Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Washington's first constitutional convention met between July and August 1889 to draft the state's foundational text.

02. Second District

This is one of the 26 delegations in the convention, accounting for 3 of 95 people who took part.

Members (3):

Name Visualize Details Delegations
John J. Browne Visualize A Democrat from the Second District, the forty-five year old banker and lawyer lived in Spokane Falls. He was born in Ohio. He came to Washington where he became president of the Browne National Bank at Spokane Falls. Browne served on the following committees: State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, chairman; Revenue and Taxation; State, School and Granted Lands. 02. Second District (This negotiation)
James Z. Moore Visualize A Republican from the Second District, the forty year old lawyer lived in Spokane Falls. Born in Kentucky and a graduate of Harvard Law School, he came to Washington in 1886. In 1884 he had been a representative to the Republican National Convention in Chicago. Before the election of a permanent chairman of the Constitutional Convention, he served as president pro tempore. Moore served on the following committes: Legislative Department, chairman; Elections and Elective Rights. 02. Second District (This negotiation)
George Turner Visualize A Republican from the Second District, the thirty-nine year old lawyer and judge lived in Spokane Falls. Born in Missouri in 1850, Turner came to Washington in 1884 where he became an associate justice of the territorial court. He had been a member of the national Republican conventions of 1876, 1880 and 1884. He was opposed for election to the Convention by the Northern Pacific Railway, the Knights of Labor, and women's Sufferage and Prohibition groups, but was elected by a three hundred majority. Turner served on the following committees: Judicial Department, chairman; Harbors, Rivers, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams; State Medicine and Public Health. 02. Second District (This negotiation)