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Tuesday, 20 August 1889, at 00:00

Committee on Revision, Adjustment and Enrollment

Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

The articles on Executive Department; Elections and Elective Rights; Revenue and Taxation; State, County and Municipal Indebtedness; Education and Educational Institutions; and Militia were all referred back to this committee for enrollment. The articles on County, City, Township Organization; Corporations Other Than Municipal; Public Health and Vital Statistics; State Institutions and Public Buildings; Legislative Apportionment; Seat of Government; Exemptions; Compact with the United States; Water and Water Rights; and Amendments were all referred back to the Convention for final debate and agreement.

Cite as: Cashlyn English, Gwen Wilde, Hector Manzanerez, Joseph Andersen-Stanley, Yana Andersen-Stanley, Daniel Little, Liné Fourie, Caleb Stowell, Hannah Thayne, Nicholas Cole, Lauren Davis, Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889, Quill Project at Pembroke College (Oxford, 2020-2023), Session 13929.

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Session 13929
Tuesday, 20 August 1889, at 00:00
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Imported Amendments

Exported Documents

  • Article XI [County, City, Township Organization] (e 840216)
  • Article XII [Corporations Other Than Municipal] (e 863773)
  • Article XX (Public Health and Vital Statistics) (e 863780)
  • Article XIII [State Institutions and Public Buildings] (e 863778)
  • Article XXII [Legislative Apportionment] (e 863779)
  • Article XIV [Seat of Government] (e 863812)
  • Article XIX [Exemptions, Committee on Revision] (e 862505)
  • Article XXVI [Compact with the United States, Committee on Revision] (e 864482)
  • Article XXI [Water and Water Rights, Committee on Revision] (e 864483)
  • Article XXIII [Amendments] (e 866137)

Exported Amendments

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