Committee: Committee on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Judiciary

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Committee: Committee on Schedule

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Committee: Committee on Name, Boundary and Seat of Government

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Committee: Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness

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Committee: Committee on Executive and Administrative

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Committee: Committee on Legislative

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Committee: Committee on Bill of Rights

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Committee: Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage

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Committee: Committee on Education and School Lands

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Committee: Committee on Corporations Other Than Banking or Municipal

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Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations

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Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization

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Committee: Committee on Revenue and Finance

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Committee: Committee on Public Accounts and Expenditures

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Committee: Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings

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Committee: The Convention

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905450 Call to Order: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE At the hour of 12 o’clock, meridian, on this 4th day of July, 1889, the day and hour appointed by law, the members elect of the constitutional convention of South Dakota assembled in Germania hall at Sioux Falls, and were called to order by Hon. Dighton Corson of Lawrence, one of their number. Mr. Corson, of Lawrence: Gentlemen of the Constitutional Convention of South Dakota: The Act of Congress providing for this Convention hasmade no provision for any particular officer to call the Convention to order. At the request of several gentlemen, I now call you to order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
905451 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Rev. L. N. Stratton, of Sioux Falls: Great and Eternal Father, Thou King of Kings and Lord of Lords, before whom angles bow and to Whom nations must submit, we pray Thee to let Thy blessing rest upon this gathering this day. Grant, we pray, O God, to assist the members of this Convention in all of their deliberations, in all of their plans, and business, and duties and arrangements, and help them to realize that Thy mercy is upon them. We thank Thee that Thou hast sent them here. We thank Thee that they have at last reached this stage in their history as citizens of a new state. Grant, O God, that Thy blessing may rest richly down upon them. Give them wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and lead them to know that the God of this nation is their God, and that they must trust in Him and rely upon Him in all their duties and plans, Bless the Presiding Officer of this Convention, whomsoever he may be. Bless all the officers in any degree or grade below him; and grant that in all of the business arrangements and duties of this gathering there may be a realization of the presence of God. We ask it in the name of Jesus, our King, AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908199 Motion to Read the Proclamation of the Governor None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask Mr. Caldwell to read the Proclamation of the Governor. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906229 Motion to Take the Oath of Office None 0 PROCEDURE [Mr. Corson, of Lawrence:] Nominations for President are now-in order. Mr. Neill, of Grant: I think the proper order in this Convention now is to proceed to take the oath of office. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906234 Motion to Elect Mr. Edgerton as President None 0 PROCEDURE I beg leave to present the name of the Honorable A. J. Edgerton, of Davison County, for President of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906235 Motion to Elect Mr. VanBurskirk as President None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Price of Hyde nominated S. B. VanBuskirk of Codington. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906236 Motion to Call the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE The convention proceeded to the election of a president. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906237 Motion to Decline the Nomination None 0 PROCEDURE I desire at this time to decline the nomination, and will withdraw my name. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906238 Motion to Dispense with the Roll Call and Elect A. J. Edgerton as President None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the calling of the roll be dispensed with and that A. J. Edgerton be elected by acclamation as the President of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907969 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I think the motion is out of order, unless it is without objection. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908036 Inaugural Presidential Address AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen of the Convention I can not express to you upon this occasion the feeling that I entertain not only by reason of your selection of myself to this place for the second time but in the manner in which it has been done. All that I can say to you now is that I shall endeavor to perform its duties to the full extent of my ability for the best interests of South Dakota, and I know that you will aid me in presenting to the people of South Dakota and the world a constitution unrivaled, and that we may hereafter, under it, succeed to all of those rights that in the opinion of some of us we have been so long prevented from securing. I thank you again, gentlemen, for this selection at the hands of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906244 Motion to Elect Mr. Caldwell Temporary Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE I move E. W. Caldwell of Minnehaha, be elected Temporary secretary. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906247 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Five on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to provide rules for the government of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906253 Motion for the President to Send a Message of Congratulations to the Constitutional Conventions of North Dakota, Montana and Washington None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that the President of this Convention be authorized and requested to communicate by telegraph the greetings and congratulations of this Constitutional Convention to the Constitutional Conventions of North Dakota, Montana and Washington. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906254 Motion to Appoint a Conference Committee of Three to Confer with the North Dakota Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir that the President of this Convention nominate a Conference Committee of three to confer with the North Dakota Convention as to the size of a joint committee to be selected by the two Conventions, that being unsettled in the Act of Congress. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906258 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Rules to Confer with the North Dakota Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the motion before the House, that this be left to the Committee on Rules Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906259 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move you that we now adjourn until two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906260 Motion to Temporarily Adopt the Rules of the Constitutional Convention of 1885 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that the rules of the Constitutional Convention of 1885, shall obtain so far as they may be applicable, until the report of the Committee on Rules is adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906261 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE I will now repeat my motion to adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906262 Motion to Appoint Other Temporary Officers None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, in our gathering (referring to Republican caucus) it was determined that the other temporary officers would be appointed at this time. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
905574 Call to Order: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE [Call to order.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905829 Prayer: 1885-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. J. A. Wakefield. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905579 Motion to Administer Oath of Office to Delegates Previously Absent None 0 PROCEDURE I move that if there are any delegates present today that were not sworn in yesterday, that the presiding officer, (if authorized to do so) administer the oath of office to them at this time. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905658 Order of Business: Communications and Petitions None 0 PROCEDURE The next order of business is communications and presentations of petitions. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905663 Order of Business: Unfinished Business None 0 PROCEDURE The President pro tem: The next order of business under the rules, is unfinished business, of the previous day. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905822 Motion to Bring Up a Communication None 0 PROCEDURE If I may be permitted, I would like to bring up something that is properly in the nature of a communication. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
905675 Motion to Print Two Hundred Journal Copies Per Day None 0 PROCEDURE I move that two hundred copies a day be printed, of the Journal; that will bring out an expression. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905826 Motion to Proceed to the Selection of Seats None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that we proceed to the selection of seats by lot. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
905828 Motion to Proceed to the Election of Subordinate Officers None 0 PROCEDURE I move we proceed to the election of subordinate officers of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905835 Motion to Select Officers with the Understanding that they do Such Work as is Required of Them None 0 PROCEDURE The Act of Congress under which we are at work, does not provide for a very strong clerical force, and as some of the subordinate officers will probably not have much to do in that line, I move you that they be selected with the understanding that they do such work as is required of them, even if it is not in the line their position would indicate. The Door Keeper, and Messengers will have very little to do; we may as well select a man that is a ready penman, that we might use him writing part of the time, and make him earn his money; that will help us out. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
905836 Motion to Nominate Rev. F. A. Burdick for Chief Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination for the position of Chief Clerk, Rev. F. A. Burdick, of Yankton County. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905837 Motion to Nominate W. W. Goddard for Chief Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination W. W. Goddard, of Sioux Falls, for Chief Clerk. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905840 Motion that the Election of the Chief Clerk be by Viva Voce Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this election be by viva voce vote upon calling the roll. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
950752 Motion to Elect Mr. Burdick as Chief Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to elect Mr. Burdick as Chief Clerk.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906008 Motion to Nominate Dr. A. W. Hyde for Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE If it is in order to make a nomination of Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, I take pleasure in placing before the Convention, for that position, Dr. A. W. Hyde, of Brookings County, a gentleman of culture and in my judgment peculiarly fitted for the duties of that office, and if he is elected will honor the position. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906009 Motion to Nominate James Kingsbury for Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I would place in nomination, James Kingsbury, of Yankton County. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906011 Motion that the Election of the Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk be by Viva Voce Vote None 0 PROCEDURE here being no dissenting voice, it will be taken as the will of this Convention that these elections, be by viva voce vote. You have as nominees for the position of Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk, Dr. A. W. Hyde, of Brookings County, and James Kingsbury, of Yankton County; as your names are called, respond to the candidate of your choice. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
950756 Motion to Elect Mr. Hyde as Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to elect Mr. Hyde as Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906019 Motion to Nominate Mr. Carney for Sergeant-at-Arms None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Corson: I now move we proceed to the election of Sergeant-at-Arms of this body; I nominate James Carney, of Lawrence County, for that position. Mr. Carney is one of our old residents, and is the only officer of the Convention we are asking for west of the river, and I hope he will receive the vote of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906021 Motion to Nominate W. T. Buchanan for Sergeant-at-Arms None 0 PROCEDURE I nominate W. T. Buchanan, of Minnehaha County. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
950761 Motion to Elect Mr. Carney as Sergeant-at-Arms None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to elect Mr. Carney as Sergeant-at-Arms.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906980 Motion to Nominate E. C. Warner for Watchman None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take up the election of a Watchman, and name E. C. Warner, of Webster, Day County, for that office. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906029 Motion to Elect E. C. Warner By Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE There appears to be no other nominees, and we might expedite matters, by electing Mr. Warner by acclamation; that is the motion I make. Which motion was duly seconded. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906038 Motion to Nominate Frank Hoppin for Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE I move the election to the office of Messenger, Frank Hoppin, of Iroquois. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906040 Motion to Nominate Mr. P. D. Durflinger for Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE I place in nomination, Mr. P. D. Durflinger, of Hand County. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
950772 Motion to Elect Mr. Hoppin as Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to elect Mr. Hoppin as Messenger.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906048 Motion to Nominate Rev. J. A. Wakefield for Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE I will nominate to the office of Chaplain, Rev. J. A. Wakefield, of Brookings. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906049 Nomination of Bishop Hare for Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to place in nomination for the position of Chaplain, Bishop Hare, of Sioux Falls. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
950776 Motion to Elect Rev. J. A. Wakefield as Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to elect Rev. J. A. Wakefield for Chaplain.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906078 Motion to Adopt Mr. Sherwood's Resolution by Rising Vote None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that that be adopted by rising vote. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906083 Motion for Delegates to Write their Names on Their Perferred Desk None 0 PROCEDURE The President pro tem: We will now pass to the order of business. Unfinished business. I move that each delegate be allowed to write his name upon the desk blotter on the desk in which he prefers to sit (unless there are members who wish to change) and then the cards that are presented can be fastened upon the desks and compared with the names so written, as suggested by Mr. Caldwell, of Minnehaha. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906088 Point of Order: Mr. Neill None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order; some of these motions being made out of the order of business; this all comes up in the proper place. We now have the matter of unfinished business. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906100 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rules on the Joint Commission None 0 PROCEDURE For the purpose of bringing this report before the Convention, I move you, Sir, that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906109 Motion to Receive the Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order; as I understand the first motion will be received instead of being adopted; I therefore move that this report of this Committee be received. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906125 Motion that the Report of the Committee on Rules be Received and the Adoption Remain an After Consideration None 0 PROCEDURE Move as a substitute, that the report be received and the adoption remain an after consideraion [sic]. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908390 Point of Order: Mr. Jolley None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, that the motion is out of order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906146 Motion to Make the Report from the Committee on Rules a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that the consideration of the resolution as presented, be made a special order for tomorrow after this body convenes. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906190 Motion to Create a Commission to Determine and Define Boundaries None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that a commission consisting of three members be appointed by the Chairman of this Convention to confer with a similar committee to be requested to be appointed by the North Dakota Convention, to determine upon and define the boundaries of this Territory Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906201 Motion to Make the Creation of a Commission to Determine and Define Boundaries a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Move that this matter be made a special order of business for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906213 Motion to Appoint a Committee to Consider the Creation of a Commission on Boundaries and Report Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Move you that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to take this matter under consideration to report tomorrow as to the facts in the case as they find them, with recommendations. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906216 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906992 Motion to Adjoun Until 2 o'clock: 1886-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we do adjourn, it be until two o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905581 Call to Order: 1889-07-06 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will be in order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905583 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905646 Motion to Swear in Mr. Coats None 0 PROCEDURE He will now be sworn in as a member of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907850 Motion to Call the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE The Chief Clerk will call the roll. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
905789 Motion to Dispense with the Calling of the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE I move the calling of the roll be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906663 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore now move that the Convention now go into the committee of the Whole. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905799 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [R]ecommend to the Convention the adoption of the report of the Committee on Rules. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907179 Motion to Withdraw the Motion to Create a Special Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I desire at this time to withdraw that motion creating a special committee Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907182 Motion to Refer the Matter on Boundaries to a Special Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that the whole matter relating to boundary be referred to a special committee to report to this Convention as soon as they can. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907188 Motion to Refer the Matter on Boundaries to the Standing Committee on Boundaries None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that this entire matter be referred to the regular standing committee when it is appointed. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907195 Motion to Adopt the Further Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Rules be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907199 Motion to Amend the Rules by Voting on Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move to amend, by reading these rules section by section. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907255 Motion that Previous Convention Members be Accorded Privileges of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that they be accorded the courtesies of the floor. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907286 Motion to Elect Mr. Ivan Goodner and Mr. Theron Brown as Stenographers None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that Ivan W. Goodner, of Huron, and Theron G. Brown, of Sioux Falls, be employed as stenographers. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907291 Motion to Print 500 Copies of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that there be 500 bound copies printed of the Journal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907294 Motion to Refer the Matter on Printing to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that this be referred to the Committee on Printing. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907300 Motion to Print 300 Copies of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that it be fixed at 300 instead of 500. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907305 Motion to Print 300 Copies of the Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that 300 copies of the rules that have just been adopted be printed Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907306 Motion to Print 150 Copies of the Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment to make it 150. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908060 Motion to Print 150 copies of the Rules of the Convention and List of the Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment by inserting after the word “Rules of the Convention”, the words, “and list of the standing committees.” Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907378 Motion to Printed 300 Copies of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that there be printed of the regular Journal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907450 Motion for the President to Send a Telegram None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the President of this Convention be instructed to inform the Constitutional Convention of North Dakota by telegraph Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907613 Motion to Print 100 Copies of the Omnibus Bill for the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I will, therefore, move you that 100 copies of the Omnibus Bill be requested Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907615 Motion to Lay the Previous Motion Upon the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay that motion upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907616 Motion to Withdraw Until Later None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask the unanimous consent of the Convention to withdraw it until Monday Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907619 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905806 Call to Order: 1889-07-08 None 0 PROCEDURE The meeting was called to order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906142 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was given. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
909726 Announcement that Mr. Warner is Present AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [Mr. E. C. Warner, having taken oath of office on July 6th, was present.] Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905811 Motion to Dispense of Further Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Moved that further reading of the Journal be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906063 Motion to Omit from the Journal the Motions that are Made and Lost None 0 PROCEDURE Motion that hereafter the Clerk be required to omit from the Journal, the motions that are made and lost, that they do not really become the proceedings of the body Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906084 Order of Business: Communications and Petitions None 0 PROCEDURE The next order of business is communications and presentations of petitions. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906115 Motion to Excuse Mr. Coats, 1889-07-04—05 None 0 PROCEDURE I shall be obliged to ask to be excused and have it so appear upon the record. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907259 Plans for the Commission to Travel to Bismarck AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I have received no answer as yet. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906804 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Appointing a Committee of Five to Procure and Copy the Original Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of that resolution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906818 Motion to Print 500 Bound Copies of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that five hundred bound copies of the Journal be printed; that is of the complete Journal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906824 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order; it is not the proper motion to submit. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906833 Motion to Withdraw the Previous Motion to Refer the Matter of Printing Copies of the Journal to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the matter of bound copies, be withdrawn from the Committee on Printing and again brought before the House, for consideration. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906995 Motion to Designate the New Bound Copies of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I would make a resolution supporting the same thing; that six copies be given to each member of this Convention, and the balance remain in the Parlimentary Library for further use. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906998 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Goddard, 1889-07-09 None 0 PROCEDURE It seems to be necessary for me to be absent tomorrow; I ask to be excused. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908148 Announcement on Committee Delay AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE I think I shall be able to announce the committees tomorrow at two o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907000 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-08 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn until tomorrow at two o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905610 Call to Order: 1889-07-09 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President, in the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905640 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
905969 Motion to Suggest Future Clerical Errors to the Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest hereafter that any mere clerical error of that kind be suggested to the Clerk, and he make the entry, as he will at once, on the Journal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906847 Motion to Receive and Refer the Petition for the Mennonites for Exemption from Military Duty to the Appropriate Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move be received and referred by the President to the appropriate committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906974 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the Equitable Division of Property None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of the resolution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906990 Motion to Reconsider the Motion Requiring the Secretary to Furnish 200 Copies Daily of the Journal and that 500 Copies be Ordered Printed None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Chairman, if it is in order I move that the motion requiring the Secretary to furnish 200 copies of the daily minutes be reconsidered Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907788 Motion to Reconsider the Motion Requiring the Secretary to Furnish 200 Copies Daily of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the motion. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907792 Motion to Require the Secretary to Furnish 200 Copies Daily of the Journal and Have the Chief Clerk Lay Copies upon the Desk of Each Member None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment that the Chief Clerk be instructed to lay upon the desk of each member a certain number of copies each morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907793 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to the point of order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907799 Motion to Secure 500 Copies of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Chairman of the Committee on Printing be directed to secure 500 copies and that six copies be laid on the desk of each member. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907800 Motion to Secure 500 Copies of the Journal and have them Distributed by the Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the motion by making it the duty of the Messenger to do this distributing. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907982 Motion to Secure 500 Copies of the Journal and have them Delivered before the Session each Day None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, it seems to me that the motion ought to provide for their being delivered before the session each day', Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907807 Motion to Read and Refer the Constitution of 1885 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the Constitution of 1885 be ordered read in this Convention tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907815 Motion for Present Discussion None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907817 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that the House give consent to the present consideration of this motion. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907867 Motion to Refer the Communication to the Committee on Seal None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that it be referred to the Committee on Seal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907869 Motion to Excuse Mr. Jeffries Until Monday, 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; Delegate Jeffries, of Clark County, was unexpectedly called home after the session of the Convention yesterday, and he desires to be excused by the Convention until next Monday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907871 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Anderson, 1889-07-10,11 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask leave of absence for Wednesday and Thursday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908099 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Smith, 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask to be excused from this Convention for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908102 Point of Personal Privilege None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, if there is no objection I should be glad to occupy about a minute asking a personal favor. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908105 Naming of Seats AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk suggests that if the delegates will leave their names on the blotter or upon a piece of paper upon their desks, he will have them printed and placed on the desks so that everyone will know the seat. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908106 Stenographer for the Joint Convention AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, the committee appointed to go to Bismarck would like to ask of this Convention whether it would be willing to grant them one of the official stenographers, if they deem it necessary that they have one of them. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908108 Motion Authorizing the President to Designate One of the Official Stenographers to Accompany the Commission to Bismarck None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the President of this Convention be authorized to designate one of the official stenographers of this Convention to accompany the Commission to Bismarck. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908732 Motion to Excuse Mr. Coats, 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Coats Was excused from attendance till Friday. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
909077 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-09 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the Convention do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908270 Motion to Excuse Mr. Van Buskirk, 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like To be excused for two days. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908272 Motion for Mr. Hubbard to be Presented None 0 PROCEDURE It is desired by several of the members to meet Mr. Hubbard, the financial head of this institution; and if he is now present I would like that he be presented, in case any of the gentlemen desire to fix up their finances. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906144 Call to Order: 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906141 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907623 Motion to Dispense With the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907838 Motion to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on Federal Relations and Internal Improvements None 0 PROCEDURE Request that it be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations and Internal Improvements. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908186 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rules on Rules 33 and 45 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the Committee on Rules be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
908735 Motion to Read the Articles of the Sioux Falls Constitution by Captions Only None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that the Constitution be read merely by captions of the various articles Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
908753 Motion to Refer Each Article of the Sioux Falls Constitution to the Proper Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I then move that at the reading of each one of these captions it be assigned to the proper committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
909073 Motion for the President to Refer Each Article of the Sioux Falls Constitution to the Proper Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the President assign it to the various committees. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
909215 Motion to Refer the Preamble to the Committee on Phraseology None 0 PROCEDURE I move the Preamble be referred to the Committee on Phraseology. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
909217 Motion to Refer the Preamble to the Committee on Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment, that it be referred to the Committee on Bill of Rights. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
909229 Motion to Refer Article II to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
909230 Motion to Refer Article II to the Committee on Executive and Administrative None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Executive and Administrative Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
909245 Motion to Refer Article V to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE Unless otherwise directed,—Judiciary. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
909246 Motion to Refer Article V to the Committee on Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE It might not be proper to refer so much of it to the Committee on Apportionment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
909251 Motion to Refer Article VI to the Committee on Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Bill of Rights. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
910869 Motion to Refer Article XVI to the Committee on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Legislative Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
910871 Motion to Refer Article XVI to the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I offer as an amendment, that it be referred to the Judiciary Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
910879 Motion to Refer Article XVI to the Committee on Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE I move the question be referred to the Committee on Bill of Rights. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
910894 Motion to Refer Each Section of Article XXI to the Appropriate Committee None 0 PROCEDURE This motion should cover the whole ground that the different sections of this Article be referred to the Committees that are named. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
910174 Motion to Postpone Debate on Article XXIV None 0 PROCEDURE I move that further consideration of this matter be postponed until two o’clock tomorrow Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
910175 Motion to make Article XXIV a Special Order for the Following Day None 0 PROCEDURE I move we make this the special order tomorrow Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
910179 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Read the Constitution and Make it a Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that the vote by which we adopted the resolution to read the Constitution and refer the different subjects to the proper committee be reconsidered Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
910182 Motion to Appoint a Committee to Proofread the Sioux Falls Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a committee of three be appointed to carefully proof read and compare the copy of the Constitution Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
910186 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention stood adjourned until tomorrow Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906315 Call to Order: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE 2 o’clock P. M. Convention called to order by the president. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889 Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906316 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906317 Order of Business: Regular Calls AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I will complete the regular calls before announcing the special order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906318 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906584 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I am under the impression that it may be a matter that we desire to hear read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906676 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the question of order as whether memorializing the President or officers of the government as School Lands, or Artesian Basin Survey, or anything of that sort is within the scope of the work of this Constitutional Convention? Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906678 Motion to Recommit the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I would move, gentlemen, that this be referred back to the Committee for reconsideration and amendment so as to meet that desired end. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906682 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to hear the memorial read again. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906960 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous,—the adoption of the memorial. [Editor's Note: As a result of the memorial being adopted, it is sent to the Committee on Engrossment.] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906961 Motion to Call the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the roll be called on the main question. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906985 Motion to Withdraw the Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE With the consent of the second, I will withdraw my motion to reconsider. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906993 Order of Business: Presentation of Motions None 0 PROCEDURE If it is now in order, I have a motion which I would like to present to the Convention and have it read by the clerk Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907222 Motion to Take up Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk will read [...] Article 22 Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907223 Motion to Present a New Motion None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask consent of the Convention for an opportunity for the introduction of a motion that will dispose of this matter without the reconsideration of the proposition yesterday Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907242 Motion to Refer Article XXIV to the Committee on The Rights of Married Women None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Rights of Married Women. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907302 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Refer Article XXIV None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the motion by which Article 24 was referred to the Committee on Rights of Married Women be reconsidered. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907304 Motion to Refer Article XXIV to the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I would add to my motion that it be referred to the Committee on Schedule. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907578 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of that resolution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907581 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion be indefinitely postponed. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931621 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be laid upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907602 Motion to Refer the Resolution Relative to Religious Freedom, Public Lands, Rights of Indians and Public Schools to the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that be referred to the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907603 Motion to Refer the Resolution Relative to Religious Freedom, Public Lands, Rights of Indians and Public Schools to the Committee on Federal Relations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907608 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906321 Call to Order: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906322 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
909081 Motion to Reconsider the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE With a view of moving that amendment, I move you, Sir, that we re-consider the vote by which we adopted the memorial yesterday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906814 Motion to Reconsider the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands For All Purposes None 0 PROCEDURE I was going to offer an amendment to the motion that this motion be to reconsider for all purposes; it is confined to one particular section; I move to amend, that if it be reconsidered that it be for all purposes. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906819 Motion to Lay the Motion to Reconsider Upon the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move the motion to reconsider it lay upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906823 Motion to Grant Leave to William McCusick, Indefinite None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the Convention to excuse me from further attendance upon the Convention, owing to public duties which I have at home. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906825 Motion to Grant Leave to W. T. Williams, 1889-07-12—15 None 0 PROCEDURE asked and was granted leave of absence until Monday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906829 Motion to Grant Leave to H. W. Eddy, 1889-07-13⁠—16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eddy was upon his own request excused until Tuesday morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
910123 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Sherwood the Convention stood adjourned until Saturday afternoon, July 13. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906834 Call to Order: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by Mr. Corson, of Lawrence. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906836 Prayer: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE We thank Thee, oh God, our Heavenly Father for all Thy manifest kindness toward us. We ask Thee that Thy holy spirit may this day thoroughly imbue us. Deal graciously with all connected with us; and those of our number who are absent; bring us together with a purpose and full determination to do just the thing for the best interest of those whom we represent. Do Thou guide our steps and lead us on the morrow that we conduct ourselves as becoming representatives; as those worthy to be called children of the living God. We ask it in Jesus’ name. AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906841 Motion to Refer Seal Design to the Committee on Seal None 0 PROCEDURE Ask that it be referred to the Committee on Seal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906842 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906952 Call to Order: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by Mr. Corson of Lawrence. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889 Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906953 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the privilege that we have had of resting on the Sabbath Day and of hearing of Thy word from which we may gain wisdom. Help us now to remember that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and if we have the right spirit toward God and men we shall surely prosper and do just those things that will be acceptable in Thy sight and redound to our good and the glory of our Father who liveth forever. Hear us for Christ’s sake. AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906955 Motion to Call the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the roll be called to ascertain if there be a quorum present. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906956 Motion to Lay Roll Call on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion be laid upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906959 Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE The order of business for the day was gone through by the President pro tem. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906965 Motion to Adopt Mr. Humphrey's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I offer the following resolution and move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906967 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Humphrey, the Convention was adjourned. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907002 Call to Order: 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment. President Edgerton in the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907003 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The Chaplain: Oh, Lord, our God, we bless and adore Thy name this day. In our finiteness and ignorance, we turn to Thine infinite love and wisdom for strength and inspiration. Do Thou guide our deliberations this day, and may everything that is done redound to thy glory, and the uplifting of mankind. This we ask for Jesus' sake. AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907004 Motion to Appoint Mr. Wescott in Mr. McCusick's place on the Committee on Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I will appoint Mr. Wescott in his place from that district. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907006 Motion to Read the Resolution Again None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the resolution be read again. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
907007 Motion to Call the Roll of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the roll of standing committees be read in order that progeess may be reported. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907010 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Executive and Administrative a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the Executive and Administrative Committee be made the special order for tomorrow at the completion of the regular call of the business. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907014 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907016 Motion to Make the Report a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I offer the substitute that it be made the special order for tomorrow afternoon. (Seconded.) Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
907019 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931374 Call to Order: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE FOURTEENTH DAY. Sioux Falls, Dak., July 17, 1889. Two o’clock P. M. Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment. President Edgerton in the chair. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889 Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931378 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for Prayer Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931693 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rights of Married Women None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on the Rights of Married Women be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931695 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Rights of Married Women a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that the report be made a special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931699 Motion to Refer the Resolution on the Signatures of the 1885 Constitution to the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Do you ask its reference to the Judiciary Committee? Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931717 Motion to Recommit the Reports of the Committees on Executive and Administrative as well as Amendments and Revision None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Executive and Administrative and the Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution, and made a special order yesterday, be re-committed to the respective Committees in order that they may be made to conform to the uniform form that is recommended by the Committee on Rules. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931745 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the Committee now arise and report the action of the Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931792 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to the point of order, over the gentleman from Lake; we are in Committee of the Whole. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931809 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931810 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to the point of order. Are we considered as in Committee of the Whole? Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931812 Motion to Rise from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the Committee rise. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931413 Call to Order: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE the Convention was called to order by the President. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931418 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Mr. Huntley Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931631 Reports from the Standing Committees AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE At this point the call of the standing committees was proceeded with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932054 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Compensation of Public Officers a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be made a special order for tomorrow’s session. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932057 Motion for the Remaining Sanding Committee Reports to be Made a Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the remainder of the reports of Standing Committees as made today be made a special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932061 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rights of Married Women None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932157 Motion for the Resolution on Standing Committees to be Referred to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Rules. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932161 Motion for the Report on Rights of Married Women to be Referred to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that the report of the Committee on Rights of Married Women just adopted, be referred Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932168 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931676 Call to Order: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Pursuant to adjournment the Convention re-assembled with President Edgerton in the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931681 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Mr. Matson as follows Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931684 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we dispense with the reading of the Journal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931726 Motion for the Names of the Whole Committee to be Inserted by the Form Suggested by the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the names of the whole Committee be inserted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
933581 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Motion for the Clerk to be Instructed to Amend this Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we reconsider the vote, by which the Clerk was instructed to amend this report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932445 Motion to Make the Reports of the Standing Committee Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the reports of the Standing Committees of today, be made the special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932448 Motion to Make the Reports of the Standing Committees Special Order for Tuesday Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that it be made a special order for Tuesday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932459 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Compensation None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report as read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932461 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Public Accounts and Expenditure None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932465 Motion to Recommit the Report of the Committee on Amendments and Revision for Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be re-committed to the Committee for amendment in that particular. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932470 Motion to Amend the Report from the Committee on Amendments and Revision of Without Recommitting None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment that the amendment be made at this time without re-committing the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932682 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Banking or Municipal on Article XVII None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the reading of it be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
949872 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Corporations Other than Banking or Municipal on Article XVII None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to adopt said report reaching a vote, prevailed. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953126 Motion to read the Report of the Committee on Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Bill of Rights was read by the Clerk as follows Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932685 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932687 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on the Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE The question before the House now is upon the adoption of the report of the Committee upon the Bill of Rights. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932689 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Amendments and Revisions of the Constitution as Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Sir, that the report as amended be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953150 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Municipal Corportations None 0 PROCEDURE The next order of business is consideration of the Committee on Municipal Corporations. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932693 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Municipal Corporations None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932697 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harris moved that the Convention do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932701 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932703 Motion to Make the Report of the Judiciary Committee a Special Order for Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE I would amend that and make it the special order for next Tuesday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932707 Motion for the Report of the Judiciary Committee to be Referred to the Committee on Amendments and Revisions of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute of the motion before the House that the report of the Judiciary Committee be referred to the Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution with instructions to report on Tuesday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932722 Motion to Adopt the Resolution Pertaining to the Signing of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932730 Motion to Return to the Introduction of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that we return to that order of business. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953086 Motion for the Resolution to be Made Part of the Special Order for Next Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE I move now that the resolution be made a part of that special order under which the report of the Committee on Education and School Lands is to be considered next Tuesday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932741 Motion to Renew the Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I renew my motion to adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932743 Mr. Clough's Request to the Desk AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I sent a request to the desk for the old soldiers to sign their names, their rank, company and regiment on a slip of paper and hand the same to me. The object of this is to find out how many members of the Convention are veterans; that this information may be made a matter of record and be preserved. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931733 Call to Order: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention reconvened pursuant to adjournment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931737 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Our Heavenly Father, as we commence the labors of this day we desire to thank Thee for Thy preserving care; for Thy tender mercies toward us, for Thy Father’s love that is revealed to us We now ask Thy blessing on this Convention here and absent; upon the intricate work resting upon the Commission we have sent out to do. Grant Thy blessing upon this day’s proceedings; follow us all the days of our lives, and give us an abundant entrance into Thy kingdom, we ask for Christ’s sake. AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931743 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931752 Call to Order: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Corson, of Lawrence, presiding. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931755 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE The Chaplain: We thank Thee, O God, for all that Thou hast done for us in the past and we ask Thee that Thou wilt so direct our path and so lead us out in the way that our paths will be paths of peace and our ways, ways of righteousness, that we shall do great good for ourselves and the commonwealth that we represent. Wilt Thou go with us and own our efforts this day, we ask it in the name of Jesus, our Savior. AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931880 Motion to Make the Report Of the Committee on County and Township Organization a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on County and Township Organization be made a special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931804 Motion to Reconsider the Adoption of the Report of the Committee on Compensation of Public Officers None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Mr. President, we consider [sic] that motion whereby the Convention adopted the report of the Committee on Compensation of Public Officers. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931869 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Compensation of Public Officers as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report as amended be now adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931872 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the Convention adjourned. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931852 Call to Order: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention convened pursuant to adjournment, with Mr. Corson, of Lawrence in the Chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931855 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Mr. Matson, of Kingsbury County. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931905 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Five and Refer the Communication from the American Sabbath Union None 0 PROCEDURE As there is no committee to which that can go I move that it be assigned to a special committee of five. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
937774 Order of Business: Unfinished Business AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE Unfinished business of the previous day; nothing I believe but special orders. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
937898 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Judiciary Special Order for Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that be made a special order for Thursday Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
937904 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Judiciary Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment, that it be made the special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
937991 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Judiciary Special Order for Wednesday None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that it be made a special order for Wednesday afternoon. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
938002 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Name, Boundaries and Seat of Government Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this report be made a special subject for consideration tomorrow at the afternoon session. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
939258 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Name, Boundaries and Seat of Government Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of this report be made the special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1062140 Motion to Read the Report on Impeachment and Removal from Office None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk will read that report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1062148 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Legislative on Article XVI None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1062602 Announcement from the Chair AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE I will now state for the information of the Convention, I have been unable to get to work with the Committee but made arrangements this morning by which the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology will take these reports and compare them with the original Constitution and see if there are any errors; as soon as Judge Edgerton returns and we have access to the original Constitution, that Committee will commence its work; I presume it will be able to do so tomorrow; I don't know when the Judge expects to return. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1062632 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee Elections and Right of Suffrage on Article VII None 0 PROCEDURE Report of the Committee on Election and Right of Suffrage read. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1062806 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee Elections and Right of Suffrage on Article VII None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk reads report of Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1062814 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage on Article VII None 0 PROCEDURE The question now recurrs upon the question to adopt the report of the Committee on Elections and Right of Suffrage as amended. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1062823 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations on Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE The next report is a report of the Committee on Federal Relations and Ordinance. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1062860 Motion to refer the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations on Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to that Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063109 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations on the Memorial on a Geological and Hydrographic Survey None 0 PROCEDURE The next order of business is consideration of the memorial to Congress With relation to the securing a commission for the purpose of making a geological and hydrographic survey of the State. Clerk reads the report as follows Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063113 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations on the Memorial on a Geological and Hydrographic Survey None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Mr. President, that we adopt this memorial. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063127 Motion to Postpone Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands on Article VIII None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the consideration of this report be postponed until tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063139 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings on Article XIV None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk read the report of the Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063145 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings on Article XIV None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Editorial Decision
1063186 Motion to Read the Report from the Committee on Exemptions on Article XXI, Section IV None 0 PROCEDURE The next report is the report of the Committee on Exemptions. The Clerk read said report as follows: Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063191 Motion to Adopt Report from the Committee on Exemptions on Article XXI, Section IV None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063356 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Banking and Currency on Article XVIII None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk reads the report of the Committee on Banking and Currency. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063359 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Banking and Currency on Article XVIII None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063362 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Seal on Article XXI None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk next reads the report of the Committee on Seal and Coat of Arms as follows: Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063364 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Seal on Article XXI None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063369 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects on Article XXI, Section III None 0 PROCEDURE The next report is the report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1063375 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects on Article XXI, Section III None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1063397 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Executive and Administration on Article IV None 0 PROCEDURE The next report is the report of the Committee on Executive Adminstrative. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1063409 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Executive and Administration on Article IV None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1063436 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on Manufactures and Agriculture None 0 PROCEDURE Clerk reads the report of Committee on manufactures and Agriculture as follows Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063469 Motion to Refer Back the Report of the Committee on Manufactures and Agriculture None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred back to the Committee for amendment, to comply with the report of the Committee on Rules. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1063471 Motion to Refer the Report of the Committee on Manufactures and Agriculture to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1063473 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Manufactures and Agriculture None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption as read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1063477 Motion to Postpone the Report of the Committee on Manufactures and Agriculture None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we postpone the consideration of that report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1064306 Motion to Read the Reports of the Committee on Military Affairs None 0 PROCEDURE The next is the consideration of the report of the Committee on Military affairs. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1064308 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Military Affairs on Article XV None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee on Military Affairs be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1064687 Motion to Read the Further Report of the Committee on Military Affairs on the Petition Submitted by Jacob Schmidt None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk read the further report by the same Committee with relation to a petition by Jacob Schmidt and other Russian citizens, exempting certain persons having religious scruples against bearing arms for military duty. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1064694 Motion to Adopt the Further Report of the Committee on Military Affairs on the Petition Submitted by Jacob Schmidt None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1064703 Motion to Read the Report from the Committee on County and Township Organization on Article IX None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk next read the report of the Committee on County and Township Organization, as follows: Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1064706 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on County and Township Organization on Article IX None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
1065100 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization on Article IX None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report as amended. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1065108 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on County and Township Organization on Article IX None 0 PROCEDURE I would to have the report as amended, read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941258 Order of Business: Question of Privilege AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE I would like to raise one question of privilege; I brought up from the University of Dakota, our State University, these catalogues, (indicating) and we specially ask the members to take them home for reference. I would like to say that we had three thousand printed and before they were out there was application for two thousand of them; it will show there is some demand for them; I would like to have you take them home. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941358 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931883 Call to Order: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Pursuant to adjournment the Convention was called to order by the President. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931885 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Willis Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
931962 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of these rules. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
985009 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Report from the Committee on Education and School Lands Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that that report be laid over until tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
985011 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977464 Motion to Recommit the Report from the Judiciary Committee and the Proposed Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that this report and the proposed substitute be resubmitted to the Judiciary Committee with instructions that they report on the morrow, recommending the creation of nine circuits. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977902 Motion to Lay the Motion to Recommit on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion of the gentleman from the Hill be laid on the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
985012 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
985013 Point of Order: Mr. Stoddard None 0 PROCEDURE I raise the point of order, I had the floor. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984309 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932289 Point of Order: Mr. Hole None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order; the previous question has been called and that has not been settled. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932292 Motion to Make the Report from the Judiciary Committee a Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be made the special order for tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
985015 Motion to Reconsider the Report from the Committee on Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the question. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
985016 Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE I move the motion to reconsider be tabled. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932297 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932226 Call to Order: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Pursuant to adjournment, Convention convened with President Edgerton in the Chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932228 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Rev. Mr. Clough: Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Thy merciful providences toward us, and the comforts we have enjoyed. And no was we come to the knotty problems in our work, we pray that Thou wilt give us wisdom, and strength and discretion, and understanding that all these things may be done as they ought to be done; that we may further righteousness and good government in this new State. Guard not only the Interests of the State, but those who are near and dear to us at home; for Christ’s sake, we ask these blessings. AMEN. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932310 Motion to Dispense with the Further Reading of the Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the further reading of the report as far as it relates to the reports be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984298 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Legislative Apportionment on Article XIX None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932604 Motion to Postpone the Vote on the Report from the Committee on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment Until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that the report of this Committee be postponed until tomorrow. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932609 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by which the Report From the Committee on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote by which the report was adopted and lay the motion upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977844 Motion to Lay the Previous Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote by which the report was adopted and lay the motion upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932614 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Special Committee of Five Regarding the Communication from the Officers of the American Sabbath Union None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
952277 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Judiciary Committee relating to Clerks of the Circuit Court at the Coming Election None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move the adoption now of the report of the Judiciary Committee, relative to the special matter referred to it, relating to the Clerks of the Circuit Court at the coming election. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
952279 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE It can only be taken up by consent. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932617 Motion to Suspend the Rules of the Convention and Consider the Report Made by the Judiciary Committee this Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended that the Convention consider the report of the Judiciary Committee made this morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953440 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Education and School Lands on Article VIII None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report of the Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977869 Motion to Adopt Mr. Sterling's Amendment Regarding Section 9 of Article VIII None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the amendment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953508 Motion to Lay Mr. Sterling's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the motion be laid upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
959450 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Names and Boundaries None 0 PROCEDURE The Chairman of the Committee on Name and Boundaries moves the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977874 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Names and Boundaries Relating to Seat of Government None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Name, Boundaries and Seat of Government, relating to seat of government, Was, on motion of Mr. Stroupe, adopted. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
933104 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Adjourn Until 9 O'Clock Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that when we adjourn it will be until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
933127 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Schedule to Report Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we instruct the Committee on Schedule to bring us a report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
933138 Motion to Make the Report of the Committee on Schedule a Special Order for Tomorrow at 9 O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move you the report of the Committee on Schedule be made a special order tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
933159 Motion to Reconsider the Motion Ordering the Committee on Scheduling to Report Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reconsideration of the motion ordering the Committee to report tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
933445 Motion to Lay the Previous Amendment On the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay the amendment on the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
933492 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the Committee adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock, July 25th, 1889. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932285 Call to Order: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention re-assembled with President Edgerton in the Chair Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932287 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Lee Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
936262 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Name, Boundaries, and Seat of Government None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adopt the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932547 Motion to Consider the Report from the Committee on Judiciary Regarding Circuit Court Clerks None 0 PROCEDURE I move you, Mr. President, that the report of the Committee on Judiciary relative to the right of the Convention to provide for Clerks of the Circuit Court, be now considered. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932552 Motion to Postpone Consideration on the Majority and Minority Reports from the Committee of Judiciary Until the Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I would therefore move as amendment that it be postponed until afternoon Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953812 Order of Business: Reports of Standing Committees AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Unfinished business of preceding day? Reports from Standing Committees? Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
955411 Motion to Adopt and Refer the Report from the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance Regarding Article XXV None 0 PROCEDURE The report by vote of the Convention, was adopted. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889 Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932581 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance on Article XXIV None 0 PROCEDURE The Chairman of the Committee moves the adoption of the report Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932715 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Revenue and Finance on Article XI None 0 PROCEDURE The Chairman of the Committee moves the adoption of the report Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932735 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Legislative on Article III None 0 PROCEDURE The Chairman of the Committee moves the adoption of the report Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932875 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Consider the Majority and Minority Reports of the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take up the proceedings of the report of the Judiciary Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934805 Motion to Suspend the Rules in Order to Consider the Report of the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance on Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE Moves the rules be suspended in order that the Convention may consider the report made by the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934812 Motion to Adopt the Substitute Report from the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance on Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
950905 Committee Announcements AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE If I am correct we proceed at our regular routine work at two o’clock this afternoon. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932938 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do adjourn Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941380 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that we adjourn until two o’clock this afternoon, at the regular time. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941381 Motion to Read the Report and Mark the Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that it be read first and the amendments marked. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932948 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I renew the motion to adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945492 Call to Order: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention reassembled pursuant to adjournment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945501 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
945524 Motion to Consider the Report of the Committee on Schedule and the Reports of the Committee on Judiciary Together None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the consideration of the report of the Schedule Committee and the two reports of the Judiciary Committee be taken up and considered together. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953733 Motion to Consider the Report of the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE Unless otherwise directed by the Convention the Clerk will read section by section and when the amendment pertaining to any section, as it is read, the amendment can be offered. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945527 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole in Order to Consider the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we go into Committee of the Whole upon consideration of the report of the Committee on Schedule. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
945535 Motion to Adopt Section 1 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of this section. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
949340 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Schedule Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I will change the motion to adopt it section by section Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945544 Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I will make the same motion as to Section 2. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945557 Motion to Adopt Section 4 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the section just read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945566 Motion to Adopt Mr. Williams' Amendments to Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the amendments. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
945582 Motion to Adopt Section 6 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of Section 6, as read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977552 Motion to Lay Mr. Peck's Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be laid on the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
955631 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 7 Until Eight O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move we defer further consideration of this question until eight o’clock tonight. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
949236 Motion to Adjourn Until Eight O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet at eight o’clock this evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
949238 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951265 Call to Order: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention re-assembled pursuant to adjournment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
955638 Motion to Read Mr. Peck's Amendment to Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the reading of the amendment as it stands tonight. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
952945 Motion to Adopt Section 7 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Section 7 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953071 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Report from the Committee on Schedule Until Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move that further consideration of this report be postponed until Thursday Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
977763 Motion to Adopt the Balance of the Report of the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I will offer a substitute to the gentleman's motion that we adopt the balance of the report of the Committee on Schedule and Ordinance. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953519 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Report from the Committee on Schedule to Next Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute that this report be postponed until next Thursday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
958298 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Edgerton makes a point of order and the amendment is ruled out. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953522 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the Convention do adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932521 Call to Order: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE The President: The Convention will come to order and Rev. Willis will lead in prayer. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932523 Prayer: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will come to order and Rev. Willis will lead in prayer. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932536 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932538 Call to Order: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 2 o'clock P. M. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932540 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Rev. Mr. Huntley, Jerauld County, will lead us in prayer. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932544 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move you that we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932554 Call to Order: 1889-07-30 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will please come to order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932557 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-30 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we do now adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932559 Call to Order: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by President Edgerton. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932561 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Rev. Willis. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932589 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology Regarding the Preamble None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Van Buskirk moves the adoption of the report of the Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932591 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology on Article II None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report of the Committee Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932596 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE The motion to adjourn being put was carried and the Convention was declared adjourned until tomorrow at two o'clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932600 Motion to Grant Mr. Parker Consent to Sign the Report of the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I would like permission to sign the report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932845 Call to Order: 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by President Edgerton. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932847 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Chief Clerk, Mr. Burdick Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932851 Motion to Recess Until 8 o'clock this Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess until eight o’clock this evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
932854 Motion that the President Appoint a Committee of Five to Secure the Publication of the Constitution and Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move the President appoint a Committee of five to secure the publication of the Constitution and Schedule as ordered by the Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932870 Motion to Recess Until 8 o'clock this Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I renew my motion to take a recess until eight o’clock this evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932951 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The President: The Convention will come to order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932961 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Thank Benjamin Harrison None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I have a resolution I wish to offer and move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
932964 Motion that the Convention Meet at 9 o’clock Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when we adjourn tonight it be until tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946750 Motion to Adopt Section 8 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I would now move, that section 8 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946755 Motion to Adopt Section 9 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Section 9 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946758 Motion to Adopt Section 10 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE The same motion as to Section 10. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946761 Motion to Adopt Section 11 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I make the same motion as to Section 11. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946764 Motion to Adopt Section 12 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that Section 12 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946767 Motion to Adopt Section 13 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Section 13 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946770 Motion to Adopt Section 14 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE The same motion as to Section 14. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946773 Motion to Adopt Sections 15 and 16 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Sections 15 and 16 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
978032 Motion to Withdraw Section 17 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I desire the gentleman to withdraw 17. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
951100 Motion to Adopt Section 17 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Section 17 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951262 Motion to Adopt Judge Corson's Amendment to Section 18 None 0 PROCEDURE I will therefore move that the amendment be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951272 Motion to Adopt Section 18 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE On Motion of Mr. Hole, Section 18 was adopted as amended. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951212 Motion to Adopt Section 19 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move that section 19 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951214 Motion to Adopt Mr. Williams' Amendment to Section 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I will move the adoption of the amendment of Section 19 as read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951283 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the question raised by the amendment be divided. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
951294 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move you that further consideration of this report be postponed until tomorrow morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951296 Motion to Lay the Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move to lay this motion upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
951310 Motion to Adopt Section 20 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that Section 20 be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
954553 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Section 20 Until Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that Section 20 by deferred until tomorrow morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951315 Motion to Adopt Sections 21 and 22 of the Report from the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of Sections 21 and 22. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951321 Motion to Receive the Report from the Joint Commission None 0 PROCEDURE I would move that the report be received. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
951324 Motion to Postpone the Reading of the Report of the Joint Commission Until Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I would therefore move you that this report be reported as received and that the reading be postponed until tomorrow morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
951327 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until nine o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934694 Call to Order: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at nine o'clock A. M. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934696 Prayer: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Chaplain Wakefield. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934700 Motion to Dispense with Further Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we dispense with further reading of the Journal. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934708 Motion to Accept the Invitation for Saturday Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the invitation that was extended to the Convention be accepted for Saturday evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934890 Motion to Accept the Senators' Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be accepted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934894 Motion to Appoint a Committee to Meet the Senators None 0 PROCEDURE I move that a committee be appointed by the Chair in accordance with his suggestion. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
934914 Motion to Read the List of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Unless otherwise ordered by the Convention I will direct the Secretary to read the list of Committees to ascertain what reports are yet to be made. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
954915 Motion to Withdraw Mr. William's Amendment Pertaining to 1894 None 0 PROCEDURE And now, with the consent of my second, I will withdraw that part of my amendment which relates to the election of the Judges, and I wish to say one word on that. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
952589 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question upon the amendment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984514 Motion to Withdraw the Previous Motion and for the Main Question to be Put None 0 PROCEDURE I withdraw the motion and ask that the main question be put. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
952591 Motion for a Call of the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask for a call of the roll. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984528 Motion to Adopt Sections 19 and 20 as Reported None 0 PROCEDURE I move you the adoption of Sections 19 and 20, as reported. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984530 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Schedule Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the Schedule Committee, as a whole be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984533 Motion to Adopt the Reports of the Schedule Committee Including the Articles Recommended by the Joint Commission None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that this motion bay be made to inclued the recommendation of the Committee from North Dakota, and I would ask for the reading of that part asked to be included in the Schedule and Ordinance. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984535 Motion to Lay Aside the Report of the Committee on Schedule and Take up the Report of the Joint Commission. None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the report of the Committee on Schedule be laid aside, and that we take up the report of the Committee from the Joint Commission. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
941116 Motion to Consider the Report of the Commission None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we proceed to consider the report of the Commission. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984538 Motion to Incorporate the Articles of Agreement in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move as an amendment, that we incorporate this agreement which they have arrived at, in the Constitution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984544 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, it relates to another subject matter entirely. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941356 Motion to Recess Until 2 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Convention do now take a recess until two o'clock, when the Committee be requested to present a report as they desire so to do. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
984973 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941371 Motion to Read the Members of the Senatorial Committees Again None 0 PROCEDURE The Clerk will read the list of the Committee again. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
941373 Call to Order: 1889-08-02: Afternoon Session None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention convened as was called to order by the President. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
984980 Motion to Reconsider the Report of the Schedule Committee upon Section 19 and 20 None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move a reconsideration of the motion by which the Convention refused to adopt the amendment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
984987 Motion to Reconsider Mr. William's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move you, Mr. President, to reconsider the vote by which the Convention rejected the amendment. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953167 Motion to Allow an Interruption None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hole, if you will allow an interruption. I understand the Senatorial Committee are now coming into the hall. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953175 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE According to the order of the Convention this morning, there will be a recess now Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953328 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention will meet at half-past seven o'clock, promptly, this evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953331 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention reassembled at 7:30 o'clock P. M., and was called to order, with President Edgerton in the Chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
955401 Future Schedule of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE It is evident to my own mind, from what I have seen today, that we cannot get through with the business of the Convention before tomorrow afternoon sometime, and that then the Clerk will have to take some hours to complete the enrollment, and that the Constitution will not be ready for the signatures of the delegates before Monday forenoon. It is my own opinion that there is no possibility of our getting away from here until Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
955402 Motion to Reconsider Section 19 None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the action of the Convention in adopting Section 19 be reconsidered, and I move to lay that motion on the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953364 Motion to Lay the Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the action of the Convention in adopting Section 19 be reconsidered, and I move to lay that motion on the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
985001 Motion to Refer the Report of the Joint Committee: B: Territorial Debts and Liabilities None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of that part of the report which is marked "B" and referred to in the formal report. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
985005 Motion to Refer the Report of the Joint Committee: A: Final Agreement of the Joint Commission None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the second part of the report, which covers the agreement with reference to the books and records, be referred to the Schedule Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953532 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953533 Motion to Adjourn Until Nine O'clock Tomorrow Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
953534 Motion to Excuse Mr. Brott None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask to be excused from further attendance here, and I would ask that Mr. Stoddard be allowed to sign my name to the Constitution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
936287 Call to Order: 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at nine o’clock A. M., by the President. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
936289 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
936292 Motion to Dispense of Further Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move that the further reading of the Journal be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
957242 Motion to Read Section 23 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, we wish to report back the part of the report made by the Commission sent to North Dakota which was referred to us on yesterday Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
957228 Motion to Suspend the Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and the report of the Committee on Schedule be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
957232 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Schedule Regarding Section 23 of the Schedule and Ordinance None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the [...] report of the Committee on Schedule be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
957275 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Schedule on the Schedule and Ordinance None 0 PROCEDURE I would move you that this report, as now submitted and adopted section by section, be adopted as a whole. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
957283 Motion to Reconsider Section 7 of the Report on the Schedule and Ordinance None 0 PROCEDURE I would make a motion to reconsider Section 7, with the purpose of striking it out. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
954560 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness None 0 PROCEDURE I send up the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness and move that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
955318 Motion to Read the Report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness Regarding Article XIII None 0 PROCEDURE I’d like to hear the report read. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
955405 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order; an amendment to an amendment, I do not understand what that means. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
955429 Motion to Refer the Report Back to the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness None 0 PROCEDURE And I move you that this matter be referred back to the Committee, with the view of shaping it up to meet the desires of the Convention that have been expressed here. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
956741 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
956752 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of the Report Until the Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move to postpone further consideration of this matter until two o’clock this afternoon. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
957287 Point of Order Regarding the Previous Question AGENDA_ITEM 0 PROCEDURE I rise to the point of order that this question is not debatable. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
956755 Motion to Recess until Two O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until two o’clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
956758 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention re-assembled with the President in the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
956764 Point of Order Regarding the Next Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE If I remember right, that is the condition. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
956787 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by which the Report From the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness was Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the action of the Convention in adopting the report of the Committee, be reconsidered and that the motion be laid upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
1073342 Motion to Lay on the Table the Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Adopt Article XIII None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the action of the Convention in adopting the report of the Committee, be reconsidered and that the motion be laid upon the table. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
956794 Motion to Adjourn Until Two O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until two o’ lock next Monday. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
956796 Motion to Adjourn Until One O'Clock Tomorrow Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that we adjourn until one o’clock, and I make that as a motion. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
942800 Call to Order: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention re-assembled at one o’clock P. M., with President Edgerton in the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
942802 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Rev. S. F. Huntley, a member of the Convention: Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
942805 Motion to Propose a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent to introduce this as an additional provision Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
942808 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the Bonds of the Territory None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; I move the adoption of the resolution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
942811 Motion to Dispense with the Reading of the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; I move that the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
942814 Motion to Adopt the Resolution of Thanks for President A. J. Edgerton None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
943438 Address of the President in Regard to the Resolution of Thanks None 0 PROCEDURE I cannot express to the delegates of this Convention upon the present occasion, the profound gratitude that I feel at this renewed expression of the members of this Constitutional Convention, for my effort on behalf of South Dakota. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
944489 Order of Business: Settlement of the Accounts with the Secretary. AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Possibly someone in the Convention may be able to give the delegates some information with reference to a very important question—settlement of our accounts with the Secretary. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
944502 Motion to Adopt the Resolution of Thanks for the Officers of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move the adoption of the resolution. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
944542 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on the Allowance of Mileage for Certain Officers of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE If it is desirable, however, I will put the motion. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
944565 Announcement of and Invitation for a Reception to be Held AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; I desire to state to the members of the Convention that arrangements are being made for holding a reception in this room this evening, by the citizens of Sioux Falls, to the members of the Convention, officers, and so forth, and their ladies, and a formal invitation will be distributed sono [sic], but I make this announcement now in order that if any should miss an invitation, they will understand that it is extended, nevertheless. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
945538 Mr. Jolley's Address to the Convention and Presentation of a Portrait to the President AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Then, Sir, in behalf of the members of this Convention, I present to you this protrait of each member of this Convention. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945541 The President's Address to the Convention AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [The President's Address to the Convention] Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
946722 Motion to Deposit the Journal of the Joint Commission with the President None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be deposited with the President of the Convention, by him to be deposited with the Secretary of State upon the admission of South Dakota into the Union. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
948571 Motion to Adjourn Sine Die when the Convention Adjourns None 0 PROCEDURE It was agreed that when this Convention adjourn it adjourn sine die. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945561 Order of Business: Reading of the Constitution AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; if I understand the condition of the business, it will probably be in order to adopt the Constitution now, as a whole, if we have reached that stage, and I think we have. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
945563 Motion to Informally Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention may be informally at recess until called to order at the sound of the gavel. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
945580 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention came to order at 4 o’clock P. M., President Edgerton in the Chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946688 Motion to Adopt the Constitution of the State of State South Dakota None 0 PROCEDURE RESOLVED, That the Constitution having been considered and acted upon Article by Article, the same be now passed, adopted and confirmed as a whole. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
948199 Motion to Grant Mr. Caldwell the Four Stars of the Convention Hall None 0 PROCEDURE that the four stars, representing the States of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington, upon the walls of the Convention hall, be left with Mr. Caldwell to be placed in the hall of the future State house. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946695 Motion to Recess Until 4:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE That a recess be taken till 4:30 o'clock P. M., and the Convention assemble in the room below. Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
946699 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order with President Edgerton in the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
948648 Motion to Appoint a Committee of Three to Meet with the Disbursing Officer None 0 PROCEDURE I move you that the Chair appoint a committee of three members of this Convention to visit the officer disbursing the funds and try to get him to accept the report of the Committee. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
948651 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Mileage None 0 PROCEDURE And in that connection, Mr. President, I move you that we adopt the report of the Committee on Mileage. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
948705 Motion to Reconsider the Motion to Adjourn Sine Die when the Convention Adjourns None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; I move a reconsideration of the motion that when the Convention adjourn today it adjourn sine die. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
948711 Motion to Postpone Further Consideration of the Motion to Adjourn Sine Die until Seven P. M. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; I move you that the further consideration of the motion pending, which is that when this Convention adjourn it adjourn sine die, be postponed until seven o'clock this evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
948716 Motion to Reconvene in a Different Location at Seven O'Clock None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President; I move that when this Convention adjourns until seven o'clock they meet in the rooms below Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
949327 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Expenses of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Move it be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
949337 Motion to Recess Until 7 p. m. None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until seven o'clock this evening. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
949341 Call to Order at 7 p. m. None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order in the lower rooms. President Edgerton presiding. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
949344 Motion to Recess Until 9 p. m. None 0 PROCEDURE There being no further business before the Convention, save the settlement of accounts of members, a recess was taken until nine o'clock. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
949347 Call to order at 9 p. m. None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order, President Edgerton, presiding. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
949349 Motion to Adjourn Sine Die None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Jolley, of Clay, the Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, adjourned, sine die. ADJOURNED. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
905678 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that the Convention now go into committee of the Whole. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906541 Motion to Call Mr. Sterling to the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I will call Mr. Sterling to the chair. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889
906548 Motion to Read the Special Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I will call for the reading of the report of the Committee Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906559 Motion to Adopt the Special Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the Committee be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906667 Motion to Recommend that the Convention Adopt the Special Report of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this Committee be instructed to report to the Convention and recommend that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
931357 Motion to Reduce All Motions and Amendments to Writing None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that by the rules all motions and amendments shall be reduced to writing. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
906674 Motion that the Committee Rise and Report to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I was just going to move that the Committee rise and report to the Convention and recommend that the report be adopted. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2 Journal of The Constitutional Convention of South Dakota, July 1889

Committee: Committee on Mines, Mining and Water Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Roads, Bridges and Other Internal Improvements

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Exemptions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Rights of Married Women

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Committee: Committee on Banking and Currency

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Military Affairs

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Printing

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Committee: Committee on Seal

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Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects

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Committee: Committee on Compensation of Public Officers

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Committee: Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology

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Committee: Committee on Manufactures and Agriculture

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Expenses of the Convention

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Committee: Committee on Engrossment and Enrollment

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Committee: Committee on Rules and Order of Business

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
908136 Motion to Refer Amendment Report From the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Editor's Note Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2

Committee: Committee on Federal Relations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee of Three on Proofreading

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee of Special Reference on the Communication

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee of Five on Securing the Publication of the Constitution and Schedule

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee of Three on Mileage

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee Amendments Test Area

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Committee: Senatorial Conference

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
953197 Presentation of Delegates None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, is it your pleasure to be presented to the Senators now, or after the Conference? Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984588 Statements on Lack of Rainfall AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE we would like to have you go through rapidly, from different sections of the State, giving a short statement of the situation there—whether there is sufficient rain-fall Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
984593 Address by Senators Stewart and Reagan AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Senator Stewart addressed the Convention upon the subjects of Irrigiation and the Demonetization of Silver, and was followed by Senator Reagan, who occupied the attention of the Convention, briefly, with remarks on the same topics. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2
953206 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, if there is nothing more to come before us we will stand adjourned informally. Debates of The South Dakota Constitutional Convention, July 1889, Volume 2