Committee: Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933062 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933066 Motion to Elect a Temporary President None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Baker be elected temporary president.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933069 Motion to Elect a Temporary Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. A. W. Cole, resident of Douglas, Arizona, be elected Temporary Secretary.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933072 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Reverend Seaborn Crutchfield pray.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933074 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Temporary President appoint a Committee on Credentials.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933107 Motion to Appoint a Committee for the Administration of the Oath of Office None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Temporary President appoint a committee of five to wait upon Chief Justice Edward Kent.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933123 Motion Employ a Temporary Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention employ a temporary stenographer.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933125 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess of ten minutes.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933129 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933132 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Credentials be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933139 Motion to Adopt the Oath Suggested by Cassidy None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the form read by the Secretary be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933147 Swearing in by the Chief Justice None 0 PROCEDURE [That the delegates be sworn in.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933149 Motion to Elect the President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to the election of the president of the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933151 Motion to Nominate George W. P. Hunt for President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate George W. P. Hunt of Gila County for president. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933152 Motion to Nominate Edmund W. Wells for President as the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to nominate for president of this convention, Hon. Judge Edmund W. Wells of Yavapai county. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933154 Motion to Close the Nominations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the nominations close. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933156 Motion for a Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE I move the secretary call the roll, and that each member express his choice as his name is called. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933162 Motion to Nominate A.W. Cole for the Office of Permanent Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE I now present the name of A. W. Cole as secretary of this convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933163 Motion to Close Nominations for Permanent Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that nominations be closed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933165 Motion to Elect A. W. Cole as Permanent Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE [That A. W. Cole be elected as permanent secretary.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933168 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Rev. Crutchfield pray.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933170 Motion to Read a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Secretary read the resolution that I now present. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933173 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933177 Motion to Adopt the Enabling Resolution as Offered None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the resolution be adopted as offered. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933181 Motion Appoint a Committee on Finance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a committee of thirteen be appointed, one member from each county, whose duty it shall be to investigate the matter of finances and available funds for this convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933182 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, I believe the gentleman from Yuma is premature in his motion. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933184 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Rules and Procedures None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a committee of seven members be appointed on rules and procedures. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933204 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Committees None 0 PROCEDURE [That the President appoint a committee of one from each county to suggest the standing committees for this convention.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933235 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Rules and Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE I move that one delegate from each county be appointed to serve on the committee on rules and procedure. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933236 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. Statutes at Large, Volume 36
933238 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Finance None 0 PROCEDURE I move a committee be appointed on finance to look into and investigate and have an understanding as to the expenses to be incurred and the moneys needed by this constitutional convention; also to secure information so that the committees may be guided in their expenses. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933240 Motion to Call upon the Secretary of Arizona None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that the chairman of this committee call upon the Secretary of Arizona and obtain from him information regarding the moneys to be allowed this convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933242 Motion to Nominate of Homer Wood to the Finance Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that Homer Wood of Yavapai County be made a member of this committee on finance, and that the president appoint the other members. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933256 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess of fifteen minutes to caucus on the matter before the house. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933259 Motion to Appoint Franklin to the Committee on Rules and Procedures None 0 PROCEDURE I appoint Mr. Franklin of Maricopa to take his place on this committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933263 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933266 Motion to Continue the Committee on Finance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee be continued. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933267 Motion to Adopt the Partial Report from the Committee on Finance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the partial report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933269 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE I move a committee of five be appointed upon employees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933270 Motion to Increase the Size of the Committee on Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that a committee of ten be appointed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933271 Motion to Retain the Number of Members in the Original Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the number of this committee be five... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933275 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess of ten minutes since these committee members desire to caucus. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933278 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933280 Appointment of Committee of Ten on Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE The chair will announce that a committee of ten on employees has been chosen... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933293 Motion to Adopt the Members to the Committee on Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the members of this committee as they now read be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933295 Motion to Adjourrn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until 10 A.M., October 11. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933310 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933313 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Gentleman of the convention, will you please rise, and Rev. Seaborn Crutchfield will pronounce the invocation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933315 Motion to Read the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Will the secretary read the minutes? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933318 Motion to Adjourn for 30 Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now adjourn for thirty minutes, or at the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933321 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933331 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933334 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933335 Motion to Print 100 Copies of the Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee have 100 copies of the report printed and one copy placed on each desk for the benefit of the members. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933344 Motion to Adopt the Partial Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933346 Motion to Grant Cartoonists Space in the Convention Chamber None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the cartoonists be given a corner in the convention chamber. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933349 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take recess.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933354 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933356 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933358 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933360 Motion to Grant Time to Committee on Attaches to Prepare a Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, your Committee on Attaches is not yet ready to report, but we expect to be able to report tomorrow morning and ask for further time. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933362 Notification that Convention Must Make Provision for Stenographers None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to inform the members of this convention that it must at once make provision for stenographers to report the daily proceedings... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933364 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn until 10 a.m., October 12, 1910.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933366 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Will the convention come to order, please? The Arizona Republican The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933369 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Please arise and we will have the invocation pronounced by Reverend Seaborn Crutchfield. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933371 Motion to Read the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the secretary read the Minutes.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933373 Motion to Correct the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the minutes be corrected to read Cunniff and not Winsor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933376 Motion to Correct the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the minutes be corrected, or that the clause be stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933378 Motion that the Word "Minutes" Refer to the Daily Proceedings of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the word minutes be used in place of journal in proceedings of the convention for daily acceptance. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933380 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933383 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933384 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Report of the Committee on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we dispense with the reading of the report of the Committee on Committees as we have it before us. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933398 Motion to Swear in Secretary and Assistant Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE Will the Secretary and Assistant Secretary arise and be sworn in[?] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933401 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Attaches be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933406 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933412 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933414 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933416 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Winsor's Amendment to the Chaplain's Salary None 0 PROCEDURE I move to indefinitely postpone the motion. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933420 Question about Stenographers None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask the chairman of the committee on rules what arrangements have been made to get more stenographers. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
933423 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections a recess will be taken. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933424 Motion to Congratulate New Mexico None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we get up a form of congratulations and send it to the convention of New Mexico. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933427 Motion to Swear in Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE It is necessary that the attaches be sworn before their names can go upon the pay roll or work assigned them. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933430 Motion to Adopt the Certificate of the Members of the Arizona Constitutional Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Certificate of the Members of the Arizona Constitutional Convention be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933447 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933449 President's Announcements on Stamps and on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary of the territory has allowed $170.00 for stamps. I do not know whether this is sufficient, but I will state that I have signed the requisition. If this is not quite enough we must put in the actual amount required in the requisition. As I stated I have signed the requisition and if this is satisfactory it will stand as it is now. I would also state for the information of the convention that I am not yet ready to announce the selection of standing committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933451 Motion Appoint Miss N. Alice Berry as a Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that Miss N. Alice Berry be granted a permanent position in the convention as a stenographer, and to act as temporary stenographer until some one is secured to take her place, and that she be granted remuneration from the time of her services on Monday, October 11, 1910, and that as a clerk she is granted a salary of five dollars per day. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933455 Motion to Discharge the Committee on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee on standing committees be discharged. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933456 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933462 Motion to Adopt Webb's Resolution on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933467 Motion to Adopt Webb's Resolution to Adopt the Recommendation from the Committee on Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933470 Motion that Goldwater Be Hired as a Page None 0 PROCEDURE I move that I resign from this convention as a member serving for four dollars per day, and be hired as a page. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
933477 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933479 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933484 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention arise for the invocation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933486 President's Instructions to the Attaches None 0 PROCEDURE Attaches will please take notice and meet in the large committee room for roll call. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933488 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933496 Motion to Print 100 Copies of the Standing Committee Assignments None 0 PROCEDURE I move that 100 copies of the Standing Committee Assignments be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933506 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Rules and Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE I again move that this report be adopted and that Mr. Larrabee is employed as stenographer for this convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933510 Motion to Adjourn until 10 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I will move that this convention adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933511 Motion to Wait until Copies of the Report on Standing Committees Are Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we wait until these copies of the assignment of standing committees are printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933512 Motion to Adjourn until 2:00 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we stand adjourned until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933585 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933587 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will take the recess. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933595 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Will the convention give their attention[?] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933603 Motion to Adjourn until 10 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933609 Motion to Adjourn until Monday at 10 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to make a motion that the convention adjourn until Monday morning at 10 o'clock, if it is not out of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933607 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933627 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise for the prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933633 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933652 Announcements on Committee Reports None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committees notify the Convention of any reports ready to present.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933666 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted by the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933703 Motion to Read the Report on Rules and Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that the chairman of the committee read the report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933710 Motion to Print Copies of the Report from the Committee on Rules and Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE I move that copies of the rules be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933740 Motion to Read the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that they be read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933771 Motion to Reconsider the Printing of the Report from the Committee on Rules and Procedure None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention reconsider the motion ordering one hundred copies of report of Committee on Rules and Procedure printed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933792 Motion to Reconsider Winsor's Resolution Relating to the Introduction of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention reconsider Winsor's resolution relating to the introduction of propositions.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933794 Motion to Lay Winsor's Resolution Relating to the Introduction of Propositions on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That Winsor's resolution relating to the introduction of propositions be laid on the table.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933814 Instruction to Read the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr Winsor, will you please read the rules? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933825 Instruction to Conclude Reading the Report None 0 PROCEDURE Will Mr. Bolan please conclude the reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933840 Motion to Reread the Portion of the Rules before Rule Number 32 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bolan will you please re-read that portion just before Rule Number 32. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933852 Motion to Reread Rule Number 47 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bolan, please re-read Rule Number 47. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933751 Motion to Correct the Rules and Send them to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that the chairman of the committee on rules make the corrections in the rules that are necessary so that they can go to the printer immediately. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933879 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Lay the Rules upon the Table until Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the motion to lay the rules upon the table until the printed copies are submitted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
933890 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order, the gentleman from Cochise is not speaking to the question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933898 Motion that the Report of the Committee on Rules and Procedure Be Set Aside until the Following Day None 0 PROCEDURE Move that tomorrow be set aside as the day for consideration and adoption of the rules. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933904 Motion to Excuse Some Members for Maricopa Court Day None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask that they be excused. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933909 Motion to Adjourn until Monday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933915 Motion to Adjourn until Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933589 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order please. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933616 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE We will now rise for the invocation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933650 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933697 Motion to Request Copies of the Journals of the Oklahoma Constitutional Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Secretary be instructed to make request for copies as offered sent by express.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934334 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rules and Procedure as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adopt the report of the Committee on Rules and Procedure as amended.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934351 Motion to Take the Resolution Relating to the Introduction of Propositions from the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution relating to the introduction of propositions be taken from the table.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934358 Motion to Adopt Winsor's Resolution Relating to the Introduction of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE [That Winsor's resolution relating to the introduction of propositions be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934375 Motion to Rescind Contract with Reporters for a Verbatim Proceeding None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention rescind the action, authorizing and empowering the Committee on Rules to contract with the reporters to make a verbatim report of the convention proceedings. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934381 Motion to Make Cunniff's Motion to Rescind Contract with Reporters a Special Order for 2 p.m., October 15, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this question be made a special order for this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934415 Motion to Make Cunniff's Motion to Rescind the Contract with the Reporters a Special Order for 2 p. m., October 17, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Cunniff's motion to rescind the contract with the reporters be made a special order for 2 p. m., October 17, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934430 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934463 Motion to Change the Name of the Minutes to the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the minutes be known as the journal. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934466 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 2 p. m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933864 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Will the convention please come to order[?] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933869 Motion to Make the Minutes the Journal Records None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the secretary's daily minutes be made the journal records of this convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933874 Motion to Print the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that 250 copies of the rules be ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933922 Motion to Refer Goldwater's Resolution to the Committee on Ordinance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be referred to the committee on ordinance. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933962 Motion to Replace "Minutes" with "Journal" in the Daily Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE [That the word "minutes" be replaced with the word "journal" in the daily proceedings.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933966 Motion to Appoint Clara Freestone as a Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Miss Clara Freestone be retained as a clerk in his place. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933971 Motion to Secure a Verbatim Report of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Committee on Rules and Procedure be authorized, empowered and instructed to enter into a contract to secure a verbatim report of the proceedings of the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
933981 Motion to Reconsider the Motion that the Secretary's Report Be Called the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention reconsider the motion that the Secretary's report be called the Journal.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933984 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a thirty minute recess. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933989 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Will the convention please come to order[?] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933991 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until Monday morning at 9 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933621 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933634 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for the invocation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933641 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE We will now have the reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933659 Notice that All Sir Knights Will Meet in Elks Theatre that Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I am requested to give notice that all Sir Knights will meet this evening in the Elks theatre. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933897 Motion to Print and Refer Proposition Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that 500 copies of Proposition Number 1 be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933948 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 2 to the Committee on Federal Relations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933936 Motion to Aquire Census Figures for Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the president of the convention secure from the director of the census the population of the different counties for the use of the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933960 Motion that Short's Amendment Come Up Tomorrow in the Regular Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE This proposed amendment should come in the regular order of business. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
933968 Motion to Nominate Edith Whitaker as Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Miss Edith Whitaker be substituted in his place. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933973 Motion to Revert to the Introduction of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I now ask unanimous consent to revert to the order of business, introduction of propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933983 Motion to Submit a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask unanimous consent to submit another proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934030 Motion to Revert to the Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent to return to reports of standing committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934037 Motion to Allow Phoenix Reporters an Opportunity to Bid None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to say that there are some Phoenix reporters that would like to bid on this work, and I move that they be given an opportunity to bid. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934046 Motion to Take Up the Question of Bids in the Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this question be made a special order of business for this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934052 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933999 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934023 Motion to Rescind the Authority of the Committee on Rules and Procedure to Contract for a Stenographic Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the authority granted the Committee on Rules and Procedure to contract for a stenographic report of the proceedings be rescinded.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910, The Arizona Republican
934035 Motion to Give the Committee More Time to Report on Contracts None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention give the Committee until 9:00 a.m., October 18, 1910, to prepare and submit further report.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
934090 Motion to Make the Daily Journal the Secretary's Daily Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Daily Journal be made the Secretary's daily report of the proceedings.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
934118 Cobb's Notice of his Intention to Move to Amend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That on October 18, 1910, he would move to amend the rules.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934255 Motion Make a Change to Proposition Number 14 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Cunniff be allowed to make a correction in Proposition 14, now in the hands of the Committee on Printing and Clerks.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934260 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
933996 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934003 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934007 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934164 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934142 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934386 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
934179 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934187 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934190 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934238 Osborn's Notice of His Intention to Move to Amend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That on October 20, 1910 he would move to amend the rules.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934346 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 3 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Resolution Number 3 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934356 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 5 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Resolution No. 5 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934359 Motion to Read Proposition Number 1 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 1 be read a second time.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934396 Motion to Read Proposition Number 3 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 3 be read a second time.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934414 Motion to Extend the Privilege of the Convention Chamber to the Press None 0 PROCEDURE [That members of the Press be extended the privilege of the Convention Chamber and invited to enter during the recess and after the hour of adjournment.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
934448 Motion to Change the Daily Proceedings to Minutes or Journal whenever Necessary None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Secretary change the daily proceedings to "Minutes" or "Journal" whenever necessary, the same to be done automatically.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934453 Motion to Create a Verbatim Report Using Existing Aid None 0 PROCEDURE [That the secretaries be instructed to use what aid they now have and to secure more to make as nearly as possible a verbatim report of the daily proceedings.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
934455 Motion to Adjourn until October 20 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 9 a.m., October 20, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934459 Motion to Adjourn until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn until 2 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934282 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934492 Printing Announcement None 0 PROCEDURE [The following propositions have been printed...] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934502 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection the convention will stand adjourned subject to the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934513 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934598 Motion to Print 500 Copies and Make a Contract to Print None 0 PROCEDURE I move that 500 copies be ordered printed regardless of what Mr. Young thinks, and the printing committee make a contract with the lowest bidder for 500 copies. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934626 Motion to Authorize the Committee on Printing and Clerks to Print Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee on Printing and Clerks be authorized to make a contract with the lowest bidder on a basis of 500 copies of each proposition.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934630 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934470 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934476 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934480 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934503 Motion to Read Proposition Number 2 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that Proposition Number 2 be read a third time, and placed on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934509 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 2 to the Committee on Federal Relations None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections Proposition Number 2 will be recommended to Committee on Federal Relations. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934902 Motion to Withdraw Osborn's Intention to Amend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the unanimous consent of the convention to withdraw the amendment which I proposed yesterday. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934915 Motion to Read Proposition Number 5 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934917 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 5 to the Committee on Preamble None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934920 Motion to Read Proposition Number 7 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934927 Motion to Read Proposition Number 8 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934932 Motion to Read Proposition Number 9 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934939 Motion to Read Proposition Number 10 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934948 Motion to Read Proposition Number 11 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934956 Motion to Read Proposition Number 12 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934961 Motion to Read Proposition Number 13 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934969 Motion to Read Proposition Number 14 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934974 Motion to Read Proposition Number 16 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934978 Inquiry on Proposition Number 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to know where Proposition Number 4 is now on the calendar. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934988 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934472 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will please come to order. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934475 Motion to Authorize the Committee on Clerks to Appoint a Third Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee be authorized to employ another stenographer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934484 Baker's Speech on a Question of Personal Privilege Pertaining to the "Daily Globe" None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to rise in my place to speak on a question of personal privilege. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934559 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934487 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934498 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934507 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will please read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934552 Committee Meeting Announcement None 0 PROCEDURE Committee Number 10 will meet in this room at 11 a.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934556 Motion for a Printing Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now have a report of the printing committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934562 Motion to Adjourn until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until tomorrow morning, as I believe there are several committee meetings to be held today. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934570 Motion to Adjourn until 2:00 p.m None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934564 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934607 Point of Inquiry None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to inquire if we have had a report from the printing committee within the last one or two hours. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934616 Motion to Read Proposition Number 4 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934627 Motion to Read Proposition Number 6 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934639 Motion to Read Proposition Number 15 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934647 Motion to Read Proposition Number 18 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934657 Motion to Read Proposition Number 19 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934663 Motion to Continue First Reading of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections we will revert to the first reading of propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934675 Motion to Suspend the Rules to Refer Proposition Number 79 to the Committee on Executive, Impeachment and Removal from Office None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and Proposition Number 79 be referred to the Committee on Executive, Impeachment and Removal from Office. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934680 Motion to Send Propositions to the Convention of New Mexico None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the secretary be instructed to send to the constitutional convention of New Mexico a copy of each of our propositions, and that the secretary be further instructed to write a letter to the secretary of the Constitutional Convention of New Mexico notifying him that we have taken this action. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934682 Motion to Move the Committee on Railroads Meeting from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that instead of 11 a.m. the meeting be at 3 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934684 Motion to Rescind Privileges of the Press None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the privileges extended the press the other day be rescinded. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
934686 Motion to Table Feeney's Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this motion be tabled unless there are more than one or two offenses. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934691 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934609 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934622 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise for the prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934634 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE To Read and Approve the Minutes of October 21 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935103 Motion to Read Proposition Number 17 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935119 Motion to Read Proposition Number 20 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935127 Motion to Read Proposition Number 21 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935134 Motion to Read Proposition Number 23 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935137 Motion to Read Proposition Number 25 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935141 Motion to Read Proposition Number 27 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935145 Motion to Read Proposition Number 28 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935151 Motion to Revert to First Reading of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections we will go back to the introduction of propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935472 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935479 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE Other business of the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935486 Motion to Accept Clerk Resignation and Appoint a New Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we accept Mr. Foster's resignation and in his place appoint Mr. Mark Dunbar. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935492 Motion to Revert to First Reading of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, we will revert to the reading of new propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935506 Motion to Adjourn until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935509 Motion to Adjourn to Monday at 9 a.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion of the gentleman from Yuma that the convention adjourn until Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934706 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934710 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934767 Motion to Read Proposition Number 22 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934775 Motion to Read Proposition Number 24 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934782 Motion to Read Proposition Number 26 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934790 Motion to Read Proposition Number 29 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934795 Motion to Read Proposition Number 30 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934802 Motion to Read Proposition Number 31 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934809 Motion to Read Proposition Number 32 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934816 Motion to Read Proposition Number 33 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934823 Motion to Read Proposition Number 34 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934829 Motion to Read Proposition Number 36 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934837 Motion to Read Proposition Number 37 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934842 Motion to Read Proposition Number 39 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934849 Motion to Read Proposition Number 42 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934858 Motion to Read Proposition Number 49 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934864 Motion to Read Proposition Number 53 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934871 Motion to Read Proposition Number 56 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934880 Motion to Refer the Letter to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the letter be referred to the Committee on Rules. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934900 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Finance None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
934903 Motion to Make Requisition for Stamps None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the secretary make requisition on Mr. Young, Secretary of the Territory, for one hundred dollars worth of one cent stamps. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934906 Motion to Adjourn until 2:00 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934911 Motion to Adjourn to 9 a.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935014 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935039 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the chaplain pray.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935049 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935191 Motion to Read Proposition Number 35 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935188 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that propositions be read a second time by title only and then referred to the proper committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935218 Motion to Read Proposition Number 38 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [Second reading of the proposition.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935220 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and the title only be read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935255 Motion to Read Proposition Number 44 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935261 Motion to Read Proposition Number 45 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935267 Motion to Read Proposition Number 46 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935276 Motion to Read Proposition Number 54 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935286 Motion to Read Proposition Number 55 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935301 Motion to Read Proposition Number 78 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935306 Motion to Read Proposition Number 70 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935313 Suggestion on Printed Copies of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that the clerks use more care in the distribution of the printed copies. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935319 Motion to Grant Press Access None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that we extend to the members or representatives of the press the privilege of the convention chamber in order that they may give correct and accurate reports of the work of the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935332 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention go into the committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935356 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934991 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
934993 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and each proposition be read by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935071 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now go into committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935096 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935148 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended, and the report of the committee of the whole be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935150 Motion to Read Proposition Number 1 as Amended a Third Time and Place on Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, substitute Proposition Number 1 as amended read a third time in full and placed on its final passage. Editorial
935171 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 1 to the Committee on Style, Revision, and Compilation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition in question be referred to the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935190 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to say that there will be a meeting of the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation immediately after adjournment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935197 Motion to Read Proposition Number 40 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the propositions... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935204 Motion to Read Proposition Number 41 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935212 Motion to Read Proposition Number 43 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President: Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935221 Motion to Read Proposition Number 47 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935229 Motion to Read Proposition Number 48 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935240 Motion to Read Proposition Number 50 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935253 Motion to Read Proposition Number 51 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935272 Motion to Read Proposition Number 52 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
935293 Motion to Read Proposition Number 57 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Editorial
935308 Motion to Read Proposition Number 58 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935323 Motion to Read Proposition Number 59 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935339 Motion to Read Proposition Number 60 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
935352 Motion to Read Proposition Number 61 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 61 be read a second time.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935369 Motion to Read Proposition Number 63 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
935383 Motion to Read Proposition Number 64 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935404 Motion to Read Proposition Number 65 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935424 Motion to Read Proposition Number 66 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935443 Motion to Read Proposition Number 67 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935466 Motion to Read Proposition Number 68 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Editorial
935485 Motion to Read Proposition Number 77 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935498 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE A meeting of the Committee on Counties and Municipalities will be held after adjournment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935503 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
935085 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935089 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935098 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935106 Motion to Correct the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this consideration be made in the secretary's minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935164 Motion to Adopt Proposition 5 into the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE The motion should be for the adoption of the proposition into the Constitution as provided for by the rules. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935169 Printing Announcement None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to report that Propositions Numbers 40, 41, 43, 45, 47, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, have been printed and returned. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935248 Motion to Print 500 Additional Copies of Proposition Number 78 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that 500 copies be ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935254 Motion for Second Readings by Title None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that the second reading be by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935266 Motion to Read Memorial Number 1 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of Memorial Number 1. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935280 Motion to Refer Memorial Number 1 to the Committee on State and Local Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on State and Local Lands. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935287 Motion to Read Proposition Number 62 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935296 Motion to Read Proposition Number 69 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935335 Motion to Read Proposition Number 71 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935343 Motion to Read Proposition Number 72 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935351 Motion to Read Proposition Number 73 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935361 Motion to Read Proposition Number 74 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935368 Motion to Read Proposition Number 75 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935378 Motion to Read Proposition Number 76 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935430 Motion to Read Proposition Number 81 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935559 Motion to Read Proposition Number 83 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935390 Motion to Read Proposition Number 84 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935403 Motion to Read Proposition Number 85 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935421 Motion to Read Proposition Number 86 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935444 Motion to Read Proposition Number 87 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935451 Motion to Read Proposition Number 88 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935461 Motion to Read Proposition Number 89 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935476 Motion to Read Proposition Number 90 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935536 Motion to Pay the Postman's Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the mail man be allowed his legitimate expenses in the matter of carrying the mails. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935541 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention take a recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935512 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935533 Motion to Adopt the Report on Proposition Number 63 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935542 Reports of the Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Other reports of the standing committees? Editorial
935595 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935545 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935558 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935565 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading the Minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935651 Refer Proposition Number 20 to the Committee on Legislative Department, Distribution of Powers and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition 20 be referred to the Committee on Legislative Department, Distribution of Powers and Apportionment.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935713 Motion to Stand at Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention stand at recess.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935717 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935723 Motion to Read Proposition Number 80 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935736 Motion to Read Proposition Number 82 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935761 Motion to Revert to First Readings None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention revert to the first readings of propositions.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935782 Motion to Submit a Complete Mailing List to the Mailing Clerks None 0 PROCEDURE [that a complete mailing list should be submitted to the mailing clerks with the specified number of copies each member may desire mailed.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935790 Motion to Amend Cunniff's Proposal to Allow Each Member Nine Copies to Mail None 0 PROCEDURE [To make nine the number that may be sent out or allowed by printing committee to each member for mailing purposes.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935804 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935605 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935622 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and this proposition read by title only... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
935633 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE There will be a meeting of the executive, impeachment and removal from office committee immediately after adjournment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935636 Motion to Revert to the Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE I move we revert to the order of business, reports of standing committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935687 Motion to Suspend the Rules to Read Proposition Number 119 by Title Only None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and this proposition be read by title only, referred to the printing committee and 500 copies ordered printed. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935737 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE Any committee work this afternoon? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935742 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until the usual time, 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935663 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935721 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935735 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935746 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and the reading of the minutes be dispensed with. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936129 Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and the proposition be read by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936167 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion to suspend the rules apply to the reading of all the propositions this morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936219 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that the proposition be read the second time and referred to the appropriate committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936224 Motion to Read Proposition Number 123 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937376 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 10 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
937417 Motion to Revert to Report of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention will refer back to the report of standing committees The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937492 Motion to Revert to Second Reading of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we revert to the second reading of propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936696 Motion to Read Proposition Number 91 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the propositions The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937498 Motion to Read Proposition Number 92 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937511 Motion to Read Proposition Number 93 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937421 Motion to Read Proposition Number 94 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937517 Motion to Read Proposition Number 95 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937531 Motion to Read Proposition Number 96 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937540 Motion to Read Proposition Number 97 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936701 Motion to Read Proposition Number 98 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937553 Motion to Read Proposition Number 99 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937561 Motion to Read Proposition Number 100 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937569 Motion to Read Proposition Number 101 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937580 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention stand at recess until 2p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935711 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935752 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, and to obtain information. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935759 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 25 in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition take its regular order on the calendar and be considered by the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935845 Motion to File a Minority Report on Proposition Number 81 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the the privilege of filing a minority report on this proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935852 Motion to Refer the Matter Back to the Committee on Railroads None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the matter be referred to the committee on railroads, so that all propositions reported on and the complete report of the committee may be submitted, at the same time. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican, The Arizona Republican
935868 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Labor and Refer Proposition Number 47 to the Legislative Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Labor be accepted, and that the proposition be referred to the legislative committee, as the committee desires. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936231 Motion to Accept the Report and Refer Proposition Number 39 to the Committee on Legislative Department, Distribution of Powers and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be accepted and the proposition be referred to the Committee The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935892 Motion to Read the Proposition by Title None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and that the proposition be read the first time by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935908 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the the convention stand adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935913 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE [That committee announcements be made.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935919 Motion to Refer the Petition on Prohibition to the Committee on Separate Submission None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Separate Submission. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935731 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935766 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935777 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935787 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE [Committee Announcements] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935791 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention take a recess until this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935751 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
935902 Motion to Create a Draft Based on the Suggestions in the Report from the Committee on Suffrage and Elections None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a measure be prepared, and a draft submitted embodying the suggestions made in the report of the Committee on Suffrage and Elections. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935945 Motion to Print Substitute Proposition Number 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute bill be ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935946 Motion to Print All Proposed Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE I amend that motion by adding to it that all proposed amendments be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936030 Motion to Adopt the Report on Proposition Number 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be accepted, and Proposition Number 7 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936090 Motion to Adopt the Report on Proposition Number 17 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Report on Proposition Number 17 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936138 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and that this proposition be read the first time by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936078 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee as to Proposition Number 21 be adopted, that the proposition be engrossed, and have a third reading. Editorial
936162 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that it be read the first time by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936179 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that Proposition Number 128 be read the first time by title, and no copies ordered printed... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936183 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Read Proposition Number 128 by Title Only None 0 PROCEDURE I move that under a suspension of the rules, it be read the first time by title only, and submitted to the proper committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936191 Motion Not to Print Proposition Number 128 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it not be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936237 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Under our rules, the convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936410 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936436 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee as to Proposition Number 21 be adopted, that the proposition be engrossed, and have a third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936439 Motion to Adopt the Committee of the Whole's Recommendation on Proposition Number 90 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee on Proposition Number 90 be adopted, and further consideration be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936443 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 31 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole on Proposition Number 31 be adopted, and that said proposition be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936448 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Propositions Numbers 46 and 51 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee as to Propositions Numbers 46 and 51, recommending that said propositions be referred to the Committee on Suffrage and Elections, be adopted, and said propositions be so referred. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936454 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 70 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole on Proposition Number 70 be adopted, and that said proposition as amended be engrossed, and have a third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936457 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 61 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee on Proposition Number 61 be adopted, and that said proposition be referred to committee number 3. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936461 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on the Special Report from the Committee on Suffrage and Elections on Direct Primary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole on the special report of the Committee on Suffrage and Elections relating to direct primary for the first state election, be adopted and that said matter be referred to the committee of the whole for Monday, October 31. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936464 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole on Proposition Number 19 be adopted, and that action on said proposition be postponed until Proposition Number 119 is before the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936468 Motion to Read Proposition Number 102 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936471 Motion to Read Proposition Number 103 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936476 Motion to Read Proposition Number 104 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936480 Motion to Read Proposition Number 105 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936484 Motion to Read Proposition Number 106 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936488 Motion to Read Proposition Number 107 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936498 Motion to Read Proposition Number 108 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936503 Motion to Read Proposition Number 109 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936508 Motion to Read Proposition Number 110 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936514 Motion to Read Proposition Number 111 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936520 Motion to Read Proposition Number 112 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936524 Motion to Read Proposition Number 113 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936528 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until 9 o'clock, Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935888 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Editorial
935897 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910, Statutes at Large, Volume 36
935912 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Editorial
935938 Motion to Adopt Standage's Resolution Extending Sympathy to Dr. Moeur at the Passing of His Mother None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937271 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Finance, Accounts and Expense for the Week Ending October 29th None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Editorial
935985 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935994 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 12 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of Resolution Number 12. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936031 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936065 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Read Propositions by Title Only None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended for today and all propositions on the secretary’s desk be read by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936209 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
936962 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
937057 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on the Resolution on Direct Primary None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937112 Motion on the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
937117 Motion to Read the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I would like the resolution read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937131 Motion to Appoint a Special Committee of Three to Comply with the Recommendation of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we place this report in the hands of a special committee to be appointed by the president. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937139 Motion to Revert to First Reading of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask unanimous consent to refer back to the introduction of propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936977 Motion to Print 1000 Copies of Proposition Number 139 None 0 PROCEDURE [That 1000 copies of Proposition Number 139 be printed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937156 Motion to Read Proposition Number 114 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
937175 Motion to Read Proposition Number 115 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937191 Motion to Read Proposition Number 116 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937204 Motion to Read Proposition Number 117 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937216 Motion to Read Proposition Number 118 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937232 Motion to Read Proposition Number 119 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937246 Motion to Read Proposition Number 120 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937250 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935870 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935950 Report from the Committee on Printing and Clerks on Proposition Numbers 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 and 120 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Numbers 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 and 120 be returned to the Convention.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
935932 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until 9 a.m. tomorrow. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936016 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936029 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936035 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937410 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 2 to the Committee on Printing and Clerks and Order 500 Copies Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this proposition be referred to the Committee on Printing and 500 copies be ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937941 Motion to Refer the Majority and Minority Reports on Proposition Number 18 to the Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Refer the Majority and Minority Reports on Proposition Number 18 to the Printing Committee The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938063 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Postpone Proposition Number 120 Indefinitely None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and proposition number 120 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938076 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Postpone Proposition Number 24 Indefinitely None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended, and consideration of Proposition Number 24 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938087 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Postpone Proposition Number 79 Indefinitely None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938094 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If it is the pleasure of the convention, the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938100 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938176 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 99 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938186 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 99 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 99 be indefinitely postponed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938193 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936010 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936017 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE [That committee announcements be made.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936128 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 70 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 70 be referred to the Committee of the Whole.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936160 Motion to Refer the Report from the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation on Phrasing of Legislature to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the foregoing recommendation be referred to the Committee of the Whole.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936195 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole, and the gentleman from Graham, Mr. Cobb, will take the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936572 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936908 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 70 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report of the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936930 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 70 as Recommended None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the recommendation on Proposition Number 70. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936957 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on the Report from the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation on Phrasing of Legislature None 0 PROCEDURE I move the recommendation of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937060 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 50 to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 50 be referred to the Committee on Judiciary The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937062 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937068 Notice of Resolution 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to introduce a proposition. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937071 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until tomorrow. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936602 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936605 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936607 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936619 Motion to Put Matters for the Committee of the Whole on the Calendar for the Next Day None 0 PROCEDURE My understanding of the rules is that when a matter is referred to the committee of the whole, it should be put on the calendar for the following day, in order that members of the convention may have a chance for sober study, in order to take wise action. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936625 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we stand at recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936627 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936630 Motion to Refer the Resolutions from the Northern Arizona Bar Association to the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I desire that we move that they be referred to the judiciary committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936662 Motion to Lay the Report from the Committee on Printing and Clerks on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be laid on the table. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936681 Motion to Bring up Substitute Proposition Number 4 in the Committee of the Whole on Friday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 4 and all amendments thereto be made a special order for the committee of the whole Friday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936686 Motion to Print the Proposed Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to ask that the proposed amendments go to the printing committee for the purpose of being printed and ready for the session Friday. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936717 Motion to Read Proposition Number 121 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936721 Motion to Read Proposition Number 122 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936725 Motion to Read Proposition Number 124 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936731 Motion to Read Proposition Number 125 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936737 Motion to Read Proposition Number 126 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936743 Motion to Read Proposition Number 127 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936749 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and Proposition Number 128 be read a second time by title only. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936751 Motion to Read Proposition Number 128 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936757 Motion to Read Proposition Number 129 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936763 Motion to Read Proposition Number 130 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936771 Motion to Read Proposition Number 131 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936777 Motion to Read Proposition Number 132 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936783 Committee Announcements from the Committee on Suffrage and Elections None 0 PROCEDURE There will be a public meeting of the Committee on Suffrage and Elections this afternoon at 3 o’clock in the council chamber, for the hearing of the woman suffrage question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936785 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that the convention stand adjourned until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936787 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936790 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936792 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936795 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936862 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936898 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention take a recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936906 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936912 Motion to Read Proposition Number 133 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936928 Motion to Read Proposition Number 135 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936936 Motion to Read Proposition Number 136 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936945 Motion to Read Proposition Number 137 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936952 Motion to Read Proposition Number 138 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937024 Motion to Read Proposition Number 139 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937033 Motion to Read Proposition Number 140 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937044 Motion to Read Proposition Number 141 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937052 Motion to Read Proposition Number 142 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936966 Motion to Read Proposition Number 143 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936976 Motion to Read Proposition Number 144 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936989 Motion to Read Proposition Number 145 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937000 Motion to Read Proposition Number 146 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937013 Motion to Read Proposition Number 147 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937063 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Perhaps that is clear, but it seems to me that we can hardly refer it to two committees at the same time. That was the only question in my mind. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937066 Motion to Read Proposition Number 68 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937076 Motion to Furnish Governor with Copies of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I move you...that [the Governor] be furnished with a copy of each one of these propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937082 Motion to Furnish the Director of the Census None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the secretary be authorized and instructed to furnish the director of the census with the boundary line between Greenlee and Graham counties. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937083 Motion to Request that Mr. Cobb Furnish the Data to the Director of the Census None 0 PROCEDURE I moved as an amendment, as a relief to the secretary, that the gentleman from Graham, Mr. Cobb, be requested to furnish the data. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937086 Motion to Record Osborn's Vote on Proposition Number 68 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have my vote recorded on that, if possible. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937090 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 o’clock in the morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937092 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937095 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937097 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937100 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937240 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937243 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937140 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937148 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole, and Mr. Goldwater will resume the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937400 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937203 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937161 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937166 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise as the chaplain leads us in prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937173 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937185 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentleman of the convention, we will now go into the committee of the whole to resume the discussion of Proposition Number 4, with Mr. Goldwater in the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937190 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937493 Motion to Adopt Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
937496 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adjourn until regular hour on Monday. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937261 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937269 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will arise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937273 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937337 Motion to Adopt Cunniff's Amendment to Proposition Number 68 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the amendment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937367 Motion to Put Substitute Proposition Number 18 on the Committee of the Whole Calendar for November 8th None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition Number 18 be made special order for Committee of the Whole, November 8th.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937370 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937375 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937847 Motion to Accept the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Substitute Proposition Number 4 and Associated Reports None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937887 Motion to Engross Substitute Proposition Number 4 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall the proposition be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937892 Motion to Adjourn until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937895 Motion to Read Proposition Number 134 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE Second reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937819 Motion to Put the Report on Proposition Number 2 on the Committee of the Whole Calendar for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be put on the calendar of the committee of the whole, and come before that committee tomorrow. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937899 Motion to Adjourn until 7:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the convention take a recess it be until 7:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937901 Motion to Adjourn until 2:00 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take recess until 2 o'clock this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937287 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937326 Motion to Refer the Communication from the Common Council of the City of Phoenix to the Committee on Military Affairs None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937343 Motion to Adjourn to 09:00, November 8, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 9 a.m., November 8, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937357 Motion to Adjourn to 09:30, November 8, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 9:30, November 8, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937364 Motion to Change Hour of Afternoon Sessions to 19:30 None 0 PROCEDURE To fix the hour of meeting for the afternoon session at 7:30 p.m. beginning November 8, 1910. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937384 Motion to Adjourn to 09:30, November 8, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 9:30 a.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937390 Motion to Adjourn to 19:30, November 7, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 7:30 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937394 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now adjourn. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937408 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937418 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937424 Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937438 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the rules be suspended and that [General Thomas] be granted the privilege of the convention hall. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937764 Motion to Print 500 Copies of Substitute Proposition Number 82 and the Minority Report on Substitute Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE [That 500 copies of the Committee Substitute Proposition Number 82 and minority report be printed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937795 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
938043 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938120 Motion to Adopt the Committee of the Whole Recommendation on Proposition Number 2 None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, shall the committee of the whole report on Proposition Number 2 be adopted? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938130 Motion that Proposition Number 2 Be Engrossed and Have a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938171 Motion to Take Recess until 2:00 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess until 2:00 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938173 Motion to Take Recess until 7:30pm None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess until 7:30 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938180 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand adjourned until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937501 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937506 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937509 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937520 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937524 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937563 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 69 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
937566 Motion to Revert to the Report of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I would like revert to the report of standing committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
937587 Motion to Refer Substitute Proposition Number 33 to the Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute proposition of the committee be referred to the printing committee and the usual number of copies be printed without printing the original proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937600 Motion to Print 500 Copies of the Report from the Committee on Executive on Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that 500 copies be ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937612 Motion to Defer Consideration of the Report from the Committee on Executive on Proposition Number 114 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be considered with the report of the committee on the bills printed in the former report, as it covers the same ground, and that the consideration of this report be deferred until the former report on the printed substitute bill is before the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937665 Motion to Read Proposition Number 2 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937673 Motion to Revise the Schedule of Committee Meetings None 0 PROCEDURE It seems to me we had better have a revision of the schedule of committee meetings, so that a delegate is not prevented from doing his duty. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937681 Motion to Take a Recess until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee take a recess until 2 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937684 Motion to Adjourn to 9.30 a.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937686 Motion to Adjourn to 7:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 7:30 p.m. November 9, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937697 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937700 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937709 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937775 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Judiciary on Proposition Number 84 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee report the adoption [be adopted], and this be referred to the legislative committee number 2. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937817 Motion for a Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for the same privilege on the record as to this, Mr. President. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937885 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole. Editorial
937886 Motion to Take a 15 Minute Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move you we take a recess of fifteen minutes before we go into the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937909 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937923 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938147 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938179 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
938192 Motion to Engross Substitute Proposition Number 18 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938200 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention now stand adjourned until 9:30 tomorrow morning. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938033 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938060 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938068 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938124 Committee Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask the chairman of the Committee on Education, if he is going to make a report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938131 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939428 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939457 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939492 Motion to Make Proposition Number 82 and Substitute Proposition Number 82 a Special Order for Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE [I]t is moved that the report of the committee of the whole on Proposition Number 82 be made special order for tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939521 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 143 and Substitute Proposition Number 143 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939534 Motion to Adjourn to 9:30 Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939537 Motion to Adjourn to 2:30pm, November 11, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the motion be amended to adjourn to 2:30pm, November 11, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938022 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938030 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938037 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938048 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Under the rules the convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938861 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938915 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted, and that Proposition Number 82 and substitute therefore be made special order as recommended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938926 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted, and the proposition do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938935 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition as amended be engrossed and have a third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938954 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 114 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938974 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 80 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938983 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 57 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938999 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 125 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939022 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 74 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted, and that further consideration of Proposition Number 74 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939039 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 71 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939053 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 92 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939080 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation Concerning Proposition Number 135 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939102 Motion to Adjourn until 2:00 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 2 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939113 Motion to Adjourn until 9:30 a.m. on Monday None 0 PROCEDURE I amend the motion to adjourn until 9:30 Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938208 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938215 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938227 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938330 Motion to Adopt Resolution 14 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938338 Motion to Reconsider Adopt Vote on Resolution Number 14 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention reconsider the vote by which Resolution Number 14 was passed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938576 Motion to Refer Substitution Proposition Number 15 to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Printing. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938595 Cunniff's Remarks on Indefinite Postponement None 0 PROCEDURE When a committee makes a report, the report state the reason why the committee indefinitely postpones a proposition The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938610 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will resolve itself into the committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938901 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The President resumed the chair. The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938913 Motion to Adopt the Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee of the Whole report be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938916 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938232 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938234 Winsor's Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a question of personal privilege... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938235 Parsons' Question of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to add just a word to what the gentleman from Yuma has said... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938244 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938693 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938718 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 140 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of this report. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938727 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the recommendation from the Committee of the Whole on Proposition Number 82 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938732 Motion to Adjourn to 19:30 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess until 7:30 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938745 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9:30 o’clock The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938237 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938249 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will arise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938254 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938326 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole for consideration of Proposition Number 82. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938649 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938664 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938689 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move [we] take a recess until 2 o'clock The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938721 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938734 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939640 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Substitute Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939642 Motion to Engross and Read Substitute Proposition Number 82 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939643 Motion to Additionally Task the Committee on Style, Revision, and Compilation with Providing the Salary for the Superior Courts None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that in addition to the regular duties of the committee on style, revision and compilation that it provide for superior courts for Navajo, Coconino and Apache counties at a salary of $3,500. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
939645 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938766 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938771 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, we have for consideration several propositions, and if there is no objection the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole Editorial
938776 Motion to Take a Recess until 8:30 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Goldwater moved, seconded by Mr. Roberts that the Convention stand at recess until 8:30 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938784 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939313 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939650 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn to the usual time tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938941 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order and the secretary will omit the roll call. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938948 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938955 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939054 Webb's Point of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of personal privilege The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939074 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, the convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939402 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939488 Motion to Refer Back to Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection we will refer back to reports of standing committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939672 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938973 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939099 Motion to Refer Proposition Numbers 10, 11, 56, 59, 65, 83, 106, 122, 126 and 147 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that all these be laid over to come before the committee of the whole when the presented is returned. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939106 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [I]f there are no objections the convention will resolve itself into the committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939705 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939714 Motion to Adopt Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the recommendation of the report on Proposition Number 75, that it be indefinitely postponed, be adopted, and that the recommendations on Propositions Number 73, 44 and 41 be deferred until the report of the committee on education and public institutions be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939719 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the convention adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9:30 o’clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939158 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939166 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939171 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939195 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole and the chair desires to honor another of its native sons, by approaching Mr. Colter of Apache county to act as chairman of the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939202 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939481 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole on Propositions Number 26 and 27 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole and the recommendation of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939487 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 26 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Proposition Number 26 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939493 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 27 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention indefinitely postpone Proposition Number 27. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939743 Motion to Print 500 Copies of Substitute Proposition Number 40 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move that the substitute proposition only be referred to the printing committee and 500 copies ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939751 Motion to Print 500 Copies of Substitute Proposition Number 52 None 0 PROCEDURE I request that it be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939760 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939329 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939342 Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore am forced to demand a call of the house at this time. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939348 Motion to Dispense with Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Call of the House be dispensed with.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939354 Motion to Dispense with Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I will again move (and this time in good faith and I shall vote for my motion) that further proceedings under the call of the house be dispensed with. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939386 Motion to Refer the Report from the Committee on Labor to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection the report will be received, and come up in the committee of the whole tomorrow. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939388 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection the convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940053 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940169 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939572 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939586 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939588 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939597 Request that the Committees Report Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I am going to suggest that tomorrow we will expect a report from each of these committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939601 Motion to Recess until 2pm None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess until 2 o'clock to enable these committees to have a morning session. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939607 Motion to Hold Regular Night Sessions None 0 PROCEDURE I, therefore, move that commencing with tonight we have night sessions until the work is completed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939613 Motion to Schedule 7:30pm Session for November 18, 1910 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we adjourn this afternoon we adjourn to meet at 7:30 this evening. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939620 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until 2 o’clock this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939637 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939697 Motion to Refer Substitute Proposition Number 22 to Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute be referred to the committee on printing. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940088 Motion to Print 500 Copies of Substitute Proposition Number 125 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940387 Motion to Refer to Printing Committee and Print 500 Copies None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the printing committee and 500 copies ordered printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940999 Motion to Adopt Report from the Committee on Style on Proposition Number 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941028 Motion to Re-refer Report from the Committee on Style on Proposition Number 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be re-referred to the committee on style, revision and compilation for verification and correction of this matter. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941067 Committee on Railroads Announcements None 0 PROCEDURE [That a reply had been sent to George A. Olney of Safford, Arizona.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941074 Motion to Give Committee on Railroads, and on Suffrage and Election Permission to Print their Reports None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee on Railroads, and on Suffrage and Election be given permission to print their reports without further reporting to the Convention.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941077 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, we will now resolve ourselves into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942367 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942399 Motion to Re-Refer Proposition Number 141 to the Committee on Labor None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proposition be re-referred to the committee on labor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942400 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942406 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of this report be postponed and that the convention stand at recess until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942408 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939718 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939723 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now rise for the invocation by the chaplain. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939731 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942466 Motion to Re-refer Proposition Numbers 141 and 137 to Committee on Labor None 0 PROCEDURE I move that those propositions be referred back to the Committee on Labor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942473 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 134 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Proposition Number 134 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942477 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole's Recommendation on Proposition Number 48 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942482 Motion to Accept Baker's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would accept that but I still believe that the first amendment should carry. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942488 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 48 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of Proposition Number 48. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942490 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, this is entirely out of the question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942491 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Editorial
942534 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 76 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942536 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 76 to the Committee on Labor None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be referred to the Committee on Labor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942537 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 76 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 76 be indefinitely postponed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942539 Motion to Recommit Proposition Number 76 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this proposition be recommitted to the Committee on Labor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Statutes at Large, Volume 36
942548 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [I]f there is no objection the convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942580 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942584 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess to 2 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942586 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942588 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942751 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942765 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942767 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942796 Motion to Adjourn to 7:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 7:30. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942797 Motion to Adjourn to 9:30 a.m. Monday None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment that it be changed to read 9:30 Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939785 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939797 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939807 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940188 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the committee report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940744 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940914 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941613 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941617 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o’clock this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939789 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939868 Motion to Print 500 Copies of Substitute Proposition Number 78 None 0 PROCEDURE [That 500 copies of Substitute Proposition Number 78 be printed.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940096 Motion to Issue Requisitions for Necessary Supplies None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Secretary be instructed to issue requisitions for such necessary supplies as are requested by the members of the Convention.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940105 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 15 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940131 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE We are now ready to take up the order of the day, and if there is no objection the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole with the gentleman from Maricopa, Mr. Cassidy, in the chair, to take up unfinished business. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940138 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943501 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I move we indefinitely postpone all these propositions. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943504 Motion to Place Proposition Numbers 73, 100, and 44 on Calendar None 0 PROCEDURE All in favor of placing Propositions Numbers 73, 15, 100 and 44 on the calendar as a special order when Substitute Proposition Number 15 is returned from the printer, will answer “aye;” opposed “no.” Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943539 Motion to Adopt the Committee Amendments to Propositions Number 43 and 93 and Substitute Proposition Number 52 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall Substitute Propositions Numbers 64, 43, and 52, and Proposition Number 93 be passed as amended? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943566 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940285 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940288 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers a prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940292 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940500 Motion to Put Proposition Number 2 on Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be put on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940519 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 139 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proposition as amended be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940524 Motion to Reading Proposition Number 139 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940530 Final Passage for Proposition Number 139 None 0 PROCEDURE Those in favor of final passage will answer "aye" as their names are called; those opposed "no." The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940574 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, the convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940579 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940912 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 1:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940303 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940309 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole, and the gentleman from Yavapai, Mr. Cunniff, will take the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940428 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942010 Motion to Pass Substitute Proposition Number 15 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE That Proposition Number 15 do pass as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942018 Motion to Engross Substitute Proposition Number 15 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942031 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Propositions Number 41, 73, 100 and 44 None 0 PROCEDURE Adoption of recommendation that Number 41, Number 73, Number 100 and Number 44 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942050 Motion to Engross Substitute Proposition Number 125 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942064 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 88 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942068 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 72 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942075 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 47 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942079 Motion to Postpone Propositions Number 42, 46, 128, 30, 111, 51 and 117 in Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Numbers 42, 46, Number 128, Number 30, Number 111, Number 51, Number 117 be deferred and come up with Substitute Proposition Number 21.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942089 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 108 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942111 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 91 None 0 PROCEDURE That Proposition Number 91 do follow the same course. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942145 Motion to Pass Proposition Number 50 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition Number 50 do pass as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942157 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 50 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a Third Reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942168 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 95 None 0 PROCEDURE Proposition Number 95 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942176 Motion to Postpone Proposition Number 28 and Memorial Number 1 in Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 28 and Memorial Number 1 be deferred until the Committee on Public Lands' report is taken up in committee of the whole.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942180 Motion to Revert to Committee Reports None 0 PROCEDURE I ask leave to revert to the order of business reports of the committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943506 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that when the convention adjourns it adjourns to take a recess until 7:30 o’clock this evening. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940301 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940664 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941434 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 Editorial
941536 Motion to Adopt Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941551 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn to 9:30 tomorrow. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940919 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940924 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will arise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940931 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940953 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection the convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941250 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941273 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941257 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention take recess until 1:30. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941268 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941270 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection, the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941276 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order and the gentleman from Maricopa will report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942033 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 6 Be Engrossed and Have a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be engrossed and have a third reading, and be referred to the committee on style, revision and compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942077 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 6 Be Engrossed and Have a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be engrossed and have a third reading, and be referred to the committee on style, revision and compilation. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942093 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942096 Motion to Refer Back to Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for unanimous consent to refer back to reports of standing committees. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942230 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Labor Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942240 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 7:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941577 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941675 Motion to Appoint a Committee to Draw Up a Resolution to be Sent to Collier's Weekly None 0 PROCEDURE I believe the president of this convention should appoint a committee to draw up a resolution to be sent to Collier's Weekly and other papers of this country telling them that the convention that is drawing up the constitution for the new state of Arizona contains not only an overwhelmingly democratic majority, but an overwhelmingly progressive democratic majority, and is a convention that stands for the initiative, referendum and recall; that stands for a rule of the people and for the people. The Arizona Republican The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941678 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e will now resolve ourselves into a committee of the whole, with the gentleman from Graham, Mr. Simms is in the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942973 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943015 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943023 Committee of the Whole Recommendation to Indefinitely Postpone Propositions Number 105, 37, 67, 101, 53, 118, and 29 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention indefinitely postpones Propositions Number 105, 37, 67, 101, 53, 118, and 29. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943034 Committee of the Whole Recommendation to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 113 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition Number 113 be adopted as amended.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943045 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 113 Be Engrossed and Have a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943049 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9:30 o’clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941635 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941647 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941663 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention dispense with the reading of the Minutes.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941671 Motion to Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be approved as if read.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941699 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 16 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942271 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943275 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944317 Motion to Adopt the Committee Recommendation on Propositions Number 34, 142, 25, 81, 109, 36, 38, 49, 77, 42, 46, 128, 30, 111, 51, 84, 32, 87, and 85 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the propositions be indefinitely postponed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944350 Motion to Pass Substitute Proposition Number 107 as amended. None 0 PROCEDURE That [Substitution Proposition Number 107] do pass as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944365 Motion to pass Substitute Section 7 of Proposition Number 33 None 0 PROCEDURE That [substitute section 7 of] Proposition Number 33 do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944376 Motion to Pass Substitute Proposition Number 140 None 0 PROCEDURE That Substitute Proposition Number 140 do pass The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944383 Motion to Pass Substitute Proposition Number 103 as amended. None 0 PROCEDURE That Substitute Proposition Number 103 do pass as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
944400 Notice that Goldwater Will Make a Motion to Reconsider Substitute Proposition Number 103 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to give notice that on tomorrow I will make a motion for reconsideration of this bill. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944405 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this convention now take recess until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942250 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942255 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the Chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942257 Motion to Dispense with Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, the minutes, owing to the holiday, have not been written up, and we will have to dispense with them this morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942259 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Place Remaining Propositions on a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended and we put them on third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942262 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942265 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943183 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee of the whole be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943187 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Numbers 23, 60, 132, 110, 86, 136, 112 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Propositions Numbers 23, 60, 132, 110, 86, 136, and 12 be indefinitely postponed. Editorial
943207 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 137 Be Read a Third Time and Referred to Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 137 be engrossed, have a third reading and be referred to the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943218 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 141 Be Read a Third Time and Referred to Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 141 be engrossed, have a third reading and referred to the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942829 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, we will call the convention to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942834 Motion to Take a 15 Minute Recess None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, we will call the convention to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942843 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942854 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942888 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942979 Motion to Appoint Select Committee of Three on the Matter of the State Seal None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the chair appoint a select committee of three to investigate this matter of a seal. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942988 Motion to Proceed with the Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move we proceed with the third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943107 Motion to Read Proposition Number 47 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943177 Motion to Read Proposition Number 108 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943266 Motion to Read Proposition Number 72 for a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944512 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 140 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944541 Motion to Reconsider the Ruling on Proposition Number 72 None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to ask the President to reconsider the ruling by which the Chair declared Proposition Number 72 defeated. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944810 Motion to Reconsider Substitute Proposition Number 103 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to make my motion for reconsideration of Substitute Proposition Number 103. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944831 Motion to Re-Commit Substitute Proposition Number 103 to the Committee on Legislative Department None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the bill be re-referred to the committee that report it so that they may bring it in again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944834 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Substitute Proposition Number 103 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend and move that the proposition be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943318 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the convention will now resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944875 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944887 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 7:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943080 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by President. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943136 Appointment of the Select Committee on the Seal of the State of Arizona None 0 PROCEDURE [That a select committee to investigate and report to the Convention upon a proposed deal for the State of Arizona consist of Ellinwood, Baker, and Wells.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943161 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, we shall resolve ourselves into a committee of the whole, and the gentleman from Gila, Mr. Weinberger, will take the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944720 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944722 Motion to Record Connelly as Voting No on Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, can I go on the journal as voting no on this proposition? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944730 Motion to Adopt the Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944732 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 94 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944734 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move we suspend the rules. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944736 Motion to Reconsider Section 21 of Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE I voted to sustain the section as it is and for the satisfaction of the gentleman I move a reconsideration of section 21. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944743 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention adjourn until the usual hour tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943263 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943271 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943274 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943294 Motion to Reconsider Substitute Proposition Number 60 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that the vote by which Proposition Number 60 was indefinitely postponed be reconsidered. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943299 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 60 Be Read a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Proposition Number 60 be placed on third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943302 Motion to Make Substitute Proposition Number 60 a Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition No. 60 be made a special order for 2 p.m., November 26th, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943321 Motion to Make Substitute Proposition Number 60 a Special Order for Monday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be taken up Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943360 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections the convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943372 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943962 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we stand at recess until 1:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943291 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943293 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention if there is no objection the convention will resolve itself into the committee of the whole, with the gentleman from Cochise, Mr. Tovrea, in the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944214 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 127 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 127 be indefinitely postponed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944216 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Substitute Proposition Number 66 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition Number 66 be indefinitely postponed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944233 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 78 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944261 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn to 9:30 o’clock Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943970 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order... Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943973 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944288 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944443 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944454 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 1:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944459 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944463 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole to finish unfinished business The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944495 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944497 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections the secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944504 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944605 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order and the gentleman from Navajo county, Mr. Scott, will report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944830 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Propositions Number 28, 13, 16, and 129 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Propositions Number 28, 13, 16, and 129 are indefinitely postponed.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944835 Motion to Adopt Memorial Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Memorial Number 1 be adopted.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944491 Motion to Engross Memorial Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Memorial Number 1] be engrossed and have a third reading The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947509 Motion to Engross Substitute Proposition Number 60 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition Number 60 be engrossed and have a third reading.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944840 Motion to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 58 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition Number 58 be adopted as amended.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944849 Motion to Engross Substitute Proposition Number 58 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Substitute Proposition Number 58] be engrossed and have a third reading The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944869 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 137 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944889 Final Passage for Proposition Number 145 None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of Proposition Number 145. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944910 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 145 None 0 PROCEDURE I move indefinite postponement of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944915 Motion to Refer to Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention now refer to reports of standing committees and take up the reports made this morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944922 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944967 Motion for a Division of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that this question be divided, and voted upon separately. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945009 Final Passage of Substitute Proposition Number 4 None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945114 Motion to Print Substitute Proposition Number 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that it be printed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945120 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944456 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944460 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944466 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE We will now have the reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944477 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 66 in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e have one proposition to come before the committee of the whole, Proposition Number 66. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944515 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 60 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Those in favor of adopting Proposition Number 60 will answer “aye;” those opposed “nay,” when the roll is called. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944528 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Substitute Proposition Number 60 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Proposition Number 60 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944536 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 60 None 0 PROCEDURE I make the same motion: That Proposition Number 60 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944755 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that further consideration of the entire proposition be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
944775 Motion to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I move that the proposition be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944777 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE The question comes up on the third reading of the proposition. Call the roll on the third reading—final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944780 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 43 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition as amended be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944782 Motion to Read Proposition Number 43 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Third reading of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944791 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 119 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 119 be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944794 Motion to Read Proposition Number 119 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE The question will come up on the final passage. Call the roll, Mr. Secretary. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944796 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move to take a recess until 2 o’clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944808 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944816 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess subject to the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944819 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944822 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944825 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945002 Motion to Adopt Committee of the Whole Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945018 Motion to Adopt the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition read by the gentleman from Graham be copied verbatim from the Utah constitution. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945020 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Adopt the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended and this be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945024 Motion that the Rules Be Suspended and the Utah Article Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that the rules be suspended and the article in the Utah constitution on “water rights” be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945035 Point of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to arise to a question of personal privilege. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
945055 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945067 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn until 7:30 p.m.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945068 Motion to Adjourn to 9:30 A.M. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
944854 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944858 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944861 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944895 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections the convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole, and the gentleman from Pima, Mr. Kingan, will take the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946036 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946046 Motion to Adjourn to 14:00 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2:00. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946047 Motion to Adjourn until 13:30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2:00. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944942 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944952 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I should like to call the attention of the members of the convention to rule 33 of our standing rules, subdivision H, as it appears on page 10, as this is the last day before pay stops at which this condition shall arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
945030 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, gentlemen, the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole to go on with the business that was being considered when we took a recess. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945071 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now come to order... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946341 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946433 Motion to Engross Proposition Number 148 - Election Ordinance 2 None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945121 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a division of the question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945134 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945142 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945241 Motion to Approve Section 10 of Substitute Proposition Number 82 as It Stands None 0 PROCEDURE I move the section be approved as it stands. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945174 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945346 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945728 Motion to Adopt Section 10 as Read by Winsor None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that it is the sense of the convention that section 10 as read by Mr. Winsor be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945746 Motion to Refer Section 10 of Substitute Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that section 10 be referred to the committee... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945751 Motion to Pass Substitute Proposition Number 82 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 82 as amended do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946476 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 140 Approved None 0 PROCEDURE [That in view of the fact that Proposition No. 140 was incorporated in Substitute Proposition No. 82, that Proposition No. 140 be considered adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946609 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 33 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that Substitute Proposition Number 33, with section 7, as amended, and adopted by the committee of the whole, be adopted and revised. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946684 Motion to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 33 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that committee Substitute Proposition Number 33 as amended do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947229 Motion to Adopt Substitute Paragraph 7 of Substitute Proposition Number 33 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute paragraph 7 of Substitute Proposition Number 33 be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946255 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946257 Motion Refer Section 1 of Proposition 6 to Legislative Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to section 1 that it be referred back to the legislative committee, and that the legislative committee be increased by a member from Pima County, Greenlee County, Coconino County and Mohave County. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946278 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 6 None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e will call the roll on the final passage of the bill. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947241 Motion to Re-print All Adopted Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE move that these propositions that I have mentioned, Preamble, Boundaries, Declaration of Rights, Distribution of Powers, Initiative and Referendum, Legislative Department, Executive Department, Impeachment, and Judiciary, be referred to the Committee on Printing and sent to the printer, and the usual number of copies printed. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947244 Motion to Order the Committee on Style to Abbreviate "Section" to "Sec." upon Engrossment None 0 PROCEDURE I, therefore, move that in the engrossing the word “Sections” be abbreviated. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947247 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945077 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945080 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise for prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945082 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE We will have the reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945086 Motion to Postpone the Communication None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the communication be laid on the table until Substitute Proposition 113 is before the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945087 Motion to Refer the Communication to the Committee on Railroads and Public Service Corporations None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the communication be referred to the Committee on Railroads and Public Service Corporations. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945095 Motion to Print Engrossed Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I think it would be expeditious to have these propositions, which are now ready printed at once, and those which are not quite ready will be so by noon. It will hurry matters up to have this printing done as fast as they are finished by the committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945115 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 18 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945160 Motion to Re-refer Section 4 to Committee on Style and Revision None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 5 be referred back to the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation for the amendment on the line I suggest. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945193 Motion that Substitute Proposition Number 18 Be Read a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE It comes up on third reading. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945204 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection, the convention will resolve itself into a committee of the whole. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945209 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945306 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be Those in favor of adopting the report of the committee will answer “aye;” those opposed will answer “no.” and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945309 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 8 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it be engrossed and have a third reading? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945311 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o’clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945129 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945191 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945200 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 40 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945235 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945251 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 40 as Read None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted as read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945253 Motion to Re-Refer Substitute Proposition Number 40 to the Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the matter be re-referred to the committee on style, revision and compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945276 Motion to Re-refer Proposition Number 47 to the Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent to have Proposition Number 47 re-referred to the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945287 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Recommendation on Proposition Number 141 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945292 Motion to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 141 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 141 as amended be adopted by the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945303 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 141 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945726 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Recommendation on Proposition Number 93 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945749 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 93 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that further consideration of Proposition Number 93 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945771 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 93 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945778 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 93 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proposition be now adopted as it reads. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945780 Final Passage for Proposition Number 93 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945792 Motion to Adopt the Engrossed Copy of Proposition Number 50 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the proposition be adopted as in the engrossed copy. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945817 Motion to Adopt the Proposition as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proposition be adopted as revised and amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945840 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Style on Proposition Number 108 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945861 Final Passage for Proposition Number 108 None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no further amendments, we will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945968 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 61 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945974 Final Passage for Proposition Number 61 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945998 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 107 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946008 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 107 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on the final passage of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946012 Motion to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 64 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946015 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 64 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946022 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report on Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946048 Motion to Re-refer Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we re-refer it to them to draw up another provision. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946057 Final Passage for Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the bill be placed on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946094 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 91 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946097 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 91 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proposition be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946121 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn until 9:30 a.m., December 2, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946129 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection, the convention will go into a committee of the whole, with the gentleman from Santa Cruz, Mr. Curtis, in the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945390 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945404 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole be adopted.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945406 Motion to Read Proposition Number 150 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Shall it have a third reading? Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945408 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now adjourn until 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945317 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945324 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE A quorum is present and the members will please rise for the chaplain’s prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945326 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945470 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 150 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 150 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945476 Motion that Proposition Number 150 Be Read a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on third reading for final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945484 Final Passage of Proposition Number 150 None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the proposition will be placed on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945521 Motion to Adopt Proposition Number 9 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945530 Final Passage for Proposition Number 9 None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the secretary will call the roll on third reading for final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945587 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Proposition Number 48 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Report of the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation be adopted.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945598 Final Passage for Proposition Number 48 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945610 Motion to Adopt the Report on Substitute Proposition Number 137 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition as revised and amended be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945625 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 137 None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no further amendments the roll will be called on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945632 Reconsideration of Proposition Number 48 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to move reconsideration of Proposition Number 48 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945644 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945356 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945359 Recess None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the convention will stand at ease until the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945364 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order[.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945410 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 52 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945442 Final Passage of Substitute Proposition Number 52 None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he secretary will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945446 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 22 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945522 Final Passage of Substitute Proposition Number 22 None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he secretary will call the roll. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945620 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 113 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945646 Final Passage of Substitute Proposition Number 113 None 0 PROCEDURE We will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945653 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move you we adjourn. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945658 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Style on Substitute Proposition Number 15 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation be accepted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945669 Final Passage of Substitute Proposition Number 15 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945677 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn to 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. A great many have already left. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945667 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945676 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please rise for the chaplain’s invocation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945680 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will now read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945681 Motion to Dispense with Further Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the further reading of the minutes be dispensed with. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945688 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE ...the convention will stand at ease at the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945691 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945701 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 47 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945703 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 47 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will call the roll on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945729 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 58 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945820 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 58 None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no other amendments the secretary will call the roll on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945772 Motion to Adopt the Report on Substitute Proposition Number 106 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945912 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945917 Motion to Reconsider the Amendment Concerning the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A None 0 PROCEDURE I should like to move a reconsideration of the vote by which we removed the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. from the exempted class. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
945936 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o’clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945940 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945946 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE [That a call of the House be taken.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945951 Motion to Dispense with the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE [That the call of the House be dispensed with.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945999 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 106 None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any other amendments? If not, we will call the roll on the final passage of the bill. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946031 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Section 14 of Substitute Proposition Number 22 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946043 Final Passage of Section 14 of Substitute Proposition Number 22 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on that section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946070 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 40 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946106 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 40 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on the final passage of the bill. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946122 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 78 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946140 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 78 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on the final passage of the bill. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946155 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946167 Cobb's Amendment to Adopt Section 2 of Substitute Proposition Number 21 Be Adopted as Read None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that section 2 be adopted as read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946200 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946212 Motion to Refer Substitute Proposition Number 21 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be referred to the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946214 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Suffrage and Elections to Furnish a Revised Copy of the Defeated Bill None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the Committee on Suffrage and Elections be instructed to furnish a revised copy of the bill just defeated, covering the bill on suffrage and election. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946216 Motion to Adopt the Bill without the Amendment Concerning Female Suffrage None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the form as it reads be adopted, without the last amendment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946218 Motion to Reconsider Substitute Proposition Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move a re-consideration of the vote. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
946227 Motion to Adopt Substitute Proposition Number 21 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be adopted as it now reads. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
946229 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention adjourn until 9:30 o’clock Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946145 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946154 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will arise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946158 Postponement of the Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he minutes are not quite ready, so we will have to dispense with the reading of them for a while. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946165 Motion to Refer the Letter to a Committee of One None 0 PROCEDURE I move the letter be submitted to a committee of one consisting of Mr. Connelly. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
946197 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946302 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 8 None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e will call roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946313 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Substitute Proposition Number 54 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946315 Final Passage for Substitute Proposition Number 54 None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any amendments to be offered? If not, we will call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946328 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 88 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946344 Final Passage on Proposition Number 88 None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
946353 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 72 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946362 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Proposition Number 72 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946370 Final Passage on Proposition Number 72 None 0 PROCEDURE The question now comes up on the final passage of Proposition Number 72 as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946386 Motion to Rescind the Decision on Proposition Number 103 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the action taken on the legislative bureau [Proposition Number 103] be rescinded and the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation be instructed to report the bill to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946399 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation to Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment that the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation be instructed to report, but also be authorized to strike out the provision for “clerks for the legislature,” so it will not include that part of the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946403 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946418 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946432 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946436 Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946438 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the reading of the Minutes be dispensed with.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946443 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Education and Public Institutions to Bring in a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I move you the matter of providing for public and penal institutions be referred to the Committee on Education and Public Institutions, with instructions to bring in a proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
946471 Motion for Unanimous Consent to Introduce a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to offer this as a proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946477 Motion to Adjourn until 7:30 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand adjourned until 7:30 o’clock this evening. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946495 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Read Proposition Number 151 a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended and we have it read a second time. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946498 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Read Proposition Number 151 a Third Time None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and it be placed on final passage and referred to the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946505 Motion to Refer Proposition Number 151 to Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 151 be referred to Committee of Style] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946521 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we stand at recess subject to the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946537 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946542 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Style Report on Proposition Number 151 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946544 Final Passage for Proposition Number 151 None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no amendments, the secretary will call the roll on the final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946426 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 153 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be deferred until my colleague is present. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946427 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 7:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946381 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946401 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Refer Proposition Number 152 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended and the proposition read a second time by title only and referred to the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946430 Motion that Proposition Number 153 Be Read a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Number 153 be read a second time and referred to the Committee of the Whole] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
946435 Motion to Reconsider Moeur's Amendment to Substitute Proposition Number 106 None 0 PROCEDURE I should like to have a reconsideration. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946446 Motion to Make the Correction before Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I think that the correction should be made before it goes to the printer, and I make that as a motion. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946453 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [I]f there are no objections, the convention will resolve itself into the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946458 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move a call of the house. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946461 Motion to Suspend the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move the call of the house be suspended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946463 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946467 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946894 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946604 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946610 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will arise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946896 Motion to Adopt the Committee of the Whole Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amendments to the Constitution adopted by the Committee of the Whole on December 5th, as shown by the Minutes, be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946898 Motion to Consider the Constitution Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended, and that part of the constitution which has been adopted by the committee of the whole be taken up section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946899 Amendment to Consider the Constitution Article by Article None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by saying article by article. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946926 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 18 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946617 Motion to Adopt the Committee on Finance Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946621 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the convention will now resolve itself into the committee of the whole The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946624 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order and Mr. Sims of Cochise will report the progress of the Committee of the Whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946630 Motion to Adopt the Committee of the Whole Report on Proposition Number 152/Election Ordinance Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946666 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946668 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946945 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946947 Motion to Dispense with Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we dispense with the reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946960 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Now, gentlemen of the convention, if there are no objections, we will go into a committee of the whole to consider the constitution section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946963 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947196 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention now adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947208 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947213 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947217 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947237 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE [That there be a call of the house.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
947245 Motion to Dispense with the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE [That the call of the house be dispensed with.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947250 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Dispense with Further Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be suspended and the Convention dispense with further call of the house.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947254 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention take a recess for ten minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947281 Motion to Refer Article VIII, Subdivision 1 to the Committee on Separate Submission None 0 PROCEDURE [That Subdivision No. 1 of Article 8 be referred to the Committee on Separate Submission with instructions that they report a Proposition thereon to be submitted separately.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
947345 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Resolution Number 20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947200 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will now resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947299 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947304 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess until 2 o’clock. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947262 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947271 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947291 Motion to Adopt Substitute Resolution Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947372 Motion to Put the Question on Baker's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that my original amendment to the motion be put. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947435 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on Baker's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE [That the vote on Baker's amendment be reconsidered.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
947410 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections, the convention will resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole to take up the matter that was before it when we adjourned. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947453 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order and the gentleman from Yavapai, Mr. Goldwater, will report the progress of the Committee of the Whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947455 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. Editorial
947489 Motion to Adopt Article VII as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention adopt Article Number VII as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947529 Motion to Adopt Article IX as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Article IX be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947555 Motion to Adopt Article X as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Article X be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947564 Motion to Adopt Article VII on Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE Articles VII, IX and X are now up for final adoption. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947568 Motion to Adopt Article IX on Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE The question now comes up on the adoption of Article IX. Those in favor of adoption will answer “aye” and those opposed “nay,” as the secretary reads the article and then calls the roll. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947478 Question for the Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask the chairman of the printing committee when there will be some other printed matter ready for the convention? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947584 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention take a recess until 7:30 o’clock this evening. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947438 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947447 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, if there are no objections, the convention will now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947464 Motion to Strike the Recall Debate from the Record None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move that the entire debate which took place this morning over the recall be stricken from the record. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947784 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947937 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947940 Motion to Adopt the Committee Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the amendments offered by the Committee of the Whole be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947942 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947692 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947695 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947697 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Read the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947699 Orders of Business None 0 PROCEDURE [D]o you want to adopt what we got through with yesterday, before going into Committee of the Whole? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948054 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore, move that final action on this be postponed until later in the day when those matters are back and all these things can be incorporated and the heading changed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947704 Request to Read a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I have a resolution, Mr. President. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947707 Request that Delegates Check Over Their Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e should be very glad to have the assistance of any delegate in checking over his own propositions or any matters in which he is interested, to see if we have made any error. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947709 Request to Read a Memorial None 0 PROCEDURE I have a memorial here I would like to have read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947718 Motion to Refer Election Ordinance Number 1 to the Committee on Style None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that the election ordinance be sent to the revision committee in the interim so we may report on the revised copy of it. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947729 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 22 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947737 Motion to Adopt Memorial Number 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the memorial. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947944 Motion to Enter Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the convention, if there is no objection we will go into committee of the whole... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948026 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948032 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention stand at recess until 2:00 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947758 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947761 Motion to Elect Morris Goldwater as Vice President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate Mr. Morris Goldwater for the position of vice-president. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947778 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he convention will resolve itself into the committee of the whole to take up the matter left open this morning... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948247 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Convention will come to order] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948266 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report None 0 PROCEDURE Those in favor of accepting the report will answer “aye;” those opposed will answer “no.” The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948435 Motion to Adopt the Committee Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE Those in favor of adopting the amendments as offered by the committee of the whole will answer “aye;” opposed will answer “no.” The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948320 Motion to Defer Final Passage of Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we defer final passage of this measure until this evening. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947794 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Resolution 24 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that further consideration of this resolution be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947815 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 26 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947818 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we stand at recess until 7:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947764 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948464 Motion to Adopt Election Ordinance Number 2 None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he secretary will call the roll on the adoption of the Election Ordinance Number 2 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948000 Motion to Adopt the Committee Report on Seal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Seal be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948019 Motion to Postpone Debate on Report of Committee on Seal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that consideration of the committee’s report be postponed until tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948324 Motion to Adopt Article XXII, Excepting State Seal Provision None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest to the gentleman that we had better adopt all the ordinances except the seal so that part of it can be enrolled. It is quite a lengthy article. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948037 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 27 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948120 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Select Committee on Proposition Number 152 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948129 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Style on Election Ordinance Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948193 Motion to Be Allowed Time to Prepare an Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have a moment to prepare such an amendment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948468 Motion to Adopt Election Ordinance Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Election Ordinance Number 1 be adopted.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948332 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 28 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948338 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 29 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948341 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9:30 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947822 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947826 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will rise while the chaplain offers prayer. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947831 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the minutes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947835 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the reading of the Minutes be dispensed with.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948280 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Adopt the Report of the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Seal be adopted and that the rules be suspended and Section Number 20 above be adopted by the Convention.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948282 Final Passage of the Report of the Committee on Seal None 0 PROCEDURE Call the roll on its final passage. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947849 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the resolution be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947854 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 31 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Resolution Number 31 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947860 Motion to Proceed with Final Reading of the Constitution of Arizona None 0 PROCEDURE I move we suspend the rules and proceed with the final reading of the constitution of Arizona. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947865 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 32 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Resolution Number 32 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948451 Motion to Adopt the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Constitution be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948454 Motion to Place the Constitution on Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Constitution be placed on final passage.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948287 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 1:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948343 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Arizona Republican
948345 Motion to State that Someone has Taken Away the President's Gavel None 0 PROCEDURE The chair wants to state that someone has taken away the President's gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948346 Motion to Read the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE [The secretary will read the constitution.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948462 Motion to Adopt the Constitution of the State of Arizona as Read None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the constitution as read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948347 Motion to Have a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Call the house first, Mr. President. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948350 Motion to Instruct the Secretary to Get the Names of the Absent Members None 0 PROCEDURE You will come to the desk and get the names of the absent members. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948356 Motion to Request the Secretary to Return Election Certificates to the Members None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the members be allowed their election certificates. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948360 Motion to Dispense with the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the call of the house be dispensed with. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948363 Motion to Dispense with the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move the call of the house be dispensed with. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948366 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 33 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Resolution Number 33 be adopted.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948384 Motion to Read and Approve the Minutes of the Afternoon Session None 0 PROCEDURE Read the minutes of the afternoon session. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948401 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 34 None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948408 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 35 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948423 Motion to Adopt Resolution Number 36 None 0 PROCEDURE Parsons moved adoption. The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948427 Motion to Thank the Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE I move we extend a vote of thanks to our excellent chaplain, Mr. Crutchfield. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948430 Motion to Sing "America" None 0 PROCEDURE I think it would be only fitting that we close the exercises by singing a verse of "America," The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948438 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The chaplain will invoke the benediction. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948440 Motion to Adjourn Sine Die None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this convention do now adjourn without a day. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948442 Motion to Adjourn at the Call of the Gavel None 0 PROCEDURE I move to adjourn at the call of the gavel. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910

Committee: Committee on Credentials

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933105 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933433 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee for the Administration of the Oath of Office

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933121 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Rules and Procedure

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933202 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933341 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933502 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933692 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise.] Editorial
933887 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934883 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Standing Committees

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933233 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933327 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Preliminary Committee on Finance

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933254 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Attaches

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933308 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933393 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Finance, Accounts and Expense

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933518 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934896 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937266 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
937293 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938380 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
939825 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
943992 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946179 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
946597 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Printing and Clerks

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933524 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933978 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise] Editorial
933957 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934125 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934248 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934169 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934449 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934377 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise] Editorial
934649 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise.] Editorial
935072 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934549 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise] Editorial
935329 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934669 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935553 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934763 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935433 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935066 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935596 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935572 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935842 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935729 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937619 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935941 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936595 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937028 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
935974 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
937951 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936691 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936923 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937789 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
937590 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938925 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
939736 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939779 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942410 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942052 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
940203 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
943418 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940438 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
943064 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
944259 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945125 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
946378 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933530 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933882 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934383 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934996 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935084 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937627 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936590 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937197 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
938212 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936710 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936896 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939977 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Legislative Department, Distribution of Powers and Apportionment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933547 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933901 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935003 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934635 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935566 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
934821 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935463 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935302 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935603 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935592 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935853 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
937654 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935953 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936584 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937182 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
936330 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936775 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937873 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938752 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938714 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
939318 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939031 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
940565 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943411 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Executive, Impeachment and Removal from Office

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933560 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934678 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934780 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935376 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935525 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936578 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937256 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
938050 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936735 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937657 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939131 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942412 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Judiciary

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933578 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933916 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise.] Editorial
934458 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934542 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935581 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
935475 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935624 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935585 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935629 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
937603 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936202 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
938218 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
937128 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936613 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936671 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936984 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937731 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
937879 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940111 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Suffrage and Elections

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933610 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934555 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935607 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
934853 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935487 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935362 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935645 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935810 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936573 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937210 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
938204 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936585 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936755 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936972 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937726 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937740 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938252 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
938265 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
939971 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
943572 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940636 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Counties and Municipalities

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933628 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935281 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937006 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938292 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
939728 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939337 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Education and Public Instruction

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933646 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934643 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935502 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935208 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935655 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937667 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938559 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
940158 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on State and School Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933665 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934145 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935009 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935710 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
935508 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935666 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936761 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939848 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Public Service Corporations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933688 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934834 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935316 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935958 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936593 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943575 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940318 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
941660 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Private Corporations and Banks

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933711 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935016 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934868 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935456 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937674 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936561 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937222 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
939781 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Railroads

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933724 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935671 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
934827 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935677 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935997 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936557 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937058 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938283 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
942020 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
942232 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933737 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935437 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936747 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937914 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940075 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
944843 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
944806 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Mines and Mining

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933749 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935394 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936767 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936959 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940182 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Federal Relations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933758 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934059 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934409 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935031 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937690 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936335 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Militia and Public Defense

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933766 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934862 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935495 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936553 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936641 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937339 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
938169 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
940357 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943986 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946409 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Public Debt, Revenue and Taxation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933787 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935041 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934877 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935413 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935688 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936548 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936741 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937017 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938997 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
939045 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Labor

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933804 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934236 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935048 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934593 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934846 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935515 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935235 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935701 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937594 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936543 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936599 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937048 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938010 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937305 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
937921 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938278 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
939372 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942542 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942140 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943258 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943111 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Schedule, Mode of Amending and Miscellaneous

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933817 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935057 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935643 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
935522 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
935347 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938223 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936781 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936995 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940374 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
945103 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Ordinance

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933830 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
933927 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934661 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise] Editorial
935662 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
936536 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938226 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936729 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939654 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
947329 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Matters for Separate Submission

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933846 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934158 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935698 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
934788 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935770 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939327 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
933861 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935185 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935551 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
935863 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
936532 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937134 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937074 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938016 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
937694 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
938206 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939140 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939648 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939325 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
939675 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940117 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942394 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942528 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
942783 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943568 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
940548 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943529 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
941567 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
942081 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943074 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
944446 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
943222 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945246 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
944749 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
943960 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
944239 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
944024 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945075 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
944800 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945049 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
947252 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945314 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946135 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
945650 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945399 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945932 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946234 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946354 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
946550 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
946369 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946932 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946957 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
947205 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
947459 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
947725 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
948291 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
948298 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee on Powers of the Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
934247 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
934615 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise] Editorial

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
935105 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will now come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935117 Motion to Substitute Proposition Number 5 for Proposition Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment that Proposition Number 5 be substituted for Proposition Number 1. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
935125 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise and report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936242 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936051 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Substitute Proposition Number 21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arise, it recommend that the report of the Committee on Suffrage and Elections on Proposition Number 21 be adopted, and that the proposition as so amended, be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936397 Reading of the Report from the Committee on Legislative Powers on Substitute Proposition Number 4 None 0 PROCEDURE Secretary (reading): "Report from the Committee on Legislative Department, Distribution of Powers and Apportionment, recommending that the proposition herewith submitted be substituted for Proposition Number 4." The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936408 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise, and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936226 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936927 Motion to Adopt the Resolution and Make Provisions to Carry it Out None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it is the sense of the committee that the resolution be adopted, and provisions be made to have it carried out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936944 Motion to Report the Recommendation on Direct Primary Selection to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arises, it report such recommendation to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936953 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise, and report to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938104 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938155 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee of the whole do now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936431 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention as a committee of the whole will be in order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936451 Motion to Read the Reports from the Committee on Suffrage and Elections and the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation on Proposition Number 70 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will please read the report of the Committee on Suffrage and Elections and that of the Committee on Style, Revision and Compilation. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936491 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936493 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936550 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the committee of the whole arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936798 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
936800 Motion to Read the Calendar None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will please read the calendar. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
936860 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee of the whole now arise and report progress made. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937104 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937145 Motion to Read Baker's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that the substitute offered by the gentleman from Maricopa be read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937151 Motion to Consider Reports and Amendments in Order None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that in the interest of expedition and system that the minority reports which relate to simply one section of the committee proposition be acted upon in order; after which the question shall be upon the substitution of the amendment proposed by the gentleman from Maricopa. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937215 Motion to Withdraw Minority Report II None 0 PROCEDURE I do not care to urge the adoption of my minority report, and would therefore make a motion that it be withdrawn, with the unanimous consent of the committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937236 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee of the whole do now arise and report progress and ask permission to resume its session at 2 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937154 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937255 Webb's Point of Clarification None 0 PROCEDURE The motion should be on the adoption of the substitute for the original Proposition Number 4. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937258 Baker's Point of Clarification None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the report of the committee by substituting my own proposition for the substitute offered by the committee. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937312 Motion that Ellinwood's Amendment Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that line 10 [sic, 13] be filled by the figure or the word "ten." The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937327 Motion to Consider Line 10 First None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee consider line 10 first.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937329 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE [That the question be divided and the blanks in lines 9 and 13 be taken up separately.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937354 Motion to Defer Filling Blanks in Line 10 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the committee of the whole defer filling of the blanks in line 10. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937366 Motion to Reconsider Winsor's Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the motion of the gentleman from Yuma, Mr. Winsor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937396 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the committee do arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937196 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937431 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a division of the question. I want it divided at the point where my amendment ended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937452 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise and report progress, and ask for a further consideration on Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937486 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937503 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937528 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937616 Motion to Read Coker's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have it read for my own information. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
937623 Motion to Postpone the Amendment until Typewritten Copies Be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I would move an amendment that the question be deferred until that can be done, and it should be done just as quickly as possible. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937682 Motion to Excuse Mr Webb from Voting None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent to be excused from voting. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937708 Motion to Reconsider Ellinwood's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that we reconsider the action in which the amendment offered by Mr. Ellinwood was adopted[.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937802 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee of the whole do now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937806 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937972 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Postpone None 0 PROCEDURE I now desire to renew the motion that this be made a special order for the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937981 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [I rise to a point of order. Two-thirds vote is necessary to carry the motion.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937984 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937530 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937552 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE That motion included that the committee arise and report to the convention that they had considered Proposition 69 and recommended that the report of the committee be adopted, and Proposition Number 69 be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
937927 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938006 Motion to Withdraw Cunningham's Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to withdraw the minority report offered by myself... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938038 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938073 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938121 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report back to the convention... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938197 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938269 Motion to Make Jones' Recommendation that the Majority and Minority Report on Proposition Number 82 be Made a Special Order for Monday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that Substitute Proposition Number 82, the majority report of the committee, and also the minority report of the committee, be made a special order for the committee of the whole for Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938308 Motion to Make Jones' Recommendation that the Majority and Minority Report on Proposition Number 82 be Made a Special Order for Saturday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion to the effect that this proposition be made a special order for tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938336 Motion to Make Jones' Recommendation that the Majority and Minority Report on Proposition Number 82 be Made a Special Order for 2 o'clock Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move a further amendment so as to avoid the objection. I move an amendment that it be placed as a special business for 2 o'clock tomorrow. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938390 Motion to Take a Recess to Hear the Copper Queen Band None 0 PROCEDURE We have been honoured by the Copper Queen Band which has come out here to serenade us, and I move we take a recess for a few minutes to hear them. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938401 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938412 Motion to Give a Standing Vote of Appreciation for the Music of the Bisbee Band None 0 PROCEDURE I move now, if some other savage member will second it, that the committee of the whole do now give a standing vote of appreciation for the music offered by the Bisbee Band. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938439 Motion to Take Up Proposition Number 143 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we take up Proposition Number 143. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938539 Motion to Read Proposition Number 143 and the Associated Committee Reports None 0 PROCEDURE Let us have it read and the committee reports thereon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938701 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 143 and the Substitute Proposition Number 143 Until the Receipt of the Report from the Committee on Separate Submission None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Proposition Number 143 and the Substitute Proposition Number 143 be postponed until the receipt of the report from the committee on separate submission and that they all be taken up in their regular order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938704 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE The motion is out of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938709 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to another point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938802 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE There is a motion that the committee arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938834 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move you the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939405 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention do now arise and report progress to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939408 Amendment to the Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that motion to the effect that the committee now rise and report progress and recommend that the proposition under consideration, number 143, and all the reports thereon be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938058 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938099 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938111 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Substitute Proposition Number 82 until Monday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that consideration of this measure be postponed until Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938118 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938141 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 62 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to the consideration of Proposition Number 62. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938504 Motion to Postpone Proposition Number 80 until the Substitute Be Considered None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of this question be postponed until the committee's substitute proposition is considered. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938557 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 125 until Substitute Proposition Number 33 Be Considered None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to the motion that Proposition Number 125 be considered that it be postponed and considered at the same time we consider Proposition Number 33. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938688 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Do I understand that the gentleman is not urging the adoption of this? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938840 Motion to Postpone Proposition Number 139 until Consideration of Substitute Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this proposition be postponed to be considered with Substitute Proposition Number 82. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938851 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 140 until after the Committee on Judiciary Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that Proposition Number 140 relative to the same matter be also postponed until the report of the committee on judiciary is before the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938856 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I will make a motion that the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938618 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938639 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 82 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the proposition be considered section by section, in accordance with our rules and that in the case of any section to which there appears to be no objection it be considered as adopted by the committee of the whole. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938646 Motion to Read the Minority Report on Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the minority substitute report be read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938838 Motion to Reconsider Vote to Consider Proposition Number 82 by Paragraphs None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote which was first taken, that is, that was passed, calling for reading the minority report in full. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938853 Motion to Read the Whole Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE That the whole proposition be read so that we can get a full and complete understanding. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938892 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I now move you that the committee arise and report progress, and ask leave to sit again this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938261 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938271 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Section 1 as Proposed None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 1 of the committees [sic] Substitute Proposition Number 82 be reported by this committee and recommended for adoption by the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938279 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of Section 2 as Proposed None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938354 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938397 Motion to Reconsider Doe's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move we reconsider the vote on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Coconino, Mr. Doe. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938408 Motion to Adopt Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move section 3 be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938461 Request for Unanimous Consent to Amend Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask for unanimous consent. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938497 Motion to Adopt Lines 13, 14, 15 without Any of the Interlineal Changes None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the provisions of this bill as they are printed upon lines 13, 14, and 15 be adopted without any of the interlineal changes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938589 Motion to Reconsider Ellinwood's Amendment to Crutchfield's Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the Ellinwood amendment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938591 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938653 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938659 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938668 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938684 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938343 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938696 Motion to Approve Section 6 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 6 be approved as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938602 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I submit that this is not an amendment, it is a separate proposition Mr. Chairman. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938637 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move we arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938741 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938756 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938775 Point of Information None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of information. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938796 Motion to Reconsider Doe Amendment to Substitute Proposition Number 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the vote by which a very important clause in the section was stricken out The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939515 Motion to Appeal the Ruling of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE [That the ruling of the Chair be appealed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939527 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order on such an amendment. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939603 Motion to Revert to Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to revert to section 5, page 5... The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939630 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that the committee now arise and report to the convention a recommendation that this bill be passed as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938780 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
938794 Motion to Read Substitute Proposition Number 33 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read it section by section, and the committee will pass on each section separately. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938815 Division of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a division. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938819 Division of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a division. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938820 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938908 Motion to Revert Back to Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like permission to go back to section 1, paragraph 3. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
938940 Motion to Renew Kingan's Motion to Amend Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to renew my motion as to the attorney general; [it] is to amend paragraph 3 of section 1, line 14, by excepting the attorney general, for the reasons I have announced. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939132 Motion to Revert to Section 10 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to offer an amendment to section 10. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939147 Motion to Take Up the Governor's Salary First None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that the logical way to take this up is the governor first; settle on his salary. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939184 Motion to Take Up the Secretary of State's Salary None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take up line 11. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939190 Motion to Pass Line 11 of Section 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we pass it. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939201 Motion to Pass Line 13 of Section 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939267 Motion for Division of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE Under the rules I ask for a division of the question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939277 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939301 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee arise and recommend to the convention that Substitute Proposition Number 33 as amended with the exception of paragraph 7 do pass, said section 7 to be recommitted to the committee on legislative department. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939091 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939114 Motion to Read the Report from the Committee on Executive on Proposition Number 80 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will please read the report on the proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939175 Motion to Read the Reports from the Committee on Judiciary on Proposition Number 139 None 0 PROCEDURE Will the secretary please read the report on this proposition. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939216 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The gentleman is not speaking to the question. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939224 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939255 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939115 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939677 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 44 None 0 PROCEDURE I move further consideration of the bill be deferred until we have further reports on the other bills. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939684 Crutchfield's Recommendation that Propositions Number 75, 73, and 41 be Postponed Until the Report of the Committee on Education and Public Institutions is Before the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I would offer a substitute motion, that 75, 73 and 41 be postponed until the report from the committee on education. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939695 Crutchfield's Recommendation that Propositions Number 73 and 41 be Postponed Until the Report of the Committee on Education and Public Institutions is Before the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I renew my motion that 73 and 41 be postponed until we have further reports from the committee on education. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939699 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee of the whole now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939208 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939370 Motion to Read the Reports on Proposition Number 26 None 0 PROCEDURE Will the secretary please read the report on Proposition Number 26? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939459 Motion to Take Up Propositions 112, 3, 121, 119, and 19 Together None 0 PROCEDURE As Propositions Numbers 112, 3, 121, 119 and 19 all refer to the same subject matter; that of ordinance, and as our substitute proposition is submitted by the committee on ordinance for all six of these propositions, I think we ought to take them up together. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939465 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
939399 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. Editorial The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939767 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 119 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
939967 Motion to Recommend Passage of Amended Proposition Number 119 None 0 PROCEDURE I renew the motion that when the committee arise it report to the convention that Proposition Number 119, introduced by the ordinance committee, be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940049 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise and report to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941089 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941149 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 72 Until a Point on the Calendar of the Committee of the None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arises, it recommend to the convention that consideration of Proposition Number 72 be postponed to a point on the calendar of the committee of the whole when the propositions on employers’ liability come up.I move that when the committee arises, it recommend to the convention that consideration of Proposition Number 72 be postponed to a point on the calendar of the committee of the whole when the propositions on employers’ liability come up. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941869 Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE I demand a roll call. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942011 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942012 Motion that the Point of Order is Not Well Taken None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the gentleman’s point of order is not well taken. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942058 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [I rise to a point of order.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942118 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE [I appeal the decision of the chair.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942365 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942551 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942578 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee arise and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942592 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942614 Motion to Adopt Paragraph 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be passed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942634 Motion to Take up Cunniff's Amendment on Paragraph 2 None 0 PROCEDURE It will take unanimous consent to refer back to paragraph 2, and take up the amendment of the gentleman from Yavapai, Mr. Cunniff, to strike out the word “solely.” The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942649 Motion to Adopt Paragraph 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that this paragraph be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942702 Motion to Pass the Blanks Be Filled in Paragraph 17 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move we pass that up to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942717 Motion to Adopt Paragraph 17 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the entire section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942730 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942748 Motion to Adjourn to 7:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again at 7:30 p.m. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942749 Motion to Adjourn to 9:30 a.m. Monday None 0 PROCEDURE I amend that to make it 9:30 Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940339 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940785 Motion to Postpone Debate on Proposition Numbers 73, 100, and 44 None 0 PROCEDURE [That debate on Proposition Numbers 73, 100, and 44 be postponed.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941127 Motion to Adopt Section 1 of Substitute Proposition Number 64 None 0 PROCEDURE [That section 1 be adopted.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940426 Motion to Consider Substitute Proposition Number 40 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute proposition be considered section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940557 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE Make a division. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941598 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now arise and report progress, and ask leave to sit again this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940145 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940590 Motion to Strike Out Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940600 Motion to Strike Out Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike out all of paragraph 5. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940624 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Strike Out Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I understand there was a roll call demanded on striking out paragraph 5. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940640 Motion to Strike Out Section 6 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike out paragraph 6. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940678 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940184 Motion to Strike Out Section 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 2 be stricken out[.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940205 Motion to Strike Out Section 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by striking out section 2. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940211 Motion to Strike Out Section 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the whole of the second section be stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940215 Motion to Strike Out Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the whole section be stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940247 Motion to Strike Out Section 6 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that all of section 6 be stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940262 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940271 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940276 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940283 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940582 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940847 Request to Amend Connelly's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I want to amend that motion. Is it in order? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940888 Motion to Approve Section 7 of Substitute Proposition Number 15 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 7 be approved. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940903 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again this afternoon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940330 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941615 Motion to Strike Out Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 7 be stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941623 Motion to Change Colter's Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, I would like to change my vote from “aye” to “nay.” The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941643 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Strike Out Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I move for a reconsideration of the vote on section 7. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941701 Motion to Adopt Section 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940463 Motion to Consider Proposition Number 44 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE If there are no objections it will be considered section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940531 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Proposition Number 88 and Print Typewritten Copies of Both Reports None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arises to report to the convention that it recommend that copies of the report of the committees, the majority and minority reports, be typewritten and placed on the desk for tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940947 Motion to Strike Out Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to strike out the first section, which certainly is of no effect and of no force. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940964 Motion to Adopt Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that section 1 be adopted as it stands. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941032 Motion to Adopt Short's Recommendation to Adopt the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the minority report of this proposition be accepted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941042 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I demand a division of the question, as I desire to vote against the first section for the reason that it has no force or effect. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941286 Motion to Adopt Section 3 of Proposition Number 88 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adopt section 3; it has never been voted on. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941298 Motion to Reconsider Section 3 of Proposition Number 88 None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the vote. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941315 Motion to Adopt Hunt's Recommendation to Recommend that Proposition Number 88 Pass as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE [That when the Committee arise it recommend that Proposition No. 88 as amended do pass.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941437 Motion to Postpone Propositions Number 42, 46, 128, 50, 111, 51 and 117 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that these propositions be postponed until such time as the committee of the whole may have under consideration Substitute Number 21. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941579 Motion to Postpone Proposition Number 28 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be deferred until the printed substitute report of that committee comes up, probably tomorrow. Editorial The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941586 Motion to Postpone Memorial Number 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of Memorial Number 1 be deferred until we have the report of the committee on state and school lands. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941762 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940682 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940821 Motion to Take Up Substitute Proposition Number 6 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Substitute Proposition Number 6 be taken up first. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940824 Motion to Begin with Section 2 and Make Section 1 of Substitute Proposition Number 6 a Special Order for Next Day None 0 PROCEDURE I move we consider the remainder, commencing at section 2. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940829 Motion to Make Substitute Proposition Number 6 Special Order for Next Day None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the original proposition that it be placed at the head of the calendar for tomorrow morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
940839 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that the Committee do now arise and report progress.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940860 Motion to Consider Majority Substitute Proposition Number 21 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move consideration of the majority report, section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940879 Motion to Adopt Section 1 of the Majority Substitute Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I offer an amendment that section 1 be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940890 Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Majority Substitute Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to amend that motion by moving that section 2 be adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940995 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941396 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941426 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I amend that the committee do now arise and report a recommendation that this proposition be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
940959 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941021 Motion to Adopt Section 1 of Substitute Proposition Number 6 as Read None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 1 stand approved as read, as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941023 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a division of the question on representation and senators. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941046 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Until both parts of the question have been put, nothing is in order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941063 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Parts of Section 1 Relating to Representatives None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that this motion now be laid upon the table. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941064 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, no motion is in order with a question partly settled. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941070 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941090 Motion to Reconsider Adoption of Section 1 Provision for Number of Representatives None 0 PROCEDURE I now make a motion to reconsider the motion just voted upon. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941094 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941248 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941278 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941292 Motion to Recommend that the Convention Adjourn to November 25 None 0 PROCEDURE [That when the Committee arise that it recommend that the Convention adjourn until 9:30 a.m., November 25, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941294 Motion to Recommend that the Committee Sit Again that Evening, the Next morning, and the Next Evening None 0 PROCEDURE [That when the Committee arise it ask leave to sit again tonight, tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941438 Motion to Excuse Goldwater from Voting None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to be excused from voting. Editorial
941622 Motion to Adopt Section 23 as Reported None 0 PROCEDURE I move section 23 be adopted as reported. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
941962 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
941723 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942121 Motion to Permit the Chairman to Amend the Report on Substitute Proposition Number 113 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the chairman be permitted to amend this report so as to incorporate that. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942127 Motion to Consider Substitute Proposition Number 113 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that it be considered section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942823 Motion to Refer Back to Section 3 of Substitute Proposition Number 113 None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask for permission to refer back to section 3. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
942962 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
942281 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943072 Motion to Consider Substitute Proposition Number 107 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move the substitute be taken up section by section. Editorial
944083 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I arise to a point of order Editorial
944196 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that the committee arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
942269 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943038 Motion to Recommend Passage of Substitute Proposition Number 141 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adopt the amendment, and when the committee arises recommend it to the convention. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943124 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943357 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943519 Motion to Consider Substitute Proposition Number 94 by Sections None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be considered by sections. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944035 Motion to Revert to Consideration of Section 8 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, may I ask consent to revert to section 8 and move that the words “by the legislature” be cut out? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944160 Motion to Refer Back to Section 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask your indulgence, please, to refer back to section 11. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944249 Motion to Refer Back to Section 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to revert again to section 11 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944284 Motion to Reconsider Jones' Recommendation to Strike Out the Provision Banning Public Money from Being Used to Support Any Religious Interest None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote wherein the sentence in lines 6, 7, and 8, page 3, was stricken out. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944354 Motion to Reconsider Section 20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend section 20, if you will grant permission to turn back to section 20. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944441 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944444 Motion to Make Proposition Numbers 78 and 66 a Special Order for November 26 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition Numbers 78 and 66 be made a special order for the Committee of the Whole at 2 p. m., November 26, 1910.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943225 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944550 Motion to Adopt Section 25 of Substitute Proposition Number 94 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944657 Motion to Adopt Section 29 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 29 be adopted as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944697 Motion to Reconsider Section 21 of Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask consent to revert to section 21. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944703 Motion to Reconsider Section 16 of Substitute Proposition Number 94 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to refer back to section 16, page 4, line 4, to strike out three words “other than municipal.” The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944714 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise and report to the convention and recommend the adoption of Proposition Number 94 as amended. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943368 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order and the secretary will read the calendar. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943767 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that Proposition Number 76 be taken up. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
943811 Motion to Consider Majority Report Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to consider the majority report section by section. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943848 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Blanks in Substitute Proposition Number 54 Until Monday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that consideration of all these blanks be postponed until Monday morning. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943914 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943301 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
943308 Motion to Consider Substitute Proposition Number 66 Paragraph by Paragraph None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we adopt this proposition paragraph by paragraph. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Arizona Republican
943361 Motion to Temporarily Postpone Debate on Coker Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move this amendment of Mr. Coker’s be typewritten, and that the matter be temporarily passed while copies are being made for the use of the members. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944074 Motion to Refer Back to Section 5 of Substitute Proposition Number 78 None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask you to turn back to section 5. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944100 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the committee do now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944122 Motion to Reconsider Winsor's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the motion made by Mr. Winsor. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944188 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise and report they have examined Substitute Proposition Number 78, as amended, and recommend that as amended it do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944292 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944439 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee arise and report. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944469 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944476 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee rise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944513 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944602 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now rise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944827 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944860 Motion to Substitute the Report for Proposition Number 149 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to substitute this report for the report put in yesterday. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
944874 Motion to Substitute Proposition Number 149 for Proposition Number 66 None 0 PROCEDURE All in favor of substituting Proposition Number 149 for Number 66 signify by saying "aye;" opposed "no." The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944881 Motion to Recommend the Appointment of a Special Committee on Water Rights None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when the committee arises it recommend to the convention that a special committee be appointed by the president to bring in a report on water and water rights. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944898 Motion to Amend Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that we substitute section 3. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944923 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. This has already been disposed of. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944946 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. This has already been voted on. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944985 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944900 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order and the secretary will read the report of the committee on Proposition Number 148. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
944920 Motion to Take Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee take a recess until the gentleman corrects these errors. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
944925 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945793 Motion to Severally Consider the Subdivisions None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that these subdivisions be considered one at a time that we can pass upon them more easily. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
945978 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946020 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945040 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE We will proceed with the consideration of section 5. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
946133 Motion to Recommend that Election Ordinance Number 2 Pass None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that when the committee arises it recommend that Election Ordinance Number 2, as contained in Proposition Number 148, as amended, do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention, The Arizona Republican
946149 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945211 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will please come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945290 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee do now arise and report progress The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945339 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
945376 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee do now arise and report is has examined Proposition Number 150 and recommended that it do pass. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946384 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946473 Motion to Consider the Draft Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be read section by section and those sections to which there are no objections be considered adopted. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946836 Motion to Approve the Subsection as Read None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that the section be approved as read. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946866 Motion that the Subsection as Printed Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the matter as printed be adopted rather than as read in the engrossed copy. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946888 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee of the whole now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946554 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946561 Motion to Correct an Error in the Date in Proposition Number 152 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the error in the date be corrected.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
946584 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
946965 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947002 Motion to Put Winsor's Amendment to Section 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend section 19 to read as follows: "No local or special laws shall be enacted in any of the following cases:" The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947174 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee of the whole do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947209 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE [The Committee of the Whole will come to order.] The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947280 Motion that Article IX, Section 2 Stand as Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the whole affair—that section 2 stand as it is now printed in the bill. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947296 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947308 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947346 Motion to Refer Back to Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to refer back to section 7. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947409 Motion to Revert to Article X, Sections 2 and 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask consent to revert to sections 2 and 3. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947424 Motion to Revert to Article X, Section 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to refer back to section 8. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947434 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947462 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947566 Intention to Propose an Amendment to Article XII, Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to make this amendment when the proper time comes. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947573 Motion to Move Article XI, Sections 11 and 12 to "Miscellaneous" Heading None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee on compilation be so instructed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947644 Motion to Adopt the Section as Read None 0 PROCEDURE I would move an amendment that it be left to read as it is now. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947703 Motion to Refer Back to Article 12 None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask unanimous consent to refer back to Article Xll, that on Counties. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947736 Motion Arise and Report Progress None 0 PROCEDURE In order to obviate that, I will move that the committee do now arise and report progress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
947795 Motion to Postpone Article XVIII None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that Article XVIII be skipped and come up before a full house. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947779 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE All in favor of the committee now arising and reporting progress and asking leave to sit again say aye; contrary-minded no. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947946 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
947980 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Is there anything before the committee? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948020 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee now arise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948040 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910 The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention
948077 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948101 Motion to Refer Back to Section 12 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask permission to revert to section 12, and ask Mr. Jones if he looked up that act of Congress. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948115 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Article XV None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to make a motion that Article XV be indefinitely postponed. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948121 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Article XV None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion to indefinitely postpone Article XV. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948308 Notification that Article VXIII, Section 10 Is Missing from the Printed Copy None 0 PROCEDURE I just had my attention called to the fact that Proposition Number 48...but I have not seen no [sic] record of its being included in any of the articles. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948313 Motion for a Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE I ask for a roll call. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948250 Discussion on the State Seal None 0 PROCEDURE The chair was going to say, what are you going to do about that seal? Are you going to adopt one or not? The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948253 Discussion on Outstanding Business None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to inquire if anything else has been overlooked. The Records of the Arizona Constitutional Convention of 1910
948261 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] The Minutes of the Arizona Constitutional Convention

Committee: Special Committee on Election Ordinance

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
935886 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee do rise.] Editorial
944248 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
946396 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Joint Committee on Railroads and Public Service Corporations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
941984 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
945092 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
945332 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Select Committee to Investigate and Report upon a Proposed Seal for the State of Arizona

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
944745 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
947988 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Special Committee on Water and Water Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
944986 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial
944994 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Connelly Committee

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Select Committee on Proposition No. 152

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
946680 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
947711 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial
948104 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] Editorial

Committee: Committee to Assist on Revision of the Verbatim Report

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
947776 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee Rise.] Editorial