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Friday, 12 January 1866, at 10:30

Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction

United States Fourteenth Amendment & The Civil Rights Act of 1866

The Joint Committee meets; the credentials of James Farrow and John D. Kennedy are received from the House; Mr. Stevens' joint resolution is further considered and amended; Sub-Committees are created; the Sub-Committee on the Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment is appointed; all propositions are referred to the appropriate Sub-Committee.

Cite as: Erica Croft, Kiana McAllister, Annabel Harris, Lauren Davis, Elizabeth Green, Louise Navarro-Cann, Mary Nelson-Hill, Mizuki Hassell, Grace Penn, Paul Calica, Matt Rands, and Nicholas P. S. Cole, United States Fourteenth Amendment & The Civil Rights Act of 1866, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2024), Session 5051.

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Session 5051
Friday, 12 January 1866, at 10:30
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Imported Documents

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment (e 129037)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment ' (e 870723) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment,
      on Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • H. Res. 31 (e 663771)
    • Imported by 'H. Res. 31' (e 870738) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment,
      on Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Mr. Bingham's Constitutional Amendment (e 129567)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Bingham's Constitutional Amendment' (e 870734) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment,
      on Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Mr. Stevens' Second Constitutional Amendment (e 129732)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Stevens' Second Constitutional Amendment' (e 870735) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment,
      on Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Credentials of B. Johnson Barbour (e 663775)
    • Imported by 'Credentials of B. Johnson Barbour' (e 902816) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina,
      on Monday, 15 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Credentials of G. H. Kyle (e 663564)
    • Imported by 'Credentials of G. H. Kyle' (e 902815) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas,
      on Monday, 15 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Credentials of James Farrow (e 663777)
    • Imported by 'Credentials of James Farrow ' (e 902818) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina,
      on Monday, 15 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Credentials of John D. Kennedy (e 902812)
    • Imported by 'Credentials of John D. Kennedy' (e 902819) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina,
      on Monday, 15 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Certificate of Election of H. C. Warmoth (e 904021)
    • Imported by 'Certificate of Election of H. C. Warmoth' (e 904022) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Louisiana, Florida and Texas,
      on Monday, 15 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Credentials of James M. Johnson (e 663772)
    • Imported by 'Credentials of James M. Johnson' (e 904555) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas,
      on Monday, 15 January 1866, at 00:00

Exported Amendments

  • Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Substitute (e 129144)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Morrill's Substitute ' (e 870728) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment, on
      Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Williams' Substitute (e 129545)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Notice of Mr. Williams' Substitute' (e 870729) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment, on
      Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Conkling's Substitute (e 129546)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Notice of Mr. Conkling's Substitute ' (e 870730) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment, on
      Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00
  • Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Mr. Boutwell's Substitute (e 129548)
    • Imported by 'Mr. Stevens' Constitutional Amendment: Notice of Mr. Boutwell's Substitute' (e 870733) in Joint Committee of Fifteen on Reconstruction: Sub-Committee on Apportionment of Representation and Constitutional Amendment, on
      Saturday, 13 January 1866, at 00:00

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