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Peter Brooke 100 days interviews

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In interviews to mark 100 days in office, Peter Brooke made a number of statements that caused controversy, including that the PIRA could not be defeated militarily, and comparing Northern Ireland to Cyprus: ‘it is difficult to envisage a military defeat [of the IRA] . . . if, in fact, the terrorists were to decide that the moment had come when they wished to withdraw from their activities, then I think the government would need to be imaginative . . . as to how that process should be managed . . . Let me remind you of the move towards independence in Cyprus and a British minister stood up in the House of Commons and used the word ‘never’ in a way which within two years there had been a retreat from that word.’

Timeline Event Associations

Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993) [Legacy Version]

Session: Monday, 20 November 1989, at 17:00

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‘it is difficult to envisage a military defeat [of the IRA] . . . if, in fact, the terrorists were to decide that the moment had come when they wished to withdraw from their activities, then I think the government would need to be imaginative . . . as to how that process should be managed . . . Let me remind you of the move towards independence in Cyprus and a British minister stood up in the House of Commons and used the word ‘never’ in a way which within two years there had been a retreat from that word.’