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List of Events (5):
Alexander White has joined the committee 'Ordered, That Mr. White and Mr. Partridge be appointed a standing committee on the part of this House, jointly, with any committee of the Senate, to examine the enrolments of all bills, as the same shall pass the two Houses, and after being signed by the Speaker of this House, and the President of the Senate, to present them forthwith to the President of the United States, for his approbation.'
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George Partridge has joined the committee 'Ordered, That Mr. White and Mr. Partridge be appointed a standing committee on the part of this House, jointly, with any committee of the Senate, to examine the enrolments of all bills, as the same shall pass the two Houses, and after being signed by the Speaker of this House, and the President of the Senate, to present them forthwith to the President of the United States, for his approbation.' | |
Paine Wingate has joined the committee 'The Senate proceeded to appoint Mr. Wingate a committee on their part, to examine and present to the President of the United States the enrolled bills that may pass the Senate and House of Representatives from time to time.' | |
Implied Motion to Rise was proposed [Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] | |
Implied Motion to Rise was adopted [Editor's note: As it seems to have been standard procedure for a committee member to make a motion to rise in order to end a committee meeting, the editors have represented such a motion here.] |