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Monica McWilliams is Emeritus Professor in the Transitional Justice Institute at Ulster University, and has campaigned tirelessly for peace and human rights in both Northern Ireland and the wider world for more than four decades. As co-founder of...
An amendment to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal rights, both civil and legal, to Black Americans, including those who had been emancipated by the thirteenth amendment.
A selection of material relating to the Northern Irish Peace Process scanned at The National Archives of the UK. The files are mainly taken from the CJ 4 series (Northern Ireland Office records) and the PREM series (Office of the Prime Minister...
A selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of 'Writing Peace' and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. This collection is still under...
Idaho's Constitutional Convention went from July 4, 1889 - August 6, 1889. Using the work that began in the standing committees, drafted reports or articles became the ratified Idaho Constitution in November 1889.
The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast alongside the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement. The Records of Debate were originally posted on the Forum's website, which has since been archived. Lord...
The Dakotas Joint Committee for the Division of Property began on July 16, 1889 and dissolved on July 31, 1889. It allowed for delegates from both the North and South Conventions to meet in Bismarck and negotiate the splitting of the Territory of...
This project models the series of formal and informal negotiations which led to the publication, in December 1993, of a declaration issued jointly by the British and Irish Governments. The Joint Declaration was a critical policy document which...
From the mid-1980s, John, now Lord, Alderdice, was intimately involved in the Irish peace process. His archive spans more than thirty years of negotiation and implementation, from his early days in the Alliance Party in the 1980s, through his...
This collection of treaties, agreements, legislation, and joint statements relating to the status of Northern Ireland was commissioned by ARINS. The primary source materials in this resource collection were compiled by Harriet Carter and Ruth...
This collection is one box (P254) from a larger selection of Dermot Nally's papers held in the University College Dublin Archives. The documents in the box relate to the development of the Downing Street Joint Declaration, made by the British and...
This collection contains documents held by the National Archives of Ireland (NAI) relating to the peace process in Northern Ireland. It currently comprises a small selection of files from the Office of the Taoiseach, the Deparment of Justice and...
{"230": {"top_level_match": "false", "events": [{"id": 951571, "title": "CREATE", "description": "'Prisoners' Section of 6 April Mitchell", "url": "/m2/session/16444#951571", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16444}, {"id": 951572, "title": "CREATE", "description": "NIACRO Suggested Amendments to the Mitchell Draft Section on", "url": "/m2/session/16444#951572", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16444}, {"id": 951573, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "NIACRO Suggested Amendments to the Mitchell Draft Section on Prisoners - ['Prisoners' Section of 6 April Mitchell", "url": "/m2/session/16444#951573", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 16444}, {"id": 951590, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Editor's Note: These amendments were incorporated into the NIWC working draft of the 'Prisoners'", "url": "/m2/session/16444#951590", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 16444}, {"id": 951591, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "NIWC Further Amendments to the 'Prisoners' Section of 6 April Mitchell", "url": "/m2/session/16444#951591", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 16444}, {"id": 952130, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Mitchell Draft \u2013\u00a06/7 April", "url": "/m2/session/16452#952130", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16452}], "committees": [{"id": 1945, "title": "Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft", "url": "/m2/committee/1945/visualize"}], "delegations": [], "people": [], "sessions": [{"id": 16444, "title": "1998-04-07 00:30:00 in the Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft", "url": "/m2/session/16444"}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [16444, 16452], "session_data_for_event_results": {"16444": {"committee_name": "Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft", "session_date": "07 Apr 1998, 00:30"}, "16452": {"committee_name": " Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement", "session_date": "10 Apr 1998, 12:00"}}}, "129": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 84498, "title": "NO_OBJECTION", "description": "Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. Channing; as follows:\nBeing of beings, Spirit of spirits, Life of life, God and Father of angels and men, our God and Father: We are Thy creatures, we would adore", "url": "/m2/session/3522#84498", "type": "NO_OBJECTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-implied-adopt.svg", "session_id": 3522}, {"id": 819652, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ASHLEY. Mr. Speaker, \"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.\" Thus simply and truthfully has spoken our worthy Chief Magistrate.\n\nThe proposition before us is, whether this universally", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819652", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819653, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. ORTH. Mr. Speaker, we are still grappling with treason and rebellion. Four years of war, desolating, destructive war, with all its attendant sacrifice of life, health, and treasure, have not yet", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819653", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819654, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. SCOFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to make some observations in reply to the very remarkable criticism pronounced by the gentleman from New York [Mr. Brooks] on the anti-slavery portion of the", "url": "/m2/session/3534#819654", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3534}, {"id": 819661, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. HIGBY. Mr. Speaker, the debate upon this question has taken a very wide range. Much of the ground that was occupied at the last session of Congress seems to have been swept over again at this", "url": "/m2/session/3535#819661", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3535}, {"id": 819674, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. KASSON. Mr. Speaker, when this question was up at the last session of Congress I had no opportunity, from certain causes then existing, to ask the attention of the House to the views which I", "url": "/m2/session/3537#819674", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3537}, {"id": 819675, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. KASSON. I was about to say, Mr. Speaker, that one of the effects\u2014and I avoid all allusion to the exercise of private authority, I only speak of the philosophy of the institution as traced in its", "url": "/m2/session/3537#819675", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3537}, {"id": 819679, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. GRINNELL. I will detain the House but a few moments, intending to divide my time with the gentleman from Illinois, [Mr. Farnsworth.]\n\nI regard this as a marked day in American politics and", "url": "/m2/session/3537#819679", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 3537}, {"id": 851127, "title": "CREATE", "description": "President's Annual Message to Congress", "url": "/m2/session/13344#851127", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 13344}, {"id": 858636, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction", "url": "/m2/session/13344#858636", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 13344}, {"id": 859835, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE RENOVATION.\n\nMr. DEMING. Mr. Chairman, I was induced to seek the floor when the House was last in committee upon the present subject, because the two speeches to which I had listened upon the", "url": "/m2/session/8569#859835", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8569}, {"id": 859837, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\n\nMr. EDEN. Mr. Chairman, I propose to state some of the reasons why I dissent from the views of the President, as expressed in his recent message, and especially some reasons why I", "url": "/m2/session/8569#859837", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8569}, {"id": 859858, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CONDUCT OF THE WAR.\n\nMr. HUBBARD, of Iowa. It has been asserted upon this floor and elsewhere that thousands of lives have been sacrificed, millions of treasure expended, and an immense amount of", "url": "/m2/session/8573#859858", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8573}, {"id": 859876, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION.\n\nMr. HULBURD. Mr. Chairman, I desire to submit some views on the constitutionality of the President\u2019s emancipation proclamation. I am aware the subject has already been", "url": "/m2/session/8575#859876", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8575}, {"id": 859877, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "CONDUCT OF THE WAR.\n\nMr. DUMONT. Mr. Chairman, I desire to participate a little in this discussion; and as I would be listened to, and, when it is delivered, have my speech read by my constituents at", "url": "/m2/session/8575#859877", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8575}, {"id": 859879, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GRINNELL. I ask the gentleman from Ohio to yield me the floor for five minutes. \n\nMr. BLISS. The gentleman from Iowa undertook to take the floor from me by discourtesy, and I must decline to", "url": "/m2/session/8575#859879", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8575}, {"id": 859917, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "VIOLATED PLEDGES. \n\nMr. HARRINGTON. Mr. Chairman, I address the committee to-day with feelings far from buoyant for the future of the country. At the time I took my seat in this Hall it was not my", "url": "/m2/session/8579#859917", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8579}, {"id": 859930, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LONG. Mr. Chairman, I speak to-day for the preservation of the Government, and although for the first time within these walls, I propose to indulge in that freedom of speech and latitude of", "url": "/m2/session/8583#859930", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8583}, {"id": 866698, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I do not propose to discuss at large the power of Congress to propose this amendment to the States. I find in the Constitution as it now stands this provision:\n\n\"The", "url": "/m2/session/8445#866698", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8445}, {"id": 866732, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HARLAN. Mr. President, the measure now pending proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Before this joint resolution can become effective it must be passed by a two-thirds", "url": "/m2/session/8449#866732", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8449}, {"id": 867233, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ARNOLD. Mr. Speaker, I regret that this late day of the session compels an abridgment of discussion upon a subject of such overshadowing importance, yet I cannot let the occasion pass without", "url": "/m2/session/3531#867233", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 3531}, {"id": 868914, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE REBEL STATES.\n\nThe morning hour having expired, the House resumed the consideration of the bill relative to the reorganization of the rebel States, on which the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. J. C.", "url": "/m2/session/8383#868914", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8383}, {"id": 868923, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. The bill before us provides for the government of the States in rebellion, as fast as they shall be reduced to subjection, by provisional governors; to be appointed by the President,", "url": "/m2/session/8384#868923", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8384}, {"id": 868931, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, I have some thoughts on the state of the Union, and the process of bringing back to our system the wandering stars which have shot so madly from their orbits, that I would", "url": "/m2/session/8385#868931", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8385}, {"id": 868992, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, it is not my purpose to follow the gentleman who has just closed, [Mr. Fernando Wood,] or specially to reply to him; but I cannot help, before proceeding to the general", "url": "/m2/session/8394#868992", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8394}, {"id": 869247, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PENDLETON. Mr. Speaker, I avail myself of the indulgence granted me by the House to enforce quite at length the views which I deem pertinent to this debate. The details of this bill require", "url": "/m2/session/8602#869247", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8602}, {"id": 899467, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. YEAMAN.\n\n[...]\n\nDiffering as I do with the President in regard to some of the leading features of his plan, as embodied in the proclamation accompanying his message, I must say I am gratified by", "url": "/m2/session/8523#899467", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8523}, {"id": 901169, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. A. MYERS. Mr. Chairman, I shall, without having made any special preparation, trouble the committee this afternoon with a few remarks in reference to that great question of \u201chomogeneity\u201d which", "url": "/m2/session/14339#901169", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14339}, {"id": 901206, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PRUYN. I have only a very few words to say, and I am sorry that the distinguished gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Stevens] is not present to hear them.\n\nMr. STEVENS. I am here.\n\nMr. PRUYN. I beg", "url": "/m2/session/14340#901206", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14340}, {"id": 902248, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KELLEY. Mr. Speaker, these are indeed terrible times for timid people. Use and wont no longer serve us. The guns traitorously fired upon Fort Sumter threw us all out of the well-beaten ruts of", "url": "/m2/session/14389#902248", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14389}, {"id": 902553, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JULIAN said: \n\nMr. Chairman: Perhaps no task could be more instructive or profitable, in these culminating days of the rebellion, than a review of the shifting phases of thought and policy which", "url": "/m2/session/14406#902553", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14406}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [3522, 3534, 3535, 3537, 13344, 8569, 8573, 8575, 8579, 8583, 8445, 8449, 3531, 8383, 8384, 8385, 8394, 8602, 8523, 14339, 14340, 14389, 14406], "session_data_for_event_results": {"3522": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Dec 1863, 12:00"}, "3534": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3535": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "3537": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "13344": {"committee_name": "President Abraham Lincoln ", "session_date": "08 Dec 1863, 00:00"}, "8569": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Feb 1864, 00:00"}, "8573": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8575": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8579": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Mar 1864, 00:00"}, "8583": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Apr 1864, 00:00"}, "8445": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "31 Mar 1864, 12:00"}, "8449": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "06 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "3531": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Jun 1864, 12:00"}, "8383": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8384": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8385": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 Apr 1864, 12:00"}, "8394": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8602": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 May 1864, 12:00"}, "8523": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Jan 1864, 00:00"}, "14339": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "20 Dec 1864, 12:00"}, "14340": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "14389": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1865, 12:00"}, "14406": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Feb 1865, 12:00"}}}, "143": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 663155, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Motion to Adopt the Fifth Clause of the Bill", "url": "/m2/session/5632#663155", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 5632}, {"id": 663156, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "The next clause was agreed to as follows:\n\n\"Fifth. Those who treated officers or soldiers or sailors of the army or navy of the United States, captured during the late war, otherwise than lawfully as", "url": "/m2/session/5632#663156", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 5632}, {"id": 663271, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Motion to Provide Copies of the Joint Resolutions and Bills to the Agent of the Associated Press and", "url": "/m2/session/5632#663271", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 5632}, {"id": 663272, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "On motion of Mr. Boutwell, it was \n\nOrdered, That the stenographer of this Committee be authorized to furnish to the agent of the associated press, and the correspondents of such newspapers as may", "url": "/m2/session/5632#663272", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 5632}, {"id": 739055, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELDRIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I will first express my satisfaction to the gentleman from Pennsylvania, [Mr. Stevens,] that the sun was allowed to go down on our deliberations upon this most important", "url": "/m2/session/5498#739055", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5498}, {"id": 739137, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, in opening this great question, I begin by expressing a heartfelt aspiration that the day may soon come, when the States lately in rebellion may be received again into the", "url": "/m2/session/5679#739137", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5679}, {"id": 739152, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LANE, of Indiana. Mr. President, I need not assure you that I approach the investigation of the grave subjects now before the Senate with constraint and embarrassment. No graver subjects have", "url": "/m2/session/5681#739152", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5681}, {"id": 739176, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, we are now considering (for that is the real question) whether we shall recommend to the States of the Union an amendment of the Constitution granting to all the people of", "url": "/m2/session/5684#739176", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5684}, {"id": 739234, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDRICKS. Mr. President, it has been the boast of the people of the United States that they are in the enjoyment of consti\u00adtutional liberty, not liberty depending upon the will and pleasure of", "url": "/m2/session/5686#739234", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5686}, {"id": 739251, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POMEROY. Mr. President, in speaking on this resolution I must speak of the conflict and the triumph.\n\nGreat events come and go with the slow, measured tread of centuries. But all events, great", "url": "/m2/session/5689#739251", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5689}, {"id": 843669, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. Mr. Speaker, in some remarks which I had the honor to offer in the House a few weeks ago I said that \"the Government of the United States above all other duties owes it to itself and to", "url": "/m2/session/5587#843669", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5587}, {"id": 843670, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. Probably, since the last election in New Jersey, I ought to treat the gentleman's constituents with a little more consideration; but whether I ought to apologize to them or not will", "url": "/m2/session/5587#843670", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5587}, {"id": 869245, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, the bill just read is properly and in its order before the Senate. On yesterday morning it and all the other orders were set aside by the request of the honorable Senator", "url": "/m2/session/13103#869245", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13103}, {"id": 869352, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COWAN. Mr. President, I do not know what I might say if this were really an intelligence qualification; but of the fact that the ability of a man merely to write his own name and read it is", "url": "/m2/session/13118#869352", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13118}, {"id": 869359, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LANE. Mr. President, at this stage of the debate, when the Senate are exceedingly anxious to vote, in which anxiety I certainly participate, I shall content myself rather with stating my", "url": "/m2/session/13118#869359", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13118}, {"id": 896880, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SMITH. [...] It cannot be denied that members on the other side have risen here and abused the President, abused his policy of reconstruction and almost everything else that he has presented to", "url": "/m2/session/5608#896880", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5608}, {"id": 896908, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BANKS. Mr. Speaker, the measure before the House presents a basis upon which it is proposed the insurgent States shall be restored to the Union. It is, therefore, the most important question", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896908", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 896909, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ECKLEY. Mr. Speaker, any question affecting the fundamental law of the land demands careful and mature deliberation; and it is only when the necessity is great that such changes can be justified.", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896909", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 896913, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FARNSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, in my half hour I shall confine myself to the amendments of the Constitution now under consideration. When the bill reported by the committee of fifteen comes up for", "url": "/m2/session/5610#896913", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5610}, {"id": 897109, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STEWART. Mr. President, I am satisfied that it is impossible for this Congress to fully agree as to what is expedient to be done to harmonize factions and restore peace to our distracted country.", "url": "/m2/session/5693#897109", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5693}, {"id": 898366, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, I thank the Senate for its kindness in postponing the consideration of this resolution last evening until the present moment. The hour was late and I was somewhat weary;", "url": "/m2/session/5696#898366", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5696}, {"id": 898485, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POLAND. Mr. President, the few observations which I propose to make are addressed to the general merits of the proposition which is before the Senate, but some of them are addressed to the very", "url": "/m2/session/5698#898485", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5698}, {"id": 898595, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The CHAIRMAN. In the absence of the gentleman from Illinois, [Mr. Wentworth,] who is entitled to the floor, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from New York, [Mr. Ward.] \n\nMr. WARD, of New York. Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/14220#898595", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14220}, {"id": 898608, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Reconstruction. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. N. G. TAYLOR, \n\nOF TENNESSEE, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 16, 1867. \n\nThe House being in Committee of the Whole on the President\u2019s annual message\u2014", "url": "/m2/session/14222#898608", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14222}, {"id": 898845, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\n\u2028Mr. FINCK. Mr. Chairman, when the Thirty-Eighth Congress adjourned, large armies were in thE field resisting the authority and jurisdiction of the United States. We were then in the", "url": "/m2/session/14234#898845", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14234}, {"id": 898868, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. Mr. Chairman, the great political problem of the day, the problem on the right solution of which will depend the wellbeing of our country for ages is, what shall we do with the people", "url": "/m2/session/14237#898868", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14237}, {"id": 898876, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. HUBBELL, of Ohio. Mr. Chairman, history is said to be philosophy teaching by example. In the annals of the human race the past five years of our own country will contain greater", "url": "/m2/session/14240#898876", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14240}, {"id": 898878, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "LAW OF TREASON.\n\nMr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio. I would not consume the time of the House upon a subject to which our attention has been invited by the President in his message but for the fact that as yet", "url": "/m2/session/14240#898878", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14240}, {"id": 898886, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. KELSO. In the consideration of this subject, our first duty is to ascertain the present status of the rebel States, to determine which seems to be a difficult matter even with", "url": "/m2/session/14241#898886", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14241}, {"id": 898916, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ECKLEY. I will yield the floor to the gentleman from New York, [Mr. Ward.]\n\nRECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. WARD. Mr. Speaker, I should not thrust myself upon the attention of the House at this time, could", "url": "/m2/session/14243#898916", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14243}, {"id": 898918, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Reconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. C. DELANO, OF OHIO,\n\nln the House of Representatives, February 10, 1866,\n\nOn the political condition of the States lately in rebellion.\n\nMr. DELANO said:\n\nMr. Speaker:", "url": "/m2/session/14243#898918", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14243}, {"id": 899069, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. STROUSE. Mr. Speaker, in discussing the important question of the reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion, a subject, which not only agitates Congress but the whole people of our", "url": "/m2/session/14247#899069", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14247}, {"id": 899117, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PLANTS. I will yield to my colleague [Mr. Clarke] for the present, with the hope that I may obtain the floor after he shall have concluded his remarks.\n\nRECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. CLARKE, of Ohio. Mr.", "url": "/m2/session/14254#899117", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14254}, {"id": 899218, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BROOMALL. I trust that the gentleman will confine himself to the bill before the House.\n\nMr. SCHENCK. Will the gentleman from New Jersey allow me to make a single inquiry?\n\nMr. ROGERS. Yes,", "url": "/m2/session/5579#899218", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5579}, {"id": 899352, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RIGHTS OF CITIZENS.\n\nThe House then resumed the consideration of the following joint resolution (H. R. No. 63) proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States:\n\nResolved by the Senate", "url": "/m2/session/5582#899352", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5582}, {"id": 899398, "title": "CREATE", "description": "A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political", "url": "/m2/session/5630#899398", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 5630}, {"id": 899408, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "A Bill to Provide for the Restoration to the States Lately in Insurrection of Their Full Political Rights: Mr. Boutwell's Amendment", "url": "/m2/session/5630#899408", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 5630}, {"id": 899448, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I thank God, sir, that the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States of America has been permitted to assemble in this magnificent temple of liberty, and", "url": "/m2/session/14268#899448", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14268}, {"id": 899458, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "A Bill to Declare Certain Persons Ineligible to Office:", "url": "/m2/session/5632#899458", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 5632}, {"id": 899594, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. MOULTON. Mr. Speaker, a great variety of opinions upon the great questions growing out of the rebellion, and which have arisen since the surrender of the rebel armies, have been", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899594", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899603, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MYERS. Mr. Speaker, we are passing through the most interesting periods of American history. No higher duties, no graver responsibilities, no prouder privileges ever devolved upon men than those", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899603", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899624, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014ADMISSION OF TENNESSEE.\n\nMr. BUCKLAND. Mr. Speaker, thus far I have been a silent listener to the able and interesting discussions in this House upon the important and intricate", "url": "/m2/session/14276#899624", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14276}, {"id": 899735, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "H. R.", "url": "/m2/session/5605#899735", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 5605}, {"id": 899822, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "H. R. 544: Mr. Ashley's Amendment", "url": "/m2/session/8667#899822", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 8667}, {"id": 899825, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ASHLEY, of Ohio. [...] Let us look, Mr. Speaker, at the condition in which we find the country. I hold in my hand the propositions reported by the committee of fifteen. I need not read them. They", "url": "/m2/session/8667#899825", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8667}, {"id": 899829, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PHELPS. Mr. Speaker, on the 1st of May, 1865, the Union Army numbered one million five hundred and sixteen men. After a struggle, unprecedented in ancient or in modern history, the purpose for", "url": "/m2/session/14293#899829", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14293}, {"id": 899843, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. INGERSOLL. I had fondly hoped, Mr. Speaker, when Lee surrendered to General Grant, and Johnston surrendered to General Sherman, the last armies of the rebellion, that we had heard the last of", "url": "/m2/session/14293#899843", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14293}, {"id": 899873, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROUSSEAU. Mr. Speaker, it matters very little to me what may be the intrinsic merits of these measures proposed for our adoption if they in fact are an impediment to the admission of the States", "url": "/m2/session/5831#899873", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5831}, {"id": 899884, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\u2014AGAIN.\n\nMr. PRICE. I presume I need not assure the House that I have not risen to make a speech. And if the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Rousseau] had allowed me to put in Colonel", "url": "/m2/session/5831#899884", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5831}, {"id": 899900, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINDOM. Mr. Speaker, after the thorough discussion this question has received I can hardly expect to add anything new. But at a time like this silence is akin to cowardice; indifference is", "url": "/m2/session/5617#899900", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 5617}, {"id": 899924, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PATTERSON. Mr. Speaker, the able and protracted debate on this floor and in the Senate upon the subject of reconstruction has been of an extraordinary character. It has involved largely first", "url": "/m2/session/14300#899924", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14300}, {"id": 899955, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BURLEIGH. Why, sir, how can the country expect pure waters to flow from a corrupt fountain? How can you expect an honest administration of your public affairs by an officer of the Government who", "url": "/m2/session/14301#899955", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14301}, {"id": 900074, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. VAN AERNAM. Mr. Speaker, I need not assure this House that I approach the investigation of the subject under consideration with hesitation and embarrassment. With hesitation,", "url": "/m2/session/14301#900074", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14301}, {"id": 900084, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION.\n\nMr. JULIAN. Mr. Speaker, the conflict going on to-day between Conservatism and Radicalism is not a new one. It only presents new phases, and more decided characteristics in its", "url": "/m2/session/14308#900084", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14308}, {"id": 900106, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "H. R. 543: Mr. Stevens' Substitute: Mr. Ashley's Substitute", "url": "/m2/session/8640#900106", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 8640}, {"id": 900211, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, I rise to plead for what I believe to be the life of the Republic, and for that spirit which gives it life. I stand here also to answer for myself; because, foreseeing", "url": "/m2/session/8762#900211", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8762}, {"id": 900387, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PAINE. The gentleman from Ohio has consented to yield for fifteen minutes to me.\n\nMr. BINGHAM. I hope the House will not take it out of my time; but I yield to the gentleman whether it does or", "url": "/m2/session/8673#900387", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8673}, {"id": 900392, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAWSON again resumed the floor, and addressed the House as follows:\n\nMr. Speaker, I have watched the proceedings of this body with deep interest. No one has been a more attentive listener or more", "url": "/m2/session/8673#900392", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8673}, {"id": 900401, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BINGHAM. I yield to my friend from Pennsylvania, [Mr. Broomall.] \n\nMr. BROOMALL. Mr. Speaker, in the spring of 1865 the military forces of the late confederate States of America surrendered", "url": "/m2/session/8642#900401", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8642}, {"id": 900908, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GRINNELL. Mr. Speaker, I had meditated no remarks and shall yield a portion of my time to the gentleman from Minnesota, [Mr. Donnelly,] and therefore I will not long occupy the attention of the", "url": "/m2/session/8674#900908", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8674}, {"id": 900910, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DONNELLY. Mr. Speaker, I desire to express myself in favor of the main purposes of the bill now under consideration.\n\nThrough the clouds of a great war and the confusion of a vast mass of", "url": "/m2/session/8675#900910", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8675}, {"id": 900929, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION-\u2014AGAIN.\n\nThe Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union resumed its session.\n\nMr. RAYMOND. Mr. Chairman, I should be glad, if it meet the sense of those members who are present,", "url": "/m2/session/14234#900929", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14234}, {"id": 900934, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SHELLABARGER. I would like to make the first thing I say on this occasion the most agreeable thing which I shall say; and with that design I shall say first that I am not about to make an hour\u2019s", "url": "/m2/session/8677#900934", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8677}, {"id": 900942, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ASHLEY, of Ohio. Very well, sir, that may be the opinion of the gentleman; but so far as the House is concerned its action, before the Reconstruction Committee was reconstituted for this session,", "url": "/m2/session/8678#900942", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8678}, {"id": 900979, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Motion to Report Mr. Shellabarger's Amendment", "url": "/m2/session/8679#900979", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 8679}, {"id": 901160, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "RECONSTRUCTION\n\nMr. SHELLABARGER. Mr. Chairman, I shall inquire whether the Constitution deals with States. I shall discuss the question whether an organized rebellion against a Government is an", "url": "/m2/session/14337#901160", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14337}, {"id": 902000, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HOWARD. Mr. President, I do not rise to discuss the merits of the bill, particularly at this time; I do not know that I shall feel it my duty to do so during the debate in this body; but I wish", "url": "/m2/session/8755#902000", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8755}, {"id": 902896, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GRINNELL. Mr. Chairman, the President of the United States did not in his late message commend the proposed constitutional amendments to the rebel States, nor did he promise that on their", "url": "/m2/session/14425#902896", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 14425}, {"id": 903888, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PHELPS. Mr. Speaker, I do not rise for the purpose of discussing the proposition submitted by the gentleman from Iowa, in all its length and breadth, for on that question my opinion is very clear", "url": "/m2/session/8642#903888", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8642}, {"id": 904090, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. President, for the good faith of this Government I hope that I can get the ear of the Senate and the ear of every Senator; for I believe that if this amendment be considered in the", "url": "/m2/session/8842#904090", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8842}, {"id": 904099, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. HENDERSON. I do not desire to take the time of the Senate at this hour of the night, and yet I confess I am not pleased with the measure before us. When it was here as a purely military measure,", "url": "/m2/session/8842#904099", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8842}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [5632, 5498, 5679, 5681, 5684, 5686, 5689, 5587, 13103, 13118, 5608, 5610, 5693, 5696, 5698, 14220, 14222, 14234, 14237, 14240, 14241, 14243, 14247, 14254, 5579, 5582, 5630, 14268, 14276, 5605, 8667, 14293, 5831, 5617, 14300, 14301, 14308, 8640, 8762, 8673, 8642, 8674, 8675, 8677, 8678, 8679, 14337, 8755, 14425, 8842], "session_data_for_event_results": {"5632": {"committee_name": "Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction", "session_date": "28 Apr 1866, 10:30"}, "5498": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "25 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "5679": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "06 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5681": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5684": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "14 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5686": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Feb 1866, 00:00"}, "5689": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "05 Mar 1866, 00:00"}, "5587": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "13103": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "13118": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "13 Dec 1866, 12:00"}, "5608": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5610": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5693": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "24 May 1866, 00:00"}, "5696": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "31 May 1866, 00:00"}, "5698": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "05 Jun 1866, 00:00"}, "14220": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "13 Dec 1866, 12:00"}, "14222": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Feb 1867, 19:00"}, "14234": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "21 Dec 1865, 12:00"}, "14237": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "27 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "14240": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14241": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "07 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14243": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "14247": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "15 Feb 1866, 19:30"}, "14254": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "5579": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "5582": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Feb 1866, 12:00"}, "5630": {"committee_name": "Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction", "session_date": "23 Apr 1866, 10:00"}, "14268": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "14276": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Mar 1866, 12:00"}, "5605": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "30 Apr 1866, 12:00"}, "8667": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "29 May 1866, 12:00"}, "14293": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 May 1866, 12:00"}, "5831": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "11 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "5617": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "14 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "14300": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "19 May 1866, 12:00"}, "14301": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "14308": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jun 1866, 12:00"}, "8640": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8762": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "16 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "8673": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "16 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8642": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8674": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8675": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "18 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8677": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "24 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8678": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "8679": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Jan 1867, 12:00"}, "14337": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Jan 1866, 12:00"}, "8755": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "15 Feb 1867, 12:00"}, "14425": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Jan 1867, 00:00"}, "8842": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "20 Feb 1867, 12:00"}}}, "156": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 673257, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Williamson was opposed to it.\n\nMr. Wilson. This part of the Report was well considered by the Committee, and he did not think it could be changed for the better. It was difficult to form any", "url": "/m2/session/6250#673257", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6250}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [6250], "session_data_for_event_results": {"6250": {"committee_name": "The Convention", "session_date": "07 Aug 1787, 11:00"}}}, "162": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 698336, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WELLS. The object to protect persons in jail if they shall be treated inhumanely while they are in prison.\nMr. THURMAN. I would like to ask the chairman of that committee if this is copied from", "url": "/m2/session/7641#698336", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7641}, {"id": 699014, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. KEARNS. Mr. President, I hope that the motion will not prevail. It is unnecessary to create any extra offices. We find thirteen states in the Union that are all of more consequence and with more", "url": "/m2/session/7656#699014", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7656}, {"id": 699611, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EVANS (Weber). Mr. Chairman, I want to say in support of the motion to strike out section 5 that it provides that the Legislature shall prohibit first, the employment of women or children under", "url": "/m2/session/7662#699611", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7662}, {"id": 699612, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "Article No. 13.2: Section 5: Third", "url": "/m2/session/7662#699612", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 7662}, {"id": 700093, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SMITH. May I ask the gentleman a question? If probate business is given into the hands of these judges, won't they, in order to meet the necessities of the case, have to hold four terms", "url": "/m2/session/7666#700093", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7666}, {"id": 700095, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EVANS (Weber). I will accept Mr. Bowdle's amendment to my amendment and make it one.\nMr. CREER. I would like to ask if that provision would not affect all the balance of the section?\nMr. BOWDLE.", "url": "/m2/session/7666#700095", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7666}, {"id": 700223, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. GOODWIN. It was Judge Bartch, Mr. Chairman.\nMr. SQUIRES. He was a probate judge himself.\nMr. RICHARDS. If Judge Bartch said that, Judge Bartch did not speak from the records. I will guarantee", "url": "/m2/session/7667#700223", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 7667}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [7641, 7656, 7662, 7666, 7667], "session_data_for_event_results": {"7641": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "21 Mar 1895, 14:00"}, "7656": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "03 Apr 1895, 16:30"}, "7662": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "16 Apr 1895, 10:30"}, "7666": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "22 Apr 1895, 09:40"}, "7667": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "23 Apr 1895, 00:00"}}}, "158": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 711613, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Petition on Kentucky Contested Election: Symes vs.", "url": "/m2/session/6444#711613", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 6444}, {"id": 845233, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. McKEE. Mr. Speaker, it is not my purpose to-night or at any time hereafter in discussing this subject to enter at any length upon a discussion of the constitutional question involved in the bill", "url": "/m2/session/6512#845233", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6512}, {"id": 849694, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Stevens] has now remaining twenty-eight minutes of his hour.\n\nMr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania. I trust that in that time I shall be able to state the", "url": "/m2/session/8140#849694", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8140}, {"id": 849955, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ROBINSON addressed the House. [His remarks will be published in the Appendix.]\n\nReconstruction.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. E. ROBINSON,\n\nOF NEW YORK,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,\n\nJuly 12,", "url": "/m2/session/8204#849955", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8204}, {"id": 851058, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. BOUTWELL. I yield twenty minutes of my time to the gentleman from Ohio, [Mr. Garfield,] chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs.\n\nMr. GARFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I shall spend none of the few", "url": "/m2/session/8488#851058", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8488}, {"id": 851289, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS proceeded to address the Senate on the general subject of reconstruction, but, without concluding, gave way to Mr. MORRILL, of Maine, who moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration", "url": "/m2/session/8505#851289", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8505}, {"id": 851294, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DOOLITTLE. I am arguing with my friend from Kansas.\n\nNeither has the education of my colleague in this respect been altogether neglected. Side by side with me and with the majority he stood", "url": "/m2/session/8515#851294", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 8515}, {"id": 866975, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. President, I have a suggestion or two to make in reference to the pending constitutional amendment, and I shall compress what I have to say into a few words. It is not my", "url": "/m2/session/6613#866975", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 6613}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [6444, 6512, 8140, 8204, 8488, 8505, 8515, 6613], "session_data_for_event_results": {"6444": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "6512": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "28 Jan 1869, 12:00"}, "8140": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "09 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8204": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "12 Jul 1867, 12:00"}, "8488": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "17 Jan 1868, 12:00"}, "8505": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "11 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "8515": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "24 Feb 1868, 12:00"}, "6613": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole ", "session_date": "08 Feb 1869, 12:00"}}}, "180": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 790305, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. EDMUNDS. Now, Mr. President, as I was saying, (and I am obliged to my friend from New York for reading from that case)-- \n\nMr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. With the permission of the Senator from Vermont", "url": "/m2/session/10657#790305", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 10657}, {"id": 860031, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr. WHITE addressed the House. His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nCivil Rights.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. A. WHITE,\n\nOF ALABAMA,\n\nIn the House of Representatives,\n\nFebruary 4, 1875.\n\nThe House having", "url": "/m2/session/10638#860031", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10638}, {"id": 860657, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President, in opening this great question, one of the vastest ever presented to the Senate, I have had but one hesitation, and that is, merely with regard to the order of treatment.", "url": "/m2/session/10485#860657", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10485}, {"id": 860689, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, I believe there is some misapprehension in the country in regard to the extent of the disabilities now imposed on those who have been engaged in the rebellion. So far as", "url": "/m2/session/10646#860689", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10646}, {"id": 861099, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CHANDLER addressed the Senate. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nSPEECH OF HON. Z. CHANDLER,\n\nOF MICHIGAN,\n\nIn the Senate of the United States, January 31, 1872.\n\nThe Senate", "url": "/m2/session/10665#861099", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10665}, {"id": 861656, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr. BOGY addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill. His remarks will appear in the Appendix.]\n\n\nCivil Rights.\n\nSPEECH HON. LEWIS V. BOGY,\n\nOF MISSOURI,\n\nIn the United States Senate,\n\nMay 22,", "url": "/m2/session/10681#861656", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 10681}, {"id": 861883, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. FARNSWORTH and Mr. BINGHAM addressed the House, in speeches which will be published in the Appendix.\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. F. FARNSWORTH, OF ILLINOIS,\n\nIn the", "url": "/m2/session/11762#861883", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11762}, {"id": 861892, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ARCHER. I yield now to the gentleman from Missouri, [Mr. McCormick.]\n\nMr. McCORMlCK, of Missouri, and Mr. MOORE addressed the House in speeches which will appear in the Appendix.\n\n\nEnforcement of", "url": "/m2/session/11762#861892", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11762}, {"id": 861903, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. ELLIOTT. Mr. Speaker, the argument upon the pending bill has proceeded thus far upon a question of constitutional law and a question of fact. The opponents of the bill deny that its provisions", "url": "/m2/session/11763#861903", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11763}, {"id": 861919, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CRITCHER was granted unanimous consent to have printed in the Globe some remarks he had prepared on the pending bill. [See Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSpeech of Hon. John", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861919", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861921, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ENFORCEMENT OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT.\n\nThe SPEAKER pro tempore. The House resumes the consideration of House bill No. 320, to enforce the provisions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861921", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861922, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WINCHESTER. Mr. Speaker, on the 7th of December last the President, in pursuance of his constitutional duty, sent to Congress his annual statement of our affairs, domestic and foreign. The sole", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861922", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861926, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. VAUGHAN addressed the House. [His remarks will be found in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSpeech of Hon. W. W. Vaughan,\n\nOf Tennessee,\n\nIn the House of", "url": "/m2/session/11764#861926", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11764}, {"id": 861931, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. PRICE. Mr. Speaker, although I had prepared an argument to be delivered upon the question before the House, I will not ask the indulgence of the House at this time for the purpose of reading it.", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861931", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861932, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "ENFORCEMENT OF FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT.\n\nMr. GARFIELD, of Ohio, addressed the House. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. A.", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861932", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861933, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE DISEASE AND ITS CAUSES.\n\nMr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. At the surrender of the rebel armies, in the spring of 1865, the officers and soldiers \u201cwere allowed to return to their homes\u201d upon their", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861933", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861940, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The SPEAKER pro tempore. The House will now resume the consideration of House bill No. 320, for the enforcement of the fourteenth amendment, and for other purposes; upon which the gentleman from", "url": "/m2/session/11765#861940", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11765}, {"id": 861949, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, the Constitution of the United States, when observed in all its provisions and administered in its integrity, is worth more to this great nation, infinitely more, than all the", "url": "/m2/session/11766#861949", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11766}, {"id": 861967, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SNYDER addressed the House in remarks which will be found in the Appendix.\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. O. P. SNYDER, \n\nOF ARKANSAS, \n\nIn the House of Representatives,", "url": "/m2/session/11767#861967", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11767}, {"id": 861971, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MERCUR addressed the House in remarks which will appear in the Appendix.\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. ULYSSES MERCUR,\n\nOf Pennsylvania,\n\nIn the House of", "url": "/m2/session/11767#861971", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11767}, {"id": 862010, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "H. R. 320: Mr. Garfield's Amendment to Mr. Shellabarger's", "url": "/m2/session/11767#862010", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 11767}, {"id": 862023, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The question was on the amendment of Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, which was read as follows:\n\nInsert after the word \" overthrow\u201d in line twenty, section four, the following:\n\nProvided, That all the", "url": "/m2/session/11767#862023", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11767}, {"id": 862266, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. JOHNSTON addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. W. JOHNSTON,\n\nOF VIRGINIA,\n\nIn", "url": "/m2/session/11776#862266", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11776}, {"id": 862271, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. EDMUNDS. I have no doubt my friend from Illinois wishes to get at the real point in this matter. Let me suggest to him whether the true construction of the clause he has read as to the power of", "url": "/m2/session/11776#862271", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11776}, {"id": 862295, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. POOL. Mr. President, the investigation of the committee appointed by the Senate has been confined almost exclusively thus far to the State of North Carolina; but I am persuaded that when it shall", "url": "/m2/session/11777#862295", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11777}, {"id": 862314, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THURMAN addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill. [His speech will be published in the Appendix.]\n\n\nEnforcement of Fourteenth Amendment.\n\nSPEECH OF HON. A. G. THURMAN, of Ohio,\n\nIn the", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862314", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862316, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. Mr. President, it is not my purpose to enter into a detailed examination of all the propositions of this bill. They are too extensive and too enormous in their character to", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862316", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862329, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. NYE. Mr. President, I do not rise for the purpose of making a speech; I propose that those who are opposed to this bill shall make the speeches; but I rise for the purpose of presenting to the", "url": "/m2/session/11778#862329", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11778}, {"id": 862471, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "H. R. 320: Mr. Hill's", "url": "/m2/session/11779#862471", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 11779}, {"id": 864257, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CASSERLY. Mr. President, what is the pending question?\n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER, (Mr. Harlan in the chair.) The pending question is on the adoption of the report of the committee of", "url": "/m2/session/11775#864257", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11775}, {"id": 864264, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS, of Kentucky. Mr. President, I was amused with the short speech made by my honorable friend from Indiana, [Mr. Morton.] The staple of the speech seemed to be this: that anything which the", "url": "/m2/session/11775#864264", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11775}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [10657, 10638, 10485, 10646, 10665, 10681, 11762, 11763, 11764, 11765, 11766, 11767, 11776, 11777, 11778, 11779, 11775], "session_data_for_event_results": {"10657": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "21 Dec 1871, 00:00"}, "10638": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Feb 1875, 12:00"}, "10485": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "15 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10646": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "23 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10665": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "31 Jan 1872, 12:00"}, "10681": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "22 May 1874, 11:00"}, "11762": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "31 Mar 1871, 12:00"}, "11763": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11764": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "03 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11765": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "04 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11766": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "05 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11767": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "06 Apr 1871, 12:00"}, "11776": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "11 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11777": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "12 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11778": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "13 Apr 1871, 11:00"}, "11779": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "14 Apr 1871, 10:00"}, "11775": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "18 Apr 1871, 12:00"}}}, "186": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 797567, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr Poots:] When the IRA called its cease-fire, the British Government, the Irish Government and the United States Administration made quite a number of concessions to IRA/Sinn Fein. They said that", "url": "/m2/session/11567#797567", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11567}, {"id": 797785, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Hugh Smyth: I make no apology for supporting the amendment, which recognizes our responsibility:\n\n\"While recognizing that the creation of stability is the most important immediate contribution", "url": "/m2/session/11567#797785", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11567}, {"id": 797929, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "2.00 pm\n\nMr Casey: At the outset I would like to declare that the Labour Party is totally opposed to violence, from whomever or whatever it comes. We believe only in the democratic process. The nub", "url": "/m2/session/11562#797929", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 797934, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: Like many other Members, I am interested in some of the comments made by Mr Nesbitt. Indeed, I look forward to my free autographed copy of his latest book on the situation in", "url": "/m2/session/11562#797934", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11562}, {"id": 798934, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: May I say at the outset, Sir, what an exceptional job you are doing as Deputy Chairperson. I realize, of course, that flattery will get me absolutely nowhere with you.\n\nIt is a", "url": "/m2/session/11593#798934", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11593}, {"id": 799265, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev Dr Ian Paisley: I associate myself with the remarks of all who have spoken in this debate.\n\nWe are talking about a young man who is behind bars, about the wasting of 13 years of his life and the", "url": "/m2/session/11605#799265", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11605}, {"id": 800001, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "1.45 pm\n\nMr Hussey: In 1985 we were assured of security. Mrs Thatcher promised us peace, stability and reconciliation, and in Parliament on 26 November of the same year Mr King made the following", "url": "/m2/session/11614#800001", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11614}, {"id": 800509, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "Motion on Paedophile Activities", "url": "/m2/session/11624#800509", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 11624}, {"id": 801928, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Hussey: I rise to add my voice to the chorus of the song of the western men.\n\nMembers will remember that I referred to this matter in the economy debate on 11October. On that occasion I related", "url": "/m2/session/11659#801928", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11659}, {"id": 802328, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Ms McWilliams: In proposing this amendment, we feel that it is important to draw attention to the report of the inquiry into legislation against terrorism that the Right Honorable the Lord Lloyd of", "url": "/m2/session/11673#802328", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11673}, {"id": 802971, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Dodds: The fact that, as the amendment says, the proposed parades commission is entirely alien to the British constitutional system has been pointed out by Ulster Unionist Members.\n\nThis amendment", "url": "/m2/session/11686#802971", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11686}, {"id": 802973, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Carrick: I rise to speak in support of the DUP amendment, but before delivering my prepared speech I want to respond to Sir Oliver Napier, who referred to the casualties of Drumcree. As one who", "url": "/m2/session/11686#802973", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11686}, {"id": 802980, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr John White: May I convey on behalf of myself and my party, condolences to Dermot Nesbitt on the death of his brother and to Valerie Keenan on the death of her husband.\n\nThe North Committee had a", "url": "/m2/session/11686#802980", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11686}, {"id": 803697, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Casey: I will not detain the Forum very long. If we do succeed in having St Patrick's Day declared a public holiday, it will be a great opportunity for all the people of Northern Ireland to join", "url": "/m2/session/11693#803697", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11693}, {"id": 804038, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Neeson: When I learned at the Business Committee yesterday that there were to be quite a number of DUP Members speaking today, I thought it important to bring in a little bit of balance. However,", "url": "/m2/session/11708#804038", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11708}, {"id": 828486, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "2.30 pm\n\nMr Poots: I will go back to Sunday 29 June, when parades in Bellaghy and on the lower Ormeau Road were not allowed to proceed on their lawful way. What happened? The people involved went", "url": "/m2/session/12593#828486", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12593}, {"id": 828531, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Casey: I rise to support the motion because I believe that European funding, in whatever guise, is to be welcomed, particularly for the community and voluntary sector. It has been a great boon", "url": "/m2/session/12595#828531", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12595}, {"id": 829252, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Ms Bell: I take this opportunity to make a few very basic, but personal, comments.\n\nThe Forum rises today after a very serious and significant period in our history. Violence and sectarian activity", "url": "/m2/session/12598#829252", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12598}, {"id": 833036, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Davis: I notice from the motion that the Government are continuing to exclude elected representatives. Surely that should come as no surprise to Members of the Forum or to people outside because", "url": "/m2/session/12754#833036", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12754}, {"id": 833099, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Hugh Smyth: I will be brief.\n\nI know that Mr McAlister was not referring to me when he talked about people being at the talks who had not obtained the necessary votes. I am sure he knows that I", "url": "/m2/session/12758#833099", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12758}, {"id": 833860, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "10.45 am\n\nRev William McCrea: Over the years, successive Governments have been secretly, and then openly, pandering to IRA murderers by seeking to hand out confidence-building measures to", "url": "/m2/session/12805#833860", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12805}, {"id": 836687, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "ev William McCrea: My Colleagues and I would like to express our good wishes to Mr Gorman. We trust that he will make a speedy recovery and that the Lord will bless him with health and strength and", "url": "/m2/session/12888#836687", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12888}, {"id": 836695, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Weir: May I start by expressing my best wishes to the Chairman.\n\nI want to speak about the disgraceful meeting at Downing Street yesterday. Here Ifind myself at one with Rev William McCrea. But we", "url": "/m2/session/12888#836695", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12888}, {"id": 836698, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Dodds: First, may I join others in wishing Mr Gorman a speedy recovery.\n\nI agree wholeheartedly with Mr Browne's comments about North Belfast.\n\nI also agree with what Mr Weir had to say about", "url": "/m2/session/12888#836698", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12888}, {"id": 836865, "title": "EXTERNAL_MOMENT", "description": "[Editor's Note: The recent events under discussion within this motion and its debate are the Loyalist Killings in the Maze Prison, and loyalist prisoners' withdrawal of support for the peace process.", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836865", "type": "EXTERNAL_MOMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-orientation-external.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836866, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Trimble: First, may I associate myself with the earlier remarks about your recovery, Mr Chairman, and say how pleased we are to see you back.\n\nWe are appalled at the violence that has occurred", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836866", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836868, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McMichael: First, may I welcome you back, Mr Chairman. I am glad to see that you are in better health.\n\nI agree with Members who have expressed alarm at the recent turn of events and at the", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836868", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836869, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev William McCrea: It appears that during the Christmas break Mr Andrews has been looking around for a suitable venue for the talks to move to. Apparently he had discussions with the Finns and the", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836869", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836870, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Gregory Campbell: May I join with others, Mr Chairman, in welcoming you back.\n\nAll too often when we are talking about the way forward and where we would like to see the Government taking the", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836870", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836871, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Ms Bell: Mr Chairman, I too would like to welcome you back. At the same time Ihave to say that Mr Gardiner did a very good job.\n\nI was involved in the peace movement and was known as a peace activist", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836871", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836872, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Hugh Smyth: Mr Chairman, I am delighted that you are back with us.\n\nI believe that Mo Mowlam is right to go into the Maze. All those who want us to achieve peace may have to go the extra mile if", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836872", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836877, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr Ian Paisley Jr:] The Forum meets today under the shadow of a deepening security crisis. Since we adjourned for Christmas the pious and the so-called moderate peacemakers have all failed \u2014 as was", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836877", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836881, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "3.00 pm\n\nMr Robert John White: Mr Chairman, I too wish you well and welcome you back.\n\nEverything I wanted to say has already been said, and Mr Foster put the tin hat on it. However, there are one or", "url": "/m2/session/12893#836881", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12893}, {"id": 836928, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Lord Alderdice: The Forum was established to deal with political dialogue. Indeed, the last time I spoke here I referred to those who were engaging in political dialogue \u2014 and I was thinking", "url": "/m2/session/12897#836928", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12897}, {"id": 837687, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "2.15 pm\n\nMr Poots: Members will have seen the recent Coopers and Lybrand report which warned that Northern Ireland could very soon enter a period of recession. The only person who does not seem to be", "url": "/m2/session/12916#837687", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12916}, {"id": 837688, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr McKee: There has been a lot of talk today about peace. You, Mr Chairman, mentioned it in declaring that the Forum would rise for two hours to allow people to attend the peace rally.\n\nThe Chairman:", "url": "/m2/session/12916#837688", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12916}, {"id": 837695, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Sammy Wilson: I was very pleased by some of the comments of Mr Rodgers. The Forum notes the sacrifice that he made today when, rather than go onto a platform with 60 to 100 television cameras from", "url": "/m2/session/12916#837695", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12916}, {"id": 837982, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Dodds: The timing of the Committee's investigation and report and of this debate is extremely good. As has been said, we are at the point of the mid-term evaluation of this programme, and several", "url": "/m2/session/12926#837982", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12926}, {"id": 840396, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The Chairman: The next presentation will be by Mr Brendan McAllister, who is the director of Mediation Network.\n\nMr McAllister: I am grateful for the invitation to address the Forum on the subject of", "url": "/m2/session/13034#840396", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13034}, {"id": 840422, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev Trevor Kirkland: This debate has shown up those who have not left behind the very things they are complaining about. Mr Smyth tells us that he and his Colleagues have prevented a number of", "url": "/m2/session/13034#840422", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13034}, {"id": 840428, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Rev Dr Ian Paisley:] At a meeting some time ago the former PrimeMinister, JohnMajor, told my colleagues and me that if the IRA should break their cease-fire the whole world would send them to", "url": "/m2/session/13034#840428", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13034}, {"id": 840622, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Weir: I want to raise the matter of recent events at the Maze Prison. One of the great ills of society nowadays is that nobody seems to take responsibility for his own actions. This applies", "url": "/m2/session/13042#840622", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13042}, {"id": 841166, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Shannon: I want to make some comments about the Maze inquiry and the Narey Report. It is important that we put down a marker. What did the Government's Maze inquiry achieve? Not what we wanted: a", "url": "/m2/session/13078#841166", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13078}, {"id": 841168, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: I want to reiterate the points made by my Colleague MrShannon about the Narey report. It is amazing that a person of such so-called calibre should be asked to investigate not only", "url": "/m2/session/13078#841168", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13078}, {"id": 841201, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Rev Dr Ian Paisley: This is a tragic day for our province. Although the talks document has now been released to the press, it has not yet been issued to public representatives. In fact, the Northern", "url": "/m2/session/13083#841201", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13083}, {"id": 841203, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "2.30 pm\n\nMr Shannon: We have not yet seen this document, which had 65 pages on Monday and 67 this afternoon and may have 68 before it is finished. Whatever their number, the pages will detail what is", "url": "/m2/session/13083#841203", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 13083}, {"id": 841224, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "[Mr Trimble:] Although it is referred to at the moment as the Castle Buildings Agreement, I expect that history will record this as the Stormont Agreement. That might be more appropriate.\n\nThe", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841224", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841225, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "DUP Amendment: Motion on the Multi-Party Agreement", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841225", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841226, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "When treachery takes the stage, secrecy is always its garment. The so-called negotiations at Stormont were not a transparent discussion of the future of our beloved province but, rather, an ultimatum", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841226", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841227, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Lord Alderdice: Dr Paisley is, I understand, taking on the mantle of leader of the silent majority, although silence has never been his stock-in-trade.\n\nDr Paisley did not get his copy of the", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841227", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841228, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Ms Sagar: After almost two years the Forum is nearing the end of its life. I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank the Secretariat for its support.\n\nThose of us who were at Stormont", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841228", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841232, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Curran: I feel like Rip van Winkle, this time waking up after 100 years, and asking myself whether we have advanced at all since I went to sleep.\n\nI support the motion.\n\nMy party \u2014 the smallest", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841232", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841233, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Peter Robinson: It is a remarkable \u2014 [Interruption]\n\nThe Chairman: It would be nice if Mr Robinson were to get some silence from members of his own party.\n\nMr Peter Robinson: What a remarkable", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841233", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841235, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Foster: It is sad that such a serious debate has deteriorated so much because of the Democratic Unionist Party's antics. The behaviour is atrocious. There is no humility whatsoever. The arrogance", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841235", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841239, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Morrow: I want to speak on the DUP amendment to the motion on the iniquitous Agreement signed last Friday.\n\nWhen I got the hold of the Agreement I thought to myself \"Let's see what is in it.\"", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841239", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841240, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Peter Robinson: On a point of order, Mr Chairman. I have been accused of putting an advertisement in the Belfast 'News Letter' and the 'Belfast Telegraph'. I can assure Members that I knew nothing", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841240", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841241, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr McKee: I came here this morning with a certain amount of fear and trepidation. There are so many lawyers and academics \u2014 nutty professors \u2014 in the place who are used to playing with words and", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841241", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841331, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Poots: Last Friday, 10 April, was Good Friday. Some people suggest that it was a very good Friday. No doubt, for those people it was a very good Friday indeed. Some suggest that they achieved what", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841331", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841332, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Rev Trevor Kirkland: Two things have become evident during the course of this debate. First, the way Members have reacted to it is the way this whole campaign is going to be run. None of the people", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841332", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841336, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "Main Question, as amended, put and agreed to.\n\nResolved (resolution subsequently negatived in accordance with Rule 13(1)):\n\nThat this Forum opposes the Castle Buildings Agreement published on 10", "url": "/m2/session/13086#841336", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 13086}, {"id": 841582, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr Ian Paisley Jnr: This is a most worthwhile report. Certain sections make very interesting reading. Mr Dodds has just referred to one section which is fascinating.\n\nI was able to be part of the", "url": "/m2/session/13091#841582", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13091}, {"id": 956735, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "12.45 pm\n\nDr Alderdice: On behalf of my colleagues, I wish to express condolences to the family of the young man who has died \u2014 and it looks very much as though he may have been murdered. I", "url": "/m2/session/11536#956735", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11536}, {"id": 984552, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "[Mr McCartney:] I understand that this motion, which according to convention should have been accepted, as it was our turn, was turned down on the basis that it was allegedly improper for the Forum", "url": "/m2/session/11249#984552", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 11249}, {"id": 984587, "title": "PROCEDURE", "description": "Point of Order: No Motion on Prisoners", "url": "/m2/session/11249#984587", "type": "PROCEDURE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-motion.svg", "session_id": 11249}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [11567, 11562, 11593, 11605, 11614, 11624, 11659, 11673, 11686, 11693, 11708, 12593, 12595, 12598, 12754, 12758, 12805, 12888, 12893, 12897, 12916, 12926, 13034, 13042, 13078, 13083, 13086, 13091, 11536, 11249], "session_data_for_event_results": {"11567": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "11 Oct 1996, 10:03"}, "11562": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "04 Oct 1996, 10:00"}, "11593": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "25 Oct 1996, 10:00"}, "11605": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "01 Nov 1996, 10:02"}, "11614": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "15 Nov 1996, 10:04"}, "11624": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "22 Nov 1996, 10:05"}, "11659": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "06 Dec 1996, 10:03"}, "11673": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "17 Jan 1997, 10:04"}, "11686": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "07 Feb 1997, 10:02"}, "11693": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "21 Feb 1997, 10:02"}, "11708": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "14 Mar 1997, 10:02"}, "12593": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "11 Jul 1997, 10:04"}, "12595": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "18 Jul 1997, 10:03"}, "12598": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "25 Jul 1997, 10:02"}, "12754": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "10 Oct 1997, 10:04"}, "12758": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "17 Oct 1997, 10:05"}, "12805": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "07 Nov 1997, 10:03"}, "12888": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "12 Dec 1997, 10:03"}, "12893": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "09 Jan 1998, 10:02"}, "12897": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "16 Jan 1998, 10:01"}, "12916": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "30 Jan 1998, 10:03"}, "12926": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "06 Feb 1998, 10:03"}, "13034": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "27 Feb 1998, 10:04"}, "13042": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "20 Mar 1998, 10:00"}, "13078": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "03 Apr 1998, 10:01"}, "13083": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "10 Apr 1998, 10:01"}, "13086": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "17 Apr 1998, 10:01"}, "13091": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "24 Apr 1998, 10:02"}, "11536": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "08 Jul 1996, 10:05"}, "11249": {"committee_name": "The Forum", "session_date": "20 Sep 1996, 10:03"}}}, "184": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 823477, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\n \n\nSPEECH OF HON. S. A. DOUGLAS, \nOF ILLINOIS, \nIn the Senate, January 3, 1861. \n\n \n\nThe Senate having under consideration the following resolution reported by the select", "url": "/m2/session/12398#823477", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12398}, {"id": 826445, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. L. W. POWELL, \n\nOF KENTUCKY, In the Senate, January 22, 1861. \n\nThe Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, having resumed the consideration of the joint resolution", "url": "/m2/session/12545#826445", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12545}, {"id": 834181, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "THE CRISIS. \n\nThe SPEAKER. The hour has arrived for resuming the consideration of the special order, which is the report of the select committee of thirty-three on the disturbed condition of the", "url": "/m2/session/12622#834181", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12622}, {"id": 835428, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. J. M. QUARLES, OF TENNESSEE, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 1, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select committee of", "url": "/m2/session/12627#835428", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12627}, {"id": 836367, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "STATE OF THE UNION. \n\nSPEECH OF HON. W. N. H. SMITH, OF NORTH CAROLINA, \n\nIn the House of Representatives, February 8, 1861. \n\nThe House having under consideration the report from the select", "url": "/m2/session/12631#836367", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12631}, {"id": 861829, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. MASON. What I did say was, according to my recollection, certainly the facts are, that Virginia, twelve months ago. appropriated $500,000 to arm her people against anti-slavery aggression; and at", "url": "/m2/session/13855#861829", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 13855}, {"id": 870975, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, I have had some experience in legislation, and I have always made it a principle to guide my course, that where a measure was objectionable to me and I intended to vote", "url": "/m2/session/11963#870975", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11963}, {"id": 871139, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. SUMNER. Mr. President\u2014\n\nMr. DAVIS. Will the honorable Senator allow me just a minute to suggest a matter to him before he proceeds?\n\nMr. SUMNER. Certainly.\n\nMr. DAVIS. It may be that the speech", "url": "/m2/session/11980#871139", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11980}, {"id": 871148, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WRIGHT. Mr. President, I can assure the gentleman who introduced this bill that I will not embarrass the action of the Senate by a lengthy speech upon it. I feel somewhat embarrassed, however,", "url": "/m2/session/11981#871148", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11981}, {"id": 871188, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "The PRESIDENT, pro tempore. The amendment offered by the Senator from New Hampshire to the original bill, by way of perfecting that bill will be read.\n\nThe Secretary read the amendment of Mr. Clark,", "url": "/m2/session/11984#871188", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11984}, {"id": 871189, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COLLAMER. The gentleman has a peculiar way of reading that decision.\n\nMr. DAVIS. I read it according to the letter.\n\nMr. COLLAMER. Gentlemen who are tenacious about that particular form of", "url": "/m2/session/11984#871189", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 11984}, {"id": 888949, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. THOMAS, of Massachusetts. Mr. Chairman, I avail myself of the indulgence of the committee to make some suggestions upon subjects now attracting the attention of Congress and of the country\u2014the", "url": "/m2/session/12161#888949", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12161}, {"id": 888950, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. COX. Mr. Chairman, some weeks since I introduced certain resolutions respecting maritime rights. They were referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. That committee have directed me to report", "url": "/m2/session/12161#888950", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 12161}, {"id": 899271, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "The VICE PRESIDENT. As it lacks but a minute or two of the time when the special order is to be called up, if there be no objection, the Chair will call it up now. Strictly, the Pacific railroad bill", "url": "/m2/session/12492#899271", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 12492}, {"id": 900327, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. WIGFALL. The Articles of Confederation were formed in 1781; that is all. \n\nMr. JOHNSON, of Tennessee. I have them before me: \u201cArticles of Confederation and Perpetual Union;\u201d and they end: \u201cDone", "url": "/m2/session/14025#900327", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14025}, {"id": 900353, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. JOHNSON, of Tennessee. Mr. President, yesterday I proceeded in the discussion, in answer to some of the attacks that had been made on me, to consider the question of the free navigation of the", "url": "/m2/session/14026#900353", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14026}, {"id": 900466, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "MISSION OF PEACE FROM VIRGINIA. \n\nThe PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair will now call up the unfinished business of yesterday, being the motion to print additional copies of the President\u2019s message", "url": "/m2/session/14027#900466", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14027}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [12398, 12545, 12622, 12627, 12631, 13855, 11963, 11980, 11981, 11984, 12161, 12492, 14025, 14026, 14027], "session_data_for_event_results": {"12398": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "03 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12545": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "22 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12622": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "26 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "12627": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "01 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "12631": {"committee_name": "The House of Representatives", "session_date": "08 Feb 1861, 12:00"}, "13855": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "03 Mar 1861, 07:00"}, "11963": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "24 Mar 1862, 12:00"}, "11980": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "31 Mar 1862, 12:00"}, "11981": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "01 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "11984": {"committee_name": "Senate Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "02 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "12161": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives", "session_date": "10 Apr 1862, 12:00"}, "12492": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "10 Jan 1861, 12:00"}, "14025": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "05 Feb 1861, 00:00"}, "14026": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "06 Feb 1861, 00:00"}, "14027": {"committee_name": "The Senate", "session_date": "07 Feb 1861, 00:00"}}}, "213": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 910980, "title": "DEBATE_MOTION", "description": "Mr. CALDWELL. Owing to an error, which I had no opportunity for knowing, there was a very large bull in the figuring I stated to the Commission yesterday. I stated here yesterday that there had been", "url": "/m2/session/14898#910980", "type": "DEBATE_MOTION", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-procedure-debate.svg", "session_id": 14898}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [14898], "session_data_for_event_results": {"14898": {"committee_name": "The Joint Commission", "session_date": "18 Jul 1889, 15:30"}}}, "226": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 938763, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Cunniff: I would like to call attention to the fact that all we are endeavoring to do here is to present a fair and square proposition, and that, after all, whatever the theory of the matter may", "url": "/m2/session/16103#938763", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16103}, {"id": 939215, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Cunningham [...] Now, Mr. Chairman, I am well aware that the judiciary committee are considered hardly sufficient to pass upon any question that is presented to them. I will say this in", "url": "/m2/session/16112#939215", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16112}, {"id": 939220, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Jones (Yavapai): There seems to be no difference of opinion as to the necessity of some provision of this kind, either in the laws or in the constitution. The only fear is that if we leave it to", "url": "/m2/session/16112#939220", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16112}, {"id": 939228, "title": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Chairman: There has been an amendment offered to the amendment to the first amendment to strike out all after the words \u201cadult prisoners,\u201d and the amendment to the amendment is to retain that", "url": "/m2/session/16112#939228", "type": "ADOPT_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-decision-adopt.svg", "session_id": 16112}, {"id": 939233, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Ingraham: I wish to say just a word very briefly in regard to the remarks of the gentleman from Cochise, Mr. Ellinwood. The statement is made by him that this proposition was a purely legislative", "url": "/m2/session/16112#939233", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16112}, {"id": 940455, "title": "CREATE", "description": "Report of the Committee on Style on Proposition Number", "url": "/m2/session/16164#940455", "type": "CREATE", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-add.svg", "session_id": 16164}, {"id": 940504, "title": "CREATE_FROM", "description": "Report of the Committee on Style on Proposition Number", "url": "/m2/session/16153#940504", "type": "CREATE_FROM", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-subtype-script-import.svg", "session_id": 16153}, {"id": 942290, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "Jones' Recommendation to Insert Provision Allowing Prisoners to Work on Street and Road Works in Proposition Number", "url": "/m2/session/16171#942290", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 16171}, {"id": 942292, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Osborn: I would like to ask the gentleman from Maricopa if a prisoner here in the municipal jail is not a citizen of the United States.\n\nMr. Jones (Maricopa): He is not a citizen if he is a", "url": "/m2/session/16171#942292", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16171}, {"id": 944549, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. Crutchfield: The committee in recommending this section is conscious of the fact that it has used a word that can hardly be understood or defined. In the third line of the sixth page the word", "url": "/m2/session/16210#944549", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 16210}, {"id": 945596, "title": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "description": "Ingraham's Amendment to Insert Provision that Prisoners Be Allowed to Do Road Work in Engrossed Proposition Number", "url": "/m2/session/16271#945596", "type": "PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-amend.svg", "session_id": 16271}], "session_ids_for_event_results": [16103, 16112, 16164, 16153, 16171, 16210, 16271], "session_data_for_event_results": {"16103": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "15 Nov 1910, 14:00"}, "16112": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "16 Nov 1910, 09:30"}, "16164": {"committee_name": "Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation", "session_date": "22 Nov 1910, 09:30"}, "16153": {"committee_name": "Convention", "session_date": "22 Nov 1910, 09:30"}, "16171": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "18 Nov 1910, 14:00"}, "16210": {"committee_name": "Committee of the Whole", "session_date": "25 Nov 1910, 19:30"}, "16271": {"committee_name": "Convention", "session_date": "02 Dec 1910, 09:30"}}}, "240": {"top_level_match": "false", "sessions": [], "committees": [], "delegations": [], "people": [], "events": [{"id": 972125, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. WILSON. I desire to say a word or two on the amendment of the gentleman from Latah. If his amendment is adopted you will have seven counties in this district, two terms in each county, fourteen", "url": "/m2/session/17059#972125", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17059}, {"id": 973699, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. CLAGGETT. I would like to be indulged in another word, Mr. Chairman. When this discussion first opened, it was with an amendment offered by the gentleman from Nez Perce (MR. REID), under the", "url": "/m2/session/17066#973699", "type": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "icon_url": "icons2/icon-doc-debate.svg", "session_id": 17066}, {"id": 975544, "title": "DEBATE_PROPOSAL", "description": "Mr. REID. It simply confines this to convicts in the penitentiary. Men sentenced in police courts or district courts for misdemeanors can be made to work it out and save the county\u2019s cost. 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{"116": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 116, "name": "Writing Peace: John Alderdice 1985-1992", "items": [{"id": 13008, "title": "Correspondence Regarding Prison Visits", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/13008"}]}, "295": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 295, "name": "Writing Peace: Monica McWilliams Collection", "items": [{"id": 16814, "title": "Letter from William Smith (PUP prison spokesperson) regarding a possible motion on prisons, 14 October 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16814"}, {"id": 16823, "title": "Letter From Prisoner Requesting NIWC Help - 6 November 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16823"}, {"id": 16831, "title": "John Major's statement on the Hume/Adams proposals, 28 November 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16831"}, {"id": 16834, "title": "Invitation To Visit Unionist Political Prisoners. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16834"}, {"id": 16839, "title": "St Patrick's Day Statement From Friends Of Ireland - 17 March 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16839"}, {"id": 16854, "title": "Labour Party Conference Motion on Northern Ireland [September Or October 1997?]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16854"}, {"id": 16858, "title": "William Smith Speech To PUP Conference - 11 October 1997. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16858"}, {"id": 16871, "title": "Briefing Note C: NIWC Position On Relevant Community Issues - November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16871"}, {"id": 16878, "title": "A Commentary On Difficulties Within The Peace Process - 8 January 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16878"}, {"id": 16894, "title": "Final Week Of Good Friday Agreement: Issues To Be Considered From Monday 30 March Through Thursday 2 April In Intensive Bilaterals And Group Meetings - March 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16894"}, {"id": 16897, "title": "NIWC Draft Response To BBC On Party Political Broadcasts - 2 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16897"}, {"id": 16902, "title": "The Agreement: It's Your Decision Booklet - 10 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16902"}, {"id": 16918, "title": "UDP Agenda For Opening Plenary - 14 June 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/16918"}, {"id": 17005, "title": "Draft Summary Record Of Opening Plenary Session On 16 October 1996 At 1010", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17005"}, {"id": 17014, "title": "Draft Summary Record Of Opening Plenary Session On 22 October 1996 At 1108", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17014"}, {"id": 17026, "title": "Handwritten Notes: Record Of [Plenary] Session [On 29 October 1996 At 1010]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17026"}, {"id": 17035, "title": "UKUP Paper: Decommissioning. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17035"}, {"id": 17112, "title": "Chairmen's Report To The Plenary On 2 December 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17112"}, {"id": 17115, "title": "Propositions On Heads Of Agreement - 12 January 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17115"}, {"id": 17116, "title": "Propositions On Heads Of Agreement - 12 January 1998. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17116"}, {"id": 17117, "title": "Propositions On Heads Of Agreement - 12 January 1998. Anne Carr Copy", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17117"}, {"id": 17119, "title": "Summary Record Of Plenary Session On 26 January 1998 At 1239", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17119"}, {"id": 17130, "title": "Summary Record Of Review Plenary Session On 24 March 1998 At 1511", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17130"}, {"id": 17131, "title": "Summary Record Of Review Plenary Session On 24 March 1998 At 1511. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17131"}, {"id": 17139, "title": "Building A Peaceful Society - 3 April 1998 At 1645", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17139"}, {"id": 17140, "title": "Draft Agreement ('Mitchell Draft') \u2013 6 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17140"}, {"id": 17142, "title": "Final Agreement - 10 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17142"}, {"id": 17182, "title": "Briefing Note C: NIWC Position on Relevant Community Issues - November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17182"}, {"id": 17187, "title": "Summary of Results of a Public Opinion Poll on the Talks [1998?]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17187"}, {"id": 17217, "title": "NIWC Manifesto: A New Voice For New Times - Assembly Elections 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17217"}, {"id": 17253, "title": "Strand 1 Criminal Justice: A Discussion Paper By The British Government - 2 March 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17253"}, {"id": 17264, "title": "Record Of Strand 1 Meeting On 9 March 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17264"}, {"id": 17308, "title": "NIWC Speech: Justice Rights And Safeguards To Strand 1. Undated. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17308"}, {"id": 17403, "title": "Alliance Paper: Rights And Safeguards For All Three Strands: Justice And Human Rights - November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17403"}, {"id": 17404, "title": "Alliance Paper: Rights And Safeguards For All Three Strands: Justice And Human Rights - November 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17404"}, {"id": 17405, "title": "British Government Paper: Rights And Safeguards For All Three Strands. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17405"}, {"id": 17406, "title": "British Government Paper: Rights And Safeguards For All Three Strands. Undated. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17406"}, {"id": 17412, "title": "NIWC Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17412"}, {"id": 17413, "title": "NIWC Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2. Undated. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17413"}, {"id": 17414, "title": "NIWC Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2. Undated. Second Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17414"}, {"id": 17415, "title": "NIWC Paper: Rights And Safeguards For Strand 2. Undated. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17415"}, {"id": 17507, "title": "Irish Government Opening Statement To Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures 8 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17507"}, {"id": 17508, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 8 October 1997 At 1300", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17508"}, {"id": 17509, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 18 November 1997 At 1607", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17509"}, {"id": 17510, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 1 December 1997 At 1500", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17510"}, {"id": 17511, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 2 December 1997 At 1500", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17511"}, {"id": 17512, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 15 December 1997 At 1500", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17512"}, {"id": 17514, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 13 January 1998 At 1110", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17514"}, {"id": 17515, "title": "Summary Record Of Liasion Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 13 January 1998 At 1110. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17515"}, {"id": 17516, "title": "Summary Record Of Liasion Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 4 February 1998 At 1040. Annotated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17516"}, {"id": 17517, "title": "Summary Record Of Liaison Sub-Committee Meeting On Confidence Building Measures On 4 February 1998 At 1040", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17517"}, {"id": 17529, "title": "Labour Paper: Opening Paper On the Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 21 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17529"}, {"id": 17530, "title": "Alliance Paper: Opening Paper On the Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 22 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17530"}, {"id": 17531, "title": "NIWC Paper: Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 22 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17531"}, {"id": 17532, "title": "NIWC Paper: Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 22 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17532"}, {"id": 17533, "title": "NIWC Paper: Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 22 October 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17533"}, {"id": 17535, "title": "Sinn F\u00e9in Paper: Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building - 22 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17535"}, {"id": 17536, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures - 24 October 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17536"}, {"id": 17537, "title": "NIWC Paper: Submission On Prisoners To Liason Sub-Committee On Confidence-Building Measures", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17537"}, {"id": 17538, "title": "NIWC Paper: Submission On Prisoners To Liaison Sub-Committee On Confidence Building Measures. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17538"}, {"id": 17539, "title": "UDP Paper: Political Prisoners - 28 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17539"}, {"id": 17540, "title": "PUP Paper: Principles And Requirements Of Confidence Building In Relation To Political Prisoners. Original", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17540"}, {"id": 17541, "title": "PUP Paper: Principles And Requirements Of Confidence Building In Relation To Political Prisoners. Photocopy On Headed Paper", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17541"}, {"id": 17542, "title": "Brief On Prisoner Release Issues. Annotated. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17542"}, {"id": 17543, "title": "British Government Paper: Prisons Issues. Alternate Paper. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17543"}, {"id": 17544, "title": "Sinn F\u00e9in Paper: Prison Releases Are Crucial To The Peace Process. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17544"}, {"id": 17545, "title": "Irish Government Paper: Prisoner Issues - 28 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17545"}, {"id": 17546, "title": "SDLP Paper: Submission On Prisoners - 29 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17546"}, {"id": 17547, "title": "SDLP Paper: Submission On Prisoners - 29 November 1997. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17547"}, {"id": 17548, "title": "Press Statement By Adam Ingram, Minister Of State Responsible For Security And Prisons - 29 December 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17548"}, {"id": 17549, "title": "British Government Further Paper: Prisons Issues - 13 January 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17549"}, {"id": 17550, "title": "British Government Further Paper: Prison Issues - 13 January 1998. Duplicate", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17550"}, {"id": 17551, "title": "British Government Paper: Prison Issues - 4 February 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17551"}, {"id": 17552, "title": "No Case To Answer: Pamphlet On R\u00f3is\u00edn McAliskey - 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17552"}, {"id": 17572, "title": "British Government Paper: Restorative Justice - 9 March 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17572"}, {"id": 17579, "title": "Handwritten Notes: On Decommissioning Headed PUP And SF. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17579"}, {"id": 17581, "title": "Liaison Sub-Committee Remit - 11 February 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17581"}, {"id": 17582, "title": "Amended Liaison Sub-Committee Remit - 11 February 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17582"}, {"id": 17583, "title": "Amended Liaison Sub-Committee Remit - 18 February 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17583"}, {"id": 17584, "title": "Liaison Sub-Committee Remit With 18 February Amendments Incorporated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17584"}, {"id": 17585, "title": "Liaison Sub-Committee On Decommissioning Remit - 11 February 1997. Incomplete", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17585"}, {"id": 17586, "title": "Liaison Sub-Committee On Decommissioning Remit - 11 February 1997. Incomplete", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17586"}, {"id": 17657, "title": "Press Release: Forum Boycotts. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17657"}, {"id": 17679, "title": "Brief On Prisoner Release Issues. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17679"}, {"id": 17680, "title": "NIACRO Notes For Consideration In Relation To Proposed Commission On Prisoner Release In Northern Ireland. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17680"}, {"id": 17681, "title": "Principles Of Working With Policy Makers. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17681"}, {"id": 17682, "title": "Suggested Amendments To GFA Section On Prisoners - 7 April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17682"}, {"id": 17683, "title": "Handwritten Notes: Prisoner Release Issues - April 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17683"}, {"id": 17684, "title": "Article Addressing Prisoner Release Concerns And NIO Statistics - 28 April 1998. Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17684"}, {"id": 17685, "title": "Handwritten Document GFA Section On Prisoners Including Glued Amendments - April 1998. Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17685"}, {"id": 17686, "title": "GFA Section On Prisoners With Underlined Amendments - April 1998. Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17686"}, {"id": 17687, "title": "Section Of The Good Friday Agreement Concerning Prisoners With Amendments Integrated - April 1998. Draft", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17687"}, {"id": 17688, "title": "CLMC Statement On 13 October 1994. Faxed 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17688"}, {"id": 17689, "title": "CLMC Statement On 25 August 1995. Faxed 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17689"}, {"id": 17690, "title": "UFF Statement On [23 January 1998]", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17690"}, {"id": 17691, "title": "British Government Confidence Building Paper: Prison Issues. Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17691"}, {"id": 17692, "title": "Irish Government Confidence Building Sub-Committee Paper: Prisoner Issues - 28 November 1997", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17692"}, {"id": 17693, "title": "Book Chapter: Theological Reflections On Violence And The Responses From Ireland (Geraldine Smyth). Undated", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17693"}, {"id": 17694, "title": "Book Chapter: Republicanism Revisited - 1998. Draft 1", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17694"}, {"id": 17695, "title": "Book Chapter: Republicanism Revisited - 1998. Draft 1", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17695"}, {"id": 17696, "title": "Prisoners, Paramilitaries And The Decommissioning Of Weapons: Issues Of Conflict Transformation In The Northern Ireland Peace Process On 7 November 2002", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17696"}, {"id": 17859, "title": "Draft NIWC Declaration - 1 April 1999", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17859"}, {"id": 17947, "title": "Text of Speech By Mo Mowlam To Labour Party Conference - 30 September 1998", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17947"}, {"id": 17965, "title": "Letter To Monica McWilliams From Peter Mandelson Enclosing Letter To David Trimble Regarding Hillsborough Meetings On 4-5 May - 15 May 2000", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17965"}, {"id": 17970, "title": "Statement By The Two Governments Including Detailed Proposals On Implementation - 5 May 2000. Faxed", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17970"}, {"id": 17994, "title": "Speech By David Trimble To The UUP Conference On 17 November 2001", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/17994"}, {"id": 18019, "title": "Record Of Implementation Committee Meeting - 28 March 2002", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/18019"}, {"id": 18050, "title": "Notes On Meeting With Jane Kennedy - 10 December 2002", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/18050"}]}, "303": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 303, "name": "Writing Peace: Record of Debates in the Forum for Political Dialogue", "items": [{"id": 21685, "title": "Northern Ireland Forum Record Of Debate On 9 January 1998 At 1002", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/21685"}, {"id": 21698, "title": "Northern Ireland Forum Record Of Debate On 10 April 1998 At 1001", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/21698"}]}, "351": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 351, "name": "Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)", "items": [{"id": 22724, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 6 March 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22724"}, {"id": 22732, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 7 September 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22732"}, {"id": 22738, "title": "Record of Telephone Conversations between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 9 February and 11 February 1988", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22738"}, {"id": 22805, "title": "Enclosure: Cover Letter from E C Hallett to Quentin Thomas Enclosing Note on Amnesties Granted by the British Government in the Context of Negotiations for Independence", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22805"}, {"id": 22806, "title": "Minute from Quentin Thomas to John Chilcot Enclosing a Note on Amnesties in the Context of British Colonies and Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22806"}, {"id": 22807, "title": "Memo from Joseph Pilling to Quentin Thomas Regarding the Note on Amnesty Processes by E C Hallett", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22807"}, {"id": 22808, "title": "Memo from Kenneth Bloomfield to John Chilcot Proposing a Joint Statement Offering the Release of Prisoners in Exchange for the Cessation of Violence", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22808"}, {"id": 22811, "title": "Record of Meeting between Danny McNeill, Will Murphy and John Murphy Regarding PIRA and Political Movement on 4 December 1990", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22811"}, {"id": 22813, "title": "Enclosure: Paper Titled \"Release of Prisoners in the Context of Negotiations for Colonial Independence from British Rule\" by E C Hallett", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/22813"}, {"id": 23088, "title": "Record of a Stocktaking Meeting (ST194) on 6 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23088"}, {"id": 23102, "title": "Record of a Telephone Conversation between Alex Allan and Martin Mansergh on 20 December 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23102"}, {"id": 23106, "title": "Note from Jim Daniell Enclosing Draft Contingency Planning for the Outcome of the Challenge to the PIRA", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23106"}, {"id": 23122, "title": "Note from Tony Beeton to Jim Daniell Enclosing Stock Paragraphs for Minister's Cases on Peace", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23122"}, {"id": 23123, "title": "Record of a Meeting between David Blatherwick and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 hUiginn on 5 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23123"}, {"id": 23142, "title": "Letter from Graham Archer to Quentin Thomas Regarding Ways forward for Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23142"}, {"id": 23153, "title": "Record of a Meeting between John Dew and Jim Downey on 9 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23153"}, {"id": 23246, "title": "Record of a Telephone Conversation between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 15 November 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23246"}, {"id": 23248, "title": "Record of Meeting between John McConnell and Alec Reid on 22 November 1989", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23248"}, {"id": 23250, "title": "Letter from Alec Reid to Tom King Encouraging the British Government to Hold Dialogue with Sinn F\u00e9in", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23250"}, {"id": 23261, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Alec Reid and Raymond Murray to John Hume Enclosing the Reid/Murray Proposal", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23261"}, {"id": 23265, "title": "Enclosure: Lines to Include in the Reply to Denis Faul's Letter to Peter Brooke", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23265"}, {"id": 23267, "title": "Memo from Simon Marsh Regarding a Draft Reply to Denis Faul's Letter to Peter Brooke", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23267"}, {"id": 23270, "title": "Enclosure: Letter from Denis Faul to Peter Brook Regarding the Link between the Release of Prisoners and a Ceasefire", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23270"}, {"id": 23287, "title": "Record of a Meeting between the Prime Minister and Archbishop Robin Eames on 18 November 1993 Enclosing JD14 with Revisions Underlined", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23287"}, {"id": 23292, "title": "Letter from Roderic Lyne to Jonathan Stephens Concerning Meeting between John Major and Jim Molyneaux on 9 November 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23292"}, {"id": 23343, "title": "Record of a Telephone Conversation between Roderic Lyne and Martin Mansergh on 17 January 1994", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23343"}, {"id": 23358, "title": "Letter from Jim Daniell to Peter Bell and Chris Maccabe Enclosing a Draft Northern Ireland Tour d'Horizon", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23358"}, {"id": 23370, "title": "Note from Tony Beeton to PS Patrick Mayhew Enclosing Joint Declaration Follow-Up Lines To Take for PMQs etc.", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23370"}, {"id": 23376, "title": "Incomplete: Extract from Draft Follow-Up Lines to Take for PMQs etc.", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23376"}, {"id": 23555, "title": "Record of a Meeting between David Fell and Eamonn Mallie to Discuss the Hume-Adams Talks on 13 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23555"}, {"id": 23860, "title": "Afternoon Briefing for the Media Lobby on 26 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23860"}, {"id": 23899, "title": "Record of a Ministerial Meeting to Discuss the Joint Declaration (JD12) on 18 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23899"}, {"id": 23902, "title": "Record of a Ministerial Briefing on the Joint Declaration Initiative on 14 October 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23902"}, {"id": 23903, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing Note for John Major on the Status of the Joint Declaration Initiative", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23903"}, {"id": 23929, "title": "Record of UK-Irish Summit Plenary Meeting on 16 June 1993", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23929"}, {"id": 23940, "title": "Speaking Notes for Anglo-Irish Talks: Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23940"}, {"id": 23941, "title": "Enclosure: Current Irish Deployments for UN Peacekeeping Missions", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23941"}, {"id": 23942, "title": "Enclosure: Notes on Cross Border Security Cooperation between UK and Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23942"}, {"id": 23948, "title": "Enclosure: Talking Points for John Major's Talks with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23948"}, {"id": 23954, "title": "Comprehensive Briefing and Talking Points for John Major's Meeting with Albert Reynolds", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23954"}, {"id": 24031, "title": "Letter from Richard Gozney to Stephen Wall Regarding the New Irish Government and New HMA Ambassador David Blatherwick", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24031"}, {"id": 24104, "title": "Notes for Supplementaries on Northern Ireland Matters for the Joint Press Conference on 4 December 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24104"}, {"id": 24115, "title": "Enclosure: Notes for Supplementaries on Northern Ireland Matters for the Joint Press Conference on 4 December 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24115"}, {"id": 24117, "title": "Enclosure: Checklist of Points for John Major to Cover in His Meeting with Charles Haughey on 4 December 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24117"}, {"id": 24122, "title": "Annotated Briefing by Stephen Wall for John Major on the Points to Cover in His Meeting with Charles Haughey on 4 December 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24122"}, {"id": 24164, "title": "Record of a Meeting of the Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference on 6 March 1992", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24164"}, {"id": 24215, "title": "Enclosure: Brief for Lines to Take on the IRA Response to the Joint Declaration", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24215"}, {"id": 24216, "title": "Enclosure: Briefing on Intra-UK Prisoner Transfers", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24216"}, {"id": 24217, "title": "Fax from Simon Rodgers to Roderic Lyne Regarding Intra-UK Transfers of Prisoners", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24217"}, {"id": 24294, "title": "Letter from Patrick Mayhew to John Wakeham Regarding Policing Structure Reform in Northern Ireland", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24294"}, {"id": 24552, "title": "Record of Meeting between Ken Lindsay and Bill Owens Regarding Owens' Meeting with Tom Hartley Dated 22 August 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24552"}, {"id": 24579, "title": "Briefing from John Chilcot for Peter Brooke's Meeting with John Major on 13 February 1991", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/24579"}, {"id": 25193, "title": "British government record of meetings on 22 July 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/25193"}, {"id": 29690, "title": "Note from John Holmes for John Major on the Northern Ireland Committee on Terrorism, 2 July 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/29690"}, {"id": 30439, "title": "Record of meetings involving the British Government from 18 September 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30439"}]}, "290": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 290, "name": "Writing Peace: Treaties and Agreements", "items": [{"id": 23701, "title": "(1973) Sunningdale Agreement", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/23701"}]}, "353": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 353, "name": "Writing Peace: The National Archives of Ireland (NAI)", "items": [{"id": 30560, "title": "SDLP proposal for the comprehensive agenda with the subjects that might be covered under each item, dated 12 September 1996", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/30560"}]}, "341": {"top_level_match": "false", "id": 341, "name": "Writing Peace: Dermot Nally Collection", "items": [{"id": 31430, "title": "Irish Press: 'The Quest for Peace'", "url": "/resource_collections/resource_item/31430"}]}}