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Sinn Féin split 1970

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During an Ard Fheis (party conference) in Dublin, Sinn Féin split between those who were in favour of ending the policy of abstentionism - of not taking any seats won in the parliaments of Dublin, Belfast, and London - and those where against. A majority of delegates (although not the two-thirds required under the party's rules to change policy) were in favour of ending the abstentionist policy. Those opposed to the move, 257 supporters of the 'Provisional Army Council', walked out of the meeting and left the organisation to set up 'Provisional Sinn Féin' (PSF). The majority who remained were the 'Official Sinn Féin' (OSF).

Timeline Event Associations

Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)

Session: Sunday, 06 September 1987, at 12:00

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Northern Ireland Downing Street Joint Declaration (1993)

Session: Sunday, 06 September 1987, at 12:00

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