Territorial Homestead and Exemption Laws None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. GAYTON introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001913 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Thirteen on Exemptions None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that a special committee of thirteen, of which the gentleman from Emmons, Mr. Gayton, shall be chairman, be appointed to take into consideration the matter of exemptions. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001916 Motion to Read File No. 136 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 136 was read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001919 Motion to Read File No. 135 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 135 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001921 place holder AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE place holder The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001922 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into Committee of the Whole for the further consideration of the minority and majority reports of the Committee on Judicial Department. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001926 Motion to Adopt and Refer the Report of the Committee of the Whole to the Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Appleton moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted and referred to the Committee on Revision. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001928 Motion to Adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. August 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. August 3d. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001929 Motion to Adjourn until August 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs, moved to amend by striking out the time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001931 Motion to Adjourn until 9 a. m. August 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs, moved to amend by striking out "2 o'clock p. m." and substituting "9 o'clock a. m." The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001934 Motion to Adjourn until 2 p. m. August 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved to adjourned until 2 o'clock p. m. August 3d. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001935 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved as an amendment that the Convention adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001937 Call to Order: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention reassembled at 8 o'clock p. m. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001939 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole for the Consideration of File No. 129 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the house resolve itself into Committee of the Whole for the further consideration of File No. 129. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001943 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on File No. 129 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rowe moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001946 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on the Equitable Division of Territorial Property and Indebtedness for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE moved That it be read the first time by its title only. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001949 Motion to Read File No. 137 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 137 was introduced and read the first time: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001952 Motion to Read File No. 138 for the First Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 138 was introduced and read the first time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001954 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001956 Call to Order: 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001958 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051566 Motion to Read the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the Journal was dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051567 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the Journal was dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001966 Motion to Read the Report by Title Only None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Appletone moved that the report be read by its title only, and that it be printed in the Journal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001969 Motion that the Report be Read by Title Only and Printed in the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved that the report be read by its title only, and be printed in the Journal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001971 Motion to Read File No. 136 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 136 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001973 Motion to Read File No. 137 the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 137 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001975 Motion to Read File No. 138 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 138 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001977 Motion to Recall and Refer the Report of the Committee on School Lands to the Committee on School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved that the report of the Committee on School Lands be recalled and recommitted to the Committee on School Lands. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1001991 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File No. 137 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering File No. 137. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002003 Motion for the Committee on Public Institutions Report on File No. 79 on Monday Next None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Committee on Public Institutions be requested to report back to the Convention on File No. 79 on Monday next. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002005 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002007 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Appleton moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002009 Call to Order: 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002011 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering the matters on the Clerk's table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002019 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and referred to the Committee on Revision.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002021 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Almen moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002023 Call to Order: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002025 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002028 Motion to Dispense with Further Proceedings Under the Regular Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the further proceedings under the regular order of business be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002036 Point Regarding Information About Irrigation AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Whoever has any information in regard to irrigation which they can present to this committee, immediately after the session, will please do so. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002038 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002040 Call to Order: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention re-assembled at 8 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002042 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention resolve itself into Committee of the Whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002045 Motion to Adopt and Refer the Report of the Committee of the Whole to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted and referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002047 Motion to Change Time of Reconvening After Adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE When the Convention adjourn it be until 9:30 a. m. to-morrow morning. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002056 Motion to Adjourn: 08-05-1889 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002058 Call to Order: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002060 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002062 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002065 Motion to Read the Journal of August 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Inasmuch as we have dispensed with the regular order of business for two days, I would ask that the Journal of August 3d be also read. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002071 Point of Inquiry None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. PRESIDENT: I desire to ask if people who have not been elected members of this body have any right to the floor to make explanations here? The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002081 Motion to Declare that the Sense of the Convention is that the Provision of the Resolution be Incorporated by the Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that it is the sense of this Convention that the provision contained in this resolution shall be incorporated by the Revision Committee and I do it for this reason. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002086 Motion to Read File No. 141 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 141 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002088 Motion to Read File No. 142 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 142 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002090 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering the business on the Secretary's table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002094 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 140 and 139 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted, and that it be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002096 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lowell moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002098 Call to Order: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock p. m. pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002100 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File No. 132 and Such Other Business as May be on the Clerk's Desk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rolfe moved that the Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering File No. 132, and such other business as may be on the Clerk's desk. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002101 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File. No. 143 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved to amend by considering File 143. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002104 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider Such Business as May Come Before the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. STEVENS. I move to strike out the words "one hundred and thirty-two" in the motion and insert in the place thereof "such business as may come before the committee." The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002106 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole for the Consideration of File. No. 132 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I move to strike out the words "such other business as may come before the committee." The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002110 Motion to Refer the Report of the Committee of the Whole on File No. 132 to the Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted and referred to the Committee on Revision. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002112 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjoured. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002114 Call to Order: 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002116 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002128 Motion to Read File No. 143 for the Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 143 was read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002130 Motion to Consider the Majority and Minority Reports from the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to the consideration of the report of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings, as well as the minority report. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002132 Motion to Adopt File No. 143 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt as a whole the majority report of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings, known as File No. 143. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002145 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002148 Motion to Reconsider the Vote to Adopt File No. 143 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the vote by which this report was adopted be reconsidered, and that that motion be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002149 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the vote by which this report was adopted be reconsidered, and that that motion be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002151 Motion to Refer File No. 143 to the Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE I would amend the motion that it be referred to the Committee on Revision. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002156 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved to adjourn [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002158 Call to Order: 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002160 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the report of the Committee on Miscellaneous and Other Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects and such other business as may be on the Clerk's desk. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002163 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002165 Call to Order: 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002167 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002173 Motion to Refer the Report of the Committee of the Whole to the Committee on Revisions and Adjustment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted and that it be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002178 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Apportionment be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002184 Motion to Consider File No. 144 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mathews moved as a substitute, that the Convention proceed to consider the file section by section The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002187 Motion to Read the Report of Committee on Equitable Division of Territorial Property and Indebtedness a Second time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the Article recommended by the Committee on Equitable Division of the Territorial Property and Indebtedness to become a part of the schedule, and printed on page six of this report, be read the second time. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002189 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the Convention resolve itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of any business upon the Clerk’s table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002191 Call to Order: 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o’clock p. m. pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002194 Mr. Lauder moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted. None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002196 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole with the Exception of the Part Referring to Section 13 of File No. 130 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee of the Whole be accepted with the exception of that part of it referring to section thirteen of this File. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002200 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Instructing the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Report the Following as Section 18 of the Report of the Committee on Corporations Other than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the following resolution The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002201 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002202 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I make the point of order that a resolution of this kind cannot be placed in the Constitution without a first, second and third reading. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002208 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Requesting the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Report the Following Section None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer the the following resolution and move its adoption The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002210 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be laid on the table The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002212 Point of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a question of privilege. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002215 Motion to Suspend the Rules and that the Article be put Upon its Second and Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and the article be put upon its second and third reading. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002218 Motion to Adjourn Until August 14th None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that when the Convention adjourn it take a recess until Wednesday, August 14th. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002219 Motion to Adjourn Until August 13th None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved to amend by substituting Tuesday, August 13th for Wednesday, August 14th The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002221 Motion to Adjourn Until August 24th None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to amend by substituting August 24th for Tuesday, August 13th. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002222 Motion to Adjourn Until Wednesday, August 14th None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved as a substitute that when the Convention adjourn it take a recess until Wednesday, August 14th, at 2 o’clock p. m. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002225 Motion to Refer the Resolution Relating to the Water Ways to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment None 0 PROCEDURE I desire also to move that the resolution introduced by the gentleman from Morton, and which has had its first and second readings be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment, with instructions to report the same as part of the Constitution. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002227 Motion to Refer the Resolution Relating to the Water Ways to the Attorney General None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the matter be referred to the Attorney General. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002229 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved to adjourn The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002231 Discussion on the Schedule Committee AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE It seems to me we should find out if there is anything on the Clerk’s table that we can act on, and if so clean it up and get it into the hands of the Revision Committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002232 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Motion to Adjourn Till Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the vote by which we decided to adjourn till Tuesday when we adjourn, be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002234 Motion to Adopt Section 13 of File No. 130 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that section thirteen of File No. 130 be adopted as printed The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002236 Motion to Consider the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE In view of the fact that it is getting late I move the previous question The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002239 Motion for the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Print Sufficient Enough Number of Copies of it's Report None 0 PROCEDURE As one of the members of the Committee on Revision and Adjustment I ask authority for that committee to have a sufficient number of copies of its report printed to furnish every member of this Convention with a copy The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002241 Motion to Request that the Committee on Schedule Submit Their Report to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Committee on Schedule be requested to hand their report to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002244 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002247 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Relating to the Investment of Funds by the State Treasurer None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer the following resolution and move its adoption The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002249 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to adjourn The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002251 Motion to Suspend the Rules and that the Article Pass its First and Second Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that the article pass to its first and second reading. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002252 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of the Resolution Relating to the Investment of Funds by the State Treasurer None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the further consideration of the resolution be indefinitely postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002254 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002256 Call to Order: 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjourment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002258 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002263 Motion to Extend the Privileges of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the following named persons, citizens of Ransom County be extended the privilege of the floor The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002264 Motion to Extend the Privileges of the Floor to All Citizens of North Dakota None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved as an amendment that the privileges of the floor be extended to all citizens of North Dakota. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002267 Motion that the President be Instructed to Answer the Message None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the President be instructed to answer the message. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002282 Motion to Postpone Further Reading of thee Petitions, Protests and Communications and to Refer them to a Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the further reading of these resolutions be referred to a committee of five, to be appointed by the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002301 Motion to Refer all Communications to a Committee of Five None 0 PROCEDURE I move that all these communications be referred to a committee of five, to be appointed by the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002311 Motion to Read the Report by Title Only None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the report be read by its title only. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002313 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that we adjourn until 8 o'clock this evening. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002315 Call to Order: 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002317 Motion to Consider the Report from the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved to proceed to the consideration of the report of the Committee on Revision and Adjustment, section by section. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002323 Motion to Lay Mr. Rowe's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the gentleman’s motion be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002326 Motion to Lay the Substitute on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to lay the substitute on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002328 Motion to Adopt the Preamble as Reported None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the preamble as reported from the committee be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002330 Motion to Adopt Each Section with the Proposed Amendments Unless an Objection is Made None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rolfe moved that unless objection is made, each section, with the amendments proposed, be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002396 Motion to Lay the Recommendation of the Committee be Laid on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE As we have discussed this matter, I move that the recommendation of the committee be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002399 Motion to Concur in the Recommendation of the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that the recommendation of the committee be concurred in. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002400 Motion to Adopt Section 23 as it Appears None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to amend by moving that the section as it appears in this Constitution. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002402 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved the previous question and the question being, shall the main quesiton be now put and being taken prevailed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002407 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The motion is not in order. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002409 Appeal from the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder appealed from the decision of the chair. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002411 Motion for the Amendment to be Laid on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002422 Motion to Adopt the Preamble and Article I as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved that the preamble and article one be passed as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002424 Motion to Adjourn until 9:30 Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett, of Griggs, moved that when the convention adjourn, it be to meet again at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002426 Motion for Adopted Articles to be Referred to the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Colton moved that as soon as an article is adopted it be sent to the enrolling and engrossing clerks. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002428 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002430 Call to Order: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 9:30 a. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002432 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002444 Point of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE Before we commence with the third reading of articles, there is a question of privilege I desire to speak to. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002478 Motion to Adopt Section 35 as Reported None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved that section thirty-five be adopted as reported from the committee. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002485 Motion to Not Reconsider a Section once Adopted unless by Unanimous Consent None 0 PROCEDURE I move that hereafter when that is done we cannot return to a section to reconsider, unless by unanimous consent. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002487 Motion for Changes to be Offered only at the End of an Article None 0 PROCEDURE I move that whenever any changes are desired to be made they only be considered at the end of the article, after we have been through the article. That would give members an opportunity to bring matters up. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002489 Motion to Lay the Motions on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to lay the principal motion and the substitute on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002496 Motion to Reconsider Section 35 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reconsideration of section thirty-five. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002503 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002506 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002508 Call to Order: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002511 Address by the President AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE On Thursday evening of last week I, as President of this Convention, received three telegrams—two from Grand Forks and one from the Governor of Idaho. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002518 Motion that the Chief Clerk be Granted an Opportunity to Explain None 0 PROCEDURE I should like to hear the Chief Clerk explain the matter. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002520 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Purcell's Amendment to Section 35 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention do now reconsider the vote by which it resolved that the Legislature may subdivide senatorial districts into representative districts. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002521 Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion of the gentleman from Benson be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002524 Motion to Adopt Section 35 as Reported by the Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of section thirty-five as it appears in the report of the Committee on Revision. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002525 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to reconsider only went to the amendment of the gentleman from Richland. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002616 Motion to Adopt Article II None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rolfe moved that Article II be adopted as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002689 Motion to Adopt Article III as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Colton moved that Article III, as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002693 Motion to Adopt Sections without Reading Unless there is an Objection or Recommendation by the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved that the section of Article IV be adopted without reading, except in cases where there is an objection or a recommendation of amendment by the committee. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002705 Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved a call of the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002706 Motion that Further Proceedings under the Call be Dispensed With None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that further proceedings under the call of the house be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002708 Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved a call of the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002711 Motion to Dispense with Further Proceedings under the Call None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved to dispense with further proceedings under the call. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002713 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson raised the point of order that only a majority of those voting was necessary to carry the motion. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002715 Appeal from the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer appealed from the decision of the chair. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002717 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002719 Motion that Further Proceedings under the Call be Dispensed With None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002721 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002723 Call to Order: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002725 Motion to Adjourn Until 10 o'clock Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett, of Griggs, moved that when the convention adjourn, it be to meet again at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002726 Motion to Adjourn Until 2 o'clock Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to amend by substituting "2 o'clok tomorrow afternoon" for "10 o'clock tomorrow morning." The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002730 Motion to Adopt Section 88 as Recommended to be Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that section eighty-eight (88) as recommended to be amended by the committee, be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002732 Motion to Reconsider the Adoption of Articles I, II and III None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the vote by which Articles I, II and II were adopted be reconsidered and that the vote to reconsider be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002733 Motion to Postpone the Consideration of Articles I, II and III None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the vote by which Articles I, II and II were adopted be reconsidered and that the vote to reconsider be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002740 Motion to Lay Mr. Spaldings Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the motion of the gentleman from Cass on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002751 Motion to Lay Johnson's Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the motion on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002757 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Blewett's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the vote taken be reconsidered, and the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002758 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that the vote taken be reconsidered, and the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002791 Point of Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a question of Privilege. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002796 Motion to Adopt Section 103 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved that section one hundred and three (103) be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002797 Motion to Reconsider the Previous Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the vote had be reconsidered, and the reconsideration be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002798 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the vote had be reconsidered, and the reconsideration be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002800 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I now move the previous question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002803 Division of the Main Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby called for a division of the main question [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002806 Motion to Postpone further Consideration of Section 103 None 0 PROCEDURE As there is such a difference of opinion on this subject I move that the further consideration of the section postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002807 Motion to Adopt Section 103 None 0 PROCEDURE As a substitute I move the adoption of the section as it now stands. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002840 Motion to Make Section 116 a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that further consideration of section one hundred and sixteen (116) be postponed, and that it be made a special order for two o'clock tomorrow, August 15. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002854 Motion to Adopt Article IV Except Sections 103 and 116 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved that Article IV, as amended, with the exceptions of sections one hundred and three (103) and one hundred and sixteen (116), which were made especial order be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002856 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002858 Call to Order: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002860 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002865 Motion to Omit Communications and Roll Calls from the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved that the reading of communications and roll calls be omitted from the reading of the Journal. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002872 Motion to Omit the Reading of the Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the reading of the report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses be omitted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002877 Mr. Spalding's Motion to Amend the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution on page seven of the Journal of Wednesday, July 17th, as amended on page five of the Journal of July 18th, with the exception that the word “eight” be substituted for the word “six,” on page eighteen, in the fourth line from the bottom, be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002880 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Spalding's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to reconsider the vote by which Mr. Spalding's motion was lost. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002881 Motion to Lay Mr. Steven's Motion to Reconsider on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002882 Point of Order Regarding the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens raised the point of order that the motion to lay on the table was not properly before the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002885 Motion to Proceed to the Consideration of Article V None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Clapp moved to proceed to the consideration of Article V. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048886 Motion to Adopt the Section as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved as a substitute for all other motions before the house that the section as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002912 Motion to Raise the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to move the previous question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048906 Motion to Adopt the Section as Reported None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved as a substitute that the section be adopted as reported from the committee. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048899 Motion to Lay the Previous Motion Upon the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion be laid upon the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048911 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble raised the point of order that Mr. Spalding's motion was out of order inasmuch as the roll call had been commenced. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048915 Motion to Lay the Substitute on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to lay the substitute on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002915 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002917 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002920 Motion to Call the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moor moved a call of the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1049318 Motion to Dispense with Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1049358 Motion to Adopt Article 5 as Amended and Refer it to the Engrossing Clerks None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs, moved that article five (5) as amended be adopted, and that it be sent to the engrossing clerks. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051076 Order of Business: Special Order of Sections 103 and 116 AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Section 103 being a special order was considered with 116. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051487 Motion to Divide the Question of Mr. Lauder's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a division of the question The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051495 Motion to Recommit Section 103 to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I think the Convention should agree and I will move that this section be re-committed to the Committee on Judiciary. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051507 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Committee on Judiciary be instructed to prepare a section which will provide that a man may be sued only in his own county. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051513 Motion to Lay on the Table the Motion to Instruct the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion of the gen-tleman from Griggs be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051522 Motion for the Committee on Judicial Department to Report on Section 103 at the Next Session None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bean moved that the Judiciary Committee be instructed to report on section one hundred and three (103) at the next session. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051524 Motion to Recommit Section 116 to the Committee on Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spaulding moved that section one hundred and sixteen (116) be also referred to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to report at the next session. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051526 Motion to Adopt Section 116 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved as a substitute that section one hundred and sixteen (116) be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051633 Motion to Reconsider Article V None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. SPALDING moved that the vote by which article five was adopted be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051638 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider Article V on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion of the gentleman from Cass be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051742 Motion to Adopt Section 129 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of section 129. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052608 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Bartlett's Amendment to Section 129 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to reconsider the vote by which the amendment of Mr. Bartlett, of Griggs, was adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051758 Motion to Lay Mr. Wallace's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that the amendment be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052621 Motion to Lay All Amendments to Section 129 on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Selby moved to lay all amendments to section one hundred and twenty-nine (129) on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052659 Motion to Adopt Article V None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Morton moved to adopt Article V. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052663 Motion to Lay Mr. Williams' Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052664 Mr. Moer's Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer raised the point of order that the amendment of Mr. Williams was out of order, being identical with one just been laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052667 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Morton moved the previous question The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052825 Motion to Reconsider Article V None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved to reconsider the vote by which Article V was adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052844 Motion to Postpone the Adoption of Mr. Wallace's Amendment and Section 132 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rolfe moved as a substitute that section one hundred and thirty two (132) and also the recommendation of the committee not be passed until section one hundred and eighty-eight (188) be reached. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052887 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move the call of the House. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052890 Motion to Dispense with the Further Proceedings Under the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved that further proceedings under call of the house be dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052899 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the World's Fair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens, by request of Mr. Griggs, introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1052902 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053017 Call to Order: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o'clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053040 Motion to Adopt Section 146 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the section be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053104 Motion to adopt Article VII None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved to adopt the article as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053115 Motion to Lay Mr. McHugh's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053130 Motion to Adopt Article VIII None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Colton moved to adopt Article VIII as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053154 Motion to Lay Mr. Rolfe's and Mr. Spalding's Amendments on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the amendments of the gentleman from Cass and the gentleman from Benson be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053197 Motion to Divide the Question Of Mr. Lauder's Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding called for a division of the question The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053215 Motion to Lay Mr. Spalding's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments of the gentleman from Cass and the gentleman from Benson be laid on the table.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053210 Motion to Lay Mr. Rolfe's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments of the gentleman from Cass and the gentleman from Benson be laid on the table.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053222 Motion to Adopt Section 162 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bell moved that section one hundred and sixty-two (162) be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053227 Motion to Lay Mr. Spalding's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053231 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bean moved the previous question The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053235 Motion to Adopt Section 163 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to adopt section one hundred and sixty-three (163). The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053239 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved the previous question The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053242 Motion to Reconsider Section 163 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to reconsider the vote by which section one hundred and sixty-three (163) was adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053337 Motion to Lay Mr. Miller's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Miller's amendment lie on the table.] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053381 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Camp's Amendment to Section 165 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to reconsider the vote by which the recommendations of the committee as to section one hundred and sixty-five (165) were concurred in. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053385 Motion to Table Mr. Miller's Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053394 Motion for the Recommendation of the Committee as to Section 165 be not Concurred In None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the recommendation of the committee as to section one hundred and sixty-five (165) be not concurred in. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053414 Motion for the Convention to Reconvene at 2 p. m. at the next Session None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved that when we adjourn it be to meet again at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053415 Motion for the Convention to Reconvene at 10 a. m. at the next Session None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to amend by substituting "10 o'clock to-morrow morning" for "2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. [sic] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053418 Motion to Adopt Article IX None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that Article IX as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053425 Motion to Proceed with the Consideration of Article X None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that we do now proceed to the consideration of Article X. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053424 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053434 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I see a great many vacant seats, and I move a call of the House. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053437 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved the previous question The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053514 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs, moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053516 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Five on Erolling and Engrossing the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the Chair appoint a committee of five on enrolling and engrossing the Constitution. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053550 Motion to Lay Mr. Appleton's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to lay the motion of Mr. Appleton on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053552 Motion to Adopt Section 171 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rolfe moved to adopt section one hundred and seventy-one (171) as reported from the committee. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053639 Motion for the Recommendation of the Committee as to Section 174 be not Concurred In None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the recommendation of the committee be not concurred in. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053645 Motion to Recommit Sections 174 and 175 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved as a substitute, that this section and section one hundred and seventy-five (175) be recommitted to the committed with instructions for them to report tomorrow morning. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889, The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053658 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002924 Call to Order: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002926 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002931 Motion that Petitions be Not Read None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that petitions be not read. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002933 Motion that the Roll Call be Not Read None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Clapp moved that the roll call be not read. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053670 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053680 Motion to Proceed with the Consideration of Article X: Section 175 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to proceed to the consideration of section one hundred and seventy five (175). The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053683 Motion to Adopt Mr. Bartlett's Amendment to Section 175 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs moved that the substitute offered by himself last night be adopted as a substitute for section one hundred and seventy five (175. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002968 Motion to Adopt Article X None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hegge moved that Article X as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002974 Motion to Lay Mr. Scott's Amendment to Section 180 on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the amendment on the table The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002977 Motion to Lay Mr. Hegge's Substitute Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the amendment on the table The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002985 Motion to Lay Mr. Parsons Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Colton moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002988 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002990 Call to Order: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002994 Motion to Lay the Substitute and Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Colton moved to lay the substitute and the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002995 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer called for a division of the question, which being divided, the motion to lay the substitute on the table was put. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053710 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs moved the previous question The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002997 Motion to Adopt Section 180 None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and nays were demanded on the adoption of the section. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1002999 Notice to Reconsider the Vote by Which Section 180 Was Adopted AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I desire to give notice of motion to reconsider the vote by which section 180 was adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003011 Motion to Lay Mr. Lauder's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053730 Motion to Adopt Article XI None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Peterson moved that article XI, as amended, be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046289 Informal Recess AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President announced an informal recess for ten minutes. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046291 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046401 Motion to Adopt Article XII as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Holmes moved to adopt the article as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046435 Motion to Adopt Article XIII as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved that the article as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046455 Motion to Adopt Article XIV as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that Article XIV be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051098 Motion to Lay Mr. Williams' Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lauder moved to lay the amendment on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046555 Motion to Adopt Article XV None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved to adopt Article XV The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053824 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett moved that the rules be suspended, in order that Article XVI may be adopted as a whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053830 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved that the rules be suspended so that section two hundred and eight (208) can be adopted as a whole. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1053844 Motion to Adopt Article XVI as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved that the article as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046641 Motion to Lay Mr. Johnson's Substitute on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble moved to lay the substitute on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046656 Motion to Lay Mr. Johnson's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that the substitute offered by Mr. Johnson be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046754 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Leach moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046760 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which the Last Measure was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved that the vote by which the last measure was adopted be reconsidered The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046764 Motion to Lay Mr. Scott's Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046768 Motion to Adopt Article XVII as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that Article XVIII as amended be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046773 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which Article XVII was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the vote by which Article XVII was adopted be reconsidered The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046776 Motion for the Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which Article XVII was Adopted be Laid on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the vote by which Article XVII was adopted be reconsidered and that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046778 Point of Order AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Leach raised to a point of order that there was a motion to adjourn before the house The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046786 Call to Order: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 8 o’clock p. m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046839 Motion to Have the Report of the Special Committee Submitted None 0 PROCEDURE Therefore I move that the report be now submitted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046937 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046938 Motion to Have the Rules Suspended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended for the purpose of receiving the minority report. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054120 Motion to Proceed with the Consideration of Article XVIII None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to proceed to the consideration of article XVII The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046952 Motion to Adopt Article XVIII as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harris moved to adopt Article XVIII as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046955 Motion to Proceed to the Consideration of Article XIX None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to proceed to the consideration of Article XIX, The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046957 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett moved that the rules be suspended and that the minority report of the special committee to which was referred the communications in reference to the location of public institutions, be now received. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046958 Motion to Lay the Motion to Suspend the Rules on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054124 Motion to Proceed with the Consideration of Article XIX None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to now proceed to the consideration of Article XIX. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047592 Motion to Lay Mr. Bartlett's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047601 Motion to Lay Mr. Bartlett's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. MILLER. I move that the motion of the gentleman be laid upon the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047670 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question on the question of the gentleman from Cass. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047675 Motion to Adopt Section 219 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that the recommendations of the committee be concurred in and that the section be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047677 Motion to Lay Mr. Turner's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047679 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spalding moved the previous question, and the question being shall the main question be now put, The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047692 Motion to Adopt Article XIX as Amended and Refer it to the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that Article XIX as amended be adopted and referred to the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047694 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which Article XIX was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the vote by which Article XIX was adopted be reconsidered and that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047695 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHugh moved that the vote by which Article XIX was adopted be reconsidered and that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048996 Motion to Adopt Article XX None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved that Article XX be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047700 Motion to Amend Mr. Miller's Motion to Adopt the Recommendations of the Committee to this Section None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Clapp moved as an amendment that the recommendations of the committee as to this section be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047706 Motion to Recess for Ten Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved to take a recess for ten minutes The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048464 Motion to Send the First Six Sections of the Schedule to the Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved that the first six sections of the schedule be adopted and sent to the engrossing clerks. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051406 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Sent Sections 11-17 to the Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett moved to suspend the rules and that sections eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) fifteen (15), sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) be adopted and sent to the en grossing clerks. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051419 Motion to Adopt Section 21 of the Schedule and Send it to the Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved that section twety-one (21) be adopted and sent to the engrossing clerks. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051425 Motion to Adopt Section 23 of the Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Carland offered the following and moved its adoption as section twenty-three (23) of the schudule The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051428 Motion to Lay Mr. Bell's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Scott moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051432 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Dickey moved to adjourn. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051433 Motion for When the Committee Adjourn it be to Meet Again Tomorrow at 2 o’clock p. m None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved as an amendment that when we adjourn it be to meet again to-morrow at 2 o’clock p. m. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051434 Motion to Amend the Motion to Adjourn by Substitution 10 o’clock am for 2 o’clock pm None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved to amend by substituting “10 o’clock a. m.” for “2 o’clock p. m.” The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051438 Motion to Reconsider the Vote of the Section Adopted that was Offered by Mr. Bell None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved that the vote by which the section offered by Mr. Bell was adopted be reconsidered The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051441 Motion to Lay Mr. Bell's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Purcell moved to lay the amendment of Mr. Bell on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054292 Motion to Adopt Section 103 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to adopt section (103) as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051446 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons moved to adjourn, The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051525 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which Section 220 was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that the vote by which section two hundred and twenty (220) was adopted be reconsidered The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051545 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which the Additional Section to Article XVII was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of that question The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051553 Motion to Adopt Article XVII as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harris moved that Article XVII be adopted as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051556 Motion to Appeal From the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Noble appealed from the decision of the chair, The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054358 Motion to Adopt Article IV None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to adopt all that portion of Article IV which has not already been adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051560 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Relating to the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051591 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Allin moved to adjourn until 2 o’clock tomorrow. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003014 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled at 2 o’clock p m., pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003016 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054127 Motion to Call up Section 180 of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to call up section 180 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054128 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order-that the regular business would be interfered with The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1059268 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order-that the regular business would be interfered with, and this cannot be done without a suspension of the rules. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1059278 Motion to Adopt the Supplementary Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE This is a supplementary report and I move that it be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003025 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to lay the resolution on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003029 Motion to Lay the Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevens moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1054142 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003036 Motion to Adopt the Original and Supplementary Reports of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harris moved to adopt both the original and supplementary reports of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046695 Motion to Dispense with the Reading at Length of the Reports None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved to dispense with the reading at length of the reports. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046700 Motion to Renew the Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Reports None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. STEVENS renewed the motion. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046733 Motion to Adopt the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved to adopt the majorty report, being the report signed by himself and others. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1055180 Motion to Lay Both Reports on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that both reports be laid upon the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1055181 Motion to Divide the Question Of Mr. Williams' Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I demand that that motion be divided. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046745 Motion to Lay the Motion to Adopt the Majority Report on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion of the gentleman from Nelson be laid on the table—to adopt the majority report. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047072 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to adopt the report which has been termed the minority report. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047127 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which Section 180 was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move to call up section 108, article eleven. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047132 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Therefore I move that the motion be laid upon the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047163 Motion to Call the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved a call of the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047166 Motion to Adjourn sine die None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bartlett of Griggs moved to adjourn sine die. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047169 Mr. William's Motion to Call the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved a call of the house. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1055213 Presentation of a Photo to President Fancher AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [Speech of Mr. Stevens and Mr. Fancher.] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047178 All Proceedings under the Call were Dispensed AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hegge returned to the House and all further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047183 Ayes and Nays were Demanded None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and nays were demanded on the motion to adjourn sine die. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047187 Motion that the Convention Meet Again at 8 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved that when the convention adjourn it be to meet again at 8 o’clock to-night. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047189 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Allen moved the previous question. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1047207 Motion to Adjourn Until 8 o'clock p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pollock moved to adjourn until 8 o’clock p. m. this evening The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048408 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Wallace moved to adjourn until eight o’clock this evening. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048452 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Flemington moved the previous question, and the question being shall the main question be now put, a vote being taken, prevailed, and The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048454 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Parsons of Mortion, moved to adjourn until 8 o’clock this evening. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048457 Motion to Adopt Section 180 As Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harris moved to adopt section one hundred and eighty as amended. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1049030 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bleweit moved the previous question, and the question being shall the main question be put, a vote being taken, prevailed, and The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1049040 Invitation to Delegate to Attend a Reception AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bly, proprietor of the Sheridan house, invited the delegates to attend a reception. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1049042 Motion to Adjourn Until 8 o'clock p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved to adjourn until 8 o’clock. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048285 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention assembled a 8 o’clock pursuant to adjournment. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1048298 Motion for Speeches to be Limited to 3 Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Blewett moved that all speeches be limited to 3 minutes Which motion prevailed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058132 Motion to Reconsider the Vote to Not Publish the Debates None 0 PROCEDURE I move to re-consider the vote by which we resolved not to publish the debates of this Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058140 Motion for a Thousand Copies be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a thousand copies of the debates- of this Convention be printed by the public printer. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058156 Motion to Adopt the Recommendations from the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the recommendations of the Committee be adopted. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058749 Motion to Adopt the Constitution as Reported None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Miller moved to adopt the Constitution as a whole as reported from the committee on enrolling and engrossing. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058751 Motion for the Roll to be Called as Members Sign the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the roll be called and as the names are called the members go forward and sign the Constitution. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058755 Motion to Amend Mr. William's Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Johnson moved as an amendment that the members be invited to do so, that the motion be made in the form of an invitation instead of a mandate. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058775 Motion to Erase the Names and Resign in Alphabetical Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moer moved to erase the names which have been signed to the Constitution and that the delegates sign in alphabetical order. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058778 Motion for the Chief Clerk to be Empowered to Renumber the Sections of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Camp moved that the Chief Clerk be empowered to renumber the sections of the Constitution. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058787 Announcement of Gift for Major Hamilton AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I desire to present to you a beautiful picture as a token of the es-teem of your fellow officers and the members of this Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1058782 Motion to Adjourn sine die None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Rolfe moved that the Convention do now adjourn sine die. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1003122 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise.] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003126 Address by Mr. Blackwell AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Address by Mr. Blackwell The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003127 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE The committee rose without report. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003141 Motion Adopt File 64: Report on File No. 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt the report of the committee which has just been read. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003149 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE When the Committee rose the following was presented. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003160 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution as amended. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003163 Motion to Adopt and Refer the Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee rise and recommend to the Convention that the resolution as amended be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003167 Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. STEVENS. I move that the committee rise and recommend to the Convention that the resolution as amended be adopted. Seconded [...] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003170 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee rise and recommend to the Convention that the resolution as amended be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003172 Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee then rose, and the Convention convened. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003178 Motion to Adopt Section 1 of the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization None 0 PROCEDURE Moved and seconded that it be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003191 Motion to Adopt Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. MOER moved its adoption. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003193 Motion to Adopt Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the section be adopted merely to get it before the committee The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003194 Motion to Refer Section 3 Back to the Committee on County and Township Organization None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion of the gentleman from Dickey by moving to refer it back to the Committee on County and Township Organization, from whence it came, with the opinion that the balance of the entire bill is not for action of this Convention but for the Legislature. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003200 Motion to Adopt Section 6, 7 and 10 of the Report of the Committee On Township and County Organization None 0 PROCEDURE would amend the amendment by including as desirable for us to adopt all of sections six, seven and ten, except the word "other" in the tenth section The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003201 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask for a division of the question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003202 Motion to Take Up the Report Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I think that we can make better progress if we take up this report section by section The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003205 Motion for the Committee to Rise, Report Progress and Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003207 Motion to Refer Section 3 With Recommendations to the Committee on County and Township Organization None 0 PROCEDURE My motion is that section three be rereferred to the committee with the opinion of this body that it is proper subject for legislstion, but should not become a part of this Constitution. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003209 Motion to Adopt Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section three be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003212 Motion to Adopt Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. COLTON moved that section three be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003230 Motion to Limit Speeches to Twenty Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the speeches be limited to twenty minutes. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003234 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no others who wish to speak I move that the committee rise. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003235 Motion to Adopt File No. 25 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to second the adoption of the resolution if it has not been seconded. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003238 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now rise, report progress and aske leave to sit again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003242 Motion to Excuse Mr. Stevens and Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Stevens and Turner were excused. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003245 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole and Recommend that File No. 25 Do Not Pass None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee rise and report that this resolution do not pass. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003247 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole and Recommend that File No. 25 be Postponed None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest an amendment to the motion. It was moved that the committee do now rise and report this resolution back. I would amend it in this way, that when the committee rise it report the resolution back with the recommendation that it be postponed. The amendment was accepted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003262 Motion to Lay the Substitute and Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute and the amendment be both laid on the table. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003277 Motion to Adopt Section 6 of the Article on County and Township Organization When the Committee Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee do rise they recommend that section six be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003280 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. FLEMINGTON. I move that the committee do now rise. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003291 Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Report None 0 PROCEDURE Moved by Mr. WILLIAMS that the section be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003294 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 2 Until the Minority Report is Before the Convention. None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask that the question now under consideration with reference to the number of members of the next Senate, shall be postponed till the minority report is before the Convention. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003296 Motion to Recommend that Further Consideration of the Question Upon the Number of Members of the Next Senate be Postponed Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that when the committee rise it recommends that the further consideration of the question be postponed till tomorrow. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003299 Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE When the committee rose the following report was presented: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003319 Motion to Re-Refer the Report to the Convention and Recommend that it be Postponed Until it is Printed None 0 PROCEDURE would move that the committee rise and report the report back, recommending that it lie over until it is printed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003337 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE When the Committee rose the following report was presented: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003346 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE When the Committee rose [...] The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003352 Motion to Adopt Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McHUGH moved that the committee recommend its adoption. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003415 Motion to Adopt Mr. Johnson's Substitute of Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE In order to give them an opportunity to be heard, I propose to offer the following amendment and move its adoption—as a substitute: The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003424 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003426 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Convention do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering File No. 130 and other reports. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003454 Motion to Refer the Question to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I move to refer the gentleman’s question to the Committee on Judiciary. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003490 Motion to Proceed to Consider File No. 125 None 0 PROCEDURE Moved that the committee proceed to consider File No. 125. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003499 Motion to Consider File No. 123 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now proceed to consider File No. 123. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003501 Motion to Postpone Consideration of File No. 121 Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I should like to have this report laid over till to-morrow. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003522 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003531 Motion to Re-Refer the Reports from the Committee on Elective Franchise None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that when this committee rise it recommends that the respective reports of the Committee on Elective Franchise be re-referred to that committee The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003533 Motion to Adopt Mr. Carland's Substitute to File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise None 0 PROCEDURE And that this section be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003535 Motion that Mr. Moer's Amendment is Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Chair is of the opinion that this amendment is out of order. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1051652 Point of Order AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I cannot see how a substitute can be offered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003541 Motion to Lay Mr. Carland's Substitute to the Article on Elective Franchise on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion of the gentleman from Burleigh be laid on the table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003543 Motion to Postpone Debate on Section 2 of the Article on Elective Franchise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that further consideration of this question be indefinitely postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003546 Notice for Amendment on Section 2 of the Article on Elective Franchise AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE I give notice that there will be an amendment offered to the Convention tomorrow on this section. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003566 Motion to Report Recommending the Rejection of the Australian Bill at the End of the Article on Elective Franchise to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee rise they report recommending that the bill do not pass The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003580 Motion to Postpone Debate on the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Williams moved that the further reading of the report of the Committee of the Whole until printed in the Journal be postponed. The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003597 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Johnson's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask the gentleman from Nelson to withdraw his amendment as I think the substitute covers the point The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003628 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that we take a recess till 7:30 p. m. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003630 Motion for the Committee to Rise and Report to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003634 Motion to Consider Section 10 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to consider section ten. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003654 Motion to Debate Mr. Williams' Amendment Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this amendment be taken up section by section the same as the report. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003667 Motion to Adopt the New Section 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt this section nineteen. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003669 Motion to Reconsider Section 12 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section twelve be reconsidered. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1046410 Motion for the Committee of the Whole to Rise into the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1050905 Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now rise, report progress and leave to sit again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003682 place holder AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE place holder Editorial Decision
1003685 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003725 Motion to Substitute the Preamble of File No. 106 for that of File No. 133 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we substitute the Preamble of File No. 106 for that of File No. 133. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003728 Motion to Substitute File No. 74 as the Preamble None 0 PROCEDURE I move to substitute File No. 74 for the one just adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003753 Motion to Incorporate File No. 89 into File No. 133 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to offer an amendment to the report. I desire to add to it File No. 89 [...] The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003755 Motion to Postpone Debate on Incorporating File No. 89 until Monday None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that it be laid over till Monday. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003769 Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003775 Motion to Consider Files No. 134 and 135 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of considering the matters on the Clerk's table. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003784 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Section one of the Minority Report to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee rise they report back to the Convention section one of the minority report and recommend that it do pass. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003786 Motion to Read the Minority and Majority Reports Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the minority report be read with the majority report section by section. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003788 Motion to Read the Reports by Corresponding Sections None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by saying that the corresponding sections be read not by numbers. Section two in the minority report is section fifteen in the majority. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003789 Motion to Proceed According to the Regular Order None 0 PROCEDURE With all due respect to every one concerned, would it not be better to proceed according to the regular order and take the regular majority report of the committee; when we come to a section that answers to one in the minority report, bring it up by motion to be substituted for the minority report. I make that as a motion. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003790 Motion to Reconsider the Previous Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the previous motion. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003792 Motion to Take Sections of the Majority Report and Move the Minority Corresponding Section as a Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take the sections of the majority report and when the minority has a corresponding section it can be moved as a substitute. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003798 Motion to Substitute Section 7 for the Corresponding Section in the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the section in the minority report as just red be substituted for the majority report. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003806 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 11 Until Monday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this section be passed until Monday’s session. I do this simply for the purpose of getting what light I can upon the subject. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003824 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003826 Motion to Adopt Section 12 of File No. 134 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of section twelve as reported by the committee. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003832 Motion to Recommend that Section 12 of File No. 134 be Rejected None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee rise they recommend that section twelve be not adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003834 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Section 12 when the Committee Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the Committee rise it recommend the adoption of section twelve as amended. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003837 Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003840 Motion to Read Section 11 of File 140 None 0 PROCEDURE Section eleven of File No. 134 was read as follows: The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003870 Motion to Refer Mr. Johnson's Amendment to the Committee on Militia None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution of the gentleman from Nelson be referred to the Committee on Militia. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003883 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee do now rise. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003884 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 2 Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that its consideration be postponed till tomorrow. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003890 Motion to Read Section 2 of File No. 140 None 0 PROCEDURE Section two of File No. 140 was then read, as follows: The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003903 Motion to Recommit Section 2 of File No. 140 and Section 3 of File 125 to the Committee on Municipal Corporations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section two of File No. 140, and section three of File No. 125 be re-referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003904 Place holder AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE place holder The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003905 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Revision to Amend File No. 125 None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that the Committee on Revision be directed to change the word “four” in line three of File No. 125 to “five,” which would make it correspond with the second section of File No. 140. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003907 Motion to Refer the Section of File No. 125 to the Committee on Public Debts and Public Works None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the amendment, that it be referred to the Committee on Public Debts and Public Works. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003979 Motion to Postpone the Whole Matter Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the whole matter be postponed till to-morrow. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1003998 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a division of the question. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004017 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004083 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE When the committee rose the following report was presented: The Journal of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889 The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004102 Motion to Postpone Mr. Williams' Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of the amendment be indefinitely postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004106 Motion to Postpone Mr. Spalding's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee rise they report a reccomendation that the substitute for the amendment be indefintely postponed. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004118 Motion to Refer Section 1 to the Committee on Revision. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of the construction of this sentence be referred to the Committee on Revision. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004123 Motion to Adopt Section 2 of File No. 59 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the section be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004137 Motion for File No. 72 to Become a Section in Report of the Committee from Miscellaneous Subjects None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. PARSONS of Morton offered File No. 72 to become a section in this article. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004145 Motion to Recommend the Indefinite Postponement of the Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee rise they recommend the indefinite postponement of this section. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004148 Motion that the Committee Recommend that the Proposed Article and Amendments be not Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee recommend that the proposed article and amendment be not adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004155 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004174 Motion to Adopt Section 6 as it Came From the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute the adoption of the section as it came from the committee The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004187 Motion to Adopt Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that section nine of File No. 130 be adopted. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
1004201 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [...] and the committee rose. The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889

Committee: Committee on Credentials

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Printing

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Legislative Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Executive Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Judicial Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Education

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Militia

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Schedule

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Temperance

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Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment

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Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Rules

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Special Committee of Five

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Special Committee on Appointing Rooms in the Capitol Building

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee to Extend the Invitation to Judge Cooley

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Special Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Special Committee on the Memorial from B. W. Fuller

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on an Address to the People of North Dakota

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee of Five on Communications

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources