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Loyalists announced conditional ceasefire

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"The Combined Loyalist Military Command (CLMC), speaking on behalf of all Loyalist paramilitary organisations, announced in a statement a ceasefire as from midnight: "... the CLMC will universally cease all operational hostilities as from 12 midnight on Thursday the 13th October 1994. The permanence of our cease-fire will be completely dependent upon the continued cessation of all nationalist/republican violence; ..." Thus the Loyalist ceasefire was made conditional on no return to violence by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). [...] The CLMC offered "abject and true remorse" to "innocent" victims of Loyalist violence. [It was unclear which victims of Loyalist paramilitaries were considered "innocent".] John Major, then British Prime Minister, said the announcement was, "another important part of the jigsaw falling into place". Albert Reynolds, then Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister), made a statement in the Daíl about the ceasefire: "This decision effectively signifies the end of twenty-five years of violence, and the closure of a tragic chapter in our history"."

Source Information

Elliott, S., and W.D. Flackes, Northern Ireland: A Political Directory, 1968-1999 (Belfast, Blackstaff 1999)