Negotiation of Article 19 in the Drafting Committee

B.N. Rau's Draft Constitution was taken up by the Drafting Committee in October 1947. The committee severally considered the articles and referred their Draft Constitution to the Constituent Assembly. The relevant article is now Article 15.

PACT: Mini Models

This negotiation contains a selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of PACT and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. It differs from our usual approach in that we will be presenting only certain documents and moments in isolation, rather than including everything tabled during the course of a negotiation. This collection is still under construction, and we will be regularly adding small amounts of new material.

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Document View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Sessions (4)

The Drafting Committee received B.N. Rau's draft constitution.

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The committee took up Article 15.

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The Drafting Committee's draft constitution was referred to the Constituent Assembly.

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The Drafting Committee revised the draft constitution.

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