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North Dakota State Constitutional Convention 1889 [updated-6.1 v3]

The Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of North Dakota from July to August of 1889.

Cite as: Cashlyn English, Gwen Wilde, Jordan Artigas, Kaylee Bishop, Liné Fourie, Grace Yeager, Nicholas Cole, Elizabeth Green, Lauren Davis , North Dakota State Constitutional Convention 1889 [updated-6.1 v3], Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2020-2023).

Summary View

Readers' View

A summary view for the full record of the convention

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.


4 historical records used for this dataset.


36 committees met in 247 sessions. Average 61.75 sessions each.

Dates from Thursday, 04 July 1889 to Saturday, 17 August 1889.

Person icon People:

97 people in 25 voting delegations.

Top 5 most active people are:

Summary of person events:

  • 428 Person join icon join a committee.
  • Person leave icon leave a committee.
  • 129 Person elect icon elections to a position.

Procedure icon Procedures:

1068 procedural motions considered.

Summary of procedural events:

  • 1068 Procedural motion icon procedural motion proposed.
  • 103 Debate motion icon motions debated.

Document icon Documents:

400 documents considered with 862 amendments presented.

Summary of document events:

  • 400 Create a new document proposal new documents created.
  • 483 Document copied documents passed from another committee.
  • 862 Document amended amendments to a document proposed.
  • 263 Debate a document proposal debates on a proposal.

Voting icon Decisions:

2057 number of decisions made.

Summary of decision made:

  • 1346 Vote adopt icon proposals adopted.
  • 228 Vote reject icon proposals rejected.
  • 351 Vote refer icon proposals referred to another committee.
  • 5 Postpone debate icon debate of a proposal postponed.
  • 44 Vote drop icon proposal dropped from discussion without a formal vote.
  • 2 Vote drop icon some other decision on a proposal.

List of proposals by delegation

List of proposals by person