The Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of North Dakota from July to August of 1889.
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Editorial Decision
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Committee: The Convention
[Editor's note: The vote was evidently passed, because the vote on the matter of permanent President was administered via a roll call.] Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Oath of Office Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Oath of Office: Members' Sigantures Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's note: The members attached their signatures to the oath of office, as per the rules of the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that J. G. Hamilton is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that Fred Falley is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that C. C. Bowsfield is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that E. W. Knight is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that George Wentz is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that R. M. Tuttle is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that Arthur Linn is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that Harry G. Ward is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that Charles W. Conroy is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that Charles Lauder present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Henry B. Blackwell is attending this session by invitation to address the Convention.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can assume that George Kline is present as he is elected on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Convention proceeded to elect J.G. Hamilton as chief clerk, therefore it can be assumed that the motion to nominate him received a second.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This portion of the record is modeled in the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Rules of the Convention Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This portion of the record is modeled in the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Journal: 1889-07-05 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The record of the Journal of July 5th shows that Mr. Meacham voted for Mr. Fancher for President, therefore, we can conclude this correction was adopted.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Governor A. C. Mellette is modeled as having joined at this point in the Convention because this is the first day that he is mentioned in the record.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Address by Governor Mellette Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 1 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read File No. 1 for the First Time Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 2 Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Motion to Read File No. 2 for the First Time Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note. In the Convention session on the 15th of July, the Journal notes that Files No. 1 and 2 were read for the second time and referred, respectively, to the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal, and the Committee on Counties. No... Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: As President Sprague attended the Convention in order to make an address, the editors had shown him as leaving after the event.] Saturday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Council Bill No. 60 Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This bill has been referred to the Committee on Printing to print copies of it as recommended by the Resolution to Print 100 Copies of Council Bill No. 60.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution Relating to the Salaries of the Judges Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 3: Compact with the United States Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 18 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 10 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on Printer's Copies Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on the Compensation of the Official Stenographer Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Report from the Committee on Reporting and Publication Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Call to Order Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Though the record does not show a call to order after the recess, the Convention must have formally reconvened in order to enact further business, in accordance with the rules.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 87 Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Rev. Bollinger offered the prayer on July 22, 1889; since he has not been present up to this point in the Convention, we have chosen to have him enter the session on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 20 Tuesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 25 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 63: County and Township Organization Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 8 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 73 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 119 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 13: Minority Representatives Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 17 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 29 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 35 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 62 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 76 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 105: Elections Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Council Bill No. 60 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 5 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 7 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 9: Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 14 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 24: Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 27 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 30 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 57: Preamble Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 58 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 81 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 93 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 16 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 18 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 19 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 20 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 26 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 28 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 31 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 37 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 45 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 48: Preamble Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 60 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 70 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 80 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 85 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 88 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 95 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 100 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 101 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 102 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 112 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 113 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 114 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 116 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 118 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 129: Article on the Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 8 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 2 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: As a result of the adoption of Rolfe's motion, sections 2 and 8 of File No. 129 were referred to the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: As a result of the adoption of Rolfe's motion, sections 2 and 8 of File No. 129 were referred to the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 8 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: According to the rules of the Convention, once a proposed section or article was adopted, it was immediately referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that happened here took place in the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Report from the Committee on Temperance Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Manufacturing and Importation of Liquor Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 5 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 7 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 9: Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 14 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 24: Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 27 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 30 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 57: Preamble Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 58 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 81 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 93 Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: According to the rules of the Convention, once a proposed section or article was adopted, it was immediately referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Militia Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: According to the rules of the Convention, once a proposed section or article was adopted, it was immediately referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Report of the Committee of the Whole 1889-07-30 was discussed in the Committee of the Whole on 1889-07-31, therefore it was referred.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Convention resolves into the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution on the Printing and Publication of the Constitution Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Instructions for the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: These instructions have been recreated as a document using text from the record, and referred to the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects, in order to demonstrate the flow of information between committees.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 2 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section two of the report of the Committee on the Legislative Department was then read as follows: "The Senate shall be composed of not less than thirty nor more than fifty members." Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: According to the rules of the Convention, once a proposed section or article was adopted, it was immediately referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee of the Whole on File No. 130 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 8 of File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 9 of File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section 11 of File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 63 Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that happened here took place in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Majority Report from the Committee on Corporations Other than Municipal Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 135: Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 59 Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 71 Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 86: EXEMPTIONS Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 109 Monday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
copy in file no. 20 when available Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 33 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 66: Legislative Apportionment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 108: Apportionment Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention) Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 1 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 2 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 3 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 4 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 5 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 6 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 7 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 8 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 9 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 10 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 11 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 12 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 13 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 14 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 15 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 16 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 17 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 18 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 19 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 20 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 21 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 22 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article I: Section 24 Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 25 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 26 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 27 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 28 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 29 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 30 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 31 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 32 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 33 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 34 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 35 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Convention proceeded to reconsider Mr. Purcell's amendment to Section 35.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 40 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 41 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 42 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 43 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 44 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 46 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 47 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 48 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 49 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 50 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 51 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 52 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 53 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 54 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 55 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 56 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 57 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 58 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 59 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 60 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 61 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 62 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 63 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 64 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 65 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 66 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 67 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 68 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 69 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article II: Section 70 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 73 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 74 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 75 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 76 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 77 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 78 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 80 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 81 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 82 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article III: Section 83 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 89 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 94 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 95 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 96 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 97 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (As Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 98 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 99 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 100 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 101 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 102 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 104 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 105 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 106 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 107 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 108 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 109 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 110 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 112 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 113 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 114 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 115 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 116 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 117 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 118 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 119 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article IV: Section 120 Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 122 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 123 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 124 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 125 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 126 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 127 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article V: Section 128 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 110: Schedule Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Resolution to Authorize the Printing of 1,000 Copies of the Proceedings Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: All members of the Convention were also members of the Committee of the Whole.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Rules of the Convention Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The report of the Committee of the Whole on the rules of the Convention was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-08; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The rules were considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Amendments and Revision.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The events occurring at this point in the record took place in the Convention.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Mr. Blackwell was invited to speak to the Committee of the Whole, therefore, we can conclude he was present on this day.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The Committee rose to report progress in the Convention.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The events that happened here took place in the Convention.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 63: Article on County and Township Organization (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This Report is Presented in the Convention on 1889-07-19.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-24.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Section 8 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The events took place here happened in the Convention.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report from the Committee on Temperance Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Article on Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 5 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 7 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 9: Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 14 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 24: Prohibition Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 27 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 30 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 57: Preamble Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 58 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 81 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 93 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The report from the Committee on Temperance was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The article proposed by the Committee on Temperance was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The events that took place here happened in the Convention.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Article on Militia Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This article was considered alongside the report from the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole): Section 2 Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Though no decision upon the motion to rise from the Committee of the Whole was recorded, the Convention resumed their session before adjournment, indicating that the motion to rise was implicitly adopted.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 5 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The amendment was lost and the convention skipped the adoption of Section 6. Therefore, the decision is added here.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 7 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 10 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 12 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 13 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 125: Article on Municipal Corporations Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This Report of the Committee of the Whole from 1889-07-30 is read in the Convention on 1889-07-31.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 2 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 8 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The Convention did not debate Mr. Shelby's amendment, therefore the editors have chosen to drop it.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole 1889-07-30 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The Convention begins discussion on section 9 of the Article on Judiciary Department, so we can conclude that section 8 was adopted as amended.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The Committee of the Whole begins discussion on section 10, so we can conclude that section 9 was adopted as reported by the committee.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The Committee of the Whole is reporting to the Convention on the Judiciary Department, therefore this report is referred.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 11 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The adoption of Section 11 was not included in the minutes of the debates. However, the adoption of Section 11 was included in the report given to the Convention, therefore it is included in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 12 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The adoption of Section 12 was not included in the minutes of the debates. However, the adoption of Section 12 was included in the report given to the Convention, therefore it is included in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 13 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The adoption of Section 13 was not included in the minutes of the debates. However, the adoption of Section 13 was included in the report given to the Convention, therefore it is included in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 14 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The adoption of Section 14 was not included in the minutes of the debates. However, the adoption of Section 14 was included in the report given to the Convention, therefore it is included in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The adoption of Section 15 was not included in the minutes of the debates. However, the adoption of Section 15 was included in the report given to the Convention, therefore it is included in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Section 16 Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The adoption of Section 16 was not included in the minutes of the debates. However, the adoption of Section 16 was included in the report given to the Convention, therefore it is included in the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The Committee of the Whole ceases debate on this motion, therefore we can conclude that it was rejected.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Upon the motion of Mr. Milller in the Convention, this file is being considered in the Convention rather than in the Committee of the Whole, therefor, we have referred it to the Convention.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
place holder Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 137: Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department Copy Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 106: North Dakota Constitution Copy Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Section 6 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Sections 1-5 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Copy: Section 8 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Majority Report from the Committee on Corporations Other than Municipal Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 135: Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 135: Minority Report from the Committee on Corporations other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole) Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Sections 2-6 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 134: Article on Corporations Other than Municipal (as amended by the Committee of the Whole): Sections 8-10 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor’s Note: The Committee of the Whole proceeded to consider the next section, therefore we can assume that Section 15 was considered adopted.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 134 and 140 Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: The committee continued reading subsequent sections of the article; therefore, it can be assumed that section 6 was adopted as amended (i.e. stricken out).] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 132: Article on Revenue and Taxation (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Mr. Stevens' amendment was never voted upon, therefore it has been dropped from consideration.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Mr. Johnson's amendment was never discussed or voted upon, therefore it has been dropped from consideration.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Mr. Blewett's amendment was never discussed or voted upon, therefore it has been dropped from consideration.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 142: Proposed Articles Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 59 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 71 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 86: EXEMPTIONS Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 109 Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 36: Amendments to the Constitution (as amended by the Committee of the Whole) Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 59 (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 142: Proposed Articles (as amended by the Committee of the Whole) Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 72 (as amended by the Committee of the Whole) Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 130: Article on School Lands (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This report is presented to the Convention on 08-08-1998.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
Council Bill No. 60 Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
[Editor's Note: This bill was considered alongside File No. 123 in the Committee on Elective Franchise, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Committee on Elective Franchise.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-01.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Printing
[Editor's Note: This resolution was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Printing.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
[Editor’s Note: The report of the committee was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-16; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the report.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
[Editor’s Note: The resolution was referred alongside the report of the committee to the Convention on 1889-07-16; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the resolution.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Reporting and Publication
[Editor’s Note: The resolution was referred alongside the report of the committee to the Convention on 1889-07-16; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the resolution.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-08.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-13 therefor, we can assume it was referred to the Convention.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
[Editor’s Note: This report was referred from committee on (1889-08-17).] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93, therefore, we can assume this file was referred to the Committee on Temperance.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Notes: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-31.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-31.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-31.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
File No. 20 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This file was referred to the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Legislative Department.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
File No. 8 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on the Executive Department on Files No. 8, 73, 119 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on the Executive Department on Files No. 8, 73, 119 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on the Executive Department on Files No. 8, 73, 119 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Executive Department
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor’s Note: This file was referred from committee on (1889-07-16).] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Legislative Department on an Article to be Incorporated in the Constitution, therefore we can assume this file was referred to the Committee on Legislative.] Saturday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: This File was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: This File was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-16.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor’s Note: This report was referred from committee on (1889-07-16).] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor’s Note: This report was referred from committee on (1889-07-16).] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: File No. 3 was referred alongside the report of the committee on 1889-07-16.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor’s Note: This report was referred from committee on (1889-07-16).] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: This report was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-24.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25, therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Judicial Department
[Editor's Note: The report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-02; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Friday August 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise on Files No. 13, 17, 29, 62, 76, and 105 presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
Council Bill No. 60 Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Elective Franchise
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Education
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-06; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-07.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Public Debt and Public Works
[Editor's Note: This article was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Militia
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
[Editor's Note: This article was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on County and Township Organization
[Editor's Note: This file was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Amendments and Revision.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee on Apportionment presented to the Convention on 1889-07-23, therefore it can be assumed this file was referred to the Convention.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-07.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
[Editor's Note: This file was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-07.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
Add a refer decision on file no. 20 when it is here. Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Apportionment and Representation.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Apportionment and Representation.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Apportionment and Representation
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Apportionment and Representation.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: This portion of the record is modeled in the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-19; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: File No. 44 was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: File No. 46 was considered in the Convention alongside the report from the Committee on Revenue and Taxation.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The report was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-26; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The article was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-26; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revenue and Taxation
[Editor's Note: The file was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the committee report; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Municipal Corporations
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-31.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
[Editor's Note: This article was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-31.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on Corporations other than Municipal
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-01.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
Instructions for the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05, therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This file was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05, therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the report from the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects presented to the Convention on 1889-08-05.] Monday August 1889Committee: Committee on Schedule
File No. 110 was read the second time and referred to the Committee on Schedule. Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Section 8 of File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Section 9 of File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
Section 11 of File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
[Editor's Note: The file was presented in the Convention on 1889-08-02; therefor, it can be assumed that the committee referred the file to the Convention.] Friday August 1889Committee: Committee on School and Public Lands
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-08.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
File No. 57: Preamble Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on an Article on the Manufacturing and Importation of Liquor.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Temperance
[Editor’s Note: This file was considered alongside the Report from the Committee on Temperance on Files 5, 7, 9, 14, 24, 27, 30, 57, 58, 81 and 93.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Section 8 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Article on Manufacturing and Importation of Liquor Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Article on Militia Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Section 2 of File No. 129: Article on Legislative Department Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-13.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-08-13.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Impeachment and Removal from Office
[Editor's Note: This report was presented to the Convention on 1889-07-25.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Special Committee on Appointing Rooms in the Capitol Building
[Editor's note: The report is presented in the Convention on 1889-07-12; therefore, it can be assumed that the committee referred the report.] Friday July 1889Committee: Special Committee on the Memorial from B. W. Fuller
[Editor's Note: The report was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-26; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Friday July 1889Committee: Special Committee on the Memorial from B. W. Fuller
[Editor's Note: The memorial was presented in the Convention on 1889-07-26 alongside the report of the committee; therefore, it can be assumed that it was referred by the committee.] Friday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Article I as Amended by the Convention Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: As moved by Mr. Colton, this document is being referred to the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing.] Tuesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing
Article I as Amended by the Convention Tuesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article II as Amended by the Convention Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: According to a previous motion, once an article is adopted in the convention it is to be referred to the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing
Article II as Amended by the Convention Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XII: Section 186 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIII Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIII: Section 194 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIII: Section 195 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIII: Section 196 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIII: Section 197 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIII: Section 198 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV: Section 200 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV: Section 202 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV: Section 203 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV: Section 204 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV: Section 205 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIV: Section 206 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article III as Amended by the Convention Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: According to a previous motion, once an article is adopted in the convention it is to be referred to the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing
Article III as Amended by the Convention Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVII Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Section two hundred and fifteen (215) was adopted. Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Mr. Blackwell was invited to speak to the Committee of the Whole, therefore, we can conclude he was present on this day.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVII: Mr. Moer's Additional Section Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVIII Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIX Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The motion before the Convention was considered separately; therefore, it can be assumed that the call for the division of the question was granted.] Wednesday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XIX: Section 220 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Schedule Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XII: Section 189 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XII: Section 190 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XII: Section 191 Friday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This Article was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole.] Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department (as Amended by the Committee of the Whole) Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention) Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 4 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 5 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 6 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 7 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 2 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 3 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 8 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 9 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
First Six Section of the Schedule Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 130: Article on School Lands Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 138: Report from the Committee on School and Other Public Lands on Sections 8, 9, and 11 of File No. 130 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Convention proceeds with the adoption of the article; in order to model this, the section must be first adopted; therefore, the section is shown as adopted here.] Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee on Territorial Debts and Liabilities Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. MOER. I am in favor of the Australian bill system, but I don't believe the Constitution is any place for it. I have consistently opposed any proposition that would put this bill in here. A great many other things have, in my judgment, gone into the... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XX Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XX: Section 221 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Sections one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5) and six (6) were adopted. Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article V as Amended by the Convention Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Schedule: Section 10 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 19 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer this section was adopted becuase the next section was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Ayes and nays were demanded on the amendment of Mr. Turner. The roll being called there were ayes 22; nays, 39; viz: Those who voted in the affirmative were: Messrs— Messrs— Messrs— Bartlett of Griggs, Moer, Robertson, Bennett, Noble, Rolfe, Carland,... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 10 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 11 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 12 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 13 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 14 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 15 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 16 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 17 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. PARSONS of Morton. I have serious objections to section seventeen (in the original File) as it now stands. The judges are human, and may be sick. They may be unable to attend to their duties, and under this provision none of the other judges can... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Judiciary (As Amended by the Convention): Section 18 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Sections 9-18 were adopted because Section 19 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention) Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 2 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 1 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: We can infer Section 1 was adopted because Section 2 was considered.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 3 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 3 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 4 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 4 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 5 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 5 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 6 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 6 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 7 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 7 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 8 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 8 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Article on Elective Franchise (as amended by the Convention): Section 9 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Editor's can infer Section 9 was adopted because the article as a whole later gets adopted.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
The article as amended by Mr. MOER was then adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The events that happened here took place in the Committee of the Whole.] Thursday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 131: Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 137 and 121 - [File No. 137: Minority Report of the Committee on Judicial Department] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 137 and 121 - [File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Mr. SPALDING. I don’t believe we want to provide, or make any provision, so that the simple fact that a man has registered shall prevent anybody else from challenging his vote at the polls. I don’t believe such a provision is safe. It is easy to get... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor’s Note: This Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise was referred from the Convention on 1889-07-30.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor’s Note: This Minority Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise was referred from the Convention on 1889-07-30.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor’s Note: This File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise was referred from the Convention on 1889-07-30.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 123: Article on Elective Franchise Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Report from the Committee on Elective Franchise Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Minority Report of the Committee on Elective Franchise Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: There is action on this document in the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefor we can infer it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: There is action taken on this document in the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefor we can infer this document was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 74: Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 89 Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This document was considered alongside File No. 137 in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 74: Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This document was considered alongside File No. 137 in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 89 Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This document was considered alongside File No. 137 in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 137 and 121 - [File No. 133: Article I: Declaration of Rights] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This document was considered alongside File No. 137 in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 133: Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 133: Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files No. 137 and 121 - [File No. 133: Preamble] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: This document was considered alongside File No. 137 in the Committee of the Whole.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
File No. 106: Constitution of North Dakota Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: This file was considered alongside the Report of the Committee of the Whole on Files 133 and 121 presented to the Convention on 1889-08-03, therefore it can be assumed it was referred to the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Public Institutions and Buildings
Motion for the Committee on Public Institutions Report on File No. 79 on Monday Next Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Due to the rules, once a document has had its third reading and been adopted by the Convention, the file is to be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. Therefore, we have referred this document to the Committee on... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Due to the rules, once a document has had its third reading and been adopted by the Convention, the file is to be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. Therefore, we have referred this document to the Committee on... Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Due to the rules, once a document has had its third reading and been adopted by the Convention, the file is to be referred to the Committee on Revision and Adjustment. Therefore, we have referred this document to the Committee on... Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
File No. 133: Preamble Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
Report from the Committee on Preamble and Bill of Rights Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Revision and Adjustment
File No. 121: Article on Judicial Department Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor’s Note: This Council Bill No. 60 was referred from the Convention on 1889-07-30.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
Council Bill No. 60 Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee of the Whole
[Editor's Note: Although there is not a record of the election, Mr. Francher is the acting President of the Committee of the Whole for 1889-07-31. Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 133: Preamble and Declaration of Rights Wednesday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This File No. 12 is referred into the Convention on 1889-07-31 to be discussed.] Monday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This File No. 38 is referred into the Convention on 1889-07-31 to be discussed.] Tuesday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This File No. 69 is referred into the Convention on 1889-07-31 to be discussed.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This File No. 74 is referred into the Convention on 1889-07-31 to be discussed.] Thursday July 1889Committee: Committee on the Preamble and Declaration of Rights
[Editor's Note: This File No. 89 is referred into the Convention on 1889-07-31 to be discussed.] Friday July 1889Committee: Committee on Legislative Department
[Editor's Note: This File No. 100 is referred into the Convention on 1889-07-31 to be discussed.] Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 12: Preamble Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 38: Preamble Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 69 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 74: Preamble Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 89 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
File No. 100 Wednesday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Which motion prevailed, and the section as recommended to be amended by the committee, was adopted. Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article VII: Section 138 Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
After the call of the House proceedings had been disposed of Mr. JOHNSON said: I understand the question before the House is the amendment of the gentleman from Richland. I don’t wish to go over the same ground that has been gone over before. I... Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Convention concludes the amending process of Section 144 and later continues with Section 145; therefore, we can infer from the adoption of the substitute that the original amendment, and the section were both adopted as amended.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The Convention concludes the amending process of Section 144 and later continues with Section 145; therefore, we can infer from the adoption of the substitute that the original amendment, and the section were both adopted as amended.] Thursday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVI Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVI: Section 208 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVI: Section 209 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVI: Section 210 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XVI: Section 211 Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Constitution of North Dakota 1889 (as Amended by the Convention): Article XII: Section 192: Recommendations of the Committee Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: Though it is not stated in the record that the Convention amends Section 192 directly, based on the pattern of adopting this article as recommended by the Committee on Revision and Adjustment and based on the agreed to text of the... Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: In order to preserve the integrity of the original document and because the Convention moved to amending other sections of the Constitution, the article on Schedule has been adopted here.] Friday August 1889Committee: The Convention
This motion was seconded and adopted by a vote of 31 to 16. Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing
[Editor's Note: The report was read in the convention and there for was referred out of commitee.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Accounts and Expenses
[Editor's Note: This report is referred to be read in the Convention.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing
[Editor's Note: The report was read in the convention and there for was referred out of committee.] Saturday August 1889Committee: Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing
[Editor's Note: The Constitution was referred to the Convention in the previous report from the Committee on Enrolling and Engrossing.] Saturday August 1889Committee: The Convention
Telegram of Greetings Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
[Editor's Note: The journals of the constitutional conventions of Washington, South Dakota, and Montana all record the receipt of an identical congratulatory telegram sent from the South Dakota constitutional convention, dated the 4th of July 1889.] Thursday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Message from the President of the Convention Notifying North Dakota of the Provision for a Joint Commission of Seven Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Message from the President of the Convention Notifying North Dakota of the Provision for a Joint Commission of Seven Monday July 1889Committee: The Convention
Ayes and nays were demanded on Mr. Miller’s motion to adopt the Constitution. The roll being called, there were ayes, 40; nays, 23; viz: Those who voted in the affirmative were: Messrs— Messrs— Messrs— Bean, Gray, Parsons of Morton, Blewett, Griggs,... Saturday August 1889