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Bill for an Evening of Entertainment for George Washington - 14 September 1787

Fringe Meetings at the U.S. Consitutional Convention

On the evening of 14 September the Light Horse of the City of Philadelphia gave a farewell entertainment for George Washington. The night was evidently quite lively, consisting of music and drinking, in which several items of glassware were broken. The bills for the musicians as well as for the alcohol and snacks consumed was preserved in First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry Archives.

Gordon Lloyd's research into this document can be found at

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On the evening of 14 September the Light Horse of the City of Philadelphia gave a farewell entertainment for George Washington. The night was evidently quite lively, consisting of music and drinking, in which several items of glassware were broken. The bills for the musicians as well as for the alcohol and snacks consumed was preserved in First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry Archives.

Gordon Lloyd's research into this document can be found at


Light Troop of Horse, September the 14th 1787

To Edwd Moyston .. Dr.
To 55 Gentlemans Dinners & Fruit
— Rellishes, Olives etc……………………………………….. 20 12 6
— 54 Bottles of Madera………………………………………. 20 5
— 60 of Claret ditto…………………………………………… 21
— 8 ditto of Old Stock………………………………………… 3 6 8
— 22 Bottles of Porter ditto…………………………………. 2 15
— 8 of Cyder ditto…………………………………………….. 16
— 12 ditto Beer………………………………………………… 12
— 7 Large Bowels of Punch…………………………………. 4 4
— Segars Spermacity candles etc…………………………. 2 5
To Decantors Wine Glass[e]s & Tumblers Broken etc.. 1 2 6
To 16 Servants and Musicians Dinners…………………… 2
— 16 Bottles of Claret………………………………………… 5 12
— 5 ditto Madera………………………………………………. 1 17 6
— 7 Bouls of Punch……………………………………………. 2 16
£89 4 2


Col. Thomas Proctor to George Christhilf Dr.
To Musical Permormance at the City Tavern the 15th instant

£ / d
George Christhilf…………………………………… 1
Mr. Schultz………………………………………….. 1
Mr. Treniner………………………………………… 1
John Keyser…………………………………………. 15
Wm. Hartung……………………………………….. 15
Philip Rotti………………………………………….. 15
David Kartzrock…………………………………….. 15
John Bruner………………………………………… 15
Conrad Spangenberg……………………………… 15
£7 10


Dear Sir
Be prepared to Order payment to the above sum of six pounds ten-to the Musicians

Sept 15th, 1787 Your Obd Servant
Mr John Dunlap [Thos Proctor]


Rec’d Sept 15th 1787 of Samuel Miles Seven pounds Ten shillings in full of the within accot
£ 7.10- George Christhilf

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