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Document introduced in:

Session 15924: 1910-10-26 09:00:00

The Committee receives Propositions Number 62 and 89.

Document View:

Proposition Number 62 - Salaries of State and County Officers

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No. 62.

Introduced by Mr. Keegan of Gila County.

A Proposition Relative to Salaries of State and County Officers.

It is hereby proposed:

Section 1. All State and County officers shall be paid fixed and definite salaries. The legislature shall from time to time fix the amount of such salaries as are not already fixed by this Constitution, which shall in all cases be in proportion to the value of the services rendered and the duty performed.

Section 2. All State and County officers shall be required to keep a true and correct account of all fees collected by them, and to pay the same into the proper treasury when collected, and the officer whose duty it is to collect such fees shall be held responsible, under his bond for neglect to collect the same. Provided that in addition to the salary of the sheriff they shall be entitled to receive from the party for whom services are rendered in civil cases such fees as may be prescribed under the law.

Section 3. The Legislature shall provide by general law four such deputies as the public necessities may require and fix their salaries.

Decisions yet to be taken


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