Committee: The Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
829671 Call to Order: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830475 Motion for Messrs. Hoyt and Turner to Conduct Mr. Moore to the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Secretary White appointed J. P. Hoyt and Geo. Turner to conduct the temporary Chairman to the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867609 Motion to Elect Allen Weir for Temporary Secretary None 0 PROCEDURE R. O. Dunbar nominated Allen Weir for temporary Secretary. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830512 Motion to Respond to the Telegrams None 0 PROCEDURE [That appropriate responses be sent to these telegrams.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830517 Motion to Elect Permanent Officers Tomorrow by Ballot None 0 PROCEDURE [That Convention elect permanent officers by ballot upon convening tomorrow.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830519 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE [That a committee of five on credentials be appointed to report on assembling of the Convention tomorrow.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830521 Motion to Appoint a Committee to Apportion Seats None 0 PROCEDURE [That a committee of three be appointed to apportion seats to members.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830527 Motion to Appoint a Committee to Apportion Seats: Mr. Gowey's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE [That E. Eldridge and Francis Henry be granted the privilege of selecting their own seats.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830530 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Objection on the ground that the the body is not yet permanently organized.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830536 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Elections Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention reconsider the vote by which it decided to elect officers by ballot.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830538 Motion to Elect Permanent Officers by Roll Call Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE J. R. Kinnear offered a substitute providing for the election of officers by roll-call on assembly tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830542 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Objection on the ground that the Convention is not yet permanently organized.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
977574 Motion to Appeal the Ruling of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE [That the ruling of the Chair be appealed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830735 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE J. F. Gowey moved to adjourn till 10 a.m. tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830738 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-04: Mr. Buchanan's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE D. Buchanan moved to amend by substituting 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830743 Motion to Appoint the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Buchanan called for the appointment of the Committee on Credentials. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
829769 Call to Order: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830749 Motion to Read, Amend and Adopt the Minutes: 1889-07-04 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and adopted as amended.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977586 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess to enable the Committee on Credentials to report.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830753 Call to Order: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902990 Motion to Receive the Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the report was received. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869225 Motion to Adopt the Report Except What Refers to Mr. Waltman None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted except what refers to W. W. Waltman of the First District and that the same be referred to a special committee hereafter.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869227 Motion to Explain the Reading of the Case None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Hon. Secretary of Territory be requested to explain the reading of the case.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869492 Motion to Adopt the Entire Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adopt the report of the committee as a whole.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831687 Motion to Elect Permanent Officers by Ballot None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention proceed to the election of permanent officers of the Convention by ballot.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831690 Motion to Administer Oath of Office to Members None 0 PROCEDURE [That Chief Justice Hanford administer the oath of office to the members.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
977729 Motion to Elect Officers by Ballot None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention elect permanent officers by ballot.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
832126 Motion to Elect Officers by Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention elect permanent officers by roll call.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
832128 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Objection that electing by ballot in a representative body is unprecedented.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833203 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
977730 Nomination of John Hoyt for President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Hoyt be elected President of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977731 Nomination of C.H. Warner for President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Warner be elected as President of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833206 Nomination of S.G. Cosgrove as President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Cosgrove be elected as President of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833208 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Objection that the nominations were closed before the last name was announced.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833237 Motion to Make the Election of President Hoyt Unanimous None 0 PROCEDURE [That the election of John Hoyt be made unanimous.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833251 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833663 Motion to Express Sympathy None 0 PROCEDURE [That President to express the sympathy of the Convention with the citizens of Ellensburg in their calamity by fire which had just been reported.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833680 Call to Order: 1889-07-05, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833682 Motion to Grant Leave of Absence for Mr. J. A. Shoudy None 0 PROCEDURE [That J.A. Shoudy be granted leave of absence on account of the disastrous fire at Ellensburg.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977748 Nomination of John Booge for Chief Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That John Booge be elected Chief Clerk of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977749 Nomination of W.A. Mears for Chief Clerk of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That W.A. Mears be elected Chief Clerk of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833684 Nomination of H. Kelling for Chief Clerk of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That H. Kelling be elected Chief Clerk of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
836961 Nomination of Richard Welts for Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That Richard Welts be elected Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836966 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [Objection that the Enabling Act does not specify what officers the Convention shall have.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
836971 Motion to Elect Sergeant-at-Arms None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention elect a Sergeant-at-Arms.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
836980 Motion to Elect an Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention elect an Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977760 Nomination of J.D. Hannegan for Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That J.D. Hannegan be elected Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
837033 Nomination of J.H. Leiter for Sergeant-at-Arms/Doorkeeper None 0 PROCEDURE [That J. H. Leiter be elected Sergeant-at-Arms/Doorkeeper.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977768 Nomination of Leavenworth for Sergeant-at-Arms/Doorkeeper None 0 PROCEDURE [That Leavenworth be elected Sergeant-at-Arms/Doorkeeper.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837044 Nomination of H.D. Cowles for Messenger None 0 PROCEDURE [That H.D. Cowles be elected Messenger.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837049 Motion to Suspend the Rules to Elect by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be suspended and H.D. Cowles be elected by acclamation.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
839233 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839234 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [That we proceed to elect officers under a former resolution.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
839236 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution lie on the table.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
977781 Nomination of Levi Summers for Night Watchman of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Levi Summers be elected Night Watchman of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977782 Nomination of Phelix Owen for Night Watchman of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Phelix Owen be elected Night Watchman of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977786 Nomination of J.R. Thompson for Chaplain None 0 PROCEDURE [That J.R. Thompson be elected Chaplain.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977787 Nomination of Lindsley for Chaplain of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Lindsley be elected Chaplain of the Convention.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
977789 Motion to Elect J.R. Thompson as Chaplain by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be suspended and J.R. Thompson be elected Chaplain by acclamation.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863941 Motion to Declare the Officers of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the officers thus far elected be declared the officers of this Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863985 Motion to Spread Telegrams upon the Records of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the telegrams and responses to them be entered onto the record.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863997 Motion that a Committee Be Appointed to Allot Seats None 0 PROCEDURE [That a committee of three be appointed to allot seats to members.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
864002 D. Buchanan's Amendment to the Motion for a Committee to Allot Seats None 0 PROCEDURE [That the motion be amended so that members draw keys.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
864006 Motion to Permit Members to Sit as at Present Located None 0 PROCEDURE [That the members be allowed to sit as at present located.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864007 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Matter None 0 PROCEDURE [That the matter be indefinitely postponed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
868754 Motion to Elect a Reading Clerk and Page None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention elect a reading clerk and page.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
868756 Nomination of C. M. Barton for Reading Clerk of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That C.M. Barton be elected Reading Clerk of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868758 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Elect C. M. Barton by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be suspended and C.M. Barton be elected by acclamation.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
868760 Nomination of Willie Hagemeyer for Page of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Willie Hagemeyer be elected Page of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868761 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Elect Willie Hagemeyer by Acclamation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be suspended and Willie Hagemeyer be elected by accclamation.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
868764 Nomination of Master Thompson for Page of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Master Thompson be elected Page of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869085 Motion to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be referred to the Committee on Rules.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869088 Motion to Increase the Number of Members of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the number of members of the Committee on Rules be increased to thirteen.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869091 Motion for the Committee on Rules to Report the Next Morning None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee on Rules report on standing committees the following morning.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869101 Motion to Adopt Jefferson's Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That we adopt the rules of parliamentary practice in Jefferson’s Manual until otherwise ordered.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869105 Motion to Recess for Ten Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention take a recess of ten minutes.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869107 Call to Order: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869118 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869121 Motion to Adjourn until 10 a.m. None 0 PROCEDURE [That when the Convention adjourns, it adjourn to 10 a.m.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869126 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be indefinitely postponed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869129 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of J. F. Gowey, adjourned. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
984171 Call to Order: 1889-07-06 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830204 Prayer: 1889-07-06 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Chaplain Thompson pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830209 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
984174 Request for Permission to Invite Clergymen to Conduct Religious Ceremonies None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention grant the Chaplain permission to invite the various clergymen of the city to conduct the religious ceremonies at different times during the session.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830216 Motion to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on Rules and Orders of Business None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be referred to the Committee on Rules.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830219 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830220 Motion to Divide the Report into 23 Sections None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to take up each section separately.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830221 Motion to Adopt and Print the Report None 0 PROCEDURE [Motion to accept and print the report.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830223 Motion for the Chair to Ask the Convention to Adopt the Report as a Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the chair be instructed to ask the Convention to refuse to divide the question and that the report be adopted as a whole.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830533 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be laid on the table.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830548 Motion to Proceed to the Election of a Page None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention proceed to the election of a Page provided for by the resolution on the second day's session.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830550 Nomination of Louis Lee for Page of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Louis Lee be elected Page of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830551 Nomination of John Carrere for Page of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Manly nominated John T. Carrere, of Spokane Falls. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
830559 Motion to Elect Mr. Lee as the Third Page None 0 PROCEDURE [That Louis Lee be elected by acclamation the third Page.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830706 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn until Monday at 10 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
984226 Motion to Adjourn to Tuesday at 10 o'clock None 0 PROCEDURE [That adjournment be until Tuesday, at 10 o'clock.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830707 Motion to Adjourn to Tuesday at 2 P.M. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to Tuesday at 2 p.m.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830709 Motion to Adjourn to Monday at 11 A.M. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to amend to Monday at 11 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830714 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Mires, 1889-07-06 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Mires of Ellensburg be granted indefinite leave of absence.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830717 Motion for a Subscription for the People of Ellensburg None 0 PROCEDURE [That the members of the convention take up a collection for the people of Ellensburg.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830721 Call to Order: 1889-07-09 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
984361 Oath of Office Administered to John I Booge None 0 PROCEDURE [That John I. Booge take the oath of office.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830728 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-05 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
985129 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention enter the Committee of the Whole.] Spokane Falls Review
831658 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved that the Convention go into a committee of the whole to consider the same. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Spokane Falls Review
831674 Motion to Adopt the Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee recommended the adoption of the whole of the recommendation and rules with the exception of the words “and one page” and moved that the same be done.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831676 Motion to Print Three Hundred Copies of the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That three hundred copies of the rules be printed for the use of members of the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831677 Motion to Print Five Hundred Copies of the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That five hundred copies of the rules be printed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831683 Motion to Proceed to the Election of a Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention proceed to the election of a Journal Clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831685 Nomination of Belle Lampkin for Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That Belle Lampkin be elected journal clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831686 Nomination of Brad Davis for Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That Brad Davis be elected journal clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831688 Nomination of J.D. Hannegan for Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That J. D. Hannegan be elected journal clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831693 Motion to Elect the Journal Clerk by Ballot None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Journal Clerk be elected by ballot.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
986102 Motion for a Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE [That the ayes and noes be taken.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
986144 Motion to Make a Nomination for Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That Kinnear be allowed to make his nomination.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
986119 Motion to Make a Nomination for Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That Kinnear be permitted to make a nomination for journal clerk.] Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
986125 Motion to Allow Kinnear to Make His Nomination None 0 PROCEDURE [That Kinnear be allowed to make his nomination.] Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
986153 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831737 Motion to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be referred to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831738 Point of Order: P. C. Sullivan None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order, the motion takes away the prerogative of the President.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
986133 Motion to Call the Roll None 0 PROCEDURE [That the ayes and noes be taken.] Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831741 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-09 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourned to 1:30 p.m., July 10th, 1889.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830727 Call to Order: 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830732 Prayer: 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
830739 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-09 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
986267 President's Speech on Pierce County's Representation in the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention would authorize the increase in number of that committee to seventeen, with the understand that one Pierce county delegate should be placed on the committee.] Spokane Falls Review
830817 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Expand the Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands be Increased to 17 Members None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be suspended and the Committee upon State, School and Granted Lands be increased to seventeen members.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
830822 Motion for Mr. Travis to Join the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Travis be seated...] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
986269 Motion that the Committee Chairmen Meet to Discuss Rooms None 0 PROCEDURE [That in view of the scarcity of committee rooms, the chairmen of the various committees meet after to-day's session and consult on the subject.] Spokane Falls Review
830829 Motion for a Certification of Per Diem and Mileage None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Clerk certify Waltman's per diem and mileage of this Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
986666 Motion to Establish a Committee on Alcoholic Drinks None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be amended by establishing a committee on alcoholic drinks.] Spokane Falls Review
831151 Motion to Adopt the Request of the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the same be granted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
986684 Motion to Allow the Committee on Corporations to Appoint the Same Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee on corporations be allowed to employ the clerk.] Spokane Falls Review
831174 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minority report of the Committee be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831181 Motion to Adopt the Request of the Committee on Appointment and Representation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee on Apportionment's request to appoint a clerk be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831186 Motion to Sort the Propositions and Refer Them to the Appropriate Committees None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Clerk sort the propositions and refer them to the appropriate committees.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987745 Second Reading of Proposition No. 1 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 1 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987747 Second Reading of Proposition No. 2 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 2 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987750 Second Reading of Proposition No. 3 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 3 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987752 Second Reading of Proposition No. 4 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 4 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987754 Second Reading of Proposition No. 5 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 5 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987756 Second Reading of Proposition No. 6 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 6 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987758 Second Reading of Proposition No. 7 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 7 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987760 Second Reading of Proposition No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 8 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987762 Query on Second Readings None 0 PROCEDURE [That object is attained by two readings of all these various propositions?] Spokane Falls Review
987771 Point on the Committee's Work under the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [The committees are being loaded down with material that is entirely out of place, beyond the possibility of their complying with the rules.] Spokane Falls Review
987777 Query on the Duties of the Committees None 0 PROCEDURE What are the committees supposed to do with all these propositions? Spokane Falls Review
987780 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] Spokane Falls Review
831236 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832111 Call to Order: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to orer.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832113 Prayer: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832116 Motion to Grant Mr. Fay a Leave of Absence None 0 PROCEDURE [That Fay be granted a leave of absence.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832118 Motion to Employ a Clerk for the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands be granted leave to employ a clerk.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832120 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-10 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831702 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order, resolutions creating debate lie over one day.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987900 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987908 Motion to Grant the Committee's Request None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee's request be granted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833500 Motion to Refer the Report to the Committee on Legislative Department None 0 PROCEDURE I move to refer to the committee on legislative department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833502 Motion to Refer the Report to the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE [That the partial report be referred to the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833509 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE That the report should be read a second time before it could be properly acted upon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987913 Second Reading of the Partial Report of the Legislative Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987915 Motion to Print the Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE [That the substitute lay over one day and be printed.] Spokane Falls Review
833926 Motion to Place the Resolution on Passage None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be passed.] Spokane Falls Review
833927 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE That under the rules it must lie over one day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833930 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] Spokane Falls Review
834399 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention go into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the resolution.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
836892 Motion to Report on the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the chairman of the committee of the whole report in unity the results of the committee's session.] Spokane Falls Review
836894 Call to Order: 1889-07-11, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The regular order will be resumed. Spokane Falls Review The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987931 Motion to Adopt the Request None 0 PROCEDURE [That the request be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988030 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order that when we went into committee of the whole we were considering the report of a committee. Spokane Falls Review
988034 Motion to Recommit the Partial Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it go back to the same committee. Spokane Falls Review
988035 Motion to Print the Partial Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by ordering it to be printed. Spokane Falls Review
988037 Ruling on the Partial Report None 0 PROCEDURE I rule the whole report out of order for not being signed. Spokane Falls Review
988040 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order that the report is not signed. Spokane Falls Review
988044 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] Spokane Falls Review
988046 Second Reading of Suksdorf's Articles I to III None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Articles be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839830 Motion to Refer Mr. Suksdorf's Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Read a second time and Clerk ordered to refer to appropriate committees The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988650 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988652 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988661 Second Reading of Proposition No. 29 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 29 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988689 Second Reading of Proposition No. 30 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 30 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988683 Motion to Read the Proposition a Second Time None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988678 Second Reading of Proposition No. 32 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 32 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988692 Second Reading of Proposition No. 33 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 33 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988701 Second Reading of Proposition No. 34 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 34 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988708 Second Reading of Proposition No. 35 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 35 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988710 Second Reading of Proposition No. 36 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No. 36 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988712 Second Reading of Proposition No. 37 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Proposition No 36 be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988721 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988731 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988905 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] Spokane Falls Review
840139 Motion for the Sergeant-at-Arms to Employ a Janitor None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Sergeant-at-Arms be empowered to employ a Janitor and that the compensation be fixed by the Convention.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840141 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840145 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831388 Call to Order: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831392 Prayer: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831398 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-11 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831429 Motion to Refer the Reports to the Committee on Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE [That the two reports together with the proposition be referred to the Committee on Judicial Department.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831436 Motion to Divide the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the first and second sections be referred to the Committee on Harbors, Tidewater, and Navigable Streams and the third section to State, School and Granted Lands.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988963 Motion to Refer the Sections of Proposition No. 34 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the sections of Proposition No. 34 be referred.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988975 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988977 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988990 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
988997 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989001 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989020 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989089 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989094 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989100 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989112 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989123 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989138 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989144 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989160 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989162 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
989187 Motion to Adopt the Amendments to Strike Out Rules 36 and 7 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolutions offered yesterday as to Rules 36 and 37 be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832465 Motion to Refer the Amendment to the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that the [sic] be referred to the Committee on Rules and Order of Business. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832468 Motion to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on Rules and Orders of Business None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey presented the following resolution and moves that it be referred to the Committee on Rules and Order of Business. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832470 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution introduced yesterday relating to propositions and articles be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831694 Motion to Grant Mr. Stevenson a Leave of Absence None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Stevenson be granted a leave of absence on account of sickness in his family.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831700 Motion to Adopt the Resolution by Mr. Suksdorf None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047816 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831711 Motion to Suspend Rule 42 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Rule 42 be suspended until the standing Committee on Rules report on questions submitted today.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831714 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831744 Call to Order: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831746 Prayer: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831750 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-12 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831755 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831756 Motion that the Report Lie Over until Monday None 0 PROCEDURE That the consideration of the report lie over until Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832005 Motion to Print the Amended Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the amended rules as amended be printed and laid on the desks of the members.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1047826 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047828 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047830 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047832 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047834 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047836 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048075 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048077 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048084 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048474 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048476 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048478 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048480 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048482 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048484 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048486 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048488 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048490 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048492 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048494 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048496 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899264 Motion that the Resolution Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899265 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be indefinitely postponed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
899266 Motion that the Resolution Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899267 Motion that the Resolution Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832190 Motion to Refer Resolution on Tidelands to a Special Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be referred to a special committee to consist of Mr. Moore.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832194 Motion to Refer the Resolution on Tidelands to the Committee on Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be referred to the Committee on Judicial Department.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832211 Motion to Refer the Amendment to a Special Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be referred to a special committee to report next Monday.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832213 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution lie on the table.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
899270 Motion that the Resolution Be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832217 Motion to Debate the Resolution on Adjournment None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention discuss the matter and have it lie over.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048531 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] Spokane Falls Review
1048539 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] Spokane Falls Review
1048540 Motion to Adjourn to Monday at 1:30 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to Monday at 1:30.] Spokane Falls Review
1048542 Motion to Recommit the Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be recommitted to the Committee on Printing, Mileage, and Contingent Expenses.] Spokane Falls Review The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899697 Motion to Adjourn to Monday at 1 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to Monday at 1 p.m.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832223 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-13 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831978 Call to Order: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831980 Prayer: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831983 Motion to Grant Mr. Jamieson Indefinite Leave None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Jamieson be granted indefinite leave.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831986 Motion to Grant Mr. Willison Indefinite Leave None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Willison be excused indefinitely.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831991 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and approved.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831999 Motion to Receive the Report of the Committee on Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be received.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832001 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832017 Motion to Receive and Adopt the Mileage Statement None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be received and adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048926 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048929 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048936 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1048938 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832027 Motion to Take Up the Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business, which was laid over from Saturday, be now taken up.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832028 Motion to Postpone the Matter until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE [That the matter be postponed until tomorrow.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832031 Motion to Adopt the Resolution by Mr. Comegys None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832477 Motion to Take the Resolution Off the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the resolution be taken from the table.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832480 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the roll be called.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832484 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE [That the previous question be put.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048970 Motion to Put the Main Question None 0 PROCEDURE Shall the main question be now put? The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832487 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the roll be called.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048972 Motion to Be Excused from Voting None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Dunbar be excused from voting.] Spokane Falls Review
1048981 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE [That the roll be called.] Spokane Falls Review
832491 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832493 Motion to Make a Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Turner be permitted to make a report.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832498 Motion to Receive and Adopt the Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be received and adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048992 Request to Be Recorded as Present None 0 PROCEDURE [That Henry's name appear on the roll as being present.] Spokane Falls Review
832500 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-15 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn to 9 a.m.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832502 Call to Order: 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832504 Prayer: 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1049466 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the minutes be read and approved.] Spokane Falls Review
832512 Point of Privilege: Reading of Newspaper Article None 0 PROCEDURE [That a newspaper article be read.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832527 Motion to Excuse Mr. Henry, 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Henry be excused for the day.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832529 Motion to Print the Report and that it Lie Over One Day None 0 PROCEDURE Report of Committee on Judicial Department received and read. Ordered printed and to lie over one day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832532 Motion to Print 300 Copies None 0 PROCEDURE [That three hundred copies be printed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832533 Motion to Amend By Printing 500 Copies None 0 PROCEDURE [That five hundred copies be printed.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049491 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049494 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049496 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049498 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049501 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049503 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1049505 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050674 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050679 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050699 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050701 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050703 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050706 Second Reading of the Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE [That the proposition be read a second time.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832593 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business be adopted.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832598 Motion to Employ Mr. Pratt to Prepare a Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Moore be empowered to employ Mr. Pratt to prepare a report.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832602 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-16 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention adjourn.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832604 Call to Order: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Convention come to order.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832606 Prayer: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Chaplain pray.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1051080 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the records of Tuesday be read and approved.] Spokane Falls Review
832612 Motion for Unanimous Consent to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE [That J. Z. Moore be granted unanimous consent to introduce a following resolution.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832765 Motion to Let the Reports Lie Over One Day and Then Be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE They were read and ordered to lie over one day and be printed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832787 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832792 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE The committee having risen, the President resumed the chair and the committee of the whole reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Judicial Department and that they had come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832805 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn to 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832806 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to adjourn The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832811 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on Printing of Articles None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. T. M. Reed offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832814 Motion for the Committee on Executive Department to Employ a Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir asked that the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power be empowered to employ a clerk. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832816 Motion to Amend the Motion By Allowing the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal Do the Same None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved to amend by giving same authority to Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832818 Motion to Lay the Motions on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832820 Motion for the Committees with No Clerks Have the Work Done By the Clerks of Other Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved that committees having no clerks have the work done by clerks of other committees under control of the Chief Clerk. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832823 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn to 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832828 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832936 Call to Order: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832938 Prayer: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832941 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Berry, 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan asked that Mr. Berry be granted indefinite leave on account of sickness in his family. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833322 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the article on Judicial Department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833326 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833328 Motion to Recess Until 2:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar then moved to take a recess till 2:30 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833331 Call to Order: 1889-07-18, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2:30 p.m. the Convention was called to order by Mr. Eldridge. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833470 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870089 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE At 5 o’clock the committee rose and Mr. Eldridge resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833474 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833479 Motion for the Report to be Received, Request Granted, and Recommendation be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved that the report be received, request granted and recommendation be adopted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833481 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved at 5:05 p.m. to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833205 Call to Order: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833228 Prayer: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833236 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833254 Motion for Hon. N. T. Caton be Granted the Privilege of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Glascock moved that Hon. N. T. Caton be granted the privilege of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836209 Motion to Receive the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Ordered received. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899673 Motion to Suspend the Rule to Print and Lay Over None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moves to suspend the rule to print and lay over. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833297 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moves that the Convention now resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further considering the article on the Judicial Department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833455 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE ...asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833459 Motion to Recess Until 2:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to take a recess until 2:30 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869874 Motion to Amend Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to amend recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833461 Call to Order: 1889-07-19, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833466 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further considering of the article on Judicial Department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833513 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 6:20 the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had made progress but had come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833515 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had made progress but had come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833516 Motion to Excuse Mr. T. M. Reed, 1889-07-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Pending the motion to adjourn Mr. T. M. Reed asked to be excused for tomorrow The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833521 Call to Order: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833523 Prayer: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833528 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833540 Motion for Mr. A. Kuhn be Given the Privilege of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones asked that Mr. A. Kuhn be given the privilege of the house The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833542 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore then renews his motion to go into a committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833900 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had had under consideration the article on Judicial Department and had made progress but come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833902 Motion That When the Convention Adjourn it Adjourn Until 1:30 P.M., July 22nd None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moves that when this Convention adjourns it shall stand adjourned to 1:30 p.m., July 22nd. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833905 Motion to Accept the Invitation None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved to accept the invitation. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833907 Motion to Recess Until 2:30 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Suksdorf moved to take a recess until 2:30 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833909 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Sohns, 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sohns asked leave to be absent Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833911 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey at 12:15 p.m. moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833685 Call to Order: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 1:30 p.m. by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833687 Prayer: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Chaplain [sic]. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833691 Motion to Excuse Mr. Comegys, 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sturdevant asked to have Mr. Comegys excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834244 Motion to Excuse Mr. Dunbar, 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner asked to have Mr. Dunbar excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834246 Motion to Excuse Messrs. Kinnear, Eshelman, Buchanan, Tibbetts, Kellogg, and McElroy, 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer asked that Messrs. Kinnear, Eshelman, Buchanan, Tibbetts, Kellogg and McElroy be excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834248 Motion to Excuse Mr. Winsor, 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge asked that Mr. Winsor be excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834251 Motion to Excuse Mr. McReavey, 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. West asked that Mr. McReavey be excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834253 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Wier, 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President asked that leave be granted Mr. Weir. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834255 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834264 Motion to Invite Senator Stewart and to Telegraph Him None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that he be invited to speak in the Capitol Building and the chair be instructed to so telegraph him. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834438 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further considering the article on Judicial Department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870091 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE At 2:35 p.m. the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837458 Motion for Separate Vote on Amendment to Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE The question being upon the concurring in said amendment Mr. Turner demanded a separate vote on the amendment to strike out the word “six” in the last line on page 2 of Section 5 and insert thereof the word “four.” The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837876 Call of the House: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837881 Motion to Dispense With Further Proceedings. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838235 Motion to Suspend Rules but Allow Mr. Cosgrove to Make an Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner moved to suspend the rules and let the report come upon its third reading and be put on its final passage but yielded for the purpose of allowing Mr. Cosgrove to move the following amendment to section 4:... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838252 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule, and Future Amendments. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey moved to adopt the minority report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule, and Future Amendments. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838253 Motion to Postpone None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved to postpone until Wednesday at 10 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838255 Motion for the Report from the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration be Passed None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones asked that the report from the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration be passed without losing its place on the calendar. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838258 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Printing Mileage and Contingent Expenses None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved to adopt the report of the Committee on Printing Mileage and Contingent Expenses. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838275 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone Further Consideration None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor moved that the further consideration of same be indefinitely postponed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838279 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838282 Motion to Lay Substitute on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved that the substitute be laid on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838284 Motion to Refer the Article on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved the following: That the pending article be referred back to the Committee on Printing with the instructions to prepare a provision for the election of a Public Printer. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838291 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Schooley moved to indefinitely postpone. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838294 Motion to Lay on Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved to law on table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838296 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn to 24th at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838297 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838218 Call to Order: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Call to Order: 1889-07-23 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838224 Prayer: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Chaplain [sic]. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838246 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838260 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Hicks, 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE leave be granted Mr. Hicks for the day The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838804 Motion to Postpone Judicial Article None 0 PROCEDURE Consideration of the judicial article be postponed until tomorrow morning The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838808 Point of Order: Mr. Weir None 0 PROCEDURE Consent for the Committee on Federal Relations to report the order having been passed The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838812 Motion to Submit Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power None 0 PROCEDURE Submit Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902790 Motion to Take Up the Report on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None 0 PROCEDURE The report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration was then taken up and read The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841759 Notice: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner gave notice that he would at the proper time move an important amendment. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841761 Motion to Lay the Article and the Amendments on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys moved that the article and the amendments lay on the table The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841763 Motion to invite Mr. Blackwell to Address the Members None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved that Mr. Henry D. Blackwell be invited to address the members of this Convention at Tacoma Hall on Thursday evening next. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841764 Motion to Amend the Invite of Mr. Blackwell to Address the Members None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved to amend by inserting the Convention Hall instead of Tacoma Hall. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841765 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Buchanan moved to indefinitely postpone. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841766 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Suksdorf moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841768 Mr. Sullivan Withdrew Motion and Announced Invitation None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sullivan then withdrew his motion, the other movers consenting, and stated to the members of the Convention that he had been requested to say that Mr. Henry D. Blackwell extended them an invitation to attend a lecture to be given by him on the subject of women’s suffrage on Thursday evening next at the Tacoma Hall. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841769 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Shoudy at 10:25 a.m. moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833918 Call to Order: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833920 Prayer: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Lee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833923 Motion to Excuse Mr. Dallam, 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Fairweather asked that Mr. Dallam be excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833935 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836004 Motion to Adopt Article IV: The Judiciary None 0 PROCEDURE The judicial article was then taken up, read a third time and the question was upon the final passage of the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836005 Motion to Lay the Article on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved that the article be laid on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836644 Motion to Recommit the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved to recommit the article with instructions as follows The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836664 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Sustain the Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser asked that the rules be suspended and Mr. Weisenburger’s motion be sustained and a sufficient number having seconded this request. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836667 Point of Order: Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner objected and the objection was sustained. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834396 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then as before stated on the final passage and the ayes and noes were ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836520 Motion to Recommit the Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner moved to recommit the report to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836526 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore moved the previous question, it was so ordered and on the question (to recommit) being put it was lost. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836534 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey moved that the minority report he adopted The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836545 Motion for the Recommendation of the Committee be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McCroskey moved that the recommendation of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments be adopted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836551 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836557 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836562 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Turner, 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner asked leave for today and balance of tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836570 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to take recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836573 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Fay moved to amend by striking out 2 p.m. and inserting 1:30 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836582 Call to Order: 1889-07-24, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 1:30 p.m. the Convention was called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836590 Motion to Excuse Mr. Allen, 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar asked to have Mr. Allen excused for the balance of the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836623 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE At 1:35 p.m. Mr. Dunbar moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869897 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE At 2:30 p.m. the Convention rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838666 Motion for the Amendments to be Concurred in None 0 PROCEDURE The question then being “Shall the Convention concur in the amendments to the article” and a vote being had the amendments were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838671 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838684 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838705 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McReavey moved for a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838708 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838710 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved for a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838712 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sohns moved the previous question The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838718 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838720 Motion to Lie the Article on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to lie on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838722 Motion for the Article to be Considered Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the article be considered engrossed and passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838725 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which Mr. Comegys moved to adjourn at 5:30 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835859 Call to Order: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835867 Prayer: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Lee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835873 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836221 Motion to Table the Petition Relative to the Suffrage of Women None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sharpstein moved that it lie on the table. Carried. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836515 Motion For the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment Be Allowed to Employ a Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor asked that the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment be allowed to employ a clerk. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836519 Motion to Grant Unanimous Consent to Present Petitions Relative to the Taxation of Church Property None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey asked the unanimous consent to present petitions relative to the taxation of church property. Consent granted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836550 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey sent up the following resolution and asked that the rules be suspended and that it be considered at this time. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839751 The Question of the Previous Day None 0 PROCEDURE The question then before the house was upon the pending motion of Mr. Kinnear to amend Section 3 of the article reported from the committee of the whole on County, City and Township Organization. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837000 Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevenson moved a call of the house. Ruled out of order. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839785 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was "shall the amendment moved by Mr. Kinnear prevail". The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870100 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Durie demanded the ayes and noes; so ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870102 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan demanded the ayes [and] noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870104 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan demanded the ayes and noes; so ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870106 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sullivan demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840029 Point of Order: Mr. Griffitts None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts raised a point of order that the question had been passed upon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870108 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman called for the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837012 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Durie moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837020 Call to Order: 1889-07-25, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837025 Motion to Grant Dr. G. B. Calhoun the Privilege of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power asked the Convention for unanimous consent to grant Dr. G. B. Calhoun the privilege of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837434 Point of Personal Privilege: Dr. Minor None 0 PROCEDURE Dr. Minor rose to a question of privilege and made a statement regarding remarks this morning. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840172 Motion to Reconsider None 0 PROCEDURE That the vote by which the Convention amended the article by striking out “a majority” and inserting “three-fifths” in Section 2, lines two and three, be reconsidered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840179 Point of Order: Mr. Glascock None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman making the point did not vote in the affirmative. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870110 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840205 Motion to Engross Article XI None 0 PROCEDURE This article as amended be considered engrossed, passed to a third reading and be put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840208 Motion to Refer Article XI to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment, and Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Refer Article XI to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment, and Enrollment The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837435 Motion that the Convention Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power. Lost. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837448 Motion that the Convention Resolve Itself into a Committee of the Whole for the Purpose of Considering the Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the same. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837453 Motion to Resume Convention None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:15 the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power and had made progress but came to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837455 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870112 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were called for and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835911 Call to Order: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Call to Order The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835913 Prayer: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835916 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Reading of the Journal The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835939 Motion for Unanimous Consent to Consider a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner asked unanimous consent to consider a resolution. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835941 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to suspend the rules and consider the following resolution The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870137 Motion to Receive, Read, and Lie Over One Day and Be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE Received, read first time, ordered to lie over one day and be printed The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838714 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Go Into the Committee of the Whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843308 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Sit Again The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835950 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for Recess Until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835952 Call to Order: 1889-07-26, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Call to Order The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835958 Motion to Give Notice to Amend the Rules Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Durie gave notice that he would on tomorrow move to have the following rule adopted: "When a question is under consideration by the Convention or committee of the whole, no member shall speak to such question longer than five minutes without permission of the Convention or of such committee. Granted by the votes of two-thirds of the members voting on the question of such permission." The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835960 Motion for Meeting Change Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for Meeting Change Tomorrow: Mr. Turner The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843310 Motion to Resolve Convention into a Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Resolve Convention into a Committee of the Whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870139 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE At 6 p.m. the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835965 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Morgans, 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Motion for Leave of Absence for Mr. Morgans The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835967 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Adjourn The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837940 Call to Order: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Call to Order The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837942 Prayer: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837945 Motion to Excuse Mr. Glascock, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser asked that Mr. Glascock be excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837950 Motion to Send and Separate Resolution from Clark County None 0 PROCEDURE Clerk ordered to separate and send to the proper committees. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837963 Motion to Consider Rule Posed Yesterday None 0 PROCEDURE When a question is under consideration by the Convention or committee of the whole, no member shall speak to such question longer than five minutes without permission of the Convention or of such committee. Granted by the votes of two-thirds of the members voting on the question of such permission. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844115 Motion to Amend Mr. Durie's Rule Posed Yesterday None 0 PROCEDURE When a question is under consideration by the Convention or committee of the whole, no member shall speak to such question longer than ten minutes without permission of the Convention or of such committee. Granted by the votes of two-thirds of the members voting on the question of such permission. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843317 Motion to Lie Mr. Durie's Rule on Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that it do lie on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844117 Motion to Consider Resolution from Yesterday None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved, that the hour of meeting of this Convention for the future be fixed at 9:30 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844118 Motion to Lie Mr. Turner's Resolution on Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that it do lie on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837968 Motion to Consider Amendments to the Report of the Committee on Executive and Pardoning Power Separately None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendments to the report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844172 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Section 3 read and the question was upon the concurrence therein. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844174 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Section 4 read. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844176 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 6 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Section 6 read. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844178 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Section 7 read. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844180 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike out Section 8 None 0 PROCEDURE On the amendment to concur in striking out Section 8 it was carried. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844182 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 13 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 13 read and the question being on concurrence Mr. Crowley demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870178 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Section 13 read and the question being on concurrence Mr. Crowley demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844184 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike out Section 23 None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then on concurring in striking out all of line twenty-three. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844186 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike out Section 15 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment by striking out Section 15. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844188 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 17 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 17 read and concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844190 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 19 None 0 PROCEDURE Section 19 read and concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844192 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 21 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon the concurrence in the amendment to Section 21. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844194 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 24 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring in the amendment to Section 24, the ayes and noes were called for and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844196 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 26 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring in the amendment to Section 26 and they were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844198 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Section 27 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring in the amendments to Section 27, and they were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844653 Motion to Divide the Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir asks for a division of the question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844656 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870180 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870182 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870184 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870186 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes, and they were ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844673 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870188 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844681 Point of Order: Mr. Griffitts None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts raised the point of order that Mr. Gowey’s substitute was an amendment and one amendment cannot be offered for another. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870190 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sharpstein demanded the ayes and noes; so ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870192 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870194 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870196 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Durie demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844747 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Cosgrove, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove asked and was granted leave of absence for the afternoon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844749 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Pending Mr. Stiles’ motion, Mr. Sullivan moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844751 Call to Order: 1889-07-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844753 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Griffitts, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts asked that leave on absence granted him be vacated. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844755 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Browne, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Suksdorf asked for leave of absence for Mr. Browne for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844757 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Newton, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar asked leave of absence be granted Mr. Newton for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870198 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844763 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838676 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Travis, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Schooley asked leave of absence for the day for Mr. Travis. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844797 Motion to Rerefer Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to rerefer Section 4 to the committee with instructions to construct the section so that the time when officers will take their seats be definitely stated. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838679 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Lillis, 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lillis asked and was granted leave of absence for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844807 Motion to Refer Section 4 to the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that Section 4 be referred to the Committee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844809 Motion for Article to be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir moved that the article be engrossed and passed to third reading and be printed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838683 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to adjourn and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870201 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838927 Motion to Consider the Article on Preamble and Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved that the Convention now consider the article on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870203 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844811 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to go into committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844812 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Schooley moved to adjourn (at 3:15 p.m.). The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838316 Call to Order: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838324 Prayer: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Lee The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838340 Motion to Excuse Mr. Dallam, 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Fairweather asked that Mr. Dallam be excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838353 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Willison, 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones asked indefinite leave for Mr. Willison. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838363 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Berry, 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Travis asked indefinite leave for Mr. Berry The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838366 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Lillis, 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley asked leave of absence for the day for Mr. Lillis. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838402 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. McReavey, 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevenson asked leave of absence for the day for Mr. McReavey. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838404 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Weir, 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President asked that leave be granted Mr. Weir. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838406 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838408 Motion to Mark Mr. Dyer Present in the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer appeared and asked to be reported present. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838418 Motion to Employ an Assistant to the Journal Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved to authorize the Chief Clerk to employ an assistant to the Journal Clerk. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841801 Motion to Adopt and Read a Third Time the Article on Executive Department and Pardoning Power None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the article on Executive Department and Pardoning Power as now printed be adopted and upon its being read a third time and a clerical error corrected,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838817 Motion to Mark Messrs. Cosgrove, Dallam, Gowey and McElroy Present in the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Cosgrove, Dallam, Gowey and McElroy appeared and asked to be reported present. Granted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838964 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE ...Mr. Bowen moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838970 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon the committee of the whole having risen, the President resumed the chair and the committee reported that they had under consideration the report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights, made progress but came to no resolution thereon asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838974 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838976 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838978 Call to Order: 1889-07-29, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838989 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner then moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further considering the report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838992 Motion to Refer the Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights and Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights, had made progress and recommend that the Preamble be referred back to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights and ask leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838994 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness None 0 PROCEDURE The question then being upon the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness it was ordered to informally pass that order. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838996 Motion to Consider the Report on Military Affairs None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan moved to proceed to the consideration of the report on military affairs. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838998 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on Military Affairs. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839001 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Commitee on Military Affairs and had made progress but had come to no resolution thereon and asked to leave sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839003 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:30 Mr. E. H Sullivan moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838872 Call to Order: 1889-07-30 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838875 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-29 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839330 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841685 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841697 Motion to Recess Until 1:30 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to take a recess till 1:30 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841704 Motion to Grant the Privilege of the Floor to Gen. A.P. Curry None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to grant the privilege of the floor to Gen. A. P. Curry. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841705 Motion to Amend the Motion by Adding Col. J. C. Haines None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore moved to amend by inserting Col. J. C. Haines. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842171 Motion to Grant the Same Privilege to Gen. R. G. O'Brien None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to grant the same privilege to Gen. R. G. O’Brien. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842173 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Dyer the Convention took a recess until 2 p.m. this day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842175 Call to Order: 1889-07-30, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842992 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870411 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE At 4:20 p.m. the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843003 Motion to Print the Report and Let Lie Over None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved to print and lie over. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843006 Motion for the Amendments to be Separated by Vote and for the Ayes and Noes on Each None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen demanded that they be separated for vote and called for the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843008 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which Mr. Mires moved a call of the house The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843011 Motion to Dispense with Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved that further proceedings be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843018 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike out Section 2 None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 2 as recommended by the committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843027 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 3, as recommended by the committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843840 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 4 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843842 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 5 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843844 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 6 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 6 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843846 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 7 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843848 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 8 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on the amendment to strike out Section 8 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843850 Motion to Concur in the Amendment to Strike Out Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment to strike out Section 9 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843852 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed and Pass to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that the article be considered engrossed and ordered printed and pass to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843854 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to take a recess until 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843855 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-30 None 0 PROCEDURE pending which Mr. Shoudy moved to adjourn The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839235 Call to Order: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839239 Prayer: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839242 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-30 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839267 Motion to Grant Privilege of the Floor to Thomas H. Brents. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley asked unanimous consent to grant privilege of the floor to Hon. Thomas H. Brents. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839269 Motion to Read the Article on Militia a Third Time and Put Upon its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that the article on militia be now taken up and read a third time and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839271 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering reports of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839272 Point of Order: Mr. Griffitts None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts raised a point of order that the article on Preamble and Bill of Rights is not in order. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839282 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE On a submission shall the Convention go into a committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839284 Point of Order: Mr. Griffitts None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts raised a point of order if the Convention was under the rules it would take two-thirds. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842523 Motion to Resume the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE At 9:50 the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842526 Motion to Concur in the Amendments by the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring on the amendments recommended by the committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870500 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842692 Motion for Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE ...and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842698 Motion for the Ayes and Noes on Mr. Mires' Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then on the amendment of Mr. Mires, and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842727 Motion to Recommend Article to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved that the article be recommended to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842734 Motion to Amend Mr. Tibbitts Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner moved to amend by striking out "Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights" and substitute "Committee on Judicial Department." The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841296 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842923 Motion to Ask Leave and Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE ...and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842926 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved that the Convention take a recess until 2 p.m.... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842931 Call to Order: 1889-07-31, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. the Convention was called to order by Mr. P. C. Sullivan. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842935 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved to go into a committee of the whole,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842939 Motion to Offer Substitute for Section 21 of the Article from Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE ...Mr. Buchanan asked consent to offer a substitute for Section 21 of the article of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842948 Motion to Print and Refer Substitute 21 for the Article for the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Mr. Buchanan moved that it be printed and referred to the committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843037 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further considering of the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843042 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Cosgrove, 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE ...pending which Mr. Cosgrove asked to be excused until 4 p.m.,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843242 Motion to Leave and Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:50 the Convention rose and Mr. Sullivan resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, and had made progress and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843244 Motion for Hon. Watson C. Squire Privilege of the House None 0 PROCEDURE On motion Hon. Watson C. Squire was granted privilege of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843246 Motion to Excuse Mr. Gowey, 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey was excused for tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843249 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of T. M. Reed the Convention at 5:55 p.m. adjourned until 9 a.m. August 1st, 1889. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840175 Call to Order: 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840181 Prayer: 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840195 Reading of the Journal: 1889-07-31 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840804 Motion to Grant Leave Messrs. Cosgrove and Browne, 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove and Mr. Browne asked leave to file a report from same Committee at some future time. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840963 Notice of Motion to Amend Rule 16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer gave the following notice that on tomorrow he would move to strike out Rule 16 and adopt the following: No member shall speak more than once to the same question and not longer than ten minutes unless by leave of Convention, except the mover of a motion or proposition shall have the right to close the debate on any question, but in so doing shall not speak longer than five minutes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840965 Motion to Move into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further consideration of the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844938 Motion to Ask Leave on the Report None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon the Convention rose and the President resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness and had made progress, but come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844944 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844949 Call to Order: 1889-08-01, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. the Convention was called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844956 Motion to Move into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the further consideration of the report of the Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844962 Motion to Adopt the Amendments Made in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring in the amendments to the article. Separate votes demanded on amending Section 6 and the ayes and noes were ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844964 Motion to Concur with Mr. E. H. Sullivan's Amendment in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the amendment to Section 6 striking out “one” and inserting “one and one-half.” The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844966 Motion to Concur with Section 7 of the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in striking out Section 7 reported by the majority of the committee and inserting thereof the minority report. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870531 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870533 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844981 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Engross the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend the rules and that the article be considered engrossed and put upon its third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844984 Motion to Agree to the Article as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon agreeing to the article as amended... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843386 Motion to Move Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843387 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Durie, 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which Mr. Durie asks leave for tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845311 Motion to Take Up The Report on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys asked to take up the report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration and moved to suspend the rules. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845313 Point of Order: No Quorum None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles raised a point of order that no quorum voted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845319 Motion to Ask Leave to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal [and] had made progress, but came to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845324 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to take a recess until 8 p.m. this evening. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845328 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to adjourn... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870537 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840657 Call to Order: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840659 Prayer: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840662 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Kellogg, 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts asked indefinite leave for Mr. Kellogg. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840664 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Warner, 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan asked leave for Mr. Warner for today. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840666 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Tibbetts, 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts asked leave for tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840668 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Gowey, 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey asked leave for the forenoon of today. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840670 Reading of the Journal 1889-08-01 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841256 Mr. Dyer's Motion to Change Rule 16 None 0 PROCEDURE To change Rule 16 and to adopt the resolution, introduced by him. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870641 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Manly moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841259 Notice of Mr. J. Z. Moore to Call Up Rule 16 Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore gave the following notice and that he would call it up tomorrow, “provided that this rule shall not be in force when the Convention shall have under consideration the property rights of the people.” The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841261 Notice of Mr. Cosgrove to Amend the Amendment of Rule 16 Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove gave notice that he would on tomorrow move an amendment to the amended rule. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841264 Motion to Move into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of consideration of the Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841266 Motion to Resume Convention at 12 Noon None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon the Convention rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841268 Motion to Recess Until. 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. Agreed to. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841270 Call to Order: 1889-08-02, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841272 Motion to Grant the Privilege of the House to Hon. J. B. Reavis None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved to grant the privilege of the house to Hon. J. B. Reavis. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841282 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Jeffs, 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jeffs asked indefinite leave. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841285 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. T. M. Reed moved to adjourn and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841286 Motion to Grant leave Mr. Hoyt, 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which the chair asked leave to be absent tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841288 Designation of Mr. T. M. Reed to Take the Chair Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE The chair designated Mr. T. M. Reed to take the chair tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842410 Call to Order: 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order by Mr. T. M. Reed, President pro tempore. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842412 Prayer: 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842416 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Durie, 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McElroy asked leave for the day for Mr. Durie. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842420 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-02 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842423 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Blalock, 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner asked indefinite leave for Mr. Blalock. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845367 Motion to Lay Communication on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey moved to lay the communication on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845368 Motion to Amend Motion to Postpone and Refer Communication None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys moved to amend to refer to the committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845675 Motion to Take Up the Resolution of the Previous Day None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore asked to have the resolution which he had introduced yesterday with notice, be taken up. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845686 Motion to Adopt Mr. J. Z. Moore's Admendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore then moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845891 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further consideration of the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845892 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Allen, 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which Mr. Allen asked and was granted leave for the day The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845896 Motion to Resume Convention at 11:45 None 0 PROCEDURE At 11:45 the committee rose and the President pro tempore resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal and had made progress and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845898 Motion to Make this Report a Special order for Monday None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved that the matter of this report be made a special order for Monday, August 5, at 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846918 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Kinnear, 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear asked leave of absence until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845900 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to adjourn to 10 a.m. on Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845901 Amendment of Mr. P. C. Sullivan's Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman moved to amend to “by taking a recess until 2 p.m. today.” The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845903 Call to Order: 1889-08-03, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by Mr. T. M. Reed, President pro tempore. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846030 Motion to Take Up the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys moved to take up the report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846033 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys moved to adopt. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846063 Point of Order: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner raised the point of order that the amendment was not germane to the subject The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846066 Motion to Lie the Report from the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigrations on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved that it lie on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846237 Motion for a Separate Vote on Mr. Turner's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE A separate vote was demanded on Mr. Turner’s amendment. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846255 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that the article be considered engrossed and passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846263 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Stevenson, 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stevenson asked and was granted indefinite leave. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846273 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan moved to adjourn, pending which Mr. Gowey asked and was granted leave to introduce an article entitled “A Compact with the United States,” which was read and referred to the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846286 Leave to Introduce an Article Entitled " A Compact with the United States" None 0 PROCEDURE pending which Mr. Gowey asked and was granted leave to introduce an article entitled “A Compact with the United States,” The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846343 Motion to Suspend Rule 49 for the Balance of the Day None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend Rule 49 for the balance of the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846344 Motion to Lie Mr. Griffitts' Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that Mr. Griffitts’ motion lie on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846346 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved to Adjourn The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846350 Point of Order: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner raised a point of order that no rule can be changed except notice be given, and it lie over one day, and Mr. Griffitts’ motion amounts to an amending of the rule. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846511 Question was then Shall Rule 49 be Suspended for the Afternoon. None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall Rule 49 be suspended for the afternoon. The ayes and noes being demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846514 Mr. Prosser's Amendment to Mr. Griffitts' Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Prosser moved to amend the motion of Mr. Griffitts as follows. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846544 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846562 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention now resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846566 Call of the House by Mr. E. H. Sullivan None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846570 Call of the House by Mr. Gowey None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846577 Motion that Further Proceedings Under the Call be Dispensed With None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846589 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846716 Call to Order: 1889-08-03, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:30 p.m. the Committee rose and Mr. Reed resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846718 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843346 Call to Order: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843348 Prayer: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843351 Motion to Excuse Messrs. Browne, Turner, Dallam, Griffitts, and Allen, 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Messrs. Browne, Turner, Dallam, Griffitts, Allen were excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843353 Leave of Absence: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Messrs. Browne, Turner, Dallam, Griffitts, Allen were excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843355 Leave of Absence: Mr. Dallam None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Messrs. Browne, Turner, Dallam, Griffitts, Allen were excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843357 Leave of Absence: Mr. Griffitts None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Messrs. Browne, Turner, Dallam, Griffitts, Allen were excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843361 Leave of Absence: Mr. Allen None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Messrs. Browne, Turner, Dallam, Griffitts, Allen were excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843470 Motion for Gen. R. H. Milroy the Privilege of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen asked the privilege of the floor for Gen. R. H. Milroy. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843471 Motion for Hon. R. C. Kerr the Privilege of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires asked the same privilege for Hon. R. C. Kerr. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843477 Motion to Grant John I. Booge Leave and Be Replaced by Cap. P. B. Johnson None 0 PROCEDURE Chief Clerk John I. Booge asked for ten days leave and stated that if agreeable to the Convention, Capt. P. B. Johnson would act in his place during his absence. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844026 Motion to Give Notice to Reconsider Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys gave notice that he would tomorrow move to reconsider the vote by which the article on cession to the United States of Jurisdiction over military and naval reservations was lost. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844107 Motion to Lie the Report by the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments for a Day None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Griffitts, the article on prohibition reported by the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments was laid over for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844111 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Dyer the Convention went into committee of the whole to consider the article on water and water rights with Mr. Dyer in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844481 Motion to Refer Article [Water and Water Rights] to the Committee on Water and Water Rights None 0 PROCEDURE After being in session a few minutes, the committee rose and reported the article back with recommendation that it be recommitted to the standing Committee on Water and Water Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844484 Order of Business: Report of Committee on State, School and Granted Lands Passed None 0 PROCEDURE The report of Committee on State, School and Granted Lands was passed for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844490 Motion to Suspend Rules and Consider the Report of the Committee on Judicial Department on Eminent Domain None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend the rules and take up for consideration the report of the Committee on Judicial Department on eminent domain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844495 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Convention went into committee of the whole with Mr. Comegys in the chair to consider article on eminent domain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844533 Motion to Adopt the Article on Eminent Domain None 0 PROCEDURE Committee of the whole rose, reported that the article had been adopted and asked that the same be printed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844539 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Reconsider the Article on Cession to United States of Jurisdiction over Military Naval Reservations None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Griffitts, the Convention suspended the rules and reconsidered the article on cession to United States of jurisdiction over military naval reservations. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846873 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None 0 PROCEDURE The question being shall the article be adopted,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847894 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Shoudy moved to indefinitely postpone the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844718 Motion to Adopt the Article to Be Submitted as a Separate Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor moved that the article be adopted for the purpose of being submitted as a separate article to the decision of the people. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845060 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Minor the Convention at 10:45 a.m. took a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845064 Convention Reassembled: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention reassembled at 2 p.m. President Hoyt in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845825 Motion to Report Mr. Lillis Present None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lillis reported present. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845851 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE At 2:35 p.m. Mr. Griffitts moved to go into committee of the whole to consider the report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846070 Motion to Resume the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE At 6:20 p.m. President Hoyt, resumed the chair,... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846082 Motion to Adopt the Article on Corporations Other Than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE ...and Mr. Bowen from committee of the whole reported that the committee had made amendments to the article on Corporations Other Than Municipal and recommend the adoption of the article as amended. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846089 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved recess to 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846096 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sohns moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846119 Motion to Vote on Mr. Griffitts Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The question being on the motion to take a recess till 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846123 Motion to Amend Motion to Recess: 1889-08-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Shoudy moved to amend by inserting 8 a.m. tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843390 Call to Order: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 8 a.m. by President Hoyt. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843394 Prayer: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843403 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Hicks, 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE Leave of absence was granted Mr. Hicks. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844727 Motion to Postpone Consideration of Report of Committee of the Whole on the Article Relative to Corporations other than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to postpone consideration of report of committee of the whole on the article relative to corporations other than municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862749 Motion to Take up the Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Convention proceeded to consider the amendments made by the committee of the whole. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862751 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment striking out Section 7 was concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862753 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment striking out Section 9 was concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862755 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 10 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment striking out Section 10 was concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862757 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 11 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment to Section 11 was concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862759 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 13 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment striking out Section 13 was not concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862763 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 14 None 0 PROCEDURE The question being on concurring in the amendments to Section 14 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862765 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 15 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendments to Section 15 were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862767 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 20 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Section 20 was concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862769 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 21 None 0 PROCEDURE The question being upon concurring in the amendment to Section 21, The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862771 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 22 None 0 PROCEDURE The question being on concurring in the amendment to Section 22 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862996 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 23 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendments to Section 23 were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862998 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 24 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendments to Section 24 were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863003 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863006 Motion to Recommit the Article to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to recommit the article to the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal with orders to remodel. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863008 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. M. Reed called for the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863015 Call of the House by J. Z. Moore None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863047 Motion to Reprint the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. T. M. Reed moved that the article be reprinted The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844732 Motion to Recess Until. 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon the Convention, on motion of Mr. T. M. Reed, took a recess to 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844734 Call to Order: 1889-08-06, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention was called to order at 2 p.m. by President Hoyt, a quorum being present. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844736 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Reports on State, School and Granted Lands to Tuesday None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Schooley moved to postpone consid¬eration of the reports on state, school and granted lands to Tuesday of next week, to be made special order for that day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844795 Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Reports on State, School and Granted Lands to Thursday None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor moved to make it special order for Thursday next. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849975 Motion to Consider the Report of the Committee on Judicial Department None 0 PROCEDURE Convention proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on Judicial Department submitting an article on impeachment. On motion of Mr. Eldridge the rules were suspended and the article upon impeachment was put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845121 Motion to Consider the Substitute for Section 16 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention proceeded to the consideration of the substitute for Section 16 of the Preamble and Bill of Rights reported from the Committee on Judicial Department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845301 Motion to Excuse Mr. Weir, 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir was excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845314 Motion to Consider the Substitute for Section 16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sharpstein moved the previous question and it was ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851075 Motion to Print and Put to a Third Reading the Article on Preamble and Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE The article on Preamble and Bill of Rights was ordered printed as amended and ordered to third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851076 Motion to Suspend Rule 33 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend Rule 33. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851079 Motion to Reconsider the Vote Passing the Preamble and Bill of Rights into Print None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved to reconsider the vote passing the Preamble and Bill of Rights into print. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
889110 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Put the Article upon its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Griffitts the rules were suspended, the article on Preamble and Bill of Rights was considered engrossed, read the third time and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
889111 Motion to Adopt the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question being shall the article pass The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845022 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-06 None 0 PROCEDURE At 4:20 p.m. the Convention adjourned till August 7th, 1889, at 9 a.m. [Editor's Note: Blaze it.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843967 Call to Order: 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 9 o’clock by President Hoyt. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843995 Prayer: 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Buck. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845340 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Buchanan moved to adopt the minority report. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846075 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Griffitts the rules were suspended, the article considered engrossed and put upon its final passage The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846079 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were called for The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846091 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the Convention then went into committee of the whole The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846533 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846536 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Bowen, the Convention took a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846545 Call to Order: 1889-08-07, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 2 p.m. by President Hoyt. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847006 Motion for Unanimous Consent None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor offered following and asked unanimous consent to its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847055 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey at 2:10 p.m. moved to go into committee of the whole for the further consideration of the article on revenue and taxation with Mr. Turner in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
889113 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE At 4:20 the committee rose and the President resumed the chai The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848880 Motion for the Amendments to be Concurred in None 0 PROCEDURE had made several amendments thereto and asked the Convention to concur therein. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849073 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849081 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849085 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes being ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849090 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE On this the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849101 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849108 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir moved to suspend the rules, consider the article engrossed and put it upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849110 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849113 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Turner, 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner was granted leave for the balance of the week. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849115 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:15 p.m. Mr. Jones moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845078 Call to Order: 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 9 a.m. by President Hoyt. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845079 Prayer: 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE In the absence of the Chaplain prayer was dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845083 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-07 None 0 PROCEDURE The minutes of the previous day were read, amended and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845123 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Travis, 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Travis was granted leave indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845130 Motion to Recommit the Reports back to the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Suksdorf moved to recommit the reports of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands back to the Committee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845132 Motion to Make Report Special Order for Tuesday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McElroy to make report special order for Tuesday morning. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845374 Notice of Motion to Reconsider Votes AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE Mr. T. M. Reed gave notice of motion to reconsider the vote by which the article on revenue and taxation was passed yesterday. Also to reconsider vote by which certain amendments to Section 4 were adopted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845373 Motion to Reconsider Vote for Article on Revenue and Taxation None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to reconsider the vote by which the article on revenue and taxation was agreed to. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845375 Motion to Lay Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved to lay the motion on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845377 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Dickey, 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey was given leave for the rest of the week. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845397 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE At 10:20 a.m. Mr. Dyer moved to go into a committee of the whole upon the article reported from the Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845399 Motion for the Amendments to be Concurred in None 0 PROCEDURE At 11:43 the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. Mr. Crowley reported that they had had under consideration the article on state institutions and public buildings, had made amendments thereto and asked concurrence of the Convention therein. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845422 Motion to Suspend Rules, Consider the Article Engrossed None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend the rules, consider the article on state institutions and public buildings engrossed and placed upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863808 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Griffitts the rules were suspended, the article on seat of government considered engrossed, read third time and placed on its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863809 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes being demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845436 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE At 11:55 Convention on motion of Mr. E. H. Sullivan took a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845438 Call to Order: 1889-08-08, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 2 p.m. by President Hoyt, a quorum being present. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845448 Motion to Grant Leave Messr. Hungate, Willison, and Shoudy, 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hungate, Mr. Willison, Mr. Shoudy were granted indefinite leave. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845454 Motion to Go Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to go into a committee of the whole to consider the reports from the Committee on Legislative Department. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845671 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:53 p.m. President Hoyt resumed the chair. Mr. Blalock from the committee of the whole reported that the committee had made progress with the article on Legislative Department, and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845682 Motion to Support Idaho's Admission to Union None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved that the President be requested to reply to the foregoing dispatch and to express the sentiment of this Convention to the effect that the people of the State of Washington sincerely desire to see Idaho’s early admission to the Union as the forty-third state, which was unanimously adopted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845685 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-08 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Mires the Convention at 5:55 p.m. adjourned until 9 a.m., August 9, 1889. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846257 Call to Order: 1889-08-09 None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 9 a.m. by President Hoyt. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846261 Prayer: 1889-08-09 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Buck. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846267 Motion to Appoint a Committee on State Seal None 0 PROCEDURE President appointed as select Committee on State Seal, Messrs. Bowen, Hicks and Dallam. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846313 Motion to Move Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE At 9:30 a.m. the Convention on motion of Mr. Dyer went into committee of the whole on the article on Legislative Department with Mr. Blalock in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851290 Motion to Grant Leave to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on Legislative Department, had made progress thereon but come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851296 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Dyer the Convention took a recess until 2 o’clock p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851300 Call to Order: 1889-08-09, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 2 p.m. by the President. A quorum being present. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851302 Motion to Move into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE At 2:01 p.m. on motion of Mr. Lindsley the Convention resolved itself into committee of the whole to consider article on Legislative Department with Mr. Blalock in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860725 Motion to Concur the Amendments in Section 6 None 0 PROCEDURE Upon concurring in amendments to Section 6 the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered,,, The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861235 Motion to Concur Amendments in Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendments to Section 7 concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861239 Motion to Concur Amendments in Section 12 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendments to Section 12 concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861245 Motion to Concur Amendments in Section 16 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to Section 16 adding word “and” not concurred in. Amendment to Section 16 striking out “and after the termination” in last line not concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863200 Motion to Concur the Removal of Section 25 None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes being ordered on striking out Section 25... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863369 Motion to Concur with the Removal of Section 28 None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes being ordered on striking out Section 28... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863387 Motion to Concur Further Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE Amendment to substitute 1 of Section 3 was [sic]. Amendments to subdivisions 5, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23 concurred in. Amendments to Section 23 concurred in. Amendments to Section 36 concurred in. Amendments to Section 38 concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863389 Motion to Concur the Removal of Section 39 None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes being ordered on concurring in the amendment striking out Section 39 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863423 Motion to Concur Section 41 None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes being ordered on the adoption of additional Section 41... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863496 Motion to Concur Sections 42-44 None 0 PROCEDURE Amendments adding Sections 42, 43 and 44 were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864047 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864055 Motion to Dispense Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. T. M. Reed further proceedings were dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864072 Motion to Adopt Mr. Cosgrove's Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved the previous question and it was so ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864128 Motion to Excuse Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Buchanan, 1889-08-09 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Buchanan were excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864196 Motion to Suspend the Rules, Engross and Read the Legislative Department Article None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Crowley the rules were suspended, the article considered engrossed, read third time and put upon its passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864200 Motion to Pass the Legislative Department Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question being shall the article pass... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864216 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Minor, 1889-08-09 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor was granted leave till Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864218 Motion to Grant Leave President Hoyt, 1889-08-09 None 0 PROCEDURE President Hoyt was granted leave conditionally till Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864220 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved that when the Convention adjourn it adjourn till 10 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864223 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved to amend to 8 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864232 Motion to Adopt the Amended Motion None 0 PROCEDURE Question being on adopting the question as amended. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864234 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-09 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention at 5:26 p.m. adjourned till August 10th, 1889, at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846475 Call to Order: 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846481 Prayer: 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE In the absence of the Chaplain prayer was dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864950 Motion to Submit Report of the Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Durie from Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams submitted a report which was read twice and ordered printed as follows. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865020 Motion to Submit the Minority Report from the Committee on Harbors None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir from Committee on Harbors submitted a minority report which was read twice and ordered printed as follows. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862090 Motion to Consider the Article on Corporations other than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to consider the reprinted article on corporations other than municipal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862403 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862405 Motion to Excuse Mr. Gowey, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion Mr. Gowey was excused for the forenoon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862408 Motion to Dispense With Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of P. C. Sullivan the further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862416 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Manly the previous question was ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862425 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862441 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Pass It to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Kinnear the rules were suspended, the article considered engrossed and passed to third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862448 Motion to Adopt the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question being shall the article be agreed to The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862454 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862501 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Read the Article a Third Time, Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Griffitts the rules were suspended and the article on homesteads and property exemptions was read a third time, considered engrossed and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862503 Motion to Adopt the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question being shall the article pass The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864474 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Mires the rules were suspended and the article on water [and] water rights was considered engrossed, read a third time and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865372 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Kinnear, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear was granted leave until Monday afternoon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865387 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Jamieson, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jamieson asked leave for the rest of day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865392 Motion to Suspend Rule 33 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend Rule 33. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865398 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. E. H. Sullivan, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan asked leave till Tuesday morning. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865536 Motion for Mr. Prosser to Take the Chair in the Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE President Hoyt designated Mr. Prosser of Yakima to take the chair in the afternoon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865553 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon the Convention on motion of Mr. Cosgrove took a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865575 Call to Order: 1889-08-10, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order by Mr. Prosser The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865577 Motion to Grant Leave Messr. Kellogg and Newton, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Newton were granted leave for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865580 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866373 Motion to Postpone Proposed Section None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to postpone the proposed section to Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866431 Motion to Suspend the Rules, Considered Engrossed, Read Third Time and Put Upon its Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Dyer the rules were suspended, the article considered engrossed, read third time and put upon its passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866437 Motion to Agree to the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question being shall the article be agreed to. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866505 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Cosgrove, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove was granted leave for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864480 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Turner the rules were suspended, the article considered engrossed, read third time and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861451 Motion to Recommit the Article to the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Suksdorf moved to recommit the article to the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861452 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866551 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE At 10 minutes to 4 p.m. Mr. Suksdorf moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866556 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to go into the committee of the whole to consider the article on election and elective rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866560 Motion to Make the Report a Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to make the report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights special order for Monday morning. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896983 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866563 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866565 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Weir, 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir was granted leave on Monday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847119 Call to Order: 1889-08-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847121 Prayer: 1889-08-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847124 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847126 Motion to Be Considered Present None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Hicks, Henry, Turner, Glascock, and Sturdevant asked to be reported present. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847128 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eshelman moved that the Convention proceed to consider the report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights as in committee of the whole with the President in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847132 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE At 12 noon Mr. Turner moved that the Convention take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847134 Call to Order: 1889-08-12, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847138 Motion to Proceed Informally as in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved that the Convention proceed informally as in committee of the whole to consider the report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849988 Motion to Concur in the Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the amendments be concurred in The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849992 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850022 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850031 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850052 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850440 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved to suspend the rules and that the article be considered engrossed and passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850442 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850449 Motion to Dispense With Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley moved that further proceeding be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850451 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850455 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to suspend the rules The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850456 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850462 Motion to Pass the Article to a Third Reading, Consider it Engrossed, and Print it None 0 PROCEDURE shall the article [then] * be passed to a third reading, considered engrossed and be printed The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850463 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and the ayes and noes being demanded and ordered, The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850798 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the rules be suspended and the article be considered engrossed and put upon its third reading The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850801 Motion to Adopt the Article as a Part of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE the question then was shall the article be now agreed to by the Convention and become an article of the Constitution, The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850802 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and the ayes and noes were ordered, The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850813 Motion to Excuse Mr. Dunbar, 1889-08-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar was excused for the balance of the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850976 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article on Public Health and Vital Statistics Engrossed and Put it Upon its Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon suspending the rules and considering the article on public health and vital statistics engrossed and put upon its third reading and final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850985 Motion to Adopt Article XX (Public Health and Vital Statistics) None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on agreeing to the article on public health and vital statistics The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
850986 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851000 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the rules be suspended, the article considered engrossed and be read a third time and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851003 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report in Place of the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Newton moved that the minority report be adopted in place of the majority report on mines and mining interests The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851004 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851009 Motion to Lay the Subject on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Fairweather moved to lay the subject on the table The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851011 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860309 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860312 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE pending which Mr. Cosgrove moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860322 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860324 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860332 Motion to Excuse Mr. Gowey, 1889-08-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey asked to be excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860335 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860338 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove moved for a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860343 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE pending which Mr. Turner moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860345 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed and Pass it to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the article be considered engrossed, passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860348 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847101 Call to Order: 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847103 Prayer: 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Chaplin [sic]. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847106 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
897257 Motion to Excuse Mr. Hicks, 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Hicks excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
897258 Motion to Excuse Mr. Manly, 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Manly excused indefinitely. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
897259 Motion to Excuse Mr. Weir, 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weir excused for the morning. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864396 Motion to Adopt the Article on Elections and Elective Rights None 0 PROCEDURE The article on elections and elective rights was then read a third time and the question then was shall the Convention agree to the article as read The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848052 Motion to Resolve Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the reports of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands, and Harbors, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848054 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 11:55 the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands, and Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams and had made progress but come to no resolution thereon, and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847149 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to take a recess until 2 p.m., pending which Mr. Cosgrove was granted leave for the afternoon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847158 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Cosgrove, 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to take a recess until 2 p.m., pending which Mr. Cosgrove was granted leave for the afternoon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847151 Call to Order: 1889-08-13, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863518 Motion to Suspend Rules, Consider Article on Elections and Elective Rights None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved under a suspension of the rules that the subject matter of the article on elections and elective rights be sent back to the committee to report a new article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848058 Motion to Resolve Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the further consideration of the report on harbors, tidewaters and navigable streams. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
897260 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 4 p.m. the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865089 Motion for the Amendments to be Concurred In None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on Harbors, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams and had made sundry amendments thereto and recommended that the Convention concur in the same and that when so concurring that it be agreed to by the Convention. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847487 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to take a recess until 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847490 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Fairweather moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847492 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved that when the Convention adjourn that it be to 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847494 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Durie moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865094 Point of Order: Mr. E. H. Sullivan None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan rose to a point of order. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847153 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to take a recess until 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847154 Motion to Change Recess for 8 a.m. tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to take a recess until 8 p.m., pending which an amendment was offered by Mr. Tibbetts, moving to make it 8 a.m. tomorrow. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847155 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Allen moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847496 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the motion as amended be ordered, pending which Mr. Crowley moved to adjourn and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847502 Call to Order: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847504 Prayer: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Rev. Mr. Chaplain [sic]. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847510 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865100 Point of Order: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner rose to a point of order that the whole discussion was not germane to the question before the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865101 Point of Order: Mr. Cosgrove None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove rose to a point of order that the state lands were not under consideration. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865103 Point of Order: Mr. Dunbar None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar rose to a point of order that the discussion of harbors and tidelands and navigable rivers was the only subject under consideration. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865106 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847548 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865218 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847550 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sullivan moved to adjourn until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865221 Motion to Engross and Pass to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the article be considered engrossed and passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847552 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847553 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Lillis, 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved to take a recess until 2 p.m., pending which Mr. Lillis was granted leave of absence. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848936 Call to Order: 1889-08-14, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848939 Motion to Agree to Article as Part of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE The article was read and the question then being on finally agreeing to the article as a part of the Constitution, a call of the roll was ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848942 Motion to Strike the Word "Present" Relative to Veto Power from Legislative and Executive Department Articles None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor from same committee asked that the word “present” relative to veto power be stricken from legislative department and executive department articles so as to make them consistent throughout. Mr. Tibbetts moved that the committee be instructed to strike out the word “present” as recommended. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848947 Motion for Section 22 of the Legislative Department to be Amended to be Consistent with Other Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor from same committee then recommended that Section 22 of the Legislative Department be amended so as to be consistent with the other article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848958 Motion to Attach Section 34 to Section 33 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved to attach it to the proceeding section. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848961 Recommendation to Unite Section 34 to Section 33 and Strike out "Corporation" AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE They also recommend Section 34 united to Section 33 and "corporation" to be stricken out. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848964 Motion for Leave to Sit During Convention for Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee was given leave to sit during Convention hours. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848966 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Godman, 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman was granted leave for the balance of the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848950 Motion to Resolve Into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the Convention proceed informally as in committee of the whole to consider the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands, with the President in the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848952 Motion to Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:30 the Convention resumed its session with the President in the chair. The Committee reported that they had had under consideration the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands but had come to no resolution thereon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848954 Notice of Motion to Reconsider Vote: Mr. P. C. Sullivan None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan gave notice that he would on tomorrow or some subsequent time move to reconsider the vote by which the article on elections and elective rights was defeated. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848955 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove moved to adjourn The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848310 Call to Order: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848313 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848509 Motion to Reconsider the Article on Elections and Elective Rights None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved that the vote by which the article on elections and elective rights failed to pass be now reconsidered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848517 Mr. J. Z. Moore Moved the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on agreeing to the article, pending which Mr. J. Z. Moore moved the previous question. Lost. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848521 Motion to Reconsider the Vote by Which a Third Reading of the Article was Defeated None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved that the vote by which a third reading of the article was defeated be reconsidered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849155 Motion to Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864454 Motion for Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849162 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the rules be suspended, the article be considered engrossed and passed to third reading and it was so ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865597 Motion to Agree to the Article Send it to the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE The Article was then considered read a third time and the question then was upon agreeing to the article as read The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859089 Motion to Recess Until. 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858515 Motion to Recess Until. 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858517 Call to Order: 1889-08-15, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 o'clock p.m. the Convention called to order by Mr. Dyer. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858720 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved that the Convention now go into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858722 Call to Order: 1889-08-15, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:30 the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858724 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848535 Call to Order: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848537 Prayer: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Chaplain [sic]. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848541 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-15 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
851098 Motion to Recommend Amendment the Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Townships None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor from the Committee on Revision recommended to the Convention that in the article on organization of counties, cities and townships from the first five lines of the section down to the word "cities" in the fifth line the following be substituted:... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848572 Point of Order: Recommendation Falls Outside of Convention Powers None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan rose to a point of order that the recommendation does not come within the powers and duties of the Committee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848577 Motion to Suspend Rules and Consider the Recommendation of the Committee on Revision None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to suspend the rules and consider the recommendation of the Committee on Revision. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848581 Motion to Excuse Mr. Suksdorf, 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Suksdorf was excused for the morning session. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848607 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848828 Order of Business: Report of the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE The regular order was then on report of the Committee on Schedule. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848831 Notice to Introduce an Amendment to the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey gave notice that on tomorrow he would introduce an amendment to the rules allowing the Committee on Revision to suggest and report such amendments to articles said Committee has under consideration as in their judgment they may deem necessary for the perfecting of the same... The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848836 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE ...and it was ordered that the Convention go into a committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848888 Motion for the President to Resume the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE At 12:00 noon the committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848890 Motion to Ask Leave and Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE The committee reported that they had had under consideration the article on state, school and granted lands, had come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848892 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to take a recess till 2 p. m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848894 Call to Order: 1889-08-16, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. the Convention was called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848896 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the further consideration of the report on state, school and granted lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848899 Motion to Ask Leave and Sit Again None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee reported that they had been considering the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands, and made progress but come to no resolution thereon and asked leave to sit again. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848901 Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848904 Motion to Dispense the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved that the call of the house be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848906 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner moved that the Convention resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of further considering the report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848909 Motion to Resume the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE At 5:30 the Committee rose and the President resumed the chair. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848911 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859218 Call to Order: 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 9 a.m. by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859220 Prayer: 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Chaplain [sic]. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859223 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-16 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859225 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Cosgrove, 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove was granted leave for the afternoon session. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859227 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Dunbar, 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE . Mr. Dunbar asked and was granted leave from this day at noon until Monday noon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859229 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Tibbetts, 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts asked and was granted leave from 3 p.m. today. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860457 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment in Section 1 was then agreed to. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860465 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 2 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the substitute for Section 2 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860473 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on concurring in the substitute for Section 3 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860533 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was in concurring to add a new Section 4. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860577 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 5: Amendment 1 None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then upon concurring in the amendments to Section 5 and the first amendment was concurred in The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860582 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 5: Amendment 2 None 0 PROCEDURE and the ayes and noes being demanded on the second amendment they were ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860597 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Section 5: Amendment 3 None 0 PROCEDURE And the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered on the third amendment The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860619 Motion to Concur the Changes Made to Sections 6 and 7 None 0 PROCEDURE The amendment to Sections 6 and 7 was then concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861480 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved the previous question on Prosser’s substitute. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861721 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860821 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones moved the previous question The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859434 Call of the House by J. Z. Moore None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861689 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861685 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861869 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861875 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. So ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861897 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861462 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved that the article be engrossed and passed to third reading The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863048 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Put the Article upon its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weisenburger moved that the rules be suspended and the article put upon its final passage The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863050 Motion to Reprint the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The article was ordered reprinted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859449 Mr. Jamieson's Notice to Reconsider the Vote by which the Harbor, etc. Bill was Passed None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jamieson gave notice that he would move to reconsider the vote by which the harbor, etc. bill was passed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859450 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Lillis, 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lillis asked leave of absence. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859455 Motion to Recess Until. 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859457 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sullivan moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859473 Call to Order: 1889-08-17, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 2 p.m. Convention called to order by Mr. Turner. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861917 Motion to Take up the Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Take up the Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859500 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey moved to informally go into the committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the report. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859502 Motion to Consider the Report in the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved that the Convention proceed to consider the report. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862146 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jones demanded the ayes and noes and they were ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862262 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Browne, 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Browne asked to have leave of absence. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862274 Motion to Grant Leave Messr. Griffitts and Eshelman, 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts and Mr. Eshelman. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862322 Point of Order: Mr. Dyer None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer raised the point of order that it was not germane. Overruled. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862420 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were then demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862480 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer demanded the ayes and noes. They were ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863097 Motion to Instruct the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved that Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment be instructed to place the prohibition, women’s suffrage and capitol articles in their proper places. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863103 Motion to Postpone the Whole Matter None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Browne moved that the whole matter be indefinitely postponed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863106 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was on the adoption of Mr. Power’s amendment. The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863109 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The question then being on the amendment offered by Mr. Stiles, the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863121 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863122 Point of Order: Mr. Griffitts None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts raised a point of order that it was not germane and that the same subject had been passed upon. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863142 Motion to Recommit the Article to the Committee on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. T. M. Reed moved to recommit the article to the Committee on Schedule The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863147 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863151 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Gowey moved to adjourn to 9 a.m. August 19th, 1889. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860363 Call to Order: 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860365 Prayer: 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860368 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860371 Motion to Excuse Mr. Godman, 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman was excused for the day. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860759 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved that the rules be suspended that an amendment might be made to Article 4. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861212 PLACEHOLDER: ARTICLE 2 None 0 PROCEDURE jahvjadn The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861213 Motion to Adopt Article IV None 0 PROCEDURE the question then was upon agreeing to the article as amended and revised The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861225 Motion to Adopt Article V: Impeachment None 0 PROCEDURE the question then was upon agreeing to the article as so amended and revised The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862051 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862056 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed and Put It Upon Its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE The question then being upon third reading Mr. Griffitts moved that the rules be suspended, it be considered read a third time, engrossed and put upon its final passage The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862076 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Blalock, 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sturdevant asked indefinite leave for Mr. Blalock. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862509 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the rules be suspended and the matter be considered at this time. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862691 Motion to Adopt the Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was shall the words as reported by Mr. Minor be inserted The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862692 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and Mr. Sullivan called for the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862697 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Turner, 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner asked leave to file a protest to the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863190 Motion to Adopt the Article None 0 PROCEDURE he question then was upon agreeing to the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863191 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider an Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved to suspend the rules to consider the following amendment The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863194 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of considering the following amendment The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863203 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to suspend the rules The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863209 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon agreeing to the article as amended and Mr. Bowen moved the previous question The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863216 Motion to Give Notice on A Future Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner gave notice that he would present an article on this subject this afternoon and move to suspend the rules for its consideration. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863218 Motion to Extend the Privilege of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Comegys moved that the privilege of the house be extended to the Hon. S. C. Wingarde, ex-justice, Supreme Court of the territory. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863301 Motion to Recess Until 2 P.M. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863313 Call to Order: 1889-08-19, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by Mr. Gowey at 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863317 Motion to Take Up the Report of the Committee on Seal None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbitts moved to take up the report of the Committee on Seal. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863364 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Place the Report Upon Its Third Reading and Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon suspending the rules and placing the report upon its third reading and final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863372 Motion to Have the Article Read and Suspend the Rules and Consider the Article Engrossed, Read a Third Time, and Put Upon Its Final Passgae None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner asked to have read the following and moved to suspend the rules and that the article be considered engrossed, read a third time and put upon its final passage. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863374 Motion to Refer the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved to refer the article to the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863377 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863383 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lillis moved the previous question The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863394 Motion to Suspend the Rules so as to Introduce on Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the rules be suspended in order that he might introduce the following and have the same considered at this time The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863397 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863414 Motion to Refer the Article Back to the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that the subject matter of the article on state, school and granted lands be referred back to the Committee on same and that they be instructed to report tomorrow separate articles, one on tidelands and one on school lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863415 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jamieson moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863424 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863432 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE E. H. Sullivan moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863438 Motion to Recess Until 4 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to take a recess until 4 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863440 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863446 Call to Order: 1880-08-19, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At 4 p.m. the Convention was called to order by Mr. Gowey. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863450 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Tibbetts moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863455 Motion to Dispense With Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley moved that further proceedings be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863460 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Minor moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863469 Motion to Lay the Resolution on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to lay on the table. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863471 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865882 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved to adjourn at 4:55 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863344 Call to Order: 1889-08-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 9 a.m. by Mr. Gowey. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863346 Prayer: 1889-08-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863351 Motion to Elect Mr. Gowey President Pro Tem None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Henry moved that Mr. Gowey act as president pro tem. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863354 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866049 Motion to Agree to the Article and Refer it to the Committee for Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Article 3 was read and the question then was upon agreeing to the article as amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866056 Motion to Agree to the Article and Refer it to the Committee for Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Article 6 was then read and the question then was upon agreeing to the article as so amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866059 Motion to Agree to the Article and Refer it to the Committee for Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Article 7 was then read and the question then was upon agreeing to the article so amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866062 Motion to Agree to the Article and Refer it to the Committee for Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Article 8 was then read and the question then was upon agreeing to the article as so amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866065 Motion to Agree to the Article and Refer it to the Committee for Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Article 9 was then read and the question then was upon agreeing to the article as so amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866082 Motion to Agree to the Article and Refer it to the Committee for Enrollment None 0 PROCEDURE Article 10 was then read and the question then was upon agreeing to the article as amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863421 Motion to Read and Considered Read a Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE The article on tidelands was read and considered read a second time by title. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863433 Motion to Consider the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved that the rules be suspended and the article be considered now The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863435 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE upon which the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863452 Motion to Have the Report Lie Over One Day and be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE and the report was ordered to lie over one day and be printed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863466 Motion to Read and Considered Read a Second Time by Title None 0 PROCEDURE The article on school lands was then read and considered read a second time by title. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863470 Motion to Consider the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the rules be suspended and the article considered at this time The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863472 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863486 Motion to Have the Report Lie Over One Day and be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE And the rules were not suspended and the article was ordered to lie over one day and be printed. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863493 Motion to Consider the Article on Tidelands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved to suspend the rules and consider the article on tidelands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863497 Motion to Recess Until. 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863500 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. E. H. Sullivan, 1889-08-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan asked leave until Thursday. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863504 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sullivan moved to adjourn sine die. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863840 Point of Order: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner raised a point of order that a motion to take a recess is not a privileged question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863846 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863847 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863855 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Report of the Committee on School and Granted Lands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend the rules and consider the report of the Committee on School and Granted Lands The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863857 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863864 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. E. H. Sullivan moved to adjourn and demanded The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863865 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes and they were ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863868 Call of the House by Mr. Manly None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Manly moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863873 Motion to Dispense with Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley moved that further proceedings be dispensed with The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863874 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE pending which Mr. Mires moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863876 Motion to Bring the Absent into the Convention. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved that the absent be brought in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863887 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon dispensing with further proceedings under the call. And the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863891 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Moved by Mr. Lindsley that the Convention take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863895 Call to Order: 1889-08-20, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order at 2 p. m. by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863897 Motion to Take up the Article on Tidelands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved that the article on tidelands be now taken up and considered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863899 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Consider the Report on Tidelands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of considering the report on tidelands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863900 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863928 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE And demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863971 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and demanded the ayes and noes. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864733 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McCroskey moved the previous question and it was so ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864735 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864739 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864740 Call of the House by Mr. Jamieson None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jamieson moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864743 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864747 Move the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864749 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864753 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman woved to strike out Section 2 and demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864763 Point of Order: Mr. Weisenburger None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Weisenburger raised a point of order that the subject of the substitute was not germane. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864768 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon considering the article engrossed and passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864770 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Put the Article upon its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dickey moved to suspend the rules and place the article upon its final passage The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864782 Motion to consider the Article on School and Granted Lands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved that the rules be suspended and the article on school and granted lands as reported by the Committee be considered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864800 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon Mr. Browne’s amendment and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864957 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. P. C. Sullivan moved to amend by inserting the word granted after the word any in the first line and demanded the ayes and noes The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865587 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon considering the article considered engrossed and the article passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865589 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pas the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved to suspend the rules and pass the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865590 Demand the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865593 Motion to Take up the Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to take up the schedule. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865594 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Mires moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863764 Call to Order: 1889-08-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863766 Prayer: 1889-08-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863769 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864497 Motion to Adopt Article XI None 0 PROCEDURE Article 11 was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement to the article as so amended and revised and on a call of the roll the following fifty-five members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864501 Motion to Adopt Article XII None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then on final agreement to the article as amended and revised and on a call of the roll the following fiftyseven members voted aye: Berry, Blalock, Bowen, Browne, Buchanan, Burk, Clothier, Coey, Comegys, Cosgrove, Dickey, Dunbar, Durie, Dyer, Eldridge, Eshelman, Fay, Glascock, Griffitts, Hayton, Henry, Hicks, Jeffs, Jones, Joy, Kinnear, Lindsley, McCroskey, McElroy, McReavey, Mires, J. Z. Moore, R. S, More, Morgans, Newton, Power, Prosser, J. M. Reed, T. M. Reed, Schooley, Sharpstein, Shoudy, Sohns, Stevenson, Stiles, Sturdevant, P. C. Sullivan, Travis, Turner, Van Name, Warner, Weir, Weisenburger, West, Willison, Winsor, Mr. President. And the following two members voted no: Manly, Minor. Not voting: Allen, Crowley, Dallam, Fairweather, Godman, Gowey, Gray, Hungate, Jamieson, Kellogg, McDonald, Suksdorf, E. H. Sullivan, Tibbetts, and Mr. Neace on leave. And a majority of all the members voting in the affirmative it was agreed to and was referred back to the Committee for Enrollment. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864503 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864756 Motion to Dispense With Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved to dispense with further proceedings under the call. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864758 Motion to Adopt the Article on State Institutions and Public Buildings None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon final agreement to the article on state institutions and public buildings as amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864762 Motion to Adopt Article XIV None 0 PROCEDURE Article 14 was then read as amended and revised and the question was on final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866140 Motion to Adopt Article XXIII None 0 PROCEDURE Article on amendments was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864771 Motion to Adopt Article XXII None 0 PROCEDURE Article on legislative apportionment was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864774 Motion to Adopt Article XXI None 0 PROCEDURE Article on water and water rights was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864776 Motion to Adopt Article XIX None 0 PROCEDURE Article on homestead and property exemptions was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864778 Motion to Adopt Article XX None 0 PROCEDURE rticle on public health and vital statistics was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864780 Motion to Adopt Article XXVI None 0 PROCEDURE The compact with the United States was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864879 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864906 Motion to Suspend the Rules to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved to suspend the rules to introduce a resolution. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864925 Motion to Suspend the Rules to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear moved to suspend the rules to introduce a resolution. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864933 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE he moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864940 Motion to Take Up the Article on School Lands None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to suspend the rules to take up the article on school lands. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864943 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864945 Motion to Adopt Article XVII None 0 PROCEDURE And the question was upon agreeing to the article as read. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864954 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved to suspend the rules to insert “until” in Section 3 after the word “bidder.” The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864956 Motion to Adopt Article XVI None 0 PROCEDURE The question was then on agreeing to the article on school and granted lands The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864974 Motion to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley asked leave to introduce a resolution. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864978 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE and moved the adoption of the following. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864989 Motion to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Bowen was granted leave to introduce the following. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864994 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE And moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864998 Motion to Introduce the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore was granted leave to introduce the following The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865006 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE and moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865014 Motion to Adopt the Article None 0 PROCEDURE and moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865878 Motion to Recess Until 2 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Eldridge moved to take a recess until 2 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865888 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kinnear offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865891 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Joy moved to adopt the following resolution The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866327 Motion to Grant the Privilege of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Stiles moved to grant Hon. Elwood Evans, and Mr. Crowley added Hon. Harry W. Scott, the privilege of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866329 Motion to Adopt the Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner then called up the amendment to the schedule he had introduced and moved its adoption. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866333 Motion to Refer the Subject Matter Back to the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Browne moved that the whole subject matter be referred back to the Committee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866337 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866528 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered and the following twenty-seven members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866531 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved the previous question. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866533 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon the amendment of Mr. Turner. The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered and the following twenty-seven members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866537 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered on Mr. Joy’s amendment and the following twenty-seven members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867157 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867940 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE And the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867946 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE The ayes and noes were demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867950 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867957 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867959 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Joy moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867960 Motion to Dispense With Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Pending the call, Mr. Warner moved further proceedings be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
867964 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore moved to take a recess until 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868346 Motion to Suspend the Rules to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to suspend the rules to consider a resolution. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868357 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to consider the following resolution under a suspension of the rules. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868359 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar moved to consider the following resolution under a suspension of the rules. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869599 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered and the roll was called and the following forty members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868369 Motion to Refer the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Crowley moved that the article be referred to the Committee on Revision [, Adjustment and Enrollment] with instructions to report two articles, the two articles on tidelands and confirming patents in one. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868370 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered and the roll was called and the following thirty members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868378 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass the Article to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer moved to suspend the rules and the article passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868381 Motion to Refer Back to the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Sullivan moved that the article be referred to committee with instructions to report back, making it congruous. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868383 Motion to Amend by Reporting Back Tonight None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McCroskey moved to amend by reporting back tonight. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868389 Motion to Adjourn None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. J. Z. Moore moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868391 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Turner, 1889-08-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner asked to have indefinite leave. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868394 Motion for the Article to be Considered Engrossed and Passed to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dyer renewed his motion that the article be considered engrossed and passed to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868395 Motion to Recommit the Article to the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Reed moved to recommit the article on Judiciary Committee. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868398 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-08-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Godman moved to adjourn. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868400 Motion for the Ayes and Noes None 0 PROCEDURE Ayes and noes demanded and ordered and the following forty-six members voted aye: The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864718 Call to Order: 1889-08-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Convention called to order by the President at 9 a.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864723 Prayer: 1889-08-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the Chaplain. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864728 Reading of the Journal: 1889-08-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Minutes read and approved. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864730 Motion to Grant Leave Mr. Kellogg, 1889-08-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Kellogg granted leave. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902644 Motion to Agree to the Article on Harbors and Tidewaters None 0 PROCEDURE The article on harbors and tidewaters was then read as amended and revised and the question then was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902645 Call of the House by Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which Mr. Turner moved a call of the house. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902647 Motino to Dispense with Further Proceedings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Lindsley moved that further proceedings be dispensed with. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902650 Motion to Agree to the Article on School and Granted Lands None 0 PROCEDURE The article on school and granted lands was then read [and]* as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement to the same. [Clerk's Note: *Stricken in journal.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902878 Motion to Agree to the Article on Cession of Jurisdiction None 0 PROCEDURE The article on cession of jurisdiction was then read as amended and revised and the question then was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865328 Motion to Agree to the Article on State Seal None 0 PROCEDURE The article on state seal was then read as amended and revised and the question was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865346 Motion to Agree to the Article on Boundaries None 0 PROCEDURE The article on boundaries was then read as amended and revised. The question then was upon final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
889162 Motion to Agree the Recommendation of the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon agreeing to the recommendation of the committee as to tideland. So ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896673 Motion to Concur Amendments in Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring on the amendments to Section 7 and they were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896675 Motion to Concur Amendments in Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring in the amendments to Section 9 and they were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896679 Motion to Concur Amendments in Section 15 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon concurring in the amendments to Section 15 and they were concurred in. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
897065 Motion to Agree to the Substitute for Section 17 None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon agreeing to the substitute for Section 17 and it was agreed to and ordered substituted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899484 Motion to Consider the Article Confirming Patents None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved that the Convention proceed first to the consideration of that part of the article confirming patents. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899491 Motion to Consider the Article on Schedule Engrossed None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon considering the article on schedule he considered engrossed and read a third time. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899495 Motion to Agree to the Article as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE The article was then considered read a third time and the question was upon agreeing to the article as amended and revised. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899498 Motion to Take Up the Article Validating the Patent None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Power moved to take up the article validating the patent. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899502 Motion to Pass the Article on Shore Lands None 0 PROCEDURE The article on titles to shore lands was read and the question was upon passing the article to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900200 Motion to Pass the Article on Patents to a Third Reading None 0 PROCEDURE The article on confirming patents [was read] and the question then was upon passing the article to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900450 Motion to Postpone the Article None 0 PROCEDURE Pending which Mr. Bowen moved it be indefinitely postponed, and the ayes and noes were demanded and ordered. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900461 Motion to Consider the Article Engrossed None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon passing the article to a third reading. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900470 Motion to Agree to the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon agreeing to the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900477 Motion to Consider Mr. Mires' Article None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Griffitts moved to suspend the rules and consider the article submitted by Mr. Mires. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900482 Motion to Agree upon the Article None 0 PROCEDURE The question then was upon agreeing to the article. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
901018 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Refer the Articles None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that rules be suspended and the articles on confirming patents and tidelands be considered, finally agreed to and referred to the Committee on Revision [, Adjustment and Enrollment] for enrollment. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865568 Motion to Reccess None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Dunbar at 10:45 moved to take a recess for half an hour. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865572 Call to Order None 0 PROCEDURE At 11:05 [sic] the Convention was called to order by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
901174 Motion to Agree on the Article on Schedule None 0 PROCEDURE The article on schedule was then read and the question was upon a final agreement. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865607 Motion for the Committee on Revision to Stay After the Convention Adjourns None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Turner moved that should the Convention adjourn before the Constitution is enrolled, that the Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment remain and see that it is finished properly. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865609 Motion to Recess Until 5 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Warner moved that upon the close of the present sitting it be to 5 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865610 Motion to Recess Until 8 p.m. None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Manly moved to take a recess until 8 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865612 Call to Order: 1889-08-22, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention was called to order at 8 p.m. by the President. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866899 Motion to Adjourn Sine Die: 1889-08-22 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Cosgrove moved that the Convention finally adjourn “Sine Die” at 9:30 p.m. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
984913 Motion to Severally Consider the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules and recommendations be discussed seriatum.] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer Spokane Falls Review
985173 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the recommendation be adopted.] Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
985176 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE [That the recommendation be adopted.] Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
985181 Motion to Consider Each Rule Adopted if No Amendments Were Offered None 0 PROCEDURE [That all rules be considered adopted if no amendments were offered.] Spokane Falls Review
986088 Instruction to Number the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Secretary number the rules consecutively.] Spokane Falls Review
831671 Motion to Rise and Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Committee rise.] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
987920 Motion to Consider the Report by Paragraph None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be taken up by separate paragraphs.] Spokane Falls Review
987921 Motion to Take Up the Second Paragraph First None 0 PROCEDURE [That the second paragraph be taken up first.] Spokane Falls Review
834678 Notice of a Desire to Debate None 0 PROCEDURE [That as there is a desire to debate the section, under the rules, the matter be carried over till to-morrow.] Spokane Falls Review
834690 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] Spokane Falls Review
835416 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I call the gentleman to order. An amendment is already before the committee. Spokane Falls Review
835434 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] Spokane Falls Review
836241 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE [On a point of order.] Spokane Falls Review
836248 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention rise.] Spokane Falls Review
836283 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise.] Spokane Falls Review
987925 Motion for the Previous Question None 0 PROCEDURE [That the previous question be called.] Spokane Falls Review
836287 Motion to Lay the Matter on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE [That the whole matter be laid on the table.] Spokane Falls Review
836305 Motion to Rise None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise.] Spokane Falls Review
836255 Motion to Move onto Section 4 None 0 PROCEDURE Sullivan moved to pass Section 3 and move to Section 4. This would have left Griffitts’ motion pending. Analytical Index
836261 Motion to Rise and Report None 0 PROCEDURE The paper stated that Suksdorf moved that the committee rise and report a recommendation that the Convention recommit Section 3 to the Committee on Judicial Department. Analytical Index
837857 Motion to Rise and Report None 0 PROCEDURE The committee of the whole having risen reported that they had had under consideration the article on Judicial Department and had made certain amendments thereto and recommended concurring therein and that when so amended that the article be adopted. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838843 Reconsideration of Section 7 None 0 PROCEDURE Motion: Griffitts moved a reconsideration of Section 7 Analytical Index
839498 Motion to Refer Article I [Preamble] to the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE On Motion of Turner, the section was sent back to the committee for revision. Analytical Index
839806 Motion to Adopt the Section None 0 PROCEDURE Jones moved to adopt the section. Analytical Index
842489 Motion to Adopt the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Motion: Comegys moved to adopt the majority report. Analytical Index
842493 Motion to Adopt the Minority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Motion: Lindsley moved to adopt the minority report. Analytical Index
842497 Motion to Substitute the Word "Majority" for "Minority" None 0 PROCEDURE Comegys moved to substitute the word "majority" for "minority." Analytical Index
844578 Motion to Adopt the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE Dunbar moved to adopt the majority report. Analytical Index
848209 Mr. Griffitts' Motion to Accept his Previous Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE Motion: Griffitts moved his amendment that the Legislature be given power to abolish such a commission. The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847462 Motion to Recommend Section Back to the Committee for Revision None 0 PROCEDURE At the request of chairman Mires the section was recommended back to the committee for revision. Analytical Index
847468 Motion to Recommend Section Back to the Committee for Revision None 0 PROCEDURE At the request of chairman Mires the section was recommended back to the committee for revision. Analytical Index
847473 Motion to Recommend Section Back to the Committee for Revision None 0 PROCEDURE At the request of chairman Mires the section was recommended back to the committee for revision. Analytical Index
848348 Motion to Reopen Mr. Griffitts' Amendment on the Article on Corporations Other than Municipal None 0 PROCEDURE Editorial Decision
846140 Point of Order: Mr. Stiles None 0 PROCEDURE Stiles raised a point of order that a quorum was not present. Analytical Index
865043 Motion to Recommend the Article Not Pass: Mr. Turner None 0 PROCEDURE Turner moved to rise and recommend that the article not pass. Analytical Index

Committee: Committee on Credentials

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Rules and Order of Business

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Elections and Elective Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Legislative Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Judicial Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Military Affairs

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Education and Educational Institutions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on County, City and Township Organizations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Engrossment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Water and Water Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Agriculture, Manufacture, Fisheries and Commerce

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Mining and Mining Interests

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
864979 Motion to Refer Report out of Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Refer Report out of Committee The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Homestead and Property Exemptions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on Official Stenographer of Constitutional Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources

Committee: Committee on State Seal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources