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Monday, 05 December 1910, at 19:30


Arizona Constitutional Convention (1910) [2023 Edition]

The Convention receives the Draft Constitution from the Committee on Style. Proposition Number 152/Election Ordinance Number 1 is read a first and second time and referred to the Committee of the Whole. Proposition Number 153 is read a second time. The Convention reconsiders Moeur's amendment to strike YMCAs and YWCAs from Substitute Proposition Number 106.

Cite as: Lauren Davis, Aaron Kushner, Harriet Carter, Elizabeth Green, Annabel Harris, Grace Penn, Nicholas Jacobs, Arizona Constitutional Convention (1910) [2023 Edition], Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2023), Session 16294.

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Session 16294
Monday, 05 December 1910, at 19:30
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Imported Documents

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Proposition Number 152/Election Ordinance Number 1 (e 946398)
  • Report from the Committee on Militia on Resolution Number 17/Proposition Number 153 (e 946415)
  • Resolution Number 17/Proposition Number 153 (e 946417)
  • Draft of the Arizona Constitution, Part 1 (e 946391)

Exported Amendments

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