The Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of North Dakota from July to August of 1889.
Source material
The Debates of the North Dakota Constitutional Convention of 1889
The Debates l of the Constitutional Convention for North Dakota was obtained from the North Dakota State Archives. We have used the digital copy of the records housed in the State Archives.
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Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-04 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION. Secretary of the Territory, Mr. RICHARDSON. The Convention will come to order and listen to prayer by the Rev. Mr. Anderson of Bismarck. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was then offered by Mr. Anderson. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Address by Secretary Richardson Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Elect John A. Rea Temporary Secretary Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Adopted. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. Inasmuch as a record of the proceedings is necessary, I make a motion that the Honorable JOHN A. REA be made the temporary Secretary. Adopted. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Elect R. M. Tuttle Temporary Stenographer Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and adopted. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. HARRIS. The delibertions [sic] of this Convention should be taken down, and I therefore move that R. M. TUTTLE of Mandan, be made temporary Stenographer. Seconded and adopted. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Elect a Permanent Chairman of the Convention Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I would inquire if the roll has been prepared. It would be proper to call the roll before we proceed to the election of a permanent Chairman. Secretary RICHARDSON. There has been no roll call prepared by the Secretary. It would seem to... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Elect a Temporary Chairman of the Convention Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. Mr. CHAIRMAN: AS I understand it Mr. WILLIAMS has moved an amendment to the motion of Mr. PARSONS. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I should think that the gentleman from Morton would accept my amendment. Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I object to the amendment, but if desired I will withdraw my motion and move that the Secretary appoint a committee of three on Credentials to... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Secretary RICHARDSON. Are there any further remarks? You have heard the amendment. The amendment was then put to a vote and carried. The original motion as amended was then put and carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Elect F. B. Fancher Temporary Chairman Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded by Mr. LAUDER, and carried unanimously Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER moved that F. B. FANCHER be elected temporary Chairman. Seconded by Mr. LAUDER, and carried unanimously. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS and Mr. JOHNSON were appointed as a committee to escort Mr. FANCHER to the Chair. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Appoint a Committee of Three on Credentials Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded by Mr. HARRIS and carried Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Credentials was appointed as follows: Messrs. ROWE of Dickey, MILLER of Cass and MEACHAM of Foster. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Credentials was appointed as follows: Messrs. ROWE of Dickey, MILLER of Cass and MEACHAM of Foster. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Credentials was appointed as follows: Messrs. ROWE of Dickey, MILLER of Cass and MEACHAM of Foster. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Appoint a Committee of Five on Rules and Permanent Organization Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Appoint a Committee of Ten on Rules and Permanent Organization Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER amended the motion to read ten instead of five, and the amendment was accepted. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-05 Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Convention called to order at 10 a.m. by President pro tem FANCHER. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE OF Bismarck. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Order of Business: Report of the Committee on Credentials Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. Mr. CHAIRMAN: I think that Committee is not quite ready to report yet. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Extend the Privileges of the Floor to ex-Governor Gilbert A. Pierce and ex-Governor N.G. Ordway Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Extend the Privileges of the Floor to ex-Governor Gilbert A. Pierce and ex-Governor N.G. Ordway: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Extend the Privileges of the Floor to ex-Governor Gilbert A. Pierce and ex-Governor N.G. Ordway: Mr. Miller's Amendment to Mr. Wallace's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded, and the original resolution with the varied amendments was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded, and the original resolution with the varied amendments was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded, and the original resolution with the varied amendments was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Request a Statement of the Cost of Construction and Repairs of All Public Institutions Within the Territory Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. We have no business of this kind until we are permanently organized. The Committee on Credentials have not yet reported, and no resolution of this kind can be passed until we know who are entitled to seats in this body. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Recess and Await the Report of the Committee on Credentials Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING’S motion was withdrawn, and a recess taken. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee on Credentials Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Elect a Permanent President Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Nominate Mr. F.B. Fancher for Permanent President Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Nominate John E. Carland for Permanent President Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. NOBLE seconded the nomination of Mr. CARLAND. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Take a Roll Call to Administer the Vote Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Take the Oath of Office Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The oath was then administered by the Hon. Roderick Rose, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The voting then took place on the matter of permanent President, with the following result: Those voting for Mr. FANCHER were—Messrs. Allin, Almen, Bartlett of Dickey, Bartlett of Griggs, Bean, Bennett, Brown, Budge, Camp, Carland, Carothers,... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Inaugural Presidential Address Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Appoint a Committee of Seven on Rules Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS moved that a committee of seven be appointed on rules. Seconded by Mr. LAUDER, and carried. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-06 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
BISMARCK, Saturday, July 6, 1889. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Revoke the Press Privileges of Marshall McClure Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to lay on the table was carried. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Constitution of the United States Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Decided by the Chair that the point of order raised by Mr. PURCELL was well taken. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Rules of the Convention Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Part of the Rules of the Convention as it Refers to the Committees Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. It seems to me that the amendment should not prevail. The report is lenghty [sic] and we shall need to give it a good deal of attention. I see no reason for adopting the most important part of the report—a part which will require more... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me that it would be proper to lay the report over till Monday and act on it as a whole. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Amend the Motion to Adopt Part of the Rules of the Convention to Include the Portion on Officers Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. Mr. PRESIDENT: I hope that both the amendments will prevail. A good deal more than these amendments include might be adopted without doing any harm. Perhaps three-fourths of the matter in these proposed rules is unobjectionable,... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for a Division of the Question Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WALLACE. There is a certain element here who are willing to go before the people as obstructionists. If they can see any good reason why we should delay our business in order that a certain faction may inaugurate what, as regards the interests of... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The original resolution was adopted with the amendment that that part of the report be adopted which refers to officers of the Convention. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-06 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Adjourned until 2 o’clock p. m., July 8th. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-08 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Proceed to the Election of Officers Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded by Mr. STEVENS, and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: Chief Clerk—J. G. HAMILTON. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Sargeant-at-Arms—FRED FALLEY. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk—C. C. BOWSFIELD. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Messenger—E. W. KNIGHT. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Door Keeper—GEORGE WENTZ. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Watchman—J. S. WEISER. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Stenographer—R. M. TUTTLE. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Chaplain—GEORGE KLINE. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Pages—ARTHUR LINN, HARRY G. WARD, CHARLES W. CONROY and CHARLES LAUDER. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Pages—ARTHUR LINN, HARRY G. WARD, CHARLES W. CONROY and CHARLES LAUDER. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Pages—ARTHUR LINN, HARRY G. WARD, CHARLES W. CONROY and CHARLES LAUDER. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The officers were then elected as follows: [...] Pages—ARTHUR LINN, HARRY G. WARD, CHARLES W. CONROY and CHARLES LAUDER. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Oath of Office: Members' Sigantures: 1889-07-08 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The oath of office was then administered to all the foregoing officers by the President of the Convention. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of the United States Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and adopted. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion that the Joint Commission Consist of Seven Members, and be Instructed to Employ the Necessary Clerical Assistance Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. Do I understand that the resolution just passed fixed the number of the committee? Mr. PRESIDENT. Yes, sir. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Appoint Seven Members to Act as Members of the Joint Commission Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded by Mr. BUDGE and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER called to the Chair. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Proceed to Consider the Report of the Committee on Rules Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and Carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention then resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purposes of considering the motion. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. FANCHER. I would like that some gentleman of the committee explain to the Convention why it should be required that not less than ten must rise before the previous question can be put. Mr. CARLAND. I don’t know that there is any particular reason... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The rules were adopted. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. May I ask the Chair about how long the President will take to make up the committees? Mr. FANCHER. The President desires to take as much time as may be necessary to make good committees, and while I hope to be able to announce the... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn until 2 o'clock Next Thursday Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed and the Convention adjourned. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-11 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer: 1889-07-11 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Bev. Mr. Kline. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
List of the Committees Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Request Governor Mellette to Address the Convention Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[...] and carried. A committee consisting of Messrs. ROBERTSON, STEVENS and MOER was appointed to notify Governor MELLETTE of the resolution. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution that the Joint Commission be Authorized to Settle the Boundary Line Between North and South Dakota Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CAMP. Mr. PRESIDENT: This is a very important matter, and before passing upon it, would it not be well for the Convention to consider whether we shall not be exceeding our powers in doing so? The Omnibus Bill provides that the southern boundary of... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Defer Appointing Delegates to the Joint Commission Until the Next Session Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
By agreement the resolution was made a special order for to-morrow’s session. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Rev. R. C. Wiley's Address Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-12 Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Bismarck, Friday, July 12, 1889. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution that the Joint Commission be Authorized to Temporarily Settle and Fix the Seventh Standard Parallel Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The substitute motion was carried. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion that No Resolution be Printed Until it is Reported by the Committee Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on County Officers Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. I would ask for information whether or not a Commission has not been appointed by the South Dakota Constitutional Convention to confer with us on this matter of the boundary of the two states? I am of the opinion that a committee for that... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me that that would hardly be a wise provision. Every member would like to be posted as to what articles are pending, and how are we to know the substance of those articles unless they are printed? I think every member of the... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer the Article on County Officers to the Committee on Schedule Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer the Article on County Officers to the Committee on County and Township Organizations Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-12 Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed and the Convention adjourned. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-13 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Extend the Privileges of the Floor to the Commission from South Dakota Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. If it is not the purpose of the Committee on Schedule to deal with such a resolution as this, then I would like to know what the Committee on Schedule is for. We have to decide whether or not we shall have a general election this fall, or... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and carried. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on Matters to be Incorporated in the Constitution Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. I understand that this resolution will prohibit any standing committee from originating articles for the Constitution. Anything to get into this Constitution has got to be introduced here first and then referred to a committee before it... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read the Resolution Again Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Resolution to be Made a Special Order for Monday at 3 o'clock Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and adopted. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Committee on Printing to Ascertain the Cost of Carrying Out the Provisions of the Resolution if Adopted Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Further Consideration of the Resolution Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. It is the intention of the resolution to prevent a committee from coming in here and making a report, incorporating new matter and matter that has not been before this body without first having had it printed. A report might be made which... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Relating to the Matters to be Incorporated in the Constitution: Mr. Harris' Amendment Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. Would not that be a very difficult matter, considering that no one knows how much matter will be introduced here? Mr. FANCHER. I think that all the articles introduced here would not embody more than ten or twelve of the largest bills... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. When the Committee on Rules made its report the intention was to provide a committee for each of the great subjects that we knew had to come before this Convention for consideration. The Convention committed itself to the course laid down... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to indefinitely postpone was carried. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note. In the Convention session on the 15th of July, the Journal notes that Files No. 1 and 2 were read for the second time and referred, respectively, to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal, and the Committee on Counties. No... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. In offering this resolution I had no intention whatever of reflecting upon the integrity or the ability of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings. But in all constitutions that I have examined I find a separate article covering... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-13 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-15 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
BISMARCK, Monday, July 15, 1889. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. After the action on my resolution had been postponed till to-day, the Committee on Printing made a report which was adopted, and it covers all the matter contained in that resolution. Therefore I withdraw the resolution. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-11 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS was in favor of the report. Mr. CLAPP said: It was claimed that the Files and the Journals would be set in the same type, and that the extra cost of having the two would be very slight. I see that they are set in different type, and the... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Take an Informal Recess Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Recess was taken. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Recess was taken. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
JUDGE COOLEY'S ADDRESS. After the recess President FANCHER said. GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION: It affords me much pleasure to introduce to you a gentleman who by reputation at least, is well known to all of you —Judge Thomas M. Cooley of Michigan,... Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-17 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-18 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, with President pro tem JOHNSON in the Chair. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, with President pro tem JOHNSON in the Chair. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. TURNER. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. Camp's Resolution that all Propositions Shall be Referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read Mr. Camp's Resolution Again Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The resolution was read again, whereupon Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. Camp's Resolution that all Propositions Shall be Referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment: Mr. Steven's Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment was put and lost. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The original resolution of Mr. CAMP was then carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. If the work of this Convention is to be perpetuated—if we are to get a record of the transactions of this Convention, it is of more importance that it appear in the Journal than that the members have the Files. This Constitution has got to... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I would like to ask for information. Does this resolution refer everything to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment before its adoption or after? Mr. CAMP. I would say that I understand it is the usual course of a... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. If we figure out on a basis of a thousand copies, six for each member will be 450 copies. If each State library is only entitled to one and one to each Territory, and the Congressional library one, and each employe one, that would only make... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The report of the Committee of the Whole was adopted. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-18 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Address by Judge Cooley Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, with President pro tem. Johnson in the Chair. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider Mr. Camp's Resolution that All Propositions Shall Be Referred to the Committee on Revision and Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. I think that the last line of the resolution is susceptible of two constructions. I know it to be the fact that the mover of the resolution intended that the Constitution should be reported here as a whole, and that it should then be voted... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to reconsider carried. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. Camp's Resolution that all Propositions Shall be Referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I am opposed to the amendment as well as the resolution. It seems to me that when the Committee of the Whole rises and reports to this Convention, that is the time that report should be acted upon. I don't know why we should... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment was then put and carried. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. Camp's Resolution that all Propositions Shall be Referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment: Mr. Moer's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE said: I understand now—I thought before that the resolution contemplated an additional committee. Mr. MILLER. It seems to me that that resolution is eminently just and proper. I know of no way that we can throw this Constitution together... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CAMP. It seems to me to be a very strange proceeding—to adopt an article and then refer it to a committee. When you have adopted it you have made it a part of the Constitution. That is the reason why I drew the resolution as I did. Mr. PARSONS of... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. There seems to be some misunderstanding as to the exact meaning of the resolution offered by Mr. Camp yesterday. I desire that the resolution be reconsidered. My idea in voting for it yesterday was that it would expedite business and Idid... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for Mr. Camp's Resolution to be Laid Over Until Tuesday Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. NOBLE. This resolution has already been before this Convention once, and was then considered pretty thoroughly, and the motion to reconsider is simply to get in a small amendment. I don't see the necessity of delaying this matter till Monday, and... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS.[...] I will say that the resolution has been reconsidered and is now before the Convention. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone Consideration of Mr. Camp’s Resolution until Monday Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. I may be wrong, but it occurs to me that possibly many members of this Convention have in their minds the idea that action of the Committee of the Whole is action of this Convention. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. I would suggest that the amendment be made to cover these points—that the article when considered in teh Committee of the Whole be first adopted only for the purpsoe of referring it to the Committee of Revision and Adjustment; that the... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Chair ruled that the question to postpone to a day certain was not debatable, and the motion of Mr. Williams was then put and lost. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The resolution as amended by Messrs. Lauder and Moer was then adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The resolution as amended by Messrs. Lauder and Moer was then adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution for the Committee on Revisions and Adjustment to Report to the Convention Changes Made to the Text Referred to it. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Require Standing Committees to Make their Reports by Thursday Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WALLACE. I should like to know if it is intended to print the Constitution either in the Journal or in the Files. Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I supposed that the resolution was clear enough. The only printing that we have done is in the Journal and the... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer File No. 46 to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WALLACE. There seems to be an impression prevailing that this Committee on Revision have the authority and the power to take up the various articles and disturb the ideas that are there engrafted. I take it that the duty of the committee consists... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER. It seems to me that this resolution is useless, as the Committee on Revision and Adjustment must refer these articles back to the Convention, and certainly the Convention will take notice of any change. It seems to me that it is useless to... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. RICHARDSON said: I rise in protest of the way these Files are handled by the committees. It appears that there have been several propositions or proposed articles handed in to the committees covering the same ground. For instance, the preamble or... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me that the remarks of the gentleman are fair. If the committee wishes to adopt a substitute for this article they can report the article back when they report the substitute. It seems to me that it is hardly proper to select... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. RICHARDSON's motion was carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion that Articles Submitted to Committees Must Not be Reported Back Until the Committees Send their Full Report Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I think it would be better to leave this to the discretion of the committees. After this informal discussion that we have had I think the committees will understand what is expected of them. I think it would be better not to adopt this... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer All Matters Reported by Committees Immediately to the Committee of the Whole Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Mortion. [sic] I withdraw my motion. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I withdraw my substitute. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Postpone File No. 44 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Re-refer File No. 44 to the Committee on Revenue and Taxation Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER. I don't wish to offer any discourtesy to the gentlemen, but it seems to me that this would give a committee wonderful power. It simply allows a committee to say, to of all that is introduced, what shall go back, and we have no power to pass... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lie on the Table the Resolution to Instruct the Committees on Referring Articles Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Require the Standing Committees to Make their Reports by Thursday Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. [...] I voted in the affirmative. I do this for the purpose of moving an amendment which will read: “Except the Committee on Apportionment and Representation.” That committee can make no report whatever until the Committee on Legislative... Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to reconsider was lost. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-22 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-23 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 63—report of the Committee on County and Township Organization—was considered. Mr. STEVENS. If I recollect rightly the question of a single or duplicate house was made a special order for yesterday, and being continued to today I think it... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Consider File No. 25 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone the Consideration of the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization Until Thursday Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was put and lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Consideration of File No. 25 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File No. 25 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. McHUGH. My purpose in moving the resolution I did was to bring this matter up for discussion, and if desired I will withdraw my motion. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. PARSONS was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Instructing the Stenographer Not to Take Down the Proceedings of the Committee of the Whole: Mr. Camp's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. Under the resolution that was previously passed here, this motion is out of order. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Resolution Introduced by Mr. Selby Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. It seems to me that if the business in this Convention is to be dictated on the principles suggested by the gentleman from Cass, we shall be here next January making a Constitution. I have no disposition to take the matter up and discuss it... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I hope that this motion will prevail for this reason—those who have been in favor of the one house plan have had their day, and I think it is no more than fair and just that those who have prepared speeches to be delivered in this... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. Inasmuch as the resolution which it is proposed to reconsider was offered by me, I feel called upon to say something in support of it. I would have no objection in supporting hte motion of the gentleman from Cass provided in it, he stated... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to reconsider was lost. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Reports of Standing Committees Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. There is a report of the Committee on the Judiciary Department. I understand that there was time granted for a minority report. I have been informed by the gentlemen of the minority that there is no objection to a consideration of the... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Take up the Reports of the Committee on Temperance and the Committee on Impeachment Today Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. The same objection might be stated here. The same matter that would have been voted on before would be voted on if this motion is put. The object is to cut out the debates of the Constitutional Convention. All the debates, or practically... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings: Mr. Camp's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-23 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. In presenting the report of the Judiciary Department, I desire to say that there is one feature of it which was not universally concurred in by the committee, and it was understand that until the minority report was made on that provision,... Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone Debate on File No. 106 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I am not in favor of this motion. I don't think any gentleman in this Convention will accuse me of being a speaker or intimate that I desire to have my debates or any speeches that I may make recorded. So I feel a little freer to speak on... Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Seconded by Mr. LAUDER and carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Require Standing Committees to Make their Reports by Thursday Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. It is not necessary to have a suspension of the rules. Mr. ROLFE. It seems to me that if we are not to consider the report of the Committee on the Judiciary Department we have nothing before us. I believe we can determine as to the... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. Everything in the report of the Committee on Militia may be all right and proper, but it does seem to me to be a little hasty to consider these things when the members have no copies of them on their desks. I could not tell six... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. FLEMINGTON. It does not seem to me that we should consider these reports before they are printed and on the desks of the members. I am not in favor of further consideration of reports of standing committees until they are printed, and until we all... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone the Report of the Committee on Revenue and Taxation Until Next Tuesday Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File. No. 121 Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. I see that we have quite a lengthy minority report on that File. I have not the slightest objection to considering the File, but we must consider the minority report with it, and that is not printed yet, and there are no copies to be... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. McHUGH was lost. Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Take a Recess Until Tuesday Upon Adjournment Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The CHIEF CLERK called the Convention to order and announced that the PRESIDENT had appointed Mr. ROWE to act as President pro tempore during his absence. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-29 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, with President pro tem. ROWE in the Chair. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The roll was called, and there being no quorum [...] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The roll was called, and there being no quorum, the Convention adjourned until Tuesday at 2 o’clock p. m. Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Defer Consideration on File No. 132 Until the Following Session Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. If there is no objection File No. 132 will be deferred till to-morrow. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Which motion prevailed. Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-31 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the Article on the Judicial Department Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolves into the Committee of the Whole to Consider the Report of the Committee on Elective Franchise Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. MOER was carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer File No. 121 and File No. 131 to the Committee of the Whole Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Files Nos. 121 and 131 were then considered together, being the majority and the minority reports of the Committee on the Judicial Department. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. [...] I make this motion for the following reasons: A great many delegates here are farmers, and they claim that the situation of affairs at home demands their presence. It is time that they should make preparations for... Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-27 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn until 10 o'clock Tommorrow Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Recess Until 8 O'Clock Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed and the Convention took a recess until 8 o’clock p.m. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-07-31 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention assembled at 8 o’clock p. m. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MATHEWS. I don’t think it would be well for this resolution to pass. There is the Apportionment Committee, for example, which has done no work yet, and it will be necessary for it to have a clerk. Mr. LAUDER. I hope this resolution will not... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. Allen's Resolution that Clerks be Discharged August 1st: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. There is the Judiciary Committee which has handed in its report to the convention, but since that has had other resolutions and matters referred to it. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The original resolution as amended by Mr. PURCELL was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The original resolution as amended by Mr. PURCELL was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Printing Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. NOBLE. I understand that the report provides that each newspaper shall get $25 for publishing the Constitution. It seems to me that if it provides that, it should be printed, read a second and a third time. Mr. SCOTT. It seems to me that it is not... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee on Printing on Mr. Parson's Resolution: Mr. Noble's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider Sections 2 and 8 of the report of the Committee on Legislative Department. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. I think that the Committee of the Whole has acted on section eight, and the Convention has adopted the report of that committee on section eight. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. MILLER was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read Section Two of the Report of the Committee on Legislative Department Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Report Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I understand that section two is adopted. Does that adopt it as one of the articles of this constitution? Mr. PRESIDENT. The Chair is of the opinion that under the rules that it takes it to the Revision Committee. It has to be adopted... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Rolette. There won’t be a newspaper in North Dakota that will print it. The work cannot be done for any such figures. The sum of $25 is about half what was proposed to me by the newspaper men—a few that were here. The matter cannot be... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee on Printing on Mr. Parson's Resolution: Mr. Moer's Amendment to Mr. Noble's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. The unfinished business is the report of the Judiciary Committee. Mr. PURCELL. I presume the purpose of the motion of the gentleman from Pembina is to allow the Apportionment Committee to get to work. They have delayed in getting their... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Consider Sections 2 and 8 of the Report in the Convention Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. NOBLE. I understand that the Chair rules that section eight of this report has been adopted. I would like to ask if that section is adopted as reported by the committee in the Journal page eight, July 31st. Mr. ROLFE. The report of the Committee... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. NOBLE. This seems to me to be amending the report of the Committee of the Whole which I think we have had a ruling upon. Section eight has been reported back from the Committee of the Whole and adopted. Now it is proposed to amend that section. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I will withdraw that motion [...] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 129: Article on the Legislative Department Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Consider the Report of the Committee on Elective Franchise Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 129: Article on the Legislative Department: Mr. Scott's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I don't see why we cannot add anything we choose to something that is before the Convention. As section eight originally stood it was adopted by the Committee of the Whole and the report of the Committee of the Whole was adopted. The... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer Section 9 and 11 to the Committee on School and Public Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. The object of the gentleman from Cass in having this section eight rereferred to the committee is this—it has been provided that the land may not be leased to any one person, company or corporation in greater amounts than one section. That... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer Sections 8, 9 and 11 to the Committee on School and Public Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. No one will say that any institution is mentioned in section seven except educational institutions—to-wit: the University, School of Mines, Reform School, Agricultural College, and Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Section eleven of the Enabling Act... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. Miller was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for a Division of Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion of the gentleman from Burleigh that the report of the Committee of the Whole, with the exception of sections eight, nine and eleven be adopted. Which motion was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and lost by a vote of 28 to 29. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 27 of File 121 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Consider Section 24 of File 131 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Section 8 to be Referred and the Rest of the Report to be Adopted Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was voted upon and lost. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. FLEMINGTON was seconded and adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Instruct the Committee on Judiciary Regarding the Territorial Homestead and Exemption Laws Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Instruct the Committee on Judiciary Regarding the Territorial Homestead and Exemption Laws Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-02 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider File No. 137 Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Committee on Public Institutions Report on File No. 79 on Monday Next Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-08-05 Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Bismarck, Monday, August 5, 1889. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I am in favor of the resolution. It appears to me that this is one thing that Dakota is sought for by the people of other states. People who have been unfortunate in business relations elsewhere, and knowing that we have a liberal exemption... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. We have with us to-day two of the members of the Senate Committee on Irrigation and Arid Lands. I feel certain that I voice the sentiments of every delegate in this Convention when I say that we shall be glad to dispense with the regular... Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Speech by Senator Stewart Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. President. I have the pleasure of introducing to you one of the best friends of the farmer of Dakota—one of the champions of the Inter-State Commerce law—Senator Regan. Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Speech by Senator Regan Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. President. I have a great deal of pleasure in introducing to you Major Powell, the Director of the Geological Survey. Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Speech by Major Powell Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point Regarding Information About Irrigation Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed and the Convention adjourned. Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 142: Proposed Articles Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. We are very much interested in this subject. We have found since we came out on these plains that the water supply is not sufficient to make sure a good crop every time. It has apparently diminished during the last few years, and this year... Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 08-05-1889 Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-08-06 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
BISMARCK, Tuesday, August 6, 1889. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the chair. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER. I withdraw my motion. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read the Journal of August 3 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
(The Journal of the 3d was then read by the Clerk.) Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Journal: 1889-08-03 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Journal: 1889-08-03: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. Last night when we commenced to consider the majority report on corporations the Chief Clerk stated in the hearing of every member of this Convention, that instead of the Journal saying that section thirteen was adopted it should have read... Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Chief Clerk HAMILTON. It is a mistake of the printer, which has been marked for correction. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Inquiry Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. The Chief Clerk has a right to give information when he is called on for it. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BENNET. [...] File No. 125 is the report of the Committee on Municipal Corporations. That File was amended in the Committee of the Whole by Mr. Miller’s motion, which was made section three of the File. The amendment limits the indebtedness of... Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT ruled that the motion was out of order, and that the amendment must be made when the article comes back from the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Declare that the Sense of the Convention is that the Provision of the Resolution be Incorporated by the Committee on Revision Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. It is the report of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings made this morning. The Chairman stated that there was to be a minority report from that committee. I presume the Convention is not desirous of shutting off... Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole to Consider Such Business as May Come Before the Committee Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole for the Consideration of File. No. 132 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-06 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourn [sic]. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Consider the Majority and Minority Reports from the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded by Mr. MILLER and carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt File No. 143 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 143: Report of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. The unusual manner in which this question has been brought up was unexpected by me. I am well aware that I represent the opinion of the minority on this floor this afternoon, and as far as I am concerned I bow to the majority.... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. BARTLETT was lost by the following vote. The roll being called there were ayes 31, nays 43, viz: Those who voted in the affirmative were: Messrs. Allin, Almen, Appleton, Bartlett of Griggs, Bean, Bell, Bennett, Best, Budge,... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I presume the remarks of the gentleman from Nelson are founded on the report of the Standing Committee. I presume that if the Convention adopts the report of the Committee on Public Institutions it will be the duty of the Committee on... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. BEAN was lost by a vote of 32 to 35. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 143: Report of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Previous Question Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The previous question was then called, and a vote was taken on the main question. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. MILLER was adopted by the following vote: The roll being called there were ayes 44, nays 30, viz: Those who voted in the affirmative were: Messrs. Bartlett of Dickey, Bean, Blewett, Brown, Camp, Carland, Chaffee, Clapp, Clark,... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 143: Report of the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings: Mr. Bean's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The vote was then taken on Mr. JOHNSON's amendment. Mr. BLEWETT explained his vote as follows: Mr. BLEWETT. I don't think the amendment was made in good faith and I therefore vote no. The amendment was lost by the following vote: The roll being... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CAMP. Before that motion is put it is very essential that we know every word of this report is just what as we wish it to be in the Constitution—that there is nothing in it for the revision committee to act on whatever. I don’t know the effect at... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer File No. 143 to the Committee on Revision Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It will go there if this motion prevails, and this motion is not capable of amendment. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It will go there if this motion prevails, and this motion is not capable of amendment. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. McHUGH was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. McHUGH was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-08-08 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. BISMARCK, Thursday, August 8, 1889. The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CAMP. In explaining his vote said: I desire to explain my vote. I rise with reluctance to vote on this article and to explain, if explanation be possible, my vote. I accepted my commission and took the oath of a member of this body with, perhaps,... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Vote to Adopt File No. 143 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Apportionment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. HARRIS. The Committee on Apportionment labored with this question for three days. There were a number who were not satisfied, but we withdrew our objections and agreed to this report. Every man who had any objections withdrew them in a spirit of... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The report was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee of the Whole: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole with the Exception of the Part Referring to Section 13 of File No. 130 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Instructing the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Report the Following as Section 18 of the Report of the Committee on Corporations Other than Municipal Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Resolution Instructing the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Report the Following as Section 18 of the Report of the Committee on Corporations Other than Municipal Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. It is simply instructions to the Committee on Revision. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Relating to the Water Ways Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was temporarily withdrawn. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Requesting the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Report the Following Section Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Resolution Requesting the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Report the Following Section Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Personal Privilege Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Suspend the Rules and that the Article be put Upon its Second and Third Reading Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. There are a good many flowing streams that are now the property of individuals. Does this Convention contemplate the confiscation of the streams? Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I desire to know if that is not already covered in the provision which provides for boards of conciliation. Mr. LAUDER. No, that is not provided for. The boards of conciliation provided for in the judicial report simply provide for the... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. I desire to have that read again, and let us see how much of a catch-penny there is in it. I say it is not a catchpenny. It is offered here in good faith, and the purpose of it is a noble purpose. Mr. STEVENS. The motion is not in order. We... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer the Resolution Relating to the Water Ways to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer the Resolution Relating to the Water Ways to the Attorney General Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to send it to the Revision Committee with instructions to embody it in the Constitution was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Discussion on the Schedule Committee Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I think the resolution is all right, but where are we coming to? It has been our rule ever since we met here to have no article go to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment until it had had a first and second reading. The first and second... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. The gentleman from Nelson suggested a few minutes ago that a great many running streams and waterways in this State are private property. Now what effect will the incorporation of this section in the Constitution have? Nearly all the streams... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Motion to Adjourn Till Tuesday Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. NOBLE. If the Convention will permit me I will explain something about this Schedule Committee. The committee is ready to report everything except the question of expenses and a few minor questions which it is impossible to report on until other... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 13 of File No. 130 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. The Committee on School and Public Lands considered this matter very carefully and decided to cut out the matter that was cut out, and to insert the amendment that was inserted, for the reason that there is nothing in the part that was... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Consider the Previous Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. WALLACE was carried by a vote of 32 to 23 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Committee on Revision and Adjustment to Print Sufficient Enough Number of Copies of it's Report Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The suggestion of Mr. CARLAND was put in the form of a motion and adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Request that the Committee on Schedule Submit Their Report to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Tomorrow Morning Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. That is an important committee. It is a little out of the regular course to have this done, but under the circumstances I see no other way than to report to the Committee on Revision. But if they don’t report tomorrow I don’t see how we are... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. CAMP was seconded and adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Relating to the Investment of Funds by the State Treasurer Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Resolution Relating to the Investment of Funds by the State Treasurer Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. This resolution is out of order without a suspension of the rules. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Suspend the Rules and that the Article Pass its First and Second Reading Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of the Resolution Relating to the Investment of Funds by the State Treasurer Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-08 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone Further Reading of thee Petitions, Protests and Communications and to Refer them to a Committee Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Refer all Communications to a Committee of Five Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Preamble Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Preamble: Mr. Rowe's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I hope the members will give these two sections serious reflection. It is a matter of some importance. Those who are conversant with ancient history know that this question of religion in the constitutions or in the law has been... Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Rowe's Amendment on the Table Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. STEVENS was carried and the Preamble as read was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 23 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 23: Recommendation of the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Recommendation of the Committee be Laid on the Table Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 23: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Concur in the Recommendation of the Committee Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 23 as it Appears Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 23: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Amendment to be Laid on the Table Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. It seems to me that there is a disposition here to enforce a sort of a gag rule. I hope every member of this Convention will study this section—look over it carefully, and see, satisfy yourselves, if you can, that there is nothing wrong... Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 23: Mr. Spalding's Amendment to Mr. Lauder's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Communication from G. Lane Tanehill Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WALLACE. I object to those Traill county people saying that Steele county endorses the action of the Convention. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I would like to ask the Chair if the gentleman is at liberty to fire off that kind of speech everytime he wants to do it? Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I desire to heartily endorse the remarks of the gentleman from Ransom. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 29: Mr. Noble's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded. Lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. I am well aware that this matter was under discussion in the Committee of the Whole, but it seems to me that proper care and thought has not been given to the subject. The intention of having a lower house is that members may come from the... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Personal Privilege Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 30: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. Do we elect Senators this fall? My idea was that we did not until after this Constitution is adopted. Mr. SCOTT. I desire to call the attention of the delegates to the fact that this amendment would only apply to the Senators... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. JOHNSON was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 30: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. SPALDING was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Not Reconsider a Section once Adopted unless by Unanimous Consent Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. I think the precedent set last night was a very fair and reasonable one. Some of us have not had an opportunity to study the sections that have been prepared by the committee as thoroughly as those we have been working on. We have not the... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for Changes to be Offered only at the End of an Article Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me that this Convention should not at this time start in to adopt new rules. The motion made by the gentleman from Barnes contains a harsh rule, and if this Convention should make a mistake in a section it could not be... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35: Mr. Camp's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me that this should not prevail. This is a new county, and if we have to wait ten years before we can have a reapportionment, this western part will suffer. I think this matter should be left to the Legislature as it has been... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. CAMP was adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35: Mr. Purcell's Amendment to Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
President FANCHER called Mr. NOBLE to the chair. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion that the Chief Clerk be Granted an Opportunity to Explain Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Chief Clerk HAMILTON. The recollection of the gentleman from Nelson is entirely at fault. No such question was ever asked on Thursday night at the time when those telegrams were here. I am not in the habit of prevaricating or lying. I try to do my duty... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider Section 35 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. If the gentleman had been in his seat he would have learned that this section did not restrict the Legislature from making an apportionment every year. It simply compels them to do it once in ten years. I hope we shall not have... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. I think there is a fair question as to whether the article as it has been adopted would not prohibit the Legislature from making a new apportionment oftener than once in five years. I suppose we know as much about this Constitution as... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider Mr. Purcell's Amendment to Section 35 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 35 as Reported by the Committee on Revision Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. HARRIS. I trust the amendment of the gentleman from Benson will pass. The tide of immigration in 1890 will be turned into North Dakota. The Northern Pacific and Manitoba railroads are doing all they can to turn the tide of immigration into this... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Address by the President Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BENNETT. I shall be very happy to correct any mistake I may have made in the meeting at Grand Forks. I did not state in my speech that the Chairman refused to read the telegrams. After I was through with my remarks some gentleman in the -audience... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The Chair ruled that the point was well taken. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 36 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 37 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 38 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 39 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 39: Mr. Miller's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. It strikes me that a better plan would be to strike the section out entirely, than to add these words, for “Unless he shall have resigned” will simply give him an opportunity to talk it over with the Governor in advance, and get his... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS withdrew his motion. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections thirty-nine, forty- forty-one, forty-two, forty-three and forty-four were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three and forty-four were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three and forty-four were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three and forty-four were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three and forty-four were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three and forty-four were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 45 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 45: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
When the vote was taken Mr. PARSONS of Morton said: I vote aye simply because I wish to make it possible for a poor man to attend the Legislature. Mr. STEVENS in voting said: I vote no, because I believe it is the poorest place in the word for a poor... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 69: Mr. Pollock's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. The gentleman from Cass and I argued this question in the Committee of the Whole, and at that time the committee sustained my views. I still hold that the real estate under our laws as now provided for in section fifteen is no part of the... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. POLLOCK was lost [...] Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. POLLOCK was lost, and the section was adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 71 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 72 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 72: Mr. Rowe's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 were adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 79: Recommendation of the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I have no objection to the recommendations as read by the Secretary, but I claim that the wording of the Committee on Revisin as printed in very different from what was read by the clerk. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I hope this amendment will not prevail. If there is any reason for adopting this section which we have just passed, that members of the Legislative Assembly should not be appointed by the Governor, there is certainly a much... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 79: Mr. Miller's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. If I remember correctly the amendment of the gentleman from Cass is the way this thing was originally passed. It was not two-thirds of the members present, but two-thirds of the members elected. I don't know how it happens to be printed this way. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. MILLER was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 84: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WALLACE. I wish to say that in most constitutions this provision is incorporated—that the Lieutenant Governor shall receive double the pay of a State Senator. As it now stands he receives about $33 a day for the same sendees, practially as are... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 79 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. Here is a case where the committee has been legislating for the benefit of the Convention. If there is a grammatical error they should point it out, but here is a recommendation that they strike out a certain important provision... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 84 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 84: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 86 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six and eighty-seven were read and adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 87 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six and eighty-seven were read and adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 88 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 88: Mr. Noble's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I believe it is the feeling of people of the State that the terms of the Supreme Court should be held at the seat of government, and I hope the motion will carry. Mr. FLEMINGTON. I agree with my colleague. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 90 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 90: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Spaldings Amendment on the Table Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. STEVENS was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CAMP. I have never been Attorney General, and don’t know how much time it would take, but it strikes me that $1,000 will not go far toward paying for the services of a competent Attorney General in trying the cases of the State of North Dakota for... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 85 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six and eighty-seven were read and adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 91 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 92 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 93 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 93: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Johnson's Motion on the Table Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
A vote was taken and Mr. LAUDER explained his vote as follows: I wish to explain my vote. As one of the members of the Convention, particularly those who were members of the Judicial Committee, I was opposed to the appointment of this Clerk. I was in... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 103 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 103: Mr. Carland's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. I desire to second the motion. The practical effect of that section will be such as is not intended by the parties who desired to have the jurisdiction of these courts limited. In case a writ of attachment in the Sixth District was issued,... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Privilege Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 103: Mr. Parsons' Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I desire to say one thing only. Our support of this motion which has been sustained by a large majority in this Convention has been denominated demagoguery. The arguments in support of their position by the opposition yesterday were that... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. PARSONS was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Previous Vote Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to reconsider was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Postpone further Consideration of Section 103 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 103 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. Since I made the motion I did, it has been suggested to me that it might make it impossible for a process of the district court to run over into another district in case of emergencies where it might be very necessary that they should run... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. It seems to me that we are acting hastily in this matter. We have the judgment of as competent men as there are in this Convention, for whom I have the greatest respect, that this section in its present shape is improper, and should not... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Previous Question Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I desire to say that if there was any indication that there was any harm being done, I would ask that the motion be taken from the table, but the very fact that they have voted down an amendment offered by the gentleman from... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. This is a very serious matter, in my judgment. It seems to me it ought not to be hurried through with. If we give it a special order for tomorrow, in the meantime this matter can receive a great deal of discussion between the members.... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. FLEMINGTON to postpone the subject was carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 111: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 111: Recommendation of the Committee on Revision and Adjustment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 111 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I want to understand the changes. I want to know whether in case the recommendation of the committee is adopted, whether in the justice of the peace will have the same criminal and civil jurisdiction as he would have if no county was... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 111: Mr. Rolfe's Amended Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. ROLFE was amended by including also the word "original," and as so amended was adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. ROLFE was amended by including also the word "original," and as so amended was adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-08-15 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the President in the Chair. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kline. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. Spalding's Motion to Amend the Journal Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 128: Mr. Rowe's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Raise the Previous Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order: 1889-08-16 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
FORTY-FOURTH DAY. BISMARCK, Friday, August 16, 1889, The Convention met pursuant to adjournment, the PRESIDENT in the Chair. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. KLINE. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 177 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 177: Mr. Moer's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. As I understand it there has already been a motion passed that a thousand copies should be printed. This is mainly a question of distribution. The members of the Convention are all in favor of printing these debates, and the question is as... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. APPLETON. It seems to me that this amendment should prevail. I think it should be definitely known as to whether the sheriff and treasurer holding their offices at the present time should be eligible for four years, or whether the time they have... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment was lost. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 177, 178 and 179 were adopted after being read. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 178 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 179 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 180 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (As Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 180: Mr. Scott's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Scott's Amendment to Section 180 on the Table Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. The object of the amendment was this: there was quite an extended discussion on this section the last time it came up, and it was stated that the real meaning of section 180 as passed was to prohibit the Legislative Assembly from passing a... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 180: Mr. Hegge's Amendment to Mr. Scott's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Hegge's Substitute Amendment on the Table Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 180: Mr. Parson's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I am in favor of the gross earnings system for railroads provided there is no other property to be taxed under the system except such as is actually used in the operation of the franchises of the road. I am opposed to a tax by a gross... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WALLACE. The intention of this amendment of the gentleman from Traill is to leave this matter to the Legislature so that they may adopt a system of gross earnings for one branch of business and for another class of business another. He wants to tax... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Parsons Amendment on the Table Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (As Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 180: Mr. Moer's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 180: Mr. Lowell's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BELL. Without a doubt there has been an immense amount of education on this article 180. The gentlemen have claimed that it was unjust, but the real fact of the matter is that it is too just to suit a great many of the gentlemen who are on the... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Notice to Reconsider the Vote by Which Section 180 Was Adopted Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 183 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 183: Mr. Miller's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Prayer Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report on the Committee on Accounts and Expenses Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Majority Report from the Committee of Five on Communications Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Minority Report from the Committee of Five on Communications Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. Scott called to the chair. Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Address by Mr. Blackwell Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 3: Compact with the United States Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 64: Report on File No. 3 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion Adopt File 64: Report on File No. 3 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. I have desired to be consistent as nearly as I could in the consideration of these sections. I voted against the amendment to section 180, because I believed railroad companies should be taxed just the same as any other person or... Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
COMPACT WITH THE UNITED STATES. Mr. JOHNSON said: Mr. Chairman, and Gentlemen of the Committee of the Whole. As the Chairman of the committee that reported this File— Compact with the United States —is in the Chair, it may be proper for me as for any... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report on the Committee on Reporting and Publication: Mr. Miller's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The report of the committee was amended to read $10 a day, and 10 cents per folio for transcribing the report, and so adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The report of the committee was amended to read $10 a day, and 10 cents per folio for transcribing the report, and so adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SELBY. Mr. PRESIDENT: My object in incorporating in this motion the latter part which the gentleman from Burleigh desires to have stricken out, was for the purpose of getting the Convention to commit itself on the question of publishing the debates... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND'S amendment was adopted. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I would like to know how much the Stenographer now makes per day. I think the members of this Convention don't know what he makes per day now. I want to pay liberally, but I don't want to be extravagant. Mr. PARSONS of Morton.... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I would like to inquire what the expense of publishing 500 copies of the debates will be, and what will be the difference between the cost of 500 and 800. Mr. STEVENS. I would say that of course this is problematic how large the volume... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt and Refer the Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Seconded and carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Seconded and carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Seconded and carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The Committee then rose, and the Convention convened. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Resolution on the Publication and Distribution of the Debates and Proceedings: Mr. Carland's Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 1 of the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Scott's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. COLTON. I should like to know what state or territory we will put the unorganized counties in? We have some little country that is not organized. Mr. SCOTT. It seems to me that if we let this article go as it is without the amendment that I have... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I withdraw my amendment. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Clapp's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Mchugh's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute was lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. Is seems to me that if counties are made only with sixteen townships they are pretty small. In the county from which I come there are twenty townships, and it is plenty small enough. I would not be in favor of making it any less than twenty. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CLAPP'S amendment lost and section adopted as it came from the committee. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CLAPP'S amendment lost and section adopted as it came from the committee. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Refer Section 3 Back to the Committee on County and Township Organization Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I shall have to ask for information before I can vote on this. The last three lines are indefinite. What proportion are they to assume? If one-half, are they to pay one-half? If one-third, then one-third? It seems to me that... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. GRAY. I would like to ask the gentleman where he gets his authority for saying that the new boards would want so much per day. Is there anything of the sort prescribed in the bill? Is not that a matter for the Legislature to regulate? I don't... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Mr. Moer] We don't want to go on and tell the Legislature just exactly what they will have to do to change county seats, or in the organization of boards of supervisors. In my county the mileage alone would cost our county $150 every session, and in... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 6, 7 and 10 of the Report of the Committee On Township and County Organization Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Divide the Question Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Take Up the Report Section by Section Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. I suppose that we shall, before we get through with our work here, listen to the cry of proposed legislation a good many times. If the cry is listened to, our Constitution will probably be a very small and comparatively unimportant document.... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. The gentleman suggests that he has suffered at the hands of the Legislature. That may be admitted, but the suffering may be remedied after two years; the suffering that will be occasioned to the people of this Territory if these sections... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion for the Committee to Rise, Report Progress and Sit Again Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The question was put and lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Refer Section 3 With Recommendations to the Committee on County and Township Organization Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. APPLETON. As one of the committee that submitted this report, I would say that we were of the opinion that section three was not legislation. It seems to me that there is nothing wrong in this Convention saying that all changes in county boundaries... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The Chair ruled that a motion to refer back is not capable of being amended. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. Whether this is legislation or constitution I cannot say, but of one thing I am certain —it is good, wholesome law. I know that it should be in the Constitution, and that is why I am in favor of it. I have listened with great... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Harris's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Moer's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was declared to be out of order, [...] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute motion was then put to a vote and lost by 32 for and 34 against. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. O'BRIEN. As I understand it the motion of the gentleman from Cass would be practically of no effect at all. If this motion prevails, then section three goes back to the committee.But for what purpose? What are they to do with it ? Are they to... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. COLTON. I would accept the amendment and I would have put it in, but I saw that there are so many who want to leave the Legislature something to do, and I thought it would be well to leave that to them. I believe at the same time that in the matter... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. In the minds of the committee there was a good reason for every word in that section, and I would like the members of this Convention to analyze it carefully. It provides that changes in counties shall not be absolute when passed by the... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
A vote on the amendment of Mr. Harris was taken with the result that it was adopted by a vote of 42 to 6. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. COLTON pressed his motion that section three be adopted as amended. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Substitute lost by 35 to 28. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section three was then voted on with amendment of Mr. Harris, and carried by 41 to 25. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. If there is an argument in favor of that amendment I don't see it. It occurs to me that the principle of the amendment is wrong. That is not the just method of determining the liability of each portion of the county. I think we have a very... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Scott's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Limit Speeches to Twenty Minutes Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WILLIAMS. I hope this motion will not prevail. I think the Committee of the Whole should allow the members as much time as they desire to take to discuss these questions. It is fair and just that they should say as much on this question as they... Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. Lauder. [...] But I withdraw my motion. Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
THE SINGLE HOUSE QUESTION. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: In introducing this proposition to have our Legislature consist of a single house, I assure you I have not been influenced by an ambitious desire to... Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt File No. 25 Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. TURNER. [...] In seconding this resolution that North Dakota have one legislative house instead of two, I do so because I think it is a matter of very great importance to this country that we should establish a legislature with one house instead of... Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. O’BRIEN called to the Chair. Committee of the Whole. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND. It is perhaps, not necessary that I should address this Convention on the subject of the adoption of the proposed article known as File No. 25, providing for vesting the legislative power of the proposed State of North Dakota in a single... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole and Recommend that File No. 25 Do Not Pass Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I do not intend to take up the time of the Convention with any extended remarks on this question. I have made no preparation to speak on this subject, but I have some convictions upon it. I am satisfied from what I know of the Convention... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole and Recommend that File No. 25 be Postponed Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. Inasmuch as I have been quoted as supporting one house, I would like to say that my choice and preference would be two houses of the legislature, with the upper house containing one Representative from each county, irrespective... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion as amended was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Bean's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was Carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Selby's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. If that is carried, I would like to know how the county board can specify to the people. It seems to me that if we adopt that we kill the whole section. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Miller's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Miller's Amendment to His Previous Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. With the consent of my second I desire to amend my substitute, and make my substitute sections six and seven of File No. 106. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. APPLETON. The committee in drafting their report took the stand that any county that had never voted on the subject of the location of the county seat should have a vote if they desired. Now it seems to me that we are not here in this Convention to... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Appleton's Amendment to Miller's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute was seconded and carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. With the consent of my second I withdraw the motion substituting these two sections. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MOER. In what condition is section five now? The CHAIRMAN. There was a motion by the gentleman from Morton, that the committee when it rise report back the section with the recommendation that it be adopted. The gentleman from Triall offered an... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SELBY'S amendment was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Selby's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Blewett's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CAMP. I second the motion, and I hope that it will carry. It will then leave the matter to the Legislature. Our Constitution will provide that no special legislation can be enacted, and the whole matter will be left to the Legislature to enact a... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SELBY. In explanation of this amendment I wish to say first that I don't believe that there should be anything incorporated in this Constitution relative to the removal of county seats. I think that all these questions should be left to the... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion to rise was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Bean's Amendment to Mr. Selby's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BEAN was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. SELBY was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5: Mr. Scott's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 6 of the Article on County and Township Organization When the Committee Rise Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Camp's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. FANCHER. I second the amendment. Stutsman county is now working under the commissioner system, and it is very satisfactory to us. We have sixty-four townships in our county, and if we were compelled to adopt the supervisor system it would be very... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section 2 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section 8 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department: Amendment Providing for the Number of Members of the House of Representatives Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Report Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section 2 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section 2 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment to Mr. Purcells' Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 2 Until the Minority Report is Before the Convention. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me but just that the request of the gentleman be acceded to. That was the understanding in the committee. Owing to the order made requiring that we report today, the report of this committee was made up hastily, and last night... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recommend that Further Consideration of the Question Upon the Number of Members of the Next Senate be Postponed Until Tomorrow Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Article on Prohibition: Mr. Flemington's Amendment Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. FLEMINGTON was lost. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Re-Refer the Report to the Convention and Recommend that it be Postponed Until it is Printed Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. NOBLE'S motion was lost. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The report of the committee was then adopted unanimously. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. I sincerely hope that this amendment will not prevail, for the reason that the people of this Territory, and in our State desire, as I view it, to settle this matter for themselves, and not to have this Convention here assembled determine... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 1 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Camp's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The first section was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CAMP. I would like to compare this with the compact with the United States which we have adopted. What reason is there for the last two lines of this article: “This legislative requirement shall be irrevocable without the consent of the United... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. McHugh's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. HARRIS. I hope this amendment will not prevail. If our educational system in the State of North Dakota is ever going to be a perfect system, and amount to anything, we want a head, and we want to build right up through the primary classes to our... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE'S amendment was lost and sections two and three approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE'S amendment was lost and sections two and three approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE'S amendment was lost and sections two and three approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was seconded and lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was seconded and lost. [Editor's Note: The committee begins discussing subsequent sections of the article; therefore, it can be assumed that section four was adopted.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections five, six and seven were approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections five, six and seven were approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 124: Article on Education (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections five, six and seven were approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section one was adopted [...] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. Section 4—It is always to be presumed that any report presented by a committee has been carefully considered in all its parts. In this section I suppose there was deemed to be good reason for adopting the word “gubernatorial” instead of the... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I would like to inquire if it is intended that when the Presiding Judge of the Supreme Court shall preside whether or not he shall be considered a member of the tribunal, and have a vote in the deliberations of the assembly. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section two was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. I would like to inquire why the word “crimes” is included in the third line after the enumeration of drunkenness, and so forth? Mr. O’BRIEN. That word “crimes” was put in for the purpose of giving the Legislature the fullest scope over the... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. [...] If a man who is Governor of this State gets drunk he should be impeached. Mr. O’BRIEN. The committee gave this matter some little consideration, and they made up their minds that if a man were unfortunate enough in one instance to... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Powles' Amendment to Mr. Wallace's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE accepted Mr. POWLES' amendment. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. It occurs to me that the committee adopted a fair and reasonable rule—certainly a rule that has always prevailed in this country. It is well known—it is the experience of mankind—that sometimes the very best of citizens, in a community,... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 126: Article on Impeachment (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 8 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost, and the rest of the article was adopted without further discussion. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section one was adopted. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Clapp's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. If this conflicts with the provisions made by the reports of other committees, the whole matter will come before the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. It seems to me however, that considering this upon its merits, the place for the... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section two was approved. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. It occurs to me that this is a subject that should not be passed over entirely without discussion. It is certainly a matter for consideration whether these lands should be sold at all or not. There are a good many people in this State who... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Mr. Johnson's Substitute of Section 3 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. More fortunes have been made in the United States out of holding lands, than out of all othor [sic] causes combined. You may take our western farmers that have grown wealthy, and almost in every instance you will find they took land when... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
A vote was taken on the substitute of Mr. JOHNSON, and the substitute was lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and lost. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole and Report Progress Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Which motion prevailed. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. McKENZIE. I would call your attention to section six of the same article, the first and second lines which I think will cover it. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CARLAND was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was then adopted as amended. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 4 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. [...] This is no doubt a question that has already engaged the minds of the members of this Convention, and they have undoubtedly studied it in all its bearings, and perhaps it would be a waste of time for me to detain the committee with... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 4: Mr. Elliott's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERTSON. I think it will be found so in the original draft. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. ELLIOTT was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 4: Mr. Carland's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. It seems to me that some of the gentlemen have not paid enough attention to the law under which we are working. The bill under which we are making this article provides that no man can lease more than 320 acres, if I mistake... Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Carland's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERTSON. I am aware that the gentleman is a jurist and his words have great weight with this Convention, but I would suggest to the gentleman the advisability of adopting the word “shall”—making it read “and shall be.” Mr. MILLER. If the... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CARLAND was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. I would suggest that the better place for the word “Commissioners” would be in the third line. Mr. ROBERTSON. I think it would be better to leave the whole matter to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. I think it would be a good deal... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was then adopted; also section five. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was then adopted; also section five. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. Bean's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BEAN was seconded and adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERTSON. I sincerely hope that this amendment will not prevail. I don’t think that we are yet prepared for a land limitation act. It does not seem to me that any such principle as this should become incorporated in this Constitution. Mr. BARTLETT... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. LAUDER was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. WALLACE was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. O'Brien's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Refer the Question to the Committee on Judiciary Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. O'BRIEN was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. Steven's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey I oppose that amendment on this account—we have surely got good security. Ten years have elapsed, and we should give that interest up if the purchaser pays for the land. We won’t need the money, and when we have a sure thing in... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERSTON. I think it is well understood that it could not be accomplished without the consent of Congress. The En-abling Act covers this ground sought to be covered by the amend-ment. I regard the words proposed as a mere incumbrance to the... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. I suppose the object of the sale of these lands is to bring as great a revenue into the State Treasury for the benefit of the schools as possible, and to continue it as long as possible. This bill provides that the interest shall be six per... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. This section provides that no patent shall issue till after full payment has been made, and that is right. There is a provision in the report of the Committee on Revenue and Taxation which provides that none of the property of the State... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. LAUDER was adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6: Mr. Blewett's Substitute Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BLEWETT was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections seven and eight were adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections seven and eight were adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 9 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 9: Mr. Bean's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERTSON. This particular question was discussed in the committee, and the reason it was left as it is, was that a section of land in the grazing portions of the State would not rent for very much for grazing purposes by itself, and it was thought... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 9: Mr. Robertson's Amendment to Mr. Bean's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
This amendment to the amendment was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I should oppose that amendment because the land would be taxable anyhow. Mr. ROBERTSON. I don’t understand the amendment. Mr. MOER. I would like to inquire of the gentleman from Richland how the tax can be collected on these... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. That just kills the whole article. The appraisers may go out and appraise the land for $30 or $40 or $50 an acre and it must not be sold for any less. That would ruin the whole thing. Mr. ROBERTSON. If this motion carries it... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. O’BRIEN. It seems to me that it is unnecessary for us to lumber up this section with another amendment. Congress has already made a provision in regard to this matter, and I don’t see why it is necessary for us to try to aid Congress in any way in... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BEAN was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections nine and ten were then adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections nine and ten were then adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 11 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 11: Mr. Gray's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. GRAY was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The remainder of the article was adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERTSON. The object which the committee had in presenting this article and this section was to give the occupants of our school lands no other recognition than that of trespassers; to give them no rights, and not allow the fact of their... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The remainder of the article was adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The remainder of the article was adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Proceed to Consider File No. 125 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 125: Municipal Corporations (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 125: Municipal Corporations (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1: Mr. Miller's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 125: Municipal Corporations (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1: Mr. Noble's Amendment to Mr. Miller's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. NOBLE was lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section introduced by Mr. MILLER was adopted. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Consider File No. 123 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND. I would ask that the reports of the committees be taken up according to their precedence they have on the table. In regard to the report of the Judiciary Committee I would say that there have been certain propositions made with a view to... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Consideration of File No. 121 Until Tomorrow Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The File was laid over. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123—the Elective Franchise—was then brough up for discussion. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1: Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1: Mr. Noble's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment to the amendment was accepted by the owner of the amendment. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment as amended was then put to a vote and lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1: Mr. Mathews' Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. As I understand it that would be an original proposition and must first go to the hands of the committee. Mr. MILLER. The reason for my introducing this amendment is simply this—that in all the cities in the State in which they desire to... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. I think the same might be urged in reference to any File. They are interested in all the Files—probably in one as much as in another. Mr. LAUDER. I think hardly so, Mr. CHAIRMAN, I think the gentlemen are particularly interested in the... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was seconded and lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 1: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was put to a vote and lost. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adjourn Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Re-Refer the Reports from the Committee on Elective Franchise Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. COLTON. I would say that I hope no such an amendment will carry. If a man has got to live in the State and county a required time he certainly, if he is a bona fide settler, can be in the precinct ninety days. This shinning around at election time... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MOER. With the substitute of the word “twenty” for “five,” I am willing to support the amendment. I am surprised that more gentlemen have not risen to their feet in support of the original amendment. I have heard a large number of the delegates... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Mr. Carland's Substitute to File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion that Mr. Moer's Amendment is Out of Order Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The CHAIRMAN. The Chair is of the opinion that this amendment is out of order. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Lay Mr. Carland's Substitute to the Article on Elective Franchise on the Table Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The CHAIR ruled that that could not be done. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Debate on Section 2 of the Article on Elective Franchise Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BELL. It seems strange to me that the gentleman should wish to debar from voting those citizens who shall come to this country hereafter. If the State was fully settled up it might be different, but as we all know the State is not one-quarter... Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 2: Mr. Parsons' Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Notice for Amendment on Section 2 of the Article on Elective Franchise Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections three, four, five, six and seven were adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 4 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections three, four, five, six and seven were adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 5 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections three, four, five, six and seven were adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 6 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections three, four, five, six and seven were adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 7 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections three, four, five, six and seven were adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8: Mr. Shelby's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. I think the gentleman from Morton is laboring under a slight misapprehension—at least I judge that from the statement he makes. This question that is touched on in regard to both of these reports was considered in committee, and a clear... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WELLWOOD. I cannot see where this would help the matter any. I don’t see that it makes any difference one way or another. The committee has worked over that thing and talked it over, and it has got to be an old matter with it, and it cannot... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8: Mr. Carland's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CARLAND was carried, and the section was adopted as amended. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CARLAND was carried, and the section was adopted as amended. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Report Recommending the Rejection of the Australian Bill at the End of the Article on Elective Franchise to the Convention Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I don’t wish to occupy the time of the Convention at this time. I would like to say that we don’t deny that this is pure legislation, but this bill has passed the Legislature of the Territory of Dakota, and was purloined or... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. MILLER was adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Colton's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. I object to this amendment being added to this article for the same reason that I objected to the Australian bill. It has reference solely to the method of conducting elections and is a matter that should be relegated to the Legislature. If... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Wallace's Amendment to Mr. Colton's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. WALLACE was lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. COLTON was lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 131: Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I agree with you that it is necessary that your voters should be fit to elect the officers we need, but it does seem to me that this registration business would not be practicable. You who have run elections know that very... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one, two and three were passed [...] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one, two and three were passed [...] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one, two and three were passed [...] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Johnson's amendment to Mr. Purcell's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was accepted by Mr. PURCELL. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. I hope the motion will not prevail. I think that when we have a Supreme Court travelling around the State as is proposed we had better change the title to that of a travelling [sic] court. Mr. STEVENS. I hope the amendment to the... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Stevens' Amendment to Mr. Purcell's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Reconsider Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PURCELL. In view of the point made I would ask the gentleman from Nelson to withdraw his amendment as I think the substitute covers the point—“until otherwise provided by law,” so in case the Capital is changed the Legislature might make provision... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON withdrew his amendment. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8: Mr. Scott's Amendment to Mr. Carland's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Seconded by Mr. STEVENS, and lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CARLAND was carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 9 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 9: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. As I understand the rule of courtesy in this committee and in others, it was not necessary to introduce a minority report on every little matter that members of the committee may advocate. The Committee on the Judicial Department was far... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. JOHNSON was lost by a vote of 32 to 27. Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I desire to have it recorded that I vote for this amendment, simply from principle. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. I desire to say this in justification of my action: When this question was voted on by the committee I voted in favor of three terms of court to be held at the seat of government. I am now going to vote for this amendment as introduced by... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. PURCELL was lost[...] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[...]and the section as reported by the committee was adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Bennett's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute was seconded and lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 10 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 10: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. PURCELL was put to a vote with the result that it was adopted by a vote of 30 to 19. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 10: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. If we are so careless of the use of what we consider to be vital—namely, the right of suffrage, why should we not be fully as careless in regard to the qualifications which we impose on our candidates for the Supreme Bench. A carpet bagger... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. Would it not be well to strike out the figures “1889” and insert in lieu thereof “1890” in the fifth line? Mr. CARLAND. That would leave the Territorial Judges to serve till 1890. Mr. JOHNSON. If you do this, as soon as practicable after... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. If the motion of the gentleman from Burleigh is carried, we will find that we have a section providing that the judges shall not be elected for longer than six years, and yet we will go and elect one for seven years. It does not seem to me... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion for the Committee to Rise and Report to the Convention Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 10: Mr. Bennett's Restated Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PURCELL. It seems to me that no man should be eligible until after he has been three years in the Territory. Mr. O’BREN. As I understand it, before we took a recess this matter came up, and was passed upon, and we left here with the idea that... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Consider Section 10 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
A vote was then taken on the amendment of Mr. BENNETT and it was decided to indefinitely postpone the same. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
A vote was then taken on the amendment of Mr. BENNETT and it was decided to indefinitely postpone the same. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 15 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 15: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PURCELL. The last section introduced by the gentleman from Burleigh which requires the Judges of the Supreme Court to give their opinion, would conflict with No. 12, which reads: “No duty shall be imposed by law upon the Supreme Court or any of... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I am opposed to this amendment. In the committee I believe that I favored three years, but a motion was made to increase it to five years and that was carried. I, as one member, objected to the increase, but it was almost... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. ROLFE was lost Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 10: Mr. Bennett's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recess Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
A member suggested that there were no facilities for lighting the hall. The CHAIRMAN. I desire to state that there are large lamps and a sufficient number to light the hall properly. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. I have no objection to the section with this exception, there should be some provision by which the first Legislature may fix the salary of the judges. I believe it has been held by the Supreme Court of this Territory that where the county... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 17, Section 18, Section 19, Section 20 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Debate Mr. Williams' Amendment Section by Section Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[...]and carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 20 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I think that section twenty introduced by the gentleman from Burleigh is unnecessary. The article provides for a Reporter who will do just what is required of the judges. If that prevails, then the other section which provides for a... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 19 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 19: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 19: Mr. Carland's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WILLIAMS. It is true partially what the gentlemen says, but the latter part of the section is not within the power of the Supreme Court unless we put it in here. The latter part provides that they may make rules for admission to the bar of the... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND’S substitute to strike out the whole section was carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WILLIAMS. I hope the motion will not prevail. I don’t think it will conflict with the section which the gentleman refers to. It is a provision which I found in many constitutions and I think it should be put in here. I think it would have a... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion to strike out the section was lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt the New Section 19 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted by a vote of 33 to 25. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Reconsider Section 12 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND. As neither one of these sections has been adopted by the Convention yet, I don’t see the necessity of reconsidering number twelve. Mr. FLEMINGTON. We have a Committee on Revision and Adjustment which will examine into this matter and if... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 17 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 17: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BARTLETT was put to a vote and carried. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MOER. I would like to inquire whether the amendment has placed the section so that the judges have no power to execute writs of habaes corpus or remedial writs outside their own districts. Do they want it so that a man cannot procure a writ from... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The committee then rose. Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 137: Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department Copy: Mr. Carland's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The File as amended by Mr. CARLAND's motion was adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The File as amended by Mr. CARLAND's motion was adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 106: North Dakota Constitution Copy: Incorporating File No. 133 as the Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Substitute the Preamble of File No. 106 for that of File No. 133 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 106: North Dakota Constitution Copy: Incorporating File No. 74 as the Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Substitute File No. 74 as the Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 106: North Dakota Constitution Copy: Incorporating File No. 74 as the Preamble: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BARTLETT was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. POLLOCK was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 106: North Dakota Constitution Copy: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. It won't be unusual by that time, as it is already being tested. If these words are there for the purpose of preventing experiments then I think it should be there. The committee thought that it was better to have such a provision there... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. ROLFE was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
TRIAL BY JURY. Sections one to six inclusive were adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one to six inclusive were adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I desire to say in support of this motion that I believe that no District Court Judge or District Court should have jurisdiction outside the limits of the territory of the court, unless in the absence or inability of the... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. I have read the preambles of almost all the constitutions in the different states of the Union, and I don't believe there is a terser, more expressive, more complete preamble to any constitution in any state in the Union than the one we... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Section 7 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BEAN was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section seven was adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. ROLFE was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. I have no objection to the spirit of what is contained in that proposed amendment, but it seems to me that it is a matter that belongs to the Legislature. There are other matters just as important as this that scarcely any member would ask... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Debate on Incorporating File No. 89 until Monday Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. PARSONS was adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Section 6: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Section 7: Mr. Bean's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Section 8: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The committee then rose. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Consider Files No. 134 and 135 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 135: Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. I would like to know if there has been any motion made to change the rules here—any different rule adopted? Is there any precedent for the Clerk reading an article then reading another without being requested to do so. The CHAIRMAN. It... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND. I hope the amendment will not prevail, for if we are to retain trial by jury at all I think we must retain it as it was known to the common law. If we are not to retain it I should like to have some good reason given for setting it aside,... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Section one of the Minority Report to the Convention Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Read the Minority and Majority Reports Section by Section Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Read the Reports by Corresponding Sections Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CAMP. I am in favor of abolishing the grand jury, but I don't see why the section is not just as good as it now stands, as it would be with the amendments of the gentleman from Benson. The section provides that the Legislature may establish some... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Delete] File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Adding File No. 89 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Incorporate File No. 89 into File No. 133 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. I see a great many vacant chairs. To my mind the most important subjects that we will have to consider will be that of corporations other than municipal, and taxation and revenue. I hope these two subjects will be delayed if possible till... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. I see a great many vacant chairs. To my mind the most important subjects that we will have to consider will be that of corporations other than municipal, and taxation and revenue. I hope these two subjects will be delayed if possible till... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Proceed According to the Regular Order Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Reconsider the Previous Motion Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Take Sections of the Majority Report and Move the Minority Corresponding Section as a Substitute Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections two, three, four, five and six of the majority report were adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Substituting the Minority Report for Section 7 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. I think that I know more about this question than any man who did not come from a coal or iron working state. The black list originated in the coal fields of Illinois. Miners who were not satisfactory or who objected to their wages or in... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Substitute Section 7 for the Corresponding Section in the Minority Report Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. I would like to ask the meaning of the words "and the law." Does it mean some future law that the Legislature may make? Mr. MOER. It would probably mean any law relative to that corporation, I should think. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. MOER was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections seven, eight, nine and ten were adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections seven, eight, nine and ten were adopted. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 11 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. I am inclined to think that this section as it now stands will work a serious injury to railroad building in the State of North Dakota. If it is to be strictly construed it certainly will do that. It is a fact probably known to every member... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 11 Until Monday Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I am willing to postpone this matter, for it is of so great importance that we should not consider it hastily. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. STEVENS was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 12 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Substitution Section 12 for Section 9 of the Minority Report Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. I desire to ask a question of somebody. How far would that section be interfered with by the present Interstate Commerce Law? We don't want to adopt anything that will be in direct conflict with that law. It comes close to a subject that... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Substitution Section 12 for Section 9 of the Minority Report: Mr. Parsons' Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MOER. I think it would be rather a hard matter to make a telegraph company a common carrier. Mr. LAUDER. I had always supposed that they are common carriers. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. PARSONS of Morton was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Substitution Section 12 for Section 9 of the Minority Report: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was seconded and carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. I have been waiting for somebody to say something in favor of the section that it is proposed to substitute for that reported by the majority of the committee. I figure that this section is the most important section in the minority... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Substitution Section 12 for Section 9 of the Minority Report: Mr. Parsons' Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. Does the gentleman offer this as a substitute for section nine? Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I offer it as a substitute and that the committee report that. Mr. LAUDER. The committee have taken a great deal of time; they are men of undoubted... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. PARSONS was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. MOER was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. FLEMINGTON. As I understand it the last vote was upon the motion of the gentleman from LaMoure as to whether section nine of the minority report should be substituted for the majority report. Mr. APPLETON. I don't believe that this is a jug... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Another vote was taken on the question whether section nine of the minority report should be substituted for section twelve of the majority report with the result that the motion was lost by a vote of 20 to 35. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise and Report Progress Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 12 of File No. 134 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The CHAIRMAN. No motion is necessary. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 12: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 12: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BELL. Is it not very strange that so many of our bright legal lights have been fighting nothing? He says it is nothing. They have used all the law they could get, and still they say it is nothing. I think there must be something in this section... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I am opposed to the amendment of the gentleman from Ransom, because there is something wrong in it. I don't know if he observes it. It makes no provision to the effect that the rate fixed by the Railroad Commission shall be in... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recommend that Section 12 of File No. 134 be Rejected Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Section 12 when the Committee Rise Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The committee then rose. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Read Section 11 of File 140 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section eleven of File No. 134 was read as follows: Sec. 11. No railroad corporation shall consolidate its stock, property or franchises with any other railroad corporation owning a parallel or competing line; and in no case shall any consolidation... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. Mr. Miller was looking up the matter of this section, and I see that he is not in his chair. Mr. JOHNSON. This is a very important section, and I desire to say that it is no novelty as a constitutional provision. I could read you similar... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 11: Mr. Robertson's Amendment Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was lost by a vote of 16 to 29. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 11: Mr. Moer's Amendment Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. Moer was lost. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 11: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. Spalding was lost. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The original section—number eleven of the majority report—was then recommended for adoption. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. I object to that, for it will amount to the same thing as striking out the entire section. It would be an easy matter for any new company to organize outside the State to evade this section. Mr. MOER. I would simply say the section would... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 15: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Section two in question reads as follows: Sec. 2. The term "corporation" as used in this article, shall not be under stood as embracing municipalities or political divisions of the State unless otherwise expressly... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 16 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections sixteen and seventeen were adopted. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 17 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections sixteen and seventeen were adopted. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The only objection I have had raised to this amendment, as I originally offered it, was that it would be possible for some person who had been discharged from a corporation to make trouble and difficulty under this clause. But if you will notice the... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. Parsons was lost by a vote of 18 to 22. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Johnson's Additional Section Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. Johnson's Additional Section to File No. 134 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Refer Mr. Johnson's Amendment to the Committee on Militia Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. I will accept that amendment if you add after the word “state” the words “or doing business.” Mr. FAY. It seems to me that the words that the gentleman from Nelson would add are meaningless. If they are not doing business within the state,... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. This question of passes is a very difficult and a very interesting question. There has been a great deal of discussion upon it, and I hardly know what is the best method of dealing with it. It was my deliberate judgment when I came here as... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. As far as I am concerned, as a member of the committee I am willing that it should be $100,000. Some of the members thought it should be two, and it was put so. I have no feeling in this matter whatever. Mr. STEVENS. I hope this amendment... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Mathews' Amendment Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. $100,000 is not such an insignificant sum as the gentleman from Ransom would have us believe. I would venture to say that if he should ever undertake to irrigate North Dakota or any considerable portion of it, even $200,000 or... Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. Mathews was lost. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. Rolfe was lost. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 2 Until Tomorrow Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion to postpone was carried by vote of 24 to 11. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The committee then rose. Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Read Section 2 of File No. 140 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section two of File No. 140 was then read, as follows: Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Elliott's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. I think that this matter of conflict should be left to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. It will be hard for us to take up these matters and decide on the merits of the case. The Committee on Revision will report any conflict. It... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. I hope the amendment will not prevail, for the reason that while the 4 per cent, limit might be feasible in a case of the larger counties, it is hardly the limit that would be advisable in the case of the smaller counties, upon which the... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Scott's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CAMP. I differ with the gentleman in the meaning of the term “municipal corporation.” Ordinarily it does not include county, town or school district. If we are to fix any limit to the indebtedness of the counties, school districts, or towns, it... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. SCOTT to strike out section two was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. ELLIOTT to strike out "five" and insert "four" was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I don’t see the object of the gentleman from Dickey in wanting to have “city” and “town” struck out, any more than county and school district. I don’t see how that will amend this. We then have section three of File No. 125, providing that... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. FLEMINGTON was then voted upon and carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. If you want to amend this by changing “four” to “five” you will accomplish about all you want to accomplish. I hope there will be no mutilation of this article. It strikes me this matter of public debt applies to everything—city, county... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Place holder Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Instruct the Committee on Revision to Amend File No. 125 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The Chair ruled that this motion was out of order. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Refer the Section of File No. 125 to the Committee on Public Debts and Public Works Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. SCOTT was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recommit Section 2 of File No. 140 and Section 3 of File 125 to the Committee on Municipal Corporations Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. O’BRIEN. The difficulty in the way of this action is this: File No. 125 was before the committee with the amendment offered by the gentleman from Cass, and is now in the hands of the Revision Committee, so that we have practically lost control of... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I would like to ask if the motion of the gentleman from Barnes included Files Nos. 125 and 140 both? The CHAIRMAN. I understand that it only includes this section. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Flemington's Second Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I have been pleased to hear the talent here, but it seems to me that if we would let this go to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment, a great deal of trouble would be saved to us. We have been discussing this matter... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. FLEMINGTON was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections two and three were adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections two and three were adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. WALLACE was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BARTLETT was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections four and five were then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections four and five were then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. This is a matter that was laid before the committee and they gave it serious consideration. After doing this they reported it as we have it here, and I think it would be a good deal better for us to take it as we find it, and... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 140: Article on State Deficits (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. I don’t think it is necessary to discuss this. It seems so apparent that a certificate or evidence of indebtedness should include the statement that it was issued pursuant to law. Mr. BEAN. The object of this article is apparent, and it is... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. ROLFE was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report from the Committee on County and Township Organization on File No. 63 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was carried, and the section adopted as amended. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was carried, and the section adopted as amended. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Holmes' Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. [Editor's Note: The committee continues reading subsequent sections of the article; therefore, it can be assumed that Section 4 was adopted.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Lowell's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. It would be better to substitute "eighteen" for "twenty." Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Wallace's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. LOWELL was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. WALLACE was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section five was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Richardson's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Flemington's Amendment to Mr. Richardson's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Scott's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. SCOTT was carried by a vote of 33 to 25. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Camp's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Stevens' Amendment to Mr. Camp's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CAMP. I accept that amendment. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Camp's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. There may be some reason why, perhaps, some of the officers enumerated in that section, shall be restricted in the time they shall be allowed to hold their offices with advantage to the public; but there are officers enumerated in that... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. STEVENS. There is no provision made for calling such an election. I desire to offer an amendment. Mr. LAUDER. I would like to ask a question. I would like to know if this section implies any procedure by which the question may be submitted to a... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CAMP to Mr. FLEMINGTON'S amendment was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I am in favor of the amendment of the gentleman from Dickey as far as it goes, but I cannot say I see anything in it that provides for a change in the present system of county government from the commissioner system to the supervisor... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Stevens' Amendment to Mr. Lauder's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was accepted by Mr. LAUDER. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. HOLMES. I would like to ask the gentleman from Richland if he would accept another amendment. An election should not be forced upon the people by the petition of fifty persons. I should like to see it made twenty-five from each township in the... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone the Whole Matter Until Tomorrow Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. SCOTT to postpone was lost. [Editor's Note: It was Mr. Noble who made the motion to postpone.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I would second that, but I would prefer to make it two terms. Mr. FLEMINGTON. I think the sheriff and the treasurer should be for one term each. The treasurer should account at the end of each term, and there is no way to have... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 8 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Scott's Amendment to Mr. Lauder's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. SCOTT to substitute the word "general" was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. FLEMINGTON as amended was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. FLEMINGTON as amended was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. FLEMINGTON as amended was then adopted. [Editor's Note: The committee continued reading subsequent sections of the article; therefore, it can be assumed that sections 7 and 8 were adopted as amended.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. FLEMINGTON as amended was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. FLEMINGTON as amended was then adopted. [Editor's Note: The committee continued reading subsequent sections of the article; therefore, it can be assumed that sections 7 and 8 were adopted as amended.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 8: Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. FLEMINGTON. [...] Under section seven as it is reported by the committee, the Legislature will provide for township organization, and as I understand that section, every county within the State of North Dakota must organize under the township... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9: Mr. Almen's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. ALMEN was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9: Mr. O'Brien's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Divide the Question Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ELLIOTT. I call for a division of the question. The first part of the amendment providing that all officers shall be paid by fixed salaries, was adopted. The remainder of the amendment was then adopted. [Editor's Note: The amendment of Mr.... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. That destroys the sense of the amendment of the gentleman from Dickey very materially. It is practically a substitute. I understand that we are trying to arrive at some system of county organization, and to decide whether it shall be a... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Lauder's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I would suggest that that is no amendment to the substitute. The gentleman from Dickey has accepted what I have offered, so the only question is the substitute offered by the gentleman from Dickey. Mr. NOBLE. But the substitutes are as long... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. [...] I don’t think any county should be put to the expense of calling a special election for this purpose, and as is well known, it is not a very hard thing to get a petition signed by one-fourth of the voters on any question. It would be a... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment: Part 1 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The first part of the amendment providing that all officers shall be paid by fixed salaries, was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment: Part 2 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The remainder of the amendment was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The remainder of the amendment was then adopted. [Editor's Note: The committee continued reading subsequent sections of the article; therefore, it can be assumed that section 9 was adopted as amended.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 10 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section ten was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ALMEN. I offered this amendment for the reason that in our county we pay in fees to the register of deeds, $4,880, and the man who is in that office is not capable of transacting any business himself, and he has a deputy and two clerks who are... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. [...] My purpose is to classify the counties so that they may be reasonably apportioned to the amount of work to be done. It is easy to see that the salaries that would be adequate for my county would not be adequate for the... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Flemington's Proposed Section 11 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Rowe's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. Rowe was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Carland's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was accepted by Mr. FLEMINGTON. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 139: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Appleton's Amendment to Mr. Flemington's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. APPLETON was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section of Mr. FLEMINGTON was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The committee then rose, and the Convention adjourned. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one and two were adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. FLEMINGTON. Under the present system in this Territory the register of deeds accounts monthly with the treasurer, and quarterly with the county commissioners, and I presume he will be held to strict account under the system which may be adopted... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one and two were adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. JOHNSON. There are many religious corporations that have branches. For instance the Catholic, or Methodist, or Presbyterian church. Does that amendment mean any one piece of property worth $50,000 or property belonging to one corporation? Mr.... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Moer's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I hope that the substitute just offered by the gentleman from LaMoure will not prevail. It seems to me that section three contains the correct idea on this question. This section provides that laws shall be passed taxing by uniform rule all... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. MOER was lost by a vote of 37 to 33. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3: Mr. Harris' Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. The gentleman from Burleigh has well said that this discussion regarding church property was entirely a blind. This is simply the question again that we fought over in the matter of corporations. This is to leave the matter of taxation... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. HARRIS was lost by a vote of 30 to 33. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section three as reported by the committee was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Hegge's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. NOMELAND. If this section be adopted we shall lose a good deal of taxes. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The vote on Mr. SPALDING’S motion to strike out the section as amended was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Camp's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Spalding's Second Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4: Mr. Steven's to Mr. Spalding's Second Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SPALDING. I think that uncultivated land similarly situated should not be assessed at the same value. Mr. STEVENS. It is simply another way of gaining time for the purpose of killing this section, and I hope you will just vote down every amendment... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The proposed amendments were then voted down and the section adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The proposed amendments were then voted down and the section adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The proposed amendments were then voted down and the section adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section five was adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I don’t understand as to what proportion of this tax shall be paid to the counties. It says: “And the same shall be apportioned to the counties, cities, towns, townships and districts in which said roads are located in porportion to the... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. PURCELL was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Carland's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Noble's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to Mr. Noble's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. NOBLE was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Blewett's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Moer's Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I think this is one of the most useful sections we have in this Constitution. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SPALDING. [...] I make this motion so that we may not have a section in conflict with the one that we have just passed. We have provided that the Legislature shall pass laws taxing by uniform rule all property according to its true value in money,... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. It would seem to be a bright idea if the poll tax were eliminated. It has been a question which I suppose will be solved here shortly, whether we desire a uniform system of taxation or not. Here is a relic of the old fedual [sic]... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion of Mr. MOER was lost. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7: Mr. Noble's Second Amendment Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section as amended was then adopted. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 8 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections eight and nine were then adopted and the committee rose. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9 Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections eight and nine were then adopted and the committee rose. Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Williams' Amendmnet Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MOER. I should be opposed to that for the reason that according to this File it is submitted to two houses—first the house this year must ratify the proposed amendment and the house two years after must ratify it again, and it seems to me that... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The first section was adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WILLIAMS. We ought to frame a fundamental law here that will meet with the approval of the people of this State, and if it is approved by the voters it ought not to be subject to amendment every year or second year. It strikes me that we will be... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Mr. Williams' Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Williams' Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MOER. I apprehend the Legislature has full power in this matter if we say nothing about it in the Constitution. I apprehend the Legislature can assemble a Constitutional Convention any day they see fit for the purpose of revising this Constitution.... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Postpone Mr. Spalding's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was seconded and carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Holmes' Amendment to Mr. Williams' Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WALLACE. I don't hear any second to the motion of the gentleman. I should say that a majority of the people should have the right to say what they want. It is not customary to require a two-thirds vote, and I think it would be unwise to put it that... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. WILLIAMS was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Williams' Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The File was then adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The File was then adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 59 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 59 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. I think the word "the" is preferable. There is no state yet. It presupposed the existence of something which now exists. We speak of a State that is to be formed. Mr. SPALDING. No part of this Constitution refers to any State that exists... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Refer Section 1 to the Committee on Revision. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. SPALDING was then put to a vote and carried. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MATHEWS. I understood the vote was that it be referred to the Committee on Revision. That is what I voted on. The CHAIRMAN. This section will go to that committee and probably will receive attention from them. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 59 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. It seems to me that this section is improper. I have not an amendment that I can offer now, but I will point out to the committee wherein the error exists. The seventh standard parallel does not intersect the Red River of the North. The Red... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 2 of File No. 59 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. LAUDER. It seems to me that "Liberty and Union, one and inseparable, now and forever" is somewhat transposed. Why is it not put in the original way? It seems to me that if we are taking a quotation from Daniel Webster to be incorporated and made... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 142: Proposed Articles (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 142: Proposed Articles (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SPALDING. My recollection is the same as that of the gentleman from Richland. But it seems to me that we should be absolutely certain, and the records should not be cumbered with this unless we are sure. It might be well to make the suggestion to... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 142: Proposed Articles (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 142: Proposed Articles (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Blewett's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The substitute of Mr. BLEWETT was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SPALDING. I see nothing objectionable in the words introduced by the gentleman from Nelson, but it strikes me we should have a seal twice the usual size the accommodate the words. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of MR. JOHNSON was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The File was then adopted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion for File No. 72 to Become a Section in Report of the Committee from Miscellaneous Subjects Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 72 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. We are spending thousands of dollars in the cause of education—thousands every year—and the evil which I seek to avert has become so prevalent in eastern states that they have endeavored in one way and another to bring children... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 72 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MATHEWS. I am in favor of the amendment to make it "ten" years. In New York and other states in the east lots of children are left homeless and without father or mother, and they have to earn livings of their own, and in many cases this is a great... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey was lost. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I hope this section will pass as it now stands. If you want to save the country from tramps and vagabonds, give them work to do while they are young. I went into the world and worked for myself ever since I was a little boy. I... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 72 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1: Mr. Flemington's Amendment Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Recommend the Indefinite Postponement of the Section Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The Chair ruled that the motion of Mr. MOER was out of order. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I don't think it wise to incorporate this section in the Constitution. I don't think it wise to limit the age at which a child may being work. In the case of some children it is absolutely necessary that they work for themselves. They are... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion that the Committee Recommend that the Proposed Article and Amendments be not Adopted Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted, with the word "twelve" inserted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted, with the word "twelve" inserted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted, with the word "twelve" inserted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted, with the word "twelve" inserted. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adjourn Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 1 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one to five inclusive were adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one to five inclusive were adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 3 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one to five inclusive were adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 4 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one to five inclusive were adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 5 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections one to five inclusive were adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BEAN. This amendment made in the Committee of the Whole was as the Committee on Schools and Public Lands intended it to be. They did not intend those three words to be in there. They did not intend to have more than a quarter section offered at any... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 6 as it Came From the Committee Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. JOHNSON was accepted by Mr. STEVENS. The motion of Mr. STEVENS was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Scott's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BEAN. We have just adopted the section, and this amendment is not in order. Mr. SPALDING. I know, or I think I know, what the motion of the gentleman from Ransom was, but the Chair did not put it so as to make the motion an adoption of this... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. WILLIAMS. I hope the motion of the gentleman from Dickey—Mr. FLEMINGTON—will prevail. I think boys of twelve years of age are able to do pretty well a man's work. Many of them on farms come near doing a man's work, and sometimes they are compelled... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CAMP. It seems to me that the penalty imposed is very severe. It is going far beyond any tax law I ever read. I never knew of a man losing title to his land on his tax becoming delinquent. In this Territory we have three years—two years after the... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Matthew's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 6: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. If the question is open for discussion again I would like to hear the gentleman from Ransom say why it is the best policy to insert in the Constitution a provision which will say the State must sell 160 acres, neither more or less. I want to... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The section was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 7 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections seven and eight were adopted with verbal corrections. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 8 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Sections seven and eight were adopted with verbal corrections. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 9: Mr Steven's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adopt Section 9 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 11: Mr. Pollock's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
All the remaining sections were adopted Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 13 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
All the remaining sections were adopted Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Adjourn Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
All the remaining sessions were adopted and the committee rose. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Credentials
The Committee on Credentials was appointed as follows: Messrs. ROWE of Dickey, MILLER of Cass and MEACHAM of Foster. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Credentials
The Committee on Credentials was appointed as follows: Messrs. ROWE of Dickey, MILLER of Cass and MEACHAM of Foster. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Credentials
The Committee on Credentials was appointed as follows: Messrs. ROWE of Dickey, MILLER of Cass and MEACHAM of Foster. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules for Permanent Organization
The Committee on Rules was appointed as follows: Messrs. STEVENS of Ransom, COLTON of Ward, SCOTT of Barnes, BENNETT of Grand Forks, TURNER of Bottineau, CAMP of Stutsman, SLOTTEN of Richland, ALLIN of Walsh, CLARK of Eddy and APPLETON of Pembina. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: Printing—Roger Allin, chairman, Walsh; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; C. V. Brown, Wells; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; W. J. Clapp, Cass. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: Printing—Roger Allin, chairman, Walsh; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; C. V. Brown, Wells; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; W. J. Clapp, Cass. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: Printing—Roger Allin, chairman, Walsh; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; C. V. Brown, Wells; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; W. J. Clapp, Cass. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROBERTSON. I hope the motion of the gentleman from Barnes will not prevail. This provision amending section nine was made by the committee in response to an almost unanimous demand, and it seems to me that we should adopt the section from File No.... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The various amendments were voted down, and the report of the committee adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 10 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section ten was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 11 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. POLLOCK was lost. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
All the remaining sections were adopted Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 12 Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: Printing—Roger Allin, chairman, Walsh; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; C. V. Brown, Wells; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; W. J. Clapp, Cass. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: Printing—Roger Allin, chairman, Walsh; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; C. V. Brown, Wells; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; W. J. Clapp, Cass. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Reporting and Publication—J. F. Selby, chairman, Traill; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. Wellwood, Barnes; O. G. Meacham, Foster, A. S. Parsons, Morton Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Reporting and Publication—J. F. Selby, chairman, Traill; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. Wellwood, Barnes; O. G. Meacham, Foster, A. S. Parsons, Morton Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Reporting and Publication—J. F. Selby, chairman, Traill; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. Wellwood, Barnes; O. G. Meacham, Foster, A. S. Parsons, Morton Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Reporting and Publication—J. F. Selby, chairman, Traill; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. Wellwood, Barnes; O. G. Meacham, Foster, A. S. Parsons, Morton Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Reporting and Publication—J. F. Selby, chairman, Traill; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. Wellwood, Barnes; O. G. Meacham, Foster, A. S. Parsons, Morton Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Hegge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Militia—P. McHugh, chairman, Cavalier; G. H. Fay, McIntosh; John Almen, Walsh; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Militia—P. McHugh, chairman, Cavalier; G. H. Fay, McIntosh; John Almen, Walsh; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Militia—P. McHugh, chairman, Cavalier; G. H. Fay, McIntosh; John Almen, Walsh; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Militia—P. McHugh, chairman, Cavalier; G. H. Fay, McIntosh; John Almen, Walsh; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Militia—P. McHugh, chairman, Cavalier; G. H. Fay, McIntosh; John Almen, Walsh; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. Johnson's Additional Section to File No. 134 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
File No. 46 Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
File No. 44 Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
File No. 142: Proposed Articles Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Temperance —A. P. Haugen, chairman, Grand Forks; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; R. M. Pollock, Cass; A. Blewett, Stutsman; Ezra Turner, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Temperance —A. P. Haugen, chairman, Grand Forks; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; R. M. Pollock, Cass; A. Blewett, Stutsman; Ezra Turner, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Temperance —A. P. Haugen, chairman, Grand Forks; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; R. M. Pollock, Cass; A. Blewett, Stutsman; Ezra Turner, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Temperance —A. P. Haugen, chairman, Grand Forks; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; R. M. Pollock, Cass; A. Blewett, Stutsman; Ezra Turner, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Temperance —A. P. Haugen, chairman, Grand Forks; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; R. M. Pollock, Cass; A. Blewett, Stutsman; Ezra Turner, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revision and Adjustment —David Bartlett, chairman, Griggs; O. G. Meacham, Foster ; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; E. W. Camp, Stutsman; V. B. Noble, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revision and Adjustment —David Bartlett, chairman, Griggs; O. G. Meacham, Foster ; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; E. W. Camp, Stutsman; V. B. Noble, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revision and Adjustment —David Bartlett, chairman, Griggs; O. G. Meacham, Foster ; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; E. W. Camp, Stutsman; V. B. Noble, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revision and Adjustment —David Bartlett, chairman, Griggs; O. G. Meacham, Foster ; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; E. W. Camp, Stutsman; V. B. Noble, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revision and Adjustment —David Bartlett, chairman, Griggs; O. G. Meacham, Foster ; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; E. W. Camp, Stutsman; V. B. Noble, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Resolution Relating to the Water Ways Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
The committee was appointed as follows: WILLIAMS of Burleigh, PARSONS of Morton, TURNER of Bottineau, CARLAND of Burleigh, ALLIN of Walsh, STEVENS of Ransom and JOHNSON of Nelson. Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
Rules of the Convention Saturday July 1889Committee: Committee on Rules
THE RULES OF THE HOUSE. Mr. CARLAND. I am directed by the Committee on Rules to submit the report of that committee. The rules were read. [Editor's Note: The Rules of the Convention were presented and read on July 6, 1889; therefore, it can be assumed... Saturday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Education—J. D. McKenzie, chairman, Sargent; H. M. Clark, Eddy; W. J. Clapp, Cass; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; J. McBride, Cavalier; J. A. Douglas, Walsh Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Institutions and Buildings—H. F. Miller, chairman, Cass; A. O. Whipple, Ramsey; Richard Bennett, Grand Forks; Joseph Powers [sic], Sargent; M. K. Marrinan, Walsh;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: Printing—Roger Allin, chairman, Walsh; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; C. V. Brown, Wells; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; W. J. Clapp, Cass. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Reporting and Publication—J. F. Selby, chairman, Traill; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. Wellwood, Barnes; O. G. Meacham, Foster, A. S. Parsons, Morton Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Accounts and Expenses—O. G. Meacham, chairman, Foster; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; B. R. Glick, Cavalier; M. F. Henge, Traill; Edward Lohnes, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Preamble and Bill of Rights—R. N. Stevens, chairman, Ransom; Elmer Elliott, Barnes; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; S. H. Moer, LaMoure; Joseph Powles, Cavalier: M. V.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Legislative Department—E. A. Williams, chairman, Burleigh; Roger Allin, Walsh; W. E. Purcell, Richland; Addison Leach, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; R. B. Richardson,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Executive—W. H. Rowe, chairman, Dickey; John Shuman, Sargent; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks; H. F. Miller, Cass; Alexander Griggs, Grand Forks; David Bartlett, Griggs; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Judicial Department—John E. Carland, chairman, Burleigh; W. S. Lauder, Richland; David Bartlett, Griggs; J. F. Selby, Traill; R. M. Pollock, Cass; J. F. O’Brien, Ramsey;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Elective Franchise—A. S. Parsons, chairman, Morton; Charles Carothers, Grand Forks; Ezra Turner, Bottineau; R. M. Pollock, Cass; H. M. Clark, Eddy; James Bell, Walsh; J.... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. I hope this motion will not prevail. It seems to me that these expressions of the people should be heard here. It seems to me the people have a right to send petitions to this body, and that we have a right to hear them. Mr. BARTLETT of... Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Public Debt and Public Works—E. D. Wallace, chairman, Steele; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Knud Nomland, Traill; J. Lowell, Cass; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; Alexander Griggs, Grand... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Militia—P. McHugh, chairman, Cavalier; G. H. Fay, McIntosh; John Almen, Walsh; Andrew Blewett, Stutsman; J. H. Mathews, Grand Forks. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] County and Township Organizations—A. F. Appleton, chairman; Pembina; T. W. Bean, Nelson; Enos Gray, Cass; E. S. Rolfe, Benson; J. McBride, Cavalier; A. Sandager, Ransom;... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 184 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 184 and 185 were read and adopted. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XI: Section 185 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 184 and 185 were read and adopted. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I am perfectly satisfied that the President of this Convention is innocent of this charge. On Thursday night I made a motion to adjourn several times and it was, I believe, on my motion that the Convention finally adjourned. Once or twice... Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. It is my recollection that at least twice, delegates on the floor that Thursday evening asked if there was anything else for disposition, and my recollection was that the answer given was in the negative. If I am mistaken it would be a... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 24 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 24: Mr. Moer's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. ROLFE. I am in favor of section twenty-four in the minority report for various reasons. Section twenty-four of the majority report relates to probate courts. I undertake to say that it will be difficult for any member of the majority of the... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion for the Committee of the Whole to Rise into the Convention Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The committee then rose. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Ayes and nays demanded. The roll being called there were ayes, 71; nays, none, viz: Those voting in the affirmative were: Messrs—Allin, Appleton, Bartlett of Dickey, Bartlett of Griggs, Bell, Bennett, Best, Brown, Budge, Camp, Carland, Carothers,... Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Apportionment and Representation—Andrew Slotten, chairman, Richland; H. L. Holmes, Pembina; A. F. Appleton, Pembina; P. McHugh, Cayalier; J. L. Colton, Ward; Harvey... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revenue and Taxation—J. L. Colton, chairman. Ward; W. S. Lauder, Richland; M. F. Hegge, Traill; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Enos Gray, Cass; Harvey Harris, Burleigh; W. B.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Municipal Corporations —Richard Bennett, chairman, Grand Forks; J. Lowell, Cass; J. F. O'Brien, Ramsey; C. P. Parsons, Rolette; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; John Powers,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Corporations Other than Municipal—M. N. Johnson, chairman, Nelson; W. E. Purcell, Richland; E. D. Wallace, Steele; Jacob Lowell, Cass; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; S. H. Moer,... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Miscellaneous Subjects —W. E. Purcell, chairman, Richland; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; A. W. Hoyt, Morton; C. V. Brown, Wells; E. W. Chaffee, Cass; A. P. Haugen, Grand Forks;... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Schedule —W. S. Lauder, chairman, Richland; H. F. Miller, Cass; J. B. Gayton, Emmons; John Almen, Walsh; V. B. Noble, Bottineau; E. A. Williams, Burleigh; J. D. McKenzie, Sargent. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] School and Public Lands —H. M. Clark, chairman, Eddy; B. F. Spalding, Cass; T. W. Bean, Nelson; William Budge, Grand Forks; W. B. Best, Pembina; William Ray, Stark; J. A.... Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Temperance —A. P. Haugen, chairman, Grand Forks; L. D. Bartlett, Dickey; R. M. Pollock, Cass; A. Blewett, Stutsman; Ezra Turner, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Revision and Adjustment —David Bartlett, chairman, Griggs; O. G. Meacham, Foster ; J. E. Carland, Burleigh; E. W. Camp, Stutsman; V. B. Noble, Bottineau. Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
Mr. PRESIDENT announced the committees which he had appointed, as follows: [...] Impeachment and Removal from Office—Ezra Turner, chairman, Bottineau; M. V. Linwell, Nelson; R. B. Richardson, Pembina; E. W. Paulson, Traill; A. D. Flemington, Dickey; C.... Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. I don’t wish to argue the question. When it was discussed before it was in the Committee of the Whole. It is one of the three things that were desired by the Farmers’ Alliance, and they have a right to have it. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The substitute was lost. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment was carried. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER. The subject matter has been acted upon, but if there is no objection I will withdraw my motion. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Renew the Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Reports Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Motion to Adopt the Majority Report on the Table Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Have the Report of the Special Committee Submitted Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which Section 180 was Adopted Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. I would like to know what a black list is? Mr. PARSONS of Morton. It is a list of discharged employes, for no matter what cause, and circulated by agreement among corporations. It is supposed to be a list of employes that have been... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider on the Table Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIX: Section 219 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIX: Section 219: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Bartlett's Amendment on the Table Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Previous Question Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIX: Section 219: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
While the section was being voted upon, Mr. BEAN said: I wish to explain my vote as regards this article; in fact, all the votes we have taken this evening on this question. When I first came to this Convention I was opposed to the Convention locating... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read the Report of the Committee of the Whole Section by Section Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 4: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Carland's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Purcell's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. In support of the motion so far as section nineteen is concerned, I desire at this time to again renew the same objections that I urged in the Committee of the Whole tot he adoption of that section. I believe it to be pernicious and unwise... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. Does the adoption of this report adopt the sections? The CHAIRMAN. No, sir. Mr. NOBLE. Then if the motion prevails, what is to be done with the report of the Committee of the Whole prior to the report of the Judiciary. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. It seems to me that the section as adopted by the Committee of the Whole is as it should be. The gentleman from Richland refers to the fact that now, while we are a territory, we have a migratory Supreme Court, and that it proved... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The Chair ruled that the point of order was well taken. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. The motion of the gentleman from Richland was to substitute. Mr. OBRIEN. The report of the Committee of the Whole is before the Convention for adoption or rejection, and the gentleman from Richland asks to substitute something for the... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. You must adopt the report of the Commitee of the Whole or reject it, but the Chair hold that this substitute is in order. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROBERTSON. I would like to inquire if the action we are now about to take extends to sections three and two? Mr. MOER. Under the motion to adopt the report of the Committee of the Whole it is necessary for those of us who don't favor the proposed... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Call for a Division of the Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. At the commencement of the consideration of this matter I made a motion that this report be considered section by section, but some one raised the point that unless some one objected to the sections as they were read, they would be... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections two and three were then adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections two and three were then adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. We must adopt section four as reported by the Commitee of the Whole or reject it. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for Section 4 to be Recommitted to the Committee on Judiciary Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. It occurs to me that there will never be so good a time to pass on this question as now. We have discussedvit thoroughly, and we know exactly what the point at issue is. It seems to me that affairs have got to a pretty pass if we cannot... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Chair to Answer the Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BENNETT. Is there a question before the house? Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. The Chair will rule that the substitute of the gentleman from Richland is in order, subject to appeal and that it can be placed in this report of the Committee of the Whole. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PRESIDENT. The Chair will rule that the substitute of the gentleman from Richland is in order, subject to appeal and that it can be placed in this report of the Committee of the Whole. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. If that is the ruling of the Chair, I will withdraw my motin to recommit. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for a Roll Call Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The vote was then taken on the substitute of Mr. PURCELL to section four [...] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 9: Mr. Johnson's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was lost by a vote of 46 to 25. Mr. RICHARDSON in explaining his vote said: I vote no. Yesterday when the same question came up I voted yes. Mr reason for voting no is that every delegate who had a resolution up yesterday that was defeated... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 177, 178 and 179 were adopted after being read. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 177, 178 and 179 were adopted after being read. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XII: Section 192 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Articles twelve, thirteen and fourteen were adopted. [Editor's Note: Though the adoption of Section 192 of Article XII was not explicitly recorded in the Journal, we can infer from this line in the Debates, and from the completed Constitution, that... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 128: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. If we are going into this thing we may as well do it thoroughly. But this substitute is legislation pure and simple, and should be left to the Legislature. Mr. MILLER. This substitute simply announces the fundamental principle. It is a just... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. Parsons was laid on the table. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The substitute was laid on the table. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129: Mr. Stevens' Substitution Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment to Mr. Williams' Substitution Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. That would exclude the provision beginning in the fifth line "but no person shall be excluded from voting, etc." If a man must be registered in order to vote, and there is no law providing how he shall be registered, I don't know who would... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. Bartlett was adopted, and the section as amended was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. Bartlett was adopted, and the section as amended was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to not Adopt Section 19 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I hope that the motion will not prevail. My colleague read a decision from the Supreme Court of Colorado, and I think it easy for the members to understand why that court gave that decision. The Legislature did not submit to the judges,... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. I hope this motion will not prevail. I hope this Convention will not offer a premium on old maids. That is what this motion means, and I am opposed to offering a premium on old maids. I haven’t any use for them. Mr. MOER. I would like to... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129: Mr. Parsons' Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Previous Motion Upon the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129: Mr. Williams' Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND'S motion, that the sectionas reported by the Committee of the Whole be stricken out, was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Elective Franchise Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I was not in favor of the resolution or the section as it passed the Committee of the Whole, and under the form in which it was discussed and the manner in which it came up it admitted of no amendment whatever. The section had to stand as a... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Previous Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 2: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129: Mr. Williams' Substitution Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 2: Mr. Moer's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. I hope this motion will not prevail. It seems strange that in regard to this particular question the advocates of woman suffrage are so very much adverse to leaving this question to the people. I am opposed to this amendment for the same... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 2: Mr. Turner's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Previous Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. TURNER was lost. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 2 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. TURNER. I rose twice before to say something on this question, but there seemed to be an effort to shut off anyone that had something to say on the side that I take. It has been argued that if this matter is left to the Legislature to grant... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. TURNER. I wish to call the attention of the Convention to the report of the Committee of the Whole which is now under consideration. It states that after the word "saleable" in line eight, the words "at not less than $10 per acre," should be... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BEAN. I would like to know if I am in order. Mr. PRESIDENT. You are. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report with the Exception of Sections Eight, Nine and Eleven Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Previous Question Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. The amendment was that section eight, nine and eleven be referred back to the committee, which becomes part of the original motion and the motion now stands—shall the report be adopted with the exception of those sections? Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BEAN. I am entirely opposed to referring this back to the committee without some reason being given. The supposition has arisen in the mind of one man that perhaps we can sell these lands for less than $10 per acre. If there is any ground for that... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read Section 27 of the Report of the Committee on Judiciary Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section twenty-seven of the report of the Committee on the Judiciary was then read as follows: There shall be established in each county a probate court, which shall be a court of record, open at all time and holden by one judge, elected by the... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. When the Convention adjourned we were considering this matter, and the pending motion was to strike out section twenty-seven in File No. 121 as just read and substitute therefore section twenty-four of File No. 131 which reads as... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. There is a motion pending that section twenty-four of the minority report, File No. 131, be substituted for the original section twenty-four of the majority report. Mr. PRESIDENT. But that was made in the Committee of the Whole. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department: Mr. Parsons of Morton's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I will withdraw my motion, for I only made it for the purpose of placing these gentleman in the same light as last night. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 131: Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department: Mr. Bartlett of Griggs' Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. MILLER. The motion as made by the gentleman from Griggs was covered in the last sitting of the committee, for I at that time moved to substitute twenty-four for twenty-seven. The CHAIRMAN. The Clerk says that the records do not show it. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department: Mr. Wallace's Amendment to Mr. Bartlett of Griggs' Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. I can see no reason why any man on the floor of this Convention should oppose this amendment. If this Convention or the members of it desire to deal fairly, certainly there can be no opposition to it. All we ask is—all we have... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Motion to Rise From the Committee of the Whole Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The motion was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. We voted on that question once, and then we voted to take up and consider the File. Mr. MOER. I do not think we are here considering this as the report of the Committee of the Whole. We are considering it as a Convention. As I understand... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Order of Business: Special Order of Sections 103 and 116 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. This provides that until 1890 the judges shall appoint clerks of the district court. There is a provision somewhere else that they shall be elected. I don’t know any reason why this exception should be made. I see no reason why the judges... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. HARRIS. Section 108 provides for the election of the clerk of each organized county. Mr. CAMP. For several months I have considered the question of the power of this Convention to order an election for any officers except those mentioned in the... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Divide the Question of Mr. Lauder's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to strike out the words was lost by a vote of 29 to 34. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Recommit Section 103 to the Committee on Judiciary Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. WILLIAMS was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article IV: Section 103 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 103: Mr. Lauder's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. LAUDER. [...] You will see that it does not prevent a change of venue in proper cases, but it simply provides that in the first instance the suit shall be commenced in the county in which the defendant resides, or one of the defendants. Then if the... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CARLAND. What became of my motion to strike out the words “each within its territorial limits.” Mr. SCOTT. We are entitled to a division of the question. I am in favor of striking out these words, but not in favor of adding the amendment, because... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
Motion to Recommit Section 103 to the Committee on Judiciary Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SCOTT. I would like to inquire who is to be the judge as to where the residence of the defendant is? The question of residence is a question of fact, pure and simple, and a man may be in Burleigh county to-day, or for three, or four, or six months,... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay on the Table the Motion to Instruct the Committee on Judiciary Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which the Additional Section to Article XVII was Adopted Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. If people come in here to have fun let them have it out. We were anxious to do business—that question was put and voted upon, and I hope every member here will stick to it and hold them to the position they took. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to reconsider was carried. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVII: Section: Mr. Steven's Amendment to Mr. Williams Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER. I have this to say: It has been asserted that the system of issuing passes, and the way they do it, has been a source of a good deal of corruption, and I certainly believe if that is true, that we ought to vote to retain this section. I don’t... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The section was stricken out by a vote of 43 to 21. Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Stevens' Amendment to Mr. Scott's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was adopted [...] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was adopted, and Mr. SCOTT's amendment was adopted as amended. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Clapp's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment to Mr. Clapp's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Johnson's Amendment to Mr. Clapp's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Scott's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I don't know whether the gentleman from Ransom has had much experience in the justice court or not, but it seems to me that $100 is all the jurisdiction the justice court should have. I fail to see any advantage to be gained by making it... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment to the amendment of Mr. Johnson was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CLAPP was lost. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Noble's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. NOBLE. It seems to me that under the section we are considering in one of these counties that is below the 2,000 population limit, for the crime of assault and battery the magistrate would simply act as a committing magistrate and the defendant... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Camp's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. It seems to me that this is an organized effort to defeat the county courts in another form. If we are going to give all the jurisdiction of the county courts to a justice of the peace, let us know it. The idea of giving him... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. POLLOCK. I am very much in favor of the amendment, and until the last few minutes I did not discover that this provision for justices of the peace does not, as it stands, give the justices of the peace jurisdiction to hear and determine any... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. SCOTT. I seems to me that now in place of having one court in the county you are making the justice of the peace a county court. This is increasing the jurisdiction of the justice of the peace so that he may try and determine cases of the grade of... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND. The amendment to the amendment and the amendment presented by the gentleman from Bonttineau would authorize the Legislature to give the justices power to try a man for homicide. I don't think the Constitution wants to confer any such power... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CAMP was adopted and other amendments rejected. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment of Mr. CAMP was adopted and other amendments rejected. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 26: Mr. Bartlett's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The amendment was carried. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider Article V Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider Article V on the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was lost and the motion to reconsider prevailed. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was lost and the motion to reconsider prevailed. Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Point of Order Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. CARLAND. I made the motion for this purpose. There are two reports, and this Convention was being agitated by the question as to which is the majority and which the minority, and my motion was to make section two the same as it appears in File No.... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
The CHAIRMAN. The Chair is of the opinion that the substitute is in order. Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I have never known a time that great men did not have the right to change their minds. This man signed the report, and after consideration he thought that he had done wrong, and it is a true sign of greatness to see a man who... Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Mr. BEAN. The substitute motion is the section of the gentleman from Burleigh. I understand that to be the case. The CHAIRMAN. That is so. The substitute of Mr. CARLAND was then put and carried by a vote of 39 to 24. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. As a matter of fact I don’t believe the matter can be taken from before this Convention until it finally adjourns. This Convention has control of it till it finally adjourns. I want to ask this Convention before this motion to reconsider is... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 129 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 129: Mr. Wallace's Amendment to Mr. Williams' Substitution Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SELBY. It would seem that as we have the original proposition before us and two amendments, that we are now in the position that there is first the main motion, the motion to amend and then the amendment to the amendment. Mr. WILLIAMS. I would like... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Mr. Parson's Amendment Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Wallace's Amendment on the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 144 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 130 to 143 inclusive were adopted with the recommendations of the committee. [Editor's Note: Though not explicitly stated in the record; Article VI has been adopted here in order to preserve the integrity of the original document] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 144: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for a Call of the House Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 144: Mr. Parson's Amendment of Mr. Purcell's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. There was some question as to whether or not a railroad company had the right to appeal under a section of a constitution similar to ours. Under section 144 as we now have it, we provide that the railroad companies and others known as... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on the World's Fair Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. It is desired that an expression be obtained from each State and Territory on this question, and it is supposed that we represent the new State of North Dakota. The cities of New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston and... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt Section 146 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 146: Mr. Moer's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. MOER was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 149 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 146 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CAMP. On behalf of the committee I would ask the gentleman from Cass what particular point is not covered. Mr. MILLER. I think the phraseology is better and more complete. The phrase “injure and destroy” makes a more important reservation for... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 149: Mr. Spalding's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. SPALDING was carried. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The section was adopted as amended. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Mr. Scott's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion of Mr. SCOTT was lost. Section 149 was adopted. [Editor's Note: Because the record states that Section 149 was adopted earlier in both the Debates and the Journal, we infer that this line in the text is a misplacement and have chosen to... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VIII: Section 151 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VIII: Section 151: Mr. McHugh's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. CLAPP. This matter of the school district system came before the committee and it was their idea, and the idea of the Convention that while the school district system might be the best, at some other time there might be some better method, and we... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IX: Section 159 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. I was of the same opinion, but on looking along further and especially in section 147 I am not certain but that if the section in six were incorporated in article seven, it would require further amendments to prevent a conflict. Therefore... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IX: Section 159: Mr. Williams' Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS' amendment was adopted, and the section as amended was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS' amendment was adopted, and the section as amended was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IX: Section 162 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IX: Section 162: Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFEE. [...] Last week I went home and quite a number of interested parties spoke to me on this point, and were very much disappointed to find that they could not make final payment for the land they might buy before twenty years after they took... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IX: Section 162: Mr. Spalding's Amendment to Mr. Rolfe's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Rolfe's and Mr. Spalding's Amendments on the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I am surprised at men coming in here and professing to be the friends of the poor man and making such a motion as this. He means all right; I know he is a friend of the poor man, but the idea of making a motion that will let... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Both amendments were then laid upon the table. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IX: Section 165 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. The committee would have fixed it that way but the Enabling Act would not allow them. Mr. MILLER. Read section eleven of the Enabling Act. As to lands granted for charitable purposes it might be otherwise. Mr. STEVENS. That... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Mr. Miller's Amendment on the Table Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
A motion to lay Mr. MILLER'S amendment on the table was lost. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I am satisfied we are right and this section should be amended. I did not think so at the time, but the land will be practically valueless, and if we reconsider it and leave it open, all we will have to do will be to get an Act... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. MILLER was adopted, [...] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. I have sat here and listened to gas and buncomb and demagoguery on all sides, on what was supposed to be in behalf of the poor man. But I would like to know what this fund is for? What are we getting up a constitution for? Are we working... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 171 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 171: Mr. Appleton's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. I am surprised that the chairman of the Committee of County and Township Organization should make a motion of this sort, considering the full discussion there was on this subject in the committee, and also the part he took in that... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for a Call of the House Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 171: Mr. Clapp's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 171: Mr. Appleton's Amendment Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 174: Committee Recommendations Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for the Recommendation of the Committee as to Section 174 be not Concurred In Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-15 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion prevailed, and the Convention adjourned. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 174 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER I don’t see why the motion should be made by as clear a headed gentleman as the gentleman from Ransom. This section was made up from various amendments, and is a conglomerated mass of inconsistencies, and would be a disgrace to the... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. ROLFE. We had this section right—the Committee on County and Township Organization, as we thought, and we worked over it a good deal in order to convey the idea that was intended, but the Convention did not think it was right, and they have made a... Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
Report of the Committee on Section 174 Friday August 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
The Committee on County and Township Organization offered the following in place of section 174: [Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-22.] Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee on Section 174 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 174: Substitute of the Committee: Mr. Stevens' Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. STEVENS was adopted, [...] Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 174: Substitute of the Committee Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. STEVENS. [...] My reason is this: the Legislature will convene this winter. They will pass this law, and there will be no general election at which it can be submitted till next fall. In the spring the township organizations vote for township... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 175 was adopted and 176 was stricken out. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article X: Section 177: Mr. Moer's Second Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was seconded and adopted. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING explained his vote. I desire to explain my vote for the second and I trust the last time. I came to this Convention unpledged to any individual or corporation, with sympathies where they still are—in favor of that portion of the... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections 181 and 182 were adopted. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XV: Mr. Williams' Amendment Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PURCELL. I hope the amendment will not prevail, for the reason that in the case of an amendment to the Constitution being desired, it will require a majority of two successive Legislatures before it can be submitted to the people, and it seems to... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Call up Section 180 of the Constitution Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The amendment of Mr. MOER was then voted upon. Mr. CAMP. I desire to explain my vote. I was not here when this amendment was offered, and reached my seat after the previous question was being put. I am in favor of a gross earnings system of taxation... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XV Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of order declared well taken. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report on the Committee on Accounts and Expenses: Mr. Purcell's Amendment Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Griggs. If I recollect correctly, that report recommended the publication of 1,000 copies of the debates. If we adopt the report we shall adopt what we have just voted down in regard to the debates. Mr. MEACHAM. The committee made only... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. I second the motion, and desire to say a few words on the subject. I wish, however, that every member of this Convention would consider this matter by reasoning on it, and not by any prejudices they may have. What position are we in with... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. JOHNSON. I hope this motion will not prevail. Hundreds and thousands of our fellow citizens have sent earnest petitions to us. They are entitled to respectful treatment. Their treatment even if this report is allowed to be read, will have been... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
He said: I understand reading these reports prevents their being printed. I say let them be printed and have the widest circulation. Mr. HARRIS. These petitions and telegrams have been printed in our Journal, and have had the widest circulation. I... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. WILLIAMS. I would like to ask the gentleman if he wishes to suppress the other report? He said he wanted both of them read a few moments ago. The other report was read, and then Mr. JOHNSON said: I move the adoption of the majority report. Mr.... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Lay Both Reports on the Table Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Divide the Question Of Mr. Williams' Motion Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MILLER. I never heard of this majority report as they now call it. The committee was never together but once. I never saw the report till I saw it on the clerk's desk this morning. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. It seems to me that we are not through with the majority report, or so called majority report, yet, and I rise to the point of order that there is no majority report here. From the remarks that have been made here the report was not... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. COLTON. The gentleman has gone to work and made a motion to reconsider one section out of the whole article that has been referred to the Committee on Engrossing and Enrolling by a majority of 40 to 31. If we are going to fight over these things... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Presentation of a Photo to President Fancher Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Reconsider the Vote to Not Publish the Debates Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. BARTLETT of Dickey. I feel about as the Irishman did, when they brought the hash on the table. He looked at it and said: “Be Jabers, let the men eat it that chawed it.” I feel that if they want the debates published, let them do it for my part. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion for a Thousand Copies be Printed Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion to reconsider was adopted by a vote of 28 to 10. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of Order Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Point of order declared well taken. Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Adopt the Supplementary Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The motion was lost. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Telegram of Greetings to North Dakota Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Telegram to the North Dakota Constitutional Convention Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Announcement of Gift for Major Hamilton Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Telegram of Greetings Tuesday August 1889