Northern Ireland International Body on Arms Decommissioning 1995-1996

The International Body on Arms Decommissioning was appointed as part of the twin-track process. It was led by the people who would later become the Independent Chairmen of the 1996-1998 peace talks. They produced the Mitchell report, which set out, amongst other recommendations, a list of principles which all parties signed up to as the basis for the talks.

Mitchell Committee

This Committee was appointed by the British Government to provide an independent assessment of the decommissioning issue. The Committee wrote their report between Friday 19th January and Monday 22nd January. They sent one copy each to the British and Irish Governments on the evening of the 22nd January. The report was released to the public at a press conference on Wednesday 24th January at 1000.

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 14766: 1996-01-11 00:00:00

Version 1 of the Mitchell Principles. Date of creation unknown

Document View (with components):

Mitchell Principles

Shown with amendment 'Mitchell Principles Version 3' (e908320)

(Showing state at moment e908325)
There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Version [+e908303]5[+e908324]4[+e908322 -e908324]3[+e908320 -e908322]2[+e908317 -e908320] [+e908317]


INTRODUCTION[+e908317]1[+e908303 -e908317] [+e908303]


On November 28, 1995, the Governments of the United[+e908311] [+e908303].[+e908311 -e908303]Kingdom and the [+e908311]Republic [+e908311]of I[+e908311]reland issued a Communique which announced [+e908311]the[+e908311] launching of[+e908311] [+e908303]"[+e908311 -e908303]a [+e908311]"[+e908303]'twin track' process to make progress in parallel on the decommissioning issue and on all-party negotiation[+e908311]s[+e908311 -e908320].[+e908303 -e908320]" [+e908311]in Northern Ireland.[+e908311 -e908303]1 [+e908311]


One track was "to invite the parties to intensive preparatory talks with a remit to reach widespread agreement on the basis, participation, structure, format and agenda to bring all parties together for substantive negotiations aimed at a political settlement[+e908311]i[+e908317] based on consent." Th[+e908311]i[+e908311 -e908303]s has become known [+e908311]as[+e908303]on[+e908311 -e908303] the political track. [+e908311]


The other track [+e908311]conce[+e908303]set forth[+e908324]rned decom[+e908303 -e908324]missioning,[+e908303],[+e908324] and [+e908303]was [+e908311]elaborated as follows in paragra[+e908303]C[+e908324]p[+e908303 -e908324]hs five through eight of the communique: [+e908303]


"[+e908311]5. In parallel, the two governments hav[+e908303]I[+e908317]e[+e908303 -e908317] agreed [+e908303]to establish an [+e908311]i[+e908303]I[+e908311 -e908303]ntern[+e908311]a[+e908311 -e908317]tional Body to provide an[+e908311]d[+e908303] independent assessment [+e908311]"[+e908324]of the decommissioning issue.[+e908311] [+e908303]


6. Recognising the widely expressed desire to see all arms removed from Irish politics, the two Governments will ask the International Body[+e908303] [+e908303 -e908317]to report on the[+e908303] [+e908303 -e908317]a[+e908303]r[+e908317]rrangemeents necessary fro the removal from the political equation of arms silenced by virtue of the welcome decisions taken last Summer and Autumn by those organisat[+e908303]i[+e908303 -e908317]ons that previously suppoprted the use[+e908303]"[+e908324] of arms for political purposes. [+e908303]


7. In particular, the two Governments will ask the Body to: [+e908303]


- identify and [+e908303]c[+e908317]advise on a suitable and aceptable method for full and verifiable decommissioning; and [+e908303]


- report whether there is a clear commitment on the part of those in possession of such[+e908303]" We[+e908311 -e908303] ar[+e908311]ms to [+e908303]"[+e908324]work constructively to achiev[+e908303]e that[+e908311]. [+e908303]


8. It will[+e908303] b[+e908311]e for the International B[+e908303]ody[+e908311] to determine its own procedures[+e908303]. Th[+e908311]e two Governments expect [+e908303]i[+e908311]t to con[+e908303]s[+e908311]ult widely, to[+e908303] i[+e908311]nvite relevant partie[+e908303]s [+e908311]t[+e908303]o[+e908311] s[+e908303]u[+e908311]bmit thei[+e908303]r a[+e908311]naly[+e908303]s[+e908311]i[+e908303]s[+e908311] of matt[+e908303]e[+e908311]rs relevant to the decommi[+e908303]ss[+e908311]ioning issue and, in reaching its conclusions [+e908303]w[+e908303 -e908320]ithin is re[+e908303]m[+e908311]it, to co[+e908303]Th[+e908324]n[+e908303 -e908324]si[+e908303]Intern[+e908324]d[+e908303]tional Body is an outside g[+e908324]e[+e908303]oup whos[+e908324]r [+e908303]members have no stake in [+e908324]such[+e908303]issue of Northern [+e908324] [+e908303]rela[+e908324]e[+e908303]d o[+e908324]v[+e908303]h[+e908324]ei[+e908303] tha[+e908324]d[+e908303] [+e908324]e[+e908311]n in[+e908324]n[+e908311]erest [+e908324]c[+e908303]n seeing an end to the c[+e908324]e [+e908317]flict there and the ability of the people of Northern Ireland to live in peace. If we have a useful role to play in the current proces[+e908324]Intern[+e908317 -e908324]e [+e908303 -e908324]iona[+e908317 -e908324]l B[+e908317]t i[+e908324]on[+e908303 -e908317]to bring[+e908324] i[+e908303 -e908324]t[+e908311 -e908324]s [+e908303] fre[+e908324]m[+e908303]h, unbia[+e908324]e[+e908303]i[+e908317]d perspective to the issue. We are motivated solely by our wish to help[+e908324]s [+e908317 -e908324]rits[+e908303 -e908324].[+e908311]" [+e908303]


We are that body. This our assessment. [+e908303]


To provide us with sufficient information to meet our remit, we held two series of meetings[+e908311],[+e908303] in Belfast,[+e908311] Dublin and London; the first December 15 through 18, 1995, the s[+e908311]econd January 1[+e908311]1[+e908303]0[+e908311 -e908303] through , 1996. In addition, we held an organizational [+e908311]meeting in New York on Dece[+e908311]mber 9, 1995. [+e908311]


In the course of our meet[+e908311]ing[+e908311]s we heard orally and in writing from dozen[+e908311]s of government off[+e908311]icials, p[+e908311]olitical leaders, church officials, a[+e908311]nd other relevant persons. A l[+e908311]ist of all [+e908311]of [+e908311 -e908303]those with whom we met is attached as A[+e908311]nnex B. We received hundreds of letters and telephone calls from members of the public. We thank all f[+e908311]or their submi[+e908311 -e908317]ssions. [+e908311]Submissions in particular from those who suffered losses during the period of troubles but are str[+e908303]All t[+e908322]o[+e908303 -e908322]ngl[+e908303]The[+e908311 -e908303]y [+e908311]commited to the peace process were especially mov[+e908303] This assessment represents our best and our unanimous judgement. There are no differences among us. [+e908324]


Our examination of the issues and of the facts, and the perspectives brought to us by those who have briefed us or who have made written representation to us, convince us that not only is there no simple solution to the problem, but that the factors on which a process for peace must be based are already well-known to the parties involved. While we can indicate the way we believe these factors should be handled, so that decommissioning of arms and a move to all-party talks can proceed, only a resolute approach to the issues by the parties themselves, including the commitment to trust and, where necessary, the acceptance of some degree of risk, will allow substantial progress to be made. It is clear from our discussions and from the submissions received that the depth of pain and distrust among people of both traditions is such that no signle gesture can be sufficient to overcome each community's deep suspicion of the other, and that the trust and confidence required to bring about the removal of the gun from Irish politics can only be developed through a process of engagement involving both words and deeds. [+e908324]


The International Body is aware of the enormous contribution made by individuals and groups in getting the process of peace in Northern Ireland to the stage it is now. The tireless and courageous efforts of Prime Minister Major, and of Taoiseachs Reynolds and Bruton, in brokering the joint agreements in the Downing Street Declaration and the Framework Documents, as well as in the Joint Communique of November 1995, have been essential precursors to any final plan for a lasting peace. So, too, have the individual actions of political parties, of other organizations and of the paramilitary groups themselves in declaring and maintaining the ceasefires. [+e908324]


We have asked ourselves how those who have suffered during the twenty-five years of internal strife can accept the fact that the establishment of a lasting peace will call for collaboration with those they hold responsible for their loss and pain. The events of the past and the continued suffering and bereavement of individuals and of families can never and should never be forgotten. But if the focus is to remain on the past, the past will become the future, and that is something no one can desire. That knowledge alone encourages us in making the suggestions we do in this report, suggestions we know will not please everybody but which nonetheless we feel are necessary in pointing the way towards a lasting solution. [+e908324]


After all our interviews and our reading we remain convinced that the shared will of the vast majority in Northern Ireland and in the Republic is to seek a lasting peace and the establishment of a democratic process of government in which violence or the threat of violence can play no part. We believe that members of both traditions are less far apart on the resolution of their differences than they may believe. The path to an honourable and lasting solution is there for those courageous enough to follow it.[+e908324]ing. The submissions [+e908303]RECOMMENDATION[+e908322]have be[+e908311 -e908322]en c[+e908311]a[+e908311 -e908317]I. [+e908322]refully reviewed and considered. [+e908311 -e908317]

[+e908303 -e908317]

W[+e908303 -e908317]Despite the short time we were [+e908311 -e908317]g[-e908317]iven to deal wit[+e908311 -e908317]People want peace. T[+e908322]h this c[+e908311 -e908322]ompl[+e908311 -e908317]is on[+e908322]ex [+e908311 -e908322]issu[+e908311 -e908317]ing on wh[+e908322]e[+e908311 -e908322]. Neve[+e908303 -e908322]rt[+e908303 -e908317]h [+e908322]h[+e908303 -e908317]l[+e908322]el[+e908303 -e908317]with whom we spoke agreed. It was[+e908322]ess,[+e908303 -e908322], we believe that we have[+e908311 -e908322] been [+e908311 -e908317]om[+e908322]a[+e908311 -e908317]ble t[+e908311 -e908322]o[+e908311 -e908317] obtai[+e908311 -e908322]n[+e908311 -e908317]n[+e908322] [+e908311 -e908317]e[+e908311]them[+e908322]nou[+e908311 -e908322]gh[+e908311]ex[+e908322] in[+e908311]ssed in[+e908322]format[+e908311 -e908322]ion a[+e908311]many letters and c[+e908322]nd insight to en[+e908311 -e908322]abl[+e908311]s we received from[+e908322]e [+e908311]eople, north and south, Unionist an[+e908322]rehensible killings and beating[+e908324]d N[+e908322 -e908324]us to mee[+e908311 -e908324]t [+e908311 -e908322]our r[+e908311]ali[+e908322]e[+e908311]t,[+e908322]m[+e908311]Cathol[+e908322]i[+e908311]c a[+e908322]t[+e908311]d Pro[+e908322] o[+e908303]stant, Loyalist and Republican. [+e908322]


Notwithstanding some repugnant lapses,[+e908322]n schedule[+e908303 -e908322]. [+e908311 -e908322]

[+e908303 -e908322]

DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS [+e908303 -e908322]

[+e908303 -e908322]

For nearly a[+e908303 -e908322] y[+e908303]h[+e908322]e[+e908303] sustai[+e908322]a[+e908303]r[+e908303 -e908322]In[+e908311 -e908303] ad[+e908311 -e908322]diti[+e908311 -e908303]ervan[+e908322]o[+e908311 -e908303]n [+e908311 -e908322]t[+e908311 -e908303] of[+e908322]o ask[+e908311 -e908303]ceasefire for n[+e908322]ing us [+e908311 -e908322]to[+e908311 -e908303]rly a year an[+e908322] pr[+e908311 -e908303] half [+e908322]o[+e908311 -e908322]vi[+e908311 -e908303]fl[+e908322]d[+e908311 -e908303]cts a commit[+e908322]e[+e908311 -e908303] an[+e908311] by[+e908322] [+e908311 -e908322]in[+e908311 -e908303]d[+e908311]e p[+e908322]e[+e908311 -e908303]ramili[+e908322]p[+e908311 -e908303]ary organizations to the peace process. The[+e908322]endent[+e908311 -e908303]ence of the ceasefire itself should not be devalued. It is a significant[+e908322] a[+e908311 -e908322] half,[+e908303 -e908322]ssessment of[+e908311 -e908322] the [+e908311]or which must be given due weight in assessing the commitment of the paramilitaries to "work constructively to achieve" the removal of weapons from[+e908322]guns have been largely[+e908303 -e908322]n[+e908317 -e908322] silent in Northern Ireland. During that time the political de[+e908303 -e908322]bate h[+e908303]olitical process. [+e908322]


Sin[+e908322]as[+e908303 -e908322] fo[+e908303]c[+e908303 -e908322]u[+e908303]he cea[+e908322]se[+e908303]d[+e908303 -e908322] [+e908303]l[+e908303 -e908322]s[+e908324]argely[+e908303 -e908322]I[+e908317]re[+e908322] o[+e908303 -e908317]n th[+e908303 -e908322]e [+e908303 -e908317]e polit[+e908322]d[+e908303 -e908322] That such widespread agreement exists is tribute to the vision and courage of many people, in particular Prime Minister Major, Taoiseach Bruton and his predecessor Albert Reynolds, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Mayhew and Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Spring.[+e908324]ifferenc[+e908303 -e908322]es[+e908303 -e908317] t[+e908303 -e908322]ha[+e908303 -e908317] debate has focused largely on[+e908322]t have prevented[+e908303 -e908322]decommissioning iss[+e908311 -e908322]ue, th[+e908311 -e908317]e [+e908311 -e908322]G[+e908311 -e908317]ffere[+e908322]o[+e908311 -e908317]ces th[+e908322]v[+e908311 -e908317]e[+e908311 -e908322]rn[+e908311 -e908317]hav[+e908322]ment[+e908311 -e908322]s [+e908311 -e908303]as[+e908311 -e908322]ked[+e908311 -e908303]vent[+e908322] u[+e908311 -e908322]s [+e908311 -e908303]to [+e908311 -e908322]answe[+e908311 -e908303]commencement of all party negotiations intended to [+e908322]We were asked to deal with the issue of decommissioning. It is a serious problem. But it is also a symptom of a larger problem that may be described in a word: trust. Or,[+e908324]achieve an ag[+e908322 -e908324]r two [+e908311 -e908324]sp[+e908311 -e908322]ore precis[+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908322]ly, the l[+e908324]c[+e908311 -e908322]ck of tru[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908322]t. [+e908324]


P[+e908324]r[+e908317 -e908322]t simply, neithe[+e908324]f[+e908311 -e908322] sid[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908322] trust[+e908324]c [+e908311 -e908322]the other. If there was one thing common to our meetings it was a litany of reasons, steeped in history, as to why the other side cannot be[+e908324]questions:[+e908311 -e908324] [+e908311 -e908303]

(1) [+e908311 -e908322]ed. As a consequence, even well-intentioned acts[+e908324]"to[+e908311 -e908303]po[+e908322]often viewed with suspicion and hostility. [+e908324]


But a resolution of the de[+e908324]litical sett[+e908322 -e908324]le[+e908322]mmissio[+e908324]m[+e908322]e[+e908322 -e908324]nt[+e908322]g iss[+e908324]. [+e908322] - or any other i[+e908324]This has[+e908322 -e908324] t[+e908322]ue[+e908324]e[+e908322]- w[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908322]ll [+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908322]ot be found if[+e908324]dentif[+e908311 -e908322]arti[+e908324]y[+e908311 -e908322]s resort to their p[+e908324] a[+e908311 -e908322]ked arsenals of historical recriminations. Or, as it was put to us several tim[+e908324]nd a[+e908311 -e908324]r[+e908317 -e908324]dvise [+e908311 -e908324]ed t[+e908322 -e908324]o[+e908322]o[+e908311 -e908303], wha[+e908324]n[+e908311 -e908322] [+e908324] [+e908311 -e908303]bs[+e908322 -e908324]c[+e908322]a[+e908311 -e908303]really nee[+e908324]re[+e908322 -e908324] [+e908322] [+e908311 -e908303]d is[+e908324]s[+e908311 -e908303]e[+e908322]he decommissioning of mindset[+e908324] wi[+e908322 -e908324]de[+e908322]in N[+e908324]s[+e908322]rther[+e908324]pr[+e908322]Ireland. In this situation, trust [+e908324]e[+e908322]an [+e908324]ad[+e908322]ly be built if all parties are willing to take steps that [+e908324] agreeme[+e908322 -e908324]nt th[+e908322] confidence [+e908324]at[+e908322] others. This will requi[+e908324] exists[+e908322 -e908324] -[+e908322] [+e908322 -e908324]so [+e908322]urage and invol[+e908324]wi[+e908322] [+e908324]d[+e908322]isk. But the risks of a continu[+e908324]esp[+e908322]l[+e908324]r[+e908322]ck of trust are much greater. [+e908324]


That is why we[+e908324]ea[+e908322]elieve it app[+e908324]d,[+e908322]priate to discuss some of the[+e908324] in fact,[+e908322 -e908324] that [+e908322]measures that [+e908324]it te[+e908322]suggested to us as ways to establish trust a[+e908324]nd t[+e908322 -e908324]o b[+e908322]build confidence, even though most are outside [+e908324]e ta[+e908322]scope of our [+e908324]ken f[+e908322]. We do so because we believe that[+e908324]or [+e908322 -e908324]gr[+e908322]uit[+e908311 -e908322]importa[+e908324]a[+e908311 -e908324]bl[+e908311 -e908322] obj[+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908322]ctive of all-pa[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908322]ty [+e908324]a[+e908311 -e908322]egoti[+e908324]nd ac[+e908311 -e908322]s to reach an agreed politic[+e908324]cep[+e908311 -e908322]settlement cannot be achieved solely by refer[+e908324]table method[+e908311 -e908324] for[+e908311 -e908322] to the issue of decommission[+e908324] full [+e908311 -e908324]and[+e908311 -e908322]. [+e908324]


The[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908322]Govern[+e908324]ve[+e908311 -e908322]nts have established a two-track process. Progress on the political track is as essential - perhaps even more essential - as progress on the decommi[+e908324]rifiable decommissi[+e908311 -e908324]te[+e908322 -e908324]oning; and" ([+e908311 -e908324]2) "t[+e908311 -e908303]ing track. Nothing we say or do on decommissioning will by itself achieve the[+e908324]o report wheth[+e908311 -e908324]er[+e908311 -e908303] t[+e908311]g[+e908303]he[+e908311]re is[+e908311 -e908303]' overall objective of all-party negotiations. That requires action on both tracks. And what both tracks have[+e908324] a clear comm[+e908311 -e908324]ece[+e908303 -e908324]itment o[+e908311 -e908324]f all[+e908303 -e908324]n the p[+e908311 -e908324]art[+e908311]y[+e908303]common is [+e908324] neg[+e908303]absen[+e908324]o[+e908303]e [+e908324]t[+e908303]f trust. [+e908324]


We [+e908324]ia[+e908303]g[+e908324]t[+e908303 -e908324]io[+e908303]all [+e908324]ns int[+e908303]I[+e908317]e[+e908303 -e908317]arties to try to understand the reality of and the[+e908324]nded[+e908303 -e908324] of those in poss[+e908311 -e908324]es[+e908311 -e908303]asis for others' fears and mistr[+e908324]s[+e908311 -e908303]s[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908303];[+e908324]ex[+e908317]nd we ask the Governments and the parties to carefully consider how dealing with each of the following mat[+e908324]pressed [+e908317 -e908324]on [+e908311 -e908324]of[+e908311 -e908303]rs can help buil[+e908324] su[+e908311 -e908303]he trust that is now so conspicuously lacking. T[+e908324]ch a[+e908311 -e908324]rms to work c[+e908311 -e908303]list is neither all-inclusive nor in order of importance, but represents the [+e908324]onstruct[+e908311 -e908303] most often raised with us[+e908324]ively[+e908311 -e908303] to achieve [+e908311]an agrt[+e908303]II. [+e908322]eed[+e908303][their re[+e908311 -e908303]We are told that pa[+e908324]mo[+e908311 -e908324]va[+e908311 -e908303]mili[+e908324]l[+e908311 -e908303]ary pr[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908303]s[+e908324]fr[+e908311 -e908303]ers play an important role in[+e908324]om [+e908311 -e908324]th[+e908311 -e908303]haping th[+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908303] decisio[+e908324] [+e908311]s [+e908324]p[+e908311]ak[+e908324]ol[+e908311] by paramilitary leaderships. Additional measures af[+e908324]itical [+e908311 -e908324]set[+e908303 -e908324]tl[+e908303]cting the du[+e908324]e[+e908303]ation[+e908324]ment[+e908303]sentences of paramilitary [+e908324]. That is[+e908303], facilitating the transfer of prisoners[+e908324] und[+e908303 -e908324]equa[+e908311 -e908324], Loyal[+e908317 -e908324]ist and Republican.[+e908317]tion.]" [+e908311 -e908303]

We answer as fol[+e908311 -e908303]and assisting the[+e908324]made t[+e908322 -e908324]lo[+e908311 -e908324]ws:[+e908311 -e908303] on[+e908322] [+e908311 -e908322]

(1[+e908311 -e908322]) [In[+e908311 -e908303]of prisoners [+e908324]s[+e908311 -e908303]er[+e908311]s[+e908303]t[+e908311] l[+e908311 -e908303]an[+e908311]dab[+e908303] could boost trust and confidence[+e908324]le. But it is,, in [+e908303]killings and [+e908324]some[+e908303]guage to[+e908311 -e908303] resp[+e908311]ects, unfortunate. For it has ten[+e908303], including alleviation of the circumstances that give rise to such deplorable phenomena, could boost trust and confidence.[+e908324]ded[+e908303]ond to first question; draft[+e908311 -e908303] to [+e908311]o[+e908303]b[+e908311]scur[+e908303]e [+e908311]the [+e908303]This is a fundamental pr[+e908324]w[+e908303 -e908324]provide[+e908311 -e908324]sp[+e908303]ciple[+e908324]e[+e908303]of demo[+e908324]a[+e908303]racy. Any alterati[+e908324]r[+e908303]d[+e908311] in the [+e908324] [+e908311]C[+e908317]a[+e908324]a[+e908303 -e908324]gr[+e908303 -e908317]s of a poli[+e908324]ee[+e908303 -e908317]cal entity can occur only[+e908324]ments t[+e908303 -e908324]by Gene[+e908311 -e908324]ral de[+e908311 -e908317]the consent of the popul[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908303]tion of that entity. The [+e908324]C[+e908311 -e908303]rinci[+e908324]h[+e908311]le of consent, as a bed[+e908324]a[+e908311]t[+e908303]ck of democracy, demands respect for the views[+e908324] ex[+e908303 -e908324]i[+e908303]st[+e908311] [+e908303]groups that constitute a min[+e908324]- s[+e908303 -e908324]o wide[+e908303]as well as an equitable role in the exercise of political life within that a given political entity[+e908324]speard, [+e908303 -e908324]nd mutual tru[+e908317 -e908324]i[+e908303 -e908324]t are[+e908317 -e908324]n fact, [+e908303 -e908324]s[+e908317]that[+e908303]elain.] [+e908311 -e908303]

(2) We cannot answer[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311]y tend to[+e908303]We are told that a review of r[+e908324] [+e908303 -e908324]be taken for granted. [+e908303]


Mo[+e908303] second que[+e908311 -e908303]s[+e908311]subje[+e908320] [+e908322]


-- Q[+e908322]ct[+e908320 -e908322]t[+e908311 -e908320] [+e908303 -e908320]i[+e908311 -e908320]m[+e908303 -e908320]p[+e908303]o[+e908311]rta[+e908303]n[+e908311]tly is[+e908303] wi[+e908311]desp[+e908303] to ensure that the principles of fairness and even-handedness apply and to remove perceptions of potential intimidation could boost trust and confidence[+e908324]read s[+e908303]: duration of sentences; t[+e908322]We are t[+e908324]r[+e908322 -e908324]an[+e908322]d that m[+e908324]s[+e908322]asures to improve the standing[+e908324]fer[+e908322] the[+e908324] of prisoners as appropria[+e908322], to increase the participation of minority populations in the force, and strive toward the[+e908324]t[+e908322 -e908324]e under relevant[+e908322]the [+e908324] conventions and agree[+e908322],[+e908324]ments; prisoner reintegration into society. [+e908322]


--[+e908322], could boost trust and confidence[+e908324] P[+e908322]upp[+e908303 -e908322]ort for the peace [+e908303]: Contro[+e908322]We are told that review, modific[+e908324]l and elimination of vigilan[+e908322 -e908324]teeis[+e908322], and,[+e908324]m [+e908322]


-- A[+e908322]its[+e908303 -e908322]elf[+e908303]t[+e908311 -e908303]an [+e908324]hout reference[+e908311 -e908303]the [+e908324] to timing[+e908311 -e908303]. That i[+e908311], eventual elimination of emergency legislation, could boost trust and confidence[+e908324]s[+e908311]: Changes in constitutional structure with [+e908322]An [+e908324]approval of majority only; protection of minority rights. [+e908322]


-- L[+e908322] [+e908311 -e908322]on[+e908303 -e908322]e thing[+e908303] is the sine qua non for participation in politics and the maintenance of peace in a civil society[+e908324] on which all wi[+e908303]brought [+e908317]priv[+e908320]u[+e908317]T[+e908324]: Rules and regulations pertain[+e908322 -e908324]ing to poss[+e908322]e[+e908322 -e908324]ssio[+e908322]"[+e908324]n and use o[+e908322]f[+e908322 -e908324] [+e908322]legally held [+e908322 -e908324]w[+e908322]e[+e908322 -e908324]a[+e908322]po[+e908322 -e908324]ns[+e908322]an example. We a[+e908324]. [+e908322 -e908324]

[+e908322 -e908324]

-- [+e908322 -e908324]T[+e908322]p[+e908317 -e908322] dur[+e908317 -e908324]ing[+e908317 -e908320]ld that an accounting of[+e908324] our disc[+e908317 -e908324]uss[+e908317 -e908320]io[+e908317]fate of those who[+e908324]ns[+e908317 -e908324]: Role of p[+e908322 -e908324]ol[+e908322]ic[+e908322 -e908324]th [+e908303 -e908324]w[+e908303 -e908322]h[+e908303 -e908317]appeared as[+e908324]o[+e908303 -e908324]in all [+e908322 -e908324]m [+e908303 -e908324]mmu[+e908322]d[+e908320]i[+e908322]result of paramilitary activities, including a determination of[+e908324]we[+e908303 -e908324]es; achieveme[+e908322 -e908324] [+e908303 -e908324]t of goal of [+e908322 -e908324]s[+e908303 -e908324]narmed police [+e908322 -e908324]po[+e908303 -e908324] co[+e908322 -e908324]nce[+e908322]e loc[+e908324]rt[+e908322]ion[+e908324] w[+e908322]f thei[+e908324]i[+e908322 -e908324]th ev[+e908322]ains, could boost trust and confidence. [+e908324]


-- P[+e908324]aluation[+e908322 -e908324]ke ag[+e908303 -e908324]becaus[+e908311 -e908324]s[+e908322 -e908324]e[+e908311 -e908324]curity situation. [+e908322 -e908324]

[+e908322 -e908324]

-- E[+e908322 -e908324] we [+e908311 -e908324]have[+e908311 -e908303] legisla[+e908322]activities:[+e908324]tion: Revision[+e908322 -e908324] and [+e908322]re told that despit[+e908324]eventual elimi[+e908322 -e908324]nation[+e908322]ceasefire, paramilitaries continue surveilla[+e908324] con[+e908311 -e908324]nsonant with evaluation of[+e908322 -e908324] sec[+e908322]and targetting, thus sustaining[+e908324]urity situation. [+e908322 -e908324]

[+e908322 -e908324]

--[+e908322] C[+e908322 -e908324]o[+e908322]clima[+e908324]c[+e908311 -e908303]lud[+e908311 -e908324]ed[+e908311 -e908303]of fear and intimidation. Cessation[+e908324] that there[+e908311 -e908324]ed.[+e908303 -e908324] i[+e908311 -e908324]t was the [+e908303 -e908324]: unambiguous[+e908322 -e908324]do[+e908303 -e908324]uncondition[+e908322 -e908324]s[+e908311 -e908324]l devotio[+e908322 -e908324] a [+e908311 -e908324]to t[+e908322 -e908324]c[+e908311 -e908324]e[+e908322 -e908324] ide[+e908322]such activities could build trust and confidence among[+e908324]als and practice of democracy. [+e908322 -e908324]

[+e908322 -e908324]

-- H[+e908322 -e908324]lea[+e908311 -e908324]r com[+e908311 -e908303]paramilitaries [+e908324]mi[+e908311 -e908324]nan[+e908303 -e908324]t[+e908311 -e908324] the[+e908303 -e908324]: for [+e908322 -e908324]exa[+e908322]m[+e908322 -e908324]pl[+e908322]lleviate the fears and anxieties[+e908324]e,[+e908322 -e908324]me[+e908311 -e908324] i[+e908303 -e908324]nt on the [+e908311 -e908324]man[+e908303 -e908324],[+e908317 -e908324]y l[+e908303 -e908324]etters a[+e908303]general population. Similarly, adoption of a no-first-strike pledge[+e908324]nd calls we [+e908303 -e908324],[+e908317 -e908324]r[+e908303 -e908324]clarificati[+e908320 -e908324].[+e908322 -e908324]o[+e908320 -e908324] [+e908322 -e908324]

[+e908322 -e908324]

Different views were expressed[+e908322 -e908324] to [+e908322]all paramil[+e908324]us as to the weapons t[+e908322 -e908324]o [+e908322]be[+e908322 -e908324] [+e908322]deco[+e908322 -e908324]mm[+e908322]is[+e908322 -e908324]si[+e908322] could[+e908324]oned[+e908322 -e908324]n of [+e908320 -e908324]ec[+e908303 -e908324]e Co[+e908322 -e908324]mmun[+e908322]e[+e908303]qu[+e908322] tension[+e908324]e,[+e908322] [+e908322 -e908324]the [+e908322]-- Elected assembly:[+e908324]Gove[+e908322 -e908324]rnment[+e908322]iv[+e908303]made clea[+e908322]e[+e908303] their view that our remit is limited to those weapons held ill[+e908322]d [+e908303]ally by p[+e908322]fr[+e908303]amilitary organizations. We accept an[+e908322]o[+e908303] share the view that there is no equivalence between such weapons and those lawfully authorized. In this regard, however[+e908322]m[+e908303]"[+e908320] people, [+e908303]questi[+e908317]"[+e908320]ons related to [+e908317]north and s[+e908303]punishment beatings, acceptance of the principle of consent, legally held weapons in addition to illegally held weapons, the status of policing, the continuing state of emergency, comm[+e908317]. But the importance of establishing[+e908324]itment of parties to democr[+e908317 -e908324]ac[+e908317]y, a[+e908317 -e908324]III[+e908322 -e908324].[+e908322]us[+e908324] [+e908322] [+e908324]Se[+e908322]d building confidence is not. And[+e908324]veral oral [+e908322 -e908324]and written submissions raised the idea of an elected assembly. [+e908322]nd hu[+e908317]man right[+e908317 -e908324]s[+e908317] i[+e908317 -e908324]s[+e908317]s[+e908317 -e908324]ue[+e908317]le[+e908324]s su[+e908317 -e908324]ch as the fate of the disappeared. In this regard, w[+e908317]o[+e908303 -e908317]uth, Union[+e908303]building the [+e908324]ist and Nationalist, Catholic and Protestant. [+e908303]


The Go[+e908303]part of those in[+e908311 -e908303] Accordingly, in the course of all-party negotiations all participants should demonstrate a willingness to engage seriously on the subject of an elected assembly.[+e908324] pos[+e908311 -e908303]Different views were expressed to us as to the weapons to be decommissioned. In the Communique, the Governments made clear their view that our remit is limited to those weapons held illegally by paramilitary organizations. We accept and share the view that there is no equivalence between such weapons and those lawfully authorized. In this regard, however, we welcome the commitment of the Governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, as stated in paragraph 9 of the Communique, "to continue to take responsive measures, advised by their respective security authorities, as the threat reduces." [+e908324]


III[+e908324]se[+e908311 -e908324]ssi[+e908311 -e908303], offering an opportunity to air differences in a democratic way[+e908322]on of such arms to work constructively to achie[+e908311 -e908303]ve[+e908311]rnments and[+e908303] the[+e908311]ir[+e908311 -e908303] re[+e908311]levant parties should not underestimate the value[+e908303]moval from the political equation [+e908311 -e908303]T[+e908320]as part[+e908311 -e908320] of the [+e908311]pr[+e908311 -e908303]e note the referenc[+e908317]the scope of [+e908320]e in para[+e908317];[+e908320]grap[+e908317 -e908320]h three of the [+e908317]e[+e908320]Commun[+e908317 -e908320]ique to "whether and how an elected body could pla[+e908317]y[+e908317 -e908320] a part." Elec[+e908317]t[+e908317 -e908324]ed[+e908317]I[+e908324] b[+e908317 -e908324]odi[+e908317]within the three-strand context [+e908322]es are of course th[+e908317]e[+e908317 -e908320] essence of democracy. Bodies e[+e908317]s in establishing the trust and confidence necessary f[+e908320]IV. [+e908322]or an equitable settlement agreed by all partie[+e908320]lected in accordance with accepted principles of re[+e908317]the parties themselves through [+e908324]presentation express and reflect the will of the people. While the political track is beyond our remit, we nevertheless want to emphasize the important role that an elected body, with an appropriate mandate and timeline, could play in the peace process. [+e908317]


W[+e908317]o[+e908311 -e908303]c[+e908311]ons[+e908303]e[+e908311]n[+e908303]s[+e908311]u[+e908303]s [+e908311]f[+e908303]or[+e908303 -e908322] peac[+e908303]V. [+e908322]e, and the fa[+e908303 -e908322]we are[+e908317 -e908322] satisfied that [+e908317]ct tha[+e908303]of all-party negotiations bu[+e908311 -e908303]t no[+e908311] significant group is actively seeking[+e908303]t[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908324]


[+e908311 -e908324]as[+e908311 -e908303] a prior cond[+e908311 -e908317]ition[+e908311 -e908303] to [+e908311]end it[+e908303]such negotiations[+e908311 -e908303]. [+e908311]


We [+e908311]found[+e908303]believe t[+e908311 -e908303]hat a deco[+e908311 -e908322]nsens[+e908303 -e908322]us on confidence-building measures as the key [+e908303]ould[+e908322]to [+e908303 -e908322] [+e908324]cont[+e908303 -e908324]inued[+e908303]mmissioning of arms will not occur[+e908311 -e908303] pr[+e908311]i[+e908311 -e908303]o[+e908311]g[+e908303]r[+e908311]ess in[+e908303] t[+e908311]he peace process. Suggestions on useful confidence-building[+e908303]. [+e908317]


measures covered a [+e908303]ith respect to[+e908317]broad range[+e908303 -e908317]; man[+e908303]first of the[+e908317]y were bey[+e908303 -e908317]ond[+e908303]o all[+e908311 -e908303]c questions contain[+e908317] party negotiations. That was the view [+e908311 -e908303],[+e908317]o[+e908311 -e908303]the mod[+e908317]f[+e908311 -e908303]litie[+e908317] t[+e908311]of d[+e908317]ecommissioning, we recommend the [+e908317 -e908322]he vas[+e908311 -e908322]ing parameters and principles, recognizin[+e908317 -e908322]g that specific details will have to be determined by negotiation:[+e908317]t major[+e908311 -e908317]em[+e908303 -e908317]ity of the [+e908311 -e908317]Intern[+e908303 -e908317]organization[+e908311 -e908317]a[+e908303 -e908317]l Body. Confidence-building measure[+e908303]s and individuals whose view[+e908311 -e908303]s we [+e908311]heard that[+e908303]received. It was[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]two Government[+e908303]unanimou[+e908311 -e908303]s and [+e908311]releva[+e908303]veheme[+e908311 -e908303]nt[+e908311]ly[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908311]ex[+e908311 -e908303]p[+e908311]a[+e908303]r[+e908311]ti[+e908303]es[+e908311] could consider in the course[+e908303]sed view[+e908311 -e908303] of the [+e908311]peace [+e908303]re[+e908311 -e908303]pr[+e908311]oc[+e908303]es[+e908311]s include but are not limited to[+e908303]entatives of[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]following areas: prisoners, We welcome the commitment of[+e908303]political parties closely associated with[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]Governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, as stated in paragraph 9 of[+e908303]paramilitary [+e908311 -e908303]org[+e908311 -e908324]anizati[+e908311 -e908303]ies[+e908324]o[+e908311 -e908324]ns on both sides.2 Most t[+e908311 -e908317]ellingly, it was[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]Comm[+e908303]un[+e908311]ique, "to continue to take responsive me[+e908303]and [+e908317]asures, advised by[+e908303]animous view of the leadership of[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311]ir respective[+e908303] security [+e908311]authoriti[+e908303]for[+e908311 -e908303]i[+e908317]c[+e908311 -e908303]es,[+e908311 -e908317] [+e908311]as the threat reduces." [+e908303]


With r[+e908303]north and south. The high[+e908311 -e908303]es[+e908311]pec[+e908303]t [+e908311]to decommissioning, everyone with whom we spoke agrees in principle with decommissioning. T[+e908303]leadership of both the Royal Ulster Constabulary and t[+e908311 -e908303]he[+e908311]re[+e908303] [+e908311]G[+e908311 -e908303]ar[+e908311]e obvious deep differences on timing[+e908303]dai were clear[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]context of decommissioning -[+e908303]unequivocal[+e908311 -e908303] in[+e908311]deed it is[+e908303] th[+e908311]ose differences which led to[+e908303]eir views that[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]creation[+e908303]leaders[+e908311 -e908303] of th[+e908311]is Body - but they sh[+e908303]ose political parties c[+e908311 -e908303]ould not [+e908311]be allowed to [+e908303]ob[+e908311]scure the nearly universal support which exists f[+e908303]tain a pri[+e908311 -e908303]or decommissioning[+e908311]. [+e908303]




We answer as[+e908303] of arms, even if[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311] two issues specified in paragraph seven of[+e908303]y wanted to. [+e908311 -e908303]

It is possible to debate[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]Communique as follows: [+e908303]


(1) Mod[+e908303]mor[+e908311 -e908303]alit[+e908311]y or w[+e908311 -e908303]i[+e908311]e[+e908303]s[+e908311]dom[+e908311 -e908303] of [+e908311]Decommissioning [+e908303]


The decommissioning[+e908303]such a circumstance. It is not[+e908311 -e908303] p[+e908311]r[+e908303]o[+e908311]ce[+e908303]ss[+e908311]ible to[+e908311 -e908303] s[+e908311]hould suggest neither victory nor defeat [+e908303]


The[+e908303]eriously debate its reality. It is a hard fact with which all concerned must deal. [+e908311 -e908303]

Although[+e908311 -e908303] decommissioning [+e908311]process should be supervised by, and should take place to the sa[+e908303]of arms will not occur prior to all party nego[+e908311 -e908303]ti[+e908311]sf[+e908303]a[+e908311]c[+e908303]tion[+e908311] of, an independent commission acceptable to all parties. The commission, which c[+e908303]s, it does not follow, logically or morally, that such talks sh[+e908311 -e908303]ould [+e908311]beg[+e908311 -e908303]in[+e908311]clude members drawn from outside Ireland and[+e908303] without further commitment. To[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]United Kingdom, would be[+e908303]contrary, it is[+e908311 -e908303] app[+e908311]oin[+e908303]ropria[+e908311 -e908303]te[+e908311],[+e908324] an[+e908311 -e908303]d [+e908311]by the British[+e908303]necessary to establish certain principles[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]Irish Govern[+e908303]practical require[+e908311 -e908303]ments [+e908311]on the basis of consultations with[+e908303]to which all parties must commit before[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]other parties to the[+e908303]commencement of such[+e908311 -e908303] negotiati[+e908311]o[+e908311 -e908303]n[+e908311]g proces[+e908303]s.[+e908311] The commission and its members and staff should be able to operate without hindrance in both jurisd[+e908303] [+e908311 -e908303]

Accordingly, we recommend that each party to such talks publ[+e908311 -e908303]ic[+e908311]tio[+e908303]sh[+e908322]n[+e908303 -e908322]s, shou[+e908303]l[+e908311]d enjo[+e908303]y [+e908311]appro[+e908303]ex[+e908311 -e908303]pr[+e908311]iat[+e908303]e[+e908311] legal [+e908303]s[+e908311]tatu[+e908303]s [+e908311]and immun[+e908303]it[+e908311]y. [+e908303]


In addition to having[+e908303]s total and[+e908311 -e908303] a[+e908311]vaila[+e908303]b[+e908311]so[+e908311 -e908303]l[+e908311]ut[+e908311 -e908303]e [+e908311]to them independent sources of legal[+e908303]commitment [+e908311 -e908303]

1. To democratic[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]technical advice and adequate field[+e908303]exclusively peaceful methods of[+e908311 -e908303] reso[+e908311]lving political iss[+e908311 -e908303]u[+e908311]rc[+e908303]es[+e908311] t[+e908303]; [+e908311 -e908303]

2. T[+e908311 -e908303]o re[+e908311]noun[+e908311 -e908303]ce[+e908311]ive[+e908303] an[+e908311]d audit armaments and to observe and verify[+e908303]y use of force, or threat of[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]decommissioning pro[+e908303]use of for[+e908311 -e908303]ce[+e908311]ss[+e908303], [+e908311]the commiss[+e908303]in connect[+e908311 -e908303]ion [+e908311]should have available to it[+e908303]with all party negotiations; [+e908311 -e908303]

3. To[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]resources[+e908303]total[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]the relevant technical expertise[+e908303]verifiable disarmament[+e908311 -e908303] of [+e908311]the British and Irish A[+e908303] and other practical confidence-building measures[+e908324]rmies. [+e908303]


In[+e908303]d[+e908303 -e908317]ividu[+e908303]other weapons, [+e908317]als or[+e908303]all paramilitary[+e908311 -e908303] organiza[+e908311]D[+e908324]tions[+e908311 -e908324] wishing[+e908303 -e908324], to [+e908311 -e908324]deposit armaments (including weapons,[+e908303 -e908324] explosives, a[+e908303]mmunitio[+e908303 -e908324]n and de[+e908303]occur in[+e908324]tonator[+e908303 -e908324]s) fo[+e908303]course[+e908324]r decommi[+e908303 -e908324]the [+e908311 -e908303]all-p[+e908324]sati[+e908311 -e908324]sh[+e908317 -e908324]sfaction of an ind[+e908311 -e908324]ep[+e908311 -e908303]endent thi[+e908311 -e908324]r[+e908311 -e908303]d party, as par[+e908311 -e908324]t [+e908311 -e908303]negotiations and[+e908324]of the p[+e908311 -e908324]a[+e908317 -e908324]rocess[+e908311 -e908324]ioning,[+e908303 -e908324] o[+e908311 -e908324]r to provide inform[+e908303 -e908324]f all party negotiation[+e908311 -e908324] which w[+e908303 -e908324]ould result in[+e908303]s; [+e908311 -e908303]

4. To accept and abide by[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]decommissioning[+e908303]pr[+e908311 -e908303]inciple [+e908311 -e908317]o[+e908311 -e908324]f [+e908311 -e908317]armam[+e908303]cons[+e908311 -e908303]ent[+e908311]s[+e908303],[+e908311], which[+e908317] [+e908311 -e908317]would have the option o[+e908303 -e908317]f do[+e908303]as contained in the Down[+e908311 -e908303]ing [+e908311]so th[+e908303]C[+e908324]r[+e908303 -e908324]ough the commission or through the designated representatives of[+e908303]Street Declaration, with respect to any agreement reached by[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]British or Irish Governments. [+e908303]


The decommissioning process shou[+e908303]sh[+e908317]l[+e908303 -e908317]d not expose individuals to prosecution [+e908303]


Individuals directly involved in[+e908303]parties in all party negotiations.3 [+e908311 -e908303]

4. [Possible Alternative Language for Principle No. 4: To agree to abide by[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]decommissioning process should be protected from prosecu[+e908303]terms of any outcome of all party negotia[+e908311 -e908303]tion[+e908311] relating to[+e908303]s to which a majority of[+e908311 -e908303] the p[+e908311]ossession of those[+e908303]VI. [+e908322] armament[+e908303]s, o[+e908303 -e908324]eopl[+e908311 -e908324]e in Northern Ireland and i[+e908311 -e908303]n the [+e908311]basis[+e908303]Republic[+e908311 -e908303] of [+e908311]Irel[+e908311 -e908303]an[+e908311] amnes[+e908303]We reached this conclusion only after careful consideration based upon intensive discussions of the[+e908324]ty established in law in both jurisdictions. Armaments made available for decommiss[+e908303 -e908324]io[+e908303]n[+e908303 -e908324]i[+e908303]bjec[+e908324]n[+e908303]g,[+e908303 -e908324] [+e908303]wi[+e908324]wh[+e908303]et[+e908303 -e908324]her d[+e908303]Governments,[+e908324]irectly or[+e908303 -e908324] in[+e908303]di[+e908303 -e908324]rect[+e908303]One[+e908317]l[+e908303 -e908317]y, should b[+e908303], the religious leaders, the leadership of the secu[+e908324]e exempt under law fr[+e908303 -e908324]om[+e908303]ty f[+e908324] f[+e908303]ces, north and south, and with many others[+e908324]orensic examination, and information obt[+e908303 -e908324]sh[+e908317 -e908324]ained as a resul[+e908303 -e908324]d [+e908311 -e908324]give their assent and[+e908311 -e908303]but[+e908322] to res[+e908311 -e908322]ort to democratic and exclusively peaceful methods in try[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908317]ing to alte[+e908311 -e908303]r any aspect of th[+e908311 -e908317]e decommi[+e908303 -e908317]ssioning proce[+e908303]s[+e908303 -e908317]Even though there will not be decommissioning prior to all-party negotiations, i[+e908324]s[+e908303 -e908324] [+e908303 -e908317]sh[+e908303]ockpil[+e908317]ould be inadmi[+e908303 -e908317]such[+e908324]ssible as[+e908303 -e908324] evidence in courts of la[+e908303]w in either juris[+e908303 -e908322]at outcome [+e908311 -e908322]s by the participants[+e908324]with which they may disagree.[+e908311 -e908303]With regard to[+e908317]hatsoever w[+e908320] the second of the[+e908317]] [+e908311 -e908317]

[+e908311 -e908317]

5. [Possi[+e908311 -e908317]bl[+e908311 -e908303]w[+e908317]e [+e908311 -e908303]specific quest[+e908317]Addi[+e908311 -e908317]c[+e908303 -e908317]tion[+e908311 -e908317]. G[+e908303]s [+e908317]adhe[+e908324]ro[+e908303 -e908324] paragra[+e908317 -e908324]ph[+e908317] seven[+e908317 -e908324] of the communique, w[+e908317]ups in[+e908303 -e908317] possession of illeg[+e908303]in order[+e908324]al [+e908303 -e908324]arm[+e908303]aments s[+e908303 -e908324]hould be fr[+e908303]al Principle: To accept the n[+e908311 -e908303]ee[+e908311]d[+e908311 -e908303] to [+e908311]orga[+e908303]niz[+e908303 -e908322]advance[+e908311 -e908322] the[+e908311]ir participation in the[+e908303] a[+e908311 -e908303]c[+e908311 -e908324]tual[+e908311 -e908303] decommissioning [+e908311]process[+e908303]of[+e908311 -e908303] a[+e908311],[+e908322]rms in the[+e908311 -e908322]y judge appropriate, e.g. groups may designate particula[+e908303 -e908322], even if[+e908317 -e908322]r individuals to deposit armaments on their [+e908303 -e908322]beha[+e908303]lf.[+e908303 -e908317] co[+e908311 -e908317]urse of the al[+e908311 -e908303]talk[+e908317]l-party neg[+e908311 -e908317]otiations, as a means of[+e908311 -e908303] for themselves, and to oppose[+e908324] pro[+e908311 -e908303] effort by others, to[+e908324]motin[+e908311 -e908303]g t[+e908311 -e908324]he search for an[+e908311 -e908303]en the use[+e908324] agr[+e908311 -e908303]force, to influence [+e908324]even[+e908322]co[+e908324] [+e908322]r[+e908324]i[+e908322]eed p[+e908311 -e908322]o[+e908311 -e908324]li[+e908311 -e908322] the outcome of all party negotiations[+e908324]tic[+e908311 -e908324]a[+e908311 -e908322]l set[+e908311 -e908303]y were[+e908322]tl[+e908311 -e908322]e[+e908311 -e908303] made o[+e908317]ral [+e908317 -e908322]and/or written[+e908317] subm[+e908317 -e908322]issions[+e908317]ment.] [+e908311 -e908317]

[+e908311 -e908317]

The decomm[+e908303 -e908317]iss[+e908303]6. [Possible Addit[+e908311 -e908303]ion[+e908311]al Pr[+e908311 -e908303]in[+e908311]g pro[+e908303]of any magnitude would[+e908317]cess[+e908303 -e908317] should[+e908303]ciple: To not pa[+e908311 -e908303]-[+e908317]r[+e908311 -e908317]ticipate in or[+e908311 -e908303] con[+e908311]tr[+e908303]This[+e908317]ib[+e908303 -e908317]ute to public safety[+e908303]done so-called[+e908311 -e908303]negotiation[+e908322] pun[+e908311 -e908322]ishment killings[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]to gener[+e908303]be[+e908311 -e908303]ating[+e908311 -e908322] confidenc[+e908303 -e908322]e in the peace process [+e908303]gree to abide by the terms of any out[+e908324]a[+e908303]ome of all-party negotiations to whi[+e908324]n[+e908303]h a majority of th[+e908324]d[+e908303] [+e908324] [+e908303]eople in Nor[+e908324]i[+e908303]hern[+e908324]n[+e908303]Irel[+e908324]it i[+e908322] [+e908303 -e908322]nd in the Republic of Ireland, respectively, give[+e908324]all-par[+e908303 -e908324]t[+e908303 -e908322]exp[+e908320 -e908322]ir assent and to resort to democratic and exclusively peaceful methods in trying to alter any aspect[+e908324]ressions o[+e908320 -e908324]f co[+e908320]that out[+e908324]mm[+e908320]me with which they may disagree. [+e908324]


5. To not participate in or[+e908324]itment[+e908320 -e908324]y n[+e908303 -e908324]egot[+e908303 -e908320]done so-called punishment killings an[+e908324]ia[+e908303 -e908324]s a[+e908311 -e908324]nd[+e908311 -e908320]beat[+e908324] t[+e908311 -e908320]gs, and[+e908324]o [+e908311 -e908320]o take effective steps to prevent such actions. [+e908324]


In order to be mea[+e908324]take a[+e908311 -e908324]ll f[+e908311 -e908320]ful and effective, such commitments would, of course, have to apply to the paramilit[+e908324]easible step[+e908311 -e908324]s [+e908311 -e908303]y organiz[+e908324]to p[+e908311 -e908303]r[+e908311 -e908317]s themselves, as well as to the political parties with which the[+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908324]such expression[+e908320 -e908324]vent[+e908311 -e908324] s[+e908311 -e908303]a[+e908320]r[+e908320 -e908324]e [+e908320] clos[+e908324]u[+e908311 -e908303]ly associated. [+e908324]


VII. A commit[+e908324]ch ac[+e908311 -e908303]to these principles[+e908324]tions.][+e908311 -e908324] [+e908311]


all of [+e908324]The decommis[+e908303]would be s[+e908324]s[+e908303]g[+e908324]7[+e908311 -e908303]ificant. Those who seek decommissioning prior to[+e908324]. [A[+e908311 -e908303]-[+e908324]n[+e908311 -e908324]y Addit[+e908311 -e908303]ion[+e908311]al Pr[+e908311 -e908303]in[+e908311]g[+e908303] do so out of fear that those political parties associa[+e908324] process could encom[+e908303 -e908324]pa[+e908303]d with pa[+e908324]s[+e908303]amilitary orga[+e908324]s[+e908303]iz[+e908324] a [+e908303]ons will use force or threaten to us[+e908324]variety[+e908303 -e908324]cip[+e908311 -e908324]les?][+e908311 -e908303]ce, to get their way in negotiations, or t[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908324]

[+e908311 -e908324]

[+e908311 -e908324]

In order to b[+e908311 -e908324]e [+e908311 -e908303]ch[+e908324]m[+e908311 -e908303]n[+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908303]a[+e908311 -e908324]n[+e908311 -e908303] any asp[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908303]ct of[+e908324]ng[+e908311 -e908303]he outcome of negotiations with which they disagree. Given[+e908324]ful and ef[+e908311 -e908324]fecti[+e908311 -e908303]his[+e908324]v[+e908311 -e908303]ory of North[+e908324]e,[+e908311 -e908303]n Ireland, this is not an unreasonable fear. [+e908324]


The [+e908324] such commitm[+e908311 -e908324]en[+e908311 -e908303],[+e908320]mitments w[+e908324]ne[+e908322]recommend de[+e908324]got[+e908322 -e908324]ia[+e908322] direct[+e908324]t[+e908322]y with those concerns. Each[+e908324]ion[+e908322] and[+e908320 -e908322]to the [+e908324] t[+e908320]o[+e908320 -e908322] the[+e908320]VII. [+e908322]r[+e908320]would publicly express its total and absolute commitment, first in general terms to democratic and exclusively[+e908324]eby create the trust and c[+e908320 -e908324]onf[+e908320]aceful means [+e908324]i[+e908320]f resolving [+e908324]d[+e908320]o[+e908324]e[+e908320]itical issu[+e908324]n[+e908320]s; and then[+e908324]ce n[+e908320]the specific context of the negotiations, (a) to renounce for thems[+e908324]ecessary to[+e908320 -e908324] [+e908320]n[+e908322]ves, [+e908324]egot[+e908322]to oppose [+e908324]ia[+e908322]y effort by others, to use force, or to threaten the use of force, to influenc[+e908324]tion[+e908322 -e908324]the success of all-party tal[+e908320 -e908324]ks.[+e908320]ts[+e908311 -e908303] cour[+e908324] woul[+e908311 -e908324]d,[+e908311 -e908303] or outcome of such [+e908324] [+e908311]ego[+e908324]o[+e908311]iations;[+e908324]f [+e908311]met[+e908303](b) [+e908324]hod[+e908303]abide by any outcome of such negotiations and[+e908324]s, sub[+e908303 -e908324]jec[+e908303] use[+e908324]t[+e908303]course, have[+e908311 -e908303] to [+e908311]negotiation, including:[+e908303]run to the paramilitary organizations[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311] transfer of[+e908303]mselves, as [+e908311 -e908303]well[+e908311 -e908324] a[+e908311]rmament[+e908303]s [+e908311]t[+e908311 -e908324]o th[+e908311]This latter commitmen[+e908324]e [+e908311 -e908324]commis[+e908303 -e908324]si[+e908303]ex[+e908324]o[+e908303]n[+e908303 -e908324] [+e908303]esses [+e908324]o[+e908303]he pr[+e908324]r[+e908303]n[+e908324] to[+e908303]le of consent: the fundamental understand[+e908324]po[+e908311 -e908324];[+e908322 -e908324]l[+e908311 -e908324]it[+e908311 -e908303]g that the future[+e908324]ic[+e908311 -e908303]f No[+e908324]a[+e908311 -e908303]thern Ireland[+e908324]l[+e908311 -e908303]must be de[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908303]ided by the pe[+e908324]p[+e908311 -e908303]ple of Northern Irela[+e908324]ar[+e908311 -e908303]. [+e908324]


We have been t[+e908324]t[+e908311 -e908303]ld repeatedly that this pri[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908303]cipl[+e908324]es[+e908311 -e908303]is one of profound significance and that [+e908324] with w[+e908311 -e908324]. [+e908317 -e908324]

[+e908317 -e908324][+e908317]

h[+e908311 -e908303]t[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908303]l now it ha[+e908324]c[+e908311 -e908303] not been accepted by all parties. If t[+e908324]h[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908311 -e908324]t[+e908311]y do so [+e908324]h[+e908311]ow, i[+e908324]e[+e908311] [+e908303]will be for the first time,[+e908324]design[+e908303 -e908324]y [+e908311 -e908324]are c[+e908311 -e908303]it will [+e908324]lo[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908324]s[+e908311 -e908303] major s[+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908303]ep in help[+e908324]ly [+e908311 -e908303] to create a climate of trust for all-party negotiations. [+e908324]


Taken[+e908324]associ[+e908311 -e908324]ate[+e908311]gether,[+e908324]d[+e908311] [+e908303]hese commitments, if mad[+e908324]re[+e908303 -e908324]pr[+e908303]and honored, would [+e908324]esentativ[+e908303]ly preclude the use of force, or the threat of the use of force, before, during, and after all-party negotiations. They should enable all parties to enter negotiations with confidence that force will not in any way be a f[+e908324]es of ei[+e908303 -e908324]. [+e908311 -e908324]

For ne[+e908311 -e908324], but [+e908317 -e908324]i[+e908317]ar[+e908311 -e908317]or. That alone should lead to meaningful negotiat[+e908324]l[+e908311 -e908317]y a y[+e908311 -e908303]non[+e908317]But the principles we recommend go further. They would also require all parties[+e908324]etheless[+e908317 -e908324] a[+e908317]ea[+e908311 -e908317]commit to the total and verifia[+e908324]r[+e908311 -e908317]l[+e908324] a[+e908311 -e908317]disarma[+e908324]n[+e908311 -e908317]d[+e908311 -e908303]nt of all paramilitary org[+e908324] a [+e908311 -e908303]zations, to the satisfaction of an independent third party, as part of the process of all-party negotiations, and accept the need to advance actual decommissioning in the course of such negotiations. These too would be significant steps in the confidence-building process. [+e908324]


The final principle deals with punishment killings and beatings. These brutal aactions have been rightly condemned by the Govern[+e908324]half, the[+e908311 -e908324]r[+e908303 -e908324] g[+e908311 -e908324]overnment, for subse[+e908303 -e908324]qu[+e908303]uns[+e908311 -e908303], religi[+e908324] h[+e908311 -e908324]av[+e908311 -e908303]s and community [+e908324]e[+e908311 -e908303]ea[+e908324] [+e908311 -e908317]ers[+e908324]be[+e908311 -e908303]and many others. They[+e908324]en[+e908311 -e908324] la[+e908311 -e908303]ntrib[+e908324]r[+e908311 -e908303]te substantially to the fea[+e908324]g[+e908311 -e908303] that tho[+e908324]el[+e908311 -e908303] who[+e908324]y[+e908311 -e908324] sil[+e908311 -e908303]e[+e908311]n[+e908311 -e908317]used violence [+e908324]t [+e908311 -e908317]d[+e908303 -e908317]resolve political issues in[+e908324]estru[+e908303 -e908324]ct[+e908303 -e908317]he past will d[+e908324]i[+e908311 -e908317]o[+e908303 -e908317]so again in [+e908324]n[+e908311 -e908317];[+e908303 -e908317] N[+e908311 -e908317]future. Participants in all-[+e908324]ort[+e908311 -e908317]ty negotiations would comm[+e908324]he[+e908311 -e908324] p[+e908303 -e908324]r[+e908311]o[+e908303] not to p[+e908324]vi[+e908303]ticipate in or condone such acts and to take effective steps to prevent[+e908324]sio[+e908303 -e908324]n [+e908311 -e908324]of inform[+e908303 -e908324]I[+e908311 -e908324]r[+e908311 -e908303]-[+e908317]el[+e908311 -e908317]a[+e908311 -e908303] from occurring. [+e908324]


Taken as a whole, the public commitment of a[+e908324]nd. During th[+e908311 -e908324]at[+e908311]i[+e908303]p[+e908324]o[+e908303]rticipant[+e908324]n[+e908303] t[+e908311]o[+e908303]ime[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908311]se[+e908324]th[+e908311]rinciples - some of them for the first [+e908324]e [+e908311 -e908324]c[+e908303 -e908324]om[+e908303]me - should be a suffi[+e908324]m[+e908303]ient b[+e908324]i[+e908303]sis for al[+e908324]ssion [+e908303]t[+e908317]cipants to enter into all-party negotiations, secure in the knowledge that it will be trul[+e908324]rust and [+e908317 -e908324]or[+e908303 -e908324]nfiden[+e908317 -e908324]ce-[+e908317]n exe[+e908324]b[+e908317]cis[+e908324]ui[+e908317]in democracy, not[+e908324]lding. [+e908317 -e908324]On[+e908317] proce[+e908324] t[+e908303 -e908317] skewed by vi[+e908324]o[+e908303 -e908317]len[+e908324] [+e908303 -e908317]e, or the threat of v[+e908324]d[+e908303 -e908317]olence. Th[+e908324]es[+e908303 -e908317] will be progress[+e908324]ig[+e908303 -e908324]n[+e908303 -e908317]po[+e908311 -e908317]li[+e908311 -e908324]tical deb[+e908311 -e908303]at[+e908311]e has focus[+e908311 -e908303]ed [+e908311]representativ[+e908303]largely on the differenc[+e908311 -e908303]es [+e908311]of ei[+e908303]th[+e908311]er governm[+e908303]at have prev[+e908311 -e908303]ent[+e908311], l[+e908303]e[+e908311]a[+e908303]d[+e908311]ing to[+e908303] the [+e908311]dis[+e908303]co[+e908311]very[+e908303]mmencement[+e908311 -e908303] of a[+e908311]rmaments for subsequent destruc[+e908303]ll party negotia[+e908311 -e908303]tion[+e908311]; the depositing of arm[+e908303]In the words of one of those with whom we spoke: "[+e908324]amen[+e908303]si[+e908324]t[+e908303]gl[+e908324]s[+e908303] most potent for[+e908324] f[+e908303] in Iri[+e908324]o[+e908303]h life today i[+e908324]r[+e908303] the desire for pe[+e908324] [+e908303]ce." If that is t[+e908324]c[+e908303]ue, and we hope it is, then there is an opportunit[+e908324]ol[+e908303]to translate that desire into the reality of peace. The [+e908324]lection and subsequ[+e908303]s [+e908311 -e908303] necessary to achieve that peace[+e908324]intended to achieve an agreed political settlem[+e908311 -e908303]en[+e908311]t. Tha[+e908311 -e908303]t [+e908311]is un[+e908311 -e908303]de[+e908311]r[+e908311 -e908303]st[+e908311]ruction, by the commission or by representatives of either government; and[+e908303]andable. But it is, in some respects, unfortunate. For it has tended to obscure[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]wi[+e908311 -e908303]des[+e908311]truction of arma[+e908303]pread agree[+e908311 -e908303]ments [+e908311]by [+e908303]th[+e908311]ose currently in possessio[+e908303]at exist - so widespread, i[+e908311 -e908303]n [+e908311]o[+e908303]f[+e908311]act,[+e908311 -e908303] th[+e908311]em. [+e908303]


In all cases,[+e908303]at[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311] decommissioning process would resul[+e908303]y tend to be taken for granted. [+e908311 -e908303]

Mos[+e908311 -e908303]t i[+e908311]n the co[+e908303]mp[+e908311]lete destruction of[+e908303]ortantly is[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]ar[+e908303]maments. Procedures[+e908303 -e908317]widespread support for the [+e908311 -e908317]destruction of armament[+e908303 -e908317]pe[+e908311 -e908317]ace itself. That i[+e908311 -e908303]s [+e908311]w[+e908303]o[+e908311]uld i[+e908303]n[+e908311]clud[+e908303]e th[+e908311]e phys[+e908303]ing on wh[+e908311 -e908303]ic[+e908311]h [+e908311 -e908303]al[+e908311] destruction of small arms, and[+e908303]l with whom we spoke agreed. It was[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]controlled explosion of ammunition and explosive[+e908303]dominant[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908311 -e908317]theme in the many letter[+e908311 -e908303]s and [+e908311]other forms of conventional munitions disposal, within the two jurisdictions. Priority would be accorded th[+e908303]calls we received from people, north and south, Unionist and Nationalist, Catholic and P[+e908311 -e908303]ro[+e908311]ughou[+e908303]t[+e908311] to [+e908303]e[+e908311]n[+e908303]s[+e908311]uring [+e908303]t[+e908311]hat arm[+e908303]a[+e908311]me[+e908303]nt[+e908311]s were safely handled and stored,[+e908303]. [+e908311 -e908303]

The Governments[+e908311 -e908303] and th[+e908311]at they were not misappropr[+e908303]iated. [+e908303 -e908322]

[+e908303 -e908322]

The decommissioning process w[+e908303 -e908322]e relevant parties should [+e908311 -e908322]be fully verified by members[+e908303 -e908322]not underestimat[+e908311 -e908322],[+e908317 -e908322]e the value of the co[+e908311 -e908322]mmission[+e908303 -e908322]nsensus for peace, and[+e908311 -e908322]/or[+e908303 -e908322] the[+e908311 -e908322]ir staff, who would record information required to monitor the decommission[+e908303 -e908322] fact that no significant group is actively seeking [+e908311 -e908322]process effectively, other[+e908303 -e908322]to end it. [+e908311 -e908322]

Nearly all agr[+e908311 -e908322]ee[+e908311 -e908303] tha[+e908311]n that which could[+e908303]t the gun mu[+e908311 -e908303]______________________________________________________ [+e908317]


st[+e908311 -e908303] be [+e908311]deemed to constitute forensic evidence. In monito[+e908303], b[+e908317]ri[+e908303 -e908317]t[+e908311 -e908317]aken out of Irish Politics. It appears that amo[+e908311 -e908303]ng th[+e908311]os[+e908311 -e908303]e [+e908311]progress of the decommissioning process,[+e908303]T[+e908317] the commiss[+e908303 -e908317]ion[+e908303]now committed to that proposition are those[+e908311 -e908303] w[+e908311]h[+e908311 -e908303]o[+e908311]uld[+e908303] have [+e908311]available to it[+e908303]wielded the guns over[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]relevant expert[+e908303]past 25 years.4 There [+e908311 -e908303]is[+e908311]e[+e908303] an[+e908311]d data of the Garda Sio[+e908303] evident war weariness whi[+e908311 -e908303],[+e908317]ch[+e908311]ana[+e908303] [+e908311]le[+e908311 -e908303]a[+e908311]n[+e908303]d[+e908311]s[+e908311 -e908303] t[+e908311]he R[+e908303]o[+e908311]yal[+e908303] [+e908311]Uls[+e908303]t[+e908311]h[+e908311 -e908303]e[+e908311]r[+e908303] [+e908311]Con[+e908303]s[+e908311]tabulary. Th[+e908303]e[+e908311] [+e908303]co[+e908311]mm[+e908303]Footnote:[+e908317]i[+e908303 -e908317]ssio[+e908303]n[+e908311] woul[+e908303]d [+e908311]re[+e908303]im[+e908311 -e908303]port[+e908311] periodically to relevant parti[+e908303]ant area of wid[+e908311 -e908303]es[+e908311] on [+e908303]pr[+e908311]ogr[+e908303]e[+e908311]ss [+e908303]a[+e908311]chieve[+e908303]d [+e908311]in the decommissioning process. [+e908303]


Decommissioning should occur in the course of all-party negotiations [+e908303]


In view of[+e908303]agreement. [+e908311 -e908303]

Everyone with whom we spoke[+e908311 -e908303]e[+e908317] a[+e908311 -e908317]grees[+e908311 -e908303] that t[+e908317] wi[+e908311 -e908317]th[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]att[+e908303]e[+e908303 -e908317]ntion which the issu[+e908303]objectiv[+e908311 -e908303]e of decommissioning[+e908311] has attracted,[+e908303] [+e908303 -e908317]d[+e908303]etails regarding the modalities of the decommission[+e908303 -e908317].5 It is important to keep in mind that what is being pr[+e908311 -e908317]o[+e908311]cess, including the timetable for decommissioning, should receive a high priority in[+e908303]posed is a voluntary disarmament. Those with arms are being asked to give[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311] all-party negotiations. A practical measure[+e908303]m up and to join other[+e908311 -e908303]s [+e908311]dur[+e908303]in[+e908311]g the initial stage of the decommissioning[+e908303] a peaceful, democratic[+e908311 -e908303] process [+e908311]could include the provision of inventories by paramilitary groups, to be followed by the inspection, by commission members and/or their staff, of selected exist[+e908303]to resolve political issues. It is significant that almost all of those who possess arms are will[+e908311 -e908303]ing [+e908311]deposi[+e908303]to[+e908311]ries.[+e908303] [+e908311]D[+e908303]e[+e908311]commissio[+e908303]n[+e908311]gage [+e908311 -e908303]in[+e908311]g[+e908303] s[+e908311]hould take place simultaneously between Loyalists and Republicans. [+e908303]


(2) Commitment to D[+e908303]uch a process. [+e908311 -e908303]

While there are obvious deep differences on the timing and context of d[+e908311 -e908303]ecommissioning[+e908311] [+e908303]


We have concluded tha[+e908303] - indeed i[+e908311 -e908303]t [+e908311]is [+e908311 -e908303]th[+e908311]ose diff[+e908311 -e908303]ere[+e908311] is a clear commitment on[+e908303]nces which led to[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]part[+e908303]creation[+e908311 -e908303] of th[+e908311]ose in possession of such arms to work constructively[+e908303]is Body - they should not be allowed[+e908311 -e908303] to [+e908311]achiev[+e908303]obscur[+e908311 -e908303]e the[+e908311]ir removal from the political equations as part of the process of all-party negotiations. However, no physical[+e908303] nearly universal support which exists for[+e908311 -e908303] decommissioning[+e908311] will not occur prior to such negotiations[+e908303].[+e908311] [+e908303]


The [+e908311]view[+e908303]people[+e908311 -e908303] of [+e908311]Nor[+e908311 -e908303]the[+e908311] vast majority of the organizations[+e908303]rn Ireland are rightly[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]individuals whose views we received was that a decommissioning of arms will not occ[+e908303]understandably sick of political and sectarian violence. For the quarter cent[+e908311 -e908303]ur[+e908311]y[+e908311 -e908303] prior to [+e908311]all party negotiations. It was the unanimo[+e908303]the cease-fires of Aug[+e908311 -e908303]us[+e908311]t[+e908311 -e908303] and [+e908311]emphatically expressed view of[+e908303]October, 1994,[+e908311 -e908303] the[+e908311] rep[+e908303]y we[+e908311 -e908303]re[+e908311]sentatives of[+e908303] the p[+e908311]olitical parties closely associated with the paramilitary organizations on both sides.2 Most tellingly, it was the unanimous view of[+e908303]rincipal victims of a horrifying campaign of such violence. This must not continue. [+e908311 -e908303]

Since[+e908311 -e908303] the [+e908311]leadership[+e908303]autumn[+e908311 -e908303] of [+e908311]1994, [+e908311 -e908303]the s[+e908311]ecurity forces, n[+e908303]weetest sound in N[+e908311 -e908303]orth[+e908311]ern[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908311]Irel[+e908311 -e908303]and [+e908311]south. The highest leadership[+e908303]has been the silence[+e908311 -e908303] of [+e908311]bo[+e908303]th[+e908311] the Royal Ulster Constabulary and the Gardai we[+e908303]e guns. This must continue. [+e908311 -e908303]

The divisions in Northern I[+e908311 -e908303]re[+e908311] c[+e908303]l[+e908311]ear [+e908303]and [+e908311]unequivocal in their views that the leaders of those political p[+e908303]are historic and deep. But we believe they [+e908311 -e908303]ar[+e908311]ti[+e908303]e[+e908311]s[+e908303] [+e908311]c[+e908303]ou[+e908311]ld not obtain a prior decommissi[+e908303]tweighed by the nearly universal l[+e908311 -e908303]on[+e908311]g[+e908311 -e908303]ing [+e908311]of arms, regardless of their[+e908303]there for a j[+e908311 -e908303]us[+e908312 -e908303]oint and lasting peace.[+e908311 -e908303] It w[+e908311]ingness to do so. [+e908303]


It [+e908303]ill be an immense tragedy if[+e908311 -e908303] th[+e908311]is[+e908311 -e908303] o[+e908311]ssible to debate the morality or wisdom of such a circumstance[+e908303]pportunity for peace is lost. We believe there is a way forw[+e908311 -e908303]ard. [+e908311]is a hard fact with which[+e908303]It will require courage and involve risk [+e908311 -e908303]for all concer[+e908311] must deal. [+e908303]


Iit does not follow, logically or morally, that substantive alll party talks should begin without further commitment. To the contrary, it[+e908303]ned. But we believe the necessary will and resoluteness exist in the people with whom we met, [+e908311 -e908303]an[+e908311]s [+e908303]d[+e908311]ecessary[+e908303] i[+e908311]o affirm certain principles[+e908303]n the mill[+e908311 -e908303]ion a[+e908311]practic[+e908303]nd [+e908311 -e908303]a [+e908311]h[+e908311 -e908303]a[+e908311]lf[+e908311 -e908303] m[+e908311]quirements to which all[+e908303]ore we did not meet but wh[+e908311 -e908303]os[+e908311]a[+e908303]e[+e908311]ti[+e908303] p[+e908311] should commit or recommit before the commence[+e908303]resence we felt. At this critical[+e908311 -e908303] mome[+e908311]of such negotiations. [+e908303]


Acc[+e908303]nt in their h[+e908311 -e908303]is[+e908311]dingl[+e908303]t[+e908311],[+e908303]ory [+e908311]recommend that each party[+e908303]we urge their lead[+e908311 -e908303]ers t[+e908311]uch talks publicly express its total and absolute commitment[+e908303]o seize this opportunity. [+e908311 -e908303]

[+e908311 -e908303]

_____________________________[+e908311 -e908303]___ [+e908311]


1[+e908311]o democratic and exclusively peaceful means of resolving political issues; [+e908303]


2. To renounce any use of force, or threat of the use of force[+e908303]. The directly relevant portions of the Communique are paragraphs 5 through 8. They read as follows: "quote paragraph 5 through 8." The full text of the Communique is attached as Annex A to this rep[+e908311 -e908303]ort. [+e908311]3. To the total and verifiabl[+e908303][+e908311 -e908303]

[+e908311 -e908303]

2. We did not communi[+e908311 -e908303]cate[+e908311]sarmament of all[+e908303] directly w[+e908311 -e908303]ith paramilitary organizati[+e908311], to[+e908303]ons.[+e908311 -e908303] On t[+e908311]satisfaction of an independ[+e908303]he Loyalist side, the rep[+e908311 -e908303]res[+e908311]entatives[+e908311 -e908303] of[+e908311]ird[+e908303] the politi[+e908311 -e908303]cal p[+e908311]y, as part of th[+e908303]arties with whom we s[+e908311 -e908303]po[+e908311]ke[+e908311 -e908303] r[+e908311]oc[+e908303]ep[+e908311]s of all party negoti[+e908303]resented to us that they were speaking autho[+e908311 -e908303]rit[+e908311]ative[+e908311 -e908303]ly[+e908311]s, and to accept[+e908303] on behalf[+e908311 -e908303] of t[+e908311]need to advance[+e908303]he paramilitary organizations[+e908311 -e908303] on t[+e908311]actual[+e908303]he issue[+e908311 -e908303] of decommissioning of a[+e908311] i[+e908303]rms[+e908311 -e908303]. On t[+e908311]course of all-party negotiations, as a mean[+e908303]he Republican side, representat[+e908311 -e908303]ives [+e908311]promoting the search for an agreed political settlement; [+e908303]


4. To accept and abide b[+e908303]of Sinn Fein answered "No" when asked if they were speaking authoritatively for the Irish Republican [+e908311 -e908303]Ar[+e908311]my [+e908311 -e908303]on t[+e908311]principl[+e908303]he i[+e908311 -e908303]ssue [+e908311]of[+e908311 -e908303] d[+e908311]nsent, as conta[+e908303]ecommissioning of arms. They acknowledged [+e908311 -e908303]ha[+e908311]ving p[+e908311 -e908303]lay[+e908311]in th[+e908303]ed a [+e908311 -e908303]ro[+e908311]Down[+e908303]le[+e908311]g Street Declaration, wi[+e908303] in encouragi[+e908311 -e908303]ng[+e908311] [+e908311 -e908303]t[+e908311]he IRA cease[+e908311 -e908303]-f[+e908311]ire of A[+e908311 -e908303]u[+e908311]pec[+e908303]gu[+e908311]to any agreement reach[+e908303]st 31, 1994,, and s[+e908311 -e908303]ta[+e908311] by[+e908303]ted[+e908311]e parties[+e908303] that they wou[+e908311 -e908303]ld, i[+e908311]ll party negot[+e908303]n appr[+e908311 -e908303]opr[+e908311]ions.3 [+e908303]


4. [Possibl[+e908303]ia[+e908311]Alternative Language for Principle No. 4: To agree[+e908303]te circumstances, atte[+e908311 -e908303]mpt [+e908311]to[+e908311 -e908303] [+e908311]bide b[+e908303]pl[+e908311]the terms of any outcome of[+e908303]ay a similar role in connection w[+e908311 -e908303]ith all party negotiati[+e908311] to which a majorit[+e908303]ons. [+e908311 -e908303]

[+e908311 -e908303]

3. A [+e908311 -e908303]copy of t[+e908311]people in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland give their assent and[+e908303]he Downing Street Declaration is attached as Anne[+e908311 -e908303]x C [+e908311]to th[+e908311 -e908303]is[+e908311]s[+e908303] [+e908311 -e908303]rep[+e908311]ort. [+e908311 -e908303]

[+e908311 -e908303][+e908311]

4. The [+e908311 -e908303]b[+e908311]o[+e908303]e[+e908311]st [+e908311 -e908303]ev[+e908311]mocratic and ex[+e908303]idence for this [+e908311 -e908303]concl[+e908311]vely peaceful meth[+e908303]u[+e908311]ds i[+e908303]si[+e908311]trying to alter any aspect of that outcome [+e908303]on is the cease-fire itself. [+e908311 -e908303]Notw[+e908311] which they may disagree.] [+e908303]


5. To not participate in or condon[+e908303]ithstanding some repugnant lapses,[+e908311 -e908303] th[+e908311]o-called p[+e908303]e[+e908311]ni[+e908303] [+e908311]hmen[+e908303]s[+e908311] killings [+e908303]u[+e908311]s[+e908311 -e908303]t[+e908311]a[+e908311 -e908303]in[+e908311]beatings and to take effective steps to prevent such actions.] [+e908303]


In order to be meaningful[+e908303]ed observance of the cease-fire for nearly a y[+e908311 -e908303]ear a[+e908311]eff[+e908303]nd a half r[+e908311 -e908303]efl[+e908311]ive, [+e908303]e[+e908311]cts a[+e908311 -e908303] c[+e908311]h[+e908303]ruc[+e908311 -e908303]ial commitm[+e908311]s would, of course, have to appl[+e908303]en[+e908311 -e908303]t b[+e908311]o t[+e908303]y the paramilitary organization[+e908311]hemselves, as well as t[+e908303]s to th[+e908311]olitical parties with which they are closely associated. [+e908303]


e peace proces[+e908311 -e908303]s. T[+e908311]divisions in Northern Ireland are historic and deep. But we believe they are outweighed by the nearly universal longing[+e908303]he existence of the cease-fire itself should not be devalued. It is a signific[+e908311 -e908303]an[+e908311]t f[+e908311 -e908303]act[+e908311]a j[+e908303]or whic[+e908311 -e908303]h mu[+e908311]and lasting peace. we believe the necessary will and resoluten[+e908303]st be given due weight in [+e908311 -e908303]ass[+e908311] exist [+e908303]es[+e908311]s[+e908311 -e908303]ing t[+e908311]people with whom we met, and in[+e908303]he commitment[+e908311 -e908303] of t[+e908311]he p[+e908311 -e908303]ar[+e908311]l[+e908303]am[+e908311]on and a half more we did not meet but whose presence we felt. At this critical moment in[+e908303]ilitaries to "work constructively to achie[+e908311 -e908303]ve" [+e908311]ir history we urge[+e908303]the removal of weapons f[+e908311 -e908303]rom [+e908311]ir leaders to seize this opportunity[+e908303]the political proc[+e908311 -e908303]ess. [+e908311]

[+e908311 -e908303][+e908311]

5. Different views were expressed to us as to the weapons to be decommissioned. In the Communique, the Governments made clear their view that our remit is limited to those weapons held illegally by paramilitary organizations. We accept and share that view. There is not equivalence between such weapons and those lawfully authorized. If there is to be any discussion of lawfully authorized weapons it must occur elsewhere, not in this Report.[+e908311]

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