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Paterson's Second Table of State Populations

Population Statistics Used in the U.S. Constitutional Convention


Farrand also included this table made by Paterson which he reprinted from American Historical Review, IX, 328-330.

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Farrand also included this table made by Paterson which he reprinted from American Historical Review, IX, 328-330.


Number of Inhabitants.

New Hampshire in 1774 100,000.
Massachusetts in 1774 400,000.
Rhode-Island by a Return to the Legislature in Feby. 1783.
48.538 Whites. } 51.869.
3.331 Blacks. }
Connecticut in 1774
Whites 192.000. } 198.000.
Blacks (nearly) 6.000. }
in 1782 nearly 220.0.0.
New York in 1756. 96.775.
in 1771. 168.000.
in 1786. Whites 219.996. } 238.885.
Blacks 18.889 }
New Jersey in 1783. 139.000.
about 10,000 Blacks included —
Pennsylvania —
Delaware —
Maryland in 1774 estimated at 350.000.
Blacks 3/7 150.000.
Virginia in 1774 650.000.
Blacks as 10 to 11 300.000.
In the lower States the accts. are not to be depended on —

The Proportion of Blacks.

In Connecticut as 1. to 33.
The same Ratio will answer for Massachusetts —
In Rhode-Island as 1 to 15½.
In New York as 1 to 12 nearly.
In New Jersey as 1 to 13 nearly.
Virginia 9. 10
Massts. 7. 8
Pennsylva. 8. 8
Maryland 4. 6.
Connecticut 4. 5.
New York 5. 6.
N. Carolina 5. 5.
S. Carolina 5. 5.
N. Jersey 3. 4.
New Hampshire 2. 3.
Rh. Island 1. 1
Del. 1. 1
Georgia 2. 3.
56. 65
4 Eastn. States 17.
5 Middle States 25.
4 Southn. States 23.

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