Committee: Negotiation of Article 19 in the Constituent Assembly

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1288315 Motion to Withdraw A.P. Jain's Third Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I do not move the amendment, Sir. Constituent Assembly Debates
1288346 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order [...] I submit that the consideration of all these new clauses may be held over till we finish the main business. Constituent Assembly Debates
1288352 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE May I rise to a point of order [...] The appropriate procedure would be for all these new matters to be sent to the Advisory Committee for its consideration. Constituent Assembly Debates
1288360 Motion to Take Up New Clauses after the Report Has Been Considered None 0 PROCEDURE I propose that all the new clauses be taken up later on after the Report has been considered. Constituent Assembly Debates
1289088 Shah's Amendment Withdrawn None 0 PROCEDURE I do not move my amendment (No.18 of Supplementary List II ) at this stage. Constituent Assembly Debates
1289106 Motion to Hold Over Clause 8 and its Provisos None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal to the Mover, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, that this clause and its provisos be held over. Constituent Assembly Debates
1289118 Motion to Withdraw Khurshed Lal's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE In view of what has been said already I do not move my amendment (No. 20 of the Supplementary List II). Constituent Assembly Debates
1289125 Motion to Withdraw S. C. Banerjee's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE In view of the decision taken just now, I shall move my amendment at the appropriate time. Constituent Assembly Debates
1289899 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE On a point of order, Mr. President, may I say that I have no apprehensions of the kind regarding the tribal areas attributed to me by the Hon'ble Sardar Patel? Constituent Assembly Debates
1289906 Motion to Adopt Clause 8 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I shall now put the whole clause. Constituent Assembly Debates
1289908 Motion to Adjourn the Session None 0 PROCEDURE Sir, I beg to move that the Assembly do stand adjourned till a date to be fixed by the President. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249656 Motion to Consider the Draft Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, Sir, I introduce the Draft Constitution as settled by the Drafting Committee and move that it be taken into consideration. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249663 Motion to Postpone Article 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Sir, I move that we now pass on the Article 2 and postpone discussion on the remaining amendments to Article 1. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249692 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Sir, on a point of order, sub-clause (4) covers exactly this position in greater detail. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249699 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE On a point of order, Sir, the House has already passed an article in the Part on directive principles that there should be a uniform civil code. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249706 Request for More Time None 0 PROCEDURE I would request you to give me some time more. I am just developing the point. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249710 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE On a point of order, Sir, unless this amendment is moved, no amendment can be moved to this. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249713 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE On a point of order, Sir, we have not got this amendment at all...Sir, it was circulated today and it cannot be taken up. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249729 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE On a point of order, Sir, I think that Dr. Ambedkar’s amendment cannot be an amendment to amendment No. 454. Constituent Assembly Debates
1249763 Motion for Closure None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the question be now put. Constituent Assembly Debates

Committee: Negotiation of Article 39 in the Advisory Subcommittee on Fundamental Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Negotiation of Article 39 in the Advisory Subcommittee on Minorities

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1253637 Motion to Take up the Report from the Subcommittee on Fundamental Rights Paragraph by Paragraph None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee should first of all consider the report of the Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee, paragraph by paragraph, to see whether any of the provisions recommended by it requires to be amplified or amended for the specific purpose of protecting minority rights.] The Framing of India's Constitution: Select Documents (vol. 2)
1282371 Motion to Move Clause 51(i) to the Section on Justiciable Rights None 0 PROCEDURE [That the clause transferred to an appropriate place among the justiciable rights.] The Framing of India's Constitution: Select Documents (vol. 2)

Committee: Negotiation of Article 39 in the Advisory Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1282489 Points of Consideration and Motion to Take up the Report Clause by Clause None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore would suggest that we may consider those fundamental rights which are absolutely essential as more or less not encroaching on the field of communal considerations, so that we may avoid any misunderstanding. Now, I suggest that we may proceed with the consideration of the report clause by clause. The Framing of India's Constitution: Select Documents (vol. 2)

Committee: Negotiation of Article 39 in the Constituent Assembly

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1282564 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I beg to move that the Assembly do stand adjourned till a date to be fixed by the President. Constituent Assembly Debates
1282927 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Editorial
1282971 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Constituent Assembly Debates
1282995 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Editorial
1283045 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Constituent Assembly Debates
1283107 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Constituent Assembly Debates
1283134 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Editorial
1283144 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Editorial
1283170 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Editorial
1283196 Amendments Not Moved None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments be not moved.] Editorial

Committee: Negotiation of Article 39 by the Constitutional Adviser

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Negotiation of Article 39 in the Drafting Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Negotiation of Article 19 in the Advisory Subcommittee on Fundamental Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1287016 Motion to Deal with Sub-clause (5) Separately None 0 PROCEDURE [That sub-clause 5 be dealt with separately.] National Archives of India
1287096 Motion to Re-Draft Clauses (a), (b), and (c) of Article V None 0 PROCEDURE [That clauses (a), (b), and (c) of Article V be redrafted based on Section 40(6) of the Irish Constitution.] National Archives of India
1287114 Question on the Re-drafted Clauses None 0 PROCEDURE [That the clauses prepared by Sir B.N. Rau in the light of the discussions yesterday be approved in the form shown in the Appendix.] National Archives of India

Committee: Negotiation of Article 19 in the Advisory Subcommittee on Minorities

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Negotiation of Article 19 in the Advisory Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
1287688 Points of Consideration and Motion to Take up the Report Clause by Clause None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore would suggest that we may consider those fundamental rights which are absolutely essential as more or less not encroaching on the field of communal considerations, so that we may avoid any misunderstanding. Now, I suggest that we may proceed with the consideration of the report clause by clause. The Framing of India's Constitution: Select Documents (vol. 2)
1288148 Motion to Delete Clause 10(d) None 0 PROCEDURE (1) Delete clause 10 (d). National Archives of India
1288154 Motion by the Subcommittee on Minorities to Re-examine the Law Regarding Criminal Trials None 0 PROCEDURE The effect of this clause on existing legislation regarding criminal tribes should be examined. The Framing of India's Constitution: Select Documents (vol. 2)
1288175 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE We now adjourn for lunch The Framing of India's Constitution: Select Documents (vol. 2)

Committee: Negotiation of Article 19 by the Constitutional Adviser

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Negotiation of Article 19 in the Drafting Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources