Committee: The Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
830437 Resolution on the Temporary Chairman of the Convention RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1308109 Telegram of Greetings to Washington None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1308114 Telegram of Greetings to Washington None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830515 Response to the South Dakota Constitutional Convention MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
977745 Telegram to the North Dakota Constitutional Convention MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1308983 Telegram of Greetings to Montana MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869224 Report of the Committee on Credentials None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833661 Communication of Pay for Convention Officers PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
839232 Resolution to Appoint a Committee for the Designation of Officers RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863944 J. R. Kinnear's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863946 W. F. Prosser's Resolution to Appoint a Committee on Rules RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863955 T. P. Dyer's Resolution on a Committee to Confer with Reporters RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863960 C. A. Bowen's Resolution on the Press RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
863975 Telegram from the Montana Constitutional Convention PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
977796 Telegram to the Montana Constitutional Convention MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868778 Message from the Territorial Secretary Concerning Printing MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
868779 Message from the Comptroller on Delegate Salaries PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
978470 Sullivan's Resolution on the Appointment of Committees CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
869112 Resolution on the Convention's Hourly Schedule RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830211 Resolution Thanking the Temporary Officers RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
984121 Resolution to Proceed to the Election of a Journal Clerk and Doorkeeper RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830449 Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
830465 Report of the Committee on Official Stenographers None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
984185 Resolution that the Sergeant-at-Arms Order Ice RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830522 Resolution Instructing the Committee on Rules to Consider Clerks RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830524 Resolution Authorizing the President to Appoint Members of Committees RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
830544 Resolution to Adopt the Rules of the Last House of Representatives RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830546 Resolution Making Reports of the Convention Exclusive Property of the State RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830730 Telegram from Ellensburg PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
984368 Standing Committee Appointments RULES CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830956 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
830957 Rules of the Convention None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Spokane Falls Review
831673 Rules of the Convention [Committee on Rules and Order of Business, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
986090 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business [Committee of the Whole] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
986091 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
986136 Telegram from the Mayor of Ellensburg PETITION CREATE Spokane Falls Review The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
986155 Resolution on Trusts RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830890 Knight's Bid for Printer PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831137 Memorial on Women's Suffrage CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831140 Petition to Ban the Sale of Alcohol CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831142 Petition From the People of Yakima to Ban the Sale of Alcohol CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831144 Petition in Favor of Women's Suffrage CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831157 Request of the Judiciary Committee None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831171 Majority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831173 Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987737 Resolution on Trusts None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
831176 Resolution Regarding Floor Privileges RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831180 Request from the Committee on Appointment and Representation to Appoint a Clerk None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987743 Request from the Committee on Agriculture to Appoint a Clerk None CREATE_FROM Spokane Falls Review
831185 Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831187 Paragraphs 1 to 4 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 PETITION CREATE Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831189 Paragraph 5 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 PETITION CREATE Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831191 Paragraph 6 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 70 PETITION CREATE Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831193 Paragraph 7 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 PETITION CREATE Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831195 Paragraphs 8 to 11 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 PETITION CREATE Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831209 Proposition No. 1 (School and Granted Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831211 Proposition No. 2 (Land Ownership) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831213 Proposition No. 3 (Corporations other than Municipal) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831215 Proposition No. 4 (Legislative Department) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831217 Proposition No. 5 (Water Rights) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831219 Proposition No. 6 (Tidelands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831221 Proposition No. 7 (Corporations other than Municipal) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831223 Proposition No. 8 (Tidelands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831233 Letter from N. W. Harris on Limiting Municipal Indebtedness PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831235 Proposition No. 9 (Corporations other than Municipal) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
987897 Communication Requesting Travel Details None CREATE_FROM Spokane Falls Review Spokane Falls Review
831691 Resolution on the Proper Form of Propositions RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833288 Remonstrance Against Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833293 Memorial for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987903 Affidavit of E.B. Sutton CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833308 Request from the Committee on Elections to Employ a Clerk None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833499 Partial Report from the Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833527 Resolution on the First House and Senate RESOLUTION CREATE Spokane Falls Review
988032 Partial Report of the Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
988033 Resolution on the First House and Senate None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
987930 Request from the Committee on Engrossment to Appoint a Clerk None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839788 Preamble and Article I by Mr. Weir (Preamble and Bill of Rights) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839825 Article I by Mr. Suksdorf (Bill of Rights) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839826 Article II by Mr. Suksdorf (State Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839828 Article III by Mr. Suksdorf (Executive Department) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839851 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Streets and Alleys) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839856 Resolution for Committees to Prepare Propositions RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839870 Proposition by Mr. Buchanan (Railroad Commissioners) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839876 Proposition No. 29 (Taxation) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839917 Proposition No. 30 (Taxation) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839926 Proposition by Mr. Turner (Sectarian Schools) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839934 Proposition No. 32 (Laborers) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839948 Proposition No. 33 (Sale of Granted Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839957 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839972 Proposition No. 35 (Prohibiting Credit Loaning) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840082 Proposition No. 36 (Taxation) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840094 Proposition No. 37 (Suffrage) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840099 Proposition by Mr. Cosgrove (Tidelands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840112 Proposition by Mr. Godman (Banking) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831401 Petition in Favor of Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831407 Petition on Liquor Traffic PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831410 Treatise on State Constitutions PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831417 Petition Relating to Oysters and Oyster Beds CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831419 Petition Relating to Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831427 Majority Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831428 Minority Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988943 Knight's Bid for Printer None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
988954 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988957 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain): Sections 1 and 2 LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988959 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain): Section 3 LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831440 Proposition by Mr. Jones (Divorce) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831442 Proposition by Mr. Joy (Appointment to Civil Service) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831444 Proposition by Mr. Griffitts (Days' Work) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831446 Proposition by Mr. Griffitts (Mines and Mining) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831448 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Home for Disabled Soldiers) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831450 Proposition by Mr. Buchanan (Judicial Department) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831452 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Banking Institutions) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831454 Proposition by Mr. Eshelman (Elections) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831456 Proposition by Mr. Lillis (Protection of Life) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831458 Proposition by Mr. Prosser (Elective Rights) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831460 Proposition by Mr. Prosser (School Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831462 Proposition by Mr. Newton (Mines and Mining) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831464 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Sumptuary Laws) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831466 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (School Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831468 Proposition by Mr. Weir (Shore Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831697 Resolution on the Rules by Mr. Stiles RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831699 Resolution on Census Results by Mr. Suksdorf RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1047823 Rules of the Convention [Committee on Rules and Order of Business] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
831754 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832135 Proposition by Mr. Durie (Tidelands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832138 Proposition by Mr. Durie (Division of Counties and Removal of County Seats) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832146 Proposition by A. Mires (Irrigation) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832148 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Duties of Office Holders) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832150 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Child Labor) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832152 Proposition by Mr. Power (Veto Power) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832154 Proposition by Mr. Power (Scaling of Logs) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833183 Proposition by Mr. Schooley (The Legislature) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832157 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Coal Mines) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832159 Proposition by Mr. Jones (Exemption of Property of Municipal Corporations from Execution) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832161 Proposition by Mr. Weir (Executive Department) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832163 Proposition by Mr. Gowey (Legislative Department) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832165 Proposition by Mr. Berry (Senate) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832167 Proposition by Mr. Berry (Embezzlement and Defalcation of Public Funds) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832169 Proposition by Mr. T. M. Reed (Salaries of State Officers) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832171 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Minority Representation) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832173 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Tidelands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832175 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Habeas Corpus) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832177 Proposition by Mr. Turner (School Fund) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832179 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Commissioner of Public Printing) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832181 Proposition by Mr. Sohns (Sale of School Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832183 Resolution on School Lands RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832185 Resolution on Notices of Committee Meetings RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832187 Resolution on Tidelands RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832215 Resolution on Adjournment RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832219 Resolution on Printing the Report of the Committee on Rules RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048536 Report on Mileage of Members None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048917 Telegram from Mr. Dyer MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831993 Letter and Pamphlet Relating to the Question of Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831998 Report of the Committee on Judicial Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048986 Knight's Bid for Printer None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
1048924 Report on Mileage of Members None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832019 Proposition by Mr. Schooley (School Lands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832021 Proposition by Mr. Joy (Submitting Special and Local Laws to Voters for Approval or Rejection) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832023 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Public Printer) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832025 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Armed Detectives) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832030 Resolution on State Boundaries RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832497 Report of the Committee on Judicial Department on the Resolution by Mr. Eshelman None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048990 Proposition by Mr. Eshelman (Elections) None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
832514 Personal Statement by Mr. Moore MESSAGE CREATE Spokane Falls Review The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832518 Memorial from the Common Council of the City of Seattle PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832520 Memorial on Agricultural Education PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832525 Article on Judicial Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832536 Proposition by Mr. Jones (Cession to U.S. of Jurisdiction over Military and Naval Reservations) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832538 Proposition by Mr. Suksdorf (Education) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832541 Proposition by Mr. Suksdorf (State Roads) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832543 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Secret Ballot) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832545 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Holding Office by Appointment or Otherwise) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832548 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Secret Ballots) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832550 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Right to Bear Arms) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832553 Proposition by Mr. Tibbetts (Voting by Australian System) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832555 Proposition by Mr. Allen (Time within which Action May Be Begun by States Against Persons) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832557 Proposition by Mr. Allen (Compensation of Public Officers by Salary and of Fees) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832559 Proposition by Mr. Allen (Qualification of Electors) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832561 Proposition by Mr. Weisenberger (Alien Ownership of Land) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832564 Proposition by Mr. Berry (Military Affairs) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832600 Resolution on Offering L.B. Andrews a Seat within the Bar RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832614 Resolution to Extend the Floor to John Allen RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832618 Memorial from Local Union No. 197 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832620 Letter from R. L. Carpenter PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832622 Letter from Lucinda Hastings, C. C. Bartlett & Co. PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832757 Resolution on Tidelands PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832763 Majority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc. None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1051108 Petition to Ban the Sale of Alcohol None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
1051109 Petition From the People of Yakima to Ban the Sale of Alcohol None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
1051110 Memorial for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
1051111 Petition on Liquor Traffic None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
832764 Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc. None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1051103 Minority Proposition on Prohibition None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
832767 Resolution by Mr. Durie RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832769 Resolution by Mr. Weisenburger RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832771 Resolution by Mr. Griffitts RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832773 Proposition Relating to Corporations LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832775 Proposition Prohibiting Lotteries LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832777 Proposition Relating to Bribery of Officers LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832779 Proposition Relative to the Right of a Citizen to Sue the State LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832781 Article on Registration LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832783 Article on Nonjudicial Days and Legal Holidays LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832785 Proposition Relative to Liens LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832808 Memorial on Women's Suffrage MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832810 Resolution on Printing of Articles RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832943 Communication Regarding Taxing Church Property MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832945 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832947 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (2) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832949 Memorial Relating to Prohibition MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832951 Memorial Relating to Irrigation MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832953 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (3) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832955 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (4) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833270 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (5) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833272 Memorial on Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833277 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (6) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833281 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (7) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833283 Memorial Relating to the Manufacture and Sale of Liquor MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833285 Memorial on the Manufacture and Sale of Alcoholic Liquors MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833300 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (8) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833302 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (9) MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833311 Proposition Prohibiting Lotteries None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833315 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050709 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Right to Bear Arms) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833478 Article on Judicial Department: Section 3 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833248 Memorial by the Board of Trade of the City of Olympia Relative to Corporations MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833256 Petition: Relating to Equal Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833258 Petition: Relating to Prohibition PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833266 Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836203 Article on Judicial Department [Judiciary Department]: Section 3: Substitute None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833530 Affidavit Regarding Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833532 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833534 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (2) PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833536 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (3) PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833538 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (4) PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833904 Communication From the Olympia Board of Trade Inviting Convention Members to a Clam Bake MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834257 Resolution by Mr. Minor RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834259 Report from Mr. Prosser MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834261 Resolution from the Teachers of the Fourth Judicial District RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834263 Telegram from Hon. George H. Williams MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834266 Petition by Mr. Gowey: Taxation of Church Property PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834410 Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834431 Proposition Relative to Passes over any Railroad or Steamboat Line PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837332 Article IV [The Judiciary, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838799 Proposition Relative to State Institutions & Public Buildings LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838701 Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833937 Telegram Relating to the Observance of the Sabbath MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833939 Proposition Relative to Prohibition LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833941 Proposition Relative to State, County and Municipal Indebtedness LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836517 Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838665 Article XI [County, City, Township Organization, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835885 Telegram From Seattle Chamber of Commerce MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836206 Petition From Dr. H. T. Turner PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836218 Petition Relative to the Suffrage of Women PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836230 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: First, Second, Third, and Fourth Sections PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836244 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Fifth Section PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836254 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Sixth Section PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836265 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Seventh Section PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836273 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Eighth and Ninth Sections PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836282 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Tenth Section PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836288 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Eleventh Section PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836419 Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municiple Indebtedness: Majority None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836420 Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municiple Indebtedness: Minority None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836508 Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836531 Petitions Relative to the Taxation of Church Property PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836544 Resolution to Submit the Proposition with the Constitution for the Ratification by the People RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835918 Letter from Robert A. Connell concerning Agricultural Education MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835921 Memorial from Lewis County Bar on Probate Matters MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835924 Petitions on the Taxation of Church Property PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835927 Memorial from Lewis County Bar on Probate Matters: Mr. Joy MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835930 Rev. W. F. Crafts on the Sunday Rest Movement MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835933 Petition from the Typographical Union No. 202 PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835936 Petition Relating to the Taxation of Church Property PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836334 Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835955 Telegram from Secretary Wheelwright MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843315 Article III [The Executive Department, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837947 Resolution from Columbia Council in Clark County RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839174 Report of the Committee on Military Affairs None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837959 Proposition to Board of Health MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837961 Memorial from American Sabbath Union MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843837 Article III [The Executive Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838411 Petition as to Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842443 Propositions on Sunday Observance None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838416 Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838981 Communication From Ex Chief Justice Roger S. Greene: Relation to Tidelands MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839507 Article I [Preamble, Convention] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
839323 Petition Relative to Practice of Medicine PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839328 Proposition Relative to Warehouses PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842177 Telegram from the Mayor of Yakima MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842179 Telegram from the Board of Trade of Yakima MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842181 Telegram from Harry Krutz MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842184 Telegram from H. A. Carney MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842186 Communication from M. Z. Goodell MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842999 Article X [Militia, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839244 Communication Relative to the Employment of Labor of Public Works MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839247 Communication from Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839250 Petition Relating to the Sale of Tide Flat and Shore lands PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839253 Communication Relating to Forms for Preamble and Bill of Rights MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839255 Petition from Pierce County Medical Society PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839258 Telegram from O. E. Williams MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839263 Petition Relative to the Sunday Rest Article PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839278 Minority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839279 Majority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842524 Article I [Preamble and Declaration of Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848211 Article from Mr. Griffitts Protesting the Article on Preamble and Bill of Rights Section 22 POSITION_PAPER CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842944 Substitute for Section 21 of the Article of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840794 Letter on a Monument to the Pilgrims MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840798 Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840802 Report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844958 Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840672 Telegram From the Board of Trade of the City of Ellensburg MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840675 Telegram From the Board of Trade of Spokane Falls MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840678 Telegram From the City Council of Spokane Falls MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840681 Communication From the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840684 Communication From Eesinger, Forest Commissioner of Colorado MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840687 Petition From the Board of Trade of Aberdeen PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840688 Message from Whitman County Farmers' Alliance MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841274 Memorial From the Board of Trade of Vancouver MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842415 Mr. Schooley's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841281 Minority Report Relative to the State, School and Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841290 Memorial Relating to Public Health and Hygiene MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845339 Telegram from the Spokane County Farmers Alliance and Trades Council MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845344 Communication from A. O. Houston of Tenio MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845355 Communication from the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845359 Communication from the Old Settlers MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845625 Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846291 A Compact with the United States LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843364 Telegram Regarding Telegraph Companies MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843370 Petitions Relative to a Board of Health PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843376 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843464 Telegram Protesting Against Selling Tidelands MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843466 Telegram from Tom W. Wampler MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843468 Proposition by Mr. Prosser Relating to Forests on Granted Lands MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844010 Majority Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844018 Minority Report From Mr. Buchanan None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844073 Article V [Impeachment, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844080 Article on Eminent Domain for Drains, Ditches, Etc None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844089 Proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen Concerning Compensation of Public Officers None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
887707 Proposition of Hon. J. M. Reed Concerning Legal Holidays None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844099 Proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen Concerning Statutes of Limitations None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847476 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM Analytical Index
845010 Article on Eminent Domain for Drains, Ditches, Etc. None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847884 Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments: Prohibition LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845058 Telegram from S. C. Herron in Relation to Railroad Privileges MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845831 Minority Report from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845835 Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845839 Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [1] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845843 Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [2] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845847 Report from the Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848515 Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal, Convention] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
843407 Petition from James J. Walsh PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843412 Communication from W. H. Galvani Relative to State Printer and Commissioner of Labor. MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843436 Minority Report from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843431 Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [State Institutions and Public Buildings] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843448 Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [Seat of Government] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844730 Telegram from Mayor Furth of Spokane Falls MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862300 Article XII [Corporations other than Municipal] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858502 Article I [Preamble and Bill of Rights] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846565 Communication From the Board of Trade of Colfax MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847016 Article on Homesteads and Property Exemptions None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847025 Article on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847048 Article on Education and Educational Institutions None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848882 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845086 Communication from Allen C. Mason Regarding Tidelands MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845094 Communication from C. D. Potter relating to Sunday law MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845097 Communication from Henry Drum regarding tidelands MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845099 Petition from Otis Sprague of Tacoma PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845102 Petition from Henry M. Ball of Tacoma PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845105 Petition from C. U. Masterson of Tacoma PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861841 Compact with the United States None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864466 Second Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845117 Resolution for President to Appoint Committee for Seal of the State of Washington RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845115 Resolution to Present all Reports of Standing Committees before August 10th RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845419 Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863805 Article XIV [Seat of Government, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845432 Telegram from J. E. Clarke MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847522 Report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845450 Resolution from Stevens Post No. 1 RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902163 Minority Report from Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1309006 Telegram of Greetings from Idaho None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845680 Telegram from Idaho Constitutional Convention MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846295 Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846304 Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846311 Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Interests): Majority Report None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846312 Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Rights): Minority Report None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860721 Article II [Legislative Department, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896490 Communication in Relation to State Seal MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987769 Adverse Report on the Proposition of Mr. Kinnear on Warehouses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896496 Report on Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896500 Minority Report from Committee on Harbors None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865366 Protest on the Passage of the Article POSITION_PAPER CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866469 Mr. Glascock's Notice of Intention to Reconsider MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866479 Article IX [Education and Educational Institutions, Convention] LEGISLATION CREATE Article on Education and Educational Institutions The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
849986 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847112 Telegram from S. T. Armstrong MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848050 Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Interests): Majority Report None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865088 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861845 Report from Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861458 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865098 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848938 Article I [Declaration of Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848957 Article I [Declaration of Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
903095 Report from Committee on Revision None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848318 Memorial Relative to Equal Suffrage MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848323 Second Memorial Relative to Equal Suffrage MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848342 Petition Relative to School Lands, Tidelands, etc. PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848345 Second Petition Relative to School Lands, Tidelands, etc. PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859087 Third Petition Relative to School Lands, Tidelands, etc. PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
858519 Communication from the Carpenters' Union of Tacoma MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848564 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage PETITION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859233 Report from the Committee on State Seal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860454 Article XVI [Schools and Granted Lands, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863052 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Convention] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XVI [Schools and Granted Lands, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860740 Article IV [The Judiciary, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
860741 Article V [Impeachment, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862508 Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863198 Protest on the Article Concerning Corporations POSITION_PAPER CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863366 Article XVIII [State Seal, Convention] LEGISLATION CREATE Report from the Committee on State Seal The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863373 Article from Mr. Turner LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863393 Article from Mr. Dunbar LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863458 Resolution Regarding Compensation for Clerks RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863467 Mr. Power's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863509 Article XXVII [Schedule, Convention] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
866035 Article III [The Executive Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866036 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866037 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866038 Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee on Revision, Enrollment and Adjustment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866521 Article IX [Education and Educational Institutions], Convention None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866039 Article X [Militia, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866040 Article XI [County, City, Township Organization, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863409 Article XVII [Tidelands, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863410 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864487 Article XI [County, City, Township Organization] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864488 Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864489 Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864490 Article XIV [Seat of Government] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866139 Article XXIII [Amendments] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864492 Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864493 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864494 Article XIX [Exemptions] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864495 Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864496 Article XXVI [Compact with the United States] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864870 Recommendation from the Committee on Printing None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864897 Resolution from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864932 Resolution from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864977 Mr. Crowley's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864992 Mr. Bowen's Resolution LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865003 Mr. J. Z. Moore's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865013 Mr. E. H. Sullivan's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865887 Mr. Kinnear's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865890 Mr. Joy's Resolution RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868356 Resolution by Mr. Dunbar None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902586 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902591 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902877 Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864999 Article XVIII [State Seal] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865004 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
871175 Report from the Committee of the Judicial Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
871179 Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
897184 Separate Article on Titles to Shore Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
871177 Article XVII [Tidelands, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
900480 Mr. Mires' Article (Tidelands) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865567 Protest Against the Sale of School Lands POSITION_PAPER CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
901173 Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865602 Protest on Patented Lands POSITION_PAPER CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865603 Resolution of Thanks to the Convention Officers RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865605 Resolution of Thanks to the Reporters RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865614 Resolution on the Affairs after the Convention Adjourns 'Sine Die' RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866876 The Constitution of the State of Washington (Convention) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866905 Resolution of Thanks to the Citizens of Olympia and the Song 'The Old Settler' RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
985122 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831667 Rules of the Convention [Committee on Rules and Order of Business] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
985151 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business [Committee of the Whole] MESSAGE CREATE Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business Editorial Decision
984915 Rules of the Convention [Committee of the Whole] RULES CREATE Rules of the Convention [Committee on Rules and Order of Business] The Seattle Post-Intelligencer Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
834666 Partial Report of the Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM Spokane Falls Review
987919 Resolution on the First House and Senate None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
834670 Partial Report of the Committee on Legislative Department [Legislative Department, Committee of the Whole] MESSAGE CREATE Partial Report of the Committee on Legislative Department Editorial Decision
833334 Article on Judicial Department None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
835355 Article IV [The Judiciary, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Article on Judicial Department Editorial Decision
833464 Article on Judicial Department: Section 3 LEGISLATION CREATE Article on Judicial Department Editorial Decision
837513 Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837514 Article XI [County, City, Township Organization, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township Editorial Decision
838727 Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838728 Article III [The Executive Department, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power Editorial Decision
839449 Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights [Committee of the Whole] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839456 Article I [Preamble, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights [Committee of the Whole] Editorial Decision
839459 Article I [Declaration of Rights, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights [Committee of the Whole] Editorial Decision
839181 Report of the Committee on Military Affairs None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839335 Article X [Militia, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Military Affairs Editorial Decision
839365 Minority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
839366 Majority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
841481 Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness: Majority None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
841482 Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness: Minority None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
841491 Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness: Minority, Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness: Majority Editorial Decision
843395 Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843397 Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal Editorial Decision
845343 Telegram from the Spokane County Farmers Alliance and Trades Council None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845346 Communication from A. O. Houston of Tenio None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845357 Communication from the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845371 Communication from the Old Settlers None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846608 Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846721 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights Editorial Decision
844996 Article on Eminent Domain for Drains, Ditches, Etc. None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846115 Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846116 Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [1] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846117 Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [2] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846118 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [1], Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [2], Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation Editorial Decision
901518 Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [State Institutions and Public Buildings] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845407 Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [State Institutions and Public Buildings] Editorial Decision
863781 Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863782 Article XIV [Seat of Government, Convention] LEGISLATION CREATE Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings Editorial Decision
902165 Minority Report from Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902166 Report from the Committee on Legislative Department None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845689 Article II [Legislative Department, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Minority Report from Committee on Legislative Department, Report from the Committee on Legislative Department Editorial Decision
847525 Report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847526 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights Editorial Decision
896497 Report on Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865028 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report on Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams Editorial Decision
901283 Report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848922 Article XVI [Schools and Granted Lands, Committee of the Whole] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands Editorial Decision

Committee: Committee on Credentials

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
869222 Report of the Committee on Credentials MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Committee: Committee on Rules and Order of Business

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
978471 Sullivan's Resolution on the Appointment of Committees None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830444 Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
984125 Resolution to Proceed to the Election of a Journal Clerk and Doorkeeper None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
830952 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
830954 Rules of the Convention RULES CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1047818 Rules of the Convention [Committee on Rules and Order of Business] None CREATE_FROM Spokane Falls Review The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870087 Resolution on the Rules by Mr. Stiles None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831752 Report from the Committee on Rules and Order of Business MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
896795 Report of the Committee on Rules and Order of Business MESSAGE CREATE Editorial Decision

Committee: Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
839823 Preamble and Bill of Rights by Mr. Weir (Preamble and Bill of Rights) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839832 Article I by Mr. Suksdorf (Bill of Rights) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831470 Proposition by Mr. Jones (Divorce) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832841 Proposition Relative to the Right of a Citizen to Sue the State None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
1050711 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Right to Bear Arms) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869899 Telegram Relating to the Observance of the Sabbath None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836279 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Eighth and Ninth Sections None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836293 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Eleventh Section None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836423 Report of the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights LEGISLATION CREATE Preamble and Bill of Rights by Mr. Weir (Preamble and Bill of Rights) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837382 Rev. W. F. Crafts on the Sunday Rest Movement None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
870252 Memorial from American Sabbath Union None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842436 Propositions on Sunday Observance MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839509 Article I [Preamble, Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839274 Minority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights LEGISLATION CREATE Article I [Preamble, Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839275 Majority Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights LEGISLATION CREATE Article I [Preamble, Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839265 Communication Relating to Forms for Preamble and Bill of Rights None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839266 Petition Relative to the Sunday Rest Article None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Elections and Elective Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831204 Paragraphs 1 to 4 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831139 Memorial on Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831146 Petition in Favor of Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833292 Remonstrance Against Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833304 Request from the Committee on Elections to Employ a Clerk MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840097 Proposition No. 37 (Suffrage) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831406 Petition Favoring Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831421 Petition Relating to Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831479 Proposition by Mr. Prosser (Elective Rights) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
869572 Letter and Pamphlet Relating to the Question of Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832581 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Secret Ballot) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Editorial Decision
832582 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Secret Ballots) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Analytical Index
832583 Proposition by Mr. Tibbetts (Voting by Australian System) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832584 Proposition by Mr. Allen (Qualification of Electors) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832830 Memorial from Local Union No. 197 United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832842 Article on Registration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832844 Memorial on Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833485 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833486 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (2) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833487 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (3) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833488 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (4) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833489 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (5) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833490 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (6) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833491 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (7) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833492 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (8) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833493 Memorial Relating to Women's Suffrage (9) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833913 Affidavit Regarding Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833914 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833915 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (2) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833916 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (3) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833917 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage (4) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836239 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: First, Second, Third, and Fourth Sections None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837952 Resolution from Columbia Council in Clark County None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838413 Petition as to Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843463 Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847520 Report of the Committee on Elections and Elective Rights LEGISLATION CREATE Article on Registration, Proposition by Mr. Prosser (Elective Rights), Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Secret Ballot), Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Secret Ballots), Petition Relative to Women's Suffrage, Proposition No. 37 (Suffrage) Editorial Decision
848321 Memorial Relative to Equal Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848326 Second Memorial Relative to Equal Suffrage None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Legislative Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831231 Proposition No. 4 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833483 Partial Report from the Committee on Legislative Department LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839947 Proposition No. 32 (Laborers) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831482 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Sumptuary Laws) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833185 Proposition by Mr. Schooley (The Legislature) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833186 Proposition by Mr. Jones (Exemption of Property of Municipal Corporations from Execution) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833188 Proposition by Mr. Gowey (Legislative Department) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833189 Proposition by Mr. Berry (Senate) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833190 Proposition by Mr. Berry (Embezzlement and Defalcation of Public Funds) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833191 Proposition by Mr. T. M. Reed (Salaries of State Officers) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833192 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Minority Representation) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
869593 Proposition by Mr. Joy (Submitting Special and Local Laws to Voters for Approval or Rejection) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
869595 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Armed Detectives) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832834 Resolution by Mr. Weisenburger None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832835 Resolution by Mr. Griffitts None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832836 Proposition Relating to Bribery of Officers None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832837 Proposition Relative to Liens None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833504 Proposition Prohibiting Lotteries None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836286 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Tenth Section None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837954 Resolution from Columbia Council in Clark County None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
842448 Propositions on Sunday Observance None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839246 Communication Relative to the Employment of Labor of Public Works None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840683 Communication From the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845845 Report from the Committee on Legislative Department LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Minority Representation), Proposition No. 4, Proposition by Mr. Schooley (The Legislature), Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Tenth Section , Communication Relative to the Employment of Labor of Public Works, Proposition by Mr. Berry (Senate), Communication From the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170, Proposition by Mr. Gowey (Legislative Department) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902162 Minority Report from Committee on Legislative Department LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
839834 Article III by Mr. Suksdorf (Executive Department) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833180 Proposition by Mr. Power (Veto Power) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833187 Proposition by Mr. Weir (Executive Department) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
838698 Report of the Committee on Executive Department and Pardoning Power LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Power (Veto Power), Article III by Mr. Suksdorf (Executive Department), Proposition by Mr. Weir (Executive Department) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Judicial Department

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831155 Request of the Judiciary Committee MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831431 Majority Report From the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831432 Minority Report From the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988948 Knight's Bid for Printer None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831475 Proposition by Mr. Buchanan (Judicial Department) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831477 Proposition by Mr. Eshelman (Elections) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831995 Report of the Committee on Judicial Department MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832495 Report of the Committee on Judicial Department on the Resolution by Mr. Eshelman MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832523 Article on Judicial Department LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832587 Proposition by Mr. Allen (Time within which Action May Be Begun by States Against Persons) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832589 Proposition Relative to Compensation of Public Officers by Salary and of Fees None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832843 Article on Nonjudicial Days and Legal Holidays None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833506 Article on Judicial Department: Section 3 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835788 Article on Judicial Department [Judiciary Department]: Section 3: Substitute LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837373 Memorial from Lewis County Bar on Probate Matters None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837380 Memorial from Lewis County Bar on Probate Matters: Mr. Joy None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844992 Article I [Preamble & Declaration of Rights, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844067 Article V [Impeachment] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844078 Article on Eminent Domain for Drains, Ditches, Etc LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844083 Proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen Concerning Compensation of Public Officers LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844092 Proposition of Hon. J. M. Reed Concerning Legal Holidays LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844095 Proposition of Hon. H. E. Allen Concerning Statutes of Limitations LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869606 Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902995 Article XVII [Tidelands] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869604 Article XVII [Tidelands, Committee on Judicial Department] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department], Article XVII [Tidelands] Analytical Index
897183 Separate Article on Titles to Shore Lands LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
871172 Report from the Committee of the Judicial Department MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Military Affairs

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831474 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Home for Disabled Soldiers) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833194 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Habeas Corpus) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832585 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Right to Bear Arms) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832586 Proposition by Mr. Berry (Military Affairs) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839172 Report of the Committee on Military Affairs LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Habeas Corpus) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831229 Proposition No. 3 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
987766 Letter from N. W. Harris on Limiting Municipal Indebtedness None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832574 Memorial from the Common Council of the City of Seattle None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
869901 Proposition Relative to State, County and Municipal Indebtedness None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836249 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Fifth Section None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836313 Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municiple Indebtedness: Majority LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition No. 3 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836319 Report of the Committee on State, County, and Municiple Indebtedness: Minority LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837955 Resolution from Columbia Council in Clark County None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Education and Educational Institutions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
839929 Proposition by Mr. Turner (Sectarian Schools) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833195 Proposition by Mr. Turner (School Fund) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832575 Memorial on Agricultural Education None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832576 Proposition by Mr. Suksdorf (Education) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
834268 Resolution from the Teachers of the Fourth Judicial District None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837369 Letter from Robert A. Connell concerning Agricultural Education None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839249 Communication from Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847034 Article on Education and Educational Institutions LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Turner (School Fund), Proposition by Mr. Turner (Sectarian Schools) Editorial Decision

Committee: Committee on County, City and Township Organizations

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831205 Paragraph 5 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839978 Proposition No. 35 (Prohibiting Credit Loaning) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833176 Proposition by Mr. Durie (Division of Counties and Removal of County Seats) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832838 Resolution by Mr. Durie None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834270 Article on Organization of Counties, Cities and Township LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Durie (Division of Counties and Removal of County Seats) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836213 Petition From Dr. H. T. Turner None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831178 Request from the Committee on Appointment and Representation to Appoint a Clerk MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846277 Article XXII (Legislative Apportionment, Committee on Apportionment and Representation) LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831206 Paragraph 6 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 70 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839874 Proposition by Mr. Buchanan (Railroad Commissioners) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839878 Proposition No. 29 (Taxation) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839924 Proposition No. 30 (Taxation) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840086 Proposition by Mr. Stevenson (Taxation) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833484 Communication Regarding Taxing Church Property None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834269 Petition by Mr. Gowey: Taxation of Church Property None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836258 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Sixth Section None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836539 Petitions Relative to the Taxation of Church Property None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837376 Petitions on the Taxation of Church Property None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837384 Petition Relating to the Taxation of Church Property None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840690 Message from Whitman County Farmers' Alliance None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845833 Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition No. 30 (Taxation), Proposition by Mr. Stevenson (Taxation), Proposition No. 29 (Taxation) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845837 Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [1] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845841 Minority Report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation [2] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
986265 Resolution on Trusts None CREATE_FROM Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831161 Majority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831164 Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831230 Proposition No. 7 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
987776 Proposition No. 9 (Corporations other than Municipal) None CREATE_FROM Spokane Falls Review The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840116 Proposition by Mr. Godman (Banking) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831476 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Banking Institutions) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831478 Proposition by Mr. Lillis (Protection of Life) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832839 Proposition Relating to Corporations None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
834437 Proposition Relative Passes over any Railroad or Steamboat Line None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
835891 Telegram From Seattle Chamber of Commerce None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836331 Report of the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition Relative Passes over any Railroad or Steamboat Line, Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Banking Institutions), Proposition by Mr. Godman (Banking), Proposition No. 7 The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837385 Telegram from Secretary Wheelwright None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838414 Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations Other Than Municipal LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843988 Telegram from Harry Krutz None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843990 Telegram from H. A. Carney None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843991 Communication from M. Z. Goodell None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839261 Telegram from O. E. Williams None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840674 Telegram From the Board of Trade of the City of Ellensburg None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840677 Telegram From the Board of Trade of Spokane Falls None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840680 Telegram From the City Council of Spokane Falls None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841276 Memorial From the Board of Trade of Vancouver None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843368 Telegram Regarding Telegraph Companies None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864929 Resolution from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831208 Paragraphs 8 to 11 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831147 Petition to Ban the Sale of Alcohol None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831148 Petition From the People of Yakima to Ban the Sale of Alcohol None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833299 Memorial for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
987905 Affidavit of E.B. Sutton None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831409 Petition on Liquor Traffic None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831471 Proposition by Mr. Joy (Appointment to Civil Service) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833178 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Duties of Office Holders) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833181 Proposition by Mr. Power (Scaling of Logs) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832577 Proposition by Mr. Suksdorf (State Roads) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832579 Proposition In Regard to Holding Office by Appointment or Otherwise None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832759 Majority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc. MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832760 Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, etc. MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1051100 Minority Proposition on Prohibition LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
832840 Proposition Prohibiting Lotteries None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833495 Memorial Relating to Prohibition None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833496 Memorial on Prohibition of Alcoholic Liquors None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833497 Memorial Relating to the Manufacture and Sale of Liquor None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
833498 Memorial on the Manufacture and Sale of Alcoholic Liquors None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
836513 Minority Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments MESSAGE CREATE Editorial Decision
869900 Proposition Relative to Prohibition None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840686 Communication From Eesinger, Forest Commissioner of Colorado None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845621 Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844008 Majority Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, Schedule and Future Amendments [Article XXIII, Amendments] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
844011 Minority Report From Mr. Buchanan [Article XXIII, Amendments] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845096 Communication from C. D. Potter relating to Sunday law None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861843 Motion to Make the Change from Territorial to State Government Convenient LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863144 Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831412 Treatise on State Constitutions None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
860374 Article IV: [The Judiciary, Committee on Revision] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840216 Article XI [County, City, Township Organization] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865873 Article XI [County, City, Township Organization, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XI [County, City, Township Organization] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843343 Article III [The Executive Department, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865870 Article III [The Executive Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article III [The Executive Department, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843341 Article X [Militia] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865872 Article X [Militia, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article X [Militia] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865600 Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865871 Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee on Revision, Enrollment and Adjustment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902781 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902875 Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration Analytical Index
860735 Article V [Impeachment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866137 Article XXIII [Amendments] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866009 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866017 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article VII [Revenue and Taxation] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863778 Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863812 Article XIV [Seat of Government] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902572 Article II [Legislative Department, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902573 Article II [Legislative Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article II [Legislative Department, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862470 Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal, Committee on Revision] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862505 Article XIX [Exemptions, Committee on Revision] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864483 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee on Revision] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866512 Article IX [Education and Educational Institutions, Committee on Revision] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864482 Article XXVI [Compact with the United States, Committee on Revision] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863779 Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863780 Article XX (Public Health and Vital Statistics) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
903093 Report from Committee on Revision RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
848941 Article I [Declaration of Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865599 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
865869 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
899653 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902584 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863774 Article IV [The Judiciary, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863775 Article V [Impeachment, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
862065 Article XXIV [Boundaries, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863773 Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal] None CREATE_FROM Editorial Decision
863371 Article XVIII [State Seal, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866055 Article III [The Executive Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866058 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866061 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866064 Article VIII [State, County and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee on Revision, Enrollment and Adjustment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866526 Article IX [Education and Educational Institutions], Convention None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866094 Article X [Militia, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864784 Article XI [County, City, and Township Organization, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864785 Article XII [Corporations Other than Municipal, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864786 Article XIII [State Institutions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864788 Article XIV [Seat of Government, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
866142 Article XXIII [Amendments, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864790 Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864791 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864794 Article XIX [Exemptions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864795 Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864796 Article XXVI [Compact with the United States, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902587 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902588 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902653 Article XV [Harbors and Tidewaters, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902654 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902880 Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902657 Article XVIII [State Seal] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
902662 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
901065 Article XXVII [Schedule, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
901031 Article XVII [Tidelands, Committee on Judicial Department] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
901032 Mr. Mires' Article (Tidelands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868704 Preamble and Article I [Declaration of Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
868708 Article II [Legislative Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
868710 Article III [The Executive, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article III [The Executive Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
868719 Article IV [The Judiciary, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
868733 Article V [Impeachment, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
868767 Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
868774 Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
868781 Article VIII [State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869083 Article IX [Education, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869093 Article X [Militia, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869095 Article XI [County, City, and Township Organization, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869109 Article XII [Corporations Other than Municipal, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869120 Article XIII [State Institutions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XIII [State Institutions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869138 Article XIV [Seat of Government, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869140 Article XV [Harbors and Tide Waters, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869149 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869160 Article XVII [Tide Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869165 Article XVIII [State Seal, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869169 Article XIX [Exemptions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869174 Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869181 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869190 Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869194 Article XXII [Amendments, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXIII [Amendments, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869197 Article XXIV [Boundaries, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
869200 Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869204 Article XXVI [Compact with the United States, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXVI [Compact with the United States, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] Editorial Decision
869206 Article XXVII and Certificate [Schedule, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
866129 The Constitution of the State of Washington (Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment) LEGISLATION CREATE Preamble and Article I [Declaration of Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article VIII [State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XV [Harbors and Tide Waters, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article III [The Executive, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXV [Jurisdiction, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XIX [Exemptions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article IV [The Judiciary, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXIV [Boundaries, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article X [Militia, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XII [Corporations Other than Municipal, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XIV [Seat of Government, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXVII and Certificate [Schedule, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXII [Amendments, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article IX [Education, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XI [County, City, and Township Organization, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XVI [School and Granted Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XXVI [Compact with the United States, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XVIII [State Seal, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article VI [Elections and Elective Rights, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article VII [Revenue and Taxation, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XIII [State Institutions, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article XVII [Tide Lands, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article II [Legislative Department, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment], Article V [Impeachment, Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Engrossment

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
987927 Request from the Committee on Engrossment to Appoint a Clerk MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review

Committee: Committee on Water and Water Rights

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831232 Proposition No. 5 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
833177 Proposition by A. Mires (Irrigation) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833501 Memorial Relating to Irrigation None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840796 Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by A. Mires (Irrigation) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847507 Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Convention] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864464 Second Report of the Committee on Water and Water Rights LEGISLATION CREATE Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Convention] The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Agriculture, Manufacture, Fisheries and Commerce

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
987739 Request from the Committee on Agriculture to Appoint a Clerk CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE Spokane Falls Review
843983 Proposition Relative to Warehouses None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987767 Adverse Report on the Proposition of Mr. Kinnear on Warehouses CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Mining and Mining Interests

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831472 Proposition by Mr. Griffitts (Days' Work) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831473 Proposition by Mr. Griffitts: Mines and Mining None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831481 Proposition by Mr. Newton (Mines and Mining) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833179 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Child Labor) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833182 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Coal Mines) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
846306 Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Interests): Majority Report LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846307 Article [Not Accepted] (Mines and Mining, Committee on Mines and Mining Rights): Minority Report LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
986275 Knight's Bid for Printer None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
987895 Communication Requesting Travel Details CONJECTURAL_DOCUMENT CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831423 Majority Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831425 Minority Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833196 Proposition by Mr. Dyer (Commissioner of Public Printing) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048534 Report on Mileage of Members MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
1048545 Report on Mileage of Members None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
869594 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Public Printer) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833261 Report from the Committee on Printing, Mileage and Contingent Expenses LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
837383 Petition from the Typographical Union No. 202 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843414 Communication from W. H. Galvani relative to State Printer and Commissioner of Labor. None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864863 Recommendation from the Committee on Printing RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Harbors, Tidewater and Navigable Streams

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
988966 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain): Sections 1 and 2 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
896499 Minority Report from Committee on Harbors LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864975 Report on Committee on Harbor, Tidewaters and Navigable Streams LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Homestead and Property Exemptions

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
847013 Article on Homesteads and Property Exemptions LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision

Committee: Committee on State, School, and Granted Lands

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
831207 Paragraph 7 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
831225 Proposition No. 1 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831226 Proposition No. 2 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831227 Proposition No. 6 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
831228 Proposition No. 8 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
839833 Article II by Mr. Suksdorf (State Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839854 Proposition by Mr. Kinnear (Streets and Alleys) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839951 Proposition No. 33 (Sale of Granted Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
839963 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
840105 Proposition by Mr. Cosgrove (Tidelands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831422 Petition Relating to Oysters and Oyster Beds None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
988968 Proposition No. 34 (Eminent Domain): Section 3 None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831480 Proposition by Mr. Prosser (School Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831483 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (School Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
831484 Proposition by Mr. Weir (Shore Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833175 Proposition by Mr. Durie (Tidelands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833193 Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Tidelands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833197 Proposition by Mr. Sohns (Sale of School Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
869592 Proposition by Mr. Schooley (School Lands) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832590 Proposition by Mr. Weisenberger (Alien Ownership of Land) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832831 Letter from R. L. Carpenter None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
832832 Letter from Lucinda Hastings, C. C. Bartlett & Co. None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
832833 Resolution on Tidelands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
836267 Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Seventh Section None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
838987 Communication From Ex Chief Justice Roger S. Greene: Relation to Tidelands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839252 Petition Relating to the Sale of Tide Flat and Shore lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
840800 Report of the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Durie (Tidelands), Proposition No. 8, Proposition No. 1, Proposition by Mr. Hicks (School Lands), Proposition by Mr. Sohns (Sale of School Lands), Proposition by Mr. Hicks (Tidelands), Paragraph 7 of the Petition from the Tacoma Typographical Union No. 170, Proposition No. 2, Petition From a K. of L. Assembly Number 115: Seventh Section , Proposition No. 6, Proposition by Mr. Schooley (School Lands) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841279 Minority Report Relative to the State, School and Granted Lands LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
845829 Minority Report from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
888981 Proposition by Mr. Prosser Relating to Forests on Granted Lands None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843432 Minority Report from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863464 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands] None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864972 Article from Mr. Dunbar None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864973 Article from Mr. Turner None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863492 Mr. Power's Resolution None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863402 Article XVII [Tidelands] LEGISLATION CREATE Mr. Power's Resolution, Article from Mr. Dunbar, Article XVI [School and Granted Lands], Article from Mr. Turner The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
863404 Article XVI [School and Granted Lands] LEGISLATION CREATE Mr. Power's Resolution, Article from Mr. Dunbar, Article XVI [School and Granted Lands], Article from Mr. Turner The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
864891 Resolution from the Committee on State, School and Granted Lands RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
868353 Resolution by Mr. Dunbar RESOLUTION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
832572 Proposition by Mr. Jones (Cession to U.S. of Jurisdiction over Military and Naval Reservations) None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 Spokane Falls Review
833313 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration LEGISLATION CREATE Proposition by Mr. Jones (Cession to U.S. of Jurisdiction over Military and Naval Reservations) The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846293 A Compact with the United States None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843410 Petition from James J. Walsh None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
847023 Article on Federal Relations, Boundaries and Immigration LEGISLATION CREATE Editorial Decision
861839 Compact with the United States LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861455 Article on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
861456 Report of the Committee on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration LEGISLATION CREATE Article on Federal Relations, Boundaries, and Immigration The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
838668 Proposition to Board of Health None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843975 Petition Relative to Practice of Medicine None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
839257 Petition from Pierce County Medical Society None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
841292 Memorial Relating to Public Health and Hygiene None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843373 Petitions Relative to a Board of Health None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
846302 Article XX [Public Health and Vital Statistics, Committee on State Medicine and Public Hygiene] LEGISLATION CREATE Petition from Pierce County Medical Society , Petition Relative to Practice of Medicine The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on Official Stenographer of Constitutional Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
830457 Report of the Committee on Official Stenographers of Constitutional Convention MESSAGE CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Committee: Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
869895 Proposition Relative to State Institutions & Public Buildings None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843429 Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [State Institutions and Public Buildings] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
843445 Report from Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings [Seat of Government] LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee: Committee on State Seal

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Proposal Kind Ancestor Documents Source Additional Sources
896491 Communication in Relation to State Seal None CREATE_FROM The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889
859231 Report from the Committee on State Seal LEGISLATION CREATE The Journal of the Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889