Session list for:
Idaho State Constitutional Convention 1889

Idaho's Constitutional Convention went from July 4, 1889 - August 6, 1889. Using the work that began in the standing committees, drafted reports or articles became the ratified Idaho Constitution in November 1889.

Thursday, 04 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention12:00:00The delegates assembled and elected temporary officials. A Committee on Credentials and a Reception Committee were appointed.
Committee on Credentials12:00:00The Committee was appointed and created a report on delegates entitled to seats, which was referred to the Convention.
Reception Committee12:00:00The Committee was appointed. Shoup was chosen as chairman.

Friday, 05 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The Committee on Credentials presented its report. The report was read section by section and adopted. Claggett was elected permanent president and Reid vice president. The Convention also elected a secretary and sergeant at arms.
Reception Committee10:00:00Claggett resigned from the Committee and appointed McConnell in his place.

Saturday, 06 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00A first assistant of the secretary, chaplain, doorkeeper, assistant doorkeeper, and pages were elected. A Committee on Rules was appointed. The Committee on Committees presented a report, which was adopted.
Committee on Rules10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Committees10:00:00The Committee was appointed and drafted a report, which was referred to the Convention.
Reception Committee10:00:00The Committee delivered a report to the Convention.

Monday, 08 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The Committee on Rules presented its report, which was read section by section and adopted. A second assistant clerk was elected. A petition from the Women's Christian Temperance Union was presented and laid upon the table. The president presented the list of members to standing committees.
Committee on Rules10:00:00The Committee drafted the Rules of the Convention and referred them to the Convention.
Committee on Ways and Means10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Executive Department10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Legislative Department10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Judiciary10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Names, Boundaries and Organization of Counties10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Seat of Government, Public Institutions, Buildings and Grounds10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Education, Schools and University Lands10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Revenue and Finance10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Militia and Military Affairs10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Public and Private Corporations10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Municipal Corporations10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Federal Relations10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Labor10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Schedule10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Manufactures, Agriculture and Irrigation10:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Mines and Mining10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Live Stock10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Printing and Binding10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Salaries of Public Officers10:00:00The Committee was appointed.
Committee on Public Indebtedness and Subsidies10:00:00The Committee was appointed.

Tuesday, 09 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The president was authorized to administer the oath of office. The Women's Christian Temperance Union was granted a hearing on the following day. A resolution on committee reports was presented and adopted.

Wednesday, 10 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention11:00:00A Petition for Women's Suffrage and Prohibition was presented and referred to the Committee on Election and Right of Suffrage.

Friday, 12 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00Several delegates requested a leave of absence.
Committee on Legislative Department10:00:00The Committee drafted Article III, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights10:00:00The Committee drafted a Preamble and Article I, which were referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage10:00:00The Committee created a report on the Petition for Woman's Suffrage and Prohibition, which was referred to the Convention.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment10:00:00Pinkham replaced Ballentine on the Committee.
Committee on Militia and Military Affairs10:00:00The Committee drafted Article XIV, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Public and Private Corporations10:00:00The Committee drafted Article XI, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.

Saturday, 13 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The Committee on Elections reported on the petition from the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, and the petition was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The Preamble and Articles I, XIV, III, and XI were presented to the Convention.
Committee on Ways and Means10:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Executive Department10:00:00The Committee drafted an article, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.

Monday, 15 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00Article IV was presented to the Convention. The Committee on Ways and Means presented a report, which was referred to the secretary of the territory. The Convention received a communication from the National Woman’s Suffrage Association requesting a hearing. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole. The Committee of the Whole reported on the Petition for Woman’s Suffrage and Prohibition. The Convention agreed to incorporate Section 1 of that petition into the Constitution.
Committee of the Whole10:00:00The Committee considered the resolution offered by the Women's Christian Temperance Union. It rejected Sections 1 and 3 and adopted Clark's substitute for Section 2.
Committee on Seat of Government, Public Institutions, Buildings and Grounds10:00:00The Committee drafted Article X and referred it to the Convention.
Committee on Revenue and Finance10:00:00Salisbury replaced Glidden on the Committee.
Committee on Public Indebtedness and Subsidies10:00:00The Committee drafted Article VIII and referred it to the Convention.

Tuesday, 16 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00Article X and VIII were presented to the Convention. Mrs. Dunaway of the National Woman’s Suffrage Association presented a resolution on woman’s suffrage.
Committee of the Whole10:00:00The Committee considered Sections 1 to 7 of Article I on the Bill of Rights.
Committee on Judiciary20:00:00Hagan replaced Stull on the Committee.
Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage20:00:00The Committee received the Resolution on Women's Suffrage.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment20:00:00Melder replaced Hendryx on the Committee, and Cavanah replaced Stull.
Committee on Municipal Corporations20:00:00The Committee drafted Article XII and referred it to the Convention.
Committee on Manufactures, Agriculture and Irrigation20:00:00Cavanah replaced Stull as Chairman of the Committee.

Wednesday, 17 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00Article XII was presented to the Convention. The Convention resolved to record the Committee of the Whole proceedings in the Journal. Batten gave notice to move to amend the rules.
Committee on Education, Schools and University Lands10:00:00The Committee drafted Article IX and referred it to the Convention.
Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage10:00:00The Committee drafted Article VI and a minority report on Article VI, which were referred to the Convention.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment10:00:00Harris was added to the Committee in the absence of Jewell.
Committee on Manufactures, Agriculture and Irrigation10:00:00Anderson replaced Beane on the committee. Article XV was drafted and referred to the Convention.

Thursday, 18 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The Convention received Articles IX, XV, and VI. Rule 11 of the Rules and Standing Orders was amended. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole. The Committee of the Whole presented a report on Article I.
Committee of the Whole10:00:00The Committee considered Article I, Sections 7 to 14.
Committee on Judiciary10:00:00The Committee drafted Article V and Article V minus Sections 6 and 7, which were referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage10:00:00Hagan replaced Beane on the Committee.
Committee on Labor10:00:00The Committee drafted Article XIII, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Schedule10:00:00King replaced Beane on the Committee.
Special Committee on Finance10:00:00The committee was appointed.
Joint Committee on Irrigation and Mining10:00:00The Committee was referred Article I, which was amended and referred back to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Manufactures, Agriculture and Irrigation20:00:00The Committee met in a joint session with the Committee on Mines and Mining.
Committee on Mines and Mining20:00:00The Committee met in a joint session with the Committee on Manufactures, Agriculture, and Irrigation.
Committee on Salaries of Public Officers20:00:00The Committee drafted Article XIII, which was referred to the Convention.

Friday, 19 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The Convention received Articles Number XIII, V, and VIII. The Convention also resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the proceedings of the day.
Committee of the Whole10:00:00The Committee considered Article I, Sections 14 to 21 and Article XIV, Sections 1 to 5. The Committee decided that the Preamble should be the last thing under consideration.
Committee on Ways and Means10:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention.
Committee on Live Stock10:00:00The Committee drafted Article XVI, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.

Saturday, 20 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The Convention received Article XVI from the Committee on Livestock and considered the Committee of the Whole reports on Articles XIV, IV, X, and III.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00The Committee considered Articles IV, X, and III.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment09:00:00Mr. Sinnott replaced Mr. Cavanah on the committee.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment09:00:00The Committee took up and amended Article IV, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Salaries of Public Officers09:00:00The Committee drafted Article on Salaries of Public Officers, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee of Three to Receive the Delegation of Members of Congress09:00:00The Committee was appointed.

Monday, 22 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The Convention took under consideration the Committee of the Whole Reports on Articles VIII, XII, and IX.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00The Committee considered Articles VIII, XII, and IX.
Special Committee on Finance09:00:00The Committee created a report on mileage and per diem claims of delegates and referred it to the Convention.

Tuesday, 23 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The Convention took under consideration the report of the special committee on finance and the reports from the Committee of the Whole on Article IX. The Convention then received the congressional delegation.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00The Committee considered Article IX.
Committee on Manufactures, Agriculture and Irrigation09:00:00The Committee received a petition from members of Washington County.

Wednesday, 24 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The reports of the standing committees were received. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the Committee on Education. Having reported the progress on Article IX, the Convention read the article line by line.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00Articles IX and XI were under consideration. Both of which were referred back to the Convention.
Committee on Names, Boundaries and Organization of Counties09:00:00The Committee created a report on counties, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Revenue and Finance09:00:00The Committee created a report and statement of annual expenses of a state government, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.

Thursday, 25 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention00:00:00The report of the Committee of the Whole as well the Rules of the Convention were discussed. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole. The committee then reported their progress on Article VI. The article was then considered by the Convention and referred to the Committee on Engrossment.
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The Committee considered Article VI.
Committee on Engrossment00:00:00The Committee was referred Article VI, which was then referred to the Convention.

Friday, 26 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Engrossment was appointed. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole. The committee reported their progress on the report of the Committee on Public and Private Corporations. The report of the Committee on Engrossment was then given, and Article VI was taken up and adopted. The Committee of the Whole reported their progress on Article XV which was then referred to the Committee on Engrossment by the Convention.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00The Committee considered Articles XI and XV.
Committee on Engrossment09:00:00Members were appointed. The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention. Article XV was referred to the Committee.

Saturday, 27 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention00:00:00Articles XI, III, XV, and resolution on state elections were presented and discussed.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment00:00:00Article VI was referred to the committee. Mr. Sweet replaced Mr. Hammell on the committee.
Committee on Engrossment00:00:00Article XV was referred back to the Convention.
Committee on the Revision of the Minutes and Proceedings of the Convention00:00:00The Committee was appointed.

Monday, 29 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00Article III was sent to the Committee on Engrossment. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to consider the article on Salaries of Public Officers. Articles IV, III, XV, and XIII were discussed further by the Convention.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00The Committee considered Articles VIII, IX, IV, XIII, and XVI.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment09:00:00Mr. Reid replaced Mr. Poe on the committee.
Committee on Public and Private Corporations09:00:00The report of the Committee of the Whole was referred to the Committee.
Committee on Schedule09:00:00Mr. Reid replaced Mr. Poe on the committee. A resolution was referred to the committee.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment09:00:00Articles XV and III were referred to the committee, amended, and referred back to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Engrossment09:00:00Article III was received and then referred to the Convention. The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention.

Tuesday, 30 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00Articles XIV, IV, X, XII, IX, XVI, XIV, XI, and VIII were all discussed further by the Convention.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment09:00:00Articles XIV, VIII, and XV were referred to the committee.
Committee on Engrossment09:00:00The Committee created reports, which was referred to the Convention. The Committee received Articles XIV, XII, III, VIII, IX, XVI, and VI; all of which were referred back to the Convention except Article III.

Wednesday, 31 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention00:00:00Final readings were done for Articles XII, IX, and VIII. Articles V, XVI, IV, VIII, and I were further discussed by the Convention.
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The Committee considered Article V.
Committee on Revenue and Finance00:00:00The Committee drafted Article VII, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment00:00:00Mr. Sweet replaced Mr. Brigham on the committee. The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Mines and Mining00:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Public Indebtedness and Subsidies00:00:00Article VII was referred to the committee then referred back to the Convention. The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Engrossment00:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention. Articles X and XI were received and referred back to the Convention.

Thursday, 01 August 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00Reports from the Committee on Mines and Mining, the Committee on Apportionment, and the Committee on Engrossment were received. Articles X and XI were adopted. Articles XIII, I, VII, and V were considered by the Convention.
Committee on Names, Boundaries and Organization of Counties09:00:00The Committee drafted an article, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Schedule09:00:00The Committee drafted a majority and minority report on Article XXI which were referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment09:00:00Article II was drafted and referred to the Convention for consideration. Articles XVI, XII, IX, and IV were referred to the committee and amended.
Committee on Engrossment09:00:00Article V was received and then referred back to the Convention.

Friday, 02 August 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention00:00:00The Preamble as well as Articles XXI, II, V, XX, VII, XVIII, were discussed further by the Convention.
Committee on Schedule00:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment00:00:00The committee referred Articles V and XX back to the convention for consideration. Articles XIII, X, XI were referred to the committee.
Committee on Engrossment00:00:00Article VII was received and then referred back to the Convention. The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention.

Saturday, 03 August 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention00:00:00The report of the Committee on Schedule was received. Article XVIII was discussed at length by the Convention before its adoption. Article VII and the reports of the Committee on Engrossment and the Committee on Ways and Means were also received.
Committee on Ways and Means00:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention.
Committee on Legislative Apportionment00:00:00The Committee drafted Article XIX, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment00:00:00
Committee on Revision and Enrollment00:00:00
Committee on Engrossment00:00:00Article XVIII was received and then referred back to the Convention.
Committee on Memorial 00:00:00The Committee was appointed.

Monday, 05 August 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention00:00:00Article XVIII was referred to the Committee on Engrossment. The Convention resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the Article XIX. The committee reported their progress and Article XIX was taken up in the Convention, amended, and referred to the Committee on Engrossment. The report of the Committee on Ways and Means and Article XXI were then taken up.
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The Committee drafted a report, which was referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment00:00:00Articles XVII, XIX, XXI, and XVIII were taken up in the committee. The Constitution of the State of Idaho was drafted and referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Engrossment00:00:00Article XIX was received and then referred back to the Convention.

Tuesday, 06 August 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The completed Constitution of the State of Idaho was referred to the Convention for final signatures. The Convention then adjourned sine die.
Committee on Ways and Means09:00:00The Committee created two reports, which were referred to the Convention.
Committee on Federal Relations09:00:00The Committee created a report, which was referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Revision and Enrollment09:00:00A memorial was received and referred back to the Convention.