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Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00

The Convention

South Dakota State Constitutional Convention 1889

The Convention reads the 1885 Constitution then refers each article to the appropriate committee for approval.

Cite as: Cashlyn English, Gwen Wilde, Jordan Artigas, Kaylee Bishop, Liné Fourie, Grace Yeager, Nicholas Cole, Elizabeth Green, Lauren Davis , South Dakota State Constitutional Convention 1889, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2020-2023), Session 14708.

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Session 14708
Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
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Membership (at session start) (74 total)
Representing 25 delegations:

Imported Documents

Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Resolution for the Purpose of Memorializing Congress (e 907835)
  • Resolution to Amend Section IX of Article VIII of the Sioux Falls Constitution (e 908256)
    • Imported by 'Resolution to Amend Section IX of Article VIII of the Sioux Falls Constitution' (e 909090) in Committee on Education and School Lands,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Resolution to Amend Section III of Article III of the Sioux Falls Constitution (e 908710)
  • Resolution to Amend Section I of Article XIV of the Sioux Falls Constitution (e 908720)
    • Imported by 'Resolution on Amending Section I of the Constitution' (e 909088) in Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Resolution on the Election of Auditors (e 908725)
  • Preamble (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909592)
  • Article I: Name and Boundary (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909594)
    • Imported by 'Article I: Name and Boundary (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909598) in Committee on Name, Boundary and Seat of Government,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article II: Division of the Powers of Government (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909227)
  • Article II: Division of the Powers of Government (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909227)
    • Imported by 'Article II: Division of the Powers of Government (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909236) in Committee on Executive and Administrative,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
    • Imported by 'Article II: Division of the Powers of Government (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 951518) in Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology,
      on Wednesday, 31 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article III: Legislative Department (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909233)
  • Article IV: Executive Department (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909240)
    • Imported by 'Article IV: Executive Department (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909242) in Committee on Executive and Administrative,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article V: Judicial Department (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909243)
  • Article VI: Bill of Rights (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909250)
  • Article VII: Election and Right of Suffrage (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909373)
    • Imported by 'Article VII: Election and the Rights of Suffrage (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909397) in Committee on Election and Rights of Suffrage,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article VIII: Education and School Lands (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909384)
    • Imported by 'Article VIII: Education and School Lands (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909408) in Committee on Education and School Lands,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article IX: County and Township Organization (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909406)
    • Imported by 'Article IX: County and Township Organization (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909409) in Committee on County and Township Organization,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article X: Municipal Corporations (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909411)
    • Imported by 'Article X: Municipal Corporations (Sioux Falls Constitution) ' (e 909808) in Committee on Municipal Corporations,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XI: Revenue and Finance (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909812)
  • Article XII: Public Accounts and Expenditures (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909904)
    • Imported by 'Article XII: Public Accounts and Expenditures (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909908) in Committee on Public Accounts and Expenditures,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XIII: Public Indebtedness (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909910)
    • Imported by 'Article XIII: Public Indebtedness (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909914) in Committee on State, County and Municipal Indebtedness,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XIV: State Institutions (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909923)
    • Imported by 'Article XIV: State Institutions (Sioux Falls Constitutions)' (e 909925) in Committee on State Institutions and Public Buildings,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XV: Militia (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909926)
  • Article XVI: Impeachment and Removal from Office (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909929)
    • Imported by 'Article XVI: Impeachment and Removal from Office (Sioux Falls Constitution) ' (e 910885) in Committee on Legislative,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XVII: Corporations (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909939)
    • Imported by 'Article XVII: Corporations (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909949) in Committee on Corporations Other Than Banking or Municipal,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XVIII: Banking and Currency (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909958)
  • Article XIX: Congressional and Legislative Apportionment (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909963)
    • Imported by 'Article XIX: Congressional and Legislative Apportionment (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909978) in Committee on Congressional and Legislative Apportionment,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XX: Seat of Government (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909969)
    • Imported by 'Article XX: Seat of Government (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909980) in Committee on Name, Boundary and Seat of Government,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XXI, Section I: Seal and Coat of Arms (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 910896)
  • Article XXI, Section II: Compensation of Public Officers (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 910899)
    • Imported by 'Article XXI, Section II: Compensation of Public Officers (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 910996) in Committee on Compensation of Public Officers ,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XXI, Section III: Oath of Office (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 910997)
    • Imported by 'Article XXI, Section III: Oath of Office (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 910999) in Committee on Miscellaneous Subjects,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XXI, Section IV: Exemptions (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 911000)
  • Article XXI, Section V: Rights of Married Women (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 911051)
    • Imported by 'Article XXI, Section V: Rights of Married Women (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 911053) in Committee on Rights of Married Women ,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XXII, Compact with the United States (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 909994)
    • Imported by 'Article XXII: Compact with the United States (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 909997) in Committee on Federal Relations,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00
  • Article XXIII: Amendments and Revision of the Constitution (Sioux Falls Constitution) (e 910000)
    • Imported by 'Article XXIII: Amendments and Revision of the Constitution (Sioux Falls Constitution)' (e 910002) in Committee on Amendments and Revision of the Constitution,
      on Wednesday, 10 July 1889, at 14:00

Exported Amendments

No resource collections are available for this session.

South Dakota Journal
South Dakota Debates

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