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Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

IN THE FINAL STAGES OF EDITING A series of talks launched by Peter Brooke, Secretary of State for Northern in Ireland, which began in April 1991, and were carried on intermittently by Brooke and his successor, Patrick Mayhew, until November 1992.

Cite as: Ruth Murray, Annabel Harris, Sofia Panourgias, Ian McBride and Nicholas P. S. Cole, Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2024).

Summary View

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A summary view for the full record of the convention

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8 historical records used for this dataset.


21 committees met in 306 sessions. Average 38.25 sessions each.

Dates from Tuesday, 20 February 1990 to Tuesday, 24 November 1992.

Person icon People:

132 people in 7 voting delegations.

Top 5 most active people are:

Summary of person events:

  • 346 Person join icon join a committee.
  • 14 Person leave icon leave a committee.
  • Person elect icon elections to a position.

Procedure icon Procedures:

567 procedural motions considered.

Summary of procedural events:

  • 567 Procedural motion icon procedural motion proposed.
  • 183 Debate motion icon motions debated.

Document icon Documents:

370 documents considered with 606 amendments presented.

Summary of document events:

  • 370 Create a new document proposal new documents created.
  • 231 Document copied documents passed from another committee.
  • 605 Document amended amendments to a document proposed.
  • 867 Debate a document proposal debates on a proposal.

Voting icon Decisions:

1245 number of decisions made.

Summary of decision made:

  • 657 Vote adopt icon proposals adopted.
  • 86 Vote reject icon proposals rejected.
  • 145 Vote refer icon proposals referred to another committee.
  • 49 Postpone debate icon debate of a proposal postponed.
  • 28 Vote drop icon proposal dropped from discussion without a formal vote.
  • 4 Vote drop icon some other decision on a proposal.

List of proposals by delegation

List of proposals by person