Session list for:
Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Washington's first constitutional convention met between July and August 1889 to draft the state's foundational text.

Thursday, 04 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention16:00:00The delegates assembled and elected temporary officials. Telegrams from the South Dakota and North Dakota Constitutional Conventions were read and replied to. A Committee on Credentials was appointed.
Committee on Credentials16:00:00The committee was appointed.

Friday, 05 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The Committee on Credentials presented its report which was read, discussed, and adopted. John P. Hoyt was elected permanent president. The Convention also elected other permanent convention officers. The Committee on Rules and Order of Business was appointed.
Committee on Credentials10:00:00The report of the Committee on Credentials was created and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Rules and Order of Business10:00:00The committee was appointed. A report of the committee on Standing Committees was drafted and referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Official Stenographer of Constitutional Convention14:00:00The committee was appointed. A report of the committee was drafted and referred to the Convention for consideration.

Saturday, 06 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention10:00:00The report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business outlining the standing committees of the Convention was presented and adopted. The report of Committee on Official Stenographer was presented and adopted. The appointment of members to committees was debated. John T. Carrere was elected page and Alonzo C. Bowman was elected stenographer. A telegram from the Mayor of Ellensburg was then read.
Committee on Rules and Order of Business10:00:00The Rules of the Convention were drafted and referred to the Convention.

Tuesday, 09 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Military Affairs00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions00:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00A resolution concerning trusts was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention14:00:00The Chief Clerk-elect was sworn in. The President named the standing committees and their members. The Rules of the Constitutional Convention was then presented by the Committee on Rules and Order of Business. The Convention resolved into the committee of the whole to consider the Rules. After rising from the committee, the Convention adopted the Rules of the Convention and ordered the report printed. An election for Journal Clerk was held. Kinnear introduced a resolution on trusts.
Committee of the Whole14:00:00The Committee of the Whole considered the Rules of the Convention.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Apportionment and Representation14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Water and Water Rights14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Agriculture, Manufacture, Fisheries and Commerce14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Mining and Mining Interests14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Homestead and Property Exemptions14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration14:00:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings14:00:00The committee was appointed.

Wednesday, 10 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention13:30:00Mr. Travis was sworn in and assigned to the committees vacated by Mr. Waltman. Committees requested and were granted permission to employ clerks for their sessions. The majority and minority reports of the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal were presented and discussed. The Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 was then read and separated by paragraphs, which were sent to the appropriate committees. Propositions of members of the Convention were then read and referred to the relevant committees.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights13:30:00J. J. Travis replaced W. W. Waltman on the committee. The committee received Paragraphs 1 to 4 of the petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 and two petitions relative to women's suffrage.
Committee on Legislative Department13:30:00A proposition regarding the legislative department was referred to this committee.
Committee on Judicial Department13:30:00The committee referred a request to hire a clerk to the Convention.
Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness13:30:00A proposition regarding State, County and Municipal Indebtedness and a petition from N.W. Harris were referred to this committee.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations13:30:00The committee received Paragraph 5 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170.
Committee on Apportionment and Representation13:30:00The committee requested to appoint a secretary, which was granted.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation13:30:00The committee received Paragraph 6 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal13:30:00The committee's minority and majority reports concerning the resolution on trusts were drafted and referred to the Convention. A proposition regarding Corporations other than Municipal was referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments13:30:00The committee received Paragraphs 8 to 11 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 and two petitions regarding state prohibition.
Committee on Engrossment13:30:00The committee was appointed and submitted a request to the Convention to employ a clerk.
Committee on Water and Water Rights13:30:00A proposition regarding water rights was referred to this committee.
Committee on Agriculture, Manufacture, Fisheries and Commerce13:30:00The committee requested to appoint a secretary, which was granted.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses13:30:00The committee received a bid from W.D. Knight.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands13:30:00Propositions regarding school and granted lands were referred to this committee.
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene13:30:00The committee was appointed.
Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings13:30:00Travis replaced Waltman on the committee.

Thursday, 11 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention13:30:00A clerk was hired for the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. Messrs. Stiles and Brown were placed upon the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. A partial report from the Committee on Legislative Department was read and taken into the Committee of the Whole for deliberation. Proposed legislation was then presented by members of the Convention and referred to the appropriate committees. Notices to amend the Rules of the Convention were presented.
Committee of the Whole13:30:00The Partial Report of the Committee on Legislative Department and the substitute offered by J.Z. Moore were taken up for consideration.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights13:30:00Propositions for the articles on Preamble and Bill of Rights were referred into this committee.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights13:30:00A message and proposition regarding suffrage were referred to this committee. The committee submitted a request to employ a clerk to the Convention.
Committee on Legislative Department13:30:00The partial report of the committee, which included the first two sections of the article, was drafted and referred to the Convention. A proposition regarding the legislative department was also referred to the committee.
Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power13:30:00A proposition regarding the executive department was referred to this committee.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions13:30:00A proposition regarding Education and Educational Institutions was referred to this committee.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations13:30:00A proposition regarding County, City and Township Organization was referred to this committee.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation13:30:00Propositions regarding Revenue and Taxation were referred to this committee.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal13:30:00A proposition regarding Corporations Other Than Municipal was referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments13:30:00The committee received a memorial on prohibition and an affidavit from E.B. Sutton.
Committee on Engrossment13:30:00The committee submitted a request to the Convention to hire a clerk.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses13:30:00The committee referred a communication to the Convention, requesting each member's travel details.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands13:30:00Propositions regarding school and granted lands were referred to this committee.

Friday, 12 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention13:30:00Messages were received. The Committee on Printing, mileage and Contingent Expenses presented their majority and minority reports which were referred to the Judiciary Committee. The Committee on State and Granted Lands presented a proposition on eminent domain which was referred to the Committees on Harbors, Tidewater, and Navigable Streams and State, School and Granted Lands. Propositions of members of the Convention were then submitted and referred to their corresponding committees. The Rules of the Convention were then taken up for discussion and amending and resolutions in similar regard were presented.
Committee on Rules and Order of Business13:30:00The committee received several proposed amendments to the rules and drafted a report to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights13:30:00A proposition for the Bill of Rights was referred to this committee.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights13:30:00Petitions regarding suffrage and a proposition regarding elective rights were referred to the committee.
Committee on Legislative Department13:30:00A proposition regarding sumptuary laws was referred to this committee.
Committee on Judicial Department13:30:00Reports from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses as well as propositions regarding the Judicial Department were referred to this committee.
Committee on Military Affairs13:30:00A proposition regarding military affairs was referred to this committee.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal13:30:00Propositions regarding Corporations other than Municipal were referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments13:30:00A proposition regarding Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments and a petition on liquor traffic was referred to this committee.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment13:30:00The committee received a treatise on state constitutions.
Committee on Mining and Mining Interests13:30:00Propositions regarding mines and mining were referred to this committee.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses13:30:00The majority and minority reports of the committee were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams13:30:00A proposition regarding eminent domain was referred to this committee.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands13:30:00A proposition on Eminent Domain was drafted and referred to the Convention. Propositions regarding school and granted lands were referred to the committee.

Saturday, 13 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Rules and Order of Business presented a report proposing changes to the Rules of the Convention, which was ordered to lie on the table. Members of the Convention then submitted propositions, which were referred to the appropriate committees.
Committee on Legislative Department09:00:00Several propositions regarding the legislative department were referred to this committee.
Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power09:00:00Propositions regarding the executive department were referred to this committee.
Committee on Military Affairs09:00:00A proposition regarding military affairs was referred to this committee.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions09:00:00A proposition regarding Education and Educational Institutions was referred to this committee.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations09:00:00A proposition regarding County, City and Township Organization was referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments09:00:00Propositions regarding Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments were referred to this committee.
Committee on Water and Water Rights09:00:00A proposition regarding irrigation was referred to this committee.
Committee on Mining and Mining Interests09:00:00Propositions regarding mines and mining were referred to this committee.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses09:00:00A proposition regarding printing was referred to this committee. The committee drafted a report on mileage, which was referred to the Convention and then recommitted.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands09:00:00Propositions regarding school and granted lands were referred to this committee.

Monday, 15 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Rules and Order of Business00:00:00 A report of the committee was drafted and referred to the Convention for consideration.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights09:00:00The committee received a letter on women's suffrage.
The Convention13:00:00The report of the Committee on Judicial Department concerning printing was presented and adopted. The Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses resubmitted the mileage statement. Members of the Convention then presented proposed legislation to be referred to committees. The Committee on Federal Relations was given permission to message the Secretary of the Interior in regard to the boundaries of the territory of Washington. The Resolution on Tidelands was then taken up.
Committee on Legislative Department13:00:00Propositions regarding the legislative department were referred to this committee.
Committee on Judicial Department13:00:00Reports of the committee and the article on the Judicial Department were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses13:00:00The Mileage Report was drafted and referred to the Convention. A proposition regarding printing was referred to this committee.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands13:00:00A proposition regarding the division of school lands was referred to this committee.

Tuesday, 16 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Judicial Department reported their proposed article, which was ordered printed and to lie over one day. Propositions were presented and referred to the relevant standing committees. The Committee on Rules and Order of Business submitted a report, which was adopted.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights09:00:00Propositions regarding elections and elective rights were referred to this committee.
Committee on Judicial Department09:00:00Propositions regarding the judicial department were referred to this committee.
Committee on Military Affairs09:00:00A proposition on military affairs were referred to this committee, one of which was referred back to the Convention with the intent that it be referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights.
Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness09:00:00The committee received a message relative to bonding the Seattle for water, sewerage, and other purposes.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions09:00:00The committee received a message on agricultural education. A proposition regarding education and educational Institutions was referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments09:00:00Propositions regarding Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments were referred to this committee. The minority and majority reports concerning the prohibition of the sale and manufacturing of alcohol were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands09:00:00A proposition regarding land ownership was referred to this committee.
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration09:00:00A proposition regarding cession of land to the U.S. was referred to this committee.

Wednesday, 17 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The article on Judicial Department was reported.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00A proposition for the Bill of Rights was referred to this committee.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00Propositions regarding the legislative department were referred to this committee.
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00A proposed article regarding legal holidays was referred to this committee.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations00:00:00A resolution regarding County, City and Township Organization was referred to this committee.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00A proposition regarding Corporations Other Than Municipal was referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00A proposition regarding lotteries was referred to this committee, which was then referred back to the Convention.
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Jurisdiction, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00A resolution to recognize certain members of the bar was presented accepted. Messages were received. A Resolution on Tidelands was presented and referred to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. The Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments presented a Majority and Minority Report concerning the prohibition of the sale alcohol. Members then submitted several resolutions for legislation which were referred to the appropriate committees. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the Article on Judicial Department. A resolution concerning the printing of articles was then adopted.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights09:00:00The committee received two messages and an article on Registration.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands09:00:00A resolution on tidelands was referred to this committee.

Thursday, 18 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00A proposition relative to Military Affairs was referred to this committee.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee received several messages on women's suffrage.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00A proposition regarding the legislative department was referred to this committee.
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00Section 3 of the article on the Judicial Department was referred back to the committee. The substitute for the section was then drafted and referred back to the Convention.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation00:00:00
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00
Committee on Water and Water Rights00:00:00
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Printing, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00Messages were received. The Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments presented a proposition concerning lotteries and it was referred to the Committee on Legislative Department. The Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration presented a proposition presented a report on cession of land. The Committee on Military Affairs presented an article to be referred to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for discussion of the Article on Judicial Department. The Committee then reported the progress of the article and referred it back to the Committee on Judicial Department.
Committee of the Whole10:00:00The article on Judicial Department was taken up and amended.

Friday, 19 July 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00Messages were received. The Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses presented an Article on State Printing which was ordered to lie over one day. The Committee on Judicial Department reported the article on the same with the substitution for section three which was received. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to consider the Article on Judicial Department.
Committee of the Whole09:30:00The article on Judicial Department was further discussed and amended.

Saturday, 20 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee received several petitions on women's suffrage.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations00:00:00The article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00Messages were received. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to consider the article on Judicial Department. A message from the Olympia Board of Trade was then read.
Committee of the Whole09:15:00The article on Judicial Department was further discussed and amended.

Monday, 22 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on the Executive Department, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions00:00:00The committee received a resolution relative to public education.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation00:00:00
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00A proposition regarding Corporations Other Than Municipal was referred to this committee.
The Convention13:30:00A resolution asking the Committee on Judicial Department prepare an article on impeachment was presented and adopted. Mr. Prosser presented a report on the payment of the court clerks and pages. Messages were received. The Committee on County, City and Township Organization reported the Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township. A proposition regarding steamboat passes was presented. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to further discuss the article on Judicial Department. The Committee of the Whole reported their progress, and the Convention began concurring the amendments made and further amended the article. The report of the Committee on Printing was then taken up.
Committee of the Whole14:00:00The article on Judicial Department was further discussed, amended, and then referred back to the Convention.

Tuesday, 23 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00A minority report concerning the prohibition of the sale and manufacturing of alcohol was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings00:00:00A proposition regarding state institutions and public buildings was referred to this committee.
The Convention09:00:00A proposition relative to State Institutions and Public Buildings was presented and referred. The report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power was presented and discussed.

Wednesday, 24 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The report of the Committee on Organization of Counties, Cities and Townships was taken up for discussion and was referred back to the Convention after an amending process.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00A telegram was received by the committee.
Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness00:00:00A proposition regarding State, County and Municipal Indebtedness was referred to this committee.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00A proposition regarding Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments was referred to this committee.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on the Judiciary was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
The Convention09:00:00Messages and propositions were presented. The Article on Judicial Department was then taken up and discussed before it was finally adopted and referred to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment. The reports of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments were discussed and referred. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole taking the report of the Committee on county, City and Township Organization for discussion. The committee rose to concur the amendments in the Convention and laid the article on the table before adjournment.

Thursday, 25 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power was taken up for discussion and amending.
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00The committee received two petitions. The report of the committee, which included the Preamble and Bill of Rights, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee received portions of a petition from the Knights of Labor Assembly.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The committee received portions of a petition from the Knights of Labor Assembly.
Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness00:00:00The committee received portions of a petition from the Knights of Labor Assembly. The minority and majority reports of the committee were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on County, City and Township Organizations00:00:00
Committee on Revenue and Taxation00:00:00
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on County, City, Township Organization was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00Messages and petitions were received. The majority and minority reports of Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness were presented. The report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights was presented. The article on County, City, Township Organization was then taken up, discussed, adopted and referred to the Committe on Revision, Adjustment, and Enrollment. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power.

Friday, 26 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00A message was received by the committee.
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00The committee received messages on Probate Matters.
Committee on Military Affairs00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Militia, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions00:00:00The committee received a message relative to Agricultural Education.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation00:00:00
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Corporations Other Than Municipal, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00Messages were received. The Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal was presented. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the Article on Executive Department and Pardoning Power. The Committee of the Whole then reported the Article on Executive Department to the Convention.
Committee of the Whole09:40:00The article on Executive Department was further discussed, amended, and then referred back to the Convention.

Saturday, 27 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00The committee received a memorial. A proposition regarding the observance of the sabbath was referred to the Convention.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee received a resolution.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The committee received a resolution.
Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness00:00:00The committee received a resolution.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00A minority report regarding the article on Corporations Other Than Municipal was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene00:00:00A proposition regarding the Board of Health was referred to this committee.
The Convention09:00:00A resolution related to various subjects was presented. The Committee on Military Affairs reported the article on militia. Messages were submitted. The Article on Executive Department was then taken up then agreed to as amended.

Monday, 29 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00The article on Preamble and Bill of Rights was referred to this committee.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee received a petition on women's suffrage.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00A proposition regarding the observance of the sabbath was referred to this committee.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on the Executive Department was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal submitted a minority report. The article on Executive Department was then referred to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment, and Enrollment. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole taking with them the report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Committee of the Whole reported back to the Convention the report under consideration and referred it back to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The report of the Committee on Military Affairs was then taken up and referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Committee of the Whole09:50:00The report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights was taken up. The article on Preamble was referred back to the Convention for the purpose of referring it back to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. In the afternoon, the report of the Committee on Military Affairs was also taken up.

Tuesday, 30 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00The minority and majority reports on the Preamble and Bill of Rights were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00
Committee on Agriculture, Manufacture, Fisheries and Commerce00:00:00A proposition regarding warehouse was referred to this committee.
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00Petitions were submitted. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the report of the Committee on Military Affairs. After a recess, messages were submitted. The Committee of the Whole then reported the article on Militia which was laid on the table after some deliberation.
Committee of the Whole09:15:00The article on Militia was further discussed and amended before it was referred back to the Convention.

Wednesday, 31 July 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights00:00:00A communication and a petition were received by the committee.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The committee received a message.
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00The article on Preamble and Declaration of Rights was referred to the committee.
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions00:00:00The committee received a message from the Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on Militia was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00Messages were submitted. The article on Militia was then agreed to and referred to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment, and Enrollment. The Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights then submitted a majority and minority report. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the discussion of the preamble and bill of rights. The committee reported the article for concurring in the Convention which was then referred to the Committee on Judicial Department. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for discussion of the report from the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness. After a recess, substitutions for the report were presented in the Convention before adjournment.
Committee of the Whole09:40:00The reports from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights were taken up, agreed to, and referred back to the Convention. The committee then took up the reports from the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness for the discussion of the article of the same name.

Thursday, 01 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Water and Water Rights00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Water and Water rights, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on State, School and Granted Lands, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00A message was submitted. The reports of the Committees on Water and Water Rights and State, School and Granted lands were presented. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to consider the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness. The Committee rose to report the article to the Convention, which was discussed further and agreed to. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the report from the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.
Committee of the Whole09:30:00The article on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness was further considered then agreed to and referred back to the Convention. The report from the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal was then taken up for amending.

Friday, 02 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The committee received a message.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation00:00:00
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00A minority report concerning the article on State, School and Granted Lands was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00Messages were received. The Rules of the Convention were then taken up and amended. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the article on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The minority report from the Committee on Granted Lands was then submitted to the Convention.
Committee of the Whole10:00:00The article on Corporations Other Than Municipal was further discussed.

Saturday, 03 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on the Legislative Department, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00The articles on Impeachment and Eminent Domain for Drains, Ditches, etc. as well as other propositions were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revenue and Taxation00:00:00The article on Revenue and Taxation along with the majority and minority reports were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00The report of the committee, which included a separate article on the question of prohibition, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00A minority report concerning the article on State, School and Granted Lands was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration00:00:00The proposed article on the Compact with the United States was referred to this committee.
The Convention09:00:00Messages were received. The Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments submitted a report on prohibition. The Rules of the Convention were taken up and discussed. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the further amending of the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration was then taken up and agreed to as amended. The Compact with the United States was then presented. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the discussion of the report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights.
Committee of the Whole09:50:00The article on Corporations Other Than Municipal was further discussed. The report from the Committee on Water and Water Rights was then taken up.

Monday, 05 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The article on Water and Water Rights was discussed before being referred to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment. The article on Eminent Domain for Ditches, Drains, Etc. was then taken up before being referred back to the Convention. The article on Corporations Other Than Municipal was then taken up, amended further, and referred back to the Convention.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The committee received a petition on women's suffrage.
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00The majority and minority reports concerning the article on Amendments were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on Jurisdiction was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Water and Water Rights00:00:00The article on Water and Water Rights was recommitted to this committee.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00A proposition regarding state, school and granted lands was referred to this committee.
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00Messages were submitted. The majority and minority reports of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments were presented. Article V and the Article on Eminent Domain, along with propositions were submitted. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole to discuss article on water and water rights. The committee rose to report their progress and referred the article back to the Committee on Water and Water Rights. The Convention resolved into the Committee of the Whole taking the Article on Eminent Domain. Having reported the article back to Convention, the articles on Jurisdiction and Federal Relations were voted upon. Reports from the Committees on State, School and Granted Lands, Revenue and Taxation, and the Legislative Department were submitted. The Convention resolved again into the Committee of the Whole to discuss the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The committee reported their progress before the adjournment of the session.

Tuesday, 06 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Education and Educational Institutions00:00:00The article on Education and Educational Institutions was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on Impeachment was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses00:00:00
Committee on Homestead and Property Exemptions00:00:00The article on Homesteads and Property Exemptions was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration00:00:00The article on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings00:00:00Two reports of the committee, which included the article on State Institutions and Public Buildings as well as the article on Seat of Government, were drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention08:00:00Messages were received. Reports from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands; and the Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings were presented. The article on Corporations Other Than Municipal was then taken up and agreed to as amended. The Article on Eminent Domain was then taken up and agreed to as amended. The article on the Preamble and the Bill of Rights was then taken up and agreed to as amended.

Wednesday, 07 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The reports of the Committe on Revenue and Taxation were taken up or the consideration of the article on the same. After deliberation the article was referred back to the Convention.
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Elections and Elective Rights, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Legislative Department00:00:00The minority report of the committee, which included a substitution for the article, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Amendments as well as Revenue and Taxation were referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Water and Water Rights00:00:00The second report of the committee, which included a revised article on Water and Water Rights, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00The reports of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments were taken up, amended, finally agreed to. The Convention the resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the reports of the Committee on Revenue and Taxation. The committees on Homestead and Property Exemption; Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration; and Education and Educational Institutions were submitted to the Convention. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for further consideration of the article on Revenue and Taxation. The committee then reported their progress to the Convention. The article was then amended further and agreed to.

Thursday, 08 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on State Institutions and Public Buildings as well as the article on Seat of Government were referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration00:00:00The article on the Compact with the United States was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00Messages were submitted. The Compact with the United States and the report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights were presented. A resolution to appoint a Committee on State Seal was presented. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the article on State Institutions and Public Buildings. The committee reported the article back to the Convention for concurring, and the Convention agreed to the article as amended. The article on the Seat of Government was then taken up and agreed to as amended. The report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights as well as the report of the Committee on Legislative Department were presented. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the article on Legislative Department. A telegram from the Idaho Constitutional Convention was then submitted before adjournment.
Committee of the Whole10:20:00The report of the Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings was taken up, the article being amended and referred back to the Convention. The article on Seat of Government was then taken up, amended, and referred back to the Convention. The reports from the Committee on Legislative Department were then taken up for the discussion of the article on the Legislative Department.

Friday, 09 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Apportionment and Representation00:00:00The article on Legislative Apportionment, Committee on Apportionment and Representation was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on Legislative Department was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Mining and Mining Interests00:00:00The minority and majority reports of the committee, both of which included an article on mines and mining, were drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams00:00:00A minority report on the article on Harbors and Tidewaters was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene00:00:00The article on Public Health and Vital Statistics was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on State Seal00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00The session began with the Committee on State Seal being appointed. The articles from the Committee on Apportionment and Representation, the Committee on Public Health, and the Committee on Mining and Mining Interests were submitted. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole, the article on Legislative Department being under consideration. The committee reported the article back to the Convention for concurring the amendments made. The article was agreed to and referred.
Committee of the Whole09:30:00The article on the Legislative Department was further amended and discussed before it was referred back to the Convention.

Saturday, 10 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Corporations Other Than Municipal; Exemptions; Water and Water Rights; Education and Educational Institutions; and the Compact with the United States were all referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
Committee on Agriculture, Manufacture, Fisheries and Commerce00:00:00
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration00:00:00The article on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration was recommitted to this committee.
Committee on State Seal00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00A message was presented. An adverse report of the Committee on Agriculture was then read. The Committee on Harbors, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams submitted an article and a minority report, both of which were ordered printed. The articles on Corporations Other Than Municipal; Homesteads and Property Exemptions; Water and Water Rights; Education; Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration; and the Compact with the United States were all discussed and finally agreed to as amended.
Committee on Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams09:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Harbors and Tidewaters, was drafted and referred to the Convention.

Monday, 12 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Legislative Apportionment as well as Public Health and Vital Statistics were referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
The Convention09:00:00The Convention resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the article on Elections and Elective Rights. The committee reported the article back to the Convention for concurring the amendments made. The article was agreed to as amended and ordered printed. The articles on Legislative Department; Public Health and Vital Statistics; and Mines and Mining were taken up individually; all of which were agreed to as amended except the article on Mines and Mining.
Committee of the Whole09:00:00The report from the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights was taken up, and the article was amended and then referred back to the Convention.

Tuesday, 13 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The committee drafted and referred a resolution on the titles of the articles to the Convention.
Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration00:00:00The report of the committee, which included the article on Boundaries, was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00One message was read and received. The articles on Elections and Elective Rights as well as Mines and Mining Interests were considered. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the reports of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands, and the Committee Harbors, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams. The committee reported the article on Harbors and Tidewaters back to the Convention where the amendments were concurred.
Committee of the Whole09:40:00The report of the Committee on Harbors and Tidewaters was taken up. The article was discussed and amended before being referred back to the Convention.

Wednesday, 14 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee of the Whole00:00:00The report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands was taken up, and the article on the same was amended.
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00A report concerning the change from territorial to state government was drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The article on Declaration of Rights was referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
The Convention09:00:00The reports of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments as well as the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration were presented. The article on Harbors and Tidewaters was then taken up, amended further, and passed to a third reading. Article I was then voted upon a agreed to. The report of the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment was then submitted.

Thursday, 15 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Elections and Elective Rights00:09:00The committee received messages on equal suffrage.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:09:00The articles on Elections and Elective Rights as well as Harbors and Tidewaters were both referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment.
The Convention09:00:00Messages were read and received. The article on Harbors and Tidewaters was then voted upon and agreed to. The article on Elections and Electives Rights was then reconsidered, further amended, and agreed upon. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands.
Committee of the Whole14:10:00The committee continued to discuss and amend the article on State, School and Granted Lands.

Friday, 16 August 1889

Committee Time Description
The Convention09:00:00A petition is received. The Convention then discussed the article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Townships. The Convention then resolved into the Committee of the Whole, the article on State, School and Granted Lands being under consideration.
Committee of the Whole09:40:00The article on State, School and Granted Lands was further amended. It was then agreed to and referred back to the Convention.

Saturday, 17 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00The article on Schedule was recommitted to this committee where it was amended further.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Impeachment, the Judiciary, and Corporations Other Than Municipal were referred back to the Convention for amending.
Committee on State Seal00:00:00The report of the committee was drafted and referred to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00The Committe on State Seal submitted a report. The article on State, School and Granted Lands was then reported from the Committee on the Whole, and the Convention began concurring the amendments made. The article was voted upon and agreed to as amended. The report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments was then taken up. After deliberation, the report was referred back to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments.

Monday, 19 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments00:00:00The article on Schedule was referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Judiciary, Impeachment, Boundaries, Corporations Other Than Municipal, and State Seal were all referred to this committee for final revision and adjustment. The articles on Executive Department; Elections and Elective Rights; Revenue and Taxation; State, County and Municipal Indebtedness; Education and Educational Institutions; Militia; and County, City, Township Organization were all referred back to the Convention for final debate and agreement.
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:09:00The article on School and Granted Lands as well as proposed substitutions for the article were referred to this committee. The committee then drafted and referred new articles on Tidelands and School and Granted Lands to the Convention.
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment reported article II, IV, and V for final consideration. The report on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration was then taken up and agreed to after an amending process. The articles on Corporations Other Than Municipal and State, School and Granted Lands were then considered further. After a recess, the report of the Committee on State Seal was taken up, amended, and agreed to. Members then submitted articles regarding tidelands and granted lands which were referred to the appropriate committee. Resolutions were then submitted before the Convention took up the article on Schedule.

Tuesday, 20 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Corporations other than Municipal00:00:00
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Executive Department; Elections and Elective Rights; Revenue and Taxation; State, County and Municipal Indebtedness; Education and Educational Institutions; and Militia were all referred back to this committee for enrollment. The articles on County, City, Township Organization; Corporations Other Than Municipal; Public Health and Vital Statistics; State Institutions and Public Buildings; Legislative Apportionment; Seat of Government; Exemptions; Compact with the United States; Water and Water Rights; and Amendments were all referred back to the Convention for final debate and agreement.
Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses00:00:00
Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands00:00:00
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment submitted articles III, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI for final consideration, all of which were agreed to and referred back. The Committee on State, School and Granted Lands submitted the articles on Tidelands as well as State, School and Granted Lands. Both articles were amended in the Convention and put upon final passage.

Wednesday, 21 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Judicial Department00:00:00The articles on Schedule, Tidelands, and Shorelands were taken up, amended and referred back to the Convention. A report of the committee was also drafted and referred to the Convention.
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on County, City and Township Organization; Corporations Other Than Municipal; State Institutions; Seat of Government; Amendments; Legislative Apportionment; Water and Water Rights; Exemptions; Public Health and Vital Statistics; and the Compact with the United States were referred to this committee for final enrollment. The article on School and Granted Lands was also referred for final revision and adjustment.
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment submitted articles XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XIX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXVI for final consideration, all of which were agreed to and referred back. Resolutions from committees were submitted. A vote was held on the articles on Tidelands as well as State, School and Granted Lands. Members of the Convention then submitted more resolutions for consideration. The article on Schedule was then taken up. The articles on Tidelands and State, School and Granted Lands were referred to Judiciary Committee before adjournment.

Thursday, 22 August 1889

Committee Time Description
Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment00:00:00The articles on Harbors and Tidewaters; School and Granted Lands; Jurisdiction; State Seal; and Boundaries were referred to the Convention for final debate and agreement. The same articles were then referred back to this committee for final enrollment. The article on Schedule was then referred to the Convention for final agreement and was then referred back to this committee for enrollment. The committee then drafted the final Constitution of the State of Washington with every completed article and reported it to the Convention for final agreement and signing.
The Convention09:00:00The Committee on Revision, Adjustment, and Enrollment submitted articles XV, XVI, XXV, XVII, and the report on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration for final consideration. The Committee on Judicial Department then referred the articles on Tidelands and State, School and Granted Lands, which were concurred, finally agreed upon and referred to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment. After a recess, the Convention further deliberated upon the articles before the committee reported the final and complete Constitution of the State of Washington. The members then signed the Constitution and adjourned sine die.