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Editorial Decisions
Editorial Decisions are:
- Implied decisions that are agreed upon but do not receive a formal vote.
- Events and decisions made by the project editors to better record and model events and sequences that are not easily represented by the rigid options of entry.
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Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday March 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday April 1862Committee: Senate Special Committee of Thirteen on the Condition of the Country
[Editors' note: The Committee rejects all articles, therefore the document is dropped.] Saturday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday June 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House.] Monday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' Note: The Presidnet sends the message to Congress.] Monday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[Editors' Note: The Senate proceeds to consider the division.] Wednesday February 1861Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House and Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House and Senate.] Saturday July 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House and Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House and Senate.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday March 1862Committee: Senate Special Committee of Five
[Editors' Note: Unfortunately we do not have the records for this committee. For this reason, we are creating this document editorially the day before it is recieved by the Senate. We know the text of this proposition, as it is read aloud in the Senate... Wednesday February 1861Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' Note: The message is sent to Congress and recieved.] Tuesday February 1861Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House.] Friday July 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House and Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House and Senate.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House and Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House and Senate.] Thursday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The Message from the Senate was received by the House.] Monday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Mr. Boteler only needs his own initiative to amend his own motion.] Tuesday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion for the Previous Question Tuesday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The Point of Order is dropped here as the motion was amended to conform to the rules.] Tuesday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Refer and Print The President's Annual Message Tuesday December 1860Committee: The Senate
The VICE PRESIDENT, (Hon. Hannibal Hamlin,) at twelve o’clock, meridian, called the Senate to order. Monday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[Rev. Byron Sunderland, D. D., Chaplain for the Senate of the Thirty-Seventh Congress.] Monday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
On the District of Columbia—Messrs. Grimes, (chairman,) Dixon, Morrill, Wade, Anthony, Kennedy, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
Motion to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on the District of Columbia Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
On the Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (chairman,) Foster, Ten Eyck, Cowan, Harris, Bayard, and Powell. Wednesday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday December 1861Committee: The Senate
Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday December 1861Committee: The Senate
CREDENTIALS PRESENTED. Mr. LANE, of Indiana, presented the credentials of Hon. Garrett Davis, chosen by the Legislature of Kentucky, a Senator from that State for the term ending March 3, 1867, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the expulsion from the... Monday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday January 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday January 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday January 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday March 1862Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
Message from the President of the United States: Recommending the Adoption of a Resolution to Cooperate with States That Adopt Gradual Abolition of Slavery Saturday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday March 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The appointments were received.] Wednesday December 1860Committee: Select Committee of Thirty-Three of the House of Representatives
Appointment of the Committee of Thirty-Three Tuesday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
[The final day of the second session of the 36th Congress. The members are dissolved.] Monday March 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Saturday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Take the Oath of Office: Alfred A. Burnham Monday December 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Memorial Contesting the Election of Charles Upton Tuesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday December 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Roscoe Conkling, of New York; Charles Delano, of Massachusetts; Henry C. Burnett, of Kentucky; James M. Ashley,... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Committee of Elections.--Henry L. Dawes, of Massachusetts; James H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania; Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana; James B. McKean, of New York; Dwight Loomis, of Connecticut; Portus Baxter, of Vermont; William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania;... Monday July 1861Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
H. R. 122 Tuesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Adjourn Tuesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
Motion to Adjourn Wednesday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday December 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday January 1862Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee of Elections it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Sunday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday January 1862Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee of Elections it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Wednesday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday January 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday February 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday February 1862Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Upton loses his seat in the House and thus his seat on the committee. Therefore, we have modeled him as leaving the committee on the day that he loses his seat in the House.] Thursday February 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday March 1862Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
The Speaker made the following appointments to fill vacancies on committees, viz: For the District of Columbia.--Mr. Fessenden, in the place of Mr. Upton, declared not entitled to a seat. Tuesday March 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday March 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: It can be assumed from the swearing in of Mr. Casey that the credentials were accepted.] Monday March 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday March 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the Senate.] Monday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
RESIGNATION OF A MEMBER. The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House the following communication; which was read and laid on the table: Auburn, Maine, May 26, 1862. Dear Sir: Being about to accept and enter upon the duties of the office... Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Friday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the Senate.] Friday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Saturday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday March 1862Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
Credentials of Joseph Segar Tuesday March 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
The Speaker announced that he had appointed the following standing committees for the present Congress, viz: On the Territories.--James M. Ashley, of Ohio; Charles H. Van Wyck, of New York; James A. Cravens, of Indiana; William Kellogg, of Illinois;... Thursday July 1861Committee: Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee of Elections it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Sunday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: This motion is ignored.] Monday January 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday April 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
EXCUSED FROM SERVICE ON COMMITTEE. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from Mr. Bailey, of Massachusetts, asking to be excused from service on the Committee on Territories, owing to protracted ill health. The question was taken; and Mr.... Thursday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Friday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
The Clerk read the resolution reported by the Committee of Elections, as follows: Resolved, That the Committee of Elections, to whom were referred the credentials of Joseph Segar, claiming a seat in this House as a Representative from the first... Tuesday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Friday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Because Mr. Cox's amendment is tied to Mr. Lovejoy's motion, his amendment is dropped when Mr. Lovejoy's motion is dropped.] Friday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday May 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday May 1862Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
...On Territories—Messrs. Wade, (chairman,) Wilkinson, Hale, Browning, Johnson of Tennessee, Carlile, and Pomeroy. Wednesday December 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: There is no record of John Logan's resignation in the House Journal or the Congressional Globe. According to a biography provided by the House of Representatives history website, Mr. Logan resigned on April 2, 1862, to enter the Union... Monday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Monday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Tuesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the Senate.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Thursday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday June 1862Committee: The Senate
It now becomes the duty of the Senate to appoint a President pro tempore to serve during the absence of the Vice President. [EDITOR'S NOTE: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Thursday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Friday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday June 1862Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
Resolution Expelling Jesse D. Bright from His Seat in the Senate Tuesday December 1861Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on the Judiciary it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the Senate records.] Sunday January 1862Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on the Judiciary it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the Senate records.] Sunday January 1862Committee: The Senate
Motion to Resume Consideration of the Resolution Expelling Jesse Bright from the Senate Wednesday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday January 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday January 1862Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
Credentials of Benjamin Stark Saturday January 1862Committee: Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on the Judiciary it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the Senate records.] Thursday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday February 1862Committee: The Senate
Motion to Consider the Resolution on the Case of Benjamin Stark Thursday February 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERS. The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House the following communication; which was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed: Washington, December 21, 1860. SIR: We avail ourselves of the earliest opportunity,... Monday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
WITHDRAWAL OF MEMBERS. The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House the following communication; which was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed: Washington, December 21, 1860. SIR: We avail ourselves of the earliest opportunity,... Monday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday February 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 210 Tuesday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Tuesday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Tuesday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Tuesday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Tuesday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Tuesday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Tuesday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Andrew Johnson yields the floor and Mr. Hale speaks on S. No. 50.] Tuesday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: As a result of the approval of the resolution submitted by Mr. Bragg, the Chaplain is elected.] Tuesday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This question of order is not acknowledged.] Wednesday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The appointment was recieved.] Thursday December 1860Committee: Senate Special Committee of Thirteen on the Condition of the Country
The committee of thirteen, appointed by order of the Senate, of the 20th instant, have agreed upon the following resolution, and report the same to the Senate: Resolved, That the committee have not been able to agree upon any general plan of... Friday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Partially suggested by Mr. Crittenden's submission of a resolution mirroring S. No. 50 and although it was moved that S. No. 50 be postponed until January 2nd, the Joint Resolution is never taken back up and dies.] Thursday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Senate does not acknowledge the Motion to Amend Motion to Adjourn and Motion for Division.] Thursday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The Senate does not acknowledge the Motion to Amend Motion to Adjourn and Motion for Division.] Thursday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Hamlin's letter of resignation, according to the text, was to take effect on the 17th.] Thursday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Hamlin's letter of resignation, according to the text, was to take effect on the 17th.] Thursday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This day is the end of the Second Session of the 36th Congress. The Committee is dissolved.] Monday March 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This Senator arrives in Senate after the first day of business, but is modeled here as entering this day for the purpose of setting the Committee membership.] Monday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: S. No. 54 is subsequently taken up in the Committee of the Whole. It is referred here to enable the model.] Monday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The next instance in which S. No. 54 is brought up is in Senate.] Thursday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The next instance in which S. No. 54 is discussed is within the Committee of the Whole.] Friday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Monday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The message was received by the Senate.] Monday January 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The message was received.] Thursday February 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: For the purpose of including in the model events which take place in the Senate regarding the decision to take up this resolution in the Committee of the Whole, it is being referred as an editorial decision.] Tuesday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This amendment is not considered or acknowledged by further proceedings.] Thursday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: For the purpose of including proceedings in which the Senate debates whether or not to take up the S. No. 54 in the Committee of the Whole, the resolution is being modeled as if it were referred by editorial decision.] Wednesday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: For the purpose of including proceedings in which the Senate debates whether or not to take up the S. No. 54 in the Committee of the Whole, the resolution is being modeled as if it were referred by editorial decision.] Friday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Hale does not intercept Mr. Cameron, and although he never explicitly yields, Mr. Cameron carries on.] Monday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This motion is not considered by the Senate and is essentially null.] Monday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: For the purpose of including proceedings in which the Senate debates whether or not to take up the S. No. 54 in the Committee of the Whole, the resolution is being modeled as if it were referred by editorial decision.] Monday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: For the purpose of including proceedings in which the Senate debates whether or not to take up the S. No. 54 in the Committee of the Whole, the resolution is being modeled as if it were referred by editorial decision.] Wednesday January 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: For the purpose of including proceedings in which the Senate debates whether or not to take up the S. No. 54 in the Committee of the Whole, the resolution is being modeled as if it were referred by editorial decision.] Friday February 1861Committee: Select Committee of Thirty-Three of the House of Representatives
H. Res. 80 Saturday January 1861Committee: Select Committee of Thirty-Three of the House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: It is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Saturday January 1861Committee: Select Committee of Thirty-Three of the House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: It is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Saturday January 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: This question of order is never decided on.] Monday January 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: This motion is never entered due to decision of the Chair.] Tuesday January 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: This motion is never decided upon or acknowledged.] Tuesday January 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Although it is not entirely clear that the motion was adopted by unanimous consent, it is treated as such by the House.] Friday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The motion for the yeas and nays is also dropped in consequence of the original motion being made out of order.] Monday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The call for the previous question is not acted upon.] Monday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: These motions intended to fillibuster were lost in the procedure.] Tuesday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: It's not clear in the record exactly how, but this motion from the day before seems not to be entered.] Thursday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This referral is for the purpose of copying this document into the other house.] Thursday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Although he does not speak, Thomas G. Davidson also withdraws. Unlike other States, Louisiana does not send a signed letter to congress, making the departure of some members nebulous. The departure of the members from the States which... Tuesday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
Engrossment of H. R. 1009 Friday March 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
Engrossment of H. R. 1100 Friday March 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This referral is for the purpose of copying this document into the other house.] Wednesday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This referral is for the purpose of copying this document into the other house.] Friday March 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: It's not clear what happens to the motion of Mr. Wigfall. Saturday March 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This question was not put to the House.] Sunday March 1861Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This motion is not entertained likely due to to the question of order.] Sunday March 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: This motion is not entertained.] Sunday March 1861Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: The creation of this committee is for the purpose of illustrating the path which documents take when signed by the President of the United States.] Monday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Friday April 1862Committee: Select Committee of Thirty-Three of the House of Representatives
The President's Annual Message Tuesday December 1860Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Monday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
H. Res. 64: Amendment Wednesday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Although he does not speak, John M. Landrum also withdraws. Unlike other States, Louisiana does not send a signed letter to congress, making the departure of some members nebulous. The departure of the members from the States which... Tuesday February 1861Committee: The Senate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The departure of the members from the States which seceded from the union are wrapped into the controversy of the constitutionality and validity of secession. Additionally, these responses are reflective of Congress' attempt to make... Monday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Speaker called the House to order, but because the House proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the House has been called to order.] Wednesday January 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 108 Saturday December 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 108: First Committee Amendment Wednesday February 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 108: Second Committee Amendment Wednesday February 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
Question recurred upon ordering the first series of resolutions reported from the committee of thirty-three to be engrossed, and read a third time. The resolutions are as follows: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the... Wednesday February 1861Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 108: Third Committee Amendment Wednesday February 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 108: Fourth Committee Amendment Wednesday February 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
Motion to Report S. 108 as Amended Wednesday February 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on the District of Columbia it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the Senate records.] Wednesday February 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Wednesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Tuesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Wednesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Wednesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Thursday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Thursday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Friday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Friday March 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[Editors' note: The mover can modify the proposition without a vote needing to be taken on the modification as long as the original proposition has not been acted upon. Therefore, we can assume that Mr. Doolittle's modification of his amendment was agreed to.] Friday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Monday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Monday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The records do not indicate that the Vice President or Presiding Chair called the Senate to order, but because the Senate proceeds to conduct business we can assume that procedurally the Senate has been called to order.] Tuesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Tuesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Wednesday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Monday March 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Thursday April 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
Motion to Separate Amendments Thursday April 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[Editors' note: The amendments adopted in Committee of the Whole will be voted on again in the Senate. We have added these sub-decisions to separate the amendments from the document so that we can model this process.] Thursday April 1862Committee: Senate Special Committee of Thirteen on the Condition of the Country
[Editors' Note: Mr. Steward is recorded to enter the Committee on December 24th. However, it is decided that his vote be recorded. In order to include Mr. Seward within the roll call, it is necessary to model him entering the committee. Readers should... Saturday December 1860Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Thursday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House conducts business while in the House. The proceedings have been modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House conducts business while in the House. The proceedings have been modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House conducts business while in the House. The proceedings have been modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House conducts business while in the House. The proceedings have been modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
H. R. 374: Committee Amendment to the Title Friday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The House proceeds to consider S. 108 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Friday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: S. 108 was then sent to the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills to be checked for errors.] Friday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Monday April 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: S. 108 was then returned to the House to be signed by the Speaker.] Monday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: S. 108 was then sent to the Senate to be signed by the President pro tempore.] Monday April 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Tuesday April 1862Committee: President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln - President of the United States (1861-1865) Wednesday April 1862Committee: Committee for the District of Columbia of the House of Representatives
Message on the Approval of S. 108 Thursday April 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: The President's message to the House and Senate indicates his approval of the bill. Therefore, we have modeled the bill as being adopted.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 351 Friday June 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 351: First Committee Amendment Monday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider S. 351 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Monday July 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 351: Second Committee Amendment Monday June 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 351: Third Committee Amendment Monday June 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 351: Fourth Committee Amendment Monday June 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
S. 351: Fifth Committee Amendment Monday June 1862Committee: Committee on the District of Columbia of the Senate
Motion to Report S. 351 as Amended by the Committee Monday June 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
Motion to Separate Amendments Monday July 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[Editors' note: The amendment adopted in Committee of the Whole will be voted on again in the Senate. We have added this sub-decision to separate the amendment from the document so that we can model this process.] Monday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: S. 351 was then sent to the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills to be checked for errors.] Wednesday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Thursday July 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: S. 351 was then returned to the House to be signed by the Speaker.] Friday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: S. 351 was then sent to the Senate to be signed by the President pro tempore.] Friday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Saturday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Saturday July 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: The President's message to the House indicates his approval of the bill. Therefore, we have modeled the bill as being adopted.] Monday July 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House and Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House and Senate.] Monday July 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Wednesday July 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Monday July 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
H. R. 374 Tuesday March 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee of Territories it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee of Territories it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Wednesday April 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
H. R. 374 Friday May 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on the Territories it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Wednesday May 1862Committee: Committee on the Territories of the House of Representatives
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on the Territories it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the House records.] Wednesday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The amendment made to the title is treated as if it was adopted, although it was never explicitly adopted in the record.] Thursday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The mover can modify the proposition without a vote needing to be taken on the modification as long as the original proposition has not been acted upon. Therefore, we can assume that Mr. Lovejoy's modification of his amendment was agreed to.] Monday May 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: The bill is sent to the House for concurrence. In order to maintain continuity in the model, we have modeled the bill as being referred.] Monday May 1862Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
H. R. 374: Committee Amendment Wednesday May 1862Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on Territories it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the Senate records.] Wednesday May 1862Committee: Committee on Territories of the Senate
[Editors' note: Because we do not have the records of the Committee on Territories it is not clear when the committee refers this document. However, we have modeled it as leaving the committee the day before it is received in the Senate records.] Wednesday May 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The Senate proceeds to consider H. R. 374 in Committee of the Whole. The proceedings are modeled in that committee.] Monday June 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
Motion to Separate the Amendment Monday June 1862Committee: Senate Committee of the Whole
[Editors' note: The amendment adopted in Committee of the Whole will be voted on again in the Senate. We have added this sub-decision to separate the amendment from the document so that we can model this process.] Monday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: The amendment adopted in Senate will be voted on again in the House. We have added this sub-decision to separate the amendment from the document so that we can model this process.] Monday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editor’s note: We can assume that the bill, as amended, was also adopted.] Tuesday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: H. R. 374 was then sent to the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills to be checked for errors.] Tuesday June 1862Committee: Committee on Enrolled Bills
[Editors' note: H. R. 374 was then returned to the House to be signed by the Speaker.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: H. R. 374 was then sent to the Senate to be signed by the President pro tempore.] Wednesday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Thursday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Thursday June 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: The President's message to the House indicates his approval of the bill. Therefore, we have modeled the bill as being adopted.] Friday June 1862Committee: President of the United States
[Editors' note: We have inferred the creation and referral of this document from its being reported in the House and Senate. The date of its creation and referral are unknown, but we have chosen to model them on the day it is read in the House and Senate.] Friday June 1862Committee: The House of Representatives
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Friday June 1862Committee: The Senate
[Editors' note: It can be assumed from its reading that the message was accepted.] Monday June 1862Committee: Senate Special Committee of Five
Appointment of the Committee of Five Wednesday February 1861Committee: Senate Special Committee of Five
Motion to Refer Message from the President of the Peace Convention Wednesday February 1861Committee: The Senate
[Editors' Note: This amendment is taken up in the Committee of the Whole on March 1st, 1861.] Thursday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
Resolution that Neither the People or the Government have a Right to Legislate Upon Slavery in any of the States of the Union Monday February 1861Committee: The House of Representatives
Resolution on the Dissenters to the Foregoing Propositions Monday February 1861