Search Results

Committee: The Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
690909 Swearing in None 0 PROCEDURE Swearing In Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690915 Motion to Appoint Seven to the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE A committee of seven be appointed as a committee on credentials. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690919 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adjourn until tomorrow at 2 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690921 Motion to Recess for an Hour None 0 PROCEDURE Take a recess of an hour. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690922 Motion to Recess Two Hours None 0 PROCEDURE Take a recess of two hours. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690923 Motion to Adjourn Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Adjourn until tomorrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690925 Motion for an Informal Hour Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for an informal hour recess. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
946715 Call to Order 03-04-1895 12:45 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Call to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690927 Announcement of delegates appointed to the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE The PRESIDENT pro tem. Gentlemen of the Convention, I will announce as the committee on credentials which I have selected: C. N. Strevell, Mons Peterson, D. B. Stover, David Evans, A. W. Ivins, B. H. Roberts, G. B. Squires. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690930 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-04 None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adjourn until to-morrow at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)
690932 Call to Order 03-05-1895 10:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690935 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. T. C. Iliff, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690937 Approval of The Journal of the First Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the first day's proceedings was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690939 Motion to Swear in Delegates None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the oath of office be administered to those Delegates who are present this morning and who were not sworn in yesterday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
946236 Motion to Adjust the Record None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that the records ought to be amended in such a way as to show that these two gentlemen took the oath Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690950 Power to investigate None 0 PROCEDURE The proposal will be sent back to the committee along with the power to investigate the credentials of the five delegates from Salt Lake Precinct 3. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690952 Motion to Read Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the motion read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690955 Motion to Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE [Calls for the question.] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690956 Motion to Amend Previous Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Mr. Chairman, as an amendment to the motion that we adopt the report of the committee on credentials. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690959 Motion to Read Previously Made Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I would like to have our secretary read the motion that was made. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690963 Motion to adjourn until three o'clock on Day 2. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until three o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690965 Point of Order: Motion Was Not to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I arise to a point of order; it wasn't a motion to adjourn, it was a motion to fix the time for adjourning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690968 Call to Order 05-03-1895 15:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE TUESDAY, 3 o'clock p. m., March 5, 1895. The Convention was called to order by temporary Chairman Kimball. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690970 Motion to Appoint Chair to Committee of Five None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move you that the chair appoint a committee of five on site of holding this Convention and furniture. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690972 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move you that while this matter is under consideration we adjourn until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
779537 Motion to Elect Permanent President None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to the election of a permanent president of this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690977 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I make a motion to adjourn, which is before the house. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690979 Motion to Create Committee to Determine Number of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I will move the chair to appoint a committee to report to-morrow morning the number and kind of standing committees the Convention ought to have. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690981 Motion to Amend the Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the chair appoint a committee, consisting of one member from each county, to formulate the number of committees that will be necessary for this Convention to appoint and report to-morrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
779608 Request for each county to select members for committee None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to request each county delegation to select it own members and furnish me the names for that committee. Editorial Decisions
779610 Motion to adopt the Report on Credentials with Power to Investigate None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to move the adoption of this report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
779614 Motion to Adopt the Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to press my motion to adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690988 Immediately effect a permanent organization None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. EVANS (Weber) offered the following resolution: Resolved, that we proceed immediately to effect a permanent organization. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690990 Motion to Table Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay that motion on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
690991 Motion to Swear in Gentlemen None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move that the gentlemen just seated come forward and be sworn in. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
779666 Motion to Adjourn until tomorrow at 10:30. None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to press my motion to adjourn, Mr. Chairman, until tomorrow at 10:30. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
779669 Motion to Amend "Motion to Adjourn until tomorrow at 10:30" None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to that, we adjourn for ten minutes. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691002 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Call to Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691008 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move we now adjourn until 10:30 to-morrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691010 Call to Order 05-06-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order by Mr. Goodwin, of Salt Lake. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895 Journal of the Convention (Online Digital Record)
691012 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The Reverend R. G. McNiece, of the First Presbyterian Church, offered prayer. [Editor's Note: The Journal shows that the prayer was given after roll call was taken and the minutes were read. Because we are using the Proceedings and Debates (online) as our primary source, in most cases, we defer to the order given in the Proceedings and Debate (online) records.] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691023 Read Previous Day's Session 1895-03-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes of the previous day's session were read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691025 Mr. Keisel be sworn in None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that he be sworn in Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691026 Adoption of Roberts' Rules of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that until otherwise ordered the Convention be governed by Roberts' Rules of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691030 Moved a permanent president be selected. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we do now proceed to elect a permanent president. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691032 Nomination of Mr. Smith for President None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination for the position of president the Hon. John Henry Smith Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691034 Close Nominations for President None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the nominations be closed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691037 Declare President by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that John Henry Smith be declared president of this assembly by acclamation Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691040 Votes be Counted None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691043 A Rising Vote be Done None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a rising vote be called Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
911468 Request to Speak None 0 PROCEDURE E. W. Tatlock thereupon asked permission of the Convention to speak. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691065 Election of Officers None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we proceed to elect our officers Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691067 Nomination of Mr. Christensen None 0 PROCEDURE I take great pleasure in nominating Mr. Parley P. Christensen Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691068 Election by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we suspend the rules and elect him by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691071 Appointments to Bring Mr. Christensen Forward None 0 PROCEDURE I would appoint Mr. Eichnor and Mr. Thurman to bring Mr. Parley P. Christensen forward to his seat. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691074 All Naming and Voting be Done at Once None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the candidates of gentlemen for the respective offices in the resolution be named at once, and one vote taken on the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895 Editorial Decisions
691076 Nomination for Minute Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I present the name, Mr. President, of Mr. C. S. Rapp, of Weber County, as minute clerk. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691078 Not Consider the Committee Clerks at Present None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we eliminate from that the committee clerks for the present. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691081 Reconsider the Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I will then move Mr. President, to reconsider the motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691083 Point of Order: Mr. Eldredge Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE You are out of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691084 Move to Reconsider the Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691086 Ignore Appointment of Committee Clerks. None 0 PROCEDURE I ask then to solve this question, the unanimous consent of the Convention to leaving out the committee clerks at this time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
949493 Mr. Bowdle's Amendment to Strike Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I move you to amend the resolution offered by the gentleman from Salt Lake by striking out the word “stenographer.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691088 Point of Order: Mr. Bowdle's Motion Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691089 Reconsideration of Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move you to reconsider the resolution which was adopted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691093 Proceed with Singular Elections None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to elect the remaining officers one at a time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691096 Nomination for Minute Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to put in nomination Charles S. Rapp, of Weber County, for minute clerk Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691097 Nomination of Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I beg leave to introduce or recommend the name of Mr. Milando Pratt, as engrossing and enrolling clerk Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691098 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to the point of order that that is not the order of business. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691100 Election by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that we elect Mr. Charles S. Rapp by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691104 Nomination of Sergeant-at-Arms None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate Mr. R. Clawson, of Sanpete, for the position of sergeant-at-arms Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691105 Election by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and Mr. Clawson elected by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691109 Nomination of Watchman and Janitor None 0 PROCEDURE I take pleasure in nominating Mr. Bruce Johnson for the position of watchman and janitor Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691110 Election by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move to suspend the rules and elect by acclamation Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691111 Suspension of Rules for Duration None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended in all the nominations, not suspended in each case. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691116 Nomination for Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE I want to suggest the name of Mr. Thomas Watson, of Wasatch, for messenger. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691119 Renomination for Engrossment Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to renew my nomination of Mr. Milando Pratt for Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691120 Nomination for Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to place in nomination for that position the name of Joseph A. Smith Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691122 Motion Seconded None 0 PROCEDURE I second the motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691124 Close Nominations None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Mr. President, the nominations close Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691125 Nomination for Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination, Mr. President, Mr. Newton Farr Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691127 Close Nominations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the nominations close. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691131 Request of Leave None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to ask a privilege of this body, and that is to be absent for sometime Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691136 Suspension of Rules and Extension of Condolence None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that this Convention extend to Mr. Christianson of Mayfield, Sanpete County, their sincere condolence Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691138 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 3 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691141 Vote be Made Unanimous None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the election of Mr. Smith be made unanimous. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691144 Creation of Committee on Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I shall move you that the question of nominations for an official stenographer be referred to a committee Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691146 Pass the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move, Mr. President, to pass the question of nomination of a stenographer and typewriter for the present Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691149 Move the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691152 Committee Ready to Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, the committee on site and furniture is ready to report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691153 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. We are in the midst of another order of business, Mr. President. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691157 Nomination for Page: John H. Thorne None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to place in nomination for page, Mr. John H. Thorne. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691158 Nomination for Page: L.C. Camp None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate L. C. Camp, of Salt Lake, as page Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691159 Election of Pages by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that these two candidates be elected by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691160 Nomination for Page None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate Charles R. Pratt, of Salt Lake City. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691162 Closure of Nominations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the nominations do now close. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691164 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask to be excused by consent of the house for a couple of hours. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691166 Election of Pages by Rising Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to vote upon these candidates by a rising vote Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691167 Roll Call Vote for Election of Pages None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to vote one at a time on these pages. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691169 Seconding the Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I second the motion of Mr. Van Horne. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691175 Swear in Officers-Elect None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the officers-elect be brought to the bar of the house and sworn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691185 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-06 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until half past three. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691195 Reread Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE [Phrasing of the motion is unknown] Editorial Decisions
691198 Adoption of the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to Mr. Varian's motion, to the effect that the report of the majority be accepted and adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691201 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-06 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the Convention then adjourned Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691203 Call to Order 03-07-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE President Smith called the Convention to Order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691206 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask Honorable Francis A. Hammond of San Juan County to perform that duty. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691208 Motion to Swear in Mr. Robertson None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that he be sworn in. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691209 Motion to Swear in Mr. Preston None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that he be sworn in. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691214 Read the Minutes of March 5th None 0 PROCEDURE The minutes of the session of March 5, 1895, will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691217 Motion that Action on the Report be Suspended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that action on that report be suspended for one day, and that the committee be asked to continue their investigations Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943647 Motion to Refer Report Back to Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move to refer this also back to the same committee to act in conjunction with the other report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691222 Refer Report Back to the Committee DELETE None 0 PROCEDURE I move to refer this also back to the same committee to act in conjunction with the other report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691225 Motion to Delay List of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to state to the Convention that it will be impossible for me to bring in my report of the list of committees, to-day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691228 Motion to Adjourn Until the Following Day at 2:00 PM None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we do now adjourn until to-morrow at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691232 Motion to Authorize Committee to Provide Accommodations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee be authorized to provide suitable accommodations for the members of the Convention in the way of furniture. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691236 Adopt Resolution No. 8B None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution, Mr. President. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691237 Adjourn Until the Following Day 1895-03-08 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will adjourn until 14:00 1895-03-08. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691239 Point of Order: Mr. Pierce's Motion Implicates an Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Pierce's motion will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691244 Motion to Refer Proposal to Committee on Rules and Method Procedures. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the resolution of Mr. Hart be referred to the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691248 Read: Resolution No. 4A None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eichnor's resolution be read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691252 Read: Resolution No. 4A None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eichnor's resolution be read again. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691254 Postpone: Resolution No. 9C None 0 PROCEDURE Mr Robert's resolution be postponed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
818196 Motion to Adopt Mr. Hart's Resolution on Constitutional Resources None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of that resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691263 Adjourn Until 14:00 08-03-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will adjourn until 14:00 08-03-1895 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691265 Call to Order 1895-03-08 None 0 PROCEDURE The fifth day of the Convention is called to order. Editorial Decisions
691267 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I ask that Mr. Keith be excused, he was called away to San Francisco. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691270 Prayer: 03-08-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Reverend James F. Beates of the Lutheran Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691272 Read Previous Day's Session 03-07-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the fourth day's session was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691274 Swearing in of Joseph A. Smith None 0 PROCEDURE Joseph A. Smith will be sworn in as Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk by the president. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691278 Motion for Mr. Goodwin to Stay as the Chairman of the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be the sense of this Convention that the Judge stay as chairman of that committee. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691280 Amended Motion for Mr. Goodwin to Stay as the Chairman of the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that it be left with the president and with Judge Goodwin to decide that matter. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691281 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943667 Motion to Adopt Report on Site None 0 PROCEDURE I move, Mr. President, that we adopt the report of the committee on site. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
943670 Motion to Adopt Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to the amendment that we accept the report of the committee and adopt their recommendation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691297 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE [Calls for the question] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691303 Motion to Use Current Furniture None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that instead of securing any desks, we use the furniture which we now have in this room. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691313 Point of Order: The Motion Lacked a Second None 0 PROCEDURE did the second amendment receive a second? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691316 Drop: Resolution No. 13C and All Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE Resolution No. 13C and all proposed amendments be laid on the table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691320 Point of Order: Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Richards' amendment be dismissed on a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691330 Seating Arrangements None 0 PROCEDURE the members of the Convention proceed to the choice of seats Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691333 Motion to Refer [Resolution No. 14D] to Committee on Rules. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that be referred to the committee on rules. There ought to be a standing rule upon that subject. It is interfering with the prerogative of that committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691336 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691337 Motion to Refer [Resolution No. 15E] to Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that resolution be referred to the committee on rules. Seconded Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691340 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I think it would be well to have some instructions given by this Convention to us in regard to printing matters. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691348 Motion to Adopt. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of that resolution. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691349 Motion to Refer to Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move as an amendment to refer it to the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691351 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that it be referred to the committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691354 Motion to Include Enabling Act and Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by putting in that the Enabling Act and the standing committees. That will be a great advantage to us_and have it bound in leaflet form so that the members can carry them. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691355 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691362 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Thompson, by request, was excused from attending to-morrow's session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691364 Motion to Procure a Telephone None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the sergeant-at-arms be instructed to procure a telephone and place it in the cloak room for the use of the members. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691366 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until Monday next at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691367 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. EVANS (Weber). Mr. President, I move to amend that motion by fixing the time at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691368 Motion to Discharge the Committee on Sites and Furniture None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, as there is nothing before the house, I move that the committee on sites and furniture be discharged. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691371 Motion to Adjourn Until Tomorrow at 12 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by making the time 12 o'clock to-morrow. That I think will give some of the folks who live north_particularly in Cache Valley_an opportunity of going home. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691378 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met in regular session at 2 o'clock p. m. President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691380 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. B. F. Clay Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691387 Motion to Present a Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to present a report of the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691389 Read journal of the Seventh Day's Session. None 0 PROCEDURE We will have the minutes read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691400 Convention Considers Rules Committee's Report None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will do with committee's report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
901708 Read Rules by Sections None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the rules be read by sections and suggest that each section as read, if not objected to, be considered as passed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691403 Motion to Read on the Next Meeting of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to move the reading of the rules until the next meeting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691404 Motion to Allow Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to allow stenographer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691414 Motion to Adopt For One Day None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adopt the read rules for one day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691415 Motion to Read Rule 22 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to hear rule 22 read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691416 Motion to Pass Rules Seperately None 0 PROCEDURE I move that these rules now be passed upon separately. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691417 Motion for Automatic Adoption None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for each rule to be read and if no objection be made, that it be considered adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691420 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691423 Motion to Temporarily Adopt Standing Rules for Two Days None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to extend amendment details to two days to enable proper examination. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691430 Presentation of Memorials to Be in Order None 0 PROCEDURE the presentation of petitions and memorials is now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691433 Motion to Forgo Reading Bids None 0 PROCEDURE it is not necessary to read the bids from the various houses Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691435 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adopt. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691438 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adopt. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691440 Refer Report on Stenographer Back to Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move you sir, that we refer this report back again to the committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691442 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to be excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691445 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE the gentleman is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691449 Point of Order: Objection is out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The objection is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691463 Motion to Swear in Reporter None 0 PROCEDURE The reporter be sworn in. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691468 The Introduction of Proposition for Insertion None 0 PROCEDURE The introduction of ordinance and propositions for insertion in the Constitution is now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691474 Read "Proposition on Method of Voting Otherwise than by Ballot [File No. 2]" Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition on Method of Voting Otherwise than by Ballot [File No. 2]" will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691478 Read "Proposition Relating to Election Franchise [File No. 3]" Second Time by Title. None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition Relating to Election Franchise [File No. 3]" will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691483 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move we suspend the rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691488 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we suspend the rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691492 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the rules be suspended Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691498 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I ask leave to make a motion out of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691500 Motion to Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of the report of the committee on rules be made a special order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691502 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691505 Document be Read a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691510 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691514 Unfinished Business is in Order. None 0 PROCEDURE Unfinished business is in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691516 Motion for Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE Committees make announcements before adjournment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691518 Motion for Inquiry None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to make an inquiry. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691521 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691523 Special Orders None 0 PROCEDURE Special Orders Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691525 Motion for Information None 0 PROCEDURE Information Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691526 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691528 Motions and Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE Motions and Resolutions Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691531 Drop: Resolution No. 23D None 0 PROCEDURE That the Report regarding Printing the Enabling Act be laid on the table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691533 Motion for Procurement of U.S Flags None 0 PROCEDURE The sergeant-at-arms be instructed to procure proper United States flags. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691534 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691538 Consider Committee Clerks None 0 PROCEDURE I move you now that we take up the question of committee clerks. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691540 Motion of Division None 0 PROCEDURE Division Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691545 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn 1895-03-11 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691550 Motion to Renew Consideration None 0 PROCEDURE I will now renew my motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691552 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 2 o'clock p. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691555 Prayer: 03-12-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Clarence T. Brown of the Congregational Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691557 Read Previous Day's Session: 03-11-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary read the journal of the eighth day's session, which was corrected and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691559 Record the Denomination of Each Day's Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE the name of the church of which the reverend gentleman offering prayer is a member be inserted after his name... that this be done in each case since the opening of the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691561 Number the Days of the Convention Including Sundays None 0 PROCEDURE The days should be numbered, Sundays included, from the day we began. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691563 Number of Days be Corrected to the Eighth Day None 0 PROCEDURE it be corrected to the eighth day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691565 Number Only the Secular Days of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE we only count secular days. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691567 Refer Question on Daily Compensation to Committee on Accounts and Expense. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. JAMES. Mr. President, to expedite this matter, I move that the suggestion of Mr. Evans be referred to the committee on accounts and expenses and that they report to this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691571 Renewal of Motion to Refer Discussion of Compensation to Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE commit discussion on compensation to the committee on accounts and expenses. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691575 Minutes of Previous Day Be Printed and Provided Prior to Meeting and Propositions to Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE Whenever any proposition comes before the house and is referred to the committee that it be referred to the committee on printing so that the members can have each morning the propositions that are submitted to the Convention before them in the minutes, after a proposition is introduced and read the first and second times by the title, that it goes to the committee on printing. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691577 Idaho Legislators Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask the privilege of the floor for two members of the Idaho legislature, who are with us to-day, Mr. Crane and Mr. McCarthy. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691580 Committee title on committee reports None 0 PROCEDURE I make the suggestion that the chairman of the committee reform that report. Let it go on your printed journals and it will be a singular thing that will appear there in that way. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691581 Withdrawal of Mr. Low's committee report None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to withdraw it in order to make that correction. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691587 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE The PRESIDENT. What will you do with the report of the committee? Mr. PIERCE. Mr. President, I move you that we adopt the report of the committee. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691594 Proposal for the committee to be made to conform None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. SQUIRES. Mr. President, I move that the title of that committee be made to conform to the original report of the committee that reported to us standing committees for the Convention. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691596 Proposal to postpone the date None 0 PROCEDURE I propose that, on special order, we postpone this debate until tomorrow at 3PM Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691597 Motion to postpone until 2:30 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, we have a special order under which this general subject is to be considered for half-past two; why not let it come up under the consideration of the report of the rules committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691599 Motion to Defer until adoption of rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. RICHARDS. Mr. President, I move as an amendment of that motion, that the further consideration of this matter be deferred until the adoption of the rules or the consideration of the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691603 Receive and File Report on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the report be received and filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691607 Proposal to suspend the rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move you that the rules be suspended and that all propositions introduced to-day be read the first time by their title unless otherwise called for. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691608 Refer reports to appropriate committees None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move as an amendment to that motion that they be read by their titles and referred to the appropriate committees, without being read at length. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691610 Motion to Refer to Committees Under Suspensions of Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I would move as an amendment, that on being read by their titles they then be referred to the appropriate committee under the suspension of the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691615 Read "Proposition on Counties and County Seats [File No. 11]" Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition on Counties and County Seats [File No. 11]" will be read a second time by title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691618 Suspend Rule 8: Second Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move we suspend the rule which requires it to be read a second time, and that it be referred to the committee without. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691619 Point of Order: Motion Already Voted Upon None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order on that motion. That is the very motion that has been passed upon and voted down. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691622 Read "Proposition Relating to Declaration of Rights [File No. 12]" Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition Relating to Declaration of Rights [File No. 12]" will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691626 Motion to Refer to Executive Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that it be referred to the executive committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691627 Motion to be Read Twice by Title Before Referring to Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I think it is unnecessary to read it twice by its title before referring it to the committee, but that is what this house voted to do, and now let us either do it or undo what we have done. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691630 Proposition relative to homesteads and exemptions (file No. 14) None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition relative to homesteads and exemptions [File No. 14] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691634 Proposition. relative to Labor and Arbitration (File No. 15) None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition. relative to Labor and Arbitration (File No. 15) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691638 Proposition relative to insurance companies [File No. 16] None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition relative to insurance companies [File No. 16] was read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691642 Motion to Read Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I call for the reading of it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691643 Motion to Refer to Utah Commission None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that be referred to the Utah commission. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691648 Proposition Relative to Public Corporations (file No. 18) None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition Relative to Public Corporations [File No. 18] will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691652 Proposition [File No. 19] None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition relative to distribution of powers in legislative departments [File No. 19] was read as requested by Mr. Pierce. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691656 Proposition Regarding the Adjustment of Difficulties Between Labor and Capital None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691659 Motion to Read None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have that read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691661 Reading of [File No. 21] None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition relative to the Executive Department [File No. 21] will be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691665 Proposition Relative to the Duties of Probate Judges None 0 PROCEDURE The Proposition Relative to the Duties of Probate Judges will be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691669 Proposition Relative to Amending and Revising the Constitution [File No. 23] None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 23] will be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691673 Propositions Relative to Public Buildings [File No. 24] None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition Relative to Public Buildings will be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691677 Proposition Relative to Preventing Blacklisting [File No. 25] None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition will be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691681 Proposition Relative to Taxation for Public Purposes None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 26] will be read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691685 Proposition Relative to the Apportionment of Public Moneys [File No. 27] None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 27] will be read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691689 Proposition [File No. 28] None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition [File No. 28] will be read a second time by title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691693 Proposal to suspend the rules for Mr. Kerr's proposition None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. EVANS (Utah). Mr. President, I move that the rules be suspended and that that be referred to the proper committee. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691698 Proposition on Impeachment None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition [File No. 30] will be read a second time by title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691702 Proposition Providing for the Executive Department None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition relative to providing for the executive department will be read a second time Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691706 Proposition to Provide for Distribution of Powers None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition to provide for distribution of power will be read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691710 Proposition Relative to Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition relative to judiciary will be read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691713 Motion to Adjust the Time and Place None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that every proposition for insertion in the Constitution be put in just the same shape and language that the mover desires Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691715 Proposition Relative to the Right to Recover Damages for Injuries Resulting in Death None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition relative to the right to recover damages for injuries resulting in death will be read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691719 Proposition Relative to Rights of Suffrage, Elections and Qualifications, and Oaths of Office None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition Relative to rights of suffrage, elections and qualifications, and oaths of office will be read a second time by title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691723 Move to Orders of Busies None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I call for the order of business. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691724 Deciding on time and place to meet for committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the chairmen of the different committees meet together for the purpose of deciding the time and place each committee shall meet, that they have the same placed upon the bulletin board in the hall, so each member will take notice accordingly. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691734 Motion to refer resolution to Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE I motion, that as this resolution involves this committee, that it be referred to the Committee on Accounts and Expenses Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691738 Postpone: Resolution No. 30F None 0 PROCEDURE Debate regarding Mr. Kiesel's resolution be postponed until tomorrow Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691743 For the committee to procure stationery None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691746 On Convention Officer Compensation None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the matter of fixing the compensation of officers of this Convention be referred to the Committee on Accounts and Expenses. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691748 Motion to carry out the wishes of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the chairmen of the several committees meet tomorrow at eleven to discuss the schedules of their committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691749 Proposal to meet today. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I would offer an amendment to that, that they meet immediately after the adjournment of this meeting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691751 Chairmen Meeting After Current Meeting None 0 PROCEDURE The chairmen will meet directly after this meeting to arrange a schedule of committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691752 Vote reserved for chairmen only on the meeting of the chairmen None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the the chairmen only be allowed to vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691754 Proposal to meet tomorrow at half past one. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move as a substitute for the whole question, that unless there be some objection, by any chairman present, it be understood that the chairmen meet to-morrow at half past one o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691756 Motion to appoint a Convention Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE Hence I venture on the dangerous ground of moving that one committee clerk who is a stenographer and typewriter, be appointed by this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691759 Nomination for Miss MacMasters None 0 PROCEDURE I was going to place in nomination one of the candidates that was presented for the official stenographer of the Convention, Miss MacMasters, who I believe is thoroughly and duly qualified for such position. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691760 Nomination for E.M. Ashton for Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I place in nomination Mr. E. M. Ashton, of Salt Lake. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691761 Nomination of Ben Bachman as Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination for committee clerk, Mr. Ben Bachman of Utah County. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691763 Nomination of L.C. Johnson for stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I will name L. C. Johnson, who is thoroughly qualified in every respect; Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691764 Motion to refer position to the past committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. EICHNOR. Mr. President, I move, as a substitute that the selection of a committee clerk be referred to the committee that hired our stenographer. Mr. Wells is chairman, Mr. Roberts is on that committee, Mr. James, Mr. Eldredge, and Mr. Thurman. I move that as a substitute Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691766 Nomination of Henrietta Clark None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I desire to place in nomination the name of a lady who has been present here during all of our deliberation; Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691767 Motion to close nominations None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the nominations be now closed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691769 Motion to roll call vote for the Clerk/Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the roll be called, and that each man as his name be called announce the name of his candidate Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691771 Motion to nominate Miss Clark by acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Miss Clark be nominated by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691773 Motion to maintain the two highest voted for candidates. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you as an amendment to Mr. Ivins' motion that when the roll be called, that after the first calling all candidates be dropped except the two receiving the highest number. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691776 Motion to Proceed With Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed with the roll call. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691781 Motion to elect the two ladies by acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent that Miss MacMasters and Miss Clark be two of those clerks and that the rules be suspended and they be elected by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691782 Point of Order: Already Considering a Motion None 0 PROCEDURE we are already considering a motion that we appoint one committee clerk who shall be a stenographer and typewriter; the other motion or suggestion is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691784 Motion that Miss MacMasters and Miss Clark Be Appointed Clerks None 0 PROCEDURE I move then as a substitute, that Miss MacMasters and Miss Clark be appointed committee clerks for the committees of this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691786 Motion to refer to committee that dealt with McGurrin. None 0 PROCEDURE I now move for a substitute to all, that the question of appointing clerks_stenographers and typewriters be referred to the same committee that had the McGurrin matter in charge. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691788 Point of Order: Discussion Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I submit that this whole discussion is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691792 Motion to elect two more clerks None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now proceed to elect the other two committee clerks. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691793 Motion to adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Convention do now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691795 Motion to nominate only Henrietta Clark None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I now move that Miss Henrietta Clark be chosen as committee clerk of this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691797 Motion to Nominate Miss Henrietta Clark for Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate Miss Henrietta Clark to be committee clerk for the Convention. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691799 Motion to suspend rules and elect by acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that under a suspension of the rules Miss Henrietta Clark be chosen as committee clerk for this Convention by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691800 Motion to elect two more clerks. None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that motion that we elect two committee clerks, Miss Clark and Mr. L. C. Johnson. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691801 Point of Order: Motion is Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I submit that the amendment to the amendment is entirely out of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691803 Point of Order: Motion Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman from Washington County makes a motion which is in opposition to the motion before the house and which is in order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691805 Motion to substitute motions with one motion to elect a single clerk. None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute for all previous motions that we now proceed to elect one committee clerk. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691806 Point of Order: Motion Cannot be Displaced by Calling Something a Substitute; Mr. Ivins out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE arise to a point of order for the reason that one motion cannot be displaced and another motion of a different kind be given place on the same subject by simply calling it a substitute. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691807 Point of Order: Everything is Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the chair rule everything out of order except the substitute, and that that be put without further debate. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691808 Motion to elect only one clerk. None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to Mr. Cannon's motion that we proceed to elect one committee clerk. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691810 Renewal of the nomination of Miss Henrietta Clark None 0 PROCEDURE I now renew my motion that Miss Henrietta Clark be elected committee clerk. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691811 Vote by Acclamation for Convention Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be done by acclamation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691813 Motion to nominate L.C. Johnson None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to put in nomination as committee clerk of this Convention, Mr. L. C. Johnson Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691814 Nomination of Ben Bachman. None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination Mr. Ben Bachman from Utah County. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691815 Nomination of E.M.Ashton None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to renew my nomination of Mr. E. M. Ashton Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691816 Nomination of Miss Snyder for Convention Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I nominate Miss Snyder of Park City. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691818 Nomination of Miss Eastman of Box Elder County for Convention Clerk. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to place in nomination the name of Miss Eastman of Box Elder County as committee clerk. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691819 Motion to Close nominations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the nominations be now closed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691826 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691829 Motion to Accept With Thanks None 0 PROCEDURE I move we accept it with the thanks of this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691831 Motion to accept the invitation. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we accept the invitation for to-morrow at three o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691832 Motion to not interrupt the Convention. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I wish to. offer an amendment to that motion, that we accept his offer and sit for a picture after the adjournment of this Convention to-morrow or some other day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691835 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then at 4:55 p. m. adjourned. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691837 Call to Order 1895-03-13 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The day was called to order by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691839 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Right Rev. A. B. Leonard, of the Episcopal Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691842 Motion to Read Ninth Day's Journal None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the ninth day's session was read by the secretary, and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691844 Special orders None 0 PROCEDURE Day ten of the convention begin with special orders Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691846 Read Rule Fifteen None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move you that rule fifteen, the list of standing committees, subdivision ten, be made to read: “Public buildings and state institutions not educational.” That was according to the report of the standing committee, which you will find on page 4 of the journal, committee ten. The purpose of this is that other state institutions will be handled by the committee on education and school lands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691847 Order of special orders None 0 PROCEDURE that the Convention proceed to read these rules, by sections or by rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691855 Adopt Rule Three None 0 PROCEDURE I move that rule be adopted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691863 Motion to Adopt Rule Four and Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of that amendment and the adoption of the rule as amended. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691866 Adopt Rule Five None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. Mr. President, I move to adopt this rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691869 Adopt Rule Six None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. I move the adoption of the rule as read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691872 Adopt Rule Seven None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691877 Adopt Rule Eight None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of that rule as read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691884 Adopt Rule Nine None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691887 Adopt Rule Ten None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. I move the adoption of that rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691890 Adopt Rule Eleven None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691893 Adopt Rule Twelve None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691896 Adopt Rule Thirteen None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. I move its adoption as read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691899 Adopt Rule Fourteen None 0 PROCEDURE Rule Fourteen will be adopted as read by the secretary. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691905 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rule now be adopted as its stands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691913 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691916 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691919 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691924 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Yes, sir. I move the adoption of that rule as amended. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691928 Adopt Rule Twenty as read by secretary None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. VARIAN. I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691931 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691945 Recess for Photo None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, if we agreed to meet those photographers, I move we take a recess for ten minutes and go down and meet them. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691948 Resume Convention 03-13-1895 16:10:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention re-assembled after recess and the following proceedings were had: Messrs. Low of Cache, and Farr, were excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691951 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691954 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691957 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691960 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691963 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691966 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691969 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691972 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691975 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691978 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691982 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
691998 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692008 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692011 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692013 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the rules as a whole as they have been amended by the Convention be adopted as the standing rules of the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692019 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I also move the adoption of the report of the committee on rules, recommending that the sum of fourteen dollars, I think it is, be allowed and paid. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692022 Motion to Print Copies as Necessary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee on printing be instructed to have printed such number of copies as in their judgment they may think necessary. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692029 Motion to Adjourn 03-13-95 04:45:00 None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no other business, I move we now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692031 Call to Order 05-14-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 2 o'clock p. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692034 Prayer: 1895-03-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend W.D. Mabry will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692036 Read Previous Day's Session 1895-03-13 None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the tenth day was read by the secretary and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692038 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692040 Motion to Excuse None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Excuse Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692041 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692043 Motion to be recorded present. None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to be recorded as present. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692044 Motion to be recorded present. None 0 PROCEDURE Be recorded present this session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692045 Motion to be recorded present. None 0 PROCEDURE Be recorded present this afternoon. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692046 Motion to be recorded present. None 0 PROCEDURE Be recorded present. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692047 Be Recorded Present and New Rule None 0 PROCEDURE To be recorded present and removal of special requests. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692049 Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Petitions and Memorials Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692052 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the rules to have it read by its title and referred to the committee without reading it in its entirety. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692054 Motion to Read Report None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to read the report from the committee on elections and rights of suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692056 Motion to Lie Petition on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to lie petition on the table until the report of the committee comes in. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692058 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692060 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to refer to the committee on rights and suffrage Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692062 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692066 Evans' renewed motion None 0 PROCEDURE Refer that to the committee on election and rights of suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692071 Mr. Ricks to have the petition be read by its title None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the petition be read by its title and referred to the Committee on Schedule and Future Amendments and Miscellaneous. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692072 Mr. Keisel's amendment to Mr. Ricks' motion. None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Mr. Rick's motion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692073 Read "Petition: Wasatch County on Prohibition" None 0 PROCEDURE "Petition: Wasatch County on Prohibition" will be read for further information. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692076 Refer the document to the Committee on Schedule and Future Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE Refer the document to the Committee on Schedule and Future Amendments Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692078 Point of Order: Refer "Petition: Wasatch County on Prohibition" None 0 PROCEDURE I motion and decide that the petition is a proposition and is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692084 Postpone "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" to Consider Under Head of Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE The "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" will be postponed and considered under the head of resolutions. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692085 Read First Proposition of "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" None 0 PROCEDURE The first proposition of the "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692086 Read Proposition From "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" and Act None 0 PROCEDURE Read the proposition from "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" separately and act on it now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692090 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Adopt Proposition 1 from "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14: Convention" with the thanks of the Convention to Mr. Webber. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692093 Motion to Table None 0 PROCEDURE The "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14: Convention (2)" will be tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692095 Reread Letters From "Reports: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" None 0 PROCEDURE The letters from "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" will be reread. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692097 Motion to Reject None 0 PROCEDURE The "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14: Convention (2)" will be rejected. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692098 Point of Order: Reject "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14: Convention (2)" None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to reject "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14: Convention (2)" will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692101 Point of Order: Table Entire Report None 0 PROCEDURE The entire report to be tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692103 Return Report on Accounts and Expenses into Debate None 0 PROCEDURE Report on Accounts and Expenses will be brought back into debate. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692104 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692106 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order: This is not debatable Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692111 Reread "Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co." None 0 PROCEDURE "Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co." will be reread. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692112 Table "Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co." None 0 PROCEDURE "Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co." will be tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692113 Reject "Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co." None 0 PROCEDURE "Henry Dinwoodey Furniture Co." will be rejected. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692114 Reject "Report on Accounts and Expenses" None 0 PROCEDURE The Report on Accounts and Expenses along with the two letters will be rejected. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692119 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Refer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692121 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Refer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692123 Return "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" None 0 PROCEDURE The "Report: Accounts and Expenses: 1895-03-14" will be referred back to the Committee on Accounts and Expenses. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692127 Read Officer Salary Portion of "Accounts and Expenses Report" None 0 PROCEDURE The officer salary portion of the "Accounts and Expenses Report" will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692129 Motion to Read None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to read report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692136 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order: Third Motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692143 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adopt Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692144 Point of Order: Motion is out of order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692146 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to adopt Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692150 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to refer the matter to the committee on expenses Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692162 Reject "Accounts and Expenses: Section 4" None 0 PROCEDURE "Accounts and Expenses: Section 4" will be rejected. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692164 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692170 Motion to Reject None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to reject the section Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692171 Motion to Lie on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Lie on the Table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692174 Motion to Pass None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Pass Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692175 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to refer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692177 Motion for Secretary Request None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for secretary request Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692187 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to refer with instructions Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692188 Motion to Amend for Report None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to amend motion for report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692192 Motion to Declare Salary None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to declare salary Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692198 Point of Order: Motion not Before the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692201 Motion to Call for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to call for the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692208 Point of Order: Motion to Proceed with Regular Order None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order: Proceed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692213 Refer to Proper Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Refer to proper committee Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692215 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692216 Suspend the Rules: Apply to all Propositions To-day None 0 PROCEDURE All propositions today are subject to the suspension of the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692223 Refer "Proposition Authorizing Legislature to Classify and Fix Salaries of Public Officers [File No. 38]" to Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition Authorizing Legislature to Classify and Fix Salaries of Public Officers [File No. 38]" will be referred to the Committee on Legislature. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692227 Refer "Proposition on Exemptions for the Constitution [File No. 39]" to Committee on Legislature None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition on Exemptions for the Constitution [File No. 39]" will be referred to the Committee on Legislature. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692234 Refer "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" to Committee on Manufacture and Commerce None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" will be referred to the Committee on Manufacture and Commerce. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692235 Refer "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" to Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" will be referred to the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692236 Point of Order: Refer "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" to Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to refer "Proposition Article on Prohibition [File No. 42]" to the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692240 Division: Refer "File No. 42" None 0 PROCEDURE A division will be called for "File No. 42". Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692243 Read Propositions in Order of Presentation to Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE Propositions will be read in the order presented to the secretary. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692246 Refer "Proposition on Changing County Lines, Creating New Counties and Removing County Seats [File No. 43]" to Committee on Municipal Corporations None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition on Changing County Lines, Creating New Counties and Removing County Seats [File No. 43]" will be referred to the Committee on Municipal Corporations. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692252 Point of Order: Division None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that a point of order will be made on Mr. Kiesel's previous call for division and the Chair's decision that it was too late. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692265 Reintroduce "Proposition Relating to Taxation of Mines [File No. 49]" None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition Relating to Taxation of Mines [File No. 49]" will be reintroduced. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692291 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE "Resolution on Per Diem and Mileage: 1895-03-14" will be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692292 Point of Order: "Resolution on Per Diem and Mileage: 1895-03-14" None 0 PROCEDURE "Resolution on Per Diem and Mileage: 1895-03-14" will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692296 Tender Thanks to Mr. Morris None 0 PROCEDURE I resolve to tender thanks to Mr. Morris for providing one typewriting machine free of charge. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692303 Motion to Hire Charlotte Reese as a Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that there be another committee clerk employed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692304 PLACEHOLDER FOR CLEANING None 0 PROCEDURE PLACEHOLDER FOR CLEANING Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692306 Motion to Hire Emma Madison as a Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I take pleasure in placing in nomination Miss Emma Madison. She is quite an accomplished young woman and a good stenographer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692307 Point of Order: "Employ Third Committee Clerk" None 0 PROCEDURE The motion "Employ Third Committee Clerk" will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692309 Order of Business: Employ Third Committee Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE The matter of employing a third committee clerk will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692311 Charlotte Reese Nominated for Committee Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate to the position of committee clerk Miss Charlotte Reese. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692312 Nomination of Emma Madison as a Committee Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination the name of Miss Emma Madison. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692313 Nominate Florence Hartley as a Committee Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to place in nomination Miss Florence Hartley Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692314 Nominate L.C. Johnson as a Committee Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate a gentleman this time, Mr. L. C. Johnson. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692315 Withdraw Nomination of Mr. L. C. Johnson None 0 PROCEDURE The nomination of Mr. L. C. Johnson for committee clerk will be withdrawn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692317 Close Nominations for Committee Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Nominations for committee clerk will now be closed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692320 Committee Clerk Vote: Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE The committee clerk will be decided by roll call vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692323 Mr. Boyer Retain Vote and Cast with Losing Party None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to retain my vote and cast it with the losing party, as I am ever in the minority. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692325 Mr. Cannon Vote for Miss Reese None 0 PROCEDURE Hoping that my candidate will win, I vote for Miss Reese. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692327 Mr. David Evans Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. David Evans will be excused from voting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692329 Excuse Delegates Who Wish From Voting on Question None 0 PROCEDURE All delegates who wish to be excused from voting on this question will have that privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692330 Point of Order: "Excuse Delegates From Voting on Question" None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to excuse all delegates who wish from voting on the question will be dismissed unless individuals want to be excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692333 Mr. Ivins Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to be excused from voting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692335 Mr. James Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to be excused from voting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692337 Mr. Partridge Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to explain why I would like to be excused from voting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692338 Point of Order: "Mr. Partridge Excuse Vote" None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Partridge's explanation of his desire to be excused is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692341 Mr. Partridge Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to be excused from voting on this question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692342 Point of Order: "Mr. Partridge Excuse Vote" None 0 PROCEDURE The rules give Mr. Partridge two minutes to explain his vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692345 Mr. Partridge Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to be excused from voting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692347 Mr. Warrum Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I ask to be excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692349 Mr. Thoreson Excuse Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to be excused from voting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692355 Adjourn 03-14-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will adjourn for the day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692356 Withhold motion: Adjourn 03-14-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to adjourn will be withheld until further business is settled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692357 Point of Order: Withhold "Adjourn 03-14-1895" None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to withhold the motion to adjourn until further business is completed is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692359 Withhold: Adjourn 03-14-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to adjourn will be withheld until Mr. Squires resolution is read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692362 Adopt: "Resolution on Expenses of Filling Up it All [Resolution No. 33B]" None 0 PROCEDURE "[Resolution No. 33B]" will be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692365 Call Convention to Order 15-03-1895 14:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692368 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Dennis Kielly, of the Roman Catholic Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692370 Motion to Include Rabbi None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I believe that all the congregations have been called upon and have responded in offering prayer here, except the Hebrew congregation, and I wish to call that to your attention and hope that you will call on the Rabbi. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692372 Motion for Temporary Leave of Absence None 0 PROCEDURE Ask permission for a temporary leave of absence for Messrs. Ivins, Sharp, Jolley, Kearns, and myself. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692374 Read Journal for Day 11 None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the 11th day's session was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692376 Motion to Excuse Mr. Bowdle None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowldle was excused by request Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692378 Presentation of Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE The next order is the presentation of petitions and memorials. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692380 Motion to Read Petition None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that it be read and referred to the committee on elections and right of suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692381 Motion to Suspend Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the rules be suspended and that it be read by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692382 Motion to Read the Whole Petition None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the petition be read. It is very short. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692387 Read the Petition by Title None 0 PROCEDURE It will be read by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692390 Ordinance and Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of ordinance and propositions for insertion in the Constitution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692393 File No. 61 was read a second time by its title. None 0 PROCEDURE Read File No. 61 Second by Title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692397 Read File No. 62 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 62 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692401 Read File No. 63 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 63 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692405 Read File No. 64 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 64 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692409 Read File No. 65 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 65 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692413 Read File No. 66 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 66 will be read second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692420 Read [File No. 68] second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 68] will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692425 Motion to Read Proposition a First Time None 0 PROCEDURE There are only six lines of it, read it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692427 Read File No. 69 Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692430 Suspend Rules and Read Propositions by Titles None 0 PROCEDURE The Rules will be suspended and propositions will be read the first time by their titles unless otherwise requested. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692434 Read: File No. 87 None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the reading of the proposition on boundaries Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692437 Motion to Suspend Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I renew my motion, Mr. President. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692441 Read [File No. 70] in Full None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have that read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692443 Read File No. 70 a second time. None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692447 Read File No. 71 a second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 71 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692451 Read File No. 72 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 72 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692455 Read File No. 73 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 73 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692459 Read File No. 74 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 74 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692463 Read File No. 75 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 75 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692467 Read File No. 76 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 76 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692471 Read File No. 77 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 77 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692475 Read File No. 78 a second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 78 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692479 Read File No. 79 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 79 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692483 Read File No. 80 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 80 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692487 Read File No. 81 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 81 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692491 Read File No. 82 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692495 Read "Proposition Relative to Fixing State Boundaries" first time in full None 0 PROCEDURE Read it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692497 Read File No. 83 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a first and second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692501 Read File No. 84 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 84 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692505 Read File No. 85 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692509 Read File No. 86 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 86 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692512 [File No. 87] will be read a second time by its title None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Peterson of Grand introduced a proposition for insertion in the Constitution, to provide for boundaries (file No. 87), which was read a first and second time by its title and referred to the committee on apportionment and boundaries. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692515 Fix Time for Reconvening Saturday at 10 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that when this assembly adjourn, it will be to meet to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692516 Fix Time to Reconvene Monday at 2 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that when this Convention adjourn it be until 2 o'clock on Monday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692518 Motion to Postpone Consideration None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the gentleman from Sevier County to withhold his motion for a moment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692522 Read File No. 88 a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 88 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692525 Read File No. 88 in full None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have that read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692527 Refer File No. 88 to Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE I move that committee be changed to the committee on legislative. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692529 Refer "Proposition Relative to Legislative Apportionment" to the Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries None 0 PROCEDURE The "Proposition Relative to Legislative Apportionment" will be referred to the original Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692533 Motion to Amend Previous Time Suggested. None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that by saying Monday at 2 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692536 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE That rule must be suspended before the motion is in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692539 Motion to Fix Time of Adjournment until Monday at 2 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that when this Convention adjourn, it will be until Monday at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692541 Point of Order: Can Appeal the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order; my point is, that the chair has decided that; if the gentleman does not like the decision, let him appeal from it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692544 Point of Order: Mr. Ricks' Withdrawal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Ricks' withdrawal of his motion will be suspended on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692547 Drop: Motion to Fix Time of Adjournment until Monday at 2 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, inasmuch as there seems to be a muddle here I will withdraw my motion to adjourn until Monday at 2 o'clock, and name to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692549 Take two-thirds vote to change general the rule for adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President I suggest to change the general rule to take a two-thirds vote to adjourn until 10 o'clock. The rule is that each day we shall meet at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692551 Fix Time of Adjournment to Monday at 2 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I offer as an amendment that when the Convention adjourn, it will be until Monday at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692553 Make Decision on Two-Thirds Vote to Fix Time of Adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE The question on taking a two-thirds vote to fix the time of adjournment will be moved to a vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692558 Unfinished Business in Order None 0 PROCEDURE Unfinished business, gentlemen, is now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692561 Motion to Postpone Hiring another Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that we postpone the employment of another committee clerk indefinitely. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692564 Order of Business: Motions and Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE Motions and resolutions. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692567 Motion to Adopt Resolution No. 34A None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President. I move the adoption of the resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692569 Create Committee to Review the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes do be taken to a committee Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692570 Motion to Refer to Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE I move you as an amendment to the motion that this subject be referred to the committee on engrossment and enrollment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692572 Motion to Have Committee on Printing Revise the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move an amendment to the effect that the committee on printing shall be the committee to revise and amend the journal. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692573 Motion that the Journal be Read by the Committee on Revision and Compilation None 0 PROCEDURE I move you as an amendment that the question of the revision of the minutes be referred to the committee on revision and compilation. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692577 Refer "Announcements of Caucus Meetings Take Precedence of Motions to Adjourn" to Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that motion be referred to the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692580 Motion for a Vote of Thanks for U. P. Systems None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that we tender the gentlemen a vote of thanks for their kindness. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692583 Motion to Adopt [Resolution No. 35B] None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolution No. 35B] will be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692585 Motion to Reread [Resolution No. 35B] None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I ask that the resolution be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692588 Vote on Resolution No. 35B None 0 PROCEDURE The question was called for by a number of members. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692591 Motion to Adopt [Resolution No. 36C] None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692593 Motion to Vote Upon [Resolution No. 36C] None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolution No. 36C] will be called for a vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692597 Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reconsideration of that vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692599 Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, to relieve the gentleman and for his benefit, I move a reconsideration of that order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692602 Motion to Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692603 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will adjourn until the following day 16-03-1895 14:00:00 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692608 Drop: Motion that the Journal be Read by the Committee on Revision and Compilation None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to lay the motion on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692609 Point of Order: Postpone Decision on "Business of Order: Revision of Minutes: Committee on Compilation and Arrangement" None 0 PROCEDURE The Postponement on "Business of Order: Revision of Minutes: Committee on Compilation and Arrangement" will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692611 Motion to Lay on Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to lay it on the table, which takes precedence of all other matters, except to adjourn to a day certain or to adjourn indefinitely, and should be put without debate under our rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692613 Point of Order: Chair has Ruled None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. When the chair has ruled on this question the gentleman must take his seat or appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692617 Adjourn until 16-03-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will adjourn until the following day 16-03-1895 14:00:00 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692619 Call to Order 16-03-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 2 o'clock p. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692622 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to be excused for the balance of the day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692624 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask to be excused Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692626 Prayer: Reverend Dana W. Bartlett: Congregational Church None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Reverend Dana W. Bartlett of the Congregational Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692628 Correction and Approval of Daily Minutes (15-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The daily minutes of the Convention will be corrected and approved (15-03-1895). Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692630 Temporarily Excuse Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights will be temporarily excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692632 Order of Business: Reports of Standing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE The reports of standing committees will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692636 Adopt: Resolution No. 37A None 0 PROCEDURE The "Printing Report on Sealed Bids from Publishers" will be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692640 Place Resolution No. 38B on File None 0 PROCEDURE "Expenses of Convention up to and Including Friday, March 15th, 1895" will be placed on file. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692646 Adopt "Recommendations for File Nos 83, 79, 87" None 0 PROCEDURE "Recommendations for File Nos 83, 79, and 87" will be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692648 Read "Proposition Relative to Fixing State Boundaries [File No. 83]" in full None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that it be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692650 Motion to Refer to Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move this matter be referred to the committee on printing to be ordered printed in the minutes. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692651 Motion to Refer to Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that be referred to the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692653 Reread File No. 83 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the report of the committee read again. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692656 Point of Order: Rules Dictate Disposition None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, what is the gentlemen's motion? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692658 Re-read File No. 79 None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 79 will be re-read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692660 Motion to Refer [File no. 79 to] the Committee on Municipal Corporations. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that that part of the committee report which recommends that this file be referred to the committee on municipal corporations be adopted and a reference made. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692662 Drop: File No. 87 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that part of the committee report which recommends that file No. 87 lie on the table be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692664 Motion be be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to be excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692666 Ordinances and Propositions for Insertion in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of ordinances and propositions for insertion in the Constitution Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692668 Motion to Refer to Appropriate Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that all propositions received, unless otherwise called for, under suspension of the rules, be read by their titles twice and referred to the appropriate committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692671 Read File No. 89 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 89 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692675 Read File No. 90 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 90 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692679 Read File No. 91 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 91 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692683 Read File No. 92 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 92 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692687 Read File No. 93 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 93 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692691 Read File No. 94 second time by title. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 94 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692695 Motion to Read Document Personally None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the privilege of reading it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692698 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692701 Motion to Provide Additional Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee on rules take into consideration the advisability of providing an additional clerk to assist the clerk of the Convention. If I may have a second I will state my reasons. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692703 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692705 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Any motion while that motion is pending is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692710 Floor to Mr. Eichnor None 0 PROCEDURE The floor will be given to Mr. Eichnor Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692712 Point of Order: Mr. Eichnor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eichnor will no longer have the floor Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692715 Mr. Cannon: Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE The previous question on investigation of the point whether we need other clerks or not was moved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692718 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692720 Call to Order 03-18-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692723 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. J. D. Gillilan, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692725 Approval of the Daily Minutes of the Thirteenth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The minutes of the thirteenth day's session were read, corrected and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692728 Read "Memorial: Woman's Suffrage: Salt Lake City" in Full and Refer to Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be read in full and referred to the committee on elections and rights of suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692731 Read "Memorial: Women's Suffrage: Suffrage Association: Utah Territory"in Full and Refer to Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE The "Memorial: Women's Suffrage: Suffrage Association: Utah Territory" will be read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692734 Read "Petition: Prohibit Trusts: Cache Valley " in Full and Refer to Committee on Corporations other than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE "Petition: Prohibit Trusts: Cache Valley " will be read and referred to the committee on corporations other than municipal. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692736 Motion to Excuse of Committee on Education and Public Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the Convention to excuse the committee on education and public lands Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692743 Read Report No. 2 by its Title. None 0 PROCEDURE The report from the Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights be read by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692745 Suspend the Rules to Read "Report by the Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights" in Full. None 0 PROCEDURE the Report of the Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights be read in full in the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692747 Postponement of Consideration until distribution None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to this question that it be distributed to the members Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692750 Introduction of Ordinances and Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of ordinances and propositions for insertion in the Constitution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692752 Suspension of Rules and Referral of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended in all of these cases and that the propositions be read by their titles and referred to the proper committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692755 Read File No. 99 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 99 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692759 Read File No. 98 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 98 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692763 Read File No. 100 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 100 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692767 Proposition be Referred to the Committee on Revenue, Taxation and Public Debt. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the committee on revenue, taxation and public debt. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692770 Read File No. 101 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 101 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692777 [File No. 103] was read a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition was read a second time by its title and referred to the committee on legislative. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692781 Read File No. 104 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 104 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692785 Read File No. 105 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 105 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692789 Read File No. 106 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 106 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692793 Read File No. 107 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 107 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692798 Read File No. 108 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 108 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692802 Read File No. 109 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 109 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692806 Read File No. 110 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 110 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692810 Read File No. 111 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 111 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692814 Read File No. 112 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 112 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692818 Read File No. 113 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 113 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692822 Read File No. 114 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 114 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692826 Read File No. 115 Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE The same was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692828 Refer Proposition to Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE on motion of Mr. Hart, referred to the committee on legislative. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692831 Read File No. 116 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 116 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692834 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to be excused to-day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692837 Read File No. 117 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 117 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692842 Read File No. 118 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 118 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692845 Special Orders: 1895-03-18 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention moved on to special orders. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692847 The Convention Resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Motion that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692850 Reconsider "Motion that the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole" None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to resolve into Committee of the Whole be reconsidered Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692853 The Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE The committee accordingly rose and the president having resumed the chair Mr. Kimball reported Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692857 File No. 83 be Read a Third Time by its Title. None 0 PROCEDURE I move the article be read a third time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692859 Point of Order: Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore rise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692861 Appeal of the Chair's Decision None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to appeal from the decision of the chair Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692864 The Article Pass its Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move this article pass its third reading Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692867 Rule XXI Amendment will be Referred to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Rule XXI Amendment be referred to the Committee on Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692873 Special Order: Preamble and Declaration of Rights: 1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE the Preamble and Declaration of Rights will be held on Wednesday at 15:00 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692877 Rule XXI Amendment Will be Referred to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Rule XXI Amendment be referred to the Committee on Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692879 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE May I be excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692882 Refer the Movement to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE The matter will go to the committee on rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692885 Refer "Standing Rules of the Convention" to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE The Standing Rules of the Convention be referred. Editorial Decisions
692889 Receive and Place on File "Letter from Moses Thatcher" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be received and placed on file. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692890 Record Cause of Absence in Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE it should be incorporated in the minutes. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692893 Petition for Ruling Regarding Rule XX None 0 PROCEDURE ask the chair for a ruling upon rule 20 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692895 Motion to Adjourn: 03-18-1985 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692899 Call to Order 03-19-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692902 Prayer: Rev. J. D. Gillilan, of the Methodist Episcopal Church None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. J. D. Gillilan, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692904 Reading and Approval of Daily Minutes (19-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The daily minutes of the Convention will be read and approved (19-03-1895). Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692907 Motion to Present Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of petitions and memorials Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692910 Motion to Read and Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Read and Refer Editorial Decisions
692913 The Petition from Juab County be Read and Referred to the Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE The petition from the women of Juab County be read and referred to the Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692915 Reports of Standing Committees. None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692919 Reading of the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to hear the report read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692920 Give Seats to Mr. Westerfield and Mr. Wenger None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask consent of this Convention to allow Mr. Westerfield and Mr. Wenger, of Salt Lake, seats on the floor of this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692922 Motion to Extend Privilige to Mr. Green None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask the privilege for the superintendent of schools from Sanpete, Mr. Green. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692924 Motion to Extend Privilege to Col. Sells None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the privilege extended to Col. Sells to occupy a seat on the floor of this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692928 Ordinances and Propositions for Insertion in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of ordinances and propositions for insertion in the Constitution Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692931 Suspension of the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended on all propositions introduced today, and that unless the reading be called for, they be read twice by their titles and referred to the appropriate committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692933 Reading of the proposition on irrigation a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition be read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692937 Read File No. 122 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 122 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692941 Read File No. 123 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 123 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692945 Read File No. 124 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition of Mr. Johnson was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692949 Proposition on Appropriations None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition was read a second time by its title and referred to the committee on revenue, taxation, and public debt Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692952 Motions and Resolutions. None 0 PROCEDURE The motions and resolutions were presented. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692954 Combining the Reports of the Committee on Federal Relations and Committee on Ordinances None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the Committee on Federal Relations and the Committee on Ordinances be combined in their reports Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692957 Motion to Adopt None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692963 Motion to Refer None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we refer the question to the committee on rules. . Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692969 Adoption of Mr. Evans' Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692970 Motion to Lay Mr. Evans' Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the resolution on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692972 Point of Order: Mr. Eichnor None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692973 Mr. Evans' Point of Order on a Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I arise, Mr. President, to a question of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692978 Point of Order: Mr. Squires None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692980 Mr. Evans Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a question of personal privilege and desire to explain to the chair and my fellow delegates that the summary treatment which I have received I think is unmerited. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692981 Point of Order: Mr. Evans Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I admit that the gentleman is arguing the main question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692984 Reading of the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I ask to have the resolution read, Mr. President Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692987 Adjournment of the Covention None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692988 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Before that motion is put, I would like to ask to be excused to-morrow from attending the session Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692991 Call to Order 03-20-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692994 Prayer: Rev. D. R. Lowell, Chaplain of the 16th Infantry None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Rev. D. R. Lowell, chaplain of the 16th Infantry. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
692996 Correction and Approval of Daily Minutes (20-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the sixteenth day's session was read, corrected and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693003 Reject Resolution 49.A None 0 PROCEDURE Resolution 49.A be layed on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693006 Remove Mr. Coray's Offensive Remarks from the Previous Day's Record. None 0 PROCEDURE The remarks of Mr. Coray be removed from the previous day's record. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693008 Resolution: Regarding another Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE A resolution regarding another clerk will introduced. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693009 Drop: Resolution: Regarding another Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I think the resolution is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693013 Adopt Resolution No. 50B None 0 PROCEDURE The proposed amendment by the committee be adopted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693016 Read: Committee Report No. 4 None 0 PROCEDURE Committee Report No. 4 be read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693020 Refer "Committee on Miscellaneous Report: 1895-03-20" to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE the Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous be referred to the Committee on Rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693026 Introduction of Ordinances and Propositions for Insertion in the Constitution: 1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of select committees. The next is the introduction of ordinances and propositions for insertion in the Constitution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693028 Motion to Read Twice and Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the rules be suspended and that all propositions presented be read a first and second time by their titles and referred to the appropriate committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693031 Read File No. 126 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 126 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693035 Read File No. 127 a First and Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition was read a first and a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693039 Read File No. 128 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 128 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693043 Read File No. 129 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 129 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693046 Unfinished Business: 1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE The PRESIDENT. Unfinished business. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693048 Read the Preamble and Declaration of Rights a First Time in Full and a Second Time by its Title None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that the preamble and declaration of rights be now read the first time in full and a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693051 Withdraw the request to have the Preamble and Declaration of Rights read by Mr. Whitney None 0 PROCEDURE the request to have Mr. Whitney read the Preamble and Declaration rights be withdrawn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693053 Prevent Amendments to Proposals During the First and Second Readings None 0 PROCEDURE propositions be immune from being amendment during their first and second reading Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693054 Point of Order: Reading the Preamble and Declaration of Rights a First and Second Time. None 0 PROCEDURE the motion to read the Preamble and Declaration of Rights for a first and second time be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693059 Motion to Take Up Special Orders None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take up the special order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693063 [Resoultion No. 53E] be Adopted. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693065 Read [Resolution No. 7.D] None 0 PROCEDURE Resolution No. 7.D be read once more Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693068 Drop: Resolution No. 53.E None 0 PROCEDURE [Resolution No. 53.E] be laid on the table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693075 Motion that the Convention Resolve Itself into the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take up the consideration of the preamble and declaration of rights as a committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693076 Second Motion that the Convention Resolve Itself into the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that we resolve ourselves into a committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693077 Third Motion that the Convention Resolve Itself into the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole to consider the Preamble and Declaration of Rights for an hour and a half Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693080 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole Report be adopted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693082 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-20 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then . . . adjourned. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693084 Call to Order 03-21-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693087 Prayer: Reverend R. Carson: African Methodist Episcopal Church None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend R. Carson will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693089 Approval of Daily Minutes (03-20-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The daily minutes will be read, corrected, and approved by the secretary (03-20-1895) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693093 Presentation of Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Presentations of Petitions and Memorials are now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693095 Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE The standing committee reports will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693098 Postpone Committee Report: "Committee on Miscellaneous Report: 1895-03-20" None 0 PROCEDURE I believe that [Committee Report: "Committee on Miscellaneous Report: 1895-03-20"] has to lie over one day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693100 Reports of Selected Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of select committees Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693101 Report of Standing Committee Offer by Mr. Ricks None 0 PROCEDURE If you will permit me, I would like to offer the report of a standing committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693104 Propositions for Insertion in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Propositions for insertion into the Constitution are now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693106 Suspension of Rules: Read First and Second Time by Title and Refer None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and the whole proposition be read the first and second time by its title and then referred to the proper committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693109 Read "Proposition [Unknown]" Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE "Proposition [Unknown]" will be read a second time by it title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693111 Refer "Proposition [Unknown]" to Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE The "Proposition [Unknown]" will be referred to the Committee on Legislative. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693114 Read File No. 130 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 130 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693118 Read File No. 131 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 131 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693122 Read File No. 132 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 132 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693126 Read File No. 133 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 133 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693130 Read File No. 134 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 134 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693133 Unfinished Business: 1895-03-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Unfinished business is now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693135 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into a committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693137 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-21 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693141 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-21 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693143 Call to Order 03-22-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693146 Prayer: Reverend Joseph McClain: Presbyterian Church None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend Joseph McClain will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693148 Approval of Daily Minutes (03-21-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the eighteenth day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693153 Point of Order: Mr. Buys None 0 PROCEDURE That is no longer the place to introduce that resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693157 Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE The standing committee reports will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693159 Special Order: Committee on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE I ask to have that made a special order for Tuesday next Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693160 Special Order Be Not Received None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this report be not received until just now Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693166 Bringing in the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I motion to bring in the minority report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693167 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order that this whole matter is out of order unless you suspend these rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693168 Reading of the Report of the Committee on Rules and Methods of Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the reading of the report of the Committee on Rules and Methods of Procedure Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693171 Consideration of the Article None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of this article may be the special order before the committee of the whole for Tuesday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693172 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I make the point of order that it is not in order for this Convention to make special orders for the committee of the whole without suspension of the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693173 Motion to Amend Mr. Richards' Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the motion by suspending the rules and making it the special order for Tuesday at 2 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693175 Point of Order on Debate None 0 PROCEDURE This is all out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693180 Requested Reading of Another Report None 0 PROCEDURE I request the reading of another report presented yesterday that ought to be read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693183 Motion to Adopt Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693185 Point of Order: Mr. James None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, this matter is not before the house for discussion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693188 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Partridge was by his request excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693190 Account of the Expenses and the Vouchers None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that it be the sense of this Convention that we be asked whether the expenditures should be made or not. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693192 Reports of Standing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE The reports of the standing committees are in order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693194 Nature of Mr. Lund's report None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to acknowledge that this gentleman is the chairman of one of the standing committees and I would like it to be considered in the nature of his report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693195 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I submit that that is not in order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693198 Hon. Jacob Johnson Admitted to the Privilege of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Hon. Jacob Johnson admitted to the privilege of the floor Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693200 Ordinances and Propositions for Insertion in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Ordinances and proposition for insertion in the constitution Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693202 Present "Petition:Salt Lake County: Legal Votes" None 0 PROCEDURE The Salt Lake County memorial will be presented Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693204 Suspend Rules: Read Resolution First and Second Time by Title and Refer None 0 PROCEDURE Under a suspension of rules, the resolution will be read a first and second time by its title and referred to the proper committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693206 Refer Petition: Salt Lake County: Voters to Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The petition will be referred to Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693209 Read File No. 136 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 136 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693213 Read File No. 137 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 137 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693217 Read File No. 138 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 138 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693221 Read File No. 139 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 139 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693224 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693225 Motion to Rise and Report at Five None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole until 5 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693227 Point of Order: Not the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to resolve into Committee of the Whole be dismissed under a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693229 Special orders: 1895-03-22 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention move on to Special orders:1895-03-22 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693231 Reconsider: "Resolution regarding consideration of the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands by the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-20" None 0 PROCEDURE the "Resolution regarding consideration of the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands by the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-20" be reconsidered. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693233 Motions and Resolutions: 1895-03-22 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention move on to Motions and Resolutions: 1895-03-22 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693239 Refer "Motion on Postage: 1895-03-22" to the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE "Motion on Postage: 1895-03-22" be referred to the Committee on Accounts and Expenses Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693246 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-22 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole until 5 p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693247 Motion to Amend None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by adding “until 5 p. m.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693250 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-22: First Session None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693252 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-22: Second session None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole until 6 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693254 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-22: Second session None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693256 Motion to Add Committee Appointments None 0 PROCEDURE The President appointed Messrs. Hill and Adams as additional members of the committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous, and Mr. Thoreson in place of Mr. Thatcher on the committee on taxation, revenue and public debt, and also on the committee on compilation and arrangement. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693258 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-22 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693260 Call to Order 03-23-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693263 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I am called away and desire to be excused on Monday and Tuesday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693265 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to be excused until Monday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693267 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Lieutenant Christian Erricson, of the Salvation Army. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693269 Motion to Excuse the Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE The committee on legislative, by request of chairman Van Horne, was excused from attendance Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693271 Read Nineteenth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the nineteenth day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693273 Presentation of Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of petitions and memorials. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693279 Reports of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693281 Read "Committee Report: Amend Standing Rule 20" None 0 PROCEDURE "Committee Report: Amend Standing Rule 20" will be presented and read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693284 Adopt: "Committee Report: Amend Standing Rule 20" None 0 PROCEDURE "Committee Report: Amend Standing Rule 20" will be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693296 Receive, File and Instruct Officers in "Report From Accounts and Expenses [03-23-1895]" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be received and filed and officers be instructed in accordance with the expressed desire of this committee and that the balance of the report be not acted upon. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693299 Introduction of Ordinances and Propositions for Insertion in the Constitution. None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of ordinances and propositions for insertion in the Constitution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693301 Suspension of Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we suspend the rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693305 First and Second Readings None 0 PROCEDURE Said proposition (file No. 144), was read a first and second time Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693309 Read File No. 143 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 143 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693314 Read File No. 145 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 145 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693317 Motion to Read File No. 145 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like it read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693320 Read "File No. 146" a second time None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693324 Read "File No. 147" a second time None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition was read a second time by its title Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693328 Read File No. 148 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 148 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693332 Read File No. 149 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 149 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693336 Referral of File No. 150 to Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move that that last proposition be referred to the committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693338 Read "File No. 150" For Information None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 150 will be read for information. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693341 Suspension of Rules: Refer File No. 150 to Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Under a suspension of rules, File No. 150 will be sent to the Committee of the Whole to be considered in connection with the preamble and declaration of rights. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693344 Read File No. 151 second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 151 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693349 Read "File No. 152" None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 152 will be read for information. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693351 Refer "File No. 152" to Committee on Revenue, Taxation and Public Debt None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 152 will be referred to the Committee on Revenue, Taxation and Public Debt. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693352 Referral Back of File No. 152 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that be referred back with a request that details and specifications be furnished. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693355 Read File No. 154 Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 154 will be read a second time by its title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693357 Refer "File No. 154" to Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that go to the legislative committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693361 Refer "File No. 155" to Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 155 will be referred to the committee on schedule and future amendments and miscellaneous. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693367 Refer "File No. 53" and "File No. 92" to Appropriate Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that they be referred to the appropriate committees. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693369 Motions and Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE Motions and resolutions. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693371 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-23 None 0 PROCEDURE I move, Mr. President, now, that we go into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693372 Fix Time of Adjournment until 10 o'clock Monday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this Convention adjourns that it adjourn until 10 o'clock Monday morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693373 Amendment of Monday Convening Time None 0 PROCEDURE If the gentleman will make it 10:30 every one can be here. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693376 Table Motion to Fix Time of Reconvening None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution lie upon the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693383 Postpone: "Resolution No. 64B" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to indefinitely postpone it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693385 The Convention Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into the committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693387 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-23 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693389 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-23 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693391 Call to Order 03-25-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693394 Prayer: Rev. S. J. Adams of the Baptist district missionary for Utah None 0 PROCEDURE Rev. S. J. Adams of the Baptist district missionary for Utah will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693396 Approval of Daily Minutes (03-23-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The daily minutes will be read, corrected, and approved by the secretary (03-23-1895) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693403 Suspend the rules and adopt Resolution No. 66A None 0 PROCEDURE the rules be suspended and that the amendment to Rule I of the Standing rules be adopted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693408 Motions and Resolutions: 1895-03-25 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention move on to Motions and Resolutions: 1895-03-25 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693410 Motion to suspend the rules and make Report No. 6 a special order of the day on 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the rules be suspended and that we make the election bill a special order of the day, Wednesday, after the regular order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693417 Motion that the Convention resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole:1895-03-25 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693420 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-25 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693422 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-25 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693424 Call to Order 03-26-1895 10:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693427 Prayer: Elder M. B. Shipp, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints None 0 PROCEDURE Elder M. B. Shipp, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693429 Approval of Daily Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The daily minutes will be read, corrected, and approved by the secretary Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693435 Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we resolve ourselves into the Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693437 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-26 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693439 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-26 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns until two o'clock p. m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693441 Convention Re-Assembled None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693443 Convention Resolve Itself Into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693445 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-26 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693449 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-26 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693451 Call to Order: 27-03-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693454 Prayer 27-03-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend E. G. Hunt, of the Methodist Episcopal Church will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693456 Read and Approve Journal (26-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the twenty-third day's session will be read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693458 Order of Business: Standing Committee Reports None 0 PROCEDURE The reports of standing committees will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693463 Convention Resolved itself into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693465 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693469 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693471 Convention Re-assembled None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693473 Motion to take up Article No. 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that we go back to the regular order, and take up the declaration of rights on the third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693476 Postpone: "Article No. 2" debate for tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that debate of the declaration of rights be postpone until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693478 Convention Resolve Itself Into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that we go into committee of the whole, to consider the order of the calendar. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693480 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693484 Adopt: Minority Report of the Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be received and printed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693486 Convention Resolve itself into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for the consideration of the regular order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693488 Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693493 Special Order: The Minority Report will be considered after the usual program None 0 PROCEDURE I will make a motion, that it be made a special order for to-morrow morning after the usual program. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693495 Convention resolve itself into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now go into committee of the whole and consider the regular calendar Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693499 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693501 Call to Order 03-28-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693504 Prayer: Rev. Stanley M. Hunter, of the Unitarian Society None 0 PROCEDURE Rev. Stanley M. Hunter, of the Unitarian Society will offer the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693506 The journal of the twenty-fourth day's session was read and approved. None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the twenty-fourth day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693508 Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention move on to Petitions and memorials: 1895-03-28 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693511 Read "Petition on Prohibition" a second time by title None 0 PROCEDURE The Petition on Prohibition will be read a second time by title. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693515 Report of Standing Committees: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention move on to Reports of Standing Committees: 1895-03-28 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693518 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the rules are suspended and that this amendment is considered immediately] Library of Congress: Chronicling America: The Salt Lake Herald: 1895
693522 Convention Resolved itself into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole, for the consideration of the article on elections and right of suffrage Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693524 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693526 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693528 Convention Re-assembled None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693530 Convention Resolved itself into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole to consider the article on elections and rights of suffrage Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693532 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693534 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourns Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693536 Call to Order 03-29-1895 10:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693539 Prayer 29-03-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend Dana W. Bartlett, of the Congregational Church, will offer the prayer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693541 Privilege of the Floor: Messrs. Allen, Pence, Shurtliff, Chambers, and Fullmer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to give privilege of the floor to Messrs. Allen, Pence, Shurtliff, Chambers, and Fullmer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693543 Read and Approve Journal (29-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the journal of the twenty-fifth day's session be read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693545 Order of Business: Petitions and Memorials. None 0 PROCEDURE Petitions and Memorials will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693555 Order of Business: Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693560 Convention Resolved to Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693562 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the Committee of the Whole rise and report its progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693564 Convention Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-29 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that we now go into the Committee of the Whole for further consideration of this question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693568 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the Convention will adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693582 Refer "Article No. 2.3: Section 10" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this section be referred to the judiciary committee for report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693584 Refer "Article No. 2.3: Section 10" to Judiciary Committee to Report Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE The matter of Article No. 2: Section 10 will be referred to the Judiciary Committee with instructions to report back to the Convention tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693587 Adjourn 29-03-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693589 Call to Order 03-30-1895 10:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693592 Prayer 03-30-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend Dana W. Bartlett, of the Congregational Church, will offer the prayer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693594 Read and Approve Minutes (30-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the minutes of the twenty-sixth day's session be read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693596 Order of Business: Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Petitions and Memorials will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693606 Order of Business: Unfinished Business None 0 PROCEDURE Unfinished business is now in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693609 Refer to Committee on Printing and Place on Calendar for the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that under the rules the report is ordered printed, and placed on the committee of the whole calendar. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693611 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-03-30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693613 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-03-29 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole which has had under consideration the proposed article on elections and right of suffrage, now report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693615 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-30 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the Convention now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693617 Call to Order 04-01-1895 10:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693620 Prayer: 04-01-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Reverend Francis Herman, Scandinavian M. E. Church, offered the prayer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693622 Read and Approve Previous Day's Journal (30-03-1895) None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the twenty-seventh day's proceedings will be read by the secretary and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693624 Order of Business: Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Petitions and Memorials will now be in order. Editorial Decisions
693630 Privilege of Floor for Mr. Sudberry and Judd None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Sudberry and Judd will be granted the privilege of the floor. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693632 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693634 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole has had under consideration the article on election and rights of suffrage and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693636 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that we adjourn until some how to be fixed this evening. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693638 Point of Order: "Motion to Adjourn 1895-04-01" None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that Mr. Cannon's motion will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693639 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 [Goodwin] None 0 PROCEDURE I hope the request of Mr. Roberts' that we adjourn until to-morrow morning will be treated with respect. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693641 Call to order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met at 10 o'clock a. m. President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693644 Prayer 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Apostle F. M. Lyman, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will offer the prayer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693646 Read and Approve Minutes (1895-04-02) None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the journal of the twenty-ninth day's session be read and approved Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693651 Postpone "Memorial on Change of Venue" None 0 PROCEDURE I move these petitions lie upon the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693655 The Convention Resolve Itself into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for the further consideration of the article on elections and right of suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693656 Amendment: The Convention Move into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move as an amendment to that that we remain in session until article 1 is disposed of. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693660 Suspension of Rules: Resolution No. 72B None 0 PROCEDURE Then, Mr. President, I would move that the rules be suspended and that we adopt this resolution. Seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693661 Postpone "Resolution No. 72B" None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to lay the resolution on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693664 Committee of the Whole Report 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Your committee of the whole having had under consideration the article on elections and rights of suffrage, beg leave to report that they have passed the said article and ask that it be placed as amended on the file for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693668 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the Convention adjourns] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693670 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693672 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that prayer be offered by Reverend Dodd. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693674 Journal of Thirtieth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the Journal of the Thirtieth Day's Session is approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693680 Personal Privilege (Mr. Driver) None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Driver asks for personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693699 Motion to Recess 1895-04-23 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will take recess until 2 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693701 Call to Order 1895-04-03 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will resume. Editorial Decisions
693706 Refer "Article No. 2: Sections 22, 23" to Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that sections 22 and 23 be referred to the committee on judiciary with instructions to make an early report on that subject. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693709 Call for Previous Question "Article No. 2: Section 22: Substitute" None 0 PROCEDURE I now call for the previous question on the adoption of my substitute for section 22. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693713 Point of Order: Decision on "Article No. 2: Section 22: Substitute" None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order, the previous question was on my substitute and not on any other matter foreign to that section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693717 Point of Order: "Article No. 2: Section 22: Fourth Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, that the amendment of the gentleman from Weber is not in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693720 Move Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question on the whole subject. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693739 Read "Article No. 2.2: Sections 28, 29" None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read sections 28&29. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693741 Move previous question on the whole "Article No. 2" None 0 PROCEDURE I now move the previous question on the whole proposition. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693743 Adopt "Article No. 2" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt the preamble as reported by the committee. (The Preamble and Declaration of Rights were combined into the same document, so although Mr. Creer motioned to adopt the Preamble, we cannot adopt it in the system without adopting the Declaration of Rights as well. Therefore, we created an "other" vote instead of an "adopt" vote, to signify the connection in the database.) Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693746 Point of Order: "Move Previous Question on the Whole 'Article No. 2'" None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order on the previous question on this whole article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693751 Mr. Kimball Motion on the Preamble None 0 PROCEDURE I now move, Mr. President, that the preamble_ Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693752 Point of Order: "Mr. Kimball's Motion on the Preamble" None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, that when a vote is commenced on any proposition it must be continued. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693754 Move Previous Question on the Preamble None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693757 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-04-03 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole to consider the next article on the calendar. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693759 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693762 Prayer (1895-04-04) None 0 PROCEDURE Archdeacon Crook of the Episcopal Church will offer the prayer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693764 Reading of 31st day's Session Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the journal of the 31st day's session will be read, corrected, and approved Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693766 According Privileges of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that Mr. Madsen and Mr. Maiben be accorded the privileges of the floor. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693770 Order of Business: Special orders 1895-04-04 None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any reports of standing committees? Editorial Decisions
693772 Motion to resolve into committee of the whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for the consideration of the next article on the calendar. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693773 Point of Order: "Motion to resolve into Committee of the Whole" None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. That is not in order at this time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693776 Order of Business: Motions and Resolutions (1895-04-04) None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the convention proceed to motions and resolutions Editorial Decisions
693778 Motion to go into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693781 Grant Privilege of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the privilege of the floor be granted to Mr. McArthur of St. George. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693845 Motion to Reconsider "Article No. 5.3: Section 3: Third Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I am going to move a reconsideration of the vote wherein I voted to insert the word “amendment.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693850 Motion to Reconsider: "Article No. 5.3: Section 3: Third Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote by which the words “or amendment” were added after the word “constitution.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693861 Motion to Recess 1895-04-04 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to take a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693863 Motion to Reconvene None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693869 Point of Order: Article No. 6: Amendment to Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order on that. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693870 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693871 Point of Order: Article No. 6: Section 1: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693873 Motion to Appeal None 0 PROCEDURE I take an appeal if the chair so decides. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693886 Motion to Adjourn 1895-04-04 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693888 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The session is called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693891 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. W. S. Hawkes of the Congregational Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693893 Approval of The Journal of the Thirty-Second Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the thirty-second day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693895 Privilege of the Floor: Murdock, Coray, Apperley, Neilson, Denny and Ollerton None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Murdock, Coray, Apperley, Neilson, Denny and Ollerton will now have the privilege of the floor. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693910 Motion to Adopt the Oral Report of the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of the report of the committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693911 Motion for a Written Statement None 0 PROCEDURE Should not there be a written statement to the secretary here of this matter? The chairman will hand it up in writing. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693915 Motion to Itemize the Report from the Committee on Accounts and Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE I do not think the gentleman understands my suggestion. My suggestion is it should be incorporated into the report and become a part of the record of the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693917 Motion to Allow Account to Committee on Corporations None 0 PROCEDURE The committee corporations will be allowed an account in the amount of twenty dollars. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693918 Order of Business: Reading of Ordinances and Propositions to be Inserted None 0 PROCEDURE The third reading of ordinances and propositions to be inserted in the Constitution will now take place. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693920 Motion to Recommit the Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage to a Special Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move to recommit the article on elections and rights of suffrage to a special committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693922 Motion to Recommit the Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage to a Special Committee Within Three Days None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to add “within three days.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693924 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693927 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693928 Motion for Recess Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion to recess. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693929 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693931 Postpone "Motion to Recommit the Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage to a Special Committee" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay this motion on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693932 Point of Order: Postpone: "Motion to Recommit the Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage to a Special Committee" None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. That requires a suspension of our rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693936 Point of Order: 04-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693939 The President Resumed the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE The President here resumed the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693941 Motion to Close Debate on Woman's Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE I now move the previous question, except that Mr. Varian may have the opportunity to close this debate. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693943 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693945 Call to Vote on Motion to Recommit the Article on Elections and Suffrage to a Special Commitee None 0 PROCEDURE Shall the main question be now put? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693946 Point of Order: Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693947 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I call the gentleman's attention to the fact that he is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693951 Motion for Recess Until Half-Past Two O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until half-past two o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693953 Call to Order 05-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693956 Point of Order: Spoken Once None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693959 Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a question of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693961 Point of Order: Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693962 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693964 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I submit, Mr. President, the gentleman is not in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693967 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I insist this is entirely out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693970 Mr. Howard's Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to now just read a few words here as a matter of argument. I will not put it as a question-if I have the privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693971 Objection to Mr. Howard's Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I object. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693977 Motion to Hold a Large Mass Meeting in this City None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent to have read the resolutions adopted at a large mass meeting assembled in this city this afternoon. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693978 Objection to Motion to Hold a Large Mass Meeting in this City None 0 PROCEDURE I object. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693979 Motion for Unanimous Consent None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for unanimous consent. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693980 Motion to Take the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, have I the floor? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693983 Resolutions from the Women of Salt Lake City None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the clerk to have this read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693986 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I now arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693989 Point of Order: President is not to be Castigated None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693990 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693991 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I am stating my point of order, Mr. President. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693993 Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693996 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
693998 Point of Order: Chair had Declared Decision None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694001 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that we now adjourn until Monday morning at half-past ten o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694003 Mr. Roberts' Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a question of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694004 Point of Order: Mr. Roberts' Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I make the point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694008 Point of Order: Relevance None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694011 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I call the gentleman to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694014 Mr. Jolley's Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE I request to be excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694018 Motion to Move the Previous Question: Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694019 Point of Order: Motion to Move the Previous Question: Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order on that. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694021 Motion to Pass Section 1 of the Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 1 of the article on elections and rights of suffrage be passed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694022 Motion to Vote on Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question on it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694025 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694029 Motion to Lay Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to lay that amendment on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694034 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr President, I move that we do now adjourn until Monday next. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694036 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694039 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. John D. Nutting, of the Congregational Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694041 Approval of The Journal of the Thirty-Third Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the thirty-third day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694043 Admission of Messrs. Nixon, Farr and Davis to seats on the floor of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Nixon, Farr and Davis were admitted to seats on the floor of the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694060 File No. 180-194 Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE Ordered Filed [File No. 180-194] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694063 File No. 195 Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 195 ordered filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694067 Referral of Files No. 196-197 to the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE Files No. 196-197 referred to the committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694069 Third Reading of Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE The article on elections and rights of suffrage be read a third time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694071 House Consideration of Section 2 of the Article on Elections and Rights of Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE Section 2 of the article on elections and rights of suffrage is the matter now before the house for consideration. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694072 Suspend the Rules and Go Into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention suspends the rules and go into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694117 Motion to Excuse Mr. Christiansen None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to be excused for the rest of the morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694139 Motion to Excuse Mr. Partridge None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to be excused for the remainder of the day's session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694143 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that we take a recess until 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694150 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, if they are going to amend this section, I move we take a recess until 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694152 Call to Order 08-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694159 Point of Order: Article 6: Section 14: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694163 Point of Order: Article 6: Section 14: Fourth Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694167 Motion for Division: Article 6: Section 14: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I call for a division on that. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694184 Motion to Lay Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the amendment to the substitute be laid on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694207 Motion to Recommit Article No. 6: Section 14 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this section and all amendment be committed to the committee on schedule and future amendments. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694226 Motion to Adopt the Article as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of the adoption of the article as amended. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694228 Motion to Suspend the Rules of Reconsideration None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that portion of the rule which requires that the motion to reconsider be made on the same day be suspended indefinitely. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694229 Amended Motion to Suspend the Rules of Reconsideration None 0 PROCEDURE It is moved and seconded that the original motion be amended so as to read substantially in this wise. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694230 Point of Order: Motion to Suspend the Rules of Reconsideration None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694233 Point of Order: Motion to Adopt the Article as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694238 Point of Order: Motion to Suspend the Rules of Reconsideration None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694240 Motion to Excuse Mr. Williams None 0 PROCEDURE I motion to be excused until next Wednesday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694242 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole to take up the executive article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694244 Report from Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose and reported as follows. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694246 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694248 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694251 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Rev. Ritchie, of the Congregational Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694253 Order of Business: Petitions and Memorials (1895-04-09) None 0 PROCEDURE Petitions and Memorials will now be in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694277 Mr. Whitney Presentation to the President by Request 1895-04-09 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent of the Convention to allow me to make a presentation to the president, by request. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694280 Third reading of ordinances and propositions to be inserted in the Constitution. None 0 PROCEDURE Ordinances and propositions to be inserted in the Constitution are read a third time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694281 Move into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE that we suspend the rules and resolve ourselves into the committee of the whole for the further consideration of the article on public lands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694290 Adopt: Article No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the passage of the ordinance as read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694296 Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for the consideration of the article on public lands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694299 The Convention Reconvenes None 0 PROCEDURE that the Convention reconvene and report on the Committee of the Whole Editorial Decisions
694301 Article of Public Lands be Referred to the Committee on Public Lands and the Committee on Education and School Lands Jointly None 0 PROCEDURE the article on public lands be now referred to the committee on public lands and the committee on education and school lands jointly. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694303 Recess Until 2 O'Clock P.M. None 0 PROCEDURE the convention take a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694305 The Convention Reconvene into the Afternoon Session None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention reconvene into the afternoon session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694307 Move Into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention move into the Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694334 Point of Order: Mr. Hart on "Article No. 10: Section 4" None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694340 Move Previous Question "Article No. 10: Section 4: Second Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694344 Adjourn 1895-04-09 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694347 Motion to Adjourn 1895-04-09 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694349 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694352 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. A. M. Martin of the Swedish Lutheran Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694354 Approval of The Journal of the Thirty-Seventh Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the thirty-seventh day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694377 File 223-243 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that files 223-243 will be filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694380 Return "Petition on Women's Suffrage [No Signatures]" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the petition or the non-petition be returned to the gentleman. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694388 Take Up "Article No. 10: Section 4: Third Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment pending on the article entitled congressional and legislative apportionment will be taken up. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694391 Point of Order: "Article No. 10: Section 4: Fourth Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to rise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694400 Point of Order: "Article No. 10: Section 2: Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. We passed section 2 yesterday, and I think amendments are not in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694410 Adopt: "Article No. 10" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the article on congressional and legislative apportionment do now pass. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694419 Motion for Recess 1895-04-10 12:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will take recess at 12 o'clock and resume at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694421 Call to Order 04-10-1895 14:15:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order for the afternoon session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694425 Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole 1895-04-10 14:12:00 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694427 Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694429 Motion for Recess until 7:30 p.m. 1895-04-10 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 7:30 p. m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694431 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-10 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will adjourn at 5:05 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694433 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694436 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Reverend R. G. McNiece, of the First Presbyterian Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694446 File No. 246-253 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that files 246-253 will be filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694454 Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that files 254-259 will be filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694460 Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole and take up the regular order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694462 Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose and reported as follows. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694464 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the convention adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694466 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694469 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Geo. E. Jayne, pastor of the Second M. E. church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694471 Approval of The Journal of the Thirty-Ninth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the thirty-ninth day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694489 Ordered Filed [File No. 261-276] None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 261-276 ordered filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694497 Ordered Filed [File No. 277-282] None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 277-282 ordered filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694514 Point of Order: Article on the Legislative [Article No. 9]: Section 9: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to the point of order that that could only be by a reconsideration of that article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694543 Motion to Pass the Reading of Article 9: Section 31 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we pass section 31 until the end of the consideration of the other provisions of the article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694564 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694569 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694572 Motion for Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question upon the substitute and the amendment, not the article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694576 Motion for the Roll Call to be Repeated None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I ask for the roll call to be repeated. It doesn't agree with my count. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694577 Point of Order: Motion for the Roll Call to be Repeated None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694579 Motion for a Writ of Prohibition None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move a writ of prohibition to prevent another count. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694580 Point of Order: Motion for a Writ of Prohibition None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694582 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I take an appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694584 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I call the gentleman to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694585 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694586 Motion for Previous Question: Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694589 Motion for Previous Question: Roll Call to be Repeated None 0 PROCEDURE I now move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694592 Motion to Reconsider Vote: Article No. 9.3: Section 36 None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694593 Motion to Postpone Debate None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move that this question be made the special order for tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694595 Point of Order: Motion to Postpone Debate None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694618 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694620 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 10 o'clock a. m, by President Smith. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694623 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Delegate Hughes, of Cache County, Utah. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694625 Approval of The Journal of the Fortieth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the fortieth day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694636 [Files No. 284-292] Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE [Files No. 284-292] Ordered Filed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694639 [File No. 293] Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 293] Ordered Filed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694643 Motion for Communication to be Returned None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the communication be returned to the gentleman. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694646 Motion to File Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be allowed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694649 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that we now adjourn until Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694652 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention was called to order at 10 a. m. President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694655 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by delegate Farr, of Weber. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694657 Approval of The Journal of the Forty-First Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the forty-first day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694663 File No. 294-297 Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 294-297 ordered filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694673 File No. 298-305 Ordered Filed None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 298-305 ordered filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694679 Motion to Close Debate None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Mr. Varian now close the debate. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694685 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I desire to suggest a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694689 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694691 Roll Call on the Passage of the Legislative Article [Article No. 9] None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will call the roll on the passage of the legislative article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694693 Motion to Add Separate Section to the Article None 0 PROCEDURE I would propose this as a separate section, to add it to the article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694694 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I suggest that the secretary having started to call the roll no motions are proper now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694697 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694701 Point of Order: Resolution No. 75 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694703 Point of order: Resolution No. 75B Non-debatable None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, under the rule this goes to the committee on rules without any debate. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694705 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we now resolve ourselves into the Committee of the Whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694707 Report from Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole then rose and reported as follows: Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694709 Motion to Reconsider Vote on Article on Elections and Suffrage on Thursday Next None 0 PROCEDURE I shall move a reconsideration, in accordance with previous notice, of the vote by which the article upon elections and suffrage passed, I desire everybody to have full notice of it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694710 Motion for Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the motion which the gentleman from Salt Lake will then make be made the special order for that time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694712 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694714 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention was called to order at 10 a. m. President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694717 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Clarence T. Brown of the Congregational Church. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694719 Approval of The Journal of the Forty-Third Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the forty-third day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694721 Excusing Mr. Creer None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Creer was excused for the day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694733 Ordered Filed [FIles No. 309-318] None 0 PROCEDURE [FIles No. 309-318] Ordered Filed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694735 The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole. None 0 PROCEDURE Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-04-16 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694737 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-04-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole has had under consideration the article on labor and arbitration, has completed the same, and reported it for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694741 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-16 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694743 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order Editorial Decisions
694745 Prayer (April 17) None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Maughan (Cache) will offer the prayer Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694747 Reading of 44th day's journal None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the forty-fourth day's session will be read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694757 Ordered Filed [File No. 319-326] None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 319-326] Ordered Filed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694761 Ordered Filed [File No. 327-328] None 0 PROCEDURE [File No. 327-328] Ordered Filed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694765 Reject: File No 321b None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that petition be returned to Mr. Squires as being an insult to this Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694768 Unanimous Motion to reconsider Resolution No. 76A None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to ask unanimous consent to offer a motion that we reconsider the question upon which we passed last night Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694770 Reject Resolution No. 76A None 0 PROCEDURE I now move you that the report of the committee be received, placed on file, and that the recommendations be not adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694771 Postpone Debate: Resolution No. 76A None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay this motion on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694773 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-04-17 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694775 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-04-16 None 0 PROCEDURE [the Convention place the articles on Revenue and Taxation and Public debt on the third reading calendar] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694777 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-17 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694779 Call to Order: 18-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694782 Prayer: 18-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Christiansen, of Sanpete. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694784 Read Journal of the Forty-Fifth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the forty-fifth day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694807 File 329-349 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that files 329-349 will be filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694823 File 350-363 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that files 350-363 would be filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694825 Take up "Report No. 76A" None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that we take the report of the expense committee from the table and consider it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694827 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Move the question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694828 Read Report No. 76A None 0 PROCEDURE Other Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694833 Move the previous question None 0 PROCEDURE Move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694837 Order of Business: Special Orders 1895-04-18 None 0 PROCEDURE The next Order of Business will be Special Orders. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694839 Reconsider the adoption of "Article No. 6" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote by which the article on suffrages and elections was passed upon its third reading upon a previous day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694841 Table "Reconsider the adoption of 'Article No. 6'" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694844 Take up "Article No. 6" None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that this matter we have just laid upon the table be now taken from the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694846 Cease debate at 12 o'clock on "Article No. 6" None 0 PROCEDURE I now move you that the debate cease upon this question at 12 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694847 5 Minute Debate "Article No. 6" None 0 PROCEDURE I amend that motion by saying that it shall cease in five minutes. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694848 Fifteen Minute Debate on "Article No. 6" None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the amendment, that the debate cease in fifteen minutes. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694851 Point of Order and Personal Privilege: Chidester 1895-04-18 None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order and personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694872 Motion to substitute: Mr. James Paton Low 1895-04-18 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike out the whole section as amended and insert in lieu thereof a substitute. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694874 Point of Order: "Motion to Substitute: Mr. James Paton Low 1895-04-18" None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest the time for offering this substitute would have been when opportunity afforded. The house has refused to strike out this section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694897 Motion to vote separately on salary items "Article No. 7: Sections 16&17&18&19&20: Third Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have this motion put separately, not as a whole_to vote on each one separately. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694898 Point of Order: Motion to vote separately on salary items None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order on that; it cannot be done. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694902 Motion for recess 195-04-18 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will take a recess until 2 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694904 Reconvene Convention None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will re-assemble at 2 o'clock pm. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694917 Adopt Entire Article No. 7 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now on the adoption of the entire article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694922 Strike Article No. 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, sir, that section 1, together with the title and all other sections of this article, be stricken out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694929 Point of order: Strike Article No. 13 None 0 PROCEDURE A motion to strike the whole article out is not in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694959 Point of Order: Motion to strike out entire article None 0 PROCEDURE his article is on its third reading_its final passage, a motion to strike out simply accomplishes what would be accomplished by a negative vote on the article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694968 Suspension of Rules: Adopt Committee on Rules Report (1895-04-18) None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that we adopt this now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
694999 Postpone: Article 14: Section 14 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay it on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695002 Adopt: Article No. 14: Section 14 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move the adoption of the section which I proposed and to designate it section 14, and ask that the ayes and noes be called. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695006 Point of Order: Article No. 14: Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. That is exactly in substance and in language almost what was stricken out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695011 Adjourn 1895-04-18 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695013 Call to Order 19-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695016 Prayer: 19-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Geo. W. Rich, of Park City. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695018 Read Previous Day's Session 04-18-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the forty-sixth day's session was read and approved. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695020 Motion to File Petitions Without Being Read None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended and all petition relating to elections and right of suffrage be filed without being read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695030 Referred to Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE Referred to committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695032 Motion to Present Petitions of Woman's Suffrage to the Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that all petitions on the woman's suffrage question hereafter presented be presented to the clerk without being read to the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695033 Motion to Suspend Rules and Place Petitions on File None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that all petitions of that nature be submitted to the clerk and placed on file. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695040 Motion to Suspend Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695042 Motion to Lay Mr. Evans' Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to lay the motion on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695045 Motion to Remove Mr. Evans' Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move now that it be taken from the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695047 Motion for Committee on Accounts and Expenses to Perform Audit None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee on accounts and expenses be instructed to inquire if it is necessary to longer employ the services of our committee clerks. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695049 Motion for Copy of Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, in behalf of that committee, I would ask that a copy of the resolutions be furnished the committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695050 Motion for Article on Public Lands to be Reinstated on the Calendar None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I would move that the article on public lands be reinstated in its regular order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695051 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, this is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695057 Motion to Offer Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE I ask to offer a substitute for the section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695127 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the committee take a recess. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695129 Motion for Article on Public Lands be Replaced on Calendar None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I now move that the article on the calendar on public lands be replaced on the calendar in its regular order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695131 Motion to Reconsider Resolution from Committee on Accounts and Expenses [Resolution No. 77] None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move you that the action of this Convention just preceding its adjournment be reconsidered. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695133 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I now move that the Convention resolve itself into the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695135 Report from Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose and reported as follows: Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695137 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695139 Call to Order 20-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695142 Prayer: 04-20-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Maeser of Utah County. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695144 Read Previous Day's Session 04-19-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the journal of the forty-seventh day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695146 Order of Business: Petitions 04-20-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Petitions will now be in order and presented. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695152 Ordered Filed [File No. 372-375] None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 372-375 ordered filed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695159 Motion that amendment is out of order. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, that it is not in order to move to strike out on the passage of a bill. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695174 Motion to resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695176 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695178 Call to Order 22-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695181 Prayer: 04-22-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer will be offered by Attewall Wootton, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695183 Read Forty Eighth Day's Session 04-22-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the forty-eighth day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695187 Motion to Reconsider Article No. 6: Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now suspend the rules and reconsider section 4 of the article on elections, and section 4 only. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695189 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider upon the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore make a motion to lay the motion upon the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695191 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695193 Report from Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose and reported as follows: Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695195 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695197 Call to Order 23-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695200 Prayer: 04-23-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Halliday, of Utah County. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695202 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we suspend the rules and go into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695226 Motion to Drop: Article No. 17: Section 4: First Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE to indefinitely postpone the substitute and the amendments offered Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695228 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-23 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention recess until 2 o'clock Editorial Decisions
695230 Call to Order: 1895-04-23 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention be called to order Editorial Decisions
695241 Point of Order: Article No. 17.3: Section 4: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE The section has passed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695245 Point of Order: Article No. 17.3: Section 4: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE There is no motion before the house Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695247 Point of Order: Point of Order: Article No. 17.3: Section 4: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE point of order is that the gentleman [...] is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695248 Appeal Ruling None 0 PROCEDURE Appeal from the ruling of the chair Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695268 Postpone Debate None 0 PROCEDURE Move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695280 Point of Order: Article No. 17.3: Section 4: Fifth Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE it is now too late to offer an amendment Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695282 Postpone Debate: Article No. 17.3 None 0 PROCEDURE Move the question on the whole article Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695287 Postpone Debate None 0 PROCEDURE Move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695294 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-23 None 0 PROCEDURE We now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695296 Call to Order: 24-09-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695299 Prayer: 04-24-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer will be offered by Delegate Barnes of Davis County. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695301 Read Fifty-First Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the fifty-first day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695307 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695309 Report from Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then arose and reported as follows: Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695311 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695313 Call to Order: 25-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695316 Prayer: 04-25-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Brandley of Sevier. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695318 Read Fifty Second Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the fifty-second day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695320 Motion to Hold an Evening Session None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we adjourn this afternoon we take a recess until 7:30 and have an evening session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695331 All Committees to Report no Later than Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be the sense of this Convention that all the committees report not later than to-morrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695333 Motion to Take Article No. 6: Section 14 From the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to take from the table the motion which was laid on table last monday, tending to a reconsideration of Section 14. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695335 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695340 Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a question of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695342 Motion to Accept the Section as Read by Mr. Crane None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the section be accepted as read by Mr. Crane. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695345 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695348 Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a question of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695351 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695352 Point of Order: Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order that that question has been Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695354 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695356 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, the decision of the hair on this point having been made, I would like to state the point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695357 Point of Order: Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I make the point of order, that when the chair ruled no appeal was taken. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695359 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order upon Mr. Hart, that he is not talking to any question now before the house. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695363 Motion for Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695365 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I desire to submit a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695366 Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a question of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695368 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695370 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695371 Point of Order: Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695373 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair, if that is a decision against Mr. Varian's point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695374 Point of Order: Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695378 Motion to Bring Back Article on Elections and Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I now move that the rules be suspended and the entire article on elections and suffrage be brought back from the committee on compilation and arrangement. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695385 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee take a recess until 2 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695399 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695452 Point of Order: Article No. 18.3: Section 9: Amendment: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I suggest as point of order, that amendment is not pertinent now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695500 Motion to Reconsider Article 18.3: Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment by Mr. Thurman to section 9 was carried. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695506 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695507 Motion to Adjourn Until Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to adjourn until tomorrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695508 Point of Order: Motion to Adjourn Until Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The time is fixed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695509 Motion to Reconsider: Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move to reconsider the action of this morning that we take a recess until 7:30 this evening. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695513 Motion to Set Time of Next Session None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that when we adjourn, we adjourn until 9 o'clock to- morrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695514 Motion to Set Time of Next Session: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move as an amendment that we take a recess until 7:30 o'clock this evening. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695518 Motion to Vote on Article on the Judiciary [Article No. 18.3] None 0 PROCEDURE Yeas and nays on the judiciary article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695520 Motion to Reconsider: Article no. 18.3: Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I submit when the gentleman who offers the substitute states here that he will withdraw it, we certainly ought to vote for a reconsideration. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695525 Motion to Adopt Recommendation Upon the Article on Mines and Mining None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move you that we do now adopt the recommendation of the committee of the whole upon the article of mines and mining. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695532 Point of Order: Article No. 19: Section 3: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to point of order. It is not proper. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695533 Motion for Roll Call on the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Roll call on the article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695535 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695538 Motion to Postpone Vote Until Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask that this vote be postponed until tomorrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695540 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695543 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Now, Mr. President, I want to arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695546 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695549 Call to Order 26-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695552 Prayer: 23-04-1985 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Delegate Raleigh of Salt Lake. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695554 Read Previous Day's Session 1895-04-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the fifty-third day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695557 Motion to Accept and Schedule for 2 PM Sunday Next None 0 PROCEDURE I move the invitation be accepted with thanks, and 2 p. m. Sunday next be the hour fixed for the excursion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695558 Motion to Accept and Schedulr for 4 PM Tomorrow (Saturday) None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the hour of 4 p. m. to-morrow (Saturday) be the time fixed for the excursion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695559 Motion to Defer Action Until End of the Session None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the invitation be deferred until the end of the section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695564 Motion for Ruling of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a ruling of the chair as to whether sections 1 and 2 are now before the house. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695567 Point of Order: Article No. 19: Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. I submit to you, sir, that section 3 in substance has been before this Convention in the bill of rights. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695568 Point of Order: Point of Order: Article No. 19: Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The char has decided this question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695570 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. I hold that this colloquy is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695576 Motion for Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695578 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695580 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695582 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695585 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695587 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695589 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Article 19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that this article go over until tomorrow to allow the gentlemen to agree upon some proposition to be presented to the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695592 Motion for Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695598 Point of Order: Article No. 19: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695600 Motion to Adopt Report from Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the report of the committee of the whole on the subject reported by the committee on schedule, future amendments, and miscellaneous, be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695601 Amended Motion to Adopt Report from Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, as an amendment to that motion, I move you that the report of the minority of the committee on schedule, future amendments, and miscellaneous, upon the question of prohibition, be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695602 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I submit that is hardly in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695603 Motion for Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the roll call. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695605 Modified Motion to Adopt Report from Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, and Miscellaneous None 0 PROCEDURE I modify my motion that the majority report of the committee on schedule, future amendments, and miscellaneous, be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695607 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695609 Report from Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose and reported as follows: Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695611 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we now adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695613 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we take a recess until 7:30. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695614 Point of Order: Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695615 Point of Order: Point of Order: Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695617 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I motion that the committee adjourn until tomorrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695619 Call to Order: 27-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695622 Prayer: 04-27-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer will be offered by Delegate Howard, of Emery. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695624 Read Fifty Fourth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the fifty-fourth day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695626 Motion to excuse Mr. Keith None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Keith was excused for a few days. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695639 Refer: Resolution No. 82A to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this be referred to the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695640 Motion to suspend the rules None 0 PROCEDURE I would move to amend, by suspending the rules on the adoption of this resolution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695641 Motion to end debate on Resolution No. 82A None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695645 Drop: Resolution No. 83B None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay it on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695649 Drop: Resolution No. 84C None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695652 Motion to suspend the rules and limit debate to three minutes per delegate None 0 PROCEDURE I move to suspend the rules, and that no members be allowed to speak more than three minutes on any question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695653 Motion to suspend the rules and limit debate to one minute per delegate None 0 PROCEDURE I would amend by making it one minute. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695656 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-04-27 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695658 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-04-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Your committee of the whole has had under consideration the article on corporations other than municipal, on public lands, on salaries of officers, and report the same to the Convention with the recommendation that they be put upon third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695660 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695662 Call to Order: 29-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695665 Prayer: 04-29-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Heybourne, of Iron. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695667 Read Fifty-Fifth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the fifty-fifth day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695669 Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1895-04-29 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695671 Committee of the Whole Report: 1895-04-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Your committee of the whole have had under consideration the article on schedule, and beg leave to report that they have considered the same and recommend that it be placed upon the calendar for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695674 Motion to adopt the Invitation from the Women of Utah None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the invitation be accepted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695675 Motion to reject the invitation from the Women of Utah. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the invitation be rejected. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695677 Motion to drop the Invitation from the Women of Utah None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be laid on the table for the present. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695750 Point of Order: Drop Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I raise the point of order that that has been passed upon. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695774 Motion to Reconsider a Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move now a reconsideration of the vote by which this section was just reinstated. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695777 Point of Order: Section to Reconsider Leaves Section Stricken out None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order that this section was reinstated and a motion to reconsider leaves it just where it was before, stricken out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695780 Point of Order: Section in Same Condition as Before None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. The point of order is, it stands in the same condition it was before, and those who spoke on it before cannot speak on it now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695782 Point of order: The Section Should Remain While Being Reconsidered None 0 PROCEDURE The first vote reinstated that section. Mr. Ivins then moved to reconsider the vote by which the section was reinstated, and that motion to reconsider was passed upon favorably, Now, the section remains there, because we voted it in on the first vote. It stands there, and now the vote by which it was inserted was reconsidered. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695784 Procedural Motion: Appeal the Chair's Decision None 0 PROCEDURE I will appeal from the decision of the chair on that question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695786 Point of Order: Challenge the Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I challenge the vote. Certainly let us vote understandingly, anyway, even if we cannot speak. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695788 Motion to Debate the Reinsertion None 0 PROCEDURE There is a motion before this house, to insert this. It was carried. That vote was reconsidered, and that, placed this thing back before this Convention, with a motion here to reinsert that Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695790 Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair upon that question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695791 Point of Order: Appeal Previously Settled None 0 PROCEDURE I raise a point of order, that Ave have just settled that appeal. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695796 Point of Order: Section Already Disposed Of None 0 PROCEDURE I make a point of order that the Convention by a vote has disposed of this very section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695810 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695813 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695814 Point of Order: No Business Since Previous Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. There has no business been done since the motion to adjourn was killed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695817 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695819 Call to Order: 30-04-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695822 Prayer: 04-30-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Murdock, of Beaver. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695824 Read Fifty-Seventh Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of 57th day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695827 Read: Communication from J. G. Sutherland and Others None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695829 Drop: Communication from J. G. Sutherland and Others None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay that communication on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695833 Motion to reconsider the Invitation from the Women of Utah [1895-04-29] None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to make a motion to take that from the table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695836 Motion to adopt to the Invitation from the Women of Utah None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be accepted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695838 Motion to refer Invitation from the Women of Utah back to the proposers None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the amendment, that the communication be referred back to the person who sent it here, for the purpose of attaching proper signatures. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695840 Postpone: Motion to adopt the Invitation from the Women of Utah None 0 PROCEDURE I move we postpone the consideration of this matter until this afternoon. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695843 Motion to create a new Article on Irrigation and Agriculture None 0 PROCEDURE I will move that through the committee, or otherwise, as we may provide, the interest of water and irrigation and agriculture be reproduced again Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695872 Motion to end debate None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695887 Motion to Refer Article No. 11 to the Committee on School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I want to move now that the article on school lands be referred back to the committee to report on. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695889 Motion to Postpone Debate on Article No. 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of this article be postponed until to- morrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695893 Motion to end debate on Article No. 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question on the article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695896 Reconsider: Article No. 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move a suspension of the rules and a reconsideration of the vote on the adoption of the article on corporations other than municipal. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695898 Reconsider: Article No. 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to it, then, that we reconsider the article and not suspend the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695900 Motion to end debate on Article No. 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question on the article now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695902 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-30 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695904 Call to Order: 1895-05-01 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention Re-assembled Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695917 Motion to end Debate on Article No. 26: Section 3: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695927 Motion to end Debate. None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695933 Point of Order: The subject of the Amendment has already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I make a point of order on that. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695941 Point of Order: The subject is not germane to this Article None 0 PROCEDURE I raise this point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695942 Point of Order: It is too late to amend "Article 26.3: Section 6" None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, that the gentleman is too late. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695943 Point of Order: The subject of the amendment has already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order on this question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695947 Motion to proceed to the Final Consideration of Articles None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we suspend the rules, if it is necessary to suspend the rules, and take action on these revised articles. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695949 Motion to proceed to the regular Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I now move you that we proceed with the regular order of business on the calendar, and dispose of that, before we begin to read that Constitution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695950 Point of Order: The question has already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order; we just voted that down. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695953 Final Consideration None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention proceed to the final consideration of the articles Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695955 Motion to compare the different versions of the Articles None 0 PROCEDURE I would move you that the secretary hold in his hand the original copy of one of them from this committee, and as some member of the committee who is altogether familiar and acquainted with this matter, that they have gone over so carefully, reads it, that the secretary check. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695958 Motion to reconsider proposal None 0 PROCEDURE I move we reconsider the vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695961 Section 1, 2, 3, & 4 were read None 0 PROCEDURE Section 1, 2, 3, & 4 were read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695964 Article I: Sections 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, & 12 None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, and 12 were read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695970 Motion to reconsider Article I: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move we reconsider that, and place the word twice after jeopardy. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695972 Article I: Section 13 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 13 was read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695978 Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695996 Article III: Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 1 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
695998 Article III: Section 2 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 2 was read. Editorial Decisions
696009 Motion to Reconsider Article III: Section 2: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider that now. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696015 Article III: Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE The third subdivision was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696020 Section 4 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 4 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696024 Article IV: Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 1 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696030 Article IV: Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696034 Article IV: Section 10 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 10 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696041 Motion to suspend the rules to amend Article IV: Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended with a view to reconsidering to permit of a motion to strike out of the section the words “except for municipal and school officers.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696053 Article IV: Section 10 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 10 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696056 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until to-morrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696060 Call to Order: 01-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696063 Prayer: 05-01-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Thompson, of Millard. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696065 Ready Fifty-Eighth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the 58th day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696067 Motion to Reconsider Point of Order regarding Article No. 26.3: Section 6: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the chair to reconsider the ruling upon the point of order raised by myself. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696069 Motion to Reconsider Article No. 26.3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reconsideration of the vote by which the state normal school was located at Sanpete County...the article as adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696071 Motion to Reconsider Article No. 26.3 for the single purpose of passing upon the normal school question None 0 PROCEDURE I will offer as an amendment to Mr. Roberts's motion, that the vote by which the article on public buildings was adopted on third reading yesterday be reconsidered, for the single purpose of passing upon the question relating to the normal school. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696078 Motion on the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696082 Call for Division on Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a division on that vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696083 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696094 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696114 Motion to Recess: 1895-05-01 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention took a recess. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696116 Call to Order 1895-05-01 12:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention met pursuant to adjournment Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696119 Motion for previous question: Article No. 25.3: Section 2: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE desire to move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696125 Point of order: With the decision made to move to a vote further debate would be considered out of order. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696145 Motion for previous question: Article No. 25.3: Section 9: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696148 Second motion for previous question: Article No. 25.3: Section 9: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696151 Third motion for move the question: None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696158 Point of Order: The subject of the proposal had already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696161 Motion for the previous question: Article No. 25: Section 9: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696165 Point of Order: The subject of the proposal had already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I would make the point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696167 Point of Order: The subject of the proposal had already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696170 Appeal: Point of Order: The subject of the proposal had already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair on this question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696173 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-05-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696178 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-05-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696195 Resolution 85A Referred to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE communication be referred to the committee on rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696199 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE the convention adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696201 Call to Order: 02-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696203 Read Fifty-Ninth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of fifty-ninth day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696205 Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then resolved itself into the committee of the whole and resumed the consideration of the article entitled miscellaneous, Mr. Eichnor in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696207 Report progress on Article No. 27 from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole have had under consideration the article on miscellaneous, and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696210 Take Recess None 0 PROCEDURE A recess taken until 2 p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696212 Re-Assemble the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention re-assembled at 2 p. m., pursuant to recess, President Smith in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696214 Discuss the Appointment of New Committee on Public Address None 0 PROCEDURE I want to call the attention of the Convention to the fact that there will have to be an address to the people in connection with the Constitution, and a committee should be appointed for the purpose of drafting it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696215 Appoint Committee of Seven on Public Address None 0 PROCEDURE I would make a motion that a committee of seven be appointed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696216 Amend the Motion to Allow Chair to Appoint Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that the chair appoint this committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696217 Amend Previous Amendment and Make Chair Member of Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to amend that by adding, of which committee the chair should be one. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696220 Consideration of Articles Reported from the Committee on Compilation and Arrangement None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then proceeded with the consideration of articles reported from the committee on compilation and arrangement. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696223 Article V was read None 0 PROCEDURE Article V was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696227 Section 1 was read None 0 PROCEDURE Article VI, section 1, was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696231 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I make the point of order, anyway, that this would not be a proper amendment at this time. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696233 Sections 2, 3, and 4 were read None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 2, 3, and 4 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696240 Motions on Punctuation be Left to Committee on Engrossment None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that all the matters of punctuation be left to the committee on engrossment and that they be left to adjust it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696243 Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 Were Read None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696251 Reading of Section 27 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 27 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696260 Read Sections 28,29, and 30 None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 28, 29, and 30 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696267 Read Section 31 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 31 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696275 Read Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 1 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696293 Read Sections 2 and 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 2 and 3 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696298 Read Sections 4, 5, and 6 None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 4, 5, and 6 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696305 Read Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 7 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696316 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole to finish up the calendar. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696318 Committee of the Whole Rises and Reports None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole rises and reports. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696320 Third Reading of Article 27: Article on Miscellanious None 0 PROCEDURE I move we suspend the rules and take up the third reading of that article entitled miscellaneous. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696342 Adjourn For the Day None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696350 Motion to Order the Question None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Snow, the previous question was ordered. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696357 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order, that not only once, but three or four or half a dozen times, that matter has been voted down in this Convention and cannot be reintroduced now under our rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696361 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696363 Further Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to the further point of order that it is not germane to the article now under consideration, which is homestead and exemption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696365 Reconsider the Vote of Article No. 27.3: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696370 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696373 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the previous question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696377 Motion to Reconsider the Vote By Which This Was Carried None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move now to reconsider the vote by which this was carried Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696379 Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move a suspension of the rules, and that we adjourn until 10 o'clock to-morrow. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696381 Call to Order: 03-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696384 Prayer: 03-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Preston. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696386 Read Journal of Sixtieth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE Journal of the sixtieth day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696388 Motion to appoint Committee None 0 PROCEDURE a committee to prepare an address to be submitted with the Constitution Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696390 Section 8 Was Read None 0 PROCEDURE Section 8 of Article VII was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696394 Sections 9, 10, and 11 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 9, 10, and 11 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696403 Point of Order: Motion to Refuse Introduction None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, that that is a material amendment and cannot be introduced. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696407 Point of Order: Second Motion to Refuse Introduction None 0 PROCEDURE That is out of order. That is an amendment to the section as it reads. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696411 Sections 12 and 13 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 12 and 13 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696415 Sections 1 and 2 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that Sections 1 and 2 be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696419 Motion to reconsider vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the vote by which the word “make” was changed to “form.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696425 Sections 3 and 4 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that Sections 3 and 4 be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696428 Section 5 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that Section 5 be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696447 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then took a recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696455 Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696458 Section 10 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 10 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696461 Point of Order: Cannot Amend Without Suspension of Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I arise to a point of order. The only way to do that would be to move to suspend the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696468 Sections 11, 12, and 13 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 11, 12, and 13 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696474 Sections 1 and 2 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 1 and 2 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696476 Motion to Honorably Discharge Committee on Compilation None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the committee on compilation and arrangement be honorably discharged. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696480 Motion to Consider Article on Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer the motion that we proceed to consider the apportionment article Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696482 Point of Order: Only a Simple Majority Needed. None 0 PROCEDURE Then, I make the point of order, if that be the fact, it does not require two- thirds. It is before the Convention, and all we need to do is to proceed with it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696484 Point of Order: Is a Quorum Present None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, before that question is put, I would like to know if there is a quorum present? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696487 BREAK None 0 PROCEDURE BREAK Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696493 Resolved that Section I Was Read None 0 PROCEDURE Section I was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696502 Section 2 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 2 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696506 Section 3 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 3 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696510 Section 4 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 4 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696516 Motion to Refer Article to Committee on Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that this article be referred to the committee on enrollment and engrossment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696518 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Cannon, the rules were suspended, and the Convention, at 5:10 o'clock p. m., adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696520 Call to Order: 04-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696523 Prayer: 04-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Eldredge. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696525 Read Journal of the Sixty-First Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the sixty-first day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696528 Motion to Grant Request for "Convention Request" None 0 PROCEDURE I move that request be granted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696530 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to suspend the rules for the purpose of enablement Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696539 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the Rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696546 Section 3 be Read None 0 PROCEDURE Section 3 was read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696551 Sections 4, 5, and 6 be made read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 4 and 5 and 6 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696580 Point of Order: The Amendment is not Before the House None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order, to save time. That amendment is not before the house. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696587 Sections 3 and 4 Be Made Read None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 3 and 4 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696605 Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to reconsider vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696610 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696613 Motion to Recess: 1895-05-04 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696624 Motion to Recess: 1895-05-04 None 0 PROCEDURE Recess until 2 o'clock p.m. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696626 Call to Order: 1895-05-04 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention re-assembled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696632 Point of Order: Excess Speakers None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. There are three or four men talking here. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696640 Motion to Follow Common Law None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest now to save time that we follow the common law rule and quit this punctuation. I make that motion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696646 Motion to Have Punctuation Motions Stand None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to have punctuation motions stand without objection. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696648 Motion for Reasoning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that any person making a suggestion, cite a rule for so doing. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696658 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move to suspend the rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696667 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Suspend the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696672 Suspend Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I would move to suspend the rules and strike out, commencing in the first line after the word “claims,” down to and including the word “depositors.” Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696681 Adopt Article XIII None 0 PROCEDURE Article XIII will be adopted as amended. Editorial Decisions
696706 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move a suspension of the rules. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696721 Postpone: Resolution on Printed Constitution Copies None 0 PROCEDURE I move that be laid on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696724 Motion to Accept Offer None 0 PROCEDURE I move the offer be accepted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696725 Postpone until Monday: Resolution on Printing Constitution Copies None 0 PROCEDURE I now move to postpone further consideration until Monday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696726 Refer to Committee on Printing: Resolution on Printed Constitution Copies None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that, that the committee find out what they will cost and report Monday. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696731 Motion to Distribute Excess Copies None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to the amendment that any surplus copies be divided among the members. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696734 Adjourn 1895-05-04 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until Monday at 10 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696736 Call to Order: 06-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696738 Prayer: 06-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Clark Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696740 Read Journal of the Sixty-Second Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the sixty-second day's session will be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696743 Refer Stenographer expenses None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this matter be referred Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696746 Moved that pay remain the same. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we allow Mr. McGurrin his pay Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696749 Acceptance of the company's invitation None 0 PROCEDURE I move we accept the invitation of the railway company Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696751 Decline the company's invitation. None 0 PROCEDURE I amend the motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696753 The previous point of order is past relevance None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696754 Movement to table Mr. Chidester's motion None 0 PROCEDURE moving to lay upon the table the motion Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696757 Movement to postpone debate None 0 PROCEDURE I move to postpone Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696760 Invitation to the delegates was read None 0 PROCEDURE The following invitation was read Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696762 Acceptance of the invitation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be accepted Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696787 Reconsider the vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the vote Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696793 Move for a roll call None 0 PROCEDURE I am going to call for the enforcement of the rule and demand the roll call. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696807 Sections 1 and 2 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 1 and 2 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696811 Sections 3 and 4 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 3 and 4 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696813 Sections 5 and 6 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 5 and 6 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696819 Section 7 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 7 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696825 Sections 8 and 9 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 8 and 9 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696829 Section 10 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 10 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696838 Section 11 was read. None 0 PROCEDURE Section 11 was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696843 Sections 12 and 13 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 12 and 13 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696855 Suspension of rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move to suspend the rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696860 Sections 14, 15, and 16 were read. None 0 PROCEDURE Sections 14, 15, and 16 were read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696873 Adopt Constitution as a whole. None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the Constitution as a whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696876 Movement for compensation None 0 PROCEDURE I, therefore, move that the officers be first paid out of the funds remaining Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696879 Motion to Adjourn 1895-05-06 None 0 PROCEDURE adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696881 Call to Order 07-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696884 Prayer: 07-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Thorne. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696886 Read Journal of Sixty-Fourth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the sixty-fourth days session will now be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696888 Draft an Address to the People of the Territory of Utah None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that Mr. Whitney, who is a member of the committee to draft an address to the people of the Territory of Utah, make a verbal report and submit the address as prepared by the committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696891 Motion to adopt the Address to the People None 0 PROCEDURE I move the address be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696893 Motion to adopt the Address to the People with amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [I move the address be adopted with the amendments proposed] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696917 Motion to reconsider "Resolution on Compilation of Journal: Second Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reconsideration of that vote, and that the amount be put at fifteen hundred dollars, to include the copy to be furnished by the stenographer. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696945 Address from Clara Shortridge Foltz None 0 PROCEDURE Address from Clara Shortridge Foltz Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696948 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-05-07 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention adjourned. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696950 Call to Order: 08-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will be called to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696953 Prayer: 08-05-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE The prayer will be offered by Delegate Farr. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696955 Read Journal of the Sixty-Fifth Day's Session None 0 PROCEDURE The journal of the sixty-fifth day's session will now be read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696957 Motion to reconsider the Address to the People None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be perfected in the minutes of to-day, with the committee's report, striking it out of yesterday's minutes. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696961 Motion to collect donation funds None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to collect donation funds Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696964 Motion to donate the decoration of the Convention to the City and County Building None 0 PROCEDURE I think it would be a graceful thing for the Convention, if they have an ownership in the decorations, to tender them to the city and county as a little mark of appreciation, and I make a motion to that effect. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696976 Motion to pass Article IV: Section 9 as the clerk has it written None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be as the clerk has it written. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696981 Motion to Appeal the decision from the chair None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to take an appeal from that. A majority of this Convention, or certainly two- thirds, have a right to change the rule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696990 Motion to hear from the Governor None 0 PROCEDURE I now move you that we hear from our honorable governor. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696993 Attestation of the Secretary of the Territory None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary of the Territory then attested the Constitution. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
696999 Motion to have President Smith deliver the Constitution to the Secretary of the Territory None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest, if the Constitution is now ready, that it be delivered, in accordance with the order of the Convention, by the presiding officer to the secretary of the Territory, in open Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697001 The journal of the sixty-sixth day's session will now be approved. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the minutes of this day's proceedings be declared approved, when the president shall finally sign the same. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697002 Amend Minutes 1895-05-08 None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to that, that the minutes show that the Constitution was delivered by the president of the Convention to the secretary, in open Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697004 Adjourn Sine Die 1895-04-08 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that this Convention do adjourn sine die. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697007 Benediction 1895-05-08 None 0 PROCEDURE I think it is the design now to close by calling upon the oldest member of the house to offer benediction_Mr. Raleigh. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Credentials

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Site and Furniture

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Standing Committees

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Stenographer

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Rules and Methods of Procedure

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
697098 Drop "Standing Rules: Rules XXI Amendment 1" None 0 PROCEDURE The Amendment 1 to Standing Rule XXI be dropped. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697101 Drop "Standing Rules: Rules XXI Amendment 2" None 0 PROCEDURE The Amendment 2 to Standing Rule XXI be dropped. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697106 Refer "Standing Rules: Rule XXI Committee Amendment" to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee referred its proposed amendment to the Convention Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697108 The Standing Rules are referred back to the Convention. None 0 PROCEDURE The Standing Rules be referred to the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Federal Relations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Legislative Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Judiciary Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Executive Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Boundaries

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Education and School Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Public Buildings and State Institutions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Water Rights, Irrigation, and Agriculture

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
697472 Refer "Article regarding Counties, Cities and Towns" to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE The Article regarding Counties, Cities and Towns by referred to the Committee on Printing Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
697475 Refer Committee Report No.4 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee Report be referred to the Convention Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Public Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Revenue, Taxation, and Public Debt

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Salaries of Public Officers

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Mines and Mining

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Labor and Arbitration

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Printing

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on the Militia

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Manufactures and Commerce

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Ordinance

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments, Miscellaneous

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Compilation and Arrangement

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
698161 Table File No. 83 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to move that this file 83 be laid upon the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698162 Point of Order: Postpone File No. 83 None 0 PROCEDURE "Postpone FIle No. 83" will be dismissed on a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698166 Reject "Point of Order: Postpone File No. 83" None 0 PROCEDURE the dismissing of file no. 83 on a point of oder be reconsidered Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698170 Adopt Article No. 1.2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt this article as printed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698175 Table "Proposition: Proposition Relative to Fixing State Boundaries [File No. 83] as printed:1895-03-16" None 0 PROCEDURE file no. 83 be tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698179 Motion to Arise. None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698181 Call to Order 03-20-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then resolved itself into committee of the whole, with Mr. Squires in the chair. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698185 [Report No. 2.2] be read by sections None 0 PROCEDURE the Report on the Preamble and Declaration or Rights be read and adopted by sections Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698207 Point of Order: Mr. Chidester cannot motion for a new amendment before the last one is accepted or adopted. None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that Mr. Chidester's amendment be dropped on a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698215 Read "Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Third amendment" again None 0 PROCEDURE "Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Third amendment" be read again Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698218 Read Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Third amendment again None 0 PROCEDURE "Read Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Third amendment" be read once more Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698223 Point of Order: Mr. Hart's amendment cannot be adopted without reconsidering the previous amendment. None 0 PROCEDURE to dismiss "Report No. 2: Section 4: Fourth Amendment" on a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698225 Appeal: "Point of Order: Mr. Hart's amendment cannot be adopted without reconsidering the previous amendment." None 0 PROCEDURE the point of order regarding "Report No. 2: Section 4: Fourth amendment" be repealed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698232 Motion to consider "Article No. 2: Section 4: Fifth Amendment" section by section None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a subdivision or division of the motion that it may be acted upon section by section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698234 Point of Order: Article No. 2: Fifth Amendment: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE [I motion that the Chair decided if the amendment by Mr. Roberts is in order] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698238 Postpone: "Article No. 2.2: Fifth Amendment" & "Article No. 2.2: Fifth Amendment: Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay both amendments on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698239 Point of Order: The motion to drop both amendments is out of order None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to lay both amendments on the table cannot prevail. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698243 Point of Order: The previous point of order has been decided and cannot be continue to be debated. None 0 PROCEDURE I submit that this discussion is entirely out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698245 Personal Privilege: Question regarding the decision of the chair None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hart be allowed a personal privilege regarding the decision of the chair Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698247 Appeal: Decision from the Chair to dismiss Mr. Hart's personal privilege None 0 PROCEDURE the decision from the chair to dismiss Mr. Hart's personal privileage be appealed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698250 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698253 Call to Order 03-21-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. The Convention then resolved itself into a committee of the whole with Mr. Squires in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698263 Read "Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Sixth amendment" again None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldredge's amendment be read again Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698265 Read "Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Third amendment" again None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to hear the resolution that was laid on the table concerning the same matter read which was offered in yesterday's proceedings. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698268 Postpone: "Article No. 2.2: Section 4" None 0 PROCEDURE I now move you, Mr. Chairman, if it be in order, to leave the consideration of this until our next sitting. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698271 Withdraw: "Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Seventh amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask the privilege of withdrawing it for the time being. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698274 Postpone Debate on "Article No. 2: Section 4: Seventh amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE "Report No. 2: Section 4: Seventh amendment" be tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698276 Call for Roll Call vote: "Drop: 'Article No. 2.1: Section 4: Sixth amendment'" None 0 PROCEDURE a Roll Call vote is taken regarding "Drop: 'Article No. 2.1: Section 4: Sixth amendment'" Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698279 Drop: "Report No. 2.2: Section 4: Seventh amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay this on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698281 Point of Order: The motion to "Drop: 'Report No. 2: Section 4: Seventh amendment'" is out of order None 0 PROCEDURE the motion to "Drop: 'Report No. 2: Section 4: Seventh amendment'" is out of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698282 Point of Order: Mr. Evan's point of order cannot be considered as the motion it refers to has already been agreed to. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Evan's point of order cannot be considered as the motion it refers to has already been agreed to. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698284 Appeal:"Point of Order: The motion to 'Drop: 'Report No. 2.2: Section 4: Seventh amendment'' is out of order" None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair upon that question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698286 Point of Order: Mr. Evans' comments must be regarding the appeal before the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Evans must limit his comments to his appeal before the Committee Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698293 Point of Order: No new amendments can be made to Section 4 as it is currently tabled. None 0 PROCEDURE no new amendments can be proposed as Section 4 is currently tabled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698294 Point of Order: Mr. Evans' cannot be bring back something that has already been decided None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Evans' point of order be dismiss as the matter he refers to has already been decided Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698297 Appeal: "Point of Order: Mr. Evans' cannot bring back something that has already been decided" None 0 PROCEDURE "Point of Order: Mr. Evans' cannot bring back something that has already been decided" be appealed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698299 Point of Order: Mr. Evans' comments must be regarding the appeal before the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Evans must limit his comments to his appeal before the Committee Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698304 Pick "Article No. 2.1: Section 4" from the table None 0 PROCEDURE "Article No. 2.1: Section 4" be picked up from the table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698308 Pick "Article No. 2.2: Section 4" from the table None 0 PROCEDURE I move you Mr. Chairman, that we take up section 4 from the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698322 Adopt: "Article No. 2.2: Section 5" None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee adopt Report No. 2: Section 5 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698344 Postpone debate regarding "Article No. 2.2: Section 10" None 0 PROCEDURE There are three amendments proposed to this section and I move that the further consideration of this section be postponed until the next meeting of this committee, and that in the meantime the propositions that have been presented for amendment be printed and furnished to the members so that we may discuss it intelligently and be able to arrive at a proper conclusion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698347 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-21 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole then rose and reported as follows: Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698349 Call to Order 03-22-1895 16:15:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will be called to order with Mr. Squires in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698351 Withdraw: "Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I desire to withdraw the amendment to section 10 which I offered, Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698356 Withdraw: "Article No. 2.2: Section 10: Second amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I simply wish to withdraw mine. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698358 Replace "Report No. 2.2: Section 10: Second amendment" for "Report No. 2.2: Section 10: Substitute" None 0 PROCEDURE Now, as that is withdrawn_I move now, as an amendment to the proposition which I last offered in the place of that withdrawn by Judge Goodwin. T Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698363 the Committee of the Whole arise and recommend to the Convention that section 10 be referred to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-22 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698366 the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-22 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698368 Call to Order 03-22-1895 17:05:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will be called to order with Mr. Squires in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698374 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-22: Second session None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698376 Call to Order 03-23-1895 15:18:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will be called to order with Mr. Squires in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698397 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Spencer was, by request, excused from further attendance at the session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698408 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hyde, by his request, was excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698422 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Low, of Cache, was, by his request, excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698426 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kimball, of Weber, was, by his request, excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698431 Motion to be Excused None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Williams and Francis were, by their request, excused. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698433 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-23 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698453 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-23 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698455 Call to Order 03-25-1895 15:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will be called to order with Mr. Evans in the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698457 Read: Article No. 2.2: Section 13 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 13 be read once more. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698468 Drop: Article No. 2.2: Section 15 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 15 be stricken out entirely Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698491 Drop: Article No. 2.2: Section 21 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move to strike out that section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698508 Drop: Article No. 2.2: Section 23: Amendment: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE withdraw the "or damaged" Amendment Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698510 Admit John Clark to the floor None 0 PROCEDURE the Hon. John Clark be admitted to the floor Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698524 Drop: "Article No. 2.2: Section 24" None 0 PROCEDURE Section 24 be struck out Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698526 Postpone: Article No. 2.1: Section 24 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 24 be postpone Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698528 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-25 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698530 Call to Order 03-26-1895 15:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we resolve ourselves into the Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698532 Point of Order: Question is on the Motion to Strike Out None 0 PROCEDURE I submit the question before the committee is the motion to strike out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698537 Point of Order: Equivalent Motion to Original Section None 0 PROCEDURE I submit, Mr. Chairman, that this is an equivalent motion to the original section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698540 Drop: Report No. 2.2: Section 24: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE the proposed amendment by Mr. Hart be withdrawn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698547 Point of Order: Mr. Coray did not receive a second None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Coray's amendment be dismmissed on a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698578 Pass Section 26 as is. None 0 PROCEDURE I move the section pass as it is. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698593 Drop: Article No. 2.2: Section 29 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike out section 29. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698599 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-26 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee rise. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698602 Call to Order 03-26-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698604 Pick up "Article 2.2: Section 4" from the table. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 4 be taken from the table for consideration. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698607 Drop: Article No. 2.2: Section 4: Seventh amendment None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the amendment by Mr. Eldredge be withdrawn.] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698609 Motion to Withdraw First Clause of Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I withdraw the first clause of the amendment I offered. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698625 Adopt: Article No. 2.2: Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the section as it stands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698628 Point of Order: All business regarding Article No. 2 has been finished None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the amendment be dismissed on a point of order as work on the article is finished] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698630 Appeal: "Point of Order: All business regarding Article No. 2 has been finished" None 0 PROCEDURE I ask an appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698632 Refer Article No.2 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee report the preamble and article one to the Convention with the recommendation that it he adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698634 Read: Proposed amendment to "Article No. 2: Section 25" None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask unanimous consent to have these sections which I prepared read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698642 Allow Mr. Merrill to the floor of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I request that Mr. Merrill be extended the privilege of the floor. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698656 Drop: Article No. 3.2: Section 2: Amendment: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE [I move to withdraw the amendment to Mr. Kerr's amendment] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698664 Drop: "Article No.3.2: Section 2: Fourth Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE [I move to withdraw my proposed amendment] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698668 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-26 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now rise and report progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698671 Call to Order 03-27-1895 10:20:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Convention resolve itself into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698673 Return Article No. 3 to the Committee on Education for further work None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee rise it report the entire article back to the Convention, with the recommendation that it be recommitted, with the direction that it be remodeled and simplified. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698719 Postpone and Print "Article No. 4.2: Section 5: Fifth Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore suggest that this amendment be printed, and that we postpone the further consideration of this section Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698728 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698731 Call to Order 03-27-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that we go into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698750 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-27 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise and report on the article just passed. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698752 Call to Order 03-28-1895 10:40:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole, for the consideration of the article on elections and right of suffrage Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698761 Motion to suspend the time rules None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to ask unanimous consent of this committee that the speaker who now has the floor be permitted to exceed the limit of time specified in the rules Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698762 Point of Order: Mr. Ivins motion be dismissed as the Committee does not have the power to suspend the rules. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, a point of order on that. We cannot be put in the position of having five minutes before adopted a rule in the Convention, and then overturning that rule in the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698766 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698768 Call to Order 03-28-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole to consider the article on elections and rights of suffrage. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698771 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-28 None 0 PROCEDURE I ... move that the committee now arise and report progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698775 Call to Order 03-23-1895 10:20:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will now resolve into the Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698779 Point of Order: Mr. Ivins' motion cannot be passed in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I make the point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698783 Point of Order: Mr. Roberts does not have enough time. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698787 Motion to take the floor None 0 PROCEDURE I desire with the permission of the committee to take the floor now in the hope that I may be permitted to resume it at two o'clock when the committee shall resume its session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698790 Motion to Recess: 1895-03-29 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess until 2 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698792 Call to Order 03-29-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole reassembled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698795 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-29 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698797 Call to Order 03-30-1895 10:20:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698800 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-30 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the committee rise and report progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698801 Motion to Recess: 1895-03-30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess until 2:30 Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698804 Call to Order 03-30-1895 14:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole reassemble Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698807 Close Debate: Limit Mr. Roberts to a half hour to close debate. None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that it be the sense of the committee that the gentleman from Davis County, Mr. Roberts, shall close this debate, and that he be limited to one-half hour in the close. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698808 Give Mr. Roberts one hour None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to make an amendment to the gentleman's motion, that Mr. Roberts be accorded one hour in closing the debate. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698809 Give Mr. Roberts all the time he wants None 0 PROCEDURE I move that he may have all the time he wants Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698811 Motion to pay for Mr. Roberts' time from Mr. Kiesel's salary. None 0 PROCEDURE [I motion that all the time Mr. Roberts occupies, over one hourbe paid for out of the pocket of Mr. Kiesel] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698813 Give Mr. Thurman a few moments after Mr. Roberts None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that Mr. Thurman also have the privilege of occupying a few moments] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698818 Motion to sit through Mr. Roberts' remarks. None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to offer an amendment, that we do not rise until Mr. Roberts gets through Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698819 Motion of Confidence on Davis County None 0 PROCEDURE If it is in order I move a vote of confidence in Davis County Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698824 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-03-30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you the committee now arise and report progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698826 Call to Order 03-26-1895 10:20:00 None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the Convention resolve itself into committee of the whole] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698830 Point of Order: The amendment by Mr. Eichnor is not germane None 0 PROCEDURE [I wish to make a point of order on the substitute; it is not germane] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698834 Point of Order: Mr. Jolley is out of time. None 0 PROCEDURE [Mr. Jolley is out of time.] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698838 Point of Order: The discussion is not germane None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. This whole discussion is not germane to the question before the house Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698841 Point of Order: The gentleman is out of time None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698844 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that we take a recess] Editorial Decisions
698846 Call to Order 04-01-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole reassemble Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698848 Motion to give Mr. Roberts the floor at 3:30 by unanimous consent None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that at 3:30 p. m. Mr. Roberts be given the floor for the purpose of closing the debate by unanimous consent] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698851 Motion to suspend all remarks and give Mr. Roberts the floor None 0 PROCEDURE [I suggest for the good of this Convention that we suspend our remarks and permit the distinguished gentleman from Davis County to proceed with his argument] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698854 Motion to suspend all remarks and give Mr. Roberts the floor None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move again that it be the sense of this committee that Mr. Roberts now close the debate on this question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698856 Motion to give the floor to Mr. Roberts during an evening session None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the floor be given to Mr. Roberts during an evening session] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698857 Motion to adjourn without an evening session None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that when we adjourn we adjourn until tomorrow morning Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698859 Point of Order: the Committee cannot set rules regarding adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest the motion of the gentleman from Weber County is out of order, that it is not within the purview of this committee to adjourn. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698863 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I do now move you sir, that the committee rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698865 Motion to Postpone Adjournment until 5:30 pm. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that it be the sense of this Convention, that this debate close at 5:30 this evening. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698866 Point of Order: A decision on the time has already been taken None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, the motion is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698872 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore, move that the committee rise. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698875 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now rise. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698878 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that we rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698881 Call to Order 04-02-1895 10:20:00 None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the Convention resolve itself into committee of the whole] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698884 Motion to give Mr. Whitney 30 minutes to set the record straight None 0 PROCEDURE I will move that the gentleman have thirty minutes if he choose. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698886 Motion to Adjourn to the Salt Lake Theatre None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to renew the motion to adjourn to the Salt Lake Theatre Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698890 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698891 Point of Order: The committee agreed to not rise until the Suffrage issue was solved. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698894 Motion to clear the house None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the house be cleared and that the members who are outside be allowed to come to their seats. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698895 Personal Privilage None 0 PROCEDURE I desire a word as a matter of personal privilege. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698897 Motion to appoint three tellers None 0 PROCEDURE I would therefore move that the chair appoint three tellers to count and announce the vote to the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698900 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until two o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698902 Point of Order: The Committee cannot rise until the suffrage question is decided. None 0 PROCEDURE [I arise to a point of order, the motion was made that we remain until this question was disposed of by vote.] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698907 Motion to vote by a rising vote on Article No. 6: Section 1: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask unanimous consent of the house that after the amendment is read and the question is put we can vote on it by a rising vote. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698908 Motion to Reconsider the motion None 0 PROCEDURE I voted to go into committee of the whole, and therefore, I move to reconsider that motion. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698911 Motion to give the result of the previous vote. None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the result of the vote. Now one side has been given. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698915 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now arise and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698916 Motion to pass Article No. 6: Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the first section be passed upon by this committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698919 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE [I move we take a recess until 2:15] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698920 Point of Order: The Committee cannot go into recess until the article has past. None 0 PROCEDURE I now raise the point of order that you cannot take a recess until this article is passed on. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698923 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698926 Point of Order: A motion to recess has the same effect that a motion to adjourn does. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order on that as not being in order in the committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698927 Point of Order: Mr. Hart's point of order has already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE My point of order is that the chairman of this committee decided this question before the gentleman raised his point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698931 Call to Order 04-02-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole reassemble Editorial Decisions
698944 Drop Article No. 6.2: Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike out section 5. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698951 Motion to allow Ex-mayor Gale on the floor None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that Ex-mayor Gale of Springville be accorded the privilege of a seat on the floor of this house. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698960 Point of Order: The matter has already been decided None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. I understand that the chair ruled that the amendment was not in order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698964 Motion to excuse Abel John Evans None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask to be excused Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698995 Motion to reconsider the vote on Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move a reconsideratian of the motion to strike out section 5. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
698997 Motion to put Section 5 on the calendar None 0 PROCEDURE I move when the committee arise it report the article as amended to the Convention with the recommendation that it be placed upon the calendar. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699005 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-02 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole arise and report its progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699007 Call to Order 04-03-1895 16:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699038 Motion to excuse Mr. Heyborne None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Heyborne was excused Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699046 Motion to excuse Mr. Thompson None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Thompson was excused by his request. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699055 Motion to drop Article No. 7.2: Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I think this section would be unnecessary and I would therefore move to strike it out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699060 Motion to drop "Article 7.2: Section 8" None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike this out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699079 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-03 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699081 Call to Order 04-08-1895 16:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole to take up the executive article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699085 Motion to Postpone Article No. 7.2 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to ask as a favor of the committee that they will postpone the consideration of this executive article and take up some other that they have here. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699101 Motion to Adopt Article No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the article be adopted as a whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699111 Adopt "Article No. 10.2" as read None 0 PROCEDURE I then move the adoption of the article as read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699118 Motion to Adjourn: 04-08-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now arise and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699120 Call to Order 04-09-1895 11:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for the consideration of the article on public lands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699123 Motion to Drop Article No. 11: Section 1: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Upon due reflection, I will withdraw the amendment I proposed to section 1. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699126 Motion to refer Article No. 11 to the Committee on Public Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the section be recommitted to the committee on public lands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699128 Motion to Adjourn and Recommit Article No. 11 to the Committee on Public Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now rise and recommend to the Convention that this section be recommitted to the committee on public lands. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699132 Motion to refer Article No. 11 to the Committee on Public Lands and the Committee on Education and School Lands jointly. None 0 PROCEDURE I offer to amend by proposing that it be recommitted to the committee on public lands and school lands jointly. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699145 Motion to excuse Mr. Jolley None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jolley, by his request, was excused for the remainder of the day's session. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699158 Motion to report Article No. 12 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we arise we report this article to the Convention with the recommendation that it be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699160 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-09 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now arise and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699162 Call to Order 04-10-1895 14:12:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolved into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699230 Point of Order: The subject of the amendment has already been decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699336 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-10 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699338 Call to Order 04-11-1895 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole and take up the regular order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699362 Point of Order: Mr. Roberts is out of time None 0 PROCEDURE [I arise to a point of order... no member can speak more than five minutes.] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699365 Appeal: "Point of Order: Mr. Roberts is out of time" None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair on that point. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699369 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-11 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess until 2 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699371 Call to Order 04-11-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole reassembled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699374 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now rise and report progress Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699381 Motion to report Article No. 9 at the end of the session None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we rise we report the article for adoption. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699385 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-11 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee rise and report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699387 Call to Order 04-10-1895 14:10:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699396 Point of Order: The previous amendment must be resolved before a new amendment can be brought up None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699423 Postpone: Article No. 7.2: Section 20: Governor's Salary: Proposal None 0 PROCEDURE I move to pass it until the gentleman from Millard be present. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699424 Postpone: Article No. 7.2: Section 20 until the Committee of Salaries finishes their report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion be amended and that we pass this section until the report comes from the committee on salaries. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699427 Drop: Article No. 7.2: Section 20: Governor's Salary: Second Proposal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we lay the motion on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699428 Point of Order: The proposal cannot be dropped None 0 PROCEDURE It is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699431 Postpone: Article No. 7.2: Section 20: Governor's Salary until the Committee on Salary reports None 0 PROCEDURE [I ask the committee of the pass this matter until we can get some idea through the report of the committee on salaries] Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699443 Motion to reconsider Article No. 7.2: Section 20: Governor's Salary: Proposal None 0 PROCEDURE I renew the motion to make the salary of the governor one thousand dollars. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699511 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-15 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee rise and report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699513 Call to Order 04-16-1895 10:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolved itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699530 Appeal: Failed motions to strike out means that the section passes. None 0 PROCEDURE I will take an appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699536 Point of Order: Amendments must be considered in the order that they where received. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699545 Refer: Article No. 13 to the Committee on Arbitration and Labor None 0 PROCEDURE I move to recommit the whole article to the committee on arbitration and labor Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699550 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-16 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699552 Call to Order 04-16-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole reassembled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699561 Point of Order: A substitute for the whole article is not in order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699576 Point of Order: An amendment to strike out is not germane None 0 PROCEDURE I submit that that is not proper amendment to the amendment already before the house. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699580 Read: Article No. 13.2: Section 3: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to hear it read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699586 Reconsider: Article No. 13.2: Section 3: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the question on my amendment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699590 Appeal: "Reconsider: Article No. 13.2: Section 3: Second Amendment" None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699592 Motion to Rebuke: Mr. Squires for his words of castigation towards the chair None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the chair rebuke Mr. Squires Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699631 Read: Article No. 13.2: Section 7: Second Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment offered by Mr. Strevell was read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699658 Motion to refer Article No. 13 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we do arise, we report this article as amended and request that it be placed upon the calendar for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699659 Motion to strike out Article No. 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the whole article be stricken out. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699682 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699684 Call to Order 04-16-1895 10:20:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolved itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699690 Point of Order: The discussion is not germane None 0 PROCEDURE My point of order is that there is nothing in this provision which provides that mortgages are not to be taxed; the gentleman is not speaking to the question. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699695 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-17 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699697 Call to Order 04-17-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole reassembled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699740 Motion to Refer Article No. 14 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we do rise that we report this article and recommend it be placed upon the calendar for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699814 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-17 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee rise and report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699816 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699825 Motion that he minority report be accepted and the majority report rejected. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the minority report be accepted and the majority report rejected. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699827 I think that Mr. Snow's motion ought to precede it. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chidester's substitute be dropped Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699831 The minority report was re-read. None 0 PROCEDURE The minority report be re-read. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699835 it is improper to move to strikeout an entire article and substitute another article. None 0 PROCEDURE Continue by striking out section by section and substituting sections Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699837 Point of Order: Chairman's ruling None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. My point is this, that there has been a ruling made of the chairman, as I understand it, that Mr. Snow's motion is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699841 Accept Mr. Chidester's substitute for the whole article. None 0 PROCEDURE I now insist on my substitute for the whole article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699842 Motion to consider this matter section by section None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order; that it is our duty to consider this matter section by section Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699867 Motion to Order None 0 PROCEDURE I call the gentleman to order. We have just passed on section 1 and took a vote on it. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699869 Motion to Reconsider Vote of Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote whereby we adopted that section. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699874 Motion to Adopt Article None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we do arise, we report and recommend that this article be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699891 Postpone Debate None 0 PROCEDURE Debate Postponed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699895 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699908 Vote on Part of Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE . Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699911 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699919 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699922 Call to Order 04-20-1895 10:10:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention resolved itself into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699934 Motion to Recess: 1985-04-20 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee then took a Recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699936 Call to Order: 1895-04-20 02:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee met pursuant to adjournment at 2 o'clock. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699950 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-20 05:14:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee Rise and Report Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699952 Call to Order: 1895-04-22 09:40:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention resolved itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699957 Postpone Debate: Article No. 17: Section 5: Fifth Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Postpone debate Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699960 Postpone Debate: Article No. 17: Section 6 None 0 PROCEDURE Postpone debate Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699990 Postpone Debate: Article No. 17: Section 10: First Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Article No. 17: Section 10: First Amendment be laid on the table Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
699996 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The former debate was not of relevance to the content of the amendment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700032 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-22 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee takes a recess until 2 o'clock Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700034 Call to Order: 1895-04-22 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee met pursuant to adjournment and resumed Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700056 Refer Article No. 17 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arise, they report the article to be placed on the calendar for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700132 Reconsider: Article 18: Section 8: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Goodwin moved to reconsider the vote on Article 18: Section 8: Third Amendment Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700133 Point of Order: Reconsider: Article 18: Section 8: Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Reconsideration of the vote is out of order during Committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700153 Point of Order: Article No. 18: Sections 20: Amendment: Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE The proposed amendment of Mr. Crane would be addressed first as a point of proper procedure. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700159 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700161 Call to Order 04-23-2019 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolved itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700164 Article No. 18.2: Section 20: Third Amendment to be read. None 0 PROCEDURE Article No. 18.2: Section 20: Third Amendment to be read. Editorial Decisions
700167 Point of Order: The proposition before the Committee is Mr. Farr's from the work of the previous day. None 0 PROCEDURE Point of Order: The proposition before the Committee is Mr. Farr's from the work of the previous day. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700176 I move to lay the substitute on the table. None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the substitute on the table. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700185 the Committee of the Whole recess None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700187 Call to Order 04-23-1895 19:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole reassembled Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700226 Point of Order: It was pointed out that the proposed amendment of Mr. Farr. lacked a second. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The amendment is not seconded. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700228 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-23 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700248 Point of Order: Debate Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I arise to a point of order. This Convention has decided this question in Convention, and is not it out of order to be discussing it in this committee? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700251 Point of Order: Person out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman is out of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700257 Motion to Strike Out Sections 1 & 2 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I desire to now move to strike out sections 1 and 2 of this article. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700260 Motion to Report Adoption of Report No. 20A None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise, it report the adoption of the majority report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700261 Motion to Adopt: Article No. 20B None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the recommendation of the minority be adopted. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700263 Committee of the Whole recess None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700265 the Committee of the Whole reassembled None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole reassembled Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700268 Mr. Miller called to Order None 0 PROCEDURE I call the gentleman to order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700271 Motion to Rise to a Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE May I rise to a question of personal privilege? Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700317 Motion to Rise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE The committee then rose and reported their progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700319 The Convention Resolved Into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then resolved itself into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700323 the Committee of the Whole recess None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700325 the Committee of the Whole reassembled None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole reassembled Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700448 Motion to Adjourn 1895:04:26 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we arise and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700456 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move we arise and report progress. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700458 The Convention Resolved into The Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention then resolved itself into committee of the whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700561 Point of Order: Drop Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I arise to a point of order. My point of order is that this identical motion was made and debated yesterday and was overruled by the committee. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700570 Report for third reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move that when we do arise we report this article for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700572 the Committee of the Whole recess None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700574 the Committee of the Whole reassembled None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole reassembled Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700623 Adopt Article No. 11 and refer to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arise, we report this article to the Convention, with the recommendation that it be placed upon the calendar for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700654 Refer Article No. 24 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE move, when the committee arise, it report this article to the Convention, and recommend it be put on its third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700670 Point of Order: The question was already decided. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700672 Appeal: The vote settled the question. None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700673 Point of Order: The appeal can be done after the vote. None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700696 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700698 Call to Order: 04-29-1895 09:30:00 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention resolved itself into Committee of the Whole Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700712 Refer Article No. 26 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the article as amended be passed and referred to the Conventon for third reading. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700754 Point of Order: Article No. 25.2: Section 9: Fourth Amendment is not germane None 0 PROCEDURE I submit that it is not germane to the other amendment. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700764 Motion to Recess: 1895-04-29 None 0 PROCEDURE the Committee of the Whole recess Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700766 Call to Order 04-29-1895 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole reassembled. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700784 Motion to Adjourn: 1895-04-29 None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole will rise and report. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700834 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700841 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700843 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700845 Appeal Chair Decision None 0 PROCEDURE I shall appeal from the decision of the chair. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700849 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700851 Rise and Report to Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Allow the committee on rules to report to the Convention Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700854 Call to Order: 1895-05-02 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention resolved itself into committee of the whole. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700860 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700861 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700864 Committee Arise and Report the Article on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise and report the article on schedule. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700865 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order on that, that it is new matter and cannot be considered by the committee, unless referred to it from the Convention. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895
700866 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the further point of order that it should be referred to the committee on printing and that we should have a printed copy. Official Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention: Assembled at Salt Lake City, 1895

Committee: Committee on Address

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources