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Peter Brooke Bangor Speech

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Peter Brooke gave a speech in Bangor, County Down, in which he sought to start new round of talks, and laying out some of the issues to be addressed: 'There need to be devised workable and acceptable arrangements for the exercise of devolved powers over a range of matters. There needs to be agreement on democratic institutions which would give appropriate weight to majority and minority aspirations and views. There is the question which is addressed by the Anglo-Irish Agreement: how the legitimate interest of the Irish Government in matters within Northern Ireland, particularily as regards the minority community, are to be acknowledged, without dilution of UK sovereignty or the status of Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom. And there is the question of a local political contribution to security matters.'

Source Information

Extract from a speech by Peter Brooke in Bangor - 9 January 1990, Writing Peace: John Alderdice Collection