A selection of mini-models designed to provide an insight into the ongoing work of 'Writing Peace' and to demonstrate Quill's approach to visualising the archive material and tracking the process of negotiation. This collection is still under construction.
Source material
Monica McWilliams Collection
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Resource Collections (0):
Committee: Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft
'Prisoners' Section of 6 April Mitchell Draft Tuesday April 1998Committee: Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft
NIACRO Suggested Amendments to the Mitchell Draft Section on Prisoners Tuesday April 1998Committee: Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft
[Editor's Note: These amendments were incorporated into the NIWC working draft of the 'Prisoners' section.] Tuesday April 1998Committee: Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft
NIWC Further Amendments to the 'Prisoners' Section of 6 April Mitchell Draft Tuesday April 1998Committee: Prisoners Section of Mitchell Draft
[Editor's Note: The NIWC made further amendments to their working version of the document.] Tuesday April 1998Committee: Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement
Framework Agreement – 22 February 1995 Friday April 1998Committee: Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement
Propositions on Heads of Agreement – 12 January 1998 Friday April 1998Committee: Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement
Mitchell Draft – 6/7 April 1998 Friday April 1998Committee: Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement
Good Friday Agreement – 10 April 1998 Friday April 1998Committee: Evolution of the Human Rights Language in the Good Friday Agreement
Mitchell Draft as Annotated by the NIWC – [7] April 1998 Friday April 1998