Wyoming State Constitutional Convention 1889

The Wyoming Constitution Convention began September 2, 1889 without the authorization from an enabling act. The articles were individually voted on, creating the final Constitution of Wyoming on September 30, 1889. It was later ratified on November 5, 1889.

Committee of the Whole

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 7824: 1889-09-27 15:00:00

The committee considered the articles on Salaries of Public Officers, Exemptions, and Schedule.

Document View (with components):

Salaries of Public Officers [Majority Substitute for Files No. 61, 65, 80, and 83, Committee of the Whole]

Shown with amendment 'None' (e711604)

(Showing state at moment e712146)
There are 3 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Sec. 1. All State, County, City, Town, and School officers, (excepting Justice of the Peace and Constables, in Precincts, having less than fifteen hundred population, and excepting Court Commissioners, Boards of Arbitration and Notaries Public) shall be paid fixed and definite Salaries. The Legislature shall from time which fix the amount of such Salaries as are not already fixed by this Constitution, which shall in all cases be in proportion to the value of the service rendered and the duty performed.[+e710931]

Sec. 2. The Legislature shall provide by Law the fees, which may be demanded by the Justice of the Peace and Constables in Precincts, having less than fifteen hundred population, and of Court Commissioners, Boards of Arbitration, and Notaries Public which fees the said officers shall accept as their full compesation. But all other State, County, City, Town and School officers shall be required by Law to keep a true and correct account of all fees collected by them, and to pay the same into the proper Treasury when collected.[+e710933] Provided that in addition to the salary of sheriffs they shall be entitled to receive from the party for whom the services are rendered in civil cases such fees as may be prescribed by law.[+e711872]

Sec. 3

Sec. 4. County Officers shall receive such salaries as the General Assembly of the State of Wyoming may provide. Provided that no Officer in any County shall receive a larger amount than $3000.00 per annum.[+e711441] Provided further, that the County Officers shall not receive salaries in excess of the fees earned and collected by them, and provided further, that in addition to said salary, they shall be permitted to retain out of the fees earned such commission as the legislature may provide for collecting the same. [+e711445] [+e711441 -e711445]

The General Assembly shall further provide by law, a scale of fees to be charged and collected by said County Officers, and when so collected, shall be [illegible] into the Treasury of the County in which they were collected. The General Assembly shall provide by Law for salary or fees for all precinct, city, town or school officers.[+e711441]

Sec. 5

Decisions yet to be taken

Document Timeline

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