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Session 6019: 1889-09-24 00:00:00

The committee drafted the article on Elections as well as the article on Qualifications to Office and referred them along with the report of the committee and several files to the Convention for consideration.

Wyoming State Constitutional Convention 1889

Committee on Elections, Rights of Suffrage, and Qualifications to Office

Session 6019: 1889-09-24 00:00:00

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Document View:

Substitute for Files No. 5, 6, 10, 23 [Committee on Elections, Rights on Suffrage, and Qualifications to Office]

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Substitute for Files No. 5, 6, 10, 23 and 64

Article _. Elections.

Sec. 1 The Legislature shall pass laws to secure the purity of Elections and guard against abuses of the elective franchise.

Sec. 2. The Legislature shall by general law, designate the Courts by which the several classes of election contests not otherwise provided for, shall be tried, and regulate the manner of trial and all matters incident thereto; but no such law shall apply to any contest arising out of an Election held before its passage.

Sec. 3 No person except a qualified elector shall be elected or appointed to any civil or military office in the State.

Sec. 4. Every person holding any civil office under the State or any municipality therein shall unless removed according to law exercise the duties of such office until his successor is duly qualified; but this shall not apply to members of the Legislature, nor to members of any board or assembly, two or more of whom are elected at the same time. The Legislature may be law provide for suspending any officer in his functions, pending impeachment or prosecution for misconduct in office.

Decisions yet to be taken
